def _get_driver(driver_type, region='ORD'):
    Returns the appropriate diver for the specified rackspace product.

    Available options include::
        lb: Cloud Load Balancers
        db: Cloud Databases
        dns: Cloud DNS
        bs: Cloud Block Storage
        mon: Cloud Monitoring
        net: Cloud Networks
        cf: Cloud Files
        cs: Cloud Servers

    :param driver_type: A str or unicode object for the appropriate type of
    driver above.
    :param region: A str or unicode object specify which region the driver
    should be initialized for.
    :return: A driver object initialized to the specified region
    :raise TypeError:
    :raise KeyError: If no valid drivers are found
    if not isinstance(driver_type, six.string_types):
        raise TypeError("driver_type must be str or unicode object")
    if not isinstance(region, six.string_types):
        raise TypeError("region must be str or unicode object")
    region = region.upper()

    if driver_type == "lb":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region)

    if driver_type == "db":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases(region)

    if driver_type == "dns":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns()

    if driver_type == "bs":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage(region)

    if driver_type == "mon":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_monitoring(region)

    if driver_type == "net":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks(region)

    if driver_type == 'cf':
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(region)

    if driver_type == 'cs':
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region)

    raise KeyError(u"No Driver found by: {}".format(driver_type))
def _get_driver(driver_type, region='ORD'):
    Returns the appropriate diver for the specified rackspace product.

    Available options include::
        lb: Cloud Load Balancers
        db: Cloud Databases
        dns: Cloud DNS
        bs: Cloud Block Storage
        mon: Cloud Monitoring
        net: Cloud Networks
        cf: Cloud Files
        cs: Cloud Servers

    :param driver_type: A str or unicode object for the appropriate type of
    driver above.
    :param region: A str or unicode object specify which region the driver
    should be initialized for.
    :return: A driver object initialized to the specified region
    :raise TypeError:
    :raise KeyError: If no valid drivers are found
    if not isinstance(driver_type, six.string_types):
        raise TypeError("driver_type must be str or unicode object")
    if not isinstance(region, six.string_types):
        raise TypeError("region must be str or unicode object")
    region = region.upper()

    if driver_type == "lb":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region)

    if driver_type == "db":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases(region)

    if driver_type == "dns":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns()

    if driver_type == "bs":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage(region)

    if driver_type == "mon":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_monitoring(region)

    if driver_type == "net":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks(region)

    if driver_type == 'cf':
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(region)

    if driver_type == 'cs':
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region)

    raise KeyError(u"No Driver found by: {}".format(driver_type))
    def _get_client(self):
        username = self.config['username']
        api_key = self.config['api_key']

        # Needs to be extracted to per-action
        region = self.config['region'].upper()

        pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace')
        pyrax.set_credentials(username, api_key)

        debug = self.config.get('debug', False)
        if debug:

        pyrax.cloudservers = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region=region)
        pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region=region)
        pyrax.cloud_dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns(region=region)

        return pyrax
Example #4
    def _get_client(self):
        username = self.config['username']
        api_key = self.config['api_key']

        # Needs to be extracted to per-action
        region = self.config['region'].upper()

        pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace')
        pyrax.set_credentials(username, api_key)

        debug = self.config.get('debug', False)
        if debug:

        pyrax.cloudservers = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region=region)
        pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region=region)
        pyrax.cloud_dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns(region=region)

        return pyrax
  parser.add_argument("FQDN", help="FQDN for the new website")
                      help="Local file containing new site's content", 
                      help="CloudFiles container name to create",
  parser.add_argument("--region", default='DFW',
                      help="Region in which to create site (DFW or ORD)")
  args = parser.parse_args()

  if c1.is_valid_region(args.region, 'object_store'):
    cf = pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(region=args.region)
    dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns(region=args.region)
    print "The region you requested is not valid: %s" % args.region

  if not c4.is_valid_hostname(args.FQDN):
    print "This does not appear to be a valid host name: %s" % args.FQDN

  if args.htmlfile:
    indexFileName = os.path.expanduser(args.htmlfile)
    if os.path.isfile(indexFileName):
      indexFileContents = open(indexFileName, 'r').read()
      print 'The specified file "%s" does not exist' % indexFile
                        help='Set\'s the account API key')
                        help='Set\'s the account region')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.region == 'ORD':
        cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers("ORD")
        cdb = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases("ORD")
        cnw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks("ORD")
        cbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage("ORD")
        dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns("ORD")
        lbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers("ORD")
    elif args.region == 'DFW':
        cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers("DFW")
        cdb = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases("DFW")
        cnw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks("DFW")
        cbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage("DFW")
        dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns("DFW")
        lbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers("DFW")
    elif args.region == 'LON':
        cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers("LON")
        cdb = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases("LON")
        cnw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks("LON")
        cbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage("LON")
        dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns("LON")
        lbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers("LON")
        '--user', '-u', required=True, help='Set\'s the account user')
        '--apikey', '-k', required=True, help='Set\'s the account API key')
        '--region', '-r', required=True, help='Set\'s the account region')
    args = parser.parse_args()

        username=args.user, api_key=args.apikey, region=args.region)
    if args.region == 'ORD':
        cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers("ORD")
        cdb = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases("ORD")
        cnw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks("ORD")
        cbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage("ORD")
        dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns("ORD")
        lbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers("ORD")
    elif args.region == 'DFW':
        cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers("DFW")
        cdb = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases("DFW")
        cnw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks("DFW")
        cbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage("DFW")
        dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns("DFW")
        lbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers("DFW")
    elif args.region == 'LON':
        cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers("LON")
        cdb = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases("LON")
        cnw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks("LON")
        cbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage("LON")
        dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns("LON")
        lbs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers("LON")
from time import sleep

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cs_ord = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers("ORD")
    cs_dfw = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers("DFW")
    cf_ord = pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles("ORD")
    cf_dfw = pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles("DFW")
    cdb_ord = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases("ORD")
    cdb_dfw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases("DFW")
    cnw_ord = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks("ORD")
    cnw_dfw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks("DFW")
    cbs_ord = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage("ORD")
    cbs_dfw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage("DFW")
    dns_ord = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns("ORD")
    dns_dfw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns("DFW")
    lbs_ord = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers("ORD")
    lbs_dfw = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers("DFW")

    print("deleting servers")
    for server in cs_ord.servers.list():
    for server in cs_dfw.servers.list():

    print("deleting server images")
    for image in cs_ord.images.list():
        if hasattr(image, "server"):
    for image in cs_dfw.images.list():
Example #9
    errorpage =
except IOError:
    print "Could not open HTML error page %s.  Exiting" % (args.errorfile)

# make sure FQDN provided is a good hostname
hostwords = args.fqdn.split('.')
if len(hostwords) < 3:
    print "%s is not a valid hostname.  Exiting" % (args.fqdn)
domain = ".".join(hostwords[-2:])

cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region=args.dc)
clb = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region=args.dc)
cf = pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(region=args.dc)
cdns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns(region=args.dc)

# check if container name exists
containers = cf.get_all_containers()
container = None
for c in containers:
    if == args.container:
        container = c
if container is not None:
    print "Container %s already exists.  Please specify non-existent container" \
        % (args.container)
container = cf.create_container(args.container)

# make sure zone for DNS exists
zones = cdns.list()