def __init__(self): self.handler = SocksHandler() self.supportedTransports = { "dummy": DummyClient, "rot13": Rot13Client, "dust": DustClient, "obfs3": Obfs3Client, } matchedTransports = init(self.supportedTransports.keys()) for transport in matchedTransports: try: logging.error("Launching %s" % transport) self.launchClient(transport, 8182) reportSuccess(transport, 5, ("", 8182), None, None) except TransportLaunchException: reportFailure(transport, "Failed to launch") reportEnd()
def __init__(self): self.handler = SocksHandler() self.supportedTransports = { 'dummy': DummyClient, 'rot13': Rot13Client, 'dust': DustClient, 'obfs3': Obfs3Client, } matchedTransports = init(self.supportedTransports.keys()) for transport in matchedTransports: try: logging.error('Launching %s' % transport) self.launchClient(transport, 8182) reportSuccess(transport, 5, ('', 8182), None, None) except TransportLaunchException: reportFailure(transport, 'Failed to launch') reportEnd()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This is an example client which shows how to call the pyptlib.easy high-level API. """ from pyptlib.easy.client import init, reportSuccess, reportFailure, reportEnd class TransportLaunchException(Exception): pass def launchClient(self, name, port): if name != "dummy": raise TransportLaunchException("Tried to launch unsupported transport %s" % name) if __name__ == "__main__": supportedTransports = ["dummy", "rot13"] matchedTransports = init(supportedTransports) for transport in matchedTransports: try: launchClient(transport, 8182) reportSuccess(transport, 5, ("", 8182), None, None) except TransportLaunchException: reportFailure(transport, "Failed to launch") reportEnd()