Example #1
        def regularize_extra(self, val):
            if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                tt = val.utctimetuple()
                val = calendar.timegm(tt) + val.microsecond * 1e-6

            elif isinstance(val, datetime.date):
                tt = val.timetuple()
                val = float(calendar.timegm(tt))

            elif isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode):
                val = val.strip()

                val = re.sub(r'(Z|\+00(:?00)?)$', '', val)
                if val[10] == 'T':
                    val = val.replace('T', ' ', 1)

                    val = util.str_to_time(val)

                except util.TimeStrError:
                    year = int(val[:4])
                    if year > this_year + 100:
                        return None  # StationXML contained a dummy end date


            elif isinstance(val, int):
                val = float(val)

                raise ValidationError('%s: cannot convert "%s" to float' %
                                      (self.xname(), val))

            return val
Example #2
        def validate_extra(self, val):
            if self.dtype is not None and self.dtype != val.dtype:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'array not of required type: need %s, got %s' %
                    (self.dtype, val.dtype))

            if self.shape is not None:
                la, lb = len(self.shape), len(val.shape)
                if la != lb:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        'array dimension mismatch: need %i, got %i' % (la, lb))

                for a, b in zip(self.shape, val.shape):
                    if a is not None:
                        if a != b:
                            raise ValidationError(
                                'array shape mismatch: need %s, got: %s' %
                                (self.shape, val.shape))
Example #3
        def validate(self, val, regularize=False, depth=-1):
            if regularize:
                    val = str(val)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValidationError('%s: cannot convert to string %s' %
                                          (self.xname, repr(val)))

                val = self.dummy_cls.replacements.get(val, val)

            return val
Example #4
        def regularize_extra(self, val):
            if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                tt = val.utctimetuple()
                val = calendar.timegm(tt) + val.microsecond * 1e-6

            elif isinstance(val, datetime.date):
                tt = val.timetuple()
                val = float(calendar.timegm(tt))

            elif isinstance(val, (str, newstr)):
                val = val.strip()

                tz_offset = 0

                m = re_tz.search(val)
                if m:
                    sh = m.group(2)
                    sm = m.group(4)
                    tz_offset = (int(sh)*3600 if sh else 0) \
                        + (int(sm)*60 if sm else 0)

                    val = re_tz.sub('', val)

                if val[10] == 'T':
                    val = val.replace('T', ' ', 1)

                    val = util.str_to_time(val) - tz_offset

                except util.TimeStrError:
                    year = int(val[:4])
                    if sys.maxsize > 2**32:  # if we're on 64bit
                        if year > this_year + 100:
                            return None  # StationXML contained a dummy date

                    else:  # 32bit end of time is in 2038
                        if this_year < 2037 and year > 2037 or year < 1903:
                            return None  # StationXML contained a dummy date


            elif isinstance(val, int):
                val = float(val)

                raise ValidationError(
                    '%s: cannot convert "%s" to float' % (self.xname(), val))

            return val
Example #5
        def regularize_extra(self, val):
            if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                tt = val.utctimetuple()
                val = calendar.timegm(tt) + val.microsecond * 1e-6

            elif isinstance(val, datetime.date):
                tt = val.timetuple()
                val = float(calendar.timegm(tt))

            elif isinstance(val, (str, newstr)):
                val = val.strip()

                val = re.sub(r'(Z|\+00(:?00)?)$', '', val)
                if val[10] == 'T':
                    val = val.replace('T', ' ', 1)

                    val = util.str_to_time(val)

                except util.TimeStrError:
                    year = int(val[:4])
                    if sys.maxsize > 2**32:  # if we're on 64bit
                        if year > this_year + 100:
                            return None  # StationXML contained a dummy date

                    else:  # 32bit end of time is in 2038
                        if this_year < 2037 and year > 2037 or year < 1903:
                            return None  # StationXML contained a dummy date


            elif isinstance(val, int):
                val = float(val)

                raise ValidationError('%s: cannot convert "%s" to float' %
                                      (self.xname(), val))

            return val
Example #6
 def validate_extra(self, val):
     if val.y >= val.x:
         raise ValidationError('x must be greater than y')
Example #7
 def validate_extra(self, val):
     if val.y <= val.x:
         raise ValidationError('y must be greater than x')
Example #8
 def validate_extra(self, val):
     if val < self.min or self.max < val:
         raise ValidationError('out of range [%g, %g]: %g' % (
             self.min, self.max, val))
Example #9
        def regularize_extra(self, val):
            if isinstance(val, basestring):
                ndim = None
                if self.shape:
                    ndim = len(self.shape)

                if self.serialize_as == 'table':
                    val = num.loadtxt(StringIO(str(val)),

                elif self.serialize_as == 'base64':
                    data = b64decode(val)
                    val = num.fromstring(
                        data, dtype=self.serialize_dtype).astype(self.dtype)

                elif self.serialize_as == 'npy':
                    data = b64decode(val)
                        val = num.load(StringIO(str(data)), allow_pickle=False)
                    except TypeError:
                        # allow_pickle only available in newer NumPy
                        val = num.load(StringIO(str(data)))

            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                if self.serialize_as == 'base64+meta':
                    if not sorted(val.keys()) == ['data', 'dtype', 'shape']:
                        raise ValidationError(
                            'array in format "base64+meta" must have keys '
                            '"data", "dtype", and "shape"')

                    shape = val['shape']
                    if not isinstance(shape, list):
                        raise ValidationError('invalid shape definition')

                    for n in shape:
                        if not isinstance(n, int):
                            raise ValidationError('invalid shape definition')

                    serialize_dtype = val['dtype']
                    allowed = list(restricted_dtype_map_rev.keys())
                    if self.serialize_dtype is not None:

                    if serialize_dtype not in allowed:
                        raise ValidationError(
                            'only the following dtypes are allowed: %s' %
                            ', '.join(sorted(allowed)))

                    data = val['data']
                    if not isinstance(data, basestring):
                        raise ValidationError(
                            'data must be given as a base64 encoded string')

                    data = b64decode(data)

                    dtype = self.dtype or \

                    val = num.fromstring(data,

                    if val.size != num.product(shape):
                        raise ValidationError('size/shape mismatch')

                    val = val.reshape(shape)

                val = num.asarray(val, dtype=self.dtype)

            return val