Example #1
    def get_status(self, pretty=False):
        Returns the status of the erg
        status = {}
        status['status'] = STATUS

        status = get_pretty(status, pretty)
        return status
Example #2
    def get_forceplot(self, pretty=False):
        Returns force plot data and stroke state
        forceplot = {}
        forceplot['forceplot'] = [1] * 32
        forceplot['strokestate'] = 4
        forceplot['status'] = STATUS

        forceplot = get_pretty(forceplot, pretty)
        return forceplot
Example #3
    def get_workout(self, pretty=False):
        Returns overall workout data
        workoutdata = {}
        workoutdata['userid'] = 0
        workoutdata['type'] = 0
        workoutdata['state'] = 1
        workoutdata['inttype'] = 1
        workoutdata['intcount'] = 0
        workoutdata['status'] = STATUS

        workoutdata = get_pretty(workoutdata, pretty)
        return workoutdata
Example #4
    def get_monitor(self, forceplot=False, pretty=False):
        Returns values from the monitor that relate to the current workout,
        optionally returns force plot data and stroke state. (* required)
        time: time in seconds
        distance: distance in meters
        spm: strokes per minute
        power: power in watts
        pace: seconds/500m
        calhr: calories burned per hour
        calories: calories burned
        heartrate: heartrate
        if heartrate:
            forceplot: force plot data
        SPM = 30
        POWER = 150
        CAL_TO_TIME = 1

        VEL = lambda x: 4 + np.sin(np.pi * x) + 0.5 * np.cos(
            np.pi * x / 480) + 0.5 * np.exp(-x / 120) - 5 * np.exp(-x / 4)
        VELOCITY = 5
        DIST = lambda x: 40.3 + 4 * x - 60 * np.exp(-x / 120) + 20 * np.exp(
            -x / 4) + 80 * np.sin(np.pi * x / 480) - 0.3 * np.cos(np.pi * x)

        elapsed_time = round(time.time() - self._start_time, 2)
        monitor = {}
        monitor['time'] = round(elapsed_time, 2)
        monitor['distance'] = int(round(self._factor * DIST(elapsed_time)))
        monitor['spm'] = SPM
        #Rowing machine always returns power as Watts
        monitor['power'] = POWER
        if monitor['power']:
            monitor['pace'] = ((2.8 / POWER)**(1. / 3)) * 500
            monitor['calhr'] = POWER * (4.0 * 0.8604) + 300.
            monitor['pace'], monitor['calhr'] = 0, 0
        monitor['calories'] = round(CAL_TO_TIME * elapsed_time)
        monitor['heartrate'] = 100
        if forceplot:
            monitor['forceplot'] = [1] * 32
            monitor['strokestate'] = 4
        # 1 or 5
        monitor['status'] = STATUS

        monitor = get_pretty(monitor, pretty)
        return monitor
Example #5
    def get_erg(self, pretty=False):
        Returns all erg data that is not related to the workout
        ergdata = {}
        #Get data from csafe get version command
        ergdata['mfgid'] = 0
        ergdata['cid'] = 0
        ergdata['model'] = 0
        ergdata['hwversion'] = 0
        ergdata['swversion'] = 0
        #Get data from csafe get serial command
        ergdata['serial'] = 0
        #Get data from csafe get capabilities command
        ergdata['maxrx'] = 0
        ergdata['maxtx'] = 0
        ergdata['mininterframe'] = 0
        ergdata['status'] = STATUS

        ergdata = get_pretty(ergdata, pretty)
        return ergdata