def lris_standard(standards, xcorr=yes): '''Extract standard stars and calculate sensitivity functions.''' for ofile, nstd in standards: shutil.copy(ofile, "%s.fits" % nstd) # Extract standard if get_head("%s.fits" % nstd, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(nstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") else: iraf.apall(nstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") if xcorr: # Cross correlate to tweak wavelength iraf.xcsao("" % nstd, templates=XCTEMPLATE, correlate="wavelength", logfiles="%s.xcsao" % ofile) # If a solution was found, apply shift try: xcsaof = open("%s.xcsao" % ofile) shift = float(xcsaof.readlines()[6].split()[14]) except: shift = 0.0 iraf.specshift("" % nstd, -shift) # Create telluric iraf.splot("" % nstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % nstd, "/", "" % nstd, "telluric.%s.fits" % nstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.%s.fits" % nstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.%s.fits" % nstd) # Remove stellar features and resave # Create smoothed standard iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % nstd, "" % nstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % nstd, "/", "" % nstd, "" % nstd) # Apply telluric correction iraf.telluric("" % nstd, "" % nstd, "telluric.%s.fits" % nstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='4000:4010,6850:6975,7150:7350,7575:7725,8050:8400,8900:9725') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation obj=get_head("%s.fits" % nstd, "OBJECT") iraf.standard("" % nstd, "%s.std" % nstd, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=obj, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % nstd, '%s.sens' % nstd, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) return
def mk24noiseimage(self): os.chdir(self.imagepath24) # remove temp images if they exist os.system('rm temp*.fits') # multiply image by exptime x gain x coverage map scale=FLUXCONV*GAIN*EXPT iraf.imarith(operand1=self.sex_image,op='*',operand2=scale,result='temp1.fits') iraf.imarith(operand1='temp1.fits',op='*',operand2=self.cov_image,result='temp2.fits') # smooth image using iraf.images.imfilter.gauss iraf.gauss(input='temp2.fits',output='temp3.fits',sigma=2,nsigma=6) # take sqrt iraf.imfunction(input='temp3.fits',output='temp4.fits',function='sqrt') # divide by exptime x gain x coverage map iraf.imarith(operand1='temp4.fits',op='/',operand2=scale,result='temp5.fits') # mutliply image and sigma image by 100 s=self.prefix+'-scalednoise.fits' iraf.imarith(operand1='temp5.fits',op='*',operand2=100,result=s) s=self.prefix+'-scaled24.fits' iraf.imarith(operand1=self.sex_image,op='*',operand2=100,result=s)
def run_gauss(imageFilename, sigma): ''' using the image given, calls iraf's gauss method and returns the filename of the result, which is blurred using the sigma given parameter imageFilename - the original image's filename parameter sigma - the number of pixels to blur the image by returns - the blurred image's filename ''' newImageFilename = imageFilename[:-5] + "_gauss.fits" iraf.gauss(imageFilename, newImageFilename, sigma) return newImageFilename
def skyest(inputimg, segimg, gsigma): """ Rough estimate of local sky background. """ if len(glob.glob('segcutout*.fits')): os.system('rm segcutout*.fits') iraf.imexpr("a > 0 ? 100 : 0", "segcutout2.fits", a=segimg) # grow mask by Gaussian wing iraf.gauss(input="segcutout2.fits", output="segcutout3.fits", sigma=gsigma) h1 = h2 ='segcutout3.fits') him1 = h1[0].data # image data him2 = h2[0].data skyim = np.compress(him2.ravel() < 10., him1.ravel()) bkgnd = np.median(skyim) # take the median of unmasked sky #os.system('rm cutout.fits') os.system('rm segcutout*.fits') return bkgnd
def skyest(inputimg, segimg, gsigma): #if len(glob.glob("cutout.fits")): # os.system("rm cutout.fits") #iraf.imcopy("%s[%d:%d,%d:%d]"%(inputimg,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax),"cutout.fits") #iraf.imcopy(segimg+"[%d:%d,%d:%d]"%(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax),"segcutout.fits") if len(glob.glob('segcutout*.fits')): os.system('rm segcutout*.fits') iraf.imexpr("a > 0 ? 100 : 0", "segcutout2.fits", a=segimg) # grow mask by Gaussian wing iraf.gauss(input="segcutout2.fits", output="segcutout3.fits", sigma=gsigma) h1 = h2 ='segcutout3.fits') him1 = h1[0].data # image data him2 = h2[0].data skyim = compress(him2.ravel() < 10., him1.ravel()) bkgnd = median(skyim) # take the median of unmasked sky #os.system('rm cutout.fits') os.system('rm segcutout*.fits') return bkgnd
def prep(df_image, hi_res_image): 'run SExtractor to get bright sources that are easily detected in the high resolution data' ##### DEB: Can choose to run sextractor more or less aggressively'sex %s' % hi_res_image, shell=True) 'copy the segmentation map to a mask' iraf.imcopy('seg.fits', '_mask.fits') 'replace the values in the segments in the segmentation map (i.e. stars) all to 1, all the background is still 0' iraf.imreplace('_mask.fits', 1, lower=0.5) 'multiply the mask (with 1s at the stars) by the high res image to get the star flux back - now have the flux model' iraf.imarith('_mask.fits', '*', '%s' % hi_res_image, '_fluxmod_cfht') 'smooth the flux model' 'increase size of mask, so more is subtracted' 'the "1.5" in the next line should be a user-defined parameter that is given' 'to the script; it controls how much of the low surface brightness' 'emission in the outskirts of galaxies is subtracted. This choice' 'depends on the science application' iraf.gauss('_fluxmod_cfht', '_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 2.5) ### nsigma=4 ''' imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs -1 lower=0 upper=0 imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs 1 lower=-0.5 imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs 0 upper=-0.5 imarith _cfht_r * _fluxmod_cfht_rs _fluxmod_cfht_r_new ''' ''' # this is the key new step! we're registering the CFHT image # to a frame that is 4x finer sampled than the Dragonfly image. # this avoids all the pixelation effects we had before. # (4x seems enough; but we could have it as a free parameter - need # to be careful as it occurs elsewhere in the scripts too) blkrep _df_g _df_g4 4 4 ''' 'register the flux model onto the same pixel scale as the dragonfly image' iraf.wregister('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', '%s' % df_image, '_fluxmod_dragonfly', interpo='linear', fluxcon='yes') return None
def prep(df_image,hi_res_image,width_mask=1.5,unmaskgal=False,galvalues = None): print "\n************ Running the preparation steps ************\n" iraf.imdel('_mask.fits') iraf.imdel('_fluxmod_cfht*.fits') iraf.imdel('_df_4*.fits') 'run SExtractor to get bright sources that are easily detected in the high resolution data''sex %s'%hi_res_image,shell=True) ##### Add in option to change sextractor threshold detect_thresh and analysis_thresh 2/3 'copy the segmentation map to a mask' iraf.imcopy('seg.fits','_mask.fits') ##### Add step to get rid of diffraction spikes if unmaskgal: 'Run SExtractor to get values for the central galaxy' print '\nDoing a second sextractor run to unmask central galaxy. \n' analysis_thresh_lg=2;back_size_lg=128;detect_thresh_lg=2;detect_minarea_lg=60 segname = run_SExtractor(hi_res_image,detect_thresh=detect_thresh_lg,analysis_thresh=analysis_thresh_lg,back_size=back_size_lg,detect_minarea=detect_minarea_lg) print '\nSegmentation map is named: '+segname 'Open up the data' seg2data = fits.getdata(segname) segdata,segheader = fits.getdata('_mask.fits',header=True) 'Detect sources from the segmentation map' from photutils import detect_sources segrefdata = detect_sources(seg2data, 3, npixels=5)#, filter_kernel=kernel) segrefdata = segrefname = re.sub('.fits','_ds.fits',segname) writeFITS(segrefdata,segheader,segrefname) print '\nSource separated segmentation map is named: '+segrefname 'Use detected source seg map to mask galaxies' #galvalues = [3531,5444,5496] print 'Unmask the galaxies in the mask from the original segmap. \n' segdatanew = unmaskgalaxy(segdata,'_mask.fits',segrefname=segrefname,segref=segrefdata,galvalues=galvalues) writeFITS(segdatanew,segheader,'_mask.fits') if verbose: print_verbose_string('Carrying on') 'replace the values in the segments in the segmentation map (i.e. stars) all to 1, all the background is still 0' iraf.imreplace('_mask.fits',1,lower=0.5) 'multiply the mask (with 1s at the stars) by the high res image to get the star flux back - now have the flux model' iraf.imarith('_mask.fits','*','%s'%hi_res_image,'_fluxmod_cfht') 'smooth the flux model' 'increase size of mask, so more is subtracted' 'the "1.5" in the next line should be a user-defined parameter that is given' 'to the script; it controls how much of the low surface brightness' 'emission in the outskirts of galaxies is subtracted. This choice' 'depends on the science application' iraf.gauss('_fluxmod_cfht','_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed',width_mask,nsigma=4.) iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', -1, lower=0, upper=0) iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 1, lower=-0.5) iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 0, upper=-0.5) iraf.imarith('%s'%hi_res_image, '*','_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', '_fluxmod_cfht_new') ' this is the key new step! we"re registering the CFHT image' ' to a frame that is 4x finer sampled than the Dragonfly image.' ' this avoids all the pixelation effects we had before.' ' (4x seems enough; but we could have it as a free parameter - need' ' to be careful as it occurs elsewhere in the scripts too) ' iraf.blkrep('%s'%df_image,'_df_4',4,4) 'register the flux model onto the same pixel scale as the dragonfly image' iraf.wregister('_fluxmod_cfht_new','_df_4','_fluxmod_dragonfly',interpo='linear',fluxcon='yes') return None
def lris_standard(standards, xcorr=yes): '''Extract standard stars and calculate sensitivity functions.''' for ofile, nstd in standards: shutil.copy(ofile, "%s.fits" % nstd) # Extract standard if get_head("%s.fits" % nstd, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(nstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") else: iraf.apall(nstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") if xcorr: # Cross correlate to tweak wavelength iraf.xcsao("" % nstd, templates=XCTEMPLATE, correlate="wavelength", logfiles="%s.xcsao" % ofile) # If a solution was found, apply shift try: xcsaof = open("%s.xcsao" % ofile) shift = float(xcsaof.readlines()[6].split()[14]) except: shift = 0.0 iraf.specshift("" % nstd, -shift) # Create telluric iraf.splot("" % nstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % nstd, "/", "" % nstd, "telluric.%s.fits" % nstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.%s.fits" % nstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.%s.fits" % nstd) # Remove stellar features and resave # Create smoothed standard iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % nstd, "" % nstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % nstd, "/", "" % nstd, "" % nstd) # Apply telluric correction iraf.telluric( "" % nstd, "" % nstd, "telluric.%s.fits" % nstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='4000:4010,6850:6975,7150:7350,7575:7725,8050:8400,8900:9725' ) # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation obj = get_head("%s.fits" % nstd, "OBJECT") iraf.standard("" % nstd, "%s.std" % nstd, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=obj, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % nstd, '%s.sens' % nstd, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) return
def deimos_standard(standard): '''Extract standard star and calculate sensitivit function.''' bstd = "%s_01_B" % standard; rstd = "%s_01_R" % standard # Extract standard if get_head("%s.fits" % bstd, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") iraf.apall(rstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") else: iraf.apall(bstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") iraf.apall(rstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") # Fit the continuum #iraf.continuum("" % bstd, output="" % bstd, lines=1, bands=1, # type="fit", sample="*", naverage=1, function="chebyshev", # order=15, low_reject=3.0, high_reject=5.0, niterate=10, grow=1.0, # interac=yes) #iraf.continuum("" % rstd, output="" % rstd, lines=1, bands=1, # type="fit", sample="*", naverage=1, function="chebyshev", # order=15, low_reject=3.0, high_reject=5.0, niterate=10, grow=1.0, # interac=yes) # Create telluric iraf.splot("" % bstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd) # Remove stellar features and resave iraf.splot("" % rstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd) # Remove stellar features and resave # Create smoothed standard iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % bstd, "" % bstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "" % bstd) iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % rstd, "" % rstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "" % rstd) # Divide through by smoothed standard #iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "" % bstd) #iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "" % rstd) # Create and apply telluric correction #iraf.splot("" % bstd) # Remove telluric, save as #iraf.splot("" % rstd) # Remove telluric, save as #iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "telluric.B.fits") #iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "telluric.R.fits") #iraf.imreplace("telluric.B.fits", 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) #iraf.imreplace("telluric.R.fits", 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.telluric("" % bstd, "" % bstd, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') iraf.telluric("" % rstd, "" % rstd, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard("" % bstd, "%s.B.std" % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=standard, airmass='', exptime='') iraf.standard("" % rstd, "%s.R.std" % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=standard, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.B.std' % standard, '%s.B.sens' % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) iraf.sensfunc('%s.R.std' % standard, '%s.R.sens' % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) return
def convolve_images(): for i in range(nfiles): convolved_image = 'g'+files[i] gauss(input=files[i],output=convolved_image,sigma=sigma_filter[i])
def gauss2(fn): iraf.images() iraf.imfilter() for i in (fn): iraf.gauss(i, i, '2')
def gauss2(setup, filelist): iraf.images() iraf.imfilter() for i in (filelist): name = setup + '/' + i iraf.gauss(name, name, '2')
def fitone(self, objectid, psffile=None, magzpt=None, exptime=1.0): """ A driver function that fits one object, given its ID. Most of the work is done here. Provide a PSF file and magnitude zero point for each object! """ if psffile == None: psffile = self.psffile if magzpt == None: magzpt = self.magzpt idcrit = (self.id_array == objectid) ra = self.ra_array[idcrit][0] dec = self.dec_array[idcrit][0] mag = self.mag_array[idcrit][0] Re = self.Re_array[idcrit][0] axratio = self.axratio_array[idcrit][0] theta = self.theta_array[idcrit][0] isoarea = self.isoarea_array[idcrit][0] # Now figure out image coordinates x = self.x_array[idcrit][0] y = self.y_array[idcrit][0] print "x, y =", x, y OUT1 = open(self.crashes, "ab") OUT2 = open(self.fitted, "ab") # now create arrays that will be included in this GALFIT run id_fit = [objectid] mag_fit = [mag] Re_fit = [Re] x_fit = [x] y_fit = [y] theta_fit = [theta] axratio_fit = [axratio] # step 1: determine temporary image size # Experimental image size majx = abs(N.sqrt(isoarea) * 4. * N.sin(theta / 180. * N.pi)) # convert degree into radian majy = abs(N.sqrt(isoarea) * 4. * N.cos(theta / 180. * N.pi)) minx = axratio * N.sqrt(isoarea) * 4. * abs( N.sin((theta + N.pi / 2.) / 180. * N.pi)) miny = axratio * N.sqrt(isoarea) * 4. * abs( N.sin((theta + N.pi / 2.) / 180. * N.pi)) #Re_max = 20. Re_max = 60 if Re > Re_max: Re_max = Re xsize = majx # determine the offset of this cutout relative to the entire mosaic if minx >= majx: xsize = minx if xsize <= 30.: xsize = 30. ysize = majy if miny >= majy: ysize = miny if ysize <= 30.: ysize = 30. xmin = int(x - xsize) if xmin <= 0: xmin = 1 xmax = int(x + xsize) ymin = int(y - ysize) if ymin <= 0: ymin = 1 ymax = int(y + ysize) # construct postage stamp name outname = self.root + '/obj%d_out.fits' % objectid # step 2: determine which objects to be included for jj in range(self.nobj_all): # iterate through other objects if self.id_array[jj] != objectid: dx = x - self.x_array[jj] dy = y - self.y_array[jj] dist = N.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) # Fit all objects that fall within a certain # radius of the central object: radck = N.sqrt(self.isoarea_array[jj]) angle = N.arctan2(dy, dx) phi = N.pi / 2. - (self.theta_array[jj] / 180. * N.pi + N.pi / 2. - angle) thetap = N.arctan2(self.axratio_array[jj] * N.tan(phi), 1.) isorad = radck * N.sqrt((self.axratio_array[jj] * N.cos(thetap))**2 + N.sin(thetap)**2) # If object is within the fitted image region... if (((self.x_array[jj] >= xmin) and (self.x_array[jj] <= xmax) and (self.y_array[jj] >= ymin) and (self.y_array[jj] <= ymax) and # but is greater than 2 Re away, and is not more than 3 mag fainter, or ((dist > 2 * Re and self.mag_array[jj] - 3. <= mag) or # is less than 2 Re away and not more than 5 mag fainter, or (dist < 2. * Re and self.mag_array[jj] - 5. <= mag))) or # is outside image, but is about 3 Re away and 1 mag brighter ((self.x_array[jj] >= (xmin - isorad) and (self.x_array[jj] <= (xmax + isorad) and (self.y_array[jj] >= (ymin - isorad)) and (self.y_array[jj] <= (ymax + isorad)) and (self.mag_array[jj] + 1.) <= mag)))): id_fit += [self.id_array[jj]] x_fit += [self.x_array[jj]] y_fit += [self.y_array[jj]] mag_fit += [self.mag_array[jj]] Re_fit += [self.Re_array[jj]] axratio_fit += [self.axratio_array[jj]] theta_fit += [self.theta_array[jj]] if self.Re_array[jj] > Re_max: Re_max = self.Re_array[jj] # step 3: determine fitting size & copy images # Determine image fitting size and convolution box info # into the galfit template file Refrac = 0.7 #Refrac = 2.0 if xmin >= min(x_fit) - Refrac * Re_max: xmin = min(x_fit) - Refrac * Re_max if xmin < 1: xmin = 1 if ymin >= min(y_fit) - Refrac * Re_max: ymin = min(y_fit) - Refrac * Re_max if ymin < 1: ymin = 1 if xmax <= max(x_fit) + Refrac * Re_max: xmax = max(x_fit) + Refrac * Re_max if ymax <= max(y_fit) + Refrac * Re_max: ymax = max(y_fit) + Refrac * Re_max #cbox = 60 imgxsize = xmax - xmin + 1 imgysize = ymax - ymin + 1 if os.path.exists(outname): os.remove(outname) # copy drizzled images if os.path.exists(self.root + '/obj%d_drz.fits' % objectid): os.system('rm %s/obj%d_drz.fits' % (self.root, objectid)) drzimg = self.sci_image + '[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) iraf.imcopy(drzimg, self.root + '/obj%d_drz.fits' % objectid) h = + '/obj%d_drz.fits' % objectid, 'update') h[0].header.update('xmin', xmin) h[0].header.update('xmax', xmax) h[0].header.update('ymin', ymin) h[0].header.update('ymax', ymax) h[0].header.update('exptime', exptime) h.flush() h.close() # copy sigma image if os.path.exists(self.root + '/obj%d_rms.fits' % objectid): os.system('rm %s/obj%d_rms.fits' % (self.root, objectid)) iraf.imcopy( self.rms_image + '[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), self.root + '/obj%d_rms.fits' % objectid) # copy segmentation images if os.path.exists(self.root + '/obj%d_seg.fits' % objectid): os.system('rm %s/obj%d_seg.fits' % (self.root, objectid)) iraf.imcopy( self.seg_image + '[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), self.root + '/obj%d_seg.fits' % objectid) # make mask image -- zero-out the included components in the mask image if os.path.exists("mask2.fits"): iraf.imdelete("mask2.fits") if os.path.exists("mask3.fits"): iraf.imdelete("mask3.fits") maskexpr = "" maskname = self.root + "/obj%d_seg.fits" % objectid print "id_fit", id_fit for j in range(len(id_fit)): inid = id_fit[j] maskexpr = maskexpr + "(a==%d)" % inid if j != len(id_fit) - 1: maskexpr = maskexpr + "||" print maskexpr # Now make the masks # In GALFIT, good pixels have mask value 0, while bad pixels have mask values > 0 iraf.imexpr(maskexpr + " ? 0 : a", "mask2.fits", a=maskname) # After this step, the only non-zero pixels will be those belonging to the objects that are NOT # included in the list id_fit. # Now flatten the mask image and convolve with a Gaussian, in order to grow the masked region a little bit # to account for wings of objects. iraf.imexpr("a>0 ? 100. : 0.", "mask3.fits", a="mask2.fits") iraf.gauss(input="mask3.fits", output="mask3.fits", sigma=5) if os.path.exists(self.root + '/mask_obj%d.fits' % objectid): os.remove(self.root + '/mask_obj%d.fits' % objectid) iraf.imexpr("a<=10. ? 0. : a", self.root + "/mask_obj%d.fits" % objectid, a="mask3.fits") os.remove("mask2.fits") os.remove("mask3.fits") # step 4: write GALFIT input file parfile = "obj%d" % objectid f = open(parfile, 'w') # Write image parameters print >> f, "===============================================================================" print >> f, "# IMAGE PARAMETERS" print >> f, "A) %s/obj%d_drz.fits # Input Data image (FITS file) " % ( self.root, objectid) print >> f, "B) %s/obj%d_out.fits # Output data image block " % ( self.root, objectid) print >> f, 'C) %s/obj%d_rms.fits # Noise image name (made from data if blank or "none") ' % ( self.root, objectid) print >> f, "D) %s # Input PSF image for convolution (FITS file) " % psffile print >> f, "E) 1 # PSF oversampling factor relative to data " print >> f, "F) %s/mask_obj%d.fits # Bad pixel mask (FITS image or ASCII coord list)" % ( self.root, objectid) print >> f, "G) %s # Parameter constraint file " % self.constraint_file print >> f, "H) %d %d %d %d # Image region to fit " % (1, imgxsize, 1, imgysize) print >> f, "I) %d %d # Size of the convolution box (x y)" % ( self.cbox, self.cbox) print >> f, "J) %f # Magnitude photometric zeropoint " % magzpt print >> f, "K) %s %s # Plate scale (dx dy). " % (self.xscale, self.yscale) print >> f, "O) regular # Display type (regular, curses, both) " print >> f, "P) 0 # Create ouput only? (1=yes; 0=optimize) " print >> f, "S) 0 # Modify/create objects interactively? " print >> f, "" print >> f, "# INITIAL FITTING PARAMETERS " print >> f, "" print >> f, "# For object type, allowed functions are: sersic, nuker, " print >> f, "# expdisk, devauc, moffat, gaussian. " print >> f, "" print >> f, "# Objtype: Fit? Parameters " print >> f, "" # Write individual component for j in range(len(id_fit)): self.component(f, j + 1, x_fit[j] - xmin + 1, y_fit[j] - ymin + 1, mag_fit[j], Re_fit[j], axratio_fit[j], theta_fit[j]) # Make sky component #bkgnd = skyest('images/obj%d_drz.fits'%objectid,'images/obj%d_seg.fits'%objectid,5.) bkgnd = 0., len(id_fit) + 1, bkgnd) f.close() # step 5: run GALFIT t1 = time.time() galfitrun = subprocess.Popen(["galfit", parfile], stdout=sys.stdout) # runs GALFIT # ======================================================= # # Try to time GALFIT and kill it after spending more than # 10 min on one object # ======================================================= # timelimit = 10. * 60. # time limit: 10 minutes timeint = 10. # check every 10 seconds maxcheck = int(timelimit / timeint) kill = 1 for j in range(maxcheck): time.sleep(timeint) # sleep for check time interval if galfitrun.poll() == None: # if it's still running: pass # haven't reached time limit; let it run else: kill = 0 # finished before time limit; don't need to kill break # jump out of process checking if kill: # if reached time limit and still running: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) # kill GALFIT print "Killed GALFIT; GALFIT froze" retcode = galfitrun.returncode t2 = time.time() try: print >> OUT1, "returned code is %d" % retcode except: print >> OUT1, "returned code is ", retcode dt = t2 - t1 if retcode != 7: # not sure about the behavior when GALFIT crashes...!!! print >> OUT1, "%d %s" % (objectid, parfile) else: print >> OUT2, "%s-wmask-out.fits %.1f seconds" % (outname, dt) OUT1.close() OUT2.close() print "Finishes GALFIT fitting"
def blue_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, outflat='Flat-Blue.fits', gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE, arc='Arc-Blue.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(arcs, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(flats, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Create and apply flat-field for i in range(len(flats)): flats[i] = 'j%s' % flats[i] make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % arcs[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object == None: object = get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution reference_arc('j%s' % arcs[0], arc, 'j%s' % image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.s' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
def red_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE, arc='Arc-Red.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(arcs, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) arcimages=','.join(arcs) iraf.ccdproc(arcs, ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall(image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution iraf.imarith(arcs[0], '+', arcs[1], 'Arc-Sum.fits') reference_arc('Arc-Sum.fits', arc, image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', 'temp1', 'telluric') iraf.splot('telluric', 1, 1) iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, 'telluric', xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.t' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
def convolve_images(): for i in range(nfiles): convolved_image = 'g' + files[i] gauss(input=files[i], output=convolved_image, sigma=sigma_filter[i])
def deimos_standard(standard): '''Extract standard star and calculate sensitivit function.''' bstd = "%s_01_B" % standard rstd = "%s_01_R" % standard # Extract standard if get_head("%s.fits" % bstd, "SKYSUB"): iraf.apall(bstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") iraf.apall(rstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="none") else: iraf.apall(bstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") iraf.apall(rstd, output="", inter=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background="fit") # Fit the continuum #iraf.continuum("" % bstd, output="" % bstd, lines=1, bands=1, # type="fit", sample="*", naverage=1, function="chebyshev", # order=15, low_reject=3.0, high_reject=5.0, niterate=10, grow=1.0, # interac=yes) #iraf.continuum("" % rstd, output="" % rstd, lines=1, bands=1, # type="fit", sample="*", naverage=1, function="chebyshev", # order=15, low_reject=3.0, high_reject=5.0, niterate=10, grow=1.0, # interac=yes) # Create telluric iraf.splot("" % bstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd) # Remove stellar features and resave iraf.splot("" % rstd) # Remove telluric and absorption, save as iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd) iraf.imreplace("telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.splot("telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd) # Remove stellar features and resave # Create smoothed standard iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % bstd, "" % bstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "" % bstd) iraf.gauss("[*,1,1]" % rstd, "" % rstd, 5.0) iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "" % rstd) # Divide through by smoothed standard #iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "" % bstd) #iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "" % rstd) # Create and apply telluric correction #iraf.splot("" % bstd) # Remove telluric, save as #iraf.splot("" % rstd) # Remove telluric, save as #iraf.sarith("" % bstd, "/", "" % bstd, "telluric.B.fits") #iraf.sarith("" % rstd, "/", "" % rstd, "telluric.R.fits") #iraf.imreplace("telluric.B.fits", 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) #iraf.imreplace("telluric.R.fits", 1.0, lower=0.0, upper=0.0) iraf.telluric("" % bstd, "" % bstd, "telluric.B.%s.fits" % bstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') iraf.telluric("" % rstd, "" % rstd, "telluric.R.%s.fits" % rstd, xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard("" % bstd, "%s.B.std" % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=standard, airmass='', exptime='') iraf.standard("" % rstd, "%s.R.std" % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', caldir='home$standards/', observatory='Keck', interac=yes, star_name=standard, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.B.std' % standard, '%s.B.sens' % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) iraf.sensfunc('%s.R.std' % standard, '%s.R.sens' % standard, extinction='home$extinct/maunakeaextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Keck', function='legendre', order=4, interactive=yes) return
def blue_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, outflat='Flat-Blue.fits', gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE, arc='Arc-Blue.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(arcs, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(flats, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Create and apply flat-field for i in range(len(flats)): flats[i]='j%s' % flats[i] make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % arcs[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution reference_arc('j%s' % arcs[0], arc, 'j%s' % image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.s' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
def subract(df_image,shifts=99.99,width_cfhtsm=0.,upperlim=0.04,medphotosc=True,numsources=100,sigmaclip=False,cutout=False): print "\n************ Running the subtraction steps ************\n" #iraf.imdel('_psf*.fits') #iraf.imdel('_model*.fits') #iraf.imdel('_df_sub') iraf.imdel('_res*.fits') iraf.imdel('cc_images') iraf.imdel('_model_sh') iraf.imdel('_model_sc') iraf.imdel('_model_mask') iraf.imdel('_model_maskb') 'shift the images so they have the same physical coordinates' if shifts[0]==99.99: print('\n**** Calculating shifts... ****\n') iraf.stsdas.analysis.dither.crossdriz('_df_sub.fits','_model.fits','cc_images',dinp='no',dref='no') iraf.stsdas.analysis.dither.shiftfind('cc_images.fits','shift_values') x_shift=0 y_shift=0 with open('shift_values','r') as datafile: line = x_shift = float(line[2]) y_shift = float(line[4]) print('Shifting model image by x and y: '+str(x_shift)+','+str(y_shift)) iraf.imshift('_model','_model_sh',0-x_shift,0-y_shift) else: print('Shifting model image by x and y: '+str(shifts[0])+','+str(shifts[1])) iraf.imshift('_model','_model_sh',shifts[0],shifts[1]) 'scale the model so that roughly the same as the _df_sub image' # if usemodelpsf: # iraf.imarith('_model_sh','/',16.,'_model_sc') # else: 'the photometric step, matching the images to each other. ' 'in principle this comes from the headers - both datasets are calibrated,' 'so this multiplication should be something like 10^((ZP_DF - ZP_CFHT)/-2.5)' '(perhaps with a correction for the difference in pixel size - depending' 'on what wregister does - so another factor (PIX_SIZE_DF)^2/(PIX_SIZE_CFHT)^2' avgphotosc,medianphotosc = getphotosc('_model_sh.fits','_df_sub.fits',numsources=numsources,sigmaclip=sigmaclip,cutout=cutout) if medphotosc: photosc = medianphotosc print 'Using median calculated photosc: %s'%photosc else: photosc = avgphotosc print 'Using average calculated photosc: %s'%photosc iraf.imarith('_model_sh','*',photosc,'_model_sc') iraf.imdel('_df_ga.fits') 'correction for the smoothing that was applied to the CFHT' if width_cfhtsm != 0: iraf.gauss('_df_sub','_df_ga',width_cfhtsm) # iraf.gauss('%s'%df_image,'_df_ga',width_cfhtsm) else: print 'WARNING: No smoothing applied to the dragonfly image before subtracting the model.' iraf.imcopy('_df_sub.fits','_df_ga.fits') 'subtract the model from the dragonfly cutout' iraf.imarith('_df_ga','-','_model_sc','_res') 'duplicate the residual so that we can redo the masking step later' iraf.imcopy('_res.fits','_res_org.fits') 'mask the image to get block out stuff that didnt subtract nicely' mask('_res',upperlim=upperlim) return None
def red_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE, arc='Arc-Red.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(arcs, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) arcimages = ','.join(arcs) iraf.ccdproc(arcs, ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object == None: object = get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall(image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution iraf.imarith(arcs[0], '+', arcs[1], 'Arc-Sum.fits') reference_arc('Arc-Sum.fits', arc, image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', 'temp1', 'telluric') iraf.splot('telluric', 1, 1) iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, 'telluric', xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.t' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return