Example #1
# coding: utf-8

from pkg_resources import get_distribution

from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound
from pyramid.view import static_view
from pyramid.view import view_config

# www is a view for static files; it will be found when all other
# views fail to be found (it's a NotFound view)
www = static_view('hugitout:static', cache_max_age=86400)

cache_one_hour = 3600
cache_one_day = 86400
never_cache = 0

@view_config(name='versions.json', renderer='json', http_cache=cache_one_hour)
def versions(request):
    pjqm_dist = get_distribution('pyramid_jqm')
    pyramid_dist = get_distribution('pyramid')
    return {'pjqm_version':pjqm_dist.version,

@view_config(name='countries.json', renderer='json', http_cache=cache_one_day)
def countries(request):
    return countrylist

@view_config(name='webframeworks.json', renderer='json',
def webframeworks(crequest):
    return webframework_list
from pyramid.config import Configurator
#from pyramid.session import UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig
from pyramid_beaker import session_factory_from_settings
from pyramid.view import static_view
from pyramid.renderers import JSON
from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config
from ddb.controller.map import map_include
from ddb.controller.api import api_include

from .models import (

ddb_static_view = static_view('ddb:static', use_subpath=True)

def include_static(config):
    config.add_route("static", "/static/*subpath")
    config.add_view(ddb_static_view, route_name="static")

def main(global_config, **settings):

    Returns Pyramid WSGI application.

    engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
    Base.metadata.bind = engine
Example #3
from pyramid.config import Configurator
#from pyramid.session import UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig
from pyramid_beaker import session_factory_from_settings
from pyramid.view import static_view
from pyramid.renderers import JSON
from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config
from ddb.controller.map import map_include
from ddb.controller.api import api_include

from .models import (

ddb_static_view = static_view('ddb:static', use_subpath=True)

def include_static(config):
    config.add_route("static", "/static/*subpath")
    config.add_view(ddb_static_view, route_name="static")

def main(global_config, **settings):

    Returns Pyramid WSGI application.

    engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
Example #4
from pyramid.renderers import render_to_response
from pyramid.view import static_view
from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid_xmlrpc import xmlrpc_view
from webob import Response
from models import Server
from logger import LOG

    from zopyx.smartprintng.authentication import authenticateRequest, authorizeRequest
    have_authentication = True
except ImportError:
    from nullauth import authenticateRequest, authorizeRequest
    have_authentication = False

static_view = static_view('templates/static', use_subpath=True)

# HTTP views

@view_config(for_=Server, request_method='GET', permission='read')
class index(object):
    """ The default view providing some system information """

    def __init__(self, context, request):
        self.context = context
        self.request = request

    def __call__(self):