async def download_media( self, message: Union["types.Message", str], file_ref: str = None, file_name: str = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR, block: bool = True, progress: callable = None, progress_args: tuple = ()) -> Union[str, None]: """Download the media from a message. Parameters: message (:obj:`~pyrogram.types.Message` | ``str``): Pass a Message containing the media, the media itself (,, ...) or the file id as string. file_ref (``str``, *optional*): A valid file reference obtained by a recently fetched media message. To be used in combination with a file id in case a file reference is needed. file_name (``str``, *optional*): A custom *file_name* to be used instead of the one provided by Telegram. By default, all files are downloaded in the *downloads* folder in your working directory. You can also specify a path for downloading files in a custom location: paths that end with "/" are considered directories. All non-existent folders will be created automatically. block (``bool``, *optional*): Blocks the code execution until the file has been downloaded. Defaults to True. progress (``callable``, *optional*): Pass a callback function to view the file transmission progress. The function must take *(current, total)* as positional arguments (look at Other Parameters below for a detailed description) and will be called back each time a new file chunk has been successfully transmitted. progress_args (``tuple``, *optional*): Extra custom arguments for the progress callback function. You can pass anything you need to be available in the progress callback scope; for example, a Message object or a Client instance in order to edit the message with the updated progress status. Other Parameters: current (``int``): The amount of bytes transmitted so far. total (``int``): The total size of the file. *args (``tuple``, *optional*): Extra custom arguments as defined in the *progress_args* parameter. You can either keep *\*args* or add every single extra argument in your function signature. Returns: ``str`` | ``None``: On success, the absolute path of the downloaded file is returned, otherwise, in case the download failed or was deliberately stopped with :meth:`~pyrogram.Client.stop_transmission`, None is returned. Raises: ValueError: if the message doesn't contain any downloadable media Example: .. code-block:: python # Download from Message app.download_media(message) # Download from file id app.download_media("CAADBAADzg4AAvLQYAEz_x2EOgdRwBYE") # Keep track of the progress while downloading def progress(current, total): print(f"{current * 100 / total:.1f}%") app.download_media(message, progress=progress) """ error_message = "This message doesn't contain any downloadable media" available_media = ("audio", "document", "photo", "sticker", "animation", "video", "voice", "video_note") media_file_name = None file_size = None mime_type = None date = None if isinstance(message, types.Message): for kind in available_media: media = getattr(message, kind, None) if media is not None: break else: raise ValueError(error_message) else: media = message if isinstance(media, str): file_id_str = media else: file_id_str = media.file_id media_file_name = getattr(media, "file_name", "") file_size = getattr(media, "file_size", None) mime_type = getattr(media, "mime_type", None) date = getattr(media, "date", None) file_ref = getattr(media, "file_ref", None) data = FileData(file_name=media_file_name, file_size=file_size, mime_type=mime_type, date=date, file_ref=file_ref) def get_existing_attributes() -> dict: return dict( filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None, data.__dict__.items())) try: decoded = utils.decode_file_id(file_id_str) media_type = decoded[0] if media_type == 1: unpacked = struct.unpack("<iiqqqiiiqi", decoded) dc_id, photo_id, _, volume_id, size_type, peer_id, x, peer_access_hash, local_id = unpacked[ 1:] if x == 0: peer_type = "user" elif x == -1: peer_id = -peer_id peer_type = "chat" else: peer_id = utils.get_channel_id(peer_id - 1000727379968) peer_type = "channel" data = FileData(**get_existing_attributes(), media_type=media_type, dc_id=dc_id, peer_id=peer_id, peer_type=peer_type, peer_access_hash=peer_access_hash, volume_id=volume_id, local_id=local_id, is_big=size_type == 3) elif media_type in (0, 2, 14): unpacked = struct.unpack("<iiqqqiiii", decoded) dc_id, document_id, access_hash, volume_id, _, _, thumb_size, local_id = unpacked[ 1:] data = FileData(**get_existing_attributes(), media_type=media_type, dc_id=dc_id, document_id=document_id, access_hash=access_hash, thumb_size=chr(thumb_size)) elif media_type in (3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13): unpacked = struct.unpack("<iiqq", decoded) dc_id, document_id, access_hash = unpacked[1:] data = FileData(**get_existing_attributes(), media_type=media_type, dc_id=dc_id, document_id=document_id, access_hash=access_hash) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown media type: {file_id_str}") except (AssertionError, binascii.Error, struct.error): raise FileIdInvalid from None directory, file_name = os.path.split(file_name) file_name = file_name or data.file_name or "" if not os.path.isabs(file_name): directory = self.PARENT_DIR / (directory or DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR) media_type_str = self.MEDIA_TYPE_ID[data.media_type] if not file_name: guessed_extension = self.guess_extension(data.mime_type) if data.media_type in (0, 1, 2, 14): extension = ".jpg" elif data.media_type == 3: extension = guessed_extension or ".ogg" elif data.media_type in (4, 10, 13): extension = guessed_extension or ".mp4" elif data.media_type == 5: extension = guessed_extension or ".zip" elif data.media_type == 8: extension = guessed_extension or ".webp" elif data.media_type == 9: extension = guessed_extension or ".mp3" else: extension = ".unknown" file_name = "{}_{}_{}{}".format( media_type_str, datetime.fromtimestamp( or time.time()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"), self.rnd_id(), extension) downloader = self.handle_download( (data, directory, file_name, progress, progress_args)) if block: return await downloader else: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(downloader)
async def generate_file_properties(msg: Message): error_message = "This message doesn't contain any downloadable media" available_media = ("audio", "document", "photo", "sticker", "animation", "video", "voice", "video_note") media_file_name = None file_size = None mime_type = None date = None for kind in available_media: media = getattr(msg, kind, None) if media is not None: break else: raise ValueError(error_message) if isinstance(media, str): file_id_str = media else: file_id_str = media.file_id media_file_name = getattr(media, "file_name", "") file_size = getattr(media, "file_size", None) mime_type = getattr(media, "mime_type", None) date = getattr(media, "date", None) file_ref = getattr(media, "file_ref", None) data = FileData( file_name=media_file_name, file_size=file_size, mime_type=mime_type, date=date, file_ref=file_ref ) def get_existing_attributes() -> dict: return dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None, data.__dict__.items())) try: decoded = utils.decode_file_id(file_id_str) media_type = decoded[0] if media_type == 1: unpacked = struct.unpack("<iiqqqiiiqi", decoded) dc_id, _1, _2, volume_id, size_type, peer_id, x, peer_access_hash, local_id = unpacked[1:] if x == 0: peer_type = "user" elif x == -1: peer_id = -peer_id peer_type = "chat" else: peer_id = utils.get_channel_id(peer_id - 1000727379968) peer_type = "channel" data = FileData( **get_existing_attributes(), media_type=media_type, dc_id=dc_id, peer_id=peer_id, peer_type=peer_type, peer_access_hash=peer_access_hash, volume_id=volume_id, local_id=local_id, is_big=size_type == 3 ) elif media_type in (0, 2, 14): unpacked = struct.unpack("<iiqqqiiii", decoded) dc_id, document_id, access_hash, volume_id, _, _, thumb_size, local_id = unpacked[1:] data = FileData( **get_existing_attributes(), media_type=media_type, dc_id=dc_id, document_id=document_id, access_hash=access_hash, thumb_size=chr(thumb_size) ) elif media_type in (3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13): unpacked = struct.unpack("<iiqq", decoded) dc_id, document_id, access_hash = unpacked[1:] data = FileData( **get_existing_attributes(), media_type=media_type, dc_id=dc_id, document_id=document_id, access_hash=access_hash ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown media type: {file_id_str}") return data except (AssertionError, binascii.Error, struct.error): raise FileIdInvalid from None