Example #1
    def heading_to_point(
        start_x: float,
        start_y: float,
        vel_x: float,
        vel_y: float,
        point_x: float,
        point_y: float,
        Return a heading, in 2D RH coordinate system.
        x,y:                the current position of the object
        vel_x, vel_y:       the current velocity vector of motion for the object
        point_x, point_y:   the destination point to head towards

        returns: offset angle in radians in the range [-pi .. pi]
            0.0:                object is moving directly towards the point
            [-pi .. <0]:   object is moving to the "right" of the point
            [>0 .. -pi]:   object is moving to the "left" of the point
            [-pi, pi]: object is moving directly away from the point
        # vector to point
        dx = point_x - start_x
        dy = point_y - start_y

        # if the ball is already at the target location or
        # is not moving, return a heading of 0 so we don't
        # attempt to normalize a zero-length vector
        if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
            return 0
        if vel_x == 0 and vel_y == 0:
            return 0

        # vectors and lengths
        u = vector.normalize([dx, dy, 0.0])
        v = vector.normalize([vel_x, vel_y, 0.0])
        ul = vector.length(u)
        vl = vector.length(v)

        # no velocity? already on the target?
        angle = 0.0
        if (ul != 0.0) and (vl != 0.0):
            # angle between vectors
            uv_dot = vector.dot(u, v)

            # signed angle
            x = u[0]
            y = u[1]
            angle = math.atan2(vector.dot([-y, x, 0.0], v), uv_dot)
            if math.isnan(angle):
                angle = 0.0
        return angle
Example #2
def point_closest_point_on_line_segment( point, segment ):
    """Calculates the point on the line segment that is closest
    to the specified point.

    This is similar to point_closest_point_on_line, except this
    is against the line segment of finite length. Whereas point_closest_point_on_line
    checks against a line of infinite length.

    :param numpy.array point: The point to check with.
    :param numpy.array line_segment: The finite line segment to check against.
    :rtype: numpy.array
    :return: The closest point on the line segment to the point.
    # check if the line has any length
    rl = segment[ 1 ] - segment[ 0 ]
    squared_length = vector.squared_length( rl )
    if squared_length == 0.0:
        return segment[ 0 ]

    rp = point - segment[ 0 ]
    # check that / squared_length is correct
    dot = vector.dot( rp, rl ) / squared_length;

    if dot < 0.0:
        return segment[ 0 ]
    elif dot > 1.0:
        return segment[ 1 ]

    # within segment
    # perform the same calculation as closest_point_on_line
    return segment[ 0 ] + (rl * dot)
Example #3
        def batch():
            vecs1 = numpy.array([
                # adjacent
                [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                # parallel
                [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
                # angled
                [ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
            vecs2 = numpy.array([
                # adjacent
                [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                # parallel
                [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
                # angled
                [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
            result = vector.dot( vecs1, vecs2 )

            expected = numpy.sum( vecs1 * vecs2, axis = -1 )

                numpy.array_equal( result, expected ),
                "Vector dot calculation incorrect"

            # assert individually
            assert numpy.array_equal( result[ 0 ], numpy.sum( vecs1[ 0 ] * vecs2[ 0 ] ) )
            assert numpy.array_equal( result[ 1 ], numpy.sum( vecs1[ 1 ] * vecs2[ 1 ] ) )
            assert numpy.array_equal( result[ 2 ], numpy.sum( vecs1[ 2 ] * vecs2[ 2 ] ) )
Example #4
def point_closest_point_on_line( point, line ):
    """Calculates the point on the line that is closest to
    the specified point.

    :param numpy.array point: The point to check with.
    :param numpy.array line: The line to check against.
    :rtype: numpy.array
    :return: The closest point on the line to the point.
    rl = va->b (relative line)
    rp = va->p (relative point)
    u' = u / |u| (normalise)
    cp = a + (u' * (u'.v))
    a = line start
    b = line end
    p = point
    cp = closest point
    rl = line[ 1 ] - line[ 0 ]
    rp = point - line[ 0 ]
    vector.normalise( rl )
    dot = vector.dot( rl, rp )
    return line[ 0 ] + (rl * dot)
Example #5
def intersectRayUnitSphere(rayOri, rayDir):
    # (t*rd + ro)^2 = 1
    # t^2*<rd, rd> + 2*t*<rd, ro> + <ro, ro> - 1 = 0
    # a := <rd, rd>, b := <rd, ro>, c := <ro, ro> - 1
    # t := (b +- sqrt(b^2 - a*c)) / a
    a = vector.dot(rayDir, rayDir)
    b = vector.dot(rayDir, rayOri)
    c = vector.dot(rayOri, rayOri) - 1
    det = b*b - a*c
    if det < 0:
        return None
    det = np.sqrt(det)
    ts = [(-b + det) / a, (-b - det) / a]
    ts = filter(lambda x: x >= 0, ts)
    if ts == []:
        return None
    t = min(ts)
    return rayOri + t*rayDir
Example #6
def ray_intersect_plane( ray, plane, front_only = False ):
    """Calculates the intersection point of a ray and a plane.

    :param numpy.array ray: The ray to test for intersection.
    :param numpy.array plane: The ray to test for intersection.
    :param boolean front_only: Specifies if the ray should
    only hit the front of the plane.
    Collisions from the rear of the plane will be

    :return The intersection point, or None
    if the ray is parallel to the plane.
    Returns None if the ray intersects the back
    of the plane and front_only is True.
    Distance to plane is defined as
    t = (pd - p0.n) / rd.n
    rd is the ray direction
    pd is the point on plane . plane normal
    p0 is the ray position
    n is the plane normal

    if rd.n == 0, the ray is parallel to the
    p = plane[ :3 ] * plane[ 3 ]
    n = plane[ :3 ]
    rd_n = vector.dot( ray[ 1 ], n )

    if rd_n == 0.0:
        return None

    if front_only == True:
        if rd_n >= 0.0:
            return None

    pd = vector.dot( p, n )
    p0_n = vector.dot( ray[ 0 ], n )
    t = (pd - p0_n) / rd_n
    return ray[ 0 ] + (ray[ 1 ] * t)
Example #7
def dot( quat1, quat2 ):
    """Calculate the dot product of quaternions.

    :param numpy.array quat1: The first quaternion(s).
    :param numpy.array quat2: The second quaternion(s).
    :rtype: float, numpy.array
    :return: If a 1d array was passed, it will be a scalar.
        Otherwise the result will be an array of scalars with shape
        vec.ndim with the last dimension being size 1.
    return vector.dot( quat1, quat2 )
Example #8
        def angle():
            vec1 = numpy.array( [ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ] )
            vec2 = numpy.array( [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ] )
            result = vector.dot( vec1, vec2 )

            expected = numpy.sum( vec1 * vec2 )
            assert numpy.array_equal( expected, vec_dot( vec1, vec2 ) )

                numpy.array_equal( result, expected ),
                "Dot product of angled vectors incorrect"
Example #9
def point_closest_point_on_ray( point, ray ):
    """Calculates the point on a ray that is closest to a point.

    :param numpy.array point: The point to check with.
    :param numpy.array ray: The ray to check against.
    :rtype: numpy.array
    :return: The closest point on the ray to the point.
    t = (p - rp).n
    cp = rp + (n * t)
    p is the point
    rp is the ray origin
    n is the ray normal of unit length
    t is the distance along the ray to the point
    normalised_n = vector.normalise( ray[ 1 ] )
    relative_point = (point - ray[ 0 ])
    t = vector.dot( relative_point, normalised_n )
    return ray[ 0 ] + ( normalised_n * t )
Example #10
def point_intersect_line_segment( point, line ):
    """Calculates the intersection point of a point and a line segment.

    Performed by checking if the cross-product
    of the point relative to the line is
    0 and if the dot product of the point
    relative to the line start AND the end
    point relative to the line start is
    less than the segment's squared length.
    rl = line[ 1 ] - line[ 0 ]
    rp = point - line[ 0 ]
    cross = vector.cross( rl, rp )
    dot = vector.dot( rp, rl )
    squared_length = vector.squared_length( rl )

    if numpy.count_nonzero( cross ) > 0:
        return None

    if \
        dot < 0.0 or \
        dot > squared_length:
        return None
    return point
Example #11
 def dot(self, other):
     return vector.dot(self, type(self)(other))
Example #12
File: base.py Project: RazerM/Pyrr
 def dot(self, other):
     return vector.dot(self, type(self)(other))