def combine_trap_grad_xyz(gradients, system, dur):
    """Helper function that merges multiple gradients

    A list of gradients are combined into one set of 3 oblique gradients (Gx, Gy, Gz) with equivalent areas
    Note that the waveforms are not preserved : the outputs will always be trapezoidal gradients

    gradients : list
        List of gradients to be combined; there can be any number of x, y, or z gradients
    system : Opts
        Pulseq object that indicates system constraints for gradient parameters
    dur : float
        Duration of the output oblique gradients

    gtx, gty, gtz : Gradient
        Oblique pulseq gradients with equivalent areas to all input gradients combined

    gx_area, gy_area, gz_area = (0, 0, 0)
    for g in gradients:
        if == 'x':
            gx_area += g.area
        elif == 'y':
            gy_area += g.area
        elif == 'z':
            gz_area += g.area

    kwargs_for_gtx = {"channel": 'x', "system": system, "area": gx_area, "duration": dur}
    kwargs_for_gty = {"channel": 'y', "system": system, "area": gy_area, "duration": dur}
    kwargs_for_gtz = {"channel": 'z', "system": system, "area": gz_area, "duration": dur}

    gtx = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_gtx)
    gty = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_gty)
    gtz = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_gtz)

    return gtx, gty, gtz
def make_pulseq_epi_oblique(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, echo_type="se", n_shots=1,
                            seg_type='blocked', write=False):
    """Makes an Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) sequence in any plane

        2D oblique multi-slice EPI pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding
        Oblique means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding
        can point in any specified direction

        fov : array_like
            Isotropic field-of-view, or length-2 list [fov_readout, fov_phase], in meters
        n : array_like
            Isotropic matrix size, or length-2 list [n_readout, n_phase]
        thk : float
            Slice thickness in meters
        fa : float
            Flip angle in degrees
        tr : float
            Repetition time in seconds
        te : float
            Echo time in seconds
        enc : str or array_like, optional
            Spatial encoding directions
            1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select
            - Use str with any permutation of x, y, and z to obtain orthogonal slices
            e.g. The default 'xyz' means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y
            - Use list to indicate vectors in the encoding directions for oblique slices
            They should be perpendicular to each other, but not necessarily unit vectors
            e.g. [(2,1,0),(-1,2,0),(0,0,1)] rotates the two in-plane encoding directions for an axial slice
        slice_locs : array_like, optional
            Slice locations from isocenter in meters
            Default is None which means a single slice at the center
        echo_type : str, optional {'se','gre'}
            Type of echo generated
            se (default) - spin echo (an 180 deg pulse is used)
            gre - gradient echo
        n_shots : int, optional
            Number of shots used to encode each slicel; default is 1
        seg_type : str, optional {'blocked','interleaved'}
            Method to divide up k-space in the case of n_shots > 1; default is 'blocked'
            'blocked' - each shot covers a rectangle, with no overlap between shots
            'interleaved' - each shot samples the full k-space but with wider phase steps

        write : bool, optional
            Whether to write seq into file; default is False

        seq : Sequence
            Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object
        ro_dirs : numpy.ndarray
            List of 0s and 1s indicating direction of readout
            0 - left to right
            1 - right to left (needs to be reversed at recon)
        ro_order : numpy.ndarray
            Order in which to re-arrange the readout lines
            It is [] for blocked acquisition (retain original order)

    # Multi-slice, multi-shot (>=1)
    # TE is set to be where the trajectory crosses the center of k-space

    # System options
    kwargs_for_opts = {'max_grad': 32, 'grad_unit': 'mT/m',
                       'max_slew': 130, 'slew_unit': 'T/m/s', 'rf_ring_down_time': 30e-6,
                       'rf_dead_time': 100e-6, 'adc_dead_time': 20e-6}

    system = Opts(kwargs_for_opts)
    seq = Sequence(system)
    ug_fe, ug_pe, ug_ss = parse_enc(enc)

    # Sequence parameters
    Nf, Np = (n, n) if isinstance(n, int) else (n[0], n[1])
    delta_k_ro, delta_k_pe = (1 / fov, 1 / fov) if isinstance(fov, float) else (1 / fov[0], 1 / fov[1])
    kWidth_ro = Nf * delta_k_ro
    TE, TR = te, tr
    flip = fa * pi / 180

    # RF Pulse (first)
    kwargs_for_sinc = {"flip_angle": flip, "system": system, "duration": 2.5e-3, "slice_thickness": thk,
                       "apodization": 0.5, "time_bw_product": 4}
    rf, g_ss = make_sinc_pulse(kwargs_for_sinc, 2)
    g_ss_x, g_ss_y, g_ss_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ss, ug_ss)

    # Readout gradients
    #    readoutTime = Nf * 4e-6
    dwell = 1e-5
    readoutTime = Nf * dwell
    kwargs_for_g_ro = {"channel": 'x', "system": system, "flat_area": kWidth_ro, "flat_time": readoutTime}
    g_ro_pos = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro)
    g_ro_pos_x, g_ro_pos_y, g_ro_pos_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ro_pos, ug_fe)
    g_ro_neg = copy.deepcopy(g_ro_pos)
    modify_gradient(g_ro_neg, scale=-1)
    g_ro_neg_x, g_ro_neg_y, g_ro_neg_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ro_neg, ug_fe)

    kwargs_for_adc = {"num_samples": Nf, "system": system, "duration": g_ro_pos.flat_time,
                      "delay": g_ro_pos.rise_time + dwell / 2}
    adc = makeadc(kwargs_for_adc)

    pre_time = 8e-4
    # 180 deg pulse for SE
    if echo_type == "se":
        # RF Pulse (180 deg for SE)
        flip180 = 180 * pi / 180
        kwargs_for_sinc = {"flip_angle": flip180, "system": system, "duration": 2.5e-3, "slice_thickness": thk,
                           "apodization": 0.5, "time_bw_product": 4}
        rf180, g_ss180 = make_sinc_pulse(kwargs_for_sinc, 2)
        # Slice-select direction spoilers
        kwargs_for_g_ss_spoil = {"channel": 'z', "system": system, "area": g_ss.area * 2, "duration": 3 * pre_time}
        g_ss_spoil = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ss_spoil)
        modify_gradient(g_ss_spoil, 0)
        g_ss_spoil_x, g_ss_spoil_y, g_ss_spoil_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ss_spoil, ug_ss)

    # Readout rewinder
    ro_pre_area = g_ro_neg.area / 2 if echo_type == 'gre' else g_ro_pos.area / 2
    kwargs_for_g_ro_pre = {"channel": 'x', "system": system, "area": ro_pre_area, "duration": pre_time}
    g_ro_pre = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro_pre)
    g_ro_pre_x, g_ro_pre_y, g_ro_pre_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ro_pre, ug_fe)

    # Slice-selective rephasing
    kwargs_for_g_ss_reph = {"channel": 'z', "system": system, "area": -g_ss.area / 2, "duration": pre_time}
    g_ss_reph = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ss_reph)
    g_ss_reph_x, g_ss_reph_y, g_ss_reph_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ss_reph, ug_ss)

    # Phase encode rewinder
    if echo_type == 'gre':
        pe_max_area = (Np / 2) * delta_k_pe
    elif echo_type == 'se':
        pe_max_area = -(Np / 2) * delta_k_pe
    kwargs_for_g_pe_max = {"channel": 'y', "system": system, "area": pe_max_area, "duration": pre_time}
    g_pe_max = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_pe_max)

    # Phase encoding blips
    dur = ceil(2 * sqrt(delta_k_pe / system.max_slew) / 10e-6) * 10e-6
    kwargs_for_g_blip = {"channel": 'y', "system": system, "area": delta_k_pe, "duration": dur}
    g_blip = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_blip)

    # Delays
    duration_to_center = (Np / 2) * calc_duration(g_ro_pos) + (Np - 1) / 2 * calc_duration(g_blip)  # why?

    if echo_type == 'se':
        delayTE1 = TE / 2 - calc_duration(g_ss) / 2 - pre_time - calc_duration(g_ss_spoil) - calc_duration(rf180) / 2
        delayTE2 = TE / 2 - calc_duration(rf180) / 2 - calc_duration(g_ss_spoil) - duration_to_center
        delay1 = make_delay(delayTE1)
        delay2 = make_delay(delayTE2)
    elif echo_type == 'gre':
        delayTE = TE - calc_duration(g_ss) / 2 - pre_time - duration_to_center
        delay12 = make_delay(delayTE)

    delayTR = TR - TE - calc_duration(rf) / 2 - duration_to_center
    delay3 = make_delay(delayTR)  # This might be different for each rep though. Fix later

    # Multi-shot calculations
    ro_dirs = []
    ro_order = []

    # Find number of lines in each block

    if seg_type == 'blocked':

        # Number of lines in each full readout block
        nl = ceil(Np / n_shots)

        # Number of k-space lines per readout
        if Np % nl == 0:
            nlines_list = nl * np.ones(n_shots)
            nlines_list = nl * np.ones(n_shots - 1)
            nlines_list = np.append(nlines_list, Np % nl)

        pe_scales = 2 * np.append([0], np.cumsum(nlines_list)[:-1]) / Np - 1
        g_blip_x, g_blip_y, g_blip_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_blip, ug_pe)
        for nlines in nlines_list:
            ro_dirs = np.append(ro_dirs, ((-1) ** (np.arange(0, nlines) + 1) + 1) / 2)

    elif seg_type == 'interleaved':
        # Minimum number of lines per readout
        nb = floor(Np / n_shots)

        # Number of k-space lines per readout
        nlines_list = np.ones(n_shots) * nb
        nlines_list[:Np % n_shots] += 1

        # Phase encoding scales (starts from -1; i.e. bottom left combined with pre-readout)
        pe_scales = 2 * np.arange(0, (Np - n_shots) / Np, 1 / Np)[0:n_shots] - 1
        # Larger blips
        modify_gradient(g_blip, scale=n_shots)
        g_blip_x, g_blip_y, g_blip_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_blip, ug_pe)

        #        ro_order = np.reshape(np.reshape(np.arange(0,Np),(),order='F'),(0,Np))

        ro_order = np.zeros((nb + 1, n_shots))
        ro_inds = np.arange(Np)
        # Readout order for recon
        for k in range(n_shots):
            cs = int(nlines_list[k])
            ro_order[:cs, k] = ro_inds[:cs]
            ro_inds = np.delete(ro_inds, range(cs))
        ro_order = ro_order.flatten()[:Np].astype(int)

        # Readout directions in original (interleaved) order
        for nlines in nlines_list:
            ro_dirs = np.append(ro_dirs, ((-1) ** (np.arange(0, nlines) + 1) + 1) / 2)


    # Add blocks

    for u in range(len(slice_locs)):  # For each slice
        # Offset rf
        rf.freq_offset = g_ss.amplitude * slice_locs[u]
        for v in range(n_shots):
            # Find init. phase encode
            g_pe = copy.deepcopy(g_pe_max)
            modify_gradient(g_pe, pe_scales[v])
            g_pe_x, g_pe_y, g_pe_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_pe, ug_pe)
            # First RF
            seq.add_block(rf, g_ss_x, g_ss_y, g_ss_z)
            # Pre-winder gradients
            pre_grads_list = [g_ro_pre_x, g_ro_pre_y, g_ro_pre_z,
                              g_pe_x, g_pe_y, g_pe_z,
                              g_ss_reph_x, g_ss_reph_y, g_ss_reph_z]
            gtx, gty, gtz = combine_trap_grad_xyz(pre_grads_list, system, pre_time)
            seq.add_block(gtx, gty, gtz)

            # 180 deg pulse and spoilers, only for Spin Echo
            if echo_type == 'se':
                # First delay
                # Second RF : 180 deg with spoilers on both sides
                seq.add_block(g_ss_spoil_x, g_ss_spoil_y, g_ss_spoil_z)  # why?
                seq.add_block(g_ss_spoil_x, g_ss_spoil_y, g_ss_spoil_z)
                # Delay between rf180 and beginning of readout
            # For gradient echo it's just a delay
            elif echo_type == 'gre':

            # EPI readout with blips
            for i in range(int(nlines_list[v])):
                if i % 2 == 0:
                    seq.add_block(g_ro_pos_x, g_ro_pos_y, g_ro_pos_z, adc)  # ro line in the positive direction
                    seq.add_block(g_ro_neg_x, g_ro_neg_y, g_ro_neg_z, adc)  # ro line backwards
                seq.add_block(g_blip_x, g_blip_y, g_blip_z)  # blip


    # Display 1 TR
    # seq.plot(time_range=(0, TR))

    if write:
        seq.write("epi_{}_FOVf{:.0f}mm_FOVp{:.0f}mm_Nf{:d}_Np{:d}_TE{:.0f}ms_TR{:.0f}ms_{:d}shots.seq" \
                  .format(echo_type, fov[0] * 1000, fov[1] * 1000, Nf, Np, TE * 1000, TR * 1000, n_shots))

    print('EPI sequence (oblique) constructed')
    return seq, ro_dirs, ro_order
def make_pulseq_se_oblique(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False):
    """Makes a Spin Echo (SE) sequence in any plane

        2D oblique multi-slice Spin-Echo pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding
        Oblique means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding
        can point in any specified direction

        fov : array_like
            Isotropic field-of-view, or length-2 list [fov_readout, fov_phase], in meters
        n : array_like
            Isotropic matrix size, or length-2 list [n_readout, n_phase]
        thk : float
            Slice thickness in meters
        fa : float
            Flip angle in degrees
        tr : float
            Repetition time in seconds
        te : float
            Echo time in seconds
        enc : str or array_like, optional
            Spatial encoding directions
            1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select
            - Use str with any permutation of x, y, and z to obtain orthogonal slices
            e.g. The default 'xyz' means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y
            - Use list to indicate vectors in the encoding directions for oblique slices
            They should be perpendicular to each other, but not necessarily unit vectors
            e.g. [(2,1,0),(-1,2,0),(0,0,1)] rotates the two in-plane encoding directions for an axial slice
        slice_locs : array_like, optional
            Slice locations from isocenter in meters
            Default is None which means a single slice at the center
        write : bool, optional
            Whether to write seq into file; default is False

        seq : Sequence
            Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object


    # System options
    kwargs_for_opts = {'max_grad': 32, 'grad_unit': 'mT/m',
                       'max_slew': 130, 'slew_unit': 'T/m/s', 'rf_ring_down_time': 30e-6,
                       'rf_dead_time': 100e-6, 'adc_dead_time': 20e-6}
    system = Opts(kwargs_for_opts)
    seq = Sequence(system)

    # Sequence parameters
    ug_fe, ug_pe, ug_ss = parse_enc(enc)
    Nf, Np = (n, n) if isinstance(n, int) else (n[0], n[1])
    delta_k_ro, delta_k_pe = (1 / fov, 1 / fov) if isinstance(fov, float) else (1 / fov[0], 1 / fov[1])
    kWidth_ro = Nf * delta_k_ro
    TE, TR = te, tr

    # Non-180 pulse
    flip1 = fa * pi / 180
    kwargs_for_sinc = {"flip_angle": flip1, "system": system, "duration": 2e-3, "slice_thickness": thk,
                       "apodization": 0.5, "time_bw_product": 4}
    rf, g_ss = make_sinc_pulse(kwargs_for_sinc, 2)
    g_ss_x, g_ss_y, g_ss_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ss, ug_ss)

    # 180 pulse
    flip2 = 180 * pi / 180
    kwargs_for_sinc = {"flip_angle": flip2, "system": system, "duration": 2e-3, "slice_thickness": thk,
                       "apodization": 0.5, "time_bw_product": 4}
    rf180, g_ss180 = make_sinc_pulse(kwargs_for_sinc, 2)
    g_ss180_x, g_ss180_y, g_ss180_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ss180, ug_ss)

    # Readout gradient & ADC
    readoutTime = 6.4e-3
    kwargs_for_g_ro = {"channel": 'x', "system": system, "flat_area": kWidth_ro, "flat_time": readoutTime}
    g_ro = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro)
    g_ro_x, g_ro_y, g_ro_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ro, ug_fe)
    kwargs_for_adc = {"num_samples": Nf, "system": system, "duration": g_ro.flat_time, "delay": g_ro.rise_time}
    adc = makeadc(kwargs_for_adc)

    # RO rewinder gradient
    kwargs_for_g_ro_pre = {"channel": 'x', "system": system, "area": g_ro.area / 2,
                           "duration": 2e-3}
    g_ro_pre = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro_pre)
    g_ro_pre_x, g_ro_pre_y, g_ro_pre_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ro_pre, ug_fe)

    # Slice refocusing gradient
    kwargs_for_g_ss_reph = {"channel": 'z', "system": system, "area": -g_ss.area / 2, "duration": 2e-3}
    g_ss_reph = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ss_reph)
    g_ss_reph_x, g_ss_reph_y, g_ss_reph_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ss_reph, ug_ss)

    # Delays
    delayTE1 = (TE - 2 * max(calc_duration(g_ss_reph), calc_duration(g_ro_pre)) - calc_duration(g_ss) - calc_duration(
        g_ss180)) / 2
    delayTE2 = (TE - calc_duration(g_ro) - calc_duration(g_ss180)) / 2
    delayTE3 = TR - TE - (calc_duration(g_ss) + calc_duration(g_ro)) / 2

    delay1 = make_delay(delayTE1)
    delay2 = make_delay(delayTE2)
    delay3 = make_delay(delayTE3)

    # Construct sequence
    if slice_locs is None:
        locs = [0]
        locs = slice_locs

    for u in range(len(locs)):
        rf180.freq_offset = g_ss180.amplitude * locs[u]
        rf.freq_offset = g_ss.amplitude * locs[u]
        for i in range(Np):
            seq.add_block(rf, g_ss_x, g_ss_y, g_ss_z)  # 90-deg pulse
            kwargs_for_g_pe = {"channel": 'y', "system": system, "area": -(Np / 2 - i) * delta_k_pe, "duration": 2e-3}
            g_pe = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_pe)  # Phase encoding gradient
            g_pe_x, g_pe_y, g_pe_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_pe, ug_pe)

            pre_grads_list = [g_ro_pre_x, g_ro_pre_y, g_ro_pre_z,
                              g_ss_reph_x, g_ss_reph_y, g_ss_reph_z,
                              g_pe_x, g_pe_y, g_pe_z]
            gtx, gty, gtz = combine_trap_grad_xyz(pre_grads_list, system, 2e-3)

            seq.add_block(gtx, gty, gtz)  # Add a combination of ro rewinder, phase encoding, and slice refocusing
            seq.add_block(delay1)  # Delay 1: until 180-deg pulse
            seq.add_block(rf180, g_ss180_x, g_ss180_y, g_ss180_z)  # 180 deg pulse for SE
            seq.add_block(delay2)  # Delay 2: until readout
            seq.add_block(g_ro_x, g_ro_y, g_ro_z, adc)  # Readout!
            seq.add_block(delay3)  # Delay 3: until next inversion pulse

    if write:
            "se_fov{:.0f}mm_Nf{:d}_Np{:d}_TE{:.0f}ms_TR{:.0f}ms.seq".format(fov * 1000, Nf, Np, TE * 1000, TR * 1000))

    print('Spin echo sequence (oblique) constructed')
    return seq
def make_pulseq_se(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False):
    """Makes a Spin Echo (SE) sequence

    2D orthogonal multi-slice Spin-Echo pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding
    Orthogonal means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding
    aligns with the x, y, or z directions

    fov : float
        Field-of-view in meters (isotropic)
    n : int
        Matrix size (isotropic)
    thk : float
        Slice thickness in meters
    fa : float
        Flip angle in degrees
    tr : float
        Repetition time in seconds
    te : float
        Echo time in seconds
    enc : str, optional
        Spatial encoding directions
        1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select
        Default 'xyz' means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y
    slice_locs : array_like, optional
        Slice locations from isocenter in meters
        Default is None which means a single slice at the center
    write : bool, optional
        Whether to write seq into file; default is False

    seq : Sequence
        Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object

    kwargs_for_opts = {"max_grad": 33, "grad_unit": "mT/m", "max_slew": 100, "slew_unit": "T/m/s",
                       "rf_dead_time": 10e-6,
                       "adc_dead_time": 10e-6}
    system = Opts(kwargs_for_opts)
    seq = Sequence(system)
    # Parameters
    Nf = n
    Np = n
    delta_k = 1 / fov
    kWidth = Nf * delta_k

    TE, TR = te, tr

    # Non-180 pulse
    flip1 = fa * pi / 180
    kwargs_for_sinc = {"flip_angle": flip1, "system": system, "duration": 2e-3, "slice_thickness": thk,
                       "apodization": 0.5, "time_bw_product": 4}
    rf, g_ss = make_sinc_pulse(kwargs_for_sinc, 2) = enc[2]

    # 180 pulse
    flip2 = 180 * pi / 180
    kwargs_for_sinc = {"flip_angle": flip2, "system": system, "duration": 2e-3, "slice_thickness": thk,
                       "apodization": 0.5, "time_bw_product": 4}
    rf180, g_ss180 = make_sinc_pulse(kwargs_for_sinc, 2) = enc[2]

    # Readout gradient & ADC
    #    readoutTime = system.grad_raster_time * Nf
    readoutTime = 6.4e-3
    kwargs_for_g_ro = {"channel": enc[0], "system": system, "flat_area": kWidth, "flat_time": readoutTime}
    g_ro = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro)
    kwargs_for_adc = {"num_samples": Nf, "system": system, "duration": g_ro.flat_time, "delay": g_ro.rise_time}
    adc = makeadc(kwargs_for_adc)

    # RO rewinder gradient
    kwargs_for_g_ro_pre = {"channel": enc[0], "system": system, "area": g_ro.area / 2,
                           "duration": 2e-3}
    #                        "duration": g_ro.rise_time + g_ro.fall_time + readoutTime / 2}

    g_ro_pre = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro_pre)

    # Slice refocusing gradient
    kwargs_for_g_ss_reph = {"channel": enc[2], "system": system, "area": -g_ss.area / 2, "duration": 2e-3}
    g_ss_reph = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ss_reph)

    # Delays
    delayTE1 = (TE - 2 * max(calc_duration(g_ss_reph), calc_duration(g_ro_pre)) - calc_duration(g_ss) - calc_duration(
        g_ss180)) / 2
    # delayTE2 = TE / 2 - calc_duration(g_ro) / 2 - calc_duration(g_ss180) / 2
    delayTE2 = (TE - calc_duration(g_ro) - calc_duration(g_ss180)) / 2
    delayTE3 = TR - TE - (calc_duration(g_ss) + calc_duration(g_ro)) / 2

    delay1 = make_delay(delayTE1)
    delay2 = make_delay(delayTE2)
    delay3 = make_delay(delayTE3)

    # Construct sequence
    if slice_locs is None:
        locs = [0]
        locs = slice_locs

    for u in range(len(locs)):
        rf180.freq_offset = g_ss180.amplitude * locs[u]
        rf.freq_offset = g_ss.amplitude * locs[u]
        for i in range(Np):
            seq.add_block(rf, g_ss)  # 90-deg pulse
            kwargs_for_g_pe_pre = {"channel": enc[1], "system": system, "area": -(Np / 2 - i) * delta_k,
                                   "duration": 2e-3}
            # "duration": g_ro.rise_time + g_ro.fall_time + readoutTime / 2}
            g_pe_pre = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_pe_pre)  # Phase encoding gradient
            seq.add_block(g_ro_pre, g_pe_pre,
                          g_ss_reph)  # Add a combination of ro rewinder, phase encoding, and slice refocusing
            seq.add_block(delay1)  # Delay 1: until 180-deg pulse
            seq.add_block(rf180, g_ss180)  # 180 deg pulse for SE
            seq.add_block(delay2)  # Delay 2: until readout
            seq.add_block(g_ro, adc)  # Readout!
            seq.add_block(delay3)  # Delay 3: until next inversion pulse

    if write:
            "se_fov{:.0f}mm_Nf{:d}_Np{:d}_TE{:.0f}ms_TR{:.0f}ms.seq".format(fov * 1000, Nf, Np, TE * 1000, TR * 1000))

    print('Spin echo sequence constructed')
    return seq
def make_pulseq_gre(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False):
    """Makes a gradient-echo sequence

    2D orthogonal multi-slice gradient-echo pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding
    Orthogonal means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding
    aligns with the x, y, or z directions

    fov : float
        Field-of-view in meters (isotropic)
    n : int
        Matrix size (isotropic)
    thk : float
        Slice thickness in meters
    fa : float
        Flip angle in degrees
    tr : float
        Repetition time in seconds
    te : float
        Echo time in seconds
    enc : str, optional
        Spatial encoding directions
        1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select
        Default 'xyz' means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y
    slice_locs : array_like, optional
        Slice locations from isocenter in meters
        Default is None which means a single slice at the center
    write : bool, optional
        Whether to write seq into file; default is False

    seq : Sequence
        Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object

    kwargs_for_opts = {"rf_ring_down_time": 0, "rf_dead_time": 0}
    system = Opts(kwargs_for_opts)
    seq = Sequence(system)

    Nf = n
    Np = n
    flip = fa * pi / 180
    kwargs_for_sinc = {"flip_angle": flip, "system": system, "duration": 4e-3, "slice_thickness": thk,
                       "apodization": 0.5, "time_bw_product": 4}
    rf, g_ss = make_sinc_pulse(kwargs_for_sinc, 2) = enc[2]

    delta_k = 1 / fov
    kWidth = Nf * delta_k

    # Readout and ADC
    readoutTime = 6.4e-3
    kwargs_for_g_ro = {"channel": enc[0], "system": system, "flat_area": kWidth, "flat_time": readoutTime}
    g_ro = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro)
    kwargs_for_adc = {"num_samples": Nf, "duration": g_ro.flat_time, "delay": g_ro.rise_time}
    adc = makeadc(kwargs_for_adc)
    # Readout rewinder
    kwargs_for_g_ro_pre = {"channel": enc[0], "system": system, "area": -g_ro.area / 2, "duration": 2e-3}
    g_ro_pre = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro_pre)
    # Slice refocusing
    kwargs_for_g_ss_reph = {"channel": enc[2], "system": system, "area": -g_ss.area / 2, "duration": 2e-3}
    g_ss_reph = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ss_reph)
    phase_areas = (np.arange(Np) - (Np / 2)) * delta_k

    # TE, TR = 10e-3, 1000e-3
    TE, TR = te, tr
    delayTE = TE - calc_duration(g_ro_pre) - calc_duration(g_ss) / 2 - calc_duration(g_ro) / 2
    delayTR = TR - calc_duration(g_ro_pre) - calc_duration(g_ss) - calc_duration(g_ro) - delayTE
    delay1 = make_delay(delayTE)
    delay2 = make_delay(delayTR)

    if slice_locs is None:
        locs = [0]
        locs = slice_locs

    for u in range(len(locs)):
        # add frequency offset
        rf.freq_offset = g_ss.amplitude * locs[u]
        for i in range(Np):
            seq.add_block(rf, g_ss)
            kwargs_for_g_pe = {"channel": enc[1], "system": system, "area": phase_areas[i], "duration": 2e-3}
            g_pe = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_pe)
            seq.add_block(g_ro_pre, g_pe, g_ss_reph)
            seq.add_block(g_ro, adc)

    if write:
            "gre_fov{:.0f}mm_Nf{:d}_Np{:d}_TE{:.0f}ms_TR{:.0f}ms_FA{:.0f}deg.seq".format(fov * 1000, Nf, Np, TE * 1000,
                                                                                         TR * 1000, flip * 180 / pi))
    print('GRE sequence constructed')
    return seq
def make_pulseq_gre_oblique(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False):
    """Makes a gradient-echo sequence in any plane

        2D oblique multi-slice gradient-echo pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding
        Oblique means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding
        can point in any specified direction

        fov : array_like
            Isotropic field-of-view, or length-2 list [fov_readout, fov_phase], in meters
        n : array_like
            Isotropic matrix size, or length-2 list [n_readout, n_phase]
        thk : float
            Slice thickness in meters
        fa : float
            Flip angle in degrees
        tr : float
            Repetition time in seconds
        te : float
            Echo time in seconds
        enc : str or array_like, optional
            Spatial encoding directions
            1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select
            - Use str with any permutation of x, y, and z to obtain orthogonal slices
            e.g. The default 'xyz' means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y
            - Use list to indicate vectors in the encoding directions for oblique slices
            They should be perpendicular to each other, but not necessarily unit vectors
            e.g. [(2,1,0),(-1,2,0),(0,0,1)] rotates the two in-plane encoding directions for an axial slice
        slice_locs : array_like, optional
            Slice locations from isocenter in meters
            Default is None which means a single slice at the center
        write : bool, optional
            Whether to write seq into file; default is False

        seq : Sequence
            Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object


    # System options
    # kwargs_for_opts = {"rf_ring_down_time": 0, "rf_dead_time": 0}
    kwargs_for_opts = {'max_grad': 32, 'grad_unit': 'mT/m',
                       'max_slew': 130, 'slew_unit': 'T/m/s', 'rf_ring_down_time': 30e-6,
                       'rf_dead_time': 100e-6, 'adc_dead_time': 20e-6}
    system = Opts(kwargs_for_opts)
    seq = Sequence(system)

    # Calculate unit gradients for ss, fe, pe
    ug_fe, ug_pe, ug_ss = parse_enc(enc)

    # Sequence parameters
    Nf, Np = (n, n) if isinstance(n, int) else (n[0], n[1])
    delta_k_ro, delta_k_pe = (1 / fov, 1 / fov) if isinstance(fov, float) else (1 / fov[0], 1 / fov[1])
    kWidth_ro = Nf * delta_k_ro
    flip = fa * pi / 180

    # Slice select: RF and gradient
    kwargs_for_sinc = {"flip_angle": flip, "system": system, "duration": 4e-3, "slice_thickness": thk,
                       "apodization": 0.5, "time_bw_product": 4}
    rf, g_ss = make_sinc_pulse(kwargs_for_sinc, 2)
    g_ss_x, g_ss_y, g_ss_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ss, ug_ss)

    # Readout and ADC
    readoutTime = 6.4e-3
    kwargs_for_g_ro = {"channel": 'x', "system": system, "flat_area": kWidth_ro, "flat_time": readoutTime}
    g_ro = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro)
    g_ro_x, g_ro_y, g_ro_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ro, ug_fe)  #
    kwargs_for_adc = {"num_samples": Nf, "duration": g_ro.flat_time, "delay": g_ro.rise_time}
    adc = makeadc(kwargs_for_adc)

    # Readout rewinder
    kwargs_for_g_ro_pre = {"channel": 'x', "system": system, "area": -g_ro.area / 2, "duration": 2e-3}
    g_ro_pre = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ro_pre)
    g_ro_pre_x, g_ro_pre_y, g_ro_pre_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ro_pre, ug_fe)  #

    # Slice refocusing
    kwargs_for_g_ss_reph = {"channel": 'z', "system": system, "area": -g_ss.area / 2, "duration": 2e-3}
    g_ss_reph = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_ss_reph)
    g_ss_reph_x, g_ss_reph_y, g_ss_reph_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_ss_reph, ug_ss)

    # Prepare phase areas
    phase_areas = (np.arange(Np) - (Np / 2)) * delta_k_pe

    TE, TR = te, tr
    delayTE = TE - calc_duration(g_ro_pre) - calc_duration(g_ss) / 2 - calc_duration(g_ro) / 2
    delayTR = TR - calc_duration(g_ro_pre) - calc_duration(g_ss) - calc_duration(g_ro) - delayTE
    delay1 = make_delay(delayTE)
    delay2 = make_delay(delayTR)

    if slice_locs is None:
        locs = [0]
        locs = slice_locs

    # Construct sequence!
    for u in range(len(locs)):
        # add frequency offset
        rf.freq_offset = g_ss.amplitude * locs[u]
        for i in range(Np):
            seq.add_block(rf, g_ss_x, g_ss_y, g_ss_z)
            kwargs_for_g_pe = {"channel": 'y', "system": system, "area": phase_areas[i], "duration": 2e-3}
            g_pe = make_trapezoid(kwargs_for_g_pe)

            g_pe_x, g_pe_y, g_pe_z = make_oblique_gradients(g_pe, ug_pe)

            pre_grads_list = [g_ro_pre_x, g_ro_pre_y, g_ro_pre_z,
                              g_ss_reph_x, g_ss_reph_y, g_ss_reph_z,
                              g_pe_x, g_pe_y, g_pe_z]

            gtx, gty, gtz = combine_trap_grad_xyz(gradients=pre_grads_list, system=system, dur=2e-3)

            seq.add_block(gtx, gty, gtz)
            seq.add_block(g_ro_x, g_ro_y, g_ro_z, adc)

    if write:
            "gre_fov{:.0f}mm_Nf{:d}_Np{:d}_TE{:.0f}ms_TR{:.0f}ms_FA{:.0f}deg.seq".format(fov * 1000, Nf, Np, TE * 1000,
                                                                                         TR * 1000, flip * 180 / pi))
    print('GRE sequence constructed')
    return seq