Example #1
    def drawCell(self, p, x0, x1, y0, y1, subx, suby):
        w, h = x1 - x0, y1 - y0
        rect = QtCore.QRectF(x0, y0, w, h)
        # rect:
        pp1 = QtGui.QPainterPath()
        # busbars:
        # TODO: make width variable ... currently fixed to 1e-3
        ps = QtGui.QPainterPath()
        for yi in subx:
            yi = y0 + yi * (y1 - y0)
            ps.addRect(QtCore.QRectF(x0, yi, w, 1e-3))

        for xi in suby:
            xi = x0 + xi * (x1 - x0)
            ps.addRect(QtCore.QRectF(xi, y0, 1e-3, h))

        if not self.circleOffs.isNull():
            # intersect rect with ellipse to create pseudo rect shape:
            # scale rect:
            c = rect.center()
            esize = rect.size() * 2**0.5 - self.circleOffs
            esize.setWidth(max(rect.width(), esize.width()))
            esize.setHeight(max(rect.height(), esize.height()))


            pp2 = QtGui.QPainterPath()
            pp1 = pp2.intersected(pp1)
            ps = pp2.intersected(ps)
Example #2
    def shape2(self):
        if self._shape is None:

            subx = self._genSublines(self.nSublines[1])
            suby = self._genSublines(self.nSublines[0])

            wx, wy = self.width[1] / \
                self.nCells[1], self.width[0] / self.nCells[0]
            p = QtGui.QPainterPath()

            p.moveTo(0, 0)
            xx = np.linspace(0, 1, self.nCells[1] + 1)
            yy = np.linspace(0, 1, self.nCells[0] + 1)
            for i, (x0, x1) in enumerate(zip(xx[:-1], xx[1:])):
                for j, (y0, y1) in enumerate(zip(yy[:-1], yy[1:])):
                    # set offset so, that boundary cells go till boundary
                    # and offset only is between cells :
                    if i == 0:  # left
                        wx0 = 0
                        wx1 = wx
                        if i == self.nCells[1] - 1:  # right
                            wx1 = 0
                            wx0 = wx
                        else:  # middle
                            wx1 = wx / 2
                            wx0 = wx / 2
                    if j == 0:  # bottom
                        wy0 = 0
                        wy1 = wy
                        if j == self.nCells[0] - 1:  # top
                            wy1 = 0
                            wy0 = wy
                        else:  # middle
                            wy1 = wy / 2
                            wy0 = wy / 2

                    self.drawCell(p, x0 + wx0, x1 - wx1, y0 + wy0, y1 - wy1,
                                  subx, suby)

            self._shape = p

        return self._shape