def conditional_normalizing_flow_factory(flow_depth, problem_dim, c_net_depth, c_net_h_dim, context_dim, context_n_h_dim, context_n_depth, rich_context_dim, cuda): # We define the base distribution if cuda: base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(problem_dim).cuda(), torch.ones(problem_dim).cuda()) else: base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(problem_dim), torch.ones(problem_dim)) # We define the transformations transforms = [conditional_affine_coupling(problem_dim, context_dim, hidden_dims=[c_net_h_dim for i in range(c_net_depth)], # Note array here to create multiple layers in DenseNN rich_context_dim=rich_context_dim, context_hidden_dims=[context_n_h_dim for i in range(context_n_depth)]) for i in range(flow_depth)] # need a fix for this perms = [permute(2, torch.tensor([1, 0])) for i in range(flow_depth)] # We sandwich the AffineCouplings and permutes together. Unelegant hotfix to remove last permute but it works flows = list(itertools.chain(*zip(transforms, perms)))[:-1] # We define the normalizing flow wrapper normalizing_flow = ConditionalNormalizingFlowWrapper(transforms, flows, base_dist) if cuda: normalizing_flow.cuda() return normalizing_flow
def conditional_normalizing_flow_factory3(flow_depth, problem_dim, c_net_depth, c_net_h_dim, context_dim, context_n_h_dim, context_n_depth, rich_context_dim, batchnorm_momentum, cuda, coupling_dropout=None, context_dropout=None): if cuda: base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(problem_dim).cuda(), torch.ones(problem_dim).cuda()) else: base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(problem_dim), torch.ones(problem_dim)) # We define the transformations transforms = [conditional_affine_coupling2(input_dim=problem_dim, context_dim=context_dim, hidden_dims=[c_net_h_dim for i in range(c_net_depth)], # Note array here to create multiple layers in DenseNN rich_context_dim=rich_context_dim, dropout=coupling_dropout) for i in range(flow_depth)] # Permutes are needed to be able to transform all dimensions. # Note that the transform is fixed here since we only have 2 dimensions. For more dimensions don't fix it and let it be random. perms = [permute(input_dim=problem_dim, permutation=torch.tensor([1, 0])) for i in range(flow_depth)] # If we want batchnorm add those in. Then sandwich the steps together to a flow if batchnorm_momentum is None: batchnorms = None flows = list(itertools.chain(*zip(transforms, perms)))[:-1] else: batchnorms = [batchnorm(input_dim=problem_dim, momentum=batchnorm_momentum) for i in range(flow_depth)] for bn in batchnorms: += torch.ones(problem_dim) flows = list(itertools.chain(*zip(batchnorms, transforms, perms)))[1:-1] # We define the conditioning network context_hidden_dims = [context_n_h_dim for i in range(context_n_depth)] if context_dropout is None: condinet = DenseNN(input_dim=context_dim, hidden_dims=context_hidden_dims, param_dims=[rich_context_dim]) else: condinet = DropoutDenseNN(input_dim=context_dim, hidden_dims=context_hidden_dims, param_dims=[rich_context_dim], dropout=context_dropout) # We define the normalizing flow wrapper normalizing_flow = ConditionalNormalizingFlowWrapper3(transforms, flows, base_dist, condinet, batchnorms) if cuda: normalizing_flow.cuda() return normalizing_flow
def planar_normalizing_flow_factory(flow_depth, problem_dim, c_net_depth, c_net_h_dim, batchnorm_momentum, cuda): # We define the base distribution if cuda: base_dist = dist.Normal( torch.zeros(problem_dim).cuda(), torch.ones(problem_dim).cuda()) else: base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(problem_dim), torch.ones(problem_dim)) # We define the transformations transforms = [ affine_coupling(input_dim=problem_dim, hidden_dims=[c_net_h_dim for i in range(c_net_depth)]) for i in range(flow_depth) ] # We need to permute dimensions to affect them both THIS NEEDS A FIX perms = [permute(2, torch.tensor([1, 0])) for i in range(flow_depth)] # If we want batchnorm add those in. Then sandwich the steps together to a flow if batchnorm_momentum is None: batchnorms = None flows = list(itertools.chain(*zip(transforms, perms)))[:-1] else: batchnorms = [ batchnorm(input_dim=problem_dim, momentum=batchnorm_momentum) for i in range(flow_depth) ] for bn in batchnorms: += torch.ones(problem_dim) flows = list( itertools.chain(*zip(batchnorms, transforms, perms)))[1:-1] # We define the normalizing flow wrapper normalizing_flow = NormalizingFlowWrapper(transforms, flows, base_dist, batchnorms) if cuda: normalizing_flow.cuda() return normalizing_flow
def __init__(self, input_dim=2, split_dim=1, context_dim=1, hidden_dim=128, num_layers=1, flow_length=10, use_cuda=False): super(ConditionalNormalizingFlow, self).__init__() self.base_dist = dist.Normal( torch.zeros(input_dim), torch.ones(input_dim)) # base distribution is Isotropic Gaussian self.param_dims = [input_dim - split_dim, input_dim - split_dim] # Define series of bijective transformations self.transforms = [ ConditionalAffineCoupling( split_dim, ConditionalDenseNN(split_dim, context_dim, [hidden_dim] * num_layers, self.param_dims)) for _ in range(flow_length) ] self.perms = [ permute(2, torch.tensor([1, 0])) for _ in range(flow_length) ] self.bns = [BatchNorm(input_dim=1) for _ in range(flow_length)] # Concatenate AffineCoupling layers with Permute and BatchNorm Layers self.generative_flows = list( itertools.chain(*zip(self.transforms, self.bns, self.perms)) )[:-2] # generative direction (z-->x) self.normalizing_flows = self.generative_flows[:: -1] # normalizing direction (x-->z) self.use_cuda = use_cuda if self.use_cuda: self.cuda() nn.ModuleList(self.transforms).cuda() self.base_dist = dist.Normal( torch.zeros(input_dim).cuda(), torch.ones(input_dim).cuda())
def test_permute_shapes(self): for shape in [(3, ), (3, 4), (3, 4, 2)]: input_dim = shape[-1] self._test_shape(shape, T.permute(input_dim))
def test_permute_inverses(self): for input_dim in [2, 5, 10]: self._test_inverse(input_dim, T.permute(input_dim))
def combi_conditional_normalizing_flow_factory(flow_depth, problem_dim, c_net_depth, c_net_h_dim, context_dim, context_n_h_dim, context_n_depth, rich_context_dim, batchnorm_momentum, cuda, coupling_dropout=None, context_dropout=None, planar_first=True): assert ( flow_depth % 2 == 0 ), "The flow depth must be divisible by 2 to allow both Planar and AC transforms" if cuda: base_dist = dist.Normal( torch.zeros(problem_dim).cuda(), torch.ones(problem_dim).cuda()) else: base_dist = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(problem_dim), torch.ones(problem_dim)) # We define the transformations affine_couplings = [ conditional_affine_coupling2( input_dim=problem_dim, context_dim=context_dim, hidden_dims=[c_net_h_dim for i in range(c_net_depth)], rich_context_dim=rich_context_dim, dropout=coupling_dropout) for i in range(flow_depth // 2) ] planars = [ inverted_conditional_planar( input_dim=problem_dim, context_dim=rich_context_dim, hidden_dims=[c_net_h_dim for i in range(c_net_depth)], ) for i in range(flow_depth // 2) ] transforms = affine_couplings + planars # Permutes are needed to be able to transform all dimensions. # Note that the transform is fixed here since we only have 2 dimensions. For more dimensions let it be random. perms = [ permute(input_dim=problem_dim, permutation=torch.tensor([1, 0])) for i in range(flow_depth // 2) ] # Assemble the flow if planar_first: flows = list( itertools.chain(*zip(planars, affine_couplings, perms)))[:-1] else: flows = list( itertools.chain(*zip(affine_couplings, planars, perms)))[:-1] # If we want batchnorm add those in. Then sandwich the steps together to a flow if batchnorm_momentum is None: batchnorms = None else: bn_flow = flows[:1] batchnorms = [] for trans in flows[1:]: if isinstance(trans, ConditionalAffineCoupling2) or isinstance( trans, InvertedConditionalPlanar): batchnorms.append( batchnorm(input_dim=problem_dim, momentum=batchnorm_momentum)) bn_flow.append(batchnorms[-1]) bn_flow.append(trans) flows = bn_flow for bn in batchnorms: += torch.ones(problem_dim) # We define the conditioning network context_hidden_dims = [context_n_h_dim for i in range(context_n_depth)] if context_dropout is None: condinet = DenseNN(input_dim=context_dim, hidden_dims=context_hidden_dims, param_dims=[rich_context_dim]) else: condinet = DropoutDenseNN(input_dim=context_dim, hidden_dims=context_hidden_dims, param_dims=[rich_context_dim], dropout=context_dropout) # We define the normalizing flow wrapper normalizing_flow = ConditionalNormalizingFlowWrapper3( transforms, flows, base_dist, condinet, batchnorms) if cuda: normalizing_flow.cuda() return normalizing_flow