def __init__(self, vertices, indices, uvs, normals, material_id): assert (vertices.dtype == torch.float32) assert (indices.dtype == torch.int32) assert (vertices.is_contiguous()) assert (indices.is_contiguous()) if (uvs is not None): assert (uvs.dtype == torch.float32) assert (uvs.is_contiguous()) if (normals is not None): assert (normals.dtype == torch.float32) assert (normals.is_contiguous()) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): assert (vertices.is_cuda) assert (indices.is_cuda) assert (uvs is None or uvs.is_cuda) assert (normals is None or normals.is_cuda) else: assert (not vertices.is_cuda) assert (not indices.is_cuda) assert (uvs is None or not uvs.is_cuda) assert (normals is None or not normals.is_cuda) self.vertices = vertices self.indices = indices self.uvs = uvs self.normals = normals if material_id < 0: raise ValueError('material is not specified') self.material_id = material_id self.light_id = -1
def compute_uvs(vertices, indices, print_progress = True): """ Args: vertices -- N x 3 float tensor indices -- M x 3 int tensor Return: uvs & uvs_indices """ vertices = vertices.cpu() indices = indices.cpu() uv_trimesh = redner.UVTriMesh(redner.float_ptr(vertices.data_ptr()), redner.int_ptr(indices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), redner.int_ptr(0), int(vertices.shape[0]), 0, int(indices.shape[0])) atlas = redner.TextureAtlas() num_uv_vertices = redner.automatic_uv_map([uv_trimesh], atlas, print_progress)[0] uvs = torch.zeros(num_uv_vertices, 2, dtype=torch.float32) uv_indices = torch.zeros_like(indices) uv_trimesh.uvs = redner.float_ptr(uvs.data_ptr()) uv_trimesh.uv_indices = redner.int_ptr(uv_indices.data_ptr()) uv_trimesh.num_uv_vertices = num_uv_vertices redner.copy_texture_atlas(atlas, [uv_trimesh]) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): vertices = vertices.cuda(device = pyredner.get_device()) indices = indices.cuda(device = pyredner.get_device()) uvs = uvs.cuda(device = pyredner.get_device()) uv_indices = uv_indices.cuda(device = pyredner.get_device()) return uvs, uv_indices
def SH_reconstruct(coeffs, res): uv = np.mgrid[0:res[1], 0:res[0]].astype(np.float32) theta = torch.from_numpy((math.pi / res[1]) * (uv[1, :, :] + 0.5)) phi = torch.from_numpy((2 * math.pi / res[0]) * (uv[0, :, :] + 0.5)) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): theta = theta.cuda() phi = phi.cuda() result = torch.zeros(res[1], res[0], coeffs.shape[0], device=pyredner.get_device()) num_order = int(math.sqrt(coeffs.shape[1])) i = 0 for l in range(num_order): for m in range(-l, l + 1): sh_factor = SH(l, m, theta, phi) result = result + sh_factor.view( sh_factor.shape[0], sh_factor.shape[1], 1) * coeffs[:, i] i += 1 result = torch.max( result, torch.zeros(res[1], res[0], coeffs.shape[0], device=pyredner.get_device())) return result
def __init__(self, diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance=None, roughness=None, diffuse_uv_scale=torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]), specular_uv_scale=torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]), roughness_uv_scale=torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]), two_sided=False): assert (diffuse_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if specular_reflectance is None: specular_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], device=pyredner.get_device()) else: assert (specular_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if roughness is None: roughness = torch.tensor([1.0], device=pyredner.get_device()) else: assert (roughness.is_contiguous()) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): assert (diffuse_reflectance.is_cuda) assert (specular_reflectance.is_cuda) assert (roughness.is_cuda) else: assert (not diffuse_reflectance.is_cuda) assert (not specular_reflectance.is_cuda) assert (not roughness.is_cuda) self.diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance self.specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance self.roughness = roughness self.diffuse_uv_scale = diffuse_uv_scale self.specular_uv_scale = diffuse_uv_scale self.roughness_uv_scale = diffuse_uv_scale self.two_sided = two_sided
def parse_material(node, two_sided=False): node_id = None if 'id' in node.attrib: node_id = node.attrib['id'] if node.attrib['type'] == 'diffuse': diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) diffuse_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) specular_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) specular_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) roughness = torch.tensor([1.0]) for child in node: if child.attrib['name'] == 'reflectance': if child.tag == 'texture': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'filename': diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.imread( grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'uscale': diffuse_uv_scale[0] = float( grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'vscale': diffuse_uv_scale[1] = float( grandchild.attrib['value']) elif child.tag == 'rgb': diffuse_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'specular': if child.tag == 'texture': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'filename': specular_reflectance = image.imread( grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'uscale': specular_uv_scale[0] = float( grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'vscale': specular_uv_scale[1] = float( grandchild.attrib['value']) elif child.tag == 'rgb': specular_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'roughness': roughness = torch.tensor(float(child.attrib['value'])) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda() specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda() roughness = roughness.cuda() return (node_id, pyredner.Material(diffuse_reflectance, diffuse_uv_scale=diffuse_uv_scale, specular_reflectance=specular_reflectance, specular_uv_scale=specular_uv_scale, roughness=roughness, two_sided=two_sided)) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'twosided': ret = parse_material(node[0], True) return (node_id, ret[1])
def parse_scene(node): cam = None resolution = None materials = [] material_dict = {} shapes = [] lights = [] shape_group_dict = {} envmap = None for child in node: if child.tag == 'sensor': cam = parse_camera(child) elif child.tag == 'bsdf': node_id, material = parse_material(child) if node_id is not None: material_dict[node_id] = len(materials) materials.append(material) # shapegroup for instancing elif child.tag == 'shape' and child.attrib['type'] == 'shapegroup': for child_s in child: if child_s.tag == 'shape': shape_group_dict[child.attrib['id']] = parse_shape( child_s, material_dict, None)[0] elif child.tag == 'shape': shape, light = parse_shape( child, material_dict, len(shapes), shape_group_dict if child.attrib['type'] == 'instance' else None) if isinstance(shape, list): shapes = shapes + shape else: shapes.append(shape) if light is not None: lights.append(light) # Add envmap loading support elif child.tag == 'emitter' and child.attrib['type'] == 'envmap': # read envmap params from xml scale = 1.0 envmap_filename = None to_world = torch.eye(4) for child_s in child: if child_s.attrib['name'] == 'scale': assert child_s.tag == 'float' scale = float(child_s.attrib['value']) if child_s.attrib['name'] == 'filename': assert child_s.tag == 'string' envmap_filename = child_s.attrib['value'] if child_s.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child_s) # load envmap envmap = scale * pyredner.imread(envmap_filename) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): envmap = envmap.cuda() envmap = pyredner.EnvironmentMap(envmap, env_to_world=to_world) return pyredner.Scene(cam, shapes, materials, lights, envmap)
def __init__(self, vertices, indices, material_id, uvs = None, normals = None, uv_indices = None, normal_indices = None): assert(vertices.dtype == torch.float32) assert(indices.dtype == torch.int32) assert(vertices.is_contiguous()) assert(indices.is_contiguous()) if (uvs is not None): assert(uvs.dtype == torch.float32) assert(uvs.is_contiguous()) if (normals is not None): assert(normals.dtype == torch.float32) assert(normals.is_contiguous()) if (uv_indices is not None): assert(uv_indices.dtype == torch.int32) assert(uv_indices.is_contiguous()) if (normal_indices is not None): assert(normal_indices.dtype == torch.int32) assert(normal_indices.is_contiguous()) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): assert(vertices.is_cuda) assert(indices.is_cuda) assert(uvs is None or uvs.is_cuda) assert(normals is None or normals.is_cuda) assert(uv_indices is None or uv_indices.is_cuda) assert(normal_indices is None or normal_indices.is_cuda) else: assert(not vertices.is_cuda) assert(not indices.is_cuda) assert(uvs is None or not uvs.is_cuda) assert(normals is None or not normals.is_cuda) assert(uv_indices is None or not uv_indices.is_cuda) assert(normal_indices is None or not normal_indices.is_cuda) self.vertices = vertices self.indices = indices self.material_id = material_id self.uvs = uvs self.normals = normals self.uv_indices = uv_indices self.normal_indices = normal_indices self.light_id = -1
def parse_material_bitmap(node, scale=None): reflectance_texture = None uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) for grandchild in node: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'filename': reflectance_texture = pyredner.imread( grandchild.attrib['value']) if scale: reflectance_texture = reflectance_texture * scale elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'uscale': uv_scale[0] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'vscale': uv_scale[1] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) assert reflectance_texture is not None if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): uv_scale = uv_scale.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) return reflectance_texture, uv_scale
def __init__(self, values, env_to_world=tf.eye(4, 4)): # Convert to constant texture if necessary if isinstance(values, tf.Tensor): values = pyredner.Texture(values) assert (values.texels.is_contiguous()) assert (values.texels.dtype == tf.float32) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): assert (values.texels.is_cuda) else: assert (not values.texels.is_cuda) # Build sampling table luminance = 0.212671 * values.texels[:, :, 0] + \ 0.715160 * values.texels[:, :, 1] + \ 0.072169 * values.texels[:, :, 2] # For each y, compute CDF over x sample_cdf_xs_ = tf.cumsum(luminance, axis=1) y_weight = tf.sin(\ math.pi * (tf.range(luminance.shape[0], dtype = tf.float32, name='EnvironmentMap.y_weight') + 0.5) \ / float(luminance.shape[0])) # Compute CDF for x sample_cdf_ys_ = tf.cumsum(sample_cdf_xs_[:, -1] * y_weight, axis=0) pdf_norm = (luminance.shape[0] * luminance.shape[1]) / \ (sample_cdf_ys_[-1].item() * (2 * math.pi * math.pi)) # Normalize to [0, 1) sample_cdf_xs = (sample_cdf_xs_ - sample_cdf_xs_[:, 0:1]) / \ tf.math.maximum(sample_cdf_xs_[:, (luminance.shape[1] - 1):luminance.shape[1]], 1e-8 * tf.ones( (sample_cdf_xs_.shape[0], 1) ) ) sample_cdf_ys = (sample_cdf_ys_ - sample_cdf_ys_[0]) / \ tf.math.maximum(sample_cdf_ys_[-1], tf.constant([1e-8])) self.values = values self.env_to_world = env_to_world self.world_to_env = tf.linalg.inv(env_to_world).contiguous() self.sample_cdf_ys = sample_cdf_ys.contiguous() self.sample_cdf_xs = sample_cdf_xs.contiguous() self.pdf_norm = pdf_norm
def __init__(self, values, env_to_world = torch.eye(4, 4)): # Convert to constant texture if necessary if isinstance(values, torch.Tensor): values = pyredner.Texture(values) assert(values.texels.is_contiguous()) assert(values.texels.dtype == torch.float32) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): assert(values.texels.is_cuda) else: assert(not values.texels.is_cuda) assert(env_to_world.dtype == torch.float32) # Build sampling table luminance = 0.212671 * values.texels[:, :, 0] + \ 0.715160 * values.texels[:, :, 1] + \ 0.072169 * values.texels[:, :, 2] # For each y, compute CDF over x sample_cdf_xs_ = torch.cumsum(luminance, dim = 1) y_weight = torch.sin(\ math.pi * (torch.arange(luminance.shape[0], dtype = torch.float32, device = luminance.device) + 0.5) \ / float(luminance.shape[0])) # Compute CDF for x sample_cdf_ys_ = torch.cumsum(sample_cdf_xs_[:, -1] * y_weight, dim = 0) pdf_norm = (luminance.shape[0] * luminance.shape[1]) / \ (sample_cdf_ys_[-1].item() * (2 * math.pi * math.pi)) # Normalize to [0, 1) sample_cdf_xs = (sample_cdf_xs_ - sample_cdf_xs_[:, 0:1]) / \ torch.max(sample_cdf_xs_[:, (luminance.shape[1] - 1):luminance.shape[1]], 1e-8 * torch.ones(sample_cdf_xs_.shape[0], 1, device = sample_cdf_ys_.device)) sample_cdf_ys = (sample_cdf_ys_ - sample_cdf_ys_[0]) / \ torch.max(sample_cdf_ys_[-1], torch.tensor([1e-8], device = sample_cdf_ys_.device)) self.values = values self.env_to_world = env_to_world self.world_to_env = torch.inverse(env_to_world).contiguous() self.sample_cdf_ys = sample_cdf_ys.contiguous() self.sample_cdf_xs = sample_cdf_xs.contiguous() self.pdf_norm = pdf_norm
def __init__(self, vertices, indices, uvs, normals, mat_id): assert(vertices.is_contiguous()) assert(indices.is_contiguous()) assert(uvs is None or uvs.is_contiguous()) assert(normals is None or normals.is_contiguous()) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): assert(vertices.is_cuda) assert(indices.is_cuda) assert(uvs is None or uvs.is_cuda) assert(normals is None or normals.is_cuda) else: assert(not vertices.is_cuda) assert(not indices.is_cuda) assert(uvs is None or not uvs.is_cuda) assert(normals is None or not normals.is_cuda) self.vertices = vertices self.indices = indices self.uvs = uvs self.normals = normals self.mat_id = mat_id self.light_id = -1
def __init__(self, diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance = None, roughness = None, two_sided = False): if specular_reflectance is None: specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(\ torch.tensor([0.0,0.0,0.0], device = pyredner.get_device())) if roughness is None: roughness = pyredner.Texture(\ torch.tensor([1.0], device = pyredner.get_device())) # Convert to constant texture if necessary if isinstance(diffuse_reflectance, torch.Tensor): diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(diffuse_reflectance) if isinstance(specular_reflectance, torch.Tensor): specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(specular_reflectance) if isinstance(roughness, torch.Tensor): roughness = pyredner.Texture(roughness) assert(diffuse_reflectance.texels.is_contiguous()) assert(diffuse_reflectance.texels.dtype == torch.float32) assert(specular_reflectance.texels.is_contiguous()) assert(specular_reflectance.texels.dtype == torch.float32) assert(roughness.texels.is_contiguous()) assert(roughness.texels.dtype == torch.float32) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): assert(diffuse_reflectance.texels.is_cuda) assert(specular_reflectance.texels.is_cuda) assert(roughness.texels.is_cuda) else: assert(not diffuse_reflectance.texels.is_cuda) assert(not specular_reflectance.texels.is_cuda) assert(not roughness.texels.is_cuda) self.diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance self.specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance self.roughness = roughness self.two_sided = two_sided
def __init__(self, diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance=None, roughness=None, two_sided=False): if specular_reflectance is None: specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(\ torch.tensor([0.0,0.0,0.0], device = pyredner.get_device())) if roughness is None: roughness = pyredner.Texture(\ torch.tensor([1.0], device = pyredner.get_device())) # Convert to constant texture if necessary if isinstance(diffuse_reflectance, torch.Tensor): diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(diffuse_reflectance) if isinstance(specular_reflectance, torch.Tensor): specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(specular_reflectance) if isinstance(roughness, torch.Tensor): roughness = pyredner.Texture(roughness) assert (diffuse_reflectance.texels.is_contiguous()) assert (diffuse_reflectance.texels.dtype == torch.float32) assert (specular_reflectance.texels.is_contiguous()) assert (specular_reflectance.texels.dtype == torch.float32) assert (roughness.texels.is_contiguous()) assert (roughness.texels.dtype == torch.float32) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): assert (diffuse_reflectance.texels.is_cuda) assert (specular_reflectance.texels.is_cuda) assert (roughness.texels.is_cuda) else: assert (not diffuse_reflectance.texels.is_cuda) assert (not specular_reflectance.texels.is_cuda) assert (not roughness.texels.is_cuda) self.diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance self.specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance self.roughness = roughness self.two_sided = two_sided
def parse_material(node, two_sided=False): def parse_material_bitmap(node, scale=None): reflectance_texture = None uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) for grandchild in node: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'filename': reflectance_texture = pyredner.imread( grandchild.attrib['value']) if scale: reflectance_texture = reflectance_texture * scale elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'uscale': uv_scale[0] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'vscale': uv_scale[1] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) assert reflectance_texture is not None return reflectance_texture, uv_scale # support mitsuba pulgin 'scale' for texture def parse_texture(node): if node.attrib['type'] == 'scale': scale_value = None for grandchild in node: if grandchild.attrib[ 'name'] == 'scale' and grandchild.tag == 'float': scale_value = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib[ 'type'] == 'bitmap' and grandchild.tag == 'texture': assert scale_value is not None # avoid 'scale' element is declared below the 'bitmap' return parse_material_bitmap(grandchild, scale_value) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Unsupported scale param type {}'.format( grandchild.child['type'])) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'bitmap': return parse_material_bitmap(node) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported Texture type {}'.format( node.attrib['type'])) node_id = None if 'id' in node.attrib: node_id = node.attrib['id'] if node.attrib['type'] == 'diffuse': diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) diffuse_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) specular_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) specular_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) roughness = torch.tensor([1.0]) for child in node: if child.attrib['name'] == 'reflectance': if child.tag == 'texture': diffuse_reflectance, diffuse_uv_scale = parse_texture( child) elif child.tag == 'rgb' or child.tag == 'spectrum': diffuse_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'specular': if child.tag == 'texture': specular_reflectance, specular_uv_scale = parse_texture( child) elif child.tag == 'rgb' or child.tag == 'spectrum': specular_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'roughness': roughness = torch.tensor([float(child.attrib['value'])]) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda() specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda() roughness = roughness.cuda() return (node_id, pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(diffuse_reflectance, diffuse_uv_scale), specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(specular_reflectance, specular_uv_scale), roughness = pyredner.Texture(roughness), two_sided = two_sided)) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'roughplastic': diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) diffuse_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) specular_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) specular_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) roughness = torch.tensor([1.0]) roughness_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) for child in node: if child.attrib['name'] == 'diffuseReflectance': if child.tag == 'texture': diffuse_reflectance, diffuse_uv_scale = parse_texture( child) elif child.tag == 'rgb' or child.tag == 'spectrum': diffuse_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'specularReflectance': if child.tag == 'texture': specular_reflectance, specular_uv_scale = parse_texture( child) elif child.tag == 'rgb' or child.tag == 'spectrum': specular_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'alpha': # Add 'alpha texture' support if child.tag == 'texture': #TODO KJL roughness, roughness_uv_scale = parse_texture( child) #? not sure to do square here elif child.tag == 'float': alpha = float(child.attrib['value']) roughness = torch.tensor([alpha * alpha]) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda() specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda() roughness = roughness.cuda() return (node_id, pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(diffuse_reflectance, diffuse_uv_scale), specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(specular_reflectance, specular_uv_scale), roughness = pyredner.Texture(roughness, roughness_uv_scale), two_sided = two_sided)) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'twosided': ret = parse_material(node[0], True) return (node_id, ret[1]) # Simply bypass mask's opacity elif node.attrib['type'] == 'mask': #TODO add opacity!!! ret = parse_material(node[0]) return (node_id, ret[1]) else: print('Unsupported material type:', node.attrib['type']) assert (False)
def backward(ctx, grad_img): if not grad_img.is_contiguous(): grad_img = grad_img.contiguous() scene = ctx.scene options = ctx.options camera = if camera.use_look_at: d_cam_position = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_cam_look = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_cam_up = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_cam_to_world = None d_world_to_cam = None else: d_cam_position = None d_cam_look = None d_cam_up = None d_cam_to_world = torch.zeros(4, 4, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_world_to_cam = torch.zeros(4, 4, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_intrinsic_mat_inv = torch.zeros(3, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_intrinsic_mat = torch.zeros(3, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if camera.use_look_at: d_camera = redner.DCamera( redner.float_ptr(d_cam_position.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_look.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_up.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_to_world redner.float_ptr(0), # world_to_cam redner.float_ptr(d_intrinsic_mat_inv.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_intrinsic_mat.data_ptr())) else: d_camera = redner.DCamera( redner.float_ptr(0), # pos redner.float_ptr(0), # look redner.float_ptr(0), # up redner.float_ptr(d_cam_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_world_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_intrinsic_mat_inv.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_intrinsic_mat.data_ptr())) d_vertices_list = [] d_uvs_list = [] d_normals_list = [] d_colors_list = [] d_shapes = [] for shape in ctx.shapes: num_vertices = shape.num_vertices num_uv_vertices = shape.num_uv_vertices num_normal_vertices = shape.num_normal_vertices d_vertices = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_uvs = torch.zeros( num_uv_vertices, 2, device=pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_uvs() else None d_normals = torch.zeros( num_normal_vertices, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_normals() else None d_colors = torch.zeros( num_vertices, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_colors() else None d_vertices_list.append(d_vertices) d_uvs_list.append(d_uvs) d_normals_list.append(d_normals) d_colors_list.append(d_colors) d_shapes.append(redner.DShape(\ redner.float_ptr(d_vertices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_uvs.data_ptr() if d_uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(d_normals.data_ptr() if d_normals is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(d_colors.data_ptr() if d_colors is not None else 0))) d_diffuse_list = [] d_diffuse_uv_scale_list = [] d_specular_list = [] d_specular_uv_scale_list = [] d_roughness_list = [] d_roughness_uv_scale_list = [] d_generic_list = [] d_generic_uv_scale_list = [] d_normal_map_list = [] d_normal_map_uv_scale_list = [] d_materials = [] for material in ctx.materials: if material.get_diffuse_size(0)[0] == 0: d_diffuse = [torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device())] else: d_diffuse = [] for l in range(material.get_diffuse_levels()): diffuse_size = material.get_diffuse_size(l) d_diffuse.append(\ torch.zeros(diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device())) if material.get_specular_size(0)[0] == 0: d_specular = [torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device())] else: d_specular = [] for l in range(material.get_specular_levels()): specular_size = material.get_specular_size(l) d_specular.append(\ torch.zeros(specular_size[1], specular_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device())) if material.get_roughness_size(0)[0] == 0: d_roughness = [torch.zeros(1, device=pyredner.get_device())] else: d_roughness = [] for l in range(material.get_roughness_levels()): roughness_size = material.get_roughness_size(l) d_roughness.append(\ torch.zeros(roughness_size[1], roughness_size[0], 1, device = pyredner.get_device())) if material.get_generic_levels() == 0: d_generic = None else: d_generic = [] for l in range(material.get_generic_levels()): generic_size = material.get_generic_size(l) d_generic.append(\ torch.zeros(generic_size[2], generic_size[1], generic_size[0], device = pyredner.get_device())) if material.get_normal_map_levels() == 0: d_normal_map = None else: d_normal_map = [] for l in range(material.get_normal_map_levels()): normal_map_size = material.get_normal_map_size(l) d_normal_map.append(\ torch.zeros(normal_map_size[1], normal_map_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device())) d_diffuse_list.append(d_diffuse) d_specular_list.append(d_specular) d_roughness_list.append(d_roughness) d_generic_list.append(d_generic) d_normal_map_list.append(d_normal_map) d_diffuse_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_specular_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_roughness_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_diffuse_uv_scale_list.append(d_diffuse_uv_scale) d_specular_uv_scale_list.append(d_specular_uv_scale) d_roughness_uv_scale_list.append(d_roughness_uv_scale) if d_generic is None: d_generic_uv_scale = None else: d_generic_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device=pyredner.get_device()) if d_normal_map is None: d_normal_map_uv_scale = None else: d_normal_map_uv_scale = torch.zeros( 2, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_generic_uv_scale_list.append(d_generic_uv_scale) d_normal_map_uv_scale_list.append(d_normal_map_uv_scale) if d_diffuse[0].dim() == 1: d_diffuse_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: d_diffuse_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_diffuse], [x.shape[1] for x in d_diffuse], [x.shape[0] for x in d_diffuse], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if d_specular[0].dim() == 1: d_specular_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(d_specular[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: d_specular_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_specular], [x.shape[1] for x in d_specular], [x.shape[0] for x in d_specular], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if d_roughness[0].dim() == 1: d_roughness_tex = redner.Texture1(\ [redner.float_ptr(d_roughness[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 1, redner.float_ptr(d_roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: d_roughness_tex = redner.Texture1(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_roughness], [x.shape[1] for x in d_roughness], [x.shape[0] for x in d_roughness], 1, redner.float_ptr(d_roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if d_generic is None: d_generic_tex = redner.TextureN(\ [], [], [], 0, redner.float_ptr(0)) else: d_generic_tex = redner.TextureN(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_generic], [x.shape[1] for x in d_generic], [x.shape[0] for x in d_generic], d_generic[0].shape[2], redner.float_ptr(d_generic_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if d_normal_map is None: d_normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ [], [], [], 0, redner.float_ptr(0)) else: d_normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_normal_map], [x.shape[1] for x in d_normal_map], [x.shape[0] for x in d_normal_map], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_normal_map_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_materials.append(redner.DMaterial(\ d_diffuse_tex, d_specular_tex, d_roughness_tex, d_generic_tex, d_normal_map)) d_intensity_list = [] d_area_lights = [] for light in ctx.area_lights: d_intensity = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_intensity_list.append(d_intensity) d_area_lights.append(\ redner.DAreaLight(redner.float_ptr(d_intensity.data_ptr()))) d_envmap = None if ctx.envmap is not None: envmap = ctx.envmap d_envmap_values = [] for l in range(envmap.get_levels()): size = envmap.get_size(l) d_envmap_values.append(\ torch.zeros(size[1], size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device())) d_envmap_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_envmap_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_envmap_values], [x.shape[1] for x in d_envmap_values], [x.shape[0] for x in d_envmap_values], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_world_to_env = torch.zeros(4, 4, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_envmap = redner.DEnvironmentMap(\ d_envmap_tex, redner.float_ptr(d_world_to_env.data_ptr())) d_scene = redner.DScene( d_camera, d_shapes, d_materials, d_area_lights, d_envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu(), pyredner.get_device().index if pyredner.get_device().index is not None else -1) if not get_use_correlated_random_number(): # Decouple the forward/backward random numbers by adding a big prime number options.seed += 1000003 options.num_samples = ctx.num_samples[1] start = time.time() redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(0), redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), d_scene, redner.float_ptr(0)) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Backward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # For debugging # pyredner.imwrite(grad_img, 'grad_img.exr') # grad_img = torch.ones(256, 256, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # start = time.time() # redner.render(scene, options, # redner.float_ptr(0), # redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), # d_scene, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # time_elapsed = time.time() - start # if print_timing: # print('Backward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # debug_img = debug_img[:, :, 0] # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # pyredner.imwrite(-debug_img, 'debug_.exr') # debug_img = debug_img.numpy() # print(np.max(debug_img)) # print(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(debug_img), debug_img.shape)) # print(np.min(debug_img)) # print(np.unravel_index(np.argmin(debug_img), debug_img.shape)) # print(np.sum(debug_img) / 3) # debug_max = 0.5 # debug_min = -0.5 # debug_img = np.clip((debug_img - debug_min) / (debug_max - debug_min), 0, 1) # # debug_img = debug_img[:, :, 0] # import as cm # debug_img = cm.viridis(debug_img) #'debug.png', np.power(debug_img, 1/2.2)) # exit() ret_list = [] ret_list.append(None) # seed ret_list.append(None) # num_shapes ret_list.append(None) # num_materials ret_list.append(None) # num_lights if camera.use_look_at: ret_list.append(d_cam_position.cpu()) ret_list.append(d_cam_look.cpu()) ret_list.append(d_cam_up.cpu()) ret_list.append(None) # cam_to_world ret_list.append(None) # world_to_cam else: ret_list.append(None) # pos ret_list.append(None) # look ret_list.append(None) # up ret_list.append(d_cam_to_world.cpu()) ret_list.append(d_world_to_cam.cpu()) ret_list.append(d_intrinsic_mat_inv.cpu()) ret_list.append(d_intrinsic_mat.cpu()) ret_list.append(None) # clip near ret_list.append(None) # resolution ret_list.append(None) # camera_type num_shapes = len(ctx.shapes) for i in range(num_shapes): ret_list.append(d_vertices_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # indices ret_list.append(d_uvs_list[i]) ret_list.append(d_normals_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # uv_indices ret_list.append(None) # normal_indices ret_list.append(d_colors_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # material id ret_list.append(None) # light id num_materials = len(ctx.materials) for i in range(num_materials): ret_list.append(None) # num_levels for d_diffuse in d_diffuse_list[i]: ret_list.append(d_diffuse) ret_list.append(d_diffuse_uv_scale_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # num_levels for d_specular in d_specular_list[i]: ret_list.append(d_specular) ret_list.append(d_specular_uv_scale_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # num_levels for d_roughness in d_roughness_list[i]: ret_list.append(d_roughness) ret_list.append(d_roughness_uv_scale_list[i]) if d_generic_list[i] is None: ret_list.append(None) # num_levels else: ret_list.append(None) # num_levels for d_generic in d_generic_list[i]: ret_list.append(d_generic) ret_list.append(d_generic_uv_scale_list[i]) if d_normal_map_list[i] is None: ret_list.append(None) # num_levels else: ret_list.append(None) # num_levels for d_normal_map in d_normal_map_list[i]: ret_list.append(d_normal_map) ret_list.append(d_normal_map_uv_scale_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # compute_specular_lighting ret_list.append(None) # two sided ret_list.append(None) # use_vertex_color num_area_lights = len(ctx.area_lights) for i in range(num_area_lights): ret_list.append(None) # shape id ret_list.append(d_intensity_list[i].cpu()) ret_list.append(None) # two sided if ctx.envmap is not None: ret_list.append(None) # num_levels for d_values in d_envmap_values: ret_list.append(d_values) ret_list.append(d_envmap_uv_scale) ret_list.append(None) # env_to_world ret_list.append(d_world_to_env.cpu()) ret_list.append(None) # sample_cdf_ys ret_list.append(None) # sample_cdf_xs ret_list.append(None) # pdf_norm else: ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) # num samples ret_list.append(None) # num bounces ret_list.append(None) # channels ret_list.append(None) # sampler type ret_list.append(None) # use_primary_edge_sampling ret_list.append(None) # use_secondary_edge_sampling ret_list.append(None) # sample_pixel_center return tuple(ret_list)
def parse_shape(node, material_dict, shape_id, shape_group_dict=None): if node.attrib['type'] == 'obj' or node.attrib['type'] == 'serialized': print(node.attrib['id']) to_world = torch.eye(4) serialized_shape_id = 0 mat_id = -1 light_intensity = None filename = '' mat_name2id = {} for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'filename': filename = child.attrib['value'] elif child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'shapeIndex': serialized_shape_id = int(child.attrib['value']) if child.tag == 'ref': mat_id = material_dict[child.attrib['id']] if 'name' in child.attrib.keys( ) and child.attrib['name'] != 'bsdf': mat_name2id[child.attrib['name']] = child.attrib['id'] elif child.tag == 'bsdf': #TODO hack! use default diffuse if countering internal declaration bsdf mat_id = 0 # node_id, material = parse_material(child) # if node_id is not None: # material_dict[node_id] = len(materials) # materials.append(material) elif child.tag == 'emitter': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'radiance': light_intensity = parse_vector( grandchild.attrib['value']) if light_intensity.shape[0] == 1: light_intensity = torch.tensor(\ [light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0]]) if node.attrib['type'] == 'obj': _, mesh_list, _ = pyredner.load_obj.load_obj_fast( filename, is_load_mtl=False) shape_list = [] for mesh in mesh_list: mat_name = mesh[0] vertices = mesh[1].vertices.cpu() indices = mesh[1].indices.cpu() uvs = mesh[1].uvs normals = mesh[1].normals if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cpu() if normals is not None: normals = normals.cpu() # Transform the vertices and normals vertices = (vertices, torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1)), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse( torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() assert (vertices is not None) assert (indices is not None) lgt = None if light_intensity is not None: lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU vertices = vertices.cuda() indices = indices.cuda() if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cuda() if normals is not None: normals = normals.cuda() # Assign material if mat_name != '' and mat_name is not None: # skip no material mesh mat_id = material_dict[mat_name2id[mat_name]] shape_list.append( pyredner.Shape(vertices, indices, uvs, normals, mat_id)) return shape_list, lgt else: assert (node.attrib['type'] == 'serialized') mitsuba_tri_mesh = redner.load_serialized(filename, serialized_shape_id) vertices = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.vertices) indices = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.indices) uvs = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.uvs) normals = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.normals) if uvs.shape[0] == 0: uvs = None if normals.shape[0] == 0: normals = None # Transform the vertices and normals vertices =, torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1)), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse( torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() assert (vertices is not None) assert (indices is not None) lgt = None if light_intensity is not None: lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU vertices = vertices.cuda() indices = indices.cuda() if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cuda() if normals is not None: normals = normals.cuda() return pyredner.Shape(vertices, indices, uvs, normals, mat_id), lgt elif node.attrib['type'] == 'rectangle': indices = torch.tensor([[0, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3]], dtype=torch.int32) vertices = torch.tensor([[-1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) uvs = None normals = None to_world = torch.eye(4) mat_id = -1 light_intensity = None for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) if child.tag == 'ref': mat_id = material_dict[child.attrib['id']] elif child.tag == 'emitter': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'radiance': light_intensity = parse_vector( grandchild.attrib['value']) if light_intensity.shape[0] == 1: light_intensity = torch.tensor(\ [light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0]]) # Transform the vertices # Transform the vertices and normals vertices =, torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1)), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse(torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() assert (vertices is not None) assert (indices is not None) lgt = None if light_intensity is not None: lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU vertices = vertices.cuda() indices = indices.cuda() if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cuda() if normals is not None: normals = normals.cuda() return pyredner.Shape(vertices, indices, uvs, normals, mat_id), lgt # Add instance support # TODO (simply transform & create a new shape now) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'instance': shape = None for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): to_world = to_world.cuda() if child.tag == 'ref': shape_ = shape_group_dict[child.attrib['id']] shape_list = [] for shape in list(shape_): # transform instance vertices = shape.vertices normals = shape.normals vector1 = torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1) vertices = (vertices, vector1.cuda() if pyredner.get_use_gpu() else vector1), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse( torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() # assert(vertices is not None) # assert(indices is not None) # lgt = None # if light_intensity is not None: # lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) shape_list.append( pyredner.Shape(vertices, shape.indices, shape.uvs, normals, shape.material_id)) return shape_list, None else: print('Shape type {} is not supported!'.format(node.attrib['type'])) assert (False)
def forward(ctx, seed, *args): """ Forward rendering pass: given a serialized scene and output an image. """ # Unpack arguments current_index = 0 num_shapes = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_materials = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_lights = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_position = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_look_at = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_up = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_to_world = args[current_index] current_index += 1 world_to_cam = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intrinsic_mat_inv = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intrinsic_mat = args[current_index] current_index += 1 clip_near = args[current_index] current_index += 1 resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 camera_type = args[current_index] current_index += 1 if cam_to_world is None: camera = redner.Camera( resolution[1], resolution[0], redner.float_ptr(cam_position.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_look_at.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_up.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_to_world redner.float_ptr(0), # world_to_cam redner.float_ptr(intrinsic_mat_inv.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(intrinsic_mat.data_ptr()), clip_near, camera_type) else: camera = redner.Camera( resolution[1], resolution[0], redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_position redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_look_at redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_up redner.float_ptr(cam_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(world_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(intrinsic_mat_inv.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(intrinsic_mat.data_ptr()), clip_near, camera_type) shapes = [] for i in range(num_shapes): vertices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 uvs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normals = args[current_index] current_index += 1 uv_indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normal_indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 colors = args[current_index] current_index += 1 material_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 light_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert (vertices.is_contiguous()) assert (indices.is_contiguous()) if uvs is not None: assert (uvs.is_contiguous()) if normals is not None: assert (normals.is_contiguous()) if uv_indices is not None: assert (uv_indices.is_contiguous()) if normal_indices is not None: assert (normal_indices.is_contiguous()) shapes.append(redner.Shape(\ redner.float_ptr(vertices.data_ptr()), redner.int_ptr(indices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(uvs.data_ptr() if uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(normals.data_ptr() if normals is not None else 0), redner.int_ptr(uv_indices.data_ptr() if uv_indices is not None else 0), redner.int_ptr(normal_indices.data_ptr() if normal_indices is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(colors.data_ptr() if colors is not None else 0), int(vertices.shape[0]), int(uvs.shape[0]) if uvs is not None else 0, int(normals.shape[0]) if normals is not None else 0, int(indices.shape[0]), material_id, light_id)) materials = [] for i in range(num_materials): diffuse_reflectance = args[current_index] current_index += 1 diffuse_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 diffuse_mesh_colors_resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_reflectance = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_mesh_colors_resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness_mesh_colors_resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 generic_texture = args[current_index] current_index += 1 generic_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 generic_mesh_colors_resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normal_map = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normal_map_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normal_map_mesh_colors_resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 compute_specular_lighting = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 use_vertex_color = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert (diffuse_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if diffuse_reflectance.dim() == 1: num_levels = 0 height = 0 if diffuse_mesh_colors_resolution > 0: num_levels = 1 height = int(diffuse_reflectance.size()[0] / 3 / int( ((diffuse_mesh_colors_resolution + 1) * (diffuse_mesh_colors_resolution + 2)) / 2)) diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance.data_ptr()), 0, height, 3, num_levels, diffuse_mesh_colors_resolution, redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance.data_ptr()), int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[2]), # width int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[1]), # height int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[3]), # channels int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[0]), # num levels 0, # mesh_colors_resolution redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) assert (specular_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if specular_reflectance.dim() == 1: num_levels = 0 height = 0 if specular_mesh_colors_resolution > 0: num_levels = 1 height = int(specular_reflectance.size()[0] / 3 / int( ((specular_mesh_colors_resolution + 1) * (specular_mesh_colors_resolution + 2)) / 2)) specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance.data_ptr()), 0, height, 3, num_levels, specular_mesh_colors_resolution, redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance.data_ptr()), int(specular_reflectance.shape[2]), # width int(specular_reflectance.shape[1]), # height int(specular_reflectance.shape[3]), # channels int(specular_reflectance.shape[0]), # num levels 0, # mesh_colors_resolution redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) assert (roughness.is_contiguous()) if roughness.dim() == 1: num_levels = 0 height = 0 if roughness_mesh_colors_resolution > 0: num_levels = 1 height = int(roughness.size()[0] / int( ((roughness_mesh_colors_resolution + 1) * (roughness_mesh_colors_resolution + 2)) / 2)) roughness = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(roughness.data_ptr()), 0, height, 1, num_levels, roughness_mesh_colors_resolution, redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: assert (roughness.dim() == 4) roughness = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(roughness.data_ptr()), int(roughness.shape[2]), # width int(roughness.shape[1]), # height int(roughness.shape[3]), # channels int(roughness.shape[0]), # num levels 0, # mesh_colors_resolution redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if generic_texture is not None: if generic_texture.dim() == 1: num_levels = 0 height = 0 if generic_mesh_colors_resolution > 0: num_levels = 1 height = int( roughness.size()[0] / int(generic_texture.shape[3]) / int( ((generic_mesh_colors_resolution + 1) * (generic_mesh_colors_resolution + 2)) / 2)) generic_texture = redner.TextureN(\ redner.float_ptr(generic_texture.data_ptr()), 0, height, int(generic_texture.shape[3]), num_levels, generic_mesh_colors_resolution, redner.float_ptr(generic_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: assert (generic_texture.dim() == 4) generic_texture = redner.TextureN(\ redner.float_ptr(generic_texture.data_ptr()), int(generic_texture.shape[2]), # width int(generic_texture.shape[1]), # height int(generic_texture.shape[3]), # channels int(generic_texture.shape[0]), # num levels 0, # mesh_colors_resolution redner.float_ptr(generic_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: generic_texture = redner.TextureN(\ redner.float_ptr(0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(0)) if normal_map is not None: if normal_map.dim() == 1: num_levels = 0 height = 0 if normal_map_mesh_colors_resolution > 0: num_levels = 1 height = int(normal_map.size()[0] / 3 / int( ((normal_map_mesh_colors_resolution + 1) * (normal_map_mesh_colors_resolution + 2)) / 2)) normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(normal_map.data_ptr()), 0, height, 3, num_levels, normal_map_mesh_colors_resolution, redner.float_ptr(normal_map_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: assert (normal_map.dim() == 4) normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(normal_map.data_ptr()), int(normal_map.shape[2]), # width int(normal_map.shape[1]), # height int(normal_map.shape[3]), # channels int(normal_map.shape[0]), # num levels 0, # mesh_colors_resolution redner.float_ptr(normal_map_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(0)) materials.append(redner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness, generic_texture, normal_map, compute_specular_lighting, two_sided, use_vertex_color)) area_lights = [] for i in range(num_lights): shape_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intensity = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 area_lights.append(redner.AreaLight(\ shape_id, redner.float_ptr(intensity.data_ptr()), two_sided)) envmap = None if args[current_index] is not None: values = args[current_index] current_index += 1 envmap_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 env_to_world = args[current_index] current_index += 1 world_to_env = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_cdf_ys = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_cdf_xs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 pdf_norm = args[current_index] current_index += 1 values = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(values.data_ptr()), int(values.shape[2]), # width int(values.shape[1]), # height 0, # channels int(values.shape[0]), # num levels 0, #mesh_colors_resolution redner.float_ptr(envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) envmap = redner.EnvironmentMap(\ values, redner.float_ptr(env_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(world_to_env.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(sample_cdf_ys.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(sample_cdf_xs.data_ptr()), pdf_norm) else: current_index += 7 # Options num_samples = args[current_index] current_index += 1 max_bounces = args[current_index] current_index += 1 channels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sampler_type = args[current_index] current_index += 1 use_primary_edge_sampling = args[current_index] current_index += 1 use_secondary_edge_sampling = args[current_index] current_index += 1 start = time.time() scene = redner.Scene( camera, shapes, materials, area_lights, envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu(), pyredner.get_device().index if pyredner.get_device().index is not None else -1, use_primary_edge_sampling, use_secondary_edge_sampling) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Scene construction, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # check that num_samples is a tuple if isinstance(num_samples, int): num_samples = (num_samples, num_samples) options = redner.RenderOptions(seed, num_samples[0], max_bounces, channels, sampler_type) num_channels = redner.compute_num_channels( channels, scene.max_generic_texture_dimension) rendered_image = torch.zeros(resolution[0], resolution[1], num_channels, device=pyredner.get_device()) start = time.time() redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(rendered_image.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), None, redner.float_ptr(0)) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Forward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # # For debugging # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # redner.render(scene, # options, # redner.float_ptr(rendered_image.data_ptr()), # redner.float_ptr(0), # None, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # exit() = camera ctx.shapes = shapes ctx.materials = materials ctx.area_lights = area_lights ctx.envmap = envmap ctx.scene = scene ctx.options = options ctx.num_samples = num_samples ctx.args = args # Important to prevent GC from deallocating the tensors return rendered_image
def parse_material(node, two_sided = False): node_id = None if 'id' in node.attrib: node_id = node.attrib['id'] if node.attrib['type'] == 'diffuse': diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) diffuse_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) specular_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) specular_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) roughness = torch.tensor([1.0]) for child in node: if child.attrib['name'] == 'reflectance': if child.tag == 'texture': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'filename': diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.imread(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'uscale': diffuse_uv_scale[0] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'vscale': diffuse_uv_scale[1] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif child.tag == 'rgb' or child.tag == 'spectrum': diffuse_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'specular': if child.tag == 'texture': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'filename': specular_reflectance = pyredner.imread(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'uscale': specular_uv_scale[0] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'vscale': specular_uv_scale[1] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif child.tag == 'rgb' or child.tag == 'spectrum': specular_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'roughness': roughness = torch.tensor([float(child.attrib['value'])]) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda() specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda() roughness = roughness.cuda() return (node_id, pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(diffuse_reflectance, diffuse_uv_scale), specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(specular_reflectance, specular_uv_scale), roughness = pyredner.Texture(roughness), two_sided = two_sided)) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'roughplastic': diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) diffuse_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) specular_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) specular_uv_scale = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0]) roughness = torch.tensor([1.0]) for child in node: if child.attrib['name'] == 'diffuseReflectance': if child.tag == 'texture': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'filename': diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.imread(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'uscale': diffuse_uv_scale[0] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'vscale': diffuse_uv_scale[1] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif child.tag == 'rgb' or child.tag == 'spectrum': diffuse_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'specularReflectance': if child.tag == 'texture': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'filename': specular_reflectance = pyredner.imread(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'uscale': specular_uv_scale[0] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'vscale': specular_uv_scale[1] = float(grandchild.attrib['value']) elif child.tag == 'rgb' or child.tag == 'spectrum': specular_reflectance = parse_vector(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'alpha': alpha = float(child.attrib['value']) roughness = torch.tensor([alpha * alpha]) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda() specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda() roughness = roughness.cuda() return (node_id, pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(diffuse_reflectance, diffuse_uv_scale), specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture(specular_reflectance, specular_uv_scale), roughness = pyredner.Texture(roughness), two_sided = two_sided)) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'twosided': ret = parse_material(node[0], True) return (node_id, ret[1]) else: print('Unsupported material type:', node.attrib['type']) assert(False)
def load_obj(filename, obj_group=True): """ Load from a Wavefront obj file as PyTorch tensors. XXX: this is slow, maybe move to C++? """ vertices_pool = [] uvs_pool = [] normals_pool = [] indices = [] vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] vertices_map = {} material_map = {} current_mtllib = {} current_material_name = None def create_mesh(indices, vertices, normals, uvs): indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.int32, device=pyredner.get_device()) vertices = torch.tensor(vertices, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(uvs) == 0: uvs = None else: uvs = torch.tensor(uvs, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(normals) == 0: normals = None else: normals = torch.tensor(normals, device=pyredner.get_device()) return TriangleMesh(vertices, indices, uvs, normals) mesh_list = [] light_map = {} f = open(filename, 'r') d = os.path.dirname(filename) cwd = os.getcwd() if d != '': os.chdir(d) for line in f: line = line.strip() splitted = re.split('\ +', line) if splitted[0] == 'mtllib': current_mtllib = load_mtl(splitted[1]) elif splitted[0] == 'usemtl': if len(indices) > 0 and obj_group is True: # Flush mesh_list.append((current_material_name, create_mesh(indices, vertices, normals, uvs))) indices = [] vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] vertices_map = {} mtl_name = splitted[1] current_material_name = mtl_name if mtl_name not in material_map: m = current_mtllib[mtl_name] if m.map_Kd is None: diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor( m.Kd, dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.imread(m.map_Kd) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda() if m.map_Ks is None: specular_reflectance = torch.tensor( m.Ks, dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: specular_reflectance = pyredner.imread(m.map_Ks) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda() if m.map_Ns is None: roughness = torch.tensor([2.0 / (m.Ns + 2.0)], dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: roughness = 2.0 / (pyredner.imread(m.map_Ks) + 2.0) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): roughness = roughness.cuda() if m.Ke != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): light_map[mtl_name] = torch.tensor(m.Ke, dtype=torch.float32) material_map[mtl_name] = pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness) elif splitted[0] == 'v': vertices_pool.append( [float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3])]) elif splitted[0] == 'vt': uvs_pool.append([float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2])]) elif splitted[0] == 'vn': normals_pool.append( [float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3])]) elif splitted[0] == 'f': def num_indices(x): return len(re.split('/', x)) def get_index(x, i): return int(re.split('/', x)[i]) def parse_face_index(x, i): f = get_index(x, i) if f < 0: if (i == 0): f += len(vertices) if (i == 1): f += len(uvs) else: f -= 1 return f assert (len(splitted) <= 5) def get_vertex_id(indices): pi = parse_face_index(indices, 0) uvi = None if (num_indices(indices) > 1 and re.split('/', indices)[1] != ''): uvi = parse_face_index(indices, 1) ni = None if (num_indices(indices) > 2 and re.split('/', indices)[2] != ''): ni = parse_face_index(indices, 2) key = (pi, uvi, ni) if key in vertices_map: return vertices_map[key] vertex_id = len(vertices) vertices_map[key] = vertex_id vertices.append(vertices_pool[pi]) if uvi is not None: uvs.append(uvs_pool[uvi]) if ni is not None: normals.append(normals_pool[ni]) return vertex_id vid0 = get_vertex_id(splitted[1]) vid1 = get_vertex_id(splitted[2]) vid2 = get_vertex_id(splitted[3]) indices.append([vid0, vid1, vid2]) if (len(splitted) == 5): vid3 = get_vertex_id(splitted[4]) indices.append([vid0, vid2, vid3]) mesh_list.append( (current_material_name, create_mesh(indices, vertices, normals, uvs))) if d != '': os.chdir(cwd) return material_map, mesh_list, light_map
def backward(ctx, grad_img): if not grad_img.is_contiguous(): grad_img = grad_img.contiguous() scene = ctx.scene options = ctx.options d_cam_position = torch.zeros(3) d_cam_look = torch.zeros(3) d_cam_up = torch.zeros(3) d_ndc_to_cam = torch.zeros(3, 3) d_cam_to_ndc = torch.zeros(3, 3) d_camera = redner.DCamera(redner.float_ptr(d_cam_position.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_look.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_up.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_ndc_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_to_ndc.data_ptr())) d_vertices_list = [] d_uvs_list = [] d_normals_list = [] d_shapes = [] for shape in ctx.shapes: num_vertices = shape.num_vertices d_vertices = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_uvs = torch.zeros( num_vertices, 2, device=pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_uvs() else None d_normals = torch.zeros( num_vertices, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_normals() else None d_vertices_list.append(d_vertices) d_uvs_list.append(d_uvs) d_normals_list.append(d_normals) d_shapes.append(redner.DShape(\ redner.float_ptr(d_vertices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_uvs.data_ptr() if d_uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(d_normals.data_ptr() if d_normals is not None else 0))) d_diffuse_list = [] d_specular_list = [] d_roughness_list = [] d_materials = [] for material in ctx.materials: diffuse_size = material.get_diffuse_size() specular_size = material.get_specular_size() roughness_size = material.get_roughness_size() if diffuse_size[0] == 0: d_diffuse = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: d_diffuse = torch.zeros(diffuse_size[2], diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[0], 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if specular_size[0] == 0: d_specular = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: d_specular = torch.zeros(specular_size[2], specular_size[1], specular_size[0], 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if roughness_size[0] == 0: d_roughness = torch.zeros(1, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: d_roughness = torch.zeros(roughness_size[2], roughness_size[1], roughness_size[0], 1, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_diffuse_list.append(d_diffuse) d_specular_list.append(d_specular) d_roughness_list.append(d_roughness) d_diffuse_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_specular_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_roughness_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_diffuse_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse.data_ptr()), diffuse_size[0], diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_specular_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_specular.data_ptr()), specular_size[0], specular_size[1], specular_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_roughness_tex = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(d_roughness.data_ptr()), roughness_size[0], roughness_size[1], roughness_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_materials.append(redner.DMaterial(\ d_diffuse_tex, d_specular_tex, d_roughness_tex)) d_intensity_list = [] d_area_lights = [] for light in ctx.area_lights: d_intensity = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_intensity_list.append(d_intensity) d_area_lights.append(\ redner.DAreaLight(redner.float_ptr(d_intensity.data_ptr()))) d_envmap = None if ctx.envmap is not None: envmap = ctx.envmap size = envmap.get_size() d_envmap_values = \ torch.zeros(size[2], size[1], size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_envmap_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_envmap_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_envmap_values.data_ptr()), size[0], size[1], size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_world_to_env = torch.zeros(4, 4) d_envmap = redner.DEnvironmentMap(\ d_envmap_tex, redner.float_ptr(d_world_to_env.data_ptr())) d_scene = redner.DScene( d_camera, d_shapes, d_materials, d_area_lights, d_envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu(), pyredner.get_device().index if pyredner.get_device().index is not None else -1) if not get_use_correlated_random_number(): # Decouple the forward/backward random numbers by adding a big prime number options.seed += 1000003 options.num_samples = ctx.num_samples[1] start = time.time() redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(0), redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), d_scene, redner.float_ptr(0)) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Backward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # # For debugging # # pyredner.imwrite(grad_img, 'grad_img.exr') # # grad_img = torch.ones(256, 256, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # start = time.time() # redner.render(scene, options, # redner.float_ptr(0), # redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), # d_scene, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # time_elapsed = time.time() - start # if print_timing: # print('Backward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # pyredner.imwrite(-debug_img, 'debug_.exr') # debug_img = debug_img.numpy() # print(np.max(debug_img)) # print(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(debug_img), debug_img.shape)) # print(np.min(debug_img)) # print(np.unravel_index(np.argmin(debug_img), debug_img.shape)) # print(np.sum(debug_img) / 3) # debug_max = 0.5 # debug_min = -0.5 # debug_img = np.clip((debug_img - debug_min) / (debug_max - debug_min), 0, 1) # debug_img = debug_img[:, :, 0] # import as cm # debug_img = cm.viridis(debug_img) #'debug.png', np.power(debug_img, 1/2.2)) # exit() ret_list = [] ret_list.append(None) # seed ret_list.append(None) # num_shapes ret_list.append(None) # num_materials ret_list.append(None) # num_lights ret_list.append(d_cam_position) ret_list.append(d_cam_look) ret_list.append(d_cam_up) ret_list.append(d_ndc_to_cam) ret_list.append(d_cam_to_ndc) ret_list.append(None) # clip near ret_list.append(None) # resolution ret_list.append(None) # fisheye num_shapes = len(ctx.shapes) for i in range(num_shapes): ret_list.append(d_vertices_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # indices ret_list.append(d_uvs_list[i]) ret_list.append(d_normals_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # material id ret_list.append(None) # light id num_materials = len(ctx.materials) for i in range(num_materials): ret_list.append(d_diffuse_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # diffuse_uv_scale ret_list.append(d_specular_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # specular_uv_scale ret_list.append(d_roughness_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # roughness_uv_scale ret_list.append(None) # two sided num_area_lights = len(ctx.area_lights) for i in range(num_area_lights): ret_list.append(None) # shape id ret_list.append(d_intensity_list[i].cpu()) ret_list.append(None) # two sided if ctx.envmap is not None: ret_list.append(d_envmap_values) ret_list.append(None) # uv_scale ret_list.append(None) # env_to_world ret_list.append(d_world_to_env) ret_list.append(None) # sample_cdf_ys ret_list.append(None) # sample_cdf_xs ret_list.append(None) # pdf_norm else: ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) # num samples ret_list.append(None) # num bounces ret_list.append(None) # channels ret_list.append(None) # sampler type ret_list.append(None) # use_primary_edge_sampling ret_list.append(None) # use_secondary_edge_sampling return tuple(ret_list)
def parse_shape(node, material_dict, shape_id, shape_group_dict=None): if node.attrib['type'] == 'obj' or node.attrib['type'] == 'serialized': to_world = torch.eye(4) serialized_shape_id = 0 mat_id = -1 light_intensity = None filename = '' max_smooth_angle = -1 for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'filename': filename = child.attrib['value'] elif child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'shapeIndex': serialized_shape_id = int(child.attrib['value']) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'maxSmoothAngle': max_smooth_angle = float(child.attrib['value']) if child.tag == 'ref': mat_id = material_dict[child.attrib['id']] elif child.tag == 'emitter': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'radiance': light_intensity = parse_vector( grandchild.attrib['value']) if light_intensity.shape[0] == 1: light_intensity = torch.tensor(\ [light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0]]) if node.attrib['type'] == 'obj': _, mesh_list, _ = pyredner.load_obj(filename) # Convert to CPU for rebuild_topology vertices = mesh_list[0][1].vertices.cpu() indices = mesh_list[0][1].indices.cpu() uvs = mesh_list[0][1].uvs normals = mesh_list[0][1].normals uv_indices = mesh_list[0][1].uv_indices normal_indices = mesh_list[0][1].normal_indices if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cpu() if normals is not None: normals = normals.cpu() if uv_indices is not None: uv_indices = uv_indices.cpu() else: assert (node.attrib['type'] == 'serialized') mitsuba_tri_mesh = redner.load_serialized(filename, serialized_shape_id) vertices = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.vertices) indices = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.indices) uvs = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.uvs) normals = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.normals) if uvs.shape[0] == 0: uvs = None if normals.shape[0] == 0: normals = None uv_indices = None # Serialized doesn't use different indices for UV & normal normal_indices = None # Transform the vertices and normals vertices =, torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1)), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse(torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() assert (vertices is not None) assert (indices is not None) if max_smooth_angle >= 0: if normals is None: normals = torch.zeros_like(vertices) new_num_vertices = redner.rebuild_topology(\ redner.float_ptr(vertices.data_ptr()), redner.int_ptr(indices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(uvs.data_ptr() if uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(normals.data_ptr() if normals is not None else 0), redner.int_ptr(uv_indices.data_ptr() if uv_indices is not None else 0), int(vertices.shape[0]), int(indices.shape[0]), max_smooth_angle) print('Rebuilt topology, original vertices size: {}, new vertices size: {}'.format(\ int(vertices.shape[0]), new_num_vertices)) vertices.resize_(new_num_vertices, 3) if uvs is not None: uvs.resize_(new_num_vertices, 2) if normals is not None: normals.resize_(new_num_vertices, 3) lgt = None if light_intensity is not None: lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU vertices = vertices.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) indices = indices.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) if normals is not None: normals = normals.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) if uv_indices is not None: uv_indices = uv_indices.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) if normal_indices is not None: normal_indices = normal_indices.cuda( device=pyredner.get_device()) return pyredner.Shape(vertices, indices, uvs=uvs, normals=normals, uv_indices=uv_indices, normal_indices=normal_indices, material_id=mat_id), lgt elif node.attrib['type'] == 'rectangle': indices = torch.tensor([[0, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3]], dtype=torch.int32) vertices = torch.tensor([[-1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) uvs = None normals = None to_world = torch.eye(4) mat_id = -1 light_intensity = None for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) if child.tag == 'ref': mat_id = material_dict[child.attrib['id']] elif child.tag == 'emitter': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'radiance': light_intensity = parse_vector( grandchild.attrib['value']) if light_intensity.shape[0] == 1: light_intensity = torch.tensor(\ [light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0]]) # Transform the vertices # Transform the vertices and normals vertices =, torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1)), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse(torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() assert (vertices is not None) assert (indices is not None) lgt = None if light_intensity is not None: lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU vertices = vertices.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) indices = indices.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) if normals is not None: normals = normals.cuda(device=pyredner.get_device()) return pyredner.Shape(vertices, indices, uvs=uvs, normals=normals, material_id=mat_id), lgt # Add instance support # TODO (simply transform & create a new shape now) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'instance': shape = None for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): to_world = to_world.cuda() if child.tag == 'ref': shape = shape_group_dict[child.attrib['id']] # transform instance vertices = shape.vertices normals = shape.normals vector1 = torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1) vertices = (vertices, vector1.cuda() if pyredner.get_use_gpu() else vector1), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse(torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() # assert(vertices is not None) # assert(indices is not None) # lgt = None # if light_intensity is not None: # lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) return pyredner.Shape(vertices, shape.indices, uvs=shape.uvs, normals=normals, material_ids=shape.material_id), None else: print('Shape type {} is not supported!'.format(node.attrib['type'])) assert (False)
position = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, -5.0]) look_at = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) up = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) fov = torch.tensor([45.0]) clip_near = 1e-2 resolution = (256, 256) cam = pyredner.Camera(position = position, look_at = look_at, up = up, fov = fov, clip_near = clip_near, resolution = resolution) checkerboard_texture = pyredner.imread('checkerboard.exr') if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): checkerboard_texture = checkerboard_texture.cuda(device = pyredner.get_device()) mat_checkerboard = pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance = checkerboard_texture) mat_black = pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], device = pyredner.get_device())) materials = [mat_checkerboard, mat_black] vertices = torch.tensor([[-1.0,-1.0,0.0], [-1.0,1.0,0.0], [1.0,-1.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0,0.0]], device = pyredner.get_device()) indices = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2]], dtype = torch.int32, device = pyredner.get_device()) uvs = torch.tensor([[0.05, 0.05], [0.05, 0.95], [0.95, 0.05], [0.95, 0.95]], device = pyredner.get_device()) shape_plane = pyredner.Shape(vertices, indices, uvs, None, 0)
def forward(ctx, seed, *args): """ Forward rendering pass: given a scene and output an image. """ # Unpack arguments current_index = 0 num_shapes = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_materials = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_lights = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_position = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_look_at = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_up = args[current_index] current_index += 1 ndc_to_cam = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_to_ndc = args[current_index] current_index += 1 clip_near = args[current_index] current_index += 1 resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 fisheye = args[current_index] current_index += 1 camera = redner.Camera(resolution[1], resolution[0], redner.float_ptr(cam_position.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_look_at.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_up.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(ndc_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_to_ndc.data_ptr()), clip_near, fisheye) shapes = [] for i in range(num_shapes): vertices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 uvs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normals = args[current_index] current_index += 1 material_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 light_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert(vertices.is_contiguous()) assert(indices.is_contiguous()) if uvs is not None: assert(uvs.is_contiguous()) if normals is not None: assert(normals.is_contiguous()) shapes.append(redner.Shape(\ redner.float_ptr(vertices.data_ptr()), redner.int_ptr(indices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(uvs.data_ptr() if uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(normals.data_ptr() if normals is not None else 0), int(vertices.shape[0]), int(indices.shape[0]), material_id, light_id)) materials = [] for i in range(num_materials): diffuse_reflectance = args[current_index] current_index += 1 diffuse_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_reflectance = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert(diffuse_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if diffuse_reflectance.dim() == 1: diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance.data_ptr()), int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[2]), # width int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[1]), # height int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) assert(specular_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if specular_reflectance.dim() == 1: specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance.data_ptr()), int(specular_reflectance.shape[2]), # width int(specular_reflectance.shape[1]), # height int(specular_reflectance.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) assert(roughness.is_contiguous()) if roughness.dim() == 1: roughness = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(roughness.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: assert(roughness.dim() == 4) roughness = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(roughness.data_ptr()), int(roughness.shape[2]), # width int(roughness.shape[1]), # height int(roughness.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) materials.append(redner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness, two_sided)) area_lights = [] for i in range(num_lights): shape_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intensity = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 area_lights.append(redner.AreaLight(\ shape_id, redner.float_ptr(intensity.data_ptr()), two_sided)) envmap = None if args[current_index] is not None: values = args[current_index] current_index += 1 envmap_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 env_to_world = args[current_index] current_index += 1 world_to_env = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_cdf_ys = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_cdf_xs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 pdf_norm = args[current_index] current_index += 1 values = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(values.data_ptr()), int(values.shape[2]), # width int(values.shape[1]), # height int(values.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) envmap = redner.EnvironmentMap(\ values, redner.float_ptr(env_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(world_to_env.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(sample_cdf_ys.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(sample_cdf_xs.data_ptr()), pdf_norm) else: current_index += 7 start = time.time() scene = redner.Scene(camera, shapes, materials, area_lights, envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu(), pyredner.get_device().index if pyredner.get_device().index is not None else -1) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Scene construction, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) num_samples = args[current_index] current_index += 1 max_bounces = args[current_index] current_index += 1 channels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sampler_type = args[current_index] current_index += 1 # check that num_samples is a tuple if isinstance(num_samples, int): num_samples = (num_samples, num_samples) options = redner.RenderOptions(seed, num_samples[0], max_bounces, channels, sampler_type) num_channels = redner.compute_num_channels(channels) rendered_image = torch.zeros(resolution[0], resolution[1], num_channels, device = pyredner.get_device()) start = time.time() redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(rendered_image.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), None, redner.float_ptr(0)) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Forward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # # For debugging # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # redner.render(scene, # options, # redner.float_ptr(rendered_image.data_ptr()), # redner.float_ptr(0), # None, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # exit() ctx.shapes = shapes ctx.materials = materials ctx.area_lights = area_lights ctx.envmap = envmap ctx.scene = scene ctx.options = options ctx.num_samples = num_samples return rendered_image
def backward(ctx, grad_img): if not grad_img.is_contiguous(): grad_img = grad_img.contiguous() scene = ctx.scene options = ctx.options d_fov_factor = torch.zeros(1) d_cam_to_world = torch.zeros(4, 4) d_world_to_cam = torch.zeros(4, 4) d_camera = redner.DCamera(redner.float_ptr(d_cam_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_world_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_fov_factor.data_ptr())) d_vertices_list = [] d_uvs_list = [] d_normals_list = [] d_shapes = [] for shape in ctx.shapes: num_vertices = shape.num_vertices d_vertices = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_uvs = torch.zeros( num_vertices, 2, device=pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_uvs() else None d_normals = torch.zeros( num_vertices, 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_normals() else None d_vertices_list.append(d_vertices) d_uvs_list.append(d_uvs) d_normals_list.append(d_normals) d_shapes.append(redner.DShape(\ redner.float_ptr(d_vertices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_uvs.data_ptr() if d_uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(d_normals.data_ptr() if d_normals is not None else 0))) d_diffuse_list = [] d_specular_list = [] d_roughness_list = [] d_materials = [] for material in ctx.materials: diffuse_size = material.get_diffuse_size() specular_size = material.get_specular_size() roughness_size = material.get_roughness_size() if diffuse_size[0] == 0: d_diffuse = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: d_diffuse = torch.zeros(diffuse_size[2], diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[0], 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if specular_size[0] == 0: d_specular = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: d_specular = torch.zeros(specular_size[2], specular_size[1], specular_size[0], 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) if roughness_size[0] == 0: d_roughness = torch.zeros(1, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: d_roughness = torch.zeros(roughness_size[2], roughness_size[1], roughness_size[0], device=pyredner.get_device()) d_diffuse_list.append(d_diffuse) d_specular_list.append(d_specular) d_roughness_list.append(d_roughness) d_diffuse_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_specular_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_roughness_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_diffuse_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse.data_ptr()), diffuse_size[0], diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_specular_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_specular.data_ptr()), specular_size[0], specular_size[1], specular_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_roughness_tex = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(d_roughness.data_ptr()), roughness_size[0], roughness_size[1], roughness_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_materials.append(redner.DMaterial(\ d_diffuse_tex, d_specular_tex, d_roughness_tex)) d_intensity_list = [] d_lights = [] for light in ctx.lights: d_intensity = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device()) d_intensity_list.append(d_intensity) d_lights.append( redner.DLight(redner.float_ptr(d_intensity.data_ptr()))) d_scene = redner.DScene(d_camera, d_shapes, d_materials, d_lights, pyredner.get_use_gpu()) if not get_use_correlated_random_number(): # Decouple the forward/backward random numbers by adding a big prime number options.seed += 1000003 redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(0), redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), d_scene, redner.float_ptr(0)) # # For debugging # grad_img = torch.ones(256, 256, 3) # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # redner.render(scene, options, # redner.float_ptr(0), # redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), # d_scene, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # exit() ret_list = [] ret_list.append(None) # seed ret_list.append(None) # num_shapes ret_list.append(None) # num_materials ret_list.append(None) # num_lights ret_list.append(d_cam_to_world) ret_list.append(d_world_to_cam) ret_list.append(d_fov_factor) ret_list.append(None) # clip near ret_list.append(None) # resolution ret_list.append(None) # fisheye num_shapes = len(ctx.shapes) for i in range(num_shapes): ret_list.append(d_vertices_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # indices ret_list.append(d_uvs_list[i]) ret_list.append(d_normals_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # material id ret_list.append(None) # light id num_materials = len(ctx.materials) for i in range(num_materials): ret_list.append(d_diffuse_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # diffuse_uv_scale ret_list.append(d_specular_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # specular_uv_scale ret_list.append(d_roughness_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # roughness_uv_scale ret_list.append(None) # two sided num_lights = len(ctx.lights) for i in range(num_lights): ret_list.append(None) # shape id ret_list.append(d_intensity_list[i].cpu()) ret_list.append(None) # two sided ret_list.append(None) # num samples ret_list.append(None) # num bounces return tuple(ret_list)
def parse_shape(node, material_dict, shape_id, shape_group_dict=None): if node.attrib['type'] == 'obj' or node.attrib['type'] == 'serialized': to_world = torch.eye(4) serialized_shape_id = 0 mat_id = -1 light_intensity = None filename = '' for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'filename': filename = child.attrib['value'] elif child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) elif child.attrib['name'] == 'shapeIndex': serialized_shape_id = int(child.attrib['value']) if child.tag == 'ref': mat_id = material_dict[child.attrib['id']] elif child.tag == 'emitter': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'radiance': light_intensity = parse_vector( grandchild.attrib['value']) if light_intensity.shape[0] == 1: light_intensity = torch.tensor(\ [light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0]]) if node.attrib['type'] == 'obj': _, mesh_list, _ = pyredner.load_obj(filename) vertices = mesh_list[0][1].vertices.cpu() indices = mesh_list[0][1].indices.cpu() uvs = mesh_list[0][1].uvs normals = mesh_list[0][1].normals if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cpu() if normals is not None: normals = normals.cpu() else: assert (node.attrib['type'] == 'serialized') mitsuba_tri_mesh = redner.load_serialized(filename, serialized_shape_id) vertices = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.vertices) indices = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.indices) uvs = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.uvs) normals = torch.from_numpy(mitsuba_tri_mesh.normals) if uvs.shape[0] == 0: uvs = None if normals.shape[0] == 0: normals = None # Transform the vertices and normals vertices =, torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1)), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse(torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() assert (vertices is not None) assert (indices is not None) lgt = None if light_intensity is not None: lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU vertices = vertices.cuda() indices = indices.cuda() if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cuda() if normals is not None: normals = normals.cuda() return pyredner.Shape(vertices, indices, uvs, normals, mat_id), lgt elif node.attrib['type'] == 'rectangle': indices = torch.tensor([[0, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3]], dtype=torch.int32) vertices = torch.tensor([[-1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) uvs = None normals = None to_world = torch.eye(4) mat_id = -1 light_intensity = None for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) if child.tag == 'ref': mat_id = material_dict[child.attrib['id']] elif child.tag == 'emitter': for grandchild in child: if grandchild.attrib['name'] == 'radiance': light_intensity = parse_vector( grandchild.attrib['value']) if light_intensity.shape[0] == 1: light_intensity = torch.tensor(\ [light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0], light_intensity[0]]) # Transform the vertices # Transform the vertices and normals vertices =, torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1)), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse(torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() assert (vertices is not None) assert (indices is not None) lgt = None if light_intensity is not None: lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # Copy to GPU vertices = vertices.cuda() indices = indices.cuda() if uvs is not None: uvs = uvs.cuda() if normals is not None: normals = normals.cuda() return pyredner.Shape(vertices, indices, uvs, normals, mat_id), lgt # Add instance support # TODO (simply transform & create a new shape now) elif node.attrib['type'] == 'instance': shape = None for child in node: if 'name' in child.attrib: if child.attrib['name'] == 'toWorld': to_world = parse_transform(child) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): to_world = to_world.cuda() if child.tag == 'ref': shape = shape_group_dict[child.attrib['id']] # transform instance vertices = shape.vertices normals = shape.normals vector1 = torch.ones(vertices.shape[0], 1) vertices = (vertices, vector1.cuda() if pyredner.get_use_gpu() else vector1), dim=1) vertices = vertices @ torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1) vertices = vertices / vertices[:, 3:4] vertices = vertices[:, 0:3].contiguous() if normals is not None: normals = normals @ (torch.inverse(torch.transpose(to_world, 0, 1))[:3, :3]) normals = normals.contiguous() # assert(vertices is not None) # assert(indices is not None) # lgt = None # if light_intensity is not None: # lgt = pyredner.AreaLight(shape_id, light_intensity) return pyredner.Shape(vertices, shape.indices, shape.uvs, normals, shape.material_id), None else: print('Shape type {} is not supported!'.format(node.attrib['type'])) assert (False)
def backward(ctx, grad_img): if not grad_img.is_contiguous(): grad_img = grad_img.contiguous() scene = ctx.scene options = ctx.options d_cam_position = torch.zeros(3) d_cam_look = torch.zeros(3) d_cam_up = torch.zeros(3) d_ndc_to_cam = torch.zeros(3, 3) d_cam_to_ndc = torch.zeros(3, 3) d_camera = redner.DCamera(redner.float_ptr(d_cam_position.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_look.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_up.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_ndc_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_to_ndc.data_ptr())) d_vertices_list = [] d_uvs_list = [] d_normals_list = [] d_shapes = [] for shape in ctx.shapes: num_vertices = shape.num_vertices d_vertices = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_uvs = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 2, device = pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_uvs() else None d_normals = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_normals() else None d_vertices_list.append(d_vertices) d_uvs_list.append(d_uvs) d_normals_list.append(d_normals) d_shapes.append(redner.DShape(\ redner.float_ptr(d_vertices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_uvs.data_ptr() if d_uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(d_normals.data_ptr() if d_normals is not None else 0))) d_diffuse_list = [] d_specular_list = [] d_roughness_list = [] d_materials = [] for material in ctx.materials: diffuse_size = material.get_diffuse_size() specular_size = material.get_specular_size() roughness_size = material.get_roughness_size() if diffuse_size[0] == 0: d_diffuse = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: d_diffuse = torch.zeros(diffuse_size[2], diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if specular_size[0] == 0: d_specular = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: d_specular = torch.zeros(specular_size[2], specular_size[1], specular_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if roughness_size[0] == 0: d_roughness = torch.zeros(1, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: d_roughness = torch.zeros(roughness_size[2], roughness_size[1], roughness_size[0], 1, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_diffuse_list.append(d_diffuse) d_specular_list.append(d_specular) d_roughness_list.append(d_roughness) d_diffuse_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_specular_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_roughness_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_diffuse_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse.data_ptr()), diffuse_size[0], diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_specular_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_specular.data_ptr()), specular_size[0], specular_size[1], specular_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_roughness_tex = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(d_roughness.data_ptr()), roughness_size[0], roughness_size[1], roughness_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_materials.append(redner.DMaterial(\ d_diffuse_tex, d_specular_tex, d_roughness_tex)) d_intensity_list = [] d_area_lights = [] for light in ctx.area_lights: d_intensity = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_intensity_list.append(d_intensity) d_area_lights.append(\ redner.DAreaLight(redner.float_ptr(d_intensity.data_ptr()))) d_envmap = None if ctx.envmap is not None: envmap = ctx.envmap size = envmap.get_size() d_envmap_values = \ torch.zeros(size[2], size[1], size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_envmap_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_envmap_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_envmap_values.data_ptr()), size[0], size[1], size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_world_to_env = torch.zeros(4, 4) d_envmap = redner.DEnvironmentMap(\ d_envmap_tex, redner.float_ptr(d_world_to_env.data_ptr())) d_scene = redner.DScene(d_camera, d_shapes, d_materials, d_area_lights, d_envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu(), pyredner.get_device().index if pyredner.get_device().index is not None else -1) if not get_use_correlated_random_number(): # Decouple the forward/backward random numbers by adding a big prime number options.seed += 1000003 options.num_samples = ctx.num_samples[1] start = time.time() redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(0), redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), d_scene, redner.float_ptr(0)) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Backward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # # For debugging # # pyredner.imwrite(grad_img, 'grad_img.exr') # # grad_img = torch.ones(256, 256, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # start = time.time() # redner.render(scene, options, # redner.float_ptr(0), # redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), # d_scene, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # time_elapsed = time.time() - start # if print_timing: # print('Backward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # pyredner.imwrite(-debug_img, 'debug_.exr') # debug_img = debug_img.numpy() # print(np.max(debug_img)) # print(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(debug_img), debug_img.shape)) # print(np.min(debug_img)) # print(np.unravel_index(np.argmin(debug_img), debug_img.shape)) # print(np.sum(debug_img) / 3) # debug_max = 0.5 # debug_min = -0.5 # debug_img = np.clip((debug_img - debug_min) / (debug_max - debug_min), 0, 1) # debug_img = debug_img[:, :, 0] # import as cm # debug_img = cm.viridis(debug_img) #'debug.png', np.power(debug_img, 1/2.2)) # exit() ret_list = [] ret_list.append(None) # seed ret_list.append(None) # num_shapes ret_list.append(None) # num_materials ret_list.append(None) # num_lights ret_list.append(d_cam_position) ret_list.append(d_cam_look) ret_list.append(d_cam_up) ret_list.append(d_ndc_to_cam) ret_list.append(d_cam_to_ndc) ret_list.append(None) # clip near ret_list.append(None) # resolution ret_list.append(None) # fisheye num_shapes = len(ctx.shapes) for i in range(num_shapes): ret_list.append(d_vertices_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # indices ret_list.append(d_uvs_list[i]) ret_list.append(d_normals_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # material id ret_list.append(None) # light id num_materials = len(ctx.materials) for i in range(num_materials): ret_list.append(d_diffuse_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # diffuse_uv_scale ret_list.append(d_specular_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # specular_uv_scale ret_list.append(d_roughness_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # roughness_uv_scale ret_list.append(None) # two sided num_area_lights = len(ctx.area_lights) for i in range(num_area_lights): ret_list.append(None) # shape id ret_list.append(d_intensity_list[i].cpu()) ret_list.append(None) # two sided if ctx.envmap is not None: ret_list.append(d_envmap_values) ret_list.append(None) # uv_scale ret_list.append(None) # env_to_world ret_list.append(d_world_to_env) ret_list.append(None) # sample_cdf_ys ret_list.append(None) # sample_cdf_xs ret_list.append(None) # pdf_norm else: ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) # num samples ret_list.append(None) # num bounces ret_list.append(None) # channels ret_list.append(None) # sampler type return tuple(ret_list)
def unpack_args(seed, args, use_primary_edge_sampling = None, use_secondary_edge_sampling = None): """ Given a list of serialized scene arguments, unpack all information into a Context. """ current_index = 0 num_shapes = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_materials = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_lights = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_position = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_look_at = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_up = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_to_world = args[current_index] current_index += 1 world_to_cam = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intrinsic_mat_inv = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intrinsic_mat = args[current_index] current_index += 1 clip_near = args[current_index] current_index += 1 resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 viewport = args[current_index] current_index += 1 camera_type = args[current_index] current_index += 1 if cam_to_world is None: camera = redner.Camera(resolution[1], resolution[0], redner.float_ptr(cam_position.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_look_at.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_up.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_to_world redner.float_ptr(0), # world_to_cam redner.float_ptr(intrinsic_mat_inv.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(intrinsic_mat.data_ptr()), clip_near, camera_type, redner.Vector2i(viewport[1], viewport[0]), redner.Vector2i(viewport[3], viewport[2])) else: camera = redner.Camera(resolution[1], resolution[0], redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_position redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_look_at redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_up redner.float_ptr(cam_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(world_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(intrinsic_mat_inv.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(intrinsic_mat.data_ptr()), clip_near, camera_type, redner.Vector2i(viewport[1], viewport[0]), redner.Vector2i(viewport[3], viewport[2])) shapes = [] for i in range(num_shapes): vertices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 uvs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normals = args[current_index] current_index += 1 uv_indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normal_indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 colors = args[current_index] current_index += 1 material_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 light_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert(vertices.is_contiguous()) assert(indices.is_contiguous()) if uvs is not None: assert(uvs.is_contiguous()) if normals is not None: assert(normals.is_contiguous()) if uv_indices is not None: assert(uv_indices.is_contiguous()) if normal_indices is not None: assert(normal_indices.is_contiguous()) shapes.append(redner.Shape(\ redner.float_ptr(vertices.data_ptr()), redner.int_ptr(indices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(uvs.data_ptr() if uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(normals.data_ptr() if normals is not None else 0), redner.int_ptr(uv_indices.data_ptr() if uv_indices is not None else 0), redner.int_ptr(normal_indices.data_ptr() if normal_indices is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(colors.data_ptr() if colors is not None else 0), int(vertices.shape[0]), int(uvs.shape[0]) if uvs is not None else 0, int(normals.shape[0]) if normals is not None else 0, int(indices.shape[0]), material_id, light_id)) materials = [] for i in range(num_materials): num_levels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 diffuse_reflectance = [] for j in range(num_levels): diffuse_reflectance.append(args[current_index]) current_index += 1 diffuse_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_levels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_reflectance = [] for j in range(num_levels): specular_reflectance.append(args[current_index]) current_index += 1 specular_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_levels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness = [] for j in range(num_levels): roughness.append(args[current_index]) current_index += 1 roughness_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_levels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 generic_texture = [] if num_levels > 0: for j in range(num_levels): generic_texture.append(args[current_index]) current_index += 1 generic_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 else: generic_uv_scale = None num_levels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normal_map = [] if num_levels > 0: for j in range(num_levels): normal_map.append(args[current_index]) current_index += 1 normal_map_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 else: normal_map_uv_scale = None compute_specular_lighting = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 use_vertex_color = args[current_index] current_index += 1 if diffuse_reflectance[0].dim() == 1: # Constant texture diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 3, redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: assert(diffuse_reflectance[0].dim() == 3) diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in diffuse_reflectance], [x.shape[1] for x in diffuse_reflectance], [x.shape[0] for x in diffuse_reflectance], 3, redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if specular_reflectance[0].dim() == 1: # Constant texture specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 3, redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: assert(specular_reflectance[0].dim() == 3) specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in specular_reflectance], [x.shape[1] for x in specular_reflectance], [x.shape[0] for x in specular_reflectance], 3, redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if roughness[0].dim() == 1: # Constant texture roughness = redner.Texture1(\ [redner.float_ptr(roughness[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 1, redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: assert(roughness[0].dim() == 3) roughness = redner.Texture1(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in roughness], [x.shape[1] for x in roughness], [x.shape[0] for x in roughness], 1, redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if len(generic_texture) > 0: assert(generic_texture[0].dim() == 3) generic_texture = redner.TextureN(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in generic_texture], [x.shape[1] for x in generic_texture], [x.shape[0] for x in generic_texture], generic_texture[0].shape[2], redner.float_ptr(generic_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: generic_texture = redner.TextureN(\ [], [], [], 0, redner.float_ptr(0)) if len(normal_map) > 0: assert(normal_map[0].dim() == 3) normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in normal_map], [x.shape[1] for x in normal_map], [x.shape[0] for x in normal_map], 3, redner.float_ptr(normal_map_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ [], [], [], 0, redner.float_ptr(0)) materials.append(redner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness, generic_texture, normal_map, compute_specular_lighting, two_sided, use_vertex_color)) area_lights = [] for i in range(num_lights): shape_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intensity = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 directly_visible = args[current_index] current_index += 1 area_lights.append(redner.AreaLight(\ shape_id, redner.float_ptr(intensity.data_ptr()), two_sided, directly_visible)) envmap = None if args[current_index] is not None: num_levels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 values = [] for j in range(num_levels): values.append(args[current_index]) current_index += 1 envmap_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 env_to_world = args[current_index] current_index += 1 world_to_env = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_cdf_ys = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_cdf_xs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 pdf_norm = args[current_index] current_index += 1 directly_visible = args[current_index] current_index += 1 values = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in values], [x.shape[1] for x in values], # width [x.shape[0] for x in values], # height 3, # channels redner.float_ptr(envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) envmap = redner.EnvironmentMap(\ values, redner.float_ptr(env_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(world_to_env.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(sample_cdf_ys.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(sample_cdf_xs.data_ptr()), pdf_norm, directly_visible) else: current_index += 1 # Options num_samples = args[current_index] current_index += 1 max_bounces = args[current_index] current_index += 1 channels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sampler_type = args[current_index] current_index += 1 use_primary_edge_sampling_ = args[current_index] current_index += 1 use_secondary_edge_sampling_ = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_pixel_center = args[current_index] current_index += 1 if use_primary_edge_sampling is None: use_primary_edge_sampling = use_primary_edge_sampling_ if use_secondary_edge_sampling is None: use_secondary_edge_sampling = use_secondary_edge_sampling_ start = time.time() scene = redner.Scene(camera, shapes, materials, area_lights, envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu(), pyredner.get_device().index if pyredner.get_device().index is not None else -1, use_primary_edge_sampling, use_secondary_edge_sampling) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if get_print_timing(): print('Scene construction, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # check that num_samples is a tuple if isinstance(num_samples, int): num_samples = (num_samples, num_samples) options = redner.RenderOptions(seed, num_samples[0], max_bounces, channels, sampler_type, sample_pixel_center) ctx = Context() ctx.channels = channels ctx.options = options ctx.resolution = resolution ctx.viewport = viewport ctx.scene = scene = camera ctx.shapes = shapes ctx.materials = materials ctx.area_lights = area_lights ctx.envmap = envmap ctx.scene = scene ctx.options = options ctx.num_samples = num_samples return ctx
def forward(ctx, seed, *args): """ Forward rendering pass: given a scene and output an image. """ # Unpack arguments current_index = 0 num_shapes = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_materials = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_lights = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_position = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_look_at = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_up = args[current_index] current_index += 1 ndc_to_cam = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_to_ndc = args[current_index] current_index += 1 clip_near = args[current_index] current_index += 1 resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 fisheye = args[current_index] current_index += 1 camera = redner.Camera(resolution[1], resolution[0], redner.float_ptr(cam_position.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_look_at.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_up.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(ndc_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(cam_to_ndc.data_ptr()), clip_near, fisheye) shapes = [] for i in range(num_shapes): vertices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 uvs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normals = args[current_index] current_index += 1 material_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 light_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert (vertices.is_contiguous()) assert (indices.is_contiguous()) if uvs is not None: assert (uvs.is_contiguous()) if normals is not None: assert (normals.is_contiguous()) shapes.append(redner.Shape(\ redner.float_ptr(vertices.data_ptr()), redner.int_ptr(indices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(uvs.data_ptr() if uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(normals.data_ptr() if normals is not None else 0), int(vertices.shape[0]), int(indices.shape[0]), material_id, light_id)) materials = [] for i in range(num_materials): diffuse_reflectance = args[current_index] current_index += 1 diffuse_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_reflectance = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert (diffuse_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if diffuse_reflectance.dim() == 1: diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance.data_ptr()), int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[2]), # width int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[1]), # height int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) assert (specular_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if specular_reflectance.dim() == 1: specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance.data_ptr()), int(specular_reflectance.shape[2]), # width int(specular_reflectance.shape[1]), # height int(specular_reflectance.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) assert (roughness.is_contiguous()) if roughness.dim() == 1: roughness = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(roughness.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: assert (roughness.dim() == 4) roughness = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(roughness.data_ptr()), int(roughness.shape[2]), # width int(roughness.shape[1]), # height int(roughness.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) materials.append(redner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness, two_sided)) area_lights = [] for i in range(num_lights): shape_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intensity = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 area_lights.append(redner.AreaLight(\ shape_id, redner.float_ptr(intensity.data_ptr()), two_sided)) envmap = None if args[current_index] is not None: values = args[current_index] current_index += 1 envmap_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 env_to_world = args[current_index] current_index += 1 world_to_env = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_cdf_ys = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sample_cdf_xs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 pdf_norm = args[current_index] current_index += 1 values = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(values.data_ptr()), int(values.shape[2]), # width int(values.shape[1]), # height int(values.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) envmap = redner.EnvironmentMap(\ values, redner.float_ptr(env_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(world_to_env.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(sample_cdf_ys.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(sample_cdf_xs.data_ptr()), pdf_norm) else: current_index += 7 # Options num_samples = args[current_index] current_index += 1 max_bounces = args[current_index] current_index += 1 channels = args[current_index] current_index += 1 sampler_type = args[current_index] current_index += 1 use_primary_edge_sampling = args[current_index] current_index += 1 use_secondary_edge_sampling = args[current_index] current_index += 1 start = time.time() scene = redner.Scene( camera, shapes, materials, area_lights, envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu(), pyredner.get_device().index if pyredner.get_device().index is not None else -1, use_primary_edge_sampling, use_secondary_edge_sampling) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Scene construction, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # check that num_samples is a tuple if isinstance(num_samples, int): num_samples = (num_samples, num_samples) options = redner.RenderOptions(seed, num_samples[0], max_bounces, channels, sampler_type) num_channels = redner.compute_num_channels(channels) rendered_image = torch.zeros(resolution[0], resolution[1], num_channels, device=pyredner.get_device()) start = time.time() redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(rendered_image.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), None, redner.float_ptr(0)) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Forward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # # For debugging # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # redner.render(scene, # options, # redner.float_ptr(rendered_image.data_ptr()), # redner.float_ptr(0), # None, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # exit() ctx.shapes = shapes ctx.materials = materials ctx.area_lights = area_lights ctx.envmap = envmap ctx.scene = scene ctx.options = options ctx.num_samples = num_samples return rendered_image
def backward(ctx, grad_img): if not grad_img.is_contiguous(): grad_img = grad_img.contiguous() scene = ctx.scene options = ctx.options d_cam_to_world = torch.zeros(4, 4) d_world_to_cam = torch.zeros(4, 4) d_ndc_to_cam = torch.zeros(3, 3) d_cam_to_ndc = torch.zeros(3, 3) d_camera = redner.DCamera(redner.float_ptr(d_cam_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_world_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_ndc_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_cam_to_ndc.data_ptr())) d_vertices_list = [] d_uvs_list = [] d_normals_list = [] d_shapes = [] for shape in ctx.shapes: num_vertices = shape.num_vertices d_vertices = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_uvs = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 2, device = pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_uvs() else None d_normals = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_normals() else None d_vertices_list.append(d_vertices) d_uvs_list.append(d_uvs) d_normals_list.append(d_normals) d_shapes.append(redner.DShape(\ redner.float_ptr(d_vertices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_uvs.data_ptr() if d_uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(d_normals.data_ptr() if d_normals is not None else 0))) d_diffuse_list = [] d_specular_list = [] d_roughness_list = [] d_materials = [] for material in ctx.materials: diffuse_size = material.get_diffuse_size() specular_size = material.get_specular_size() roughness_size = material.get_roughness_size() if diffuse_size[0] == 0: d_diffuse = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: d_diffuse = torch.zeros(diffuse_size[2], diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if specular_size[0] == 0: d_specular = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: d_specular = torch.zeros(specular_size[2], specular_size[1], specular_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if roughness_size[0] == 0: d_roughness = torch.zeros(1, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: d_roughness = torch.zeros(roughness_size[2], roughness_size[1], roughness_size[0], 1, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_diffuse_list.append(d_diffuse) d_specular_list.append(d_specular) d_roughness_list.append(d_roughness) d_diffuse_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_specular_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_roughness_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_diffuse_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse.data_ptr()), diffuse_size[0], diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_specular_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_specular.data_ptr()), specular_size[0], specular_size[1], specular_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_roughness_tex = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(d_roughness.data_ptr()), roughness_size[0], roughness_size[1], roughness_size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_materials.append(redner.DMaterial(\ d_diffuse_tex, d_specular_tex, d_roughness_tex)) d_intensity_list = [] d_area_lights = [] for light in ctx.area_lights: d_intensity = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_intensity_list.append(d_intensity) d_area_lights.append(\ redner.DAreaLight(redner.float_ptr(d_intensity.data_ptr()))) d_envmap = None if ctx.envmap is not None: envmap = ctx.envmap size = envmap.get_size() d_envmap_values = \ torch.zeros(size[2], size[1], size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_envmap_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2) d_envmap_tex = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(d_envmap_values.data_ptr()), size[0], size[1], size[2], redner.float_ptr(d_envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) d_world_to_env = torch.zeros(4, 4) d_envmap = redner.DEnvironmentMap(\ d_envmap_tex, redner.float_ptr(d_world_to_env.data_ptr())) d_scene = redner.DScene(d_camera, d_shapes, d_materials, d_area_lights, d_envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu()) if not get_use_correlated_random_number(): # Decouple the forward/backward random numbers by adding a big prime number options.seed += 1000003 start = time.time() redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(0), redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), d_scene, redner.float_ptr(0)) time_elapsed = time.time() - start if print_timing: print('Backward pass, time: %.5f s' % time_elapsed) # # For debugging # pyredner.imwrite(grad_img, 'grad_img.exr') # grad_img = torch.ones(256, 256, 3) # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # redner.render(scene, options, # redner.float_ptr(0), # redner.float_ptr(grad_img.data_ptr()), # d_scene, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # pyredner.imwrite(-debug_img, 'debug_.exr') # exit() ret_list = [] ret_list.append(None) # seed ret_list.append(None) # num_shapes ret_list.append(None) # num_materials ret_list.append(None) # num_lights ret_list.append(d_cam_to_world) ret_list.append(d_world_to_cam) ret_list.append(d_ndc_to_cam) ret_list.append(d_cam_to_ndc) ret_list.append(None) # clip near ret_list.append(None) # resolution ret_list.append(None) # fisheye num_shapes = len(ctx.shapes) for i in range(num_shapes): ret_list.append(d_vertices_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # indices ret_list.append(d_uvs_list[i]) ret_list.append(d_normals_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # material id ret_list.append(None) # light id num_materials = len(ctx.materials) for i in range(num_materials): ret_list.append(d_diffuse_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # diffuse_uv_scale ret_list.append(d_specular_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # specular_uv_scale ret_list.append(d_roughness_list[i]) ret_list.append(None) # roughness_uv_scale ret_list.append(None) # two sided num_area_lights = len(ctx.area_lights) for i in range(num_area_lights): ret_list.append(None) # shape id ret_list.append(d_intensity_list[i].cpu()) ret_list.append(None) # two sided ret_list.append(None) if ctx.envmap is not None: ret_list.append(d_envmap_values) ret_list.append(None) # uv_scale ret_list.append(None) # env_to_world ret_list.append(d_world_to_env) ret_list.append(None) # sample_cdf_ys ret_list.append(None) # sample_cdf_xs ret_list.append(None) # pdf_norm else: ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) ret_list.append(None) # num samples ret_list.append(None) # num bounces ret_list.append(None) # channels return tuple(ret_list)
def load_obj(filename: str, obj_group: bool = True, flip_tex_coords: bool = True, use_common_indices: bool = False, return_objects: bool = False): """ Load from a Wavefront obj file as PyTorch tensors. Args ==== obj_group: bool split the meshes based on materials flip_tex_coords: bool flip the v coordinate of uv by applying v' = 1 - v use_common_indices: bool Use the same indices for position, uvs, normals. Not recommended since texture seams in the objects sharing the same positions would cause the optimization to "tear" the object return_objects: bool Output list of Object instead. If there is no corresponding material for a shape, assign a grey material. Returns ======= if return_objects == True, return a list of Object if return_objects == False, return (material_map, mesh_list, light_map), material_map -> Map[mtl_name, WavefrontMaterial] mesh_list -> List[TriangleMesh] light_map -> Map[mtl_name, torch.Tensor] """ vertices_pool = [] uvs_pool = [] normals_pool = [] indices = [] uv_indices = [] normal_indices = [] vertices = [] uvs = [] normals = [] vertices_map = {} uvs_map = {} normals_map = {} material_map = {} current_mtllib = {} current_material_name = None def create_mesh(indices, uv_indices, normal_indices, vertices, uvs, normals): indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.int32, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(uv_indices) == 0: uv_indices = None else: uv_indices = torch.tensor(uv_indices, dtype=torch.int32, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(normal_indices) == 0: normal_indices = None else: normal_indices = torch.tensor(normal_indices, dtype=torch.int32, device=pyredner.get_device()) vertices = torch.tensor(vertices, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(uvs) == 0: uvs = None else: uvs = torch.tensor(uvs, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(normals) == 0: normals = None else: normals = torch.tensor(normals, device=pyredner.get_device()) return TriangleMesh(indices, uv_indices, normal_indices, vertices, uvs, normals) mesh_list = [] light_map = {} with open(filename, 'r') as f: d = os.path.dirname(filename) cwd = os.getcwd() if d != '': os.chdir(d) for line in f: line = line.strip() splitted = re.split('\ +', line) if splitted[0] == 'mtllib': current_mtllib = load_mtl(splitted[1]) elif splitted[0] == 'usemtl': if len(indices) > 0 and obj_group is True: # Flush mesh_list.append( (current_material_name, create_mesh(indices, uv_indices, normal_indices, vertices, uvs, normals))) indices = [] uv_indices = [] normal_indices = [] vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] vertices_map = {} uvs_map = {} normals_map = {} mtl_name = splitted[1] current_material_name = mtl_name if mtl_name not in material_map: m = current_mtllib[mtl_name] if m.map_Kd is None: diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor( m.Kd, dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.imread(m.map_Kd) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda( device=pyredner.get_device()) if m.map_Ks is None: specular_reflectance = torch.tensor( m.Ks, dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: specular_reflectance = pyredner.imread(m.map_Ks) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda( device=pyredner.get_device()) if m.map_Ns is None: roughness = torch.tensor([2.0 / (m.Ns + 2.0)], dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: roughness = 2.0 / (pyredner.imread(m.map_Ks) + 2.0) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): roughness = roughness.cuda( device=pyredner.get_device()) if m.Ke != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): light_map[mtl_name] = torch.tensor(m.Ke, dtype=torch.float32) material_map[mtl_name] = pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness) elif splitted[0] == 'v': vertices_pool.append([ float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3]) ]) elif splitted[0] == 'vt': u = float(splitted[1]) v = float(splitted[2]) if flip_tex_coords: v = 1 - v uvs_pool.append([u, v]) elif splitted[0] == 'vn': normals_pool.append([ float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3]) ]) elif splitted[0] == 'f': def num_indices(x): return len(re.split('/', x)) def get_index(x, i): return int(re.split('/', x)[i]) def parse_face_index(x, i): f = get_index(x, i) if f > 0: f -= 1 return f assert (len(splitted) <= 5) def get_vertex_id(indices): pi = parse_face_index(indices, 0) uvi = None if (num_indices(indices) > 1 and re.split('/', indices)[1] != ''): uvi = parse_face_index(indices, 1) ni = None if (num_indices(indices) > 2 and re.split('/', indices)[2] != ''): ni = parse_face_index(indices, 2) if use_common_indices: # vertex, uv, normals share the same indexing key = (pi, uvi, ni) if key in vertices_map: vertex_id = vertices_map[key] return vertex_id, vertex_id, vertex_id vertex_id = len(vertices) vertices_map[key] = vertex_id vertices.append(vertices_pool[pi]) if uvi is not None: uvs.append(uvs_pool[uvi]) if ni is not None: normals.append(normals_pool[ni]) return vertex_id, vertex_id, vertex_id else: # vertex, uv, normals use separate indexing vertex_id = None uv_id = None normal_id = None if pi in vertices_map: vertex_id = vertices_map[pi] else: vertex_id = len(vertices) vertices.append(vertices_pool[pi]) vertices_map[pi] = vertex_id if uvi is not None: if uvi in uvs_map: uv_id = uvs_map[uvi] else: uv_id = len(uvs) uvs.append(uvs_pool[uvi]) uvs_map[uvi] = uv_id if ni is not None: if ni in normals_map: normal_id = normals_map[ni] else: normal_id = len(normals) normals.append(normals_pool[ni]) normals_map[ni] = normal_id return vertex_id, uv_id, normal_id vid0, uv_id0, n_id0 = get_vertex_id(splitted[1]) vid1, uv_id1, n_id1 = get_vertex_id(splitted[2]) vid2, uv_id2, n_id2 = get_vertex_id(splitted[3]) indices.append([vid0, vid1, vid2]) if uv_id0 is not None: assert (uv_id1 is not None and uv_id2 is not None) uv_indices.append([uv_id0, uv_id1, uv_id2]) if n_id0 is not None: assert (n_id1 is not None and n_id2 is not None) normal_indices.append([n_id0, n_id1, n_id2]) if (len(splitted) == 5): vid3, uv_id3, n_id3 = get_vertex_id(splitted[4]) indices.append([vid0, vid2, vid3]) if uv_id0 is not None: assert (uv_id3 is not None) uv_indices.append([uv_id0, uv_id2, uv_id3]) if n_id0 is not None: assert (n_id3 is not None) normal_indices.append([n_id0, n_id2, n_id3]) mesh_list.append((current_material_name, create_mesh(indices, uv_indices, normal_indices, vertices, uvs, normals))) if d != '': os.chdir(cwd) if return_objects: objects = [] for mtl_name, mesh in mesh_list: if mtl_name in material_map: m = material_map[mtl_name] else: m = pyredner.Material(diffuse_reflectance = \ torch.tensor((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), device = pyredner.get_device())) if mtl_name in light_map: l = light_map[mtl_name] else: l = None objects.append(pyredner.Object(\ vertices = mesh.vertices, indices = mesh.indices, material = m, light_intensity = l, uvs = mesh.uvs, normals = mesh.normals, uv_indices = mesh.uv_indices, normal_indices = mesh.normal_indices)) return objects else: return material_map, mesh_list, light_map
def load_obj(filename, obj_group = True): """ Load from a Wavefront obj file as PyTorch tensors. XXX: this is slow, maybe move to C++? """ vertices_pool = [] uvs_pool = [] normals_pool = [] indices = [] vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] vertices_map = {} material_map = {} current_mtllib = {} current_material_name = None def create_mesh(indices, vertices, normals, uvs): indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype = torch.int32, device = pyredner.get_device()) vertices = torch.tensor(vertices, device = pyredner.get_device()) if len(uvs) == 0: uvs = None else: uvs = torch.tensor(uvs, device = pyredner.get_device()) if len(normals) == 0: normals = None else: normals = torch.tensor(normals, device = pyredner.get_device()) return TriangleMesh(vertices, indices, uvs, normals) mesh_list = [] light_map = {} f = open(filename, 'r') d = os.path.dirname(filename) cwd = os.getcwd() if d != '': os.chdir(d) for line in f: line = line.strip() splitted = re.split('\ +', line) if splitted[0] == 'mtllib': current_mtllib = load_mtl(splitted[1]) elif splitted[0] == 'usemtl': if len(indices) > 0 and obj_group is True: # Flush mesh_list.append((current_material_name, create_mesh(indices, vertices, normals, uvs))) indices = [] vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] vertices_map = {} mtl_name = splitted[1] current_material_name = mtl_name if mtl_name not in material_map: m = current_mtllib[mtl_name] if m.map_Kd is None: diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor(m.Kd, dtype = torch.float32, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.imread(m.map_Kd) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda(device = pyredner.get_device()) if m.map_Ks is None: specular_reflectance = torch.tensor(m.Ks, dtype = torch.float32, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: specular_reflectance = pyredner.imread(m.map_Ks) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda(device = pyredner.get_device()) if m.map_Ns is None: roughness = torch.tensor([2.0 / (m.Ns + 2.0)], dtype = torch.float32, device = pyredner.get_device()) else: roughness = 2.0 / (pyredner.imread(m.map_Ks) + 2.0) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): roughness = roughness.cuda(device = pyredner.get_device()) if m.Ke != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): light_map[mtl_name] = torch.tensor(m.Ke, dtype = torch.float32) material_map[mtl_name] = pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness) elif splitted[0] == 'v': vertices_pool.append([float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3])]) elif splitted[0] == 'vt': uvs_pool.append([float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2])]) elif splitted[0] == 'vn': normals_pool.append([float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3])]) elif splitted[0] == 'f': def num_indices(x): return len(re.split('/', x)) def get_index(x, i): return int(re.split('/', x)[i]) def parse_face_index(x, i): f = get_index(x, i) if f < 0: if (i == 0): f += len(vertices) if (i == 1): f += len(uvs) else: f -= 1 return f assert(len(splitted) <= 5) def get_vertex_id(indices): pi = parse_face_index(indices, 0) uvi = None if (num_indices(indices) > 1 and re.split('/', indices)[1] != ''): uvi = parse_face_index(indices, 1) ni = None if (num_indices(indices) > 2 and re.split('/', indices)[2] != ''): ni = parse_face_index(indices, 2) key = (pi, uvi, ni) if key in vertices_map: return vertices_map[key] vertex_id = len(vertices) vertices_map[key] = vertex_id vertices.append(vertices_pool[pi]) if uvi is not None: uvs.append(uvs_pool[uvi]) if ni is not None: normals.append(normals_pool[ni]) return vertex_id vid0 = get_vertex_id(splitted[1]) vid1 = get_vertex_id(splitted[2]) vid2 = get_vertex_id(splitted[3]) indices.append([vid0, vid1, vid2]) if (len(splitted) == 5): vid3 = get_vertex_id(splitted[4]) indices.append([vid0, vid2, vid3]) mesh_list.append((current_material_name, create_mesh(indices, vertices, normals, uvs))) if d != '': os.chdir(cwd) return material_map, mesh_list, light_map
# here we use an environment light, # which is a texture representing infinitely far away light sources in # spherical coordinates. #envmap = pyredner.imread('sunsky.exr') #if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): # envmap = envmap.cuda() #envmap = pyredner.EnvironmentMap(envmap) # ## Finally we construct our scene using all the variables we setup previously. #scene = pyredner.Scene(cam, shapes, materials, area_lights = [], envmap = envmap) scene_args = pyredner.RenderFunction.serialize_scene(\ scene = scene, num_samples = 512, max_bounces = 1) render = pyredner.RenderFunction.apply img = render(0, *scene_args) #%% pyredner.imwrite(img.cpu(), 'results/pose_estimation/target.exr') pyredner.imwrite(img.cpu(), 'results/pose_estimation/target.png') #Loading it again target = pyredner.imread('results/pose_estimation/target.exr') if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): target = target.cuda() #%%
def create_gradient_buffers(ctx): scene = ctx.scene options = ctx.options camera = buffers = Context() if camera.use_look_at: buffers.d_cam_position = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_cam_look = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_cam_up = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_cam_to_world = None buffers.d_world_to_cam = None else: buffers.d_cam_position = None buffers.d_cam_look = None buffers.d_cam_up = None buffers.d_cam_to_world = torch.zeros(4, 4, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_world_to_cam = torch.zeros(4, 4, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_intrinsic_mat_inv = torch.zeros(3, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_intrinsic_mat = torch.zeros(3, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if camera.use_look_at: buffers.d_camera = redner.DCamera(\ redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_cam_position.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_cam_look.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_cam_up.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), # cam_to_world redner.float_ptr(0), # world_to_cam redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_intrinsic_mat_inv.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_intrinsic_mat.data_ptr())) else: buffers.d_camera = redner.DCamera(\ redner.float_ptr(0), # pos redner.float_ptr(0), # look redner.float_ptr(0), # up redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_cam_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_world_to_cam.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_intrinsic_mat_inv.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_intrinsic_mat.data_ptr())) buffers.d_vertices_list = [] buffers.d_uvs_list = [] buffers.d_normals_list = [] buffers.d_colors_list = [] buffers.d_shapes = [] for shape in ctx.shapes: num_vertices = shape.num_vertices num_uv_vertices = shape.num_uv_vertices num_normal_vertices = shape.num_normal_vertices d_vertices = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_uvs = torch.zeros(num_uv_vertices, 2, device = pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_uvs() else None d_normals = torch.zeros(num_normal_vertices, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_normals() else None d_colors = torch.zeros(num_vertices, 3, device = pyredner.get_device()) if shape.has_colors() else None buffers.d_vertices_list.append(d_vertices) buffers.d_uvs_list.append(d_uvs) buffers.d_normals_list.append(d_normals) buffers.d_colors_list.append(d_colors) buffers.d_shapes.append(redner.DShape(\ redner.float_ptr(d_vertices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(d_uvs.data_ptr() if d_uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(d_normals.data_ptr() if d_normals is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(d_colors.data_ptr() if d_colors is not None else 0))) buffers.d_diffuse_list = [] buffers.d_diffuse_uv_scale_list = [] buffers.d_specular_list = [] buffers.d_specular_uv_scale_list = [] buffers.d_roughness_list = [] buffers.d_roughness_uv_scale_list = [] buffers.d_generic_list = [] buffers.d_generic_uv_scale_list = [] buffers.d_normal_map_list = [] buffers.d_normal_map_uv_scale_list = [] buffers.d_materials = [] for material in ctx.materials: if material.get_diffuse_size(0)[0] == 0: d_diffuse = [torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device())] else: d_diffuse = [] for l in range(material.get_diffuse_levels()): diffuse_size = material.get_diffuse_size(l) d_diffuse.append(\ torch.zeros(diffuse_size[1], diffuse_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device())) if material.get_specular_size(0)[0] == 0: d_specular = [torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device())] else: d_specular = [] for l in range(material.get_specular_levels()): specular_size = material.get_specular_size(l) d_specular.append(\ torch.zeros(specular_size[1], specular_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device())) if material.get_roughness_size(0)[0] == 0: d_roughness = [torch.zeros(1, device = pyredner.get_device())] else: d_roughness = [] for l in range(material.get_roughness_levels()): roughness_size = material.get_roughness_size(l) d_roughness.append(\ torch.zeros(roughness_size[1], roughness_size[0], 1, device = pyredner.get_device())) if material.get_generic_levels() == 0: d_generic = None else: d_generic = [] for l in range(material.get_generic_levels()): generic_size = material.get_generic_size(l) d_generic.append(\ torch.zeros(generic_size[2], generic_size[1], generic_size[0], device = pyredner.get_device())) if material.get_normal_map_levels() == 0: d_normal_map = None else: d_normal_map = [] for l in range(material.get_normal_map_levels()): normal_map_size = material.get_normal_map_size(l) d_normal_map.append(\ torch.zeros(normal_map_size[1], normal_map_size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device())) buffers.d_diffuse_list.append(d_diffuse) buffers.d_specular_list.append(d_specular) buffers.d_roughness_list.append(d_roughness) buffers.d_generic_list.append(d_generic) buffers.d_normal_map_list.append(d_normal_map) d_diffuse_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_specular_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_roughness_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_diffuse_uv_scale_list.append(d_diffuse_uv_scale) buffers.d_specular_uv_scale_list.append(d_specular_uv_scale) buffers.d_roughness_uv_scale_list.append(d_roughness_uv_scale) if d_generic is None: d_generic_uv_scale = None else: d_generic_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device = pyredner.get_device()) if d_normal_map is None: d_normal_map_uv_scale = None else: d_normal_map_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_generic_uv_scale_list.append(d_generic_uv_scale) buffers.d_normal_map_uv_scale_list.append(d_normal_map_uv_scale) if d_diffuse[0].dim() == 1: d_diffuse_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: d_diffuse_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_diffuse], [x.shape[1] for x in d_diffuse], [x.shape[0] for x in d_diffuse], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if d_specular[0].dim() == 1: d_specular_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(d_specular[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: d_specular_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_specular], [x.shape[1] for x in d_specular], [x.shape[0] for x in d_specular], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if d_roughness[0].dim() == 1: d_roughness_tex = redner.Texture1(\ [redner.float_ptr(d_roughness[0].data_ptr())], [0], [0], 1, redner.float_ptr(d_roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: d_roughness_tex = redner.Texture1(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_roughness], [x.shape[1] for x in d_roughness], [x.shape[0] for x in d_roughness], 1, redner.float_ptr(d_roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if d_generic is None: d_generic_tex = redner.TextureN(\ [], [], [], 0, redner.float_ptr(0)) else: d_generic_tex = redner.TextureN(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_generic], [x.shape[1] for x in d_generic], [x.shape[0] for x in d_generic], d_generic[0].shape[2], redner.float_ptr(d_generic_uv_scale.data_ptr())) if d_normal_map is None: d_normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ [], [], [], 0, redner.float_ptr(0)) else: d_normal_map = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in d_normal_map], [x.shape[1] for x in d_normal_map], [x.shape[0] for x in d_normal_map], 3, redner.float_ptr(d_normal_map_uv_scale.data_ptr())) buffers.d_materials.append(redner.DMaterial(\ d_diffuse_tex, d_specular_tex, d_roughness_tex, d_generic_tex, d_normal_map)) buffers.d_intensity_list = [] buffers.d_area_lights = [] for light in ctx.area_lights: d_intensity = torch.zeros(3, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_intensity_list.append(d_intensity) buffers.d_area_lights.append(\ redner.DAreaLight(redner.float_ptr(d_intensity.data_ptr()))) buffers.d_envmap = None if ctx.envmap is not None: envmap = ctx.envmap buffers.d_envmap_values = [] for l in range(envmap.get_levels()): size = envmap.get_size(l) buffers.d_envmap_values.append(\ torch.zeros(size[1], size[0], 3, device = pyredner.get_device())) buffers.d_envmap_uv_scale = torch.zeros(2, device = pyredner.get_device()) d_envmap_tex = redner.Texture3(\ [redner.float_ptr(x.data_ptr()) for x in buffers.d_envmap_values], [x.shape[1] for x in buffers.d_envmap_values], [x.shape[0] for x in buffers.d_envmap_values], 3, redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_envmap_uv_scale.data_ptr())) buffers.d_world_to_env = torch.zeros(4, 4, device = pyredner.get_device()) buffers.d_envmap = redner.DEnvironmentMap(\ d_envmap_tex, redner.float_ptr(buffers.d_world_to_env.data_ptr())) buffers.d_scene = redner.DScene(buffers.d_camera, buffers.d_shapes, buffers.d_materials, buffers.d_area_lights, buffers.d_envmap, pyredner.get_use_gpu(), pyredner.get_device().index if pyredner.get_device().index is not None else -1) return buffers
def forward(ctx, seed, *args): """ Forward rendering pass: given a scene and output an image. """ # Unpack arguments current_index = 0 num_shapes = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_materials = args[current_index] current_index += 1 num_lights = args[current_index] current_index += 1 cam_to_world = args[current_index] current_index += 1 world_to_cam = args[current_index] current_index += 1 fov_factor = args[current_index] current_index += 1 clip_near = args[current_index] current_index += 1 resolution = args[current_index] current_index += 1 fisheye = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert (cam_to_world.is_contiguous()) assert (world_to_cam.is_contiguous()) camera = redner.Camera(resolution[1], resolution[0], redner.float_ptr(cam_to_world.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(world_to_cam.data_ptr()), fov_factor.item(), clip_near, fisheye) shapes = [] for i in range(num_shapes): vertices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 indices = args[current_index] current_index += 1 uvs = args[current_index] current_index += 1 normals = args[current_index] current_index += 1 material_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 light_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert (vertices.is_contiguous()) assert (indices.is_contiguous()) if uvs is not None: assert (uvs.is_contiguous()) if normals is not None: assert (normals.is_contiguous()) shapes.append(redner.Shape(\ redner.float_ptr(vertices.data_ptr()), redner.int_ptr(indices.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(uvs.data_ptr() if uvs is not None else 0), redner.float_ptr(normals.data_ptr() if normals is not None else 0), int(vertices.shape[0]), int(indices.shape[0]), material_id, light_id)) materials = [] for i in range(num_materials): diffuse_reflectance = args[current_index] current_index += 1 diffuse_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_reflectance = args[current_index] current_index += 1 specular_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness = args[current_index] current_index += 1 roughness_uv_scale = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 assert (diffuse_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if diffuse_reflectance.dim() == 1: diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: diffuse_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(diffuse_reflectance.data_ptr()), int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[2]), # width int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[1]), # height int(diffuse_reflectance.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(diffuse_uv_scale.data_ptr())) assert (specular_reflectance.is_contiguous()) if specular_reflectance.dim() == 1: specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: specular_reflectance = redner.Texture3(\ redner.float_ptr(specular_reflectance.data_ptr()), int(specular_reflectance.shape[2]), # width int(specular_reflectance.shape[1]), # height int(specular_reflectance.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(specular_uv_scale.data_ptr())) assert (roughness.is_contiguous()) if roughness.dim() == 1: roughness = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(roughness.data_ptr()), 0, 0, 0, redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) else: roughness = redner.Texture1(\ redner.float_ptr(roughness.data_ptr()), int(roughness.shape[2]), # width int(roughness.shape[1]), # height int(roughness.shape[0]), # num levels redner.float_ptr(roughness_uv_scale.data_ptr())) materials.append(redner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness, two_sided)) lights = [] for i in range(num_lights): shape_id = args[current_index] current_index += 1 intensity = args[current_index] current_index += 1 two_sided = args[current_index] current_index += 1 lights.append( redner.Light(shape_id, redner.float_ptr(intensity.data_ptr()), two_sided)) scene = redner.Scene(camera, shapes, materials, lights, pyredner.get_use_gpu()) num_samples = args[current_index] current_index += 1 max_bounces = args[current_index] current_index += 1 options = redner.RenderOptions(seed, num_samples, max_bounces) rendered_image = torch.zeros(resolution[0], resolution[1], 3, device=pyredner.get_device()) redner.render(scene, options, redner.float_ptr(rendered_image.data_ptr()), redner.float_ptr(0), None, redner.float_ptr(0)) # # For debugging # debug_img = torch.zeros(256, 256, 3) # redner.render(scene, # options, # redner.float_ptr(rendered_image.data_ptr()), # redner.float_ptr(0), # None, # redner.float_ptr(debug_img.data_ptr())) # pyredner.imwrite(debug_img, 'debug.exr') # exit() ctx.shapes = shapes ctx.materials = materials ctx.lights = lights ctx.scene = scene ctx.options = options return rendered_image
def load_obj(filename, obj_group=True, flip_tex_coords=True, use_common_indices=False): """ Load from a Wavefront obj file as PyTorch tensors. XXX: this is slow, maybe move to C++? Args: obj_group -- split the meshes based on materials flip_tex_coords -- flip the v coordinate of uv by applying v' = 1 - v use_common_indices -- use the same indices for position, uvs, normals. Not recommended since texture seams in the objects sharing the same positions would cause the optimization to "tear" the object. """ vertices_pool = [] uvs_pool = [] normals_pool = [] indices = [] uv_indices = [] normal_indices = [] vertices = [] uvs = [] normals = [] vertices_map = {} uvs_map = {} normals_map = {} material_map = {} current_mtllib = {} current_material_name = None def create_mesh(indices, uv_indices, normal_indices, vertices, uvs, normals): indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.int32, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(uv_indices) == 0: uv_indices = None else: uv_indices = torch.tensor(uv_indices, dtype=torch.int32, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(normal_indices) == 0: normal_indices = None else: normal_indices = torch.tensor(normal_indices, dtype=torch.int32, device=pyredner.get_device()) vertices = torch.tensor(vertices, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(uvs) == 0: uvs = None else: uvs = torch.tensor(uvs, device=pyredner.get_device()) if len(normals) == 0: normals = None else: normals = torch.tensor(normals, device=pyredner.get_device()) return TriangleMesh(indices, uv_indices, normal_indices, vertices, uvs, normals) mesh_list = [] light_map = {} f = open(filename, 'r') d = os.path.dirname(filename) cwd = os.getcwd() if d != '': os.chdir(d) for line in f: line = line.strip() splitted = re.split('\ +', line) if splitted[0] == 'mtllib': current_mtllib = load_mtl(splitted[1]) elif splitted[0] == 'usemtl': if len(indices) > 0 and obj_group is True: # Flush mesh_list.append( (current_material_name, create_mesh(indices, uv_indices, normal_indices, vertices, uvs, normals))) indices = [] uv_indices = [] normal_indices = [] vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] vertices_map = {} uvs_map = {} normals_map = {} mtl_name = splitted[1] current_material_name = mtl_name if mtl_name not in material_map: m = current_mtllib[mtl_name] if m.map_Kd is None: diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor( m.Kd, dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: diffuse_reflectance = pyredner.imread(m.map_Kd) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): diffuse_reflectance = diffuse_reflectance.cuda( device=pyredner.get_device()) if m.map_Ks is None: specular_reflectance = torch.tensor( m.Ks, dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: specular_reflectance = pyredner.imread(m.map_Ks) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): specular_reflectance = specular_reflectance.cuda( device=pyredner.get_device()) if m.map_Ns is None: roughness = torch.tensor([2.0 / (m.Ns + 2.0)], dtype=torch.float32, device=pyredner.get_device()) else: roughness = 2.0 / (pyredner.imread(m.map_Ks) + 2.0) if pyredner.get_use_gpu(): roughness = roughness.cuda( device=pyredner.get_device()) if m.Ke != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): light_map[mtl_name] = torch.tensor(m.Ke, dtype=torch.float32) material_map[mtl_name] = pyredner.Material(\ diffuse_reflectance, specular_reflectance, roughness) elif splitted[0] == 'v': vertices_pool.append( [float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3])]) elif splitted[0] == 'vt': u = float(splitted[1]) v = float(splitted[2]) if flip_tex_coords: v = 1 - v uvs_pool.append([u, v]) elif splitted[0] == 'vn': normals_pool.append( [float(splitted[1]), float(splitted[2]), float(splitted[3])]) elif splitted[0] == 'f': def num_indices(x): return len(re.split('/', x)) def get_index(x, i): return int(re.split('/', x)[i]) def parse_face_index(x, i): f = get_index(x, i) if f < 0: if (i == 0): f += len(vertices) if (i == 1): f += len(uvs) else: f -= 1 return f assert (len(splitted) <= 5) def get_vertex_id(indices): pi = parse_face_index(indices, 0) uvi = None if (num_indices(indices) > 1 and re.split('/', indices)[1] != ''): uvi = parse_face_index(indices, 1) ni = None if (num_indices(indices) > 2 and re.split('/', indices)[2] != ''): ni = parse_face_index(indices, 2) if use_common_indices: # vertex, uv, normals share the same indexing key = (pi, uvi, ni) if key in vertices_map: vertex_id = vertices_map[key] return vertex_id, vertex_id, vertex_id vertex_id = len(vertices) vertices_map[key] = vertex_id vertices.append(vertices_pool[pi]) if uvi is not None: uvs.append(uvs_pool[uvi]) if ni is not None: normals.append(normals_pool[ni]) return vertex_id, vertex_id, vertex_id else: # vertex, uv, normals use separate indexing vertex_id = None uv_id = None normal_id = None if pi in vertices_map: vertex_id = vertices_map[pi] else: vertex_id = len(vertices) vertices.append(vertices_pool[pi]) vertices_map[pi] = vertex_id if uvi is not None: if uvi in uvs_map: uv_id = uvs_map[uvi] else: uv_id = len(uvs) uvs.append(uvs_pool[uvi]) uvs_map[uvi] = uv_id if ni is not None: if ni in normals_map: normal_id = normals_map[ni] else: normal_id = len(normals) normals.append(normals_pool[ni]) normals_map[ni] = normal_id return vertex_id, uv_id, normal_id vid0, uv_id0, n_id0 = get_vertex_id(splitted[1]) vid1, uv_id1, n_id1 = get_vertex_id(splitted[2]) vid2, uv_id2, n_id2 = get_vertex_id(splitted[3]) indices.append([vid0, vid1, vid2]) if uv_id0 is not None: assert (uv_id1 is not None and uv_id2 is not None) uv_indices.append([uv_id0, uv_id1, uv_id2]) if n_id0 is not None: assert (n_id1 is not None and n_id2 is not None) normal_indices.append([n_id0, n_id1, n_id2]) if (len(splitted) == 5): vid3, uv_id3, n_id3 = get_vertex_id(splitted[4]) indices.append([vid0, vid2, vid3]) if uv_id0 is not None: assert (uv_id3 is not None) uv_indices.append([uv_id0, uv_id2, uv_id3]) if n_id0 is not None: assert (n_id3 is not None) normal_indices.append([n_id0, n_id2, n_id3]) mesh_list.append((current_material_name, create_mesh(indices, uv_indices, normal_indices, vertices, uvs, normals))) if d != '': os.chdir(cwd) f.close() return material_map, mesh_list, light_map