Example #1
def test_to_str():
    s = 'Märchen'
    assert str(pyqrcode.create(s))

    s = '外来語'
    qr = pyqrcode.create(s)
    assert str(pyqrcode.create(s))
Example #2
def test_kanji_enforce_binary():
    data = '点'
    # 1. Try usual mode --> kanji
    qr = pyqrcode.create(data)
    assert 'kanji' == qr.mode
    # 2. Try another encoding --> binary
    qr = pyqrcode.create(data, mode='binary', encoding='utf-8')
    assert 'binary' == qr.mode
Example #3
def test_unicode_utf8():
    s = '\u263A'  # ☺ (WHITE SMILING FACE)
        pyqrcode.create(s, encoding='latin1')
        raise Exception('Expected an error for \u263A and ISO-8859-1')
    except ValueError:
    qr = pyqrcode.create(s, encoding='utf-8')
    assert 'binary' == qr.mode
Example #4
 def loginQrcode(self, force=False):
     获得 bigFun 登录二维码
     :param force: 不验证登录状态强行重新登录
     :return: 二维码 png
     if not force:
         if self.apiReady == True:
             raise BigFunAPIisLogin
     qrcodcContent = self._bigFunAPI.login()
     buff = io.BytesIO()
     pyqrcodeng.create(qrcodcContent, error='L', version=5).png(buff,
     return buff.getvalue()
Example #5
def test_txt():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test', error='H')
    expected = '00000000000000000000000000000\n' \
               '00000000000000000000000000000\n' \
               '00000000000000000000000000000\n' \
               '00000000000000000000000000000\n' \
               '00001111111011101011111110000\n' \
               '00001000001001100010000010000\n' \
               '00001011101000100010111010000\n' \
               '00001011101010011010111010000\n' \
               '00001011101000110010111010000\n' \
               '00001000001001010010000010000\n' \
               '00001111111010101011111110000\n' \
               '00000000000001001000000000000\n' \
               '00000010111011000100010010000\n' \
               '00000001100110001011000110000\n' \
               '00001111101010001111011110000\n' \
               '00001111010011011001100100000\n' \
               '00001100011011100001010110000\n' \
               '00000000000010111000010010000\n' \
               '00001111111001100000110110000\n' \
               '00001000001011101010000100000\n' \
               '00001011101010110010110110000\n' \
               '00001011101001000011000100000\n' \
               '00001011101010001101001010000\n' \
               '00001000001001110111110100000\n' \
               '00001111111000100111001110000\n' \
               '00000000000000000000000000000\n' \
               '00000000000000000000000000000\n' \
               '00000000000000000000000000000\n' \
    assert expected == qr.text()
Example #6
def test_binary_provide_encoding():
    data = 'Émetteur'
    encoding = 'iso-8859-15'
    qr = pyqrcodeng.create(data, encoding=encoding)
    assert data.encode(encoding) == qr.data
    assert 'binary' == qr.mode
    assert encoding == qr.encoding
Example #7
def createQRCode(
):  #defining a function and iterating through for loop to generate all the qrcodes in the excel
    df = pd.read_csv("qr.csv")  #reading csv file
    for index, values in df.iterrows():
        QRcode = values["Barcode"]
        data = f'''
        image = pyqrcodeng.create(data)
        image.png(f"{QRcode}.png", scale=5)
        im = Image.open(f"{QRcode}.png")  #opens the image
        logo = Image.open('logo.png')  #opens the logo
        box = (85, 85, 160, 160)  #box are (left, upper, right, lower).
        region = logo
        region = region.resize(
            (75, 75)
        )  #box[3] - box[1], box[3] - box[1])) #(image.width-logo.wigth),(image.height-logo.height)
        im.paste(region, box)
        #text in image
        font1 = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 20)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        (x, y) = (55, -3)
        message = "Gravton Motors"
        color = 'rgb(0,0,0)'
        draw.text((x, y), message, fill=color, font=font1)
        #adding qrcode num
        font2 = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 15)
        message = f"{QRcode}"
        (x, y) = (65, 225)
        color = 'rgb(0,0,0)'
        draw.text((x, y), message, fill=color, font=font2)
        im = im.convert("RGBA")
Example #8
def test_data(serializer_name, buffer_factory, to_matrix_func, data, error,
    Creates a QR code, serializes it and checks if the serialization
    corresponds to the initial QR code matrix.

        Method name to serialize the QR code
        Callable to construct the buffer.
        Function to convert the buffer back to a matrix.
        The input to construct the QR code.
        ECC level
        quiet_zone size.
    qr = pyqrcode.create(data, error=error)
    out = buffer_factory()
    meth = getattr(qr, serializer_name)
    meth(out, quiet_zone=quiet_zone)
    matrix = to_matrix_func(out, quiet_zone)
    assert qr.code == matrix
Example #9
def test_no_line_class():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    qr.svg(out, lineclass=None)
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    path_el = _get_path(root)
    assert 'class' not in path_el.attrib
Example #10
def test_custom_svg_class():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    qr.svg(out, svgclass='test-class')
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    assert 'class' in root.attrib
    assert 'test-class' == root.attrib.get('class')
Example #11
def test_viewbox():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    qr.svg(out, omithw=True)
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    assert 'viewBox' in root.attrib
    assert 'height' not in root.attrib
    assert 'width' not in root.attrib
Example #12
def test_custom_line_class():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    qr.svg(out, lineclass='test-class')
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    path_el = _get_path(root)
    assert 'class' in path_el.attrib
    assert 'test-class' == path_el.attrib.get('class')
Example #13
def test_scale():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    qr.svg(out, scale=2)
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    path = _get_path(root)
    assert path is not None
    assert 'scale(2)' in path.attrib['transform']
Example #14
def test_version_and_error_provided():
    # QR Code version 1-L: Max. 25 alphanumeric chars
    qr = pyqrcode.create('A' * 25, version=1, error='l')
    assert 1 == qr.version
    assert 'L' == qr.error
    assert '1-L' == qr.designator
    assert 'alphanumeric' == qr.mode
    assert b'A' * 25 == qr.data
Example #15
def test_title2():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    qr.svg(out, title='Määhhh')
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    title_el = _get_title(root)
    assert title_el is not None
    assert 'Määhhh' == title_el.text
Example #16
def no__test_binary():
    Would be nice if this would work as well.
    data = b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00:~\x9bU\x00\x00\x00\nIDAT\x08[c\xf8\x0f\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00\x9b\xd7\x1d\r\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82'
    qr = pyqrcodeng.create(data)
    assert 'binary' == qr.mode
    assert qr.encoding is None
    assert data == qr.data
Example #17
def test_module_color():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    color = '#800080'
    qr.svg(out, module_color=color)
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    path = _get_path(root)
    assert path is not None
    assert color == path.attrib['stroke']
Example #18
def test_omit_svgns():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    qr.svg(out, svgns=False)
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    path_el = _get_path(root)
    assert path_el is None  # (since _get_path uses the SVG namespace)
    path_el = root.find('path')  # Query w/o namespace MUST find the path
    assert path_el is not None
Example #19
def test_scale_float():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    scale = 2.13
    qr.svg(out, scale=scale)
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    path = _get_path(root)
    assert path is not None
    assert 'scale({0})'.format(scale) in path.attrib['transform']
Example #20
def make_code(config):
    mode = config.pop('mode')
    if mode == 'byte':
        mode = 'binary'
    version = config.pop('version')
    if version:
        version = int(version)
    kw = dict(mode=mode, error=config.pop('error'), version=version)
    return pyqrcodeng.create(' '.join(config.pop('content')), **kw)
Example #21
def test_background():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    color = '#800080'
    qr.svg(out, background=color)
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    # Background should be the first path in the doc
    rect = _get_path(root)
    assert rect is not None
    assert color == rect.attrib['fill']
Example #22
def qrCode(
    URL, evt
):  #A function that can be called via main.py and generates qr-codes from the links stored in the links.py file#
    i = 0
    for x in URL:
        data = URL[i]
        i = i + 1
        qr = pyqrcodeng.create(data)
        qr.png(evt + 'qr_' + str(i) + '.png', scale=9)
        print('QR-Code:', str(i))
Example #23
def test_kanji_tranform_encoding():
    """Test the encoding can be set to shiftjis for utf-8 encoding.
    s = 'モンティ'
    s = '点茗' #Characters directly from the standard
    #Encode the string as utf-8 *not* shiftjis
    utf8 = s.encode('utf-8')
    qr = pyqrcode.create(utf8, encoding='utf-8')
    assert qr.mode == 'kanji'
    assert qr.encoding == 'shiftjis'
Example #24
def create_qrcode(header, payload):
        data = b''.join(
            [header[k].to_bytes(header_size[k], 'big')
             for k in header]) + payload
    except OverflowError:
        raise ValueError(
            'The chosen file is too big to be transfered using these QR-code parameters.'
    content = b32encode(data).decode('ascii').replace('=', '%')
    return pyqrcodeng.create(content,
Example #25
def test_kanji_encoding():
    s = '点茗' #Characters directly from the standard

    #These come from a reference image passed through the debugger
    codewords = [128,38,207,234,168,0,236,17,236,18,75,55,241,75,140,21,
    qr = pyqrcode.create(s)

    #Get the binary representation of the data for the code
    bin_words = qr.builder.buffer.getvalue()

    #Convert the data into integer bytes
    b = [int(bin_words[i:i+8], base=2) for i in range(0, len(bin_words), 8)]
    #See if the calculated code matches the known code
    assert b == codewords
Example #26
def display_console_qrcode_pyqrcodeng(url):
    # NOTE pyqrcodeng could be used for desktop (maybe) web browser launching with locally generated SVG and/or PNG
    qr = pyqrcodeng.create(url)

    print('-' *65)
    text_scale_factor_width = 2
    white_char = u'\u2588'
    #white_char = '#' # does not work with my phone qrcode scanner/reader
    #white_char = '*' # does not work with my phone qrcode scanner/reader
    black_char = ' '
    print(qr.text().replace('1', black_char * text_scale_factor_width).replace('0', white_char * text_scale_factor_width).encode('cp437'))
    print('-' *65)
    qr.term()  # this "prints" to stdout/tty/console (works for win32)
Example #27
def test_symbol_size():
    code = pyqrcode.create('Hello world')
    dim = 25
    quiet_zone = 0
    assert (dim, dim) == code.symbol_size(1, quiet_zone=quiet_zone)
    quiet_zone = 1
    d = (dim + 2 * quiet_zone) * quiet_zone
    assert (d, d) == code.symbol_size(1, quiet_zone=quiet_zone)
    quiet_zone = 4  # (default quiet_zone)
    d = (dim + 2 * quiet_zone) * 1
    assert (d, d) == code.symbol_size()
    assert (d, d) == code.symbol_size(1)
    d = (dim + 2 * quiet_zone) * 4
    assert d, d == code.symbol_size(4)
    quiet_zone = 0
    d = (dim + 2 * quiet_zone) * 4
    assert (d, d) == code.symbol_size(4, quiet_zone=quiet_zone)
Example #28
def test_xbm_with_tkinter():
    """Test XBM renderer is compatible with Tkinter
    #Python 2 vs 3
        import Tkinter as tkinter
        import tkinter

    code = pyqrcode.create('Test')
    width, height = code.symbol_size(scale=1)
    code_xbm = code.xbm(scale=1)

    top = tkinter.Tk()
    bitmap = tkinter.BitmapImage(data=code_xbm)

    assert bitmap.width() == width
    assert bitmap.height() == height
Example #29
def test_debug():
    qr = pyqrcode.create('test')
    out = io.BytesIO()
    code = qr.code
    # Add some errors
    code[0][1] = ' '
    code[0][2] = ' '
    qr.svg(out, lineclass=None, quiet_zone=0, debug=True)
    root = _parse_xml(out)
    path = [
        path for path in root.findall('{%s}path' % _SVG_NS)
        if 'class' in path.attrib
    assert 1 == len(path)
    path = path[0]
    assert 'pyqrerr' == path.attrib['class']
    assert 'red' == path.attrib['stroke']
    assert 'M1' in path.attrib['d']
    assert 'M2' in path.attrib['d']
Example #30
def test_xbm():
    """Test the xbm render against a known good.
    This test checks the *values* contained in the XBM, not the text.
    c = pyqrcode.create('Test').xbm(scale=1)

    #Testing number-by-number to get more useful failure message
    c_width, c_height, c_bits = decompose_xbm(c)
    e_width, e_height, e_bits = decompose_xbm(expected)

    #Check the there is the same width and height
    assert c_width == e_width
    assert c_height == e_height

    #Check that there is the same number of bits
    assert len(c_bits) == len(e_bits)

    #Check the bit values
    for i in range(len(e_bits)):
        assert c_bits[i] == e_bits[i], "Wrong value at {0}: {1} != {2}".format(
            i, c_bits[i], e_bits[i])