Example #1
def _type_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates an interpreter type from a PyTypeObject structure.
    # missing:
    # inheriting tp_as_* slots
    # unsupported:
    # tp_mro, tp_subclasses
    py_type = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, py_obj)

    if not py_type.c_tp_base:
        # borrowed reference, but w_object is unlikely to disappear
        base = make_ref(space, space.w_object)
        Py_DecRef(space, base)
        py_type.c_tp_base = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, base)

    finish_type_1(space, py_type)

    w_metatype = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_type.c_ob_type))

    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_PyCTypeObject, w_metatype)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    w_obj.__init__(space, py_type)

    finish_type_2(space, py_type, w_obj)

    state = space.fromcache(RefcountState)

    return w_obj
Example #2
def int_realize(space, obj):
    intval = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, rffi.cast(PyIntObject, obj).c_ob_ival)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_IntObject, w_type)
    track_reference(space, obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #3
def methoddescr_realize(space, obj):
    # XXX NOT TESTED When is this ever called?
    method = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(PyMethodDef), obj)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_PyCMethodObject, w_type)
    w_obj.__init__(space, method, w_type)
    track_reference(space, obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #4
def int_realize(space, obj):
    intval = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, rffi.cast(PyIntObject, obj).c_ob_ival)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_IntObject, w_type)
    track_reference(space, obj, w_obj)
    state = space.fromcache(RefcountState)
    state.set_lifeline(w_obj, obj)
    return w_obj
Example #5
def unicode_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the unicode in the interpreter. The PyUnicodeObject buffer must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_uni = rffi.cast(PyUnicodeObject, py_obj)
    s = rffi.wcharpsize2unicode(py_uni.c_buffer, py_uni.c_size)
    w_obj = space.wrap(s)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #6
def string_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the string in the interpreter. The PyStringObject buffer must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_str = rffi.cast(PyStringObject, py_obj)
    s = rffi.charpsize2str(py_str.c_buffer, py_str.c_size)
    w_obj = space.wrap(s)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #7
def unicode_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the unicode in the interpreter. The PyUnicodeObject buffer must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_uni = rffi.cast(PyUnicodeObject, py_obj)
    s = rffi.wcharpsize2unicode(py_uni.c_str, py_uni.c_length)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(unicodeobject.W_UnicodeObject, w_type)
    py_uni.c_hash = space.hash_w(w_obj)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #8
def unicode_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the unicode in the interpreter. The PyUnicodeObject buffer must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_uni = rffi.cast(PyUnicodeObject, py_obj)
    length = py_uni.c_length
    s = wcharpsize2utf8(space, py_uni.c_str, length)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(unicodeobject.W_UnicodeObject, w_type)
    w_obj.__init__(s, length)
    py_uni.c_hash = space.hash_w(space.newutf8(s, length))
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #9
def bytes_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the string in the interpreter. The PyBytesObject ob_sval must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_str = rffi.cast(PyBytesObject, py_obj)
    s = rffi.charpsize2str(py_str.c_ob_sval, py_str.c_ob_size)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_BytesObject, w_type)
    py_str.c_ob_shash = space.hash_w(w_obj)
    py_str.c_ob_sstate = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, 1) # SSTATE_INTERNED_MORTAL
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #10
def tuple_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the tuple in the interpreter. The PyTupleObject must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_tup = rffi.cast(PyTupleObject, py_obj)
    l = py_tup.c_ob_size
    p = py_tup.c_ob_item
    items_w = [None] * l
    for i in range(l):
        items_w[i] = from_ref(space, p[i])
    w_obj = space.newtuple(items_w)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #11
def _type_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates an interpreter type from a PyTypeObject structure.
    # missing:
    # unsupported:
    # tp_mro, tp_subclasses
    py_type = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, py_obj)

    if not py_type.c_tp_base:
        # borrowed reference, but w_object is unlikely to disappear
        base = as_pyobj(space, space.w_object)
        py_type.c_tp_base = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, base)

    finish_type_1(space, py_type)

    if py_type.c_ob_type:
        w_metatype = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_type.c_ob_type))
        # Somehow the tp_base type is created with no ob_type, notably
        # PyString_Type and PyBaseString_Type
        # While this is a hack, cpython does it as well.
        w_metatype = space.w_type

    w_obj = rawrefcount.to_obj(W_PyCTypeObject, py_obj)
    if w_obj is None:
        w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_PyCTypeObject, w_metatype)
        track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    # __init__ wraps all slotdefs functions from py_type via add_operators
    w_obj.__init__(space, py_type)

    finish_type_2(space, py_type, w_obj)
    base = py_type.c_tp_base
    if base:
        # XXX refactor - parts of this are done in finish_type_2 -> inherit_slots
        if not py_type.c_tp_as_number:
            py_type.c_tp_as_number = base.c_tp_as_number
            py_type.c_tp_flags |= base.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES
            py_type.c_tp_flags |= base.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS
        if not py_type.c_tp_as_sequence:
            py_type.c_tp_as_sequence = base.c_tp_as_sequence
            py_type.c_tp_flags |= base.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS
        if not py_type.c_tp_as_mapping:
            py_type.c_tp_as_mapping = base.c_tp_as_mapping
        #if not py_type.c_tp_as_buffer: py_type.c_tp_as_buffer = base.c_tp_as_buffer

    return w_obj
Example #12
def frame_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the frame in the interpreter. The PyFrameObject structure must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_frame = rffi.cast(PyFrameObject, py_obj)
    py_code = rffi.cast(PyObject, py_frame.c_f_code)
    w_code = from_ref(space, py_code)
    code = space.interp_w(PyCode, w_code)
    w_globals = from_ref(space, py_frame.c_f_globals)

    frame = space.FrameClass(space, code, w_globals, outer_func=None)
    frame.f_lineno = rffi.getintfield(py_frame, 'c_f_lineno')
    w_obj = space.wrap(frame)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #13
def bytes_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the string in the interpreter. The PyBytesObject ob_sval must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_str = rffi.cast(PyBytesObject, py_obj)
    s = rffi.charpsize2str(py_str.c_ob_sval, py_str.c_ob_size)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_BytesObject, w_type)
    # if py_obj has a tp_hash, this will try to call it but the object is
    # not realized yet
    py_str.c_ob_shash = space.hash_w(space.newbytes(s))
    py_str.c_ob_sstate = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, 1)  # SSTATE_INTERNED_MORTAL
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #14
def frame_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the frame in the interpreter. The PyFrameObject structure must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_frame = rffi.cast(PyFrameObject, py_obj)
    py_code = rffi.cast(PyObject, py_frame.c_f_code)
    w_code = from_ref(space, py_code)
    code = space.interp_w(PyCode, w_code)
    w_globals = from_ref(space, py_frame.c_f_globals)

    frame = space.FrameClass(space, code, w_globals, closure=None)
    frame.f_lineno = py_frame.c_f_lineno
    w_obj = space.wrap(frame)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #15
def frame_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the frame in the interpreter. The PyFrameObject structure must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_frame = rffi.cast(PyFrameObject, py_obj)
    py_code = rffi.cast(PyObject, py_frame.c_f_code)
    w_code = from_ref(space, py_code)
    code = space.interp_w(PyCode, w_code)
    w_globals = from_ref(space, py_frame.c_f_globals)

    frame = space.FrameClass(space, code, w_globals, outer_func=None)
    d = frame.getorcreatedebug()
    d.f_lineno = rffi.getintfield(py_frame, 'c_f_lineno')
    w_obj = space.wrap(frame)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #16
def _type_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates an interpreter type from a PyTypeObject structure.
    # missing:
    # unsupported:
    # tp_mro, tp_subclasses
    py_type = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, py_obj)

    if not py_type.c_tp_base:
        # borrowed reference, but w_object is unlikely to disappear
        base = as_pyobj(space, space.w_object)
        py_type.c_tp_base = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, base)

    finish_type_1(space, py_type)

    if py_type.c_ob_type:
        w_metatype = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_type.c_ob_type))
        # Somehow the tp_base type is created with no ob_type, notably
        # PyString_Type and PyBaseString_Type
        # While this is a hack, cpython does it as well.
        w_metatype = space.w_type

    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_PyCTypeObject, w_metatype)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    # __init__ wraps all slotdefs functions from py_type via add_operators
    w_obj.__init__(space, py_type)

    finish_type_2(space, py_type, w_obj)
    base = py_type.c_tp_base
    if base:
        # XXX refactor - parts of this are done in finish_type_2 -> inherit_slots
        if not py_type.c_tp_as_number:
            py_type.c_tp_as_number = base.c_tp_as_number
            py_type.c_tp_flags |= base.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES
            py_type.c_tp_flags |= base.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS
        if not py_type.c_tp_as_sequence:
            py_type.c_tp_as_sequence = base.c_tp_as_sequence
            py_type.c_tp_flags |= base.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS
        if not py_type.c_tp_as_mapping: py_type.c_tp_as_mapping = base.c_tp_as_mapping
        #if not py_type.c_tp_as_buffer: py_type.c_tp_as_buffer = base.c_tp_as_buffer

    return w_obj
Example #17
def tuple_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the tuple in the interpreter. The PyTupleObject must not
    be modified after this call.  We check that it does not contain
    any NULLs at this point (which would correspond to half-broken
    py_tup = rffi.cast(PyTupleObject, py_obj)
    l = py_tup.c_ob_size
    p = py_tup.c_ob_item
    items_w = [None] * l
    for i in range(l):
        w_item = from_ref(space, p[i])
        if w_item is None:
                "Fatal error in cpyext, CPython compatibility layer: "
                "converting a PyTupleObject into a W_TupleObject, "
                "but found NULLs as items")
        items_w[i] = w_item
    w_obj = space.newtuple(items_w)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Example #18
def dict_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the dict in the interpreter
    w_obj = space.newdict()
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
Example #19
File: api.py Project: juokaz/pypy
def build_bridge(space):
    from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import make_ref

    export_symbols = list(FUNCTIONS) + SYMBOLS_C + list(GLOBALS)
    from rpython.translator.c.database import LowLevelDatabase
    db = LowLevelDatabase()

    generate_macros(export_symbols, prefix='cpyexttest')

    # Structure declaration code
    members = []
    structindex = {}
    for name, func in sorted(FUNCTIONS.iteritems()):
        restype, args = c_function_signature(db, func)
        members.append('%s (*%s)(%s);' % (restype, name, args))
        structindex[name] = len(structindex)
    structmembers = '\n'.join(members)
    struct_declaration_code = """\
    struct PyPyAPI {
    } _pypyAPI;
    RPY_EXTERN struct PyPyAPI* pypyAPI = &_pypyAPI;
    """ % dict(members=structmembers)

    functions = generate_decls_and_callbacks(db, export_symbols)

    global_objects = []
    for name, (typ, expr) in GLOBALS.iteritems():
        if "#" in name:
        if typ == 'PyDateTime_CAPI*':
        elif name.startswith('PyExc_'):
            global_objects.append('%s _%s;' % (typ[:-1], name))
            global_objects.append('%s %s = NULL;' % (typ, name))
    global_code = '\n'.join(global_objects)

    prologue = ("#include <Python.h>\n"
                "#include <src/thread.c>\n")
    code = (prologue +
            struct_declaration_code +
            global_code +
            '\n' +

    eci = build_eci(True, export_symbols, code)
    eci = eci.compile_shared_lib(
        outputfilename=str(udir / "module_cache" / "pypyapi"))
    modulename = py.path.local(eci.libraries[-1])


    # load the bridge, and init structure
    import ctypes
    bridge = ctypes.CDLL(str(modulename), mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)


    # populate static data
    for name, (typ, expr) in GLOBALS.iteritems():
        from pypy.module import cpyext
        w_obj = eval(expr)
        if name.endswith('#'):
            name = name[:-1]
            isptr = False
            isptr = True
        if name.startswith('PyExc_'):
            isptr = False

        INTERPLEVEL_API[name] = w_obj

        name = name.replace('Py', 'cpyexttest')
        if isptr:
            ptr = ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(bridge, name)
            if typ == 'PyObject*':
                value = make_ref(space, w_obj)
            elif typ == 'PyDateTime_CAPI*':
                value = w_obj
                assert False, "Unknown static pointer: %s %s" % (typ, name)
            ptr.value = ctypes.cast(ll2ctypes.lltype2ctypes(value),
        elif typ in ('PyObject*', 'PyTypeObject*'):
            if name.startswith('PyPyExc_') or name.startswith('cpyexttestExc_'):
                # we already have the pointer
                in_dll = ll2ctypes.get_ctypes_type(PyObject).in_dll(bridge, name)
                py_obj = ll2ctypes.ctypes2lltype(PyObject, in_dll)
                # we have a structure, get its address
                in_dll = ll2ctypes.get_ctypes_type(PyObject.TO).in_dll(bridge, name)
                py_obj = ll2ctypes.ctypes2lltype(PyObject, ctypes.pointer(in_dll))
            from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import (
                track_reference, get_typedescr)
            w_type = space.type(w_obj)
            typedescr = get_typedescr(w_type.instancetypedef)
            py_obj.c_ob_refcnt = 1
            py_obj.c_ob_type = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr,
                                         make_ref(space, w_type))
            typedescr.attach(space, py_obj, w_obj)
            track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
            assert False, "Unknown static object: %s %s" % (typ, name)

    pypyAPI = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p).in_dll(bridge, 'pypyAPI')

    # implement structure initialization code
    for name, func in FUNCTIONS.iteritems():
        if name.startswith('cpyext_'): # XXX hack
        pypyAPI[structindex[name]] = ctypes.cast(


    setup_init_functions(eci, translating=False)
    return modulename.new(ext='')
Example #20
def init_typeobject(space):
    # Probably a hack
    space.model.typeorder[W_PyCTypeObject] = [(W_PyCTypeObject, None),
                                              (W_TypeObject, None),
                                              (W_Root, None)]


    # some types are difficult to create because of cycles.
    # - object.ob_type = type
    # - type.ob_type   = type
    # - tuple.ob_type  = type
    # - type.tp_base   = object
    # - tuple.tp_base  = object
    # - type.tp_bases is a tuple
    # - object.tp_bases is a tuple
    # - tuple.tp_bases is a tuple

    # insert null placeholders to please create_ref()
    track_reference(space, lltype.nullptr(PyObject.TO), space.w_type)
    track_reference(space, lltype.nullptr(PyObject.TO), space.w_object)
    track_reference(space, lltype.nullptr(PyObject.TO), space.w_tuple)
    track_reference(space, lltype.nullptr(PyObject.TO), space.w_str)

    # create the objects
    py_type = create_ref(space, space.w_type)
    py_object = create_ref(space, space.w_object)
    py_tuple = create_ref(space, space.w_tuple)
    py_str = create_ref(space, space.w_str)

    # form cycles
    pto_type = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, py_type)
    py_type.c_ob_type = pto_type
    py_object.c_ob_type = pto_type
    py_tuple.c_ob_type = pto_type

    pto_object = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, py_object)
    pto_type.c_tp_base = pto_object
    pto_tuple = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, py_tuple)
    pto_tuple.c_tp_base = pto_object

    pto_type.c_tp_bases.c_ob_type = pto_tuple
    pto_object.c_tp_bases.c_ob_type = pto_tuple
    pto_tuple.c_tp_bases.c_ob_type = pto_tuple

    for typ in (py_type, py_object, py_tuple, py_str):
        heaptype = rffi.cast(PyHeapTypeObject, typ)
        heaptype.c_ht_name.c_ob_type = pto_type

    # Restore the mapping
    track_reference(space, py_type, space.w_type, replace=True)
    track_reference(space, py_object, space.w_object, replace=True)
    track_reference(space, py_tuple, space.w_tuple, replace=True)
    track_reference(space, py_str, space.w_str, replace=True)
Example #21
def build_bridge(space):
    from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import make_ref

    export_symbols = list(FUNCTIONS) + SYMBOLS_C + list(GLOBALS)
    from pypy.translator.c.database import LowLevelDatabase
    db = LowLevelDatabase()

    generate_macros(export_symbols, rename=True, do_deref=True)

    # Structure declaration code
    members = []
    structindex = {}
    for name, func in sorted(FUNCTIONS.iteritems()):
        restype, args = c_function_signature(db, func)
        members.append('%s (*%s)(%s);' % (restype, name, args))
        structindex[name] = len(structindex)
    structmembers = '\n'.join(members)
    struct_declaration_code = """\
    struct PyPyAPI {
    } _pypyAPI;
    struct PyPyAPI* pypyAPI = &_pypyAPI;
    """ % dict(members=structmembers)

    functions = generate_decls_and_callbacks(db, export_symbols)

    global_objects = []
    for name, (typ, expr) in GLOBALS.iteritems():
        if "#" in name:
        if typ == 'PyDateTime_CAPI*':
        elif name.startswith('PyExc_'):
            global_objects.append('%s _%s;' % (typ[:-1], name))
            global_objects.append('%s %s = NULL;' % (typ, name))
    global_code = '\n'.join(global_objects)

    prologue = "#include <Python.h>\n"
    code = (prologue +
            struct_declaration_code +
            global_code +
            '\n' +

    eci = build_eci(True, export_symbols, code)
    eci = eci.compile_shared_lib(
        outputfilename=str(udir / "module_cache" / "pypyapi"))
    modulename = py.path.local(eci.libraries[-1])


    # load the bridge, and init structure
    import ctypes
    bridge = ctypes.CDLL(str(modulename), mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)


    # populate static data
    for name, (typ, expr) in GLOBALS.iteritems():
        from pypy.module import cpyext
        w_obj = eval(expr)
        if name.endswith('#'):
            name = name[:-1]
            isptr = False
            isptr = True
        if name.startswith('PyExc_'):
            isptr = False

        INTERPLEVEL_API[name] = w_obj

        name = name.replace('Py', 'PyPy')
        if isptr:
            ptr = ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(bridge, name)
            if typ == 'PyObject*':
                value = make_ref(space, w_obj)
            elif typ == 'PyDateTime_CAPI*':
                value = w_obj
                assert False, "Unknown static pointer: %s %s" % (typ, name)
            ptr.value = ctypes.cast(ll2ctypes.lltype2ctypes(value),
        elif typ in ('PyObject*', 'PyTypeObject*'):
            if name.startswith('PyPyExc_'):
                # we already have the pointer
                in_dll = ll2ctypes.get_ctypes_type(PyObject).in_dll(bridge, name)
                py_obj = ll2ctypes.ctypes2lltype(PyObject, in_dll)
                # we have a structure, get its address
                in_dll = ll2ctypes.get_ctypes_type(PyObject.TO).in_dll(bridge, name)
                py_obj = ll2ctypes.ctypes2lltype(PyObject, ctypes.pointer(in_dll))
            from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import (
                track_reference, get_typedescr)
            w_type = space.type(w_obj)
            typedescr = get_typedescr(w_type.instancetypedef)
            py_obj.c_ob_refcnt = 1
            py_obj.c_ob_type = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr,
                                         make_ref(space, w_type))
            typedescr.attach(space, py_obj, w_obj)
            track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
            assert False, "Unknown static object: %s %s" % (typ, name)

    pypyAPI = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p).in_dll(bridge, 'pypyAPI')

    # implement structure initialization code
    for name, func in FUNCTIONS.iteritems():
        if name.startswith('cpyext_'): # XXX hack
        pypyAPI[structindex[name]] = ctypes.cast(


    return modulename.new(ext='')