Example #1
def roipac_prepifg(base_ifg_paths, params):
    Prepare ROI_PAC interferograms which combines both conversion to geotiff
    and multilooking/cropping operations.

    :param list base_ifg_paths: List of unwrapped interferograms
    :param dict params: Parameters dictionary corresponding to config file
    log.info("Preparing ROI_PAC format interferograms")
    parallel = params[cf.PARALLEL]

    if parallel:
        log.info("Parallel prepifg is not implemented for ROI_PAC")

    log.info("Running prepifg in serial")
    xlooks, ylooks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
    rsc_file = os.path.join(params[cf.DEM_HEADER_FILE])
    if rsc_file is not None:
        projection = roipac.parse_header(rsc_file)[ifc.PYRATE_DATUM]
        raise roipac.RoipacException('No DEM resource/header file is '
    dest_base_ifgs = [os.path.join(params[cf.OUT_DIR],
                                   os.path.basename(q).split('.')[0] + '_' +
                                   os.path.basename(q).split('.')[1] + '.tif')
                      for q in base_ifg_paths]

    for b, d in zip(base_ifg_paths, dest_base_ifgs):
        header_file = "%s.%s" % (b, ROI_PAC_HEADER_FILE_EXT)
        header = roipac.manage_header(header_file, projection)
        write_geotiff(header, b, d, nodata=params[cf.NO_DATA_VALUE])
        dest_base_ifgs, crop_opt=crop, xlooks=xlooks, ylooks=ylooks)
Example #2
    def test_parse_full_roipac_header(self):
        # Ensures "long style" original header can be parsed correctly
        hdrs = roipac.parse_header(FULL_HEADER_PATH)

        # check DATE/ DATE12 fields are parsed correctly
        date0 = date(2006, 6, 19)  # from "DATE 060619" header
        date2 = date(2006, 8, 28)  # from DATE12 060619-060828
        self.assertEqual(hdrs[ifc.MASTER_DATE], date0)
        self.assertEqual(hdrs[ifc.SLAVE_DATE], date2)
Example #3
 def test_parse_short_roipac_header(self):
     hdrs = roipac.parse_header(SHORT_HEADER_PATH)
     self.assertEqual(hdrs[ifc.PYRATE_NCOLS], 47)
     self.assertEqual(hdrs[ifc.PYRATE_NROWS], 72)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(hdrs[ifc.PYRATE_LONG], 150.910)
     self.assertEqual(hdrs[ifc.PYRATE_X_STEP], 0.000833333)
     self.assertEqual(hdrs[ifc.PYRATE_LAT], -34.170000000)
     self.assertEqual(hdrs[ifc.PYRATE_Y_STEP], -0.000833333)
     self.assertEqual(hdrs[ifc.PYRATE_WAVELENGTH_METRES], 0.0562356424)
Example #4
    def test_parse_short_header_has_timespan(self):
        # Ensures TIME_SPAN_YEAR field is added during parsing
        hdrs = roipac.parse_header(SHORT_HEADER_PATH)
        self.assertIn(roipac.TIME_SPAN_YEAR, hdrs.keys())

        # check time span calc
        master = date(2006, 6, 19)
        slave = date(2006, 10, 2)
        diff = (slave - master).days / ifc.DAYS_PER_YEAR
        self.assertEqual(diff, hdrs[roipac.TIME_SPAN_YEAR])
Example #5
    def test_to_geotiff_dem(self):
        hdr = roipac.parse_header(SML_TEST_DEM_HDR)
        self.dest = os.path.join(TEMPDIR, "tmp_roipac_dem.tif")

        write_geotiff(hdr, SML_TEST_DEM_ROIPAC, self.dest, nodata=0)
        exp_path = join(SML_TEST_DEM_DIR, 'roipac_test_trimmed.tif')
        exp_ds = gdal.Open(exp_path)
        ds = gdal.Open(self.dest)

        # compare data and geographic headers
        assert_array_almost_equal(exp_ds.ReadAsArray(), ds.ReadAsArray())
        self.compare_rasters(ds, exp_ds)
Example #6
    def requires(self):
        if self.resourceHeader is not None:
            header = parse_header(self.resourceHeader)
            if ifc.PYRATE_DATUM not in header:
                raise Exception('Error: header/resource file does not '
                                'include DATUM and -p option not given')
            projection = header[ifc.PYRATE_DATUM]
            if self.projection:
                projection = self.projection
                raise Exception('Error: no header/resource file given '
                                'and -p option not specified')

        ifg_files = self.ifg_list(tif=False)
        tasks = [
            ConvertFileToGeotiff(inputFile=path, projection=projection)
            for path in ifg_files
        return tasks
Example #7
 def test_xylast(self):
     # Test the X_LAST and Y_LAST header elements are calculated
     hdrs = roipac.parse_header(FULL_HEADER_PATH)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(hdrs[roipac.X_LAST], 151.8519444445)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(hdrs[roipac.Y_LAST], -34.625)
Example #8
 def test_read_full_roipac_header2(self):
     # Tests header from cropped original dataset is parsed correctly
     hdrs = roipac.parse_header(FULL_HEADER_PATH)
     self.assertTrue(len(hdrs) is not None)
Example #9
 def setUpClass(cls):
     hdr_path = join(PREP_TEST_OBS, 'geo_060619-061002.unw.rsc')
     cls.HDRS = roipac.parse_header(hdr_path)