def read_data(): data = ser.readline().decode() while data.isspace(): # if faulty reading (whitespace), keep trying data = ser.readline().decode() millis = str(round(time.time() * 1000)) datafile.write(data + ',' + millis) return list(map(int, data.split(",")))
def update(): global sample_plot, samples, sample_count, start_time_ms line = raw.readline().strip() if (chr(line[0]) == "#"): print(line) return line_list = line.decode('ascii').split(' ') samples.extend(list(map(int, line_list))) sample_count = sample_count + len(line_list) if (len(samples) > samples_to_show): del samples[0:4] if (sample_count % (samples_to_show / 2) == 0): delta_time_s = (time.time() - start_time_s) print("Sample rate = " + str(sample_count/delta_time_s)) np_samples = np.array(samples, dtype='uint32') sample_plot.setData(np_samples) app.processEvents()
def update(): global curve, data line = ser.readline() try: # 188uV per bit is ADS1115 16-bit ADC scaling (5V) # 3.223mV per bit is Arduino Yun Mini 10-bit ADS scaling (3.3V) data.append(float(line) * 3.223) # Scaling factor t.append(time.time() - start_time) curve.setData(t, data) # data_filtered = f.butter_lowpass_filter(rate=100, data=data, freqHighCutoff=45, order=5) # curve.setData(t, data_filtered) p.setXRange(t[-1] - 5, t[-1] + 1) app.processEvents() # print('time taken = ' + str((t[-1]-t[-2])*1000) + 'ms') # print('bits waiting=' + str(ser.in_waiting), 'mseconds=' + str((t[-1] - t[-2])*1000), 'data=' + str(data[-1])) if len(data) > 5000: del data[0:-2] del t[0:-2] if ser.in_waiting > 100: print('queue buffer is incresing', ser.in_waiting) except ValueError: print('!!! VALUE ERROR', line)
def update(): global curve, data bytesR_H = bytesR_L = valueR = (ord(bytesR_H) << 5) + ord(bytesR_L) # raw.flushInput() # raw.flushOutput() global i elapsedtime = time.time() - start_time datax.append(elapsedtime) datay.append(valueR) xdata = datax ydata = datay # filtering i += 1 data_filter.append( sum([x * y for x, y in zip(filter_coef, ydata[i:i + 18])])) # print(data_filter[i]) # display filtered data if (i % 2) == 0: curve1.setData(xdata, ydata) # app.processEvents() p1.setXRange(elapsedtime - 3, elapsedtime) curve2.setData(xdata, data_filter) # app.processEvents() p2.setXRange(elapsedtime - 3, elapsedtime) #record data now = current_time = now.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") print(current_time, ',', valueR, file=record)
def update(): global curve, data line = ser.readline() try: data = float(line) angle.append(180 - (data - arm_straight) / (arm_bent - arm_straight) * 135) t.append(time.time() - start_time) # curve.setData(t, angle) angle_filtered = f.butter_lowpass_filter(rate=100, data=angle, freqHighCutoff=45, order=5) curve.setData(t, angle_filtered) p.setXRange(t[-1] - 5, t[-1] + 1) app.processEvents() # print('time taken = ' + str((t[-1]-t[-2])*1000) + 'ms') # print('bits waiting=' + str(ser.in_waiting), 'mseconds=' + str((t[-1] - t[-2])*1000), 'data=' + str(data[-1])) if ser.in_waiting > 100: print('queue buffer is incresing', ser.in_waiting) except ValueError: print('!!! VALUE ERROR', line)
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.ptime import time import serial import time import software.signal_filters as f app = QtGui.QApplication([]) start_time = time.time() p = pg.plot() p.setWindowTitle('live plot from serial') p.setLabels(left=('millivolts', 'mV')) curve = p.plot() data = [0] ser = serial.Serial("COM6", 9600, timeout=0.5) t = [0] def update(): global curve, data line = ser.readline() try: # 188uV per bit is ADS1115 16-bit ADC scaling (5V) # 3.223mV per bit is Arduino Yun Mini 10-bit ADS scaling (3.3V) data.append(float(line) * 3.223) # Scaling factor t.append(time.time() - start_time) curve.setData(t, data)
return line_list = line.decode('ascii').split(' ') samples.extend(list(map(int, line_list))) sample_count = sample_count + len(line_list) if (len(samples) > samples_to_show): del samples[0:4] if (sample_count % (samples_to_show / 2) == 0): delta_time_s = (time.time() - start_time_s) print("Sample rate = " + str(sample_count/delta_time_s)) np_samples = np.array(samples, dtype='uint32') sample_plot.setData(np_samples) app.processEvents() if __name__ == '__main__': plt = pg.plot() plt.setWindowTitle("ADPD4000Z-PPG Eval Board Data Plot") sample_plot = plt.plot(pen='r') samples = [] raw = serial.Serial(com_port, 115200) timer = QtCore.QTimer() timer.timeout.connect(update) timer.start(0) start_time_s = time.time() if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()
p.addLegend() #p.showGrid(True, True, 0.1) curve = p.plot(name='my black curve') pen = pg.mkPen(color='k') curve.setPen(pen) another_curve = p.plot(name='my red curve') another_curve.setPen(pg.mkPen(color='r')) print p.listDataItems() x = np.arange(10**5) y = np.random.random(10**5) itr = 0 import time t = time.time() app.processEvents() ## force complete redraw for every plot while True: itr += 1 curve.clear() another_curve.clear() curve.setData(x[0:itr], y[0:itr]) another_curve.setData(x[0:itr], 5 + y[0:itr]) app.processEvents() ## force complete redraw for every plot if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()
def runEpoch(mmc,device,rep): import time global epoch_seq #epochs items as list (name,exp,led,odor,duration,noRec) global meta_index # list: epoch name, start frame, end frame namep=window.path.text() print "create hdf5" hdfpath = createHdf5andClose(namep,savepath) n_epoch=len(epoch_seq) total =0 epoch_times =[] eps = 0.005 #delay... error in time passed lj_delay = 0#0.012 count = 1 #epoch 0 effectuated before loop m=0 #tiff saving index namep=window.path.text() print "namep..."+str(namep) window.progressBar.setMinimum(0) window.progressBar.setMaximum(n_epoch+(rep-1)*n_epoch) print str(n_epoch) for i in range(n_epoch): total += epoch_seq[i][4] epoch_times.append(total) print str(n_epoch)+" epochs" print "should take "+str(total)+"s and repeated "+str(rep)+" time(s)" mmc.prepareSequenceAcquisition('Zyla') #print "preparing sequence acquisition took", time.clock()-start, "seconds" # cv2.namedWindow('Video') text_file_globalTime = open(savepath+"/globalTime"+namep+".txt", 'w') #text_file_globalTime.write(str(time.clock()-start)+", "+ser.readline()+"\n") for i in range(rep): #LOOP FOR TRIALS print "trial "+str(i+1) text_file = open(savepath+"/respi"+namep+"_trial_"+str(i+1)+".txt", 'w') text_file_globalTime.write( str(time.time())+", "+str(i+1)+"\n") frame_i=0 #mmc.setProperty(DEVICE[0], 'Exposure', epoch_seq[0][1]) setLed(device,epoch_seq[0][2]) setOdor(device,epoch_seq[0][3]) mmc.initializeCircularBuffer() mmc.startContinuousSequenceAcquisition(10) start=time.clock() while time.clock()-start < total: if mmc.getRemainingImageCount()>0 : im = mmc.popNextImage() #im = mmc.getLastImage() #cv2.imshow('Video', im) #raw_input("pause") frames.append(im) timestamps.append(time.clock()-start) #0.6s from start !!! meta.append( (epoch_seq[count-1], i)) if (count < n_epoch) and (time.clock()-start+eps > epoch_times[count-1]) : print "count "+str(count) print epoch_seq[count-1][0] print frame_i print len(frames)-1 #mmc.setProperty(DEVICE[0], 'Exposure', epoch_seq[count][1]) setLed(device,epoch_seq[count][2]) setOdor(device,epoch_seq[count][3]) window.progressBar.setValue(count+i*n_epoch) # #saving index of previous epoch (name,start frame, end frame) # frame_f=len(frames)-1 # meta_index.append((epoch_seq[count-1][0],frame_i,frame_f)) # frame_i=len(frames) if epoch_seq[count-1][5] == 0 : frame_f=len(frames)-1 meta_index.append((epoch_seq[count-1][0],frame_i,frame_f)) frame_i=len(frames) # nrec = 0 # mmc.stopSequenceAcquisition() # mmc.clearCircularBuffer() if (epoch_seq[count][5] == 1): print "stop recording "+str(epoch_seq[count][4])+ "sec" time.sleep(epoch_seq[count][4]) mmc.clearCircularBuffer() #meta_index.pop() # if epoch_seq[count-1][5] == 1: # mmc.initializeCircularBuffer() # mmc.startContinuousSequenceAcquisition(10) # nrec=1 count += 1 if ser.inWaiting() : text_file.write(str(time.clock()-start)+", "+ser.readline()+"\n") # if cv2.waitKey(1) >= 0: # break frame_f=len(frames)-1 meta_index.append((epoch_seq[count-1][0],frame_i,frame_f)) frame_i=len(frames) m_i_trial.append(meta_index) meta_index=[] window.progressBar.setValue(n_epoch+i*n_epoch) #reset device.setFIOState(green_lj, 0) device.setFIOState(red_lj, 1) #device.setFIOState(v1_lj, 0) #device.setFIOState(v2_lj, 0) DAC0_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(DAC0_VALUE)) DAC1_VALUE = device.voltageToDACBits(0, dacNumber = 1, is16Bits = False) device.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(DAC1_VALUE)) print str(total)+"s acquisition took", time.clock()-start, "seconds" mmc.stopSequenceAcquisition() mmc.clearCircularBuffer() if i < rep: #end of an epoch #time spent savong files savingTime=time.time() #print "saving tiff.."+str(len(frames))+" frames" #namep=window.path.text() framesnp = np.asarray(frames) #display avg green print "save green"+str(i)+" in "+savepath scipy.misc.imsave(savepath+'/green'+str(i)+'.jpg', np.mean(framesnp[0:20],axis=0)) #plt.imshow(np.mean(framesnp[0:20],axis=0)) #saveAsMultipageTif(framesnp,savepath,namep,meta,k=512)# #m = saveAsMultipageTif_inter(framesnp,savepath,namep,m) #print "number of tiff files :"+str(m) print "save trial hdf5" print m_i_trial[-1] print i+1 hdfs=saveTrialHdf5andClose(hdfpath,framesnp,m_i_trial[-1],i+1,epoch_seq) #modified added epoch print "closing hdfs" hdfs.close() print "closed" #print "save respiratory signal" # text_file = open("respi"+".txt", 'w') print "empty frames list.." frames[:]=[] text_file.close() timeSpentSaving=time.time()-savingTime newDelay=window.dur_2.value()-timeSpentSaving print "in total wating for "+str(window.dur_2.value())+" s" print "after time spent saving wating for "+str(newDelay)+" s" if (newDelay>0): time.sleep(newDelay) count =1 #cv2.destroyAllWindows() #print "nOfFrames :"+str(len(frames)) print "exposure was", mmc.getProperty('Zyla','Exposure') print "Framerate was", mmc.getProperty('Zyla','FrameRate') print "saving metadata, timestamps and comments" if not os.path.exists(savepath+"/"+namep): os.makedirs(savepath+"/"+namep) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/epoch.p", "wb") as fp: #Pickling pickle.dump(epoch_seq, fp) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/comment.p", "wb") as fpp: #Pickling pickle.dump(window.comment.toPlainText(), fpp) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/timestamps.p", "wb") as fppp: #Pickling pickle.dump(timestamps, fppp) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/meta.p", "wb") as fppp: #Pickling pickle.dump(meta, fppp) with open(savepath+"/"+namep+"/m_i_trial.p", "wb") as fppp: #Pickling pickle.dump(m_i_trial, fppp) print "restart kernel to be safe" text_file_globalTime.close() print "global time txt closed" window.progressBar.setValue(0)
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.ptime import time import serial import time import software.signal_filters as f import sys data = [0] ser = serial.Serial("COM4", 9600, timeout=0.5) t = [0] start_time = time.time() time2 = [] while time.time() - start_time < 3: line = ser.readline() print('data: ', float(line)) # Calibration print('Beginning calibration') print('Please make your arm straight for 3 seconds...') time.sleep(3) ser.reset_input_buffer() ser.reset_output_buffer() arm_straight = float(ser.readline()) # Voltage for ~180 degrees print('Done') print('Please bend your arm for 3 seconds...') time.sleep(3) ser.reset_input_buffer()