def previous_primary_owners(driver, vin):
    Find previous primary owners for the given VIN in a single transaction.
    In this example, query the `VehicleRegistration` history table to find all previous primary owners for a VIN.

    :type driver: :py:class:`pyqldb.driver.qldb_driver.QldbDriver`
    :param driver: An instance of the QldbDriver class.

    :type vin: str
    :param vin: VIN to find previous primary owners for.
    person_ids = driver.execute_lambda(lambda executor: get_document_ids(
        executor, Constants.VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME, 'VIN', vin))

    todays_date = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=1)
    three_months_ago = todays_date - timedelta(days=90)
    query = 'SELECT data.Owners.PrimaryOwner, metadata.version FROM history({}, {}, {}) AS h WHERE = ?'.\
        format(Constants.VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME, format_date_time(three_months_ago),

    for ids in person_ids:
            "Querying the 'VehicleRegistration' table's history using VIN: {}."
        cursor = driver.execute_lambda(
            lambda executor: executor.execute_statement(query, ids))
        if not (print_result(cursor)) > 0:
                'No modification history found within the given time frame for document ID: {}'
def register_new_person(driver, person):
    Register a new person in QLDB if not already registered.

    :type driver: :py:class:`pyqldb.driver.qldb_driver.QldbDriver`
    :param driver: An instance of the QldbDriver class.

    :type person: dict
    :param person: The person to register.

    :rtype: str
    :return: The person ID.
    gov_id = person['GovId']
    if driver.execute_lambda(
            lambda executor: person_already_exists(executor, gov_id)):'Person with this GovId already exists.')

        result = driver.execute_lambda(lambda executor: get_document_ids(
            executor, Constants.PERSON_TABLE_NAME, 'GovId', gov_id))
        result = result[0]
        result = insert_documents(driver, Constants.PERSON_TABLE_NAME,
        result = result[0]
    return result
Example #3
def get_document_id_by_gov_id(transaction_executor, government_id):
    Find a driver's person ID using the given government ID.
    :type transaction_executor: :py:class:`pyqldb.execution.executor.Executor`
    :param transaction_executor: An Executor object allowing for execution of statements within a transaction.
    :type government_id: str
    :param government_id: A driver's government ID.
    :rtype: list
    :return: A list of document IDs.
        "Finding secondary owner's person ID using given government ID: {}.".
    return get_document_ids(transaction_executor, Constants.PERSON_TABLE_NAME,
                            'GovId', government_id)
def register_new_driver(transaction_executor, driver):
    Register a new driver in QLDB if not already registered.

    :type transaction_executor: :py:class:`pyqldb.execution.executor.Executor`
    :param transaction_executor: An Executor object allowing for execution of statements within a transaction.

    :type driver: dict
    :param driver: The driver's license to register.
    gov_id = driver['GovId']
    if person_already_exists(transaction_executor, gov_id):'Person with this GovId already exists.')
        result = next(get_document_ids(transaction_executor, Constants.PERSON_TABLE_NAME, 'GovId', gov_id))
        result = insert_documents(transaction_executor, Constants.PERSON_TABLE_NAME, [driver])
        result = result[0]
    return result
def get_document_id_by_gov_id(driver, government_id):
    Find a driver's person ID using the given government ID.

    :type driver: :py:class:`pyqldb.driver.qldb_driver.QldbDriver`
    :param driver: An instance of the QldbDriver class.

    :type government_id: str
    :param government_id: A driver's government ID.

    :rtype: list
    :return: A list of document IDs.
        "Finding secondary owner's person ID using given government ID: {}.".
    return driver.execute_lambda(lambda executor: get_document_ids(
        executor, Constants.PERSON_TABLE_NAME, 'GovId', government_id))
def find_vehicles_for_owner(transaction_executor, gov_id):
    Find vehicles registered under a driver using their government ID.

    :type transaction_executor: :py:class:`pyqldb.session.executor.Executor`
    :param transaction_executor: An Executor object allowing for execution of statements within a transaction.

    :type gov_id: str
    :param gov_id: The owner's government ID.
    document_ids = get_document_ids(transaction_executor, Constants.PERSON_TABLE_NAME, 'GovId', gov_id)

    query = "SELECT Vehicle FROM Vehicle INNER JOIN VehicleRegistration AS r " \
            "ON Vehicle.VIN = r.VIN WHERE r.Owners.PrimaryOwner.PersonId = ?"

    for ids in document_ids:
        cursor = transaction_executor.execute_statement(query, [ids])'List of Vehicles for owner with GovId: {}...'.format(gov_id))
Example #7
def find_vehicles_for_owner(driver, gov_id):
    Find vehicles registered under a driver using their government ID.

    :type driver: :py:class:`pyqldb.driver.qldb_driver.QldbDriver`
    :param driver: An instance of the QldbDriver class.

    :type gov_id: str
    :param gov_id: The owner's government ID.
    document_ids = driver.execute_lambda(lambda executor: get_document_ids(
        executor, Constants.PERSON_TABLE_NAME, 'GovId', gov_id))

    query = "SELECT Vehicle FROM Vehicle INNER JOIN VehicleRegistration AS r " \
            "ON Vehicle.VIN = r.VIN WHERE r.Owners.PrimaryOwner.PersonId = ?"

    for ids in document_ids:
        cursor = driver.execute_lambda(
            lambda executor: executor.execute_statement(query, ids))
            'List of Vehicles for owner with GovId: {}...'.format(gov_id))