Example #1
    def sendAttachUserConfirm(self, success, param):
        Send an Attach User Confirm PDU to the client.
        :param success: whether the request was successful or not.
        :type success: bool
        :param param: if the request was successful, then this is a user ID. Otherwise, this is the error code.
        :type param: int
        if success:
            userID = param
            user = MCSUser(self, self.factory)
            self.users[userID] = user
            pdu = MCSAttachUserConfirmPDU(0, userID)
            pdu = MCSAttachUserConfirmPDU(param, None)

Example #2
    def parseAttachUserConfirm(self, stream: BytesIO) -> MCSAttachUserConfirmPDU:
        Parse an Attach User Confirm PDU
        :param stream: stream containing the data
        result = per.readEnumeration(stream)
        data = stream.read()

        initiator = None
        if len(data) == 2:
            initiator = Uint16BE.unpack(data) + MCSChannelID.USERCHANNEL_BASE
        elif len(data) > 2:
            raise ParsingError("Unexpected payload")

        return MCSAttachUserConfirmPDU(result, initiator)