def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, ds9, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False, _catalog='', _datamax=None, show=False): try: import lsc, string hdr = lsc.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int(string.split(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if _datamax is None and 'kb' in instrument: _datamax = 45000 elif _datamax is None: _datamax = 65000 _wcserr = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 if 'PSF_FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) else: sys.exit('astrometry not good') #except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale,xdim ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if interactive: iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) elif _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog to measure the psf' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] line='' for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) if float(a) < float(xdim) and float(b) < float(ydim) and float(b) > 0: line = line + '%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c) if line: ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') ff.write(line) ff.close() else: sys.exit('error: no catalog objects are in the field') else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) tot = np.compress(abs(np.array(fluxrad) * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5, fluxrad) if len(tot) < 5: print 'warning: fwhm from sexractor different from fwhm computed during pre-reduction' print 'try using option --fwhm xxx' ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') image_hdu = + '.fits') for i in range(len(xs)): _xs = np.delete(xs, i) _ys = np.delete(ys, i) dist2 = np.sqrt((_xs - xs[i]) ** 2 + (_ys - ys[i]) ** 2) ########### cut star, not near other object ########################## if abs(fluxrad[i] * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5 and min(dist2) > distance * fwhm: x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) if x1 < 1: x1 = 1 if y1 < 1: y1 = 1 if x2 > int(xdim): x2 = int(xdim) if y2 > int(ydim): y2 = int(ydim) fmax = np.max(image_hdu[0].data[y1-1:y2, x1-1:x2]) ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) ff.close() image_hdu.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): if abs(_fws[i] - fwhm) / fwhm < .3: ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() elif _catalog: ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # dflux = fluxrad - np.median(fluxrad) # fstar = np.compress(dflux < np.std(fluxrad), fluxrad) ################################################################################################################# print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if ds9 == 0 and (interactive or show): iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=True, Stdin=photmag, nxoffset=5, nyoffset=5, txsize=2) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=35, label=False, Stdin=pst, color=208) # iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(np.abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf, merrp3, smagerrf = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([fits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), fits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), fits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), fits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), fits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) lsc.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') if _show: iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.pix', mark="circle", number='yes', radii=10, nxoffse=5, nyoffse=5, color=214, txsize=2) xx0, yy0 = string.split( iraf.fields('tmp.pix', '1,2', Stdout=1)[2]) print xx0, yy0 os.system('rm -rf tmp.*') else: xx0, yy0 = '', '' else: xx0 = '' if xx0 == '' and not _interactive: skip = 1 if skip == 0: if _interactive: xx0 = '' _z1, _z2 = '', '' z11, z22 = 0, 0 if xx0 == '': #print '\n### coordinate not found, reduction should be interactive'
else: _xpos, _ypos = '', '' if _xpos and _ypos: print 'use xpos and ypos from fits table' print _xpos, _ypos else: print 'no xpos and ypos define, do that interactively' jj = 0 while not _xpos or not _ypos: print " MARK SN REGION WITH - x -, EXIT - q -" try: agnkey.util.delete('tmp.log') zz1, zz2, goon = agnkey.util.display_image(img, 1, '', '', True) # iraf.display(img,1,fill=True,Stdout=1) iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xytargets = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2', Stdout=1) _xpos, _ypos = string.split(xytargets[0])[0], string.split(xytargets[0])[1] except: _xpos, _ypos = '', '' jj = jj + 1 if jj > 10: goon = False break if goon: print _xpos, _ypos, _mag print img0, psfimg, _xpos, _ypos, _mag imgout = re.sub('.fits', '.temp.fits', string.split(img0, '/')[-1]) agnkey.util.delete('_tmp.fits,_tmp2.fits,,' + imgout) if _clean:
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, interactive, ds9, fixaperture=False,_catalog=''): try: import agnkey import string hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if instrument in ['kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 45000 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 120000 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'em03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['fs02', 'fs03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['em01']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 try: _wcserr = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') if float(_wcserr) == 0: if instrument in ['kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79']: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'fs02', 'fs03', 'em03', 'em01']: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if interactive: iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() elif _catalog: # cat1=agnkey.agnastrodef.readtxt(_catalog) # cat1['ra'],cat1['dec'] ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) #print a,b,c ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], float(fluxrad[i]))) ff.close() ## End automatic selection print 80 * "#" photmag = apfit(img, fwhm, hdr, interactive, _datamax, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img, inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec)): aa = radec[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False, _catalog='', _datamax=None, show=False): try: import lsc, string hdr = lsc.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int(string.split(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if _datamax is None: _datamax = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'datamax') _wcserr = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 if 'PSF_FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) else: sys.exit('astrometry not good') #except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale,xdim ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog to measure the psf' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] line='' for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) if float(a) < float(xdim) and float(b) < float(ydim) and float(b) > 0: line = line + '%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c) if line: ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') ff.write(line) ff.close() else: sys.exit('error: no catalog objects are in the field') elif interactive: iraf.display(img + '[0]', 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) tot = np.compress(abs(np.array(fluxrad) * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5, fluxrad) if len(tot) < 5: print 'warning: fwhm from sexractor different from fwhm computed during pre-reduction' print 'try using option --fwhm xxx' ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') image_hdu = + '.fits') for i in range(len(xs)): _xs = np.delete(xs, i) _ys = np.delete(ys, i) dist2 = np.sqrt((_xs - xs[i]) ** 2 + (_ys - ys[i]) ** 2) ########### cut star, not near other object ########################## if abs(fluxrad[i] * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5 and min(dist2) > distance * fwhm: x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) if x1 < 1: x1 = 1 if y1 < 1: y1 = 1 if x2 > int(xdim): x2 = int(xdim) if y2 > int(ydim): y2 = int(ydim) fmax = np.max(image_hdu[0].data[y1-1:y2, x1-1:x2]) ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) ff.close() image_hdu.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): if abs(_fws[i] - fwhm) / fwhm < .3: ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if _catalog: ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() elif interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # dflux = fluxrad - np.median(fluxrad) # fstar = np.compress(dflux < np.std(fluxrad), fluxrad) ################################################################################################################# print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if interactive or show: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img + '[0]', 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=True, Stdin=photmag, nxoffset=5, nyoffset=5, txsize=2) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=35, label=False, Stdin=pst, color=208) # iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(np.abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf, merrp3, smagerrf = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([fits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), fits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), fits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), fits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), fits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) lsc.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
xpa('zoom to fit') xpa('catalog ua2') xpa('catalog server cds') xpa('catalog size 10 10 arcmin') xpa('catalog save "' + userPath + '/"') xpa('catalog filter "' + mag + '<' + str(magsel) + '"') xpa('catalog symbol shape text') if environ == 'mac': xpa('catalog save sb "' + userPath + '/tmp.catsel"') elif environ == 'linux': xpa('catalog save sb "' + userPath + '/tmp.catsel"') xpa('raise') iraf.fields('tmp.catsel', '1,2', Stdout='') answ = 'no' while answ != 'yes': print '>> Identify (minimum 2, preferably 3) reference stars (mark with "a") in your image' iraf.imexamine(img, 1, logfile='tmp.coo', keeplog='yes') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.coo', mark="circle", number='yes', radii=10, nxoffse=10, nyoffse=10, color=214, txsize=2)
ff.write(ra + ' ' + dec + ' ' + '10 10') ff.close() iraf.agetim('tmp.reg', 'tmpdss', imsurve='dss1@cadc', wcsedit='yes') iraf.display('tmpdss', 2) answ = raw_input('>> Change cuts (y/n) ? [n]') if len(answ) > 0: while string.lower(answ) == 'y': z1, z2 = string.split(raw_input('z1 z2 ? ')) iraf.display('tmpdss', 2, z1=z1, z2=z2, zscale='no', zrange='no') answ = raw_input('>> Change cuts (y/n) ? [n]') if len(answ) == 0: answ = 'n' iraf.agetcat('tmpdss', '', catalog='usno2@cadc') iraf.afiltcat('', 'tmp.catsel', fexpr="mag1<=" + str(magsel)) iraf.fields('tmp.catsel', '2,3', Stdout='') iraf.wcsctran('', 'tmp.pix', 'tmpdss', inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') iraf.tvmark(2, 'tmp.pix', mark="circle", number='yes', radii=5, nxoffse=5, nyoffse=5,
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, ds9, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False,_catalog='',_datamax=''): try: import agnkey hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if 'kb' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 45000 elif 'fl' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 60000 elif 'fs' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 65000 try: #if 1==1: if 'WCSERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCSERR'] elif 'WCS_ERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCS_ERR'] print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'kb' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fl' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fs' in instrument: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except ValueError: # except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'.fits[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img+'.fits[0]', 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img+'[0]', 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) _ra1,_dec1,xx11,yy11,_mag,_dist = agnkey.agnastrodef.starsfields(img+'.fits',20,19) if len(_ra1): dist,pos0,pos1 = agnkey.agnastrodef.crossmatchxy(xs,ys,xx11,yy11,10) if len(pos0): xs = xs[pos0] ys = ys[pos0] ran = ran[pos0] decn = decn[pos0] magbest = magbest[pos0] classstar = classstar[pos0] fluxrad = fluxrad[pos0] bkg = bkg[pos0] ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) sect = '[' + str(x1) + ':' + str(x2) + ',' + str(y1) + ':' + str(y2) + ']' try: fmax = iraf.imstat(img+'.fits[0]' + sect, fields='max', Stdout=1)[1] ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) except: print sect # print 'problem here' # pass ff.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() elif _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog ' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # print '\n### use sextractor' # xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) # ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') # for i in range(len(xs)): # ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) # ff.close() ################################################################################### print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if ds9 == 0 and interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=False, Stdin=photmag) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='rectangle', length=35, label=False, Stdin=pst) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) new_cols = pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ]) tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(new_cols) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except IOError as e: print e result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
if _ra and _dec: os.system('rm -rf tmp.*') lll=[] for jj in range(0,len(_ra)): lll.append(str(_ra[jj]) + ' ' + str(_dec[jj])) #lll = [str(_ra) + ' ' + str(_dec)] iraf.wcsctran('STDIN', 'tmp.pix', img + '[0]', Stdin=lll, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') if _show: iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.pix', mark="circle", number='yes', radii=10, nxoffse=5, nyoffse=5, color=214, txsize=2) xxsn, yysn = [], [] for kk in iraf.fields('tmp.pix', '1,2', Stdout=1): if kk: xxsn.append(string.split(kk)[0]) yysn.append(string.split(kk)[1]) xxsn = array(xxsn,float) yysn = array(yysn,float) print 'SN coordinate ',xxsn, yysn if _ra0 and _dec0: os.system('rm -rf tmp.*') lll = [str(_ra0) + ' ' + str(_dec0)] iraf.wcsctran('STDIN', 'tmp.pix', img, Stdin=lll, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') if _show:
def sn_coordinate(imgl, _interactive): from math import sqrt from snoopy2 import src import snoopy2 from pyraf import iraf import string import os imgl = src.replace_directory(imgl) if imgl[-5:] != '.fits': imgllong = imgl + '.fits' else: imgllong = imgl listastandard = snoopy2.__path__[ 0] + '/standard/fluxstandard/supernovaelist.txt' f = open(listastandard, 'r') liststd = f.readlines() f.close() star, ra, dec = [], [], [] for i in liststd: vector = string.split(i) star.append(vector[0]) #print vector ra.append( float(vector[1]) + ((float(vector[2]) + (float(vector[3]) / 60.)) / 60.)) if float(vector[4]) > 0: dec.append( float(vector[4]) + ((float(vector[5]) + (float(vector[6]) / 60.)) / 60.)) else: aa = -1 * ((abs(float(vector[4]))) + ((float(vector[5]) + (float(vector[6]) / 60.)) / 60.)) dec.append(aa) print ra[-1], dec[-1], star[-1] _telescope = src.telescope(imgllong) _system = src.check_system(_telescope, imgllong, Stdout=True) _header = src.read_parameter(_telescope, _system) if _telescope == 'other': print 'other' _xdimen = src.xdimen(imgllong, _telescope) _ydimen = src.ydimen(imgllong, _telescope) xcenter = int(float(_xdimen) / 2) ycenter = int(float(_ydimen) / 2) f = open('', 'w') f.write(str(xcenter) + ' ' + str(ycenter) + '\n') f.close() iraf.delete('tmp.coo') iraf.wcsctran('', 'tmp.coo', imgl, inwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='world', columns='1 2', formats='%10.8f %10.8f') sss = iraf.fields('tmp.coo', '1,2', Stdout=1) _RA, _DEC = string.split(sss[2]) _RA = float(_RA) / 15. _DEC = float(_DEC) else: _RA = src.RA(imgllong, _header, _telescope) _DEC = src.DEC(imgllong, _header, _telescope) print _RA, _DEC ra0 = '' if _RA and _DEC: for st in range(len(star)): distance = sqrt((float(_RA) - float(ra[st]))**2 + (float(_DEC) - float(dec[st]))**2) print st, distance if distance <= 0.5: print str(star[st]), str(_RA), str(_DEC), str(distance) refstar = string.split(star[st])[0] ra0, dec0 = ra[st], dec[st] if _interactive: print '' print '############################################' question = raw_input( 'Is this the right object ? [y/n] [y]') print '############################################' print '' if not question: question = 'y' if question in ['Yes', 'Y', 'y', 'YES', 'yes']: break else: ra0, dec0 = '', '' else: print '############################################' print ' object found ' + str(refstar) print '############################################' break if ra0: os.system('rm -rf tmp.*') ff = open('', 'w') ff.write(str(ra0 * 15.) + ' ' + str(dec0)) ff.close() iraf.wcsctran('', 'tmp.pix', imgl, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.pix', mark="circle", number='yes', radii=10, nxoffse=5, nyoffse=5, color=214, txsize=2) xx, yy = string.split(iraf.fields('tmp.pix', '1,2', Stdout=1)[2]) print xx, yy os.system('rm -rf tmp.*') else: xx, yy = '', '' print '### WARNING: no object in the list' return xx, yy
print '####################################### ' print "#### Error with the header !!!!" print '### telescope not in the list ' print '### if you want to continue anyway,' print '### run "" to correct header ' print '######################################## ' ########################################################################## src.delete(coordinatelist + ".tv") src.delete(coordinatelist + "_templ.coo") src.delete("_templ.*") try: dir_system = subdirectory[_system] iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '2,3,1', Stdout=coordinatelist + '.tv') iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '1', Stdout='_templ.coo') iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', '_templ.coo2', 'home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '_templ.fits', inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') a = iraf.fields('_templ.coo', '1', Stdout=1) b = iraf.fields('_templ.coo2', '1,2', Stdout=1)[2:]
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, interactive, ds9, fixaperture=False, _catalog=''): try: import agnkey import string hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3( hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if instrument in [ 'kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79' ]: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 45000 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 120000 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'em03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['fs02', 'fs03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['em01']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 try: _wcserr = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') if float(_wcserr) == 0: if instrument in [ 'kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79' ]: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'fs02', 'fs03', 'em03', 'em01']: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3( hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if interactive: iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() elif _catalog: # cat1=agnkey.agnastrodef.readtxt(_catalog) # cat1['ra'],cat1['dec'] ddd = iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog, output='STDOUT', Stdout=1, image=img, inwcs='world', outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f', verbose='no') ddd = [i for i in ddd if i[0] != '#'] ddd = [' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a, b, c = string.split(i) #print a,b,c ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex( img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], float(fluxrad[i]))) ff.close() ## End automatic selection print 80 * "#" photmag = apfit(img, fwhm, hdr, interactive, _datamax, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img, inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec)): aa = radec[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table( pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, { 'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels'] }) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, { 'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels'] }) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, { 'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot'] }) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
def fwhm_computation(img, tmpfiltercoo, stars, system, interactive): from snoopy2 import src import snoopy2 import string, os from numpy import compress from numpy import array from numpy import average from numpy import mean from numpy import median from numpy import std from pyraf import iraf from numpy import log10 _telescope = src.telescope(img) _header = src.read_parameter(_telescope, system) _xdimen = src.xdimen(img, _telescope) _ydimen = src.ydimen(img, _telescope) _filter = src.filter(img, _header, _telescope) try: filter = src.filtername(_telescope, _filter, system) except: filter = _filter _exptime = src.exptime(img, _header, _telescope) iraf.delete("tmp.imex_output", verify='no') stars_pos = [] alllines = [] ff = open(tmpfiltercoo, 'r') for j in range(0, 3): exl = ff.readline() for j in range(len(stars)): alllines.append(ff.readline()) xx = string.split(alllines[-1])[0:2] os.system('echo ' + xx[0] + ' ' + xx[1] + '> tmp.two') pp = iraf.imexam(input=img, frame=1, logfile='', keeplog='no', imagecur='tmp.two', defkey='m', wcs='logical', use_disp='no', Stdout=1) if not 1. <= float(xx[0]) <= float(_xdimen) or not 1. <= float( xx[1]) <= float(_ydimen): stars_pos.append(0) elif string.split(pp[1])[-1] == string.split(pp[1])[-2]: stars_pos.append(0) else: stars_pos.append(1) ff.close() ff = open('tmp.' + img + 'good.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(stars_pos)): if stars_pos[i]: ff.write(alllines[i]) ff.close() for i in range(len(alllines)): if stars_pos[i]: ff = open('', 'w') xx = string.split(alllines[i])[0:2] ff.write(xx[0] + ' ' + xx[1] + ' a') ff.close() try: iraf.imexam(input=img, frame=1, logfile='tmp.imex_output', keeplog='yes', imagecur='', wcs='logical', use_disp='no') except: if not os.path.isfile('tmp.imex_output'): os.system("echo '# [1] " + str(img) + " - " + str(coordinatelist) + "' > tmp.imex_output") os.system( "echo '# COL LINE COORDINATES R MAG FLUX SKY PEAK E PA BETA ENCLOSED MOFFAT DIRECT' >> tmp.imex_output" ) os.system( "echo '999. 999. 999. 999. INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF' >> tmp.imex_output" ) else: os.system( "echo '999. 999. 999. 999. INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF' >> tmp.imex_output" ) _fwhm0 = iraf.fields('tmp.imex_output', '15', Stdout=1) _mag = iraf.fields('tmp.imex_output', '6', Stdout=1) _fwhm, _magime = [], [] j = 0 for i in range(len(stars)): if stars_pos[i]: try: _magime.append(float(_mag[j]) + 2.5 * log10(_exptime)) except: _magime.append(float(9999)) try: _fwhm.append(float(_fwhm0[j])) except: _fwhm.append(float(9999)) j = j + 1 else: _magime.append(float(9999)) _fwhm.append(float(9999)) fwhm_ave = compress((array(_fwhm) < 999), _fwhm) fwhm_ave1 = compress( (average(fwhm_ave) - 2 * std(fwhm_ave) < array(fwhm_ave)) & (array(fwhm_ave) < average(fwhm_ave) + std(fwhm_ave) * 2), array(fwhm_ave)) _fwhm_ave = mean( compress((average(fwhm_ave1) - 2 * std(fwhm_ave1) < array(fwhm_ave1)) & (array(fwhm_ave1) < average(fwhm_ave1) + std(fwhm_ave1) * 2), array(fwhm_ave1))) fwhm_ave22 = compress( (average(fwhm_ave) - 2 * std(fwhm_ave) < array(fwhm_ave)) & (array(fwhm_ave) < average(fwhm_ave) + std(fwhm_ave) * 2), array(fwhm_ave)) _fwhm_ave2 = median( compress( (average(fwhm_ave22) - 2 * std(fwhm_ave22) < array(fwhm_ave22)) & (array(fwhm_ave22) < average(fwhm_ave22) + std(fwhm_ave22) * 2), array(fwhm_ave22))) checkfwhm = 'yes' while checkfwhm == 'yes': print '################ FWHM(median) = ' + str(_fwhm_ave2) + ' ' print '################ FWHM(mean) = ' + str(_fwhm_ave) + ' ' if interactive: fwhm_ave = raw_input('################ FWHM = [' + str(_fwhm_ave2) + '] ? ') else: fwhm_ave = str(_fwhm_ave2) try: if not fwhm_ave: fwhm_ave = _fwhm_ave2 else: fwhm_ave = float(fwhm_ave) checkfwhm = 'no' except: print 'WARNING: FWHM not good !!!!' checkfwhm = 'yes' #fwhm[filter]=fwhm_ave iraf.hedit(img, 'qubafwhm', fwhm_ave, add='yes', update='yes', verify='no') return fwhm_ave, _magime, stars_pos, _fwhm
def register_module(img, _system, coordinatelist, interactive, logincl, _filter): from snoopy2 import src import snoopy2 import string, os # logincl=src.open_program() from pyraf import iraf iraf.astcat(_doprint=0) iraf.imcoords(_doprint=0) iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') = 'yes' subdirectory = ['optical/', 'infrared/', 'sloan/'] iraf.delete(coordinatelist + ".tv", verify='no') iraf.delete(coordinatelist + "_templ.coo", verify='no') iraf.delete("_templ.*", verify='no') try: dir_system = subdirectory[_system] iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '2,3,1', Stdout=coordinatelist + '.tv') iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '1', Stdout='_templ.coo') iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', '_templ.coo2', 'home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '_templ.fits', inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') a = iraf.fields('_templ.coo', '1', Stdout=1) b = iraf.fields('_templ.coo2', '1,2', Stdout=1)[2:] ff = open(coordinatelist + '_templ.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(a)): ff.write(b[i] + '\t' + a[i] + ' \n') ff.close() if _system == 0 or _system == 2: standard = iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '1,4,5,6,7,8', Stdout=1) else: standard = iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '1,4,5,6', Stdout=1) except Exception as e: print e print "WARNING: no coordinate " + coordinatelist + " file found in " + snoopy2.__path__[ 0] + '/coordinate_std/' + dir_system + ' !!! ' src.close_program(logincl) stars = [] for i in standard: nome = string.split(i) stars.append(nome[0]) # _filter='XXX' src.delete("tmp." + img + ".coo") iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', img, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') if interactive: print '######### Select FRAME TILE on your DS9 !!!!!' _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image( snoopy2.__path__[0] + '/coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '_templ.fits', 2, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) iraf.tvmark(2, coordinatelist + '_templ.coo', mark="circle", number='no', label='yes', radii=20, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=214, txsize=4) _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', mark="circle", number='no', label='yes', radii=20, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=205, txsize=2) answ = raw_input( 'is the astrometry of the field good ? \n [y/n] ? [y] ') if not answ: answ = 'y' if answ == 'n': try: src.delete('tmp.' + img + '.coo') src.delete('tmp.ccdb') iraf.ccmap('_first.ccmap', 'tmp.ccdb', images=img, fitgeome='rscale', lngunit='degrees', update='yes', interact=False) iraf.wcsctran('', 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', img, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', mark="circle", number='no', label='yes', radii=20, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=206, txsize=4) answ = raw_input( 'AND NOW, is the astrometry of the field good [y/n] ? [y] ' ) if not answ: answ = 'y' except: pass while answ == 'n': _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) print '>> Identify (minimum 2, preferably 3) reference stars (mark with "a")' iraf.delete('tmp.coo', verify='no') iraf.imexamine(img, 1, logfile='tmp.coo', keeplog='yes') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.coo', mark="circle", number='yes', label='no', radii=15, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=214, txsize=4) xycoo = iraf.fields('tmp.coo', '1,2,13', Stdout=1) print '>> Identify reference stars' idcat = [] for i in range(len(xycoo)): idcat.append(raw_input('Star ' + str(i + 1) + '= ? ')) ff = open(coordinatelist + '.tv', 'r') rr = ff.readlines() ff.close() gg = open('tmp.ccmap', 'w') fw = [] for i in range(len(idcat)): idpos = stars.index(idcat[i]) _rr = string.split(rr[idpos]) _x, _y, _fw = string.split(xycoo[i]) gg.write(_x + ' ' + _y + ' ' + _rr[0] + ' ' + _rr[1] + ' \n') fw.append(float(_fw)) gg.close() iraf.delete('', verify='no') iraf.delete('_first.ccmap', verify='no') os.system('cp ' + coordinatelist + '.tv') os.system('cp tmp.ccmap _first.ccmap') iraf.ccmap('tmp.ccmap', 'tmp.ccdb', images=img, fitgeome='rscale', lngunit='degrees', update='yes', interact=False) _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) iraf.delete('tmp.' + img + '.coo', verify='no') iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', img, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', mark="circle", number='yes', label='no', radii=20, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=205, txsize=4) iraf.delete("tmp.ccmap", verify='no') iraf.delete("tmp.coo", verify='no') iraf.delete("tmp.ccdb", verify='no') answ = raw_input( 'is the astrometry of the field good [y/n] ? [y]') if not answ: answ = 'y' iraf.delete("", verify='no') iraf.ccfind('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '', img, lngcolu=2, latcolu=3, lngunit='degrees', usewcs='yes') iraf.ccmap('', 'tmp.ccdb', images=img, fitgeome='rscale', xcolum=9, ycolum=10, lngcolum=2, latcolumn=3, lngunit='degrees', update='yes', interact=False) iraf.delete('tmp.' + img + '.coo', verify='no') iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', img, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') iraf.delete("tmp.ccdb", verify='no') iraf.delete("", verify='no') iraf.delete("tmp.coo", verify='no') return stars, 'tmp.' + img + '.coo'
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, ds9, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False,_catalog='',_datamax=''): try: import agnkey hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print ('INSTRUMENT:', instrument) if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if 'kb' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 45000 elif 'fl' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 60000 elif 'fa' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 60000 elif 'fs' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 65000 try: #if 1==1: if 'WCSERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCSERR'] elif 'WCS_ERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCS_ERR'] print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'kb' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fl' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fa' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fs' in instrument: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except ValueError: # except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'.fits[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img+'.fits[0]', 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img+'[0]', 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) _ra1,_dec1,xx11,yy11,_mag,_dist = agnkey.agnastrodef.starsfields(img+'.fits',20,19) if len(_ra1): dist,pos0,pos1 = agnkey.agnastrodef.crossmatchxy(xs,ys,xx11,yy11,10) if len(pos0): xs = xs[pos0] ys = ys[pos0] ran = ran[pos0] decn = decn[pos0] magbest = magbest[pos0] classstar = classstar[pos0] fluxrad = fluxrad[pos0] bkg = bkg[pos0] ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) sect = '[' + str(x1) + ':' + str(x2) + ',' + str(y1) + ':' + str(y2) + ']' try: fmax = iraf.imstat(img+'.fits[0]' + sect, fields='max', Stdout=1)[1] ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) except: print sect # print 'problem here' # pass ff.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() elif _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog ' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # print '\n### use sextractor' # xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) # ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') # for i in range(len(xs)): # ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) # ff.close() ################################################################################### print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if ds9 == 0 and interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=False, Stdin=photmag) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='rectangle', length=35, label=False, Stdin=pst) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) new_cols = pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ]) tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(new_cols) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except IOError as e: print e result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale