def add_to_legend(legend: pg.LegendItem, curve: pg.PlotItem, curve_name): """ Adds a curve to a legend :param legend: pg.LegendItem to add to :param curve: pg.PlotItem containing the relevant curve :param curve_name: (str) name of curve """ legend.addItem(curve, ' - ' + curve_name)
class SweepDataPlot(GraphicsView): GREEN = [0, 204, 153] BLUE = [100, 171, 246] RED = [221, 61, 53] PURPLE = [175, 122, 197] ASH = [52, 73, 94] GRAY = [178, 186, 187] COLORS = [BLUE, RED, GREEN, PURPLE, ASH, GRAY] if sys.platform == 'darwin': LW = 3 else: LW = 1.5 def __init__(self): GraphicsView.__init__(self) # create layout self.layout = pg.GraphicsLayout() self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout.setSpacing(-1.) self.setBackground(None) self.setCentralItem(self.layout) # create axes and apply formatting axisItems = dict() for pos in ['bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right']: axisItems[pos] = AxisItem(orientation=pos, maxTickLength=-7) self.p = PlotItem(axisItems=axisItems) self.setTitle('Sweep data', fontScaling=1.3, color='k') self.layout.addItem(self.p) self.p.vb.setBackgroundColor('w') self.p.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) for pos in ['bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right']: ax = self.p.getAxis(pos) ax.setZValue(0) # draw on top of patch ax.setVisible(True) # make all axes visible ax.setPen(width=self.LW * 2 / 3, color=0.5) # grey spines and ticks try: ax.setTextPen('k') # black text except AttributeError: pass ax.setStyle(autoExpandTextSpace=True, tickTextOffset=4) self.p.getAxis('top').setTicks([]) self.p.getAxis('top').setHeight(0) self.p.getAxis('right').setTicks([]) self.x_axis = self.p.getAxis('bottom') self.y_axis = self.p.getAxis('left') self.x_axis.setLabel('Voltage', units='V', color='k', size='12pt') self.y_axis.setLabel('Current', units='A', color='k', size='12pt') self.y_axis.setStyle(tickTextWidth=35) # set auto range and mouse panning / zooming self.p.enableAutoRange(x=True, y=True) self.p.setLimits(xMin=-1e20, xMax=1e20, yMin=-1e20, yMax=1e20) def suggestPadding(axis): length = self.p.vb.width() if axis == 0 else self.p.vb.height() if length > 0: if axis == 0: padding = 0 else: padding = np.clip(1. / (length**0.5), 0.02, 0.1) else: padding = 0.02 return padding self.p.vb.suggestPadding = suggestPadding # set default ranges to start self.p.setXRange(-10, 10) self.p.setYRange(-10, 10) # add legend self.legend = LegendItem(brush=fn.mkBrush(255, 255, 255, 150), labelTextColor='k', offset=(20, -20)) self.legend.setParentItem(self.p.vb) def clear(self): self.p.clear() # clear current plot self.legend.clear() # clear current legend def plot(self, sweep_data): self.clear() xdata = sweep_data.get_column(0) xdata_title = sweep_data.titles[0] ydata = sweep_data.values()[1:] # format plot according to sweep type unit = xdata_title.unit if xdata_title.has_unit() else 'a.u.' self.x_axis.setLabel(, unit=unit) self.y_axis.setLabel('Current', unit='A') if sweep_data.params['sweep_type'] == 'transfer': self.setTitle('Transfer curve') self.p.setLogMode(x=False, y=True) self.legend.setOffset((20, -20)) # legend in bottom-left corner ydata = [np.abs(y) for y in ydata] elif sweep_data.params['sweep_type'] == 'output': self.setTitle('Output curve') self.p.setLogMode(x=False, y=False) self.legend.setOffset((-20, 20)) # legend in top-right corner ydata = [np.abs(y) for y in ydata] else: self.setTitle('Sweep curve') self.p.setLogMode(x=False, y=False) ydata = [np.abs(y) for y in ydata] # plot data self.lines = [] for y, c in zip(ydata, itertools.cycle(self.COLORS)): p = self.p.plot(xdata, y, pen=fn.mkPen(color=c, width=self.LW)) self.lines.append(p) # add legend for l, t in zip(self.lines, sweep_data.column_names[1:]): self.legend.addItem(l, str(t)) self.p.autoRange() def setTitle(self, text, fontScaling=None, color=None, font=None): # work around pyqtplot which forces the title to be HTML if text is None: self.p.setTitle(None) # clears title and hides title column else: self.p.setTitle( '') # makes title column visible, sets placeholder text self.p.titleLabel.item.setPlainText( text) # replace HTML with plain text if color is not None: color = fn.mkColor(color) self.p.titleLabel.item.setDefaultTextColor(color) if font is not None: self.p.titleLabel.item.setFont(font) if fontScaling is not None: font = self.p.titleLabel.item.font() defaultFontSize = QtWidgets.QLabel('test').font().pointSize() fontSize = round(defaultFontSize * fontScaling, 1) font.setPointSize(fontSize) self.p.titleLabel.item.setFont(font)
class Network(Base, metaclass=config.Singleton): """ Network performance measure """ def __init__(self, base): super(Network, self).__init__(base) self._out_val = None self._inc_val = None self._plot() self._clear() def _plot(self): """ Network performance graph """ setConfigOption('background', '#FF000000') _graph = PlotWidget() _graph.setMenuEnabled(enableMenu=False) _graph.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=False) _graph.hideButtons() self._out_curve = _graph.getPlotItem().plot() self._inc_curve = _graph.getPlotItem().plot() self._legend = LegendItem(offset=(50, 10)) self._legend.setParentItem(_graph.getPlotItem()) self._legend.addItem(self._out_curve, self._lang.NetworkGraphOutgoing) self._legend.addItem(self._inc_curve, self._lang.NetworkGraphIncoming) self._base.net_perf_lyt.addWidget(_graph) self._menu_popup = QMenu() _action = QAction(QIcon('icon/reload.png'), self._lang.PopupReload, self._base.net_perf_box) _action.triggered.connect(self.reload) self._menu_popup.addAction(_action) self._base.net_perf_box.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self._base.net_perf_box.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self._popup_show) def _set_value(self): """ Set send and receive value for the network performance curves """ self._out_curve.setData( self._out_val, pen=mkPen(width=self._sw_config.net_perf_out_wd, color=QColor(self._sw_config.net_perf_out_cl))) self._inc_curve.setData( self._inc_val, pen=mkPen(width=self._sw_config.net_perf_inc_wd, color=QColor(self._sw_config.net_perf_inc_cl))) async def _load(self): """ Load the network performance measure - coroutine """ if not self._sw_config.net_perf: return self._event.set() _old_out = 0 _old_inc = 0 while not self._event.is_set(): _rev_out = net_io_counters().bytes_sent _rev_int = net_io_counters().bytes_recv if _old_out and _old_inc: self._out_val.append(_rev_out - _old_out) self._inc_val.append(_rev_int - _old_inc) self._set_value() _old_out = _rev_out _old_inc = _rev_int await sleep(self._sw_config.net_perf_tmo) def _popup_show(self, coordinate): """ Right-click popup menu in the graph area """ self._menu_popup.exec_(self._base.net_perf_box.mapToGlobal(coordinate)) def _clear(self): """ Clear the entire graph """ self._out_val = deque([0] * self._sw_config.net_perf_len, maxlen=self._sw_config.net_perf_len) self._inc_val = deque([0] * self._sw_config.net_perf_len, maxlen=self._sw_config.net_perf_len) self._set_value()