Example #1
 def processData(data):
     if isinstance(data, Quaternion):
         return data
     elif isinstance(data, list) and len(data) == 4:
         return Quaternion(data)
         return Quaternion()
Example #2
 def generate_shapes(self, nodes):
   nodes = [Vector3(aNode) for aNode in nodes]
   theta = math.pi / 2
   quaternions = {}
   for i in range(4):
     quaternions[(i, 0, 0)] = Quaternion.from_x_rotation(i * theta)
     quaternions[(0, i, 0)] = Quaternion.from_y_rotation(i * theta)
     quaternions[(0, 0, i)] = Quaternion.from_z_rotation(i * theta)
   shapes = {}
   for x_rot in (3, 2, 1, 0):
     new_rotation = quaternions[(x_rot, 0, 0)]
     rotated_nodes_x = self.shape_constrained([new_rotation * aNode for aNode in nodes], zero_align=True)
     for y_rot in (3, 2, 1, 0):
       new_rotation = quaternions[(0, y_rot, 0)]
       rotated_nodes_y = self.shape_constrained([new_rotation * aNode for aNode in rotated_nodes_x], zero_align=True)
       for z_rot in (3, 2, 1, 0):
         new_rotation = quaternions[(0, 0, z_rot)]
         rotated_nodes = self.shape_constrained([new_rotation * aNode for aNode in rotated_nodes_y], zero_align=True)
         for x_shift in (2, 1, 0):
           for y_shift in (2, 1, 0):
             for z_shift in (-2, -1, 0):
               new_shift = Vector3([float(x_shift), float(y_shift), float(z_shift)])
               shifted_nodes = [new_shift + aNode for aNode in rotated_nodes]
               shape = self.shape_constrained(shifted_nodes)
               shape = frozenset([Cube(int(round(aNode.x)), int(round(aNode.y)), int(round(aNode.z))) for aNode in shape])
               shapes[shape] = (x_rot, y_rot, z_rot, x_shift, y_shift, z_shift)
   return shapes
Example #3
 def __init__(self, *args):
     if len(args) == 1:
         if type(args[0]) is not HexapodLeg:
             raise TypeError("Copy constructor expects a single HexapodLeg argument.");
         o = args[0];
         self.id = o.id;
         self.body = o.body;
         self.direction = o.direction;
         self.ref = o.ref;
         self.world_ref = o.world_ref;
         self.segments = [];
         prevSeg = self;
         for seg in o.segments:
             nextSeg = seg.clone(prevSeg);
             prevSeg = nextSeg;
     elif len(args) == 4:
         config, body, world_ref, legid = args;
         self.id = legid;
         self.body = body;
         disp = config.getLegDisplacement(self);
         self.ref = ReferenceFrame(disp, Quaternion.from_z_rotation(0.), body.ref);
         self.world_ref = ReferenceFrame(disp, Quaternion.from_z_rotation(0.), world_ref);
         self.segments = body.getLegSegments(config, self);
         self.direction = body.getLegDirection(self);
         raise TypeError("Unexpected");
Example #4
async def serial_listener():
        irl_rot_off = Quaternion.from_x_rotation(
        )  # supply your own imu offsets here, has to be a Quaternion object

        with serial.Serial(SERIAL_PORT, SERIAL_BAUD, timeout=1 / 4) as ser:
            with serial.threaded.ReaderThread(
                    ser, u.SerialReaderFactory) as protocol:
                await asyncio.sleep(5)

                print('serial_listener: starting tracking thread')

                while poser.coro_keep_alive["serial_listener"].is_alive:
                    gg = u.get_numbers_from_text(protocol.last_read, ",")

                    if len(gg) >= 4:
                        w, x, y, z, *_ = gg
                        my_q = Quaternion([-y, z, -x, w])

                        my_q = Quaternion(my_q * irl_rot_off).normalised
                        poser.poses[0].r_w = round(my_q[3], 5)
                        poser.poses[0].r_x = round(my_q[0], 5)
                        poser.poses[0].r_y = round(my_q[1], 5)
                        poser.poses[0].r_z = round(my_q[2], 5)

                    await asyncio.sleep(

    except Exception as e:
        print(f'serial_listener: failed {e}')

    poser.coro_keep_alive["serial_listener"].is_alive = False
Example #5
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            if type(args[0]) is not HexapodLeg:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Copy constructor expects a single HexapodLeg argument.")

            o = args[0]
            self.id = o.id
            self.body = o.body
            self.direction = o.direction
            self.ref = o.ref
            self.world_ref = o.world_ref
            self.segments = []
            prevSeg = self
            for seg in o.segments:
                nextSeg = seg.clone(prevSeg)
                prevSeg = nextSeg

        elif len(args) == 4:
            config, body, world_ref, legid = args
            self.id = legid
            self.body = body
            disp = config.getLegDisplacement(self)
            self.ref = ReferenceFrame(disp, Quaternion.from_z_rotation(0.),
            self.world_ref = ReferenceFrame(disp,
            self.segments = body.getLegSegments(config, self)
            self.direction = body.getLegDirection(self)
            raise TypeError("Unexpected")
Example #6
    def test_oo_examples(self):
        from pyrr import Quaternion, Matrix44, Vector3
        import numpy as np

        point = Vector3([1., 2., 3.])
        orientation = Quaternion()
        translation = Vector3()
        scale = Vector3([1., 1., 1.])

        # translate along X by 1
        translation += [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        # rotate about Y by pi/2
        rotation = Quaternion.from_y_rotation(np.pi / 2.0)
        orientation = rotation * orientation

        # create a matrix
        # start our matrix off using the scale
        matrix = Matrix44.from_scale(scale)

        # apply our orientation
        # we can multiply matricies and quaternions directly!
        matrix = matrix * orientation

        # apply our translation
        translation = Matrix44.from_translation(translation)
        matrix = matrix * translation

        # transform our point by the matrix
        # vectors are transformable by matrices and quaternions directly
        point = matrix * point
Example #7
    def __compute_bbox_coords(self, mesh, view):
        upright = Quaternion.from_y_rotation(np.pi / 2)
        rotation = Quaternion(mesh['rotation'])
        center = mesh['translation']
        world_corners = {
            Vector3([center[0], center[1], center[2]]) +
            (rotation * upright *
             Vector3([0, mesh['width'] / 2, mesh['height'] / 2])),
            Vector3([center[0], center[1], center[2]]) +
            (rotation * upright *
             Vector3([0, -mesh['width'] / 2, mesh['height'] / 2])),
            Vector3([center[0], center[1], center[2]]) +
            (rotation * upright *
             Vector3([0, -mesh['width'] / 2, -mesh['height'] / 2])),
            Vector3([center[0], center[1], center[2]]) +
            (rotation * upright *
             Vector3([0, mesh['width'] / 2, -mesh['height'] / 2]))

        hidden_corners = 0
        left = right = top = bottom = None

        for key, value in world_corners.items():
            img_coords = self.__project_to_img_frame(value, view)
            if (img_coords[0] < 10 or img_coords[0] > (self.width - 10)
                    or img_coords[1] < 10 or img_coords[1] >
                (self.height - 10)):
                hidden_corners += 1
            if left is None or (img_coords[0] < left['x']):
                left = {'x': img_coords[0], 'y': img_coords[1]}
            if top is None or (img_coords[1] < top['y']):
                top = {'x': img_coords[0], 'y': img_coords[1]}
            if bottom is None or (img_coords[1] > bottom['y']):
                bottom = {'x': img_coords[0], 'y': img_coords[1]}
            if right is None or (img_coords[0] > right['x']):
                right = {'x': img_coords[0], 'y': img_coords[1]}

        image_corners = {
            'min': [int(left['x']), int(top['y'])],
            'max': [int(right['x']), int(bottom['y'])]

        if hidden_corners > 3:
            return {}
        elif hidden_corners > 0:
            for key, img_coords in image_corners.items():
                for i in range(0, 2):
                    if img_coords[i] < 0:
                        img_coords[i] = 0
                    elif img_coords[i] > (self.width
                                          if i == 0 else self.height):
                        img_coords[i] = self.width if i == 0 else self.height
                image_corners[key] = img_coords

        return image_corners
Example #8
 def test_euler_to_quaternion_1(self):
     v = np.radians(Vector3([0, 0, 0]))
     self.assertQuaternionAreEqual(euler_angles_to_quaternion(v), (Quaternion([0, 0, 0, 1])))
     v = np.radians([0, 0, 180])
     self.assertQuaternionAreEqual(euler_angles_to_quaternion(v), (Quaternion([0, 0, 1, 0])))
     v = np.radians([0, 180, 0])
     self.assertQuaternionAreEqual(euler_angles_to_quaternion(v), (Quaternion([0, 1, 0, 0])))
     v = np.radians([180, 0, 0])
     self.assertQuaternionAreEqual(euler_angles_to_quaternion(v), (Quaternion([1, 0, 0, 0])))
Example #9
 def __rotate(self, axis, deg, local):
     if local:
         row = axis.tolist().index(1)
         localBasis = self.orientation.matrix33[row, :]
         rot = Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(localBasis,
         rot = Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(axis,
     self.orientation *= rot
Example #10
def from_to_quaternion(v1, v2, is_unit=True, epsilon=1e-5):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/11741520/782170
    if not is_unit:
        v1 = unit_vector(v1)
        v2 = unit_vector(v2)

    k_cos_theta = np.dot(v1, v2)
    k = np.sqrt(np.dot(v1, v1) * np.dot(v2, v2))

    if abs(k_cos_theta / k + 1) < epsilon:
        # 180 degree rotation around any orthogonal vector
        return Quaternion(0, unit_vector(perpendicular_vector(v1)))

    q = Quaternion(k_cos_theta + k, *np.cross(v1, v2))
    return q.normalize
Example #11
    def get_grav(self, q=None, magnitude=None, stationary=False, accel=None):
        if stationary or q is None or ((accel is not None) and
                                       (not np.any(accel))):
            g = np.asarray([self._acc_x, self._acc_y, self._acc_z])
            self.grav_magnitude = sum(abs(np.asarray(g)))
            return g
        elif q is not None:
            if not isinstance(q, Quaternion):
                q = Quaternion.from_euler(*q)
            if magnitude is None:
                magnitude = self.grav_magnitude
            # http://www.varesano.net/blog/fabio/simple-gravity-compensation-9-dom-imus
            g = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

            # get expected direction of gravity
            g[0] = q.x * magnitude
            g[1] = q.y * magnitude
            g[2] = q.z * magnitude

            return g
        elif accel is not None:
            g = np.asarray([self._acc_x, self._acc_y, self._acc_z])
            g -= accel
            self.grav_magnitude = sum(abs(np.asarray(g)))
            return g
Example #12
 def rotate_vertical(self, d):
     rotation = Quaternion.from_x_rotation(
         d * float(self._rotate_vertically) * np.pi / 180)
     #self._camera_front[1] = min(1, max(-1, (rotation * self._camera_front)[1]))
     self._camera_front[1] = min(
         2.5, max(-2.5, self._camera_front[1] + 0.005 * -d))
Example #13
def draw():
    """Put the main drawing code in here."""
    def inc(x, amount=1):
        return (x + amount) % 4
    def wlc(x):
        return (x >> 4) | x
    if chaem.stat == chaem.states.stop:
        x, z = int((chaem.pos.z + 1) / 2), int((chaem.pos.x + 1) / 2)
        spot = room[x][z]
        dire = inc(int(round(chaem.heading * 2 / pi)), 1)    # Get this into room coordinates (0-3)
        for x in [3, 0, 1, 2]:    # Check each side, starting with the right.
            if not wlc(spot) & (2 ** (inc(dire, x))):
                dire = inc(dire, x)
        chaem.movdir = quaternion.from_y_rotation((dire - 1) * pi / 2) * vector([0., 0., -1.])
    GL.glUniformMatrix4fv(GL.glGetUniformLocation(shaderp, 'modelmatrix'), 1, False, modelmtx)
    GL.glUniformMatrix4fv(GL.glGetUniformLocation(shaderp, 'viewmatrix'), 1, False, chaem.lookat())
    GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, terrain)
    GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_QUADS, 0, len(vs))
    GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)
Example #14
def euler_angles_to_quaternion(eulers, dtype=None):
    """Creates a quaternion from a set of Euler angles.

    Rotation order for euler angles is YZX.

    See: http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/eulerToQuaternion/index.htm

    dtype = dtype or eulers.dtype

    heading_half = eulers[1] / 2.
    attitude_half = eulers[2] / 2.
    bank_half = eulers[0] / 2.

    c1 = np.math.cos(heading_half)
    s1 = np.math.sin(heading_half)
    c2 = np.math.cos(attitude_half)
    s2 = np.math.sin(attitude_half)
    c3 = np.math.cos(bank_half)
    s3 = np.math.sin(bank_half)
    c1c2 = c1 * c2
    s1s2 = s1 * s2
    return Quaternion(
            c1c2 * s3 + s1s2 * c3,
            s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3,
            c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3,
            c1c2 * c3 - s1s2 * s3,
Example #15
    def test_oo_examples(self):
        from pyrr import Quaternion, Matrix44, Vector3
        import numpy as np

        point = Vector3([1.,2.,3.])
        orientation = Quaternion()
        translation = Vector3()
        scale = Vector3([1.,1.,1.])

        # translate along X by 1
        translation += [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        # rotate about Y by pi/2
        rotation = Quaternion.from_y_rotation(np.pi / 2.0)
        orientation = rotation * orientation

        # create a matrix
        # start our matrix off using the scale
        matrix = Matrix44.from_scale(scale)

        # apply our orientation
        # we can multiply matricies and quaternions directly!
        matrix = matrix * orientation

        # apply our translation
        translation = Matrix44.from_translation(translation)
        matrix = matrix * translation

        # transform our point by the matrix
        # vectors are transformable by matrices and quaternions directly
        point = matrix * point
Example #16
    def convert_rvec_to_quaternion(self, rvec):
        '''Convert rvec (which is log quaternion) to quaternion'''
        theta = np.sqrt(rvec[0] * rvec[0] + rvec[1] * rvec[1] + rvec[2] * rvec[2])  # in radians
        raxis = [rvec[0] / theta, rvec[1] / theta, rvec[2] / theta]

        # pyrr's Quaternion (order is XYZW), https://pyrr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/oo_api_quaternion.html
        return Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(raxis, theta)
Example #17
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     pos = event.pos()
     # compute point on sphere under pointer
     (w, h) = self.viewport
     t = (2*self.old_pos.x() - w) / float(w)
     u = -(2*self.old_pos.y() - h) / float(h)
     # compute inverse of view transform ignoring rotation
     m = Matrix44.from_translation(Vector3([0, 0, -self.zoom])) * self.projTransform
     m = matrix44.inverse(m)
     rayOri = m * Vector3([t, u, -1])
     rayEnd = m * Vector3([t, u, 1])
     rayDir = rayEnd - rayOri
     self.picked = intersectRayUnitSphere(rayOri, rayDir)
     # rotate on left-drag
     if event.buttons() & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton > 0:
         # the rotation vector is the displacement vector rotated by 90 degrees
         dx = pos.x() - self.old_pos.x()
         dy = pos.y() - self.old_pos.y()
         if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
         v = Vector3([dy, dx, 0])
         # update the current orientation
             -v.length * 0.002,
     elif event.buttons() & QtCore.Qt.RightButton > 0:
         dz = pos.y() - self.old_pos.y()
         self.zoom = max(0, self.zoom + dz / 100.0)
     self.old_pos = pos
Example #18
 def yaw(self, value):
     """Rotate using up direction
     rotation = Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self._up, value * self._speed)
     self._forward = normalize(
         quaternion.apply_to_vector(rotation, self._forward))
     return self
Example #19
 def run_get_i2c_imu():
         nonlocal uvw
         coms = get_coms_in_range()
         con, pro = get_i2c_imu(coms[0])
         acc = (float(0), ) * 3
         while True:
             orient1 = pro.protocol.imu.get_instant_orientation()
             if np.isnan(acc).any():
                 acc = (float(0), ) * 3
             if not np.isnan(orient1).any():
                 qxyz = [
                     orient1 * Quaternion.from_axis(v) * ~orient1
                     for v in uvw.transpose()
                 xyz = np.asarray([np.asarray(x.xyz)
                                   for x in qxyz]).transpose()
                 obj.mlab_source.set(x=xyz[0], y=xyz[1], z=xyz[2])
         e = traceback.format_exc()
Example #20
 def roll(self, value):
     """Rotate using the forward direction
     rotation = Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self._forward,
                                              value * self._speed)
     self._up = normalize(quaternion.apply_to_vector(rotation, self._up))
     return self
Example #21
    async def serial_listener3(self):
        """Get orientation data from serial."""
        irl_rot_off = Quaternion.from_x_rotation(
            np.pi /
            3)  # imu on this controller is rotated 90 degrees irl for me

        my_off = Quaternion()

        if not check_serial_dict(self.serialPaths, 'cont_r'):
                'failed to init serial_listener3: bad serial dict for key \'cont_r\''
            self.coro_keep_alive["serial_listener3"][0] = False

        with serial.Serial(self.serialPaths["cont_r"], 115200,
                           timeout=1 / 5) as ser2:
            with serial.threaded.ReaderThread(
                    ser2, u.SerialReaderFactory) as protocol:
                await asyncio.sleep(5)

                while self.coro_keep_alive["serial_listener3"][0]:
                        gg = u.get_numbers_from_text(protocol.last_read, ',')

                        if len(gg) > 0:
                            w, x, y, z = gg
                            my_q = Quaternion([-y, z, -x, w])

                            if self._serialResetYaw:
                                my_off = Quaternion([0, z, 0,

                            my_q = my_off * my_q * irl_rot_off
                            self.pose_controller_r.r_w = round(my_q[3], 5)
                            self.pose_controller_r.r_x = round(my_q[0], 5)
                            self.pose_controller_r.r_y = round(my_q[1], 5)
                            self.pose_controller_r.r_z = round(my_q[2], 5)

                        await asyncio.sleep(

                    except Exception as e:
                        print(f"{self.serial_listener.__name__}: {e}")
        self.coro_keep_alive["serial_listener3"][0] = False
Example #22
 def orient(self, x, y):
     """ Orient the current camera with the current x, y 
         The function will use two quaternions for computing the final rotation. By using 
         the current up and side vectors of the camera. The angle used for the rotations 
         are x and y passed by parameters. The function will normalize the new axis vectors
         for the camera by the current rotation. 
         Remark: there is no translation like in Orbit functionality.
     side = normalize(np.cross(self._up, self._forward))
     rotationYaw = Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(
         self._up, -x * self._speed * self._sensitivity)
     rotationPitch = Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(
         side, y * self._speed * self._sensitivity)
     rotation = rotationYaw * rotationPitch
     self._forward = normalize(
         quaternion.apply_to_vector(rotation, self._forward))
     return self
Example #23
 def __init__(self, config):
     # Prepare the root reference frame.
     self.ref = ReferenceFrame(Vector3([0.,0.,0.]), Quaternion.from_z_rotation(0.));
     self.body = HexapodBody(self.ref, config);
     self.legs = [HexapodLeg(config, self.body, self.ref, legid) for legid in config.getLegs()];
     self.mp = HexapodMotionPlanner(config, self.body, self.legs);
     self.stepmp = HexapodStepMotionPlanner(config, self, self.mp, self.legs, config.getLegPhases()[2]);
Example #24
        def buildBoneMatrices(tree, parentmat):
            trans = tree['transform']
            translate = Matrix44.from_translation(trans['position'])
            rotate = Quaternion(trans['rotation']).matrix44
            mat = mats[tree['bone']] = rotate * translate * parentmat

            for x in tree['children']:
                buildBoneMatrices(x, mat)
    def frame(self):
        turning = False
        if keys[b's'[0]]:
            self.ori = self.ori * Quaternion.from_x_rotation(-self.rot_speed)
            turning = True
        if keys[b'w'[0]]:
            self.ori = self.ori * Quaternion.from_x_rotation(+self.rot_speed)
            turning = True
        if keys[b'a'[0]]:
            self.ori = self.ori * Quaternion.from_y_rotation(+self.rot_speed)
            turning = True
        if keys[b'd'[0]]:
            self.ori = self.ori * Quaternion.from_y_rotation(-self.rot_speed)
            turning = True
        if keys[b'q'[0]]:
            self.ori = self.ori * Quaternion.from_z_rotation(-self.rot_speed)
            turning = True
        if keys[b'e'[0]]:
            self.ori = self.ori * Quaternion.from_z_rotation(+self.rot_speed)
            turning = True

        if self.rot_speed < Player.rot_speed and turning:
            self.rot_speed += Player.rot_acc
        elif self.rot_speed > 0:
            self.rot_speed -= Player.rot_acc

        self.dir = self.ori * Vector3((0., 0., 1.))
        self.pos = self.pos + Player.speed * self.dir

        if self.pos.length > 35.:
            self.ori = self.ori * Quaternion.from_y_rotation(3.14159265)
Example #26
 def test_euler_equivalence(self):
     eulers = euler.create_from_x_rotation(np.pi / 2.)
     m = Matrix33.from_x_rotation(np.pi / 2.)
     q = Quaternion.from_x_rotation(np.pi / 2.)
     qm = Matrix33.from_quaternion(q)
     em = Matrix33.from_eulers(eulers)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(qm, m))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(qm, em))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m, em))
Example #27
 def pitch(self, value):
     """ Rotate using cross product between up and forward vectors (side).
     side = normalize(np.cross(self._up, self._forward))
     rotation = Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(side, value * self._speed)
     self._forward = normalize(
         quaternion.apply_to_vector(rotation, self._forward))
     self._up = normalize(np.cross(self._forward, side))
     return self
Example #28
 def computeForwardKinematics(self):
     s_pos, s_rot, joint_axis = self.prev.computeForwardKinematics();
     p_pos, p_rot = s_pos[-1], s_rot[-1];
     c_rot = p_rot * Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self.rot_ax, self.start_angle + self.angle);
     c_pos = p_pos + c_rot * self.disp;
     ja = p_rot * Vector3(self.rot_ax);
     return (s_pos + [c_pos]), (s_rot + [c_rot]), (joint_axis + [ja]);
Example #29
 def test_euler_equivalence(self):
     eulers = euler.create_from_x_rotation(np.pi / 2.)
     m = Matrix33.from_x_rotation(np.pi / 2.)
     q = Quaternion.from_x_rotation(np.pi / 2.)
     qm = Matrix33.from_quaternion(q)
     em = Matrix33.from_eulers(eulers)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(qm, m))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(qm, em))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m, em))
Example #30
    def test_conversions(self):
        from pyrr import Quaternion, Matrix33, Matrix44, Vector3, Vector4

        v3 = Vector3([1., 0., 0.])
        v4 = Vector4.from_vector3(v3, w=1.0)
        v3, w = Vector3.from_vector4(v4)

        m44 = Matrix44()
        q = Quaternion(m44)
        m33 = Matrix33(q)

        m33 = Matrix44().matrix33
        m44 = Matrix33().matrix44
        q = Matrix44().quaternion
        q = Matrix33().quaternion

        m33 = Quaternion().matrix33
        m44 = Quaternion().matrix44
Example #31
 def __init__(self):
     self.location = Vector3()
     self.scale = Vector3([1, 1, 1])
     self.rotation = Rotator([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     self.quaternion = Quaternion([0, 0, 0, 1])
     self.initial_matrix = Matrix44.identity()
     self.transform_matrix = Matrix44.identity()
     # Flag indicate whether the transformation is modified or not
     self.is_changed = False
Example #32
    def computeForwardKinematics(self):
        s_pos, s_rot, joint_axis = self.prev.computeForwardKinematics()
        p_pos, p_rot = s_pos[-1], s_rot[-1]

        c_rot = p_rot * Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(
            self.rot_ax, self.start_angle + self.angle)
        c_pos = p_pos + c_rot * self.disp
        ja = p_rot * Vector3(self.rot_ax)

        return (s_pos + [c_pos]), (s_rot + [c_rot]), (joint_axis + [ja])
Example #33
    def test_quaternion_matrix_conversion(self):
        # https://au.mathworks.com/help/robotics/ref/quat2rotm.html?requestedDomain=www.mathworks.com
        q = Quaternion([0.7071, 0., 0., 0.7071])
        m33 = q.matrix33
        expected = np.array([
            [1., 0., 0.],
            [0., -0., -1.],
            [0., 1., -0.],
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m33, expected))

        # issue #42
        q = Quaternion([0.80087974, 0.03166748, 0.59114721, -0.09018753])
        m33 = q.matrix33
        q2 = Quaternion.from_matrix(m33)
        print(q, q2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2))

        q3 = Quaternion.from_matrix(m33.T)
        self.assertFalse(np.allclose(q2, q3))
Example #34
 def setData(self, data):
     if isinstance(data, Quaternion):
         self._data = data
     elif isinstance(data, list) and len(data) == 4:
         # here serialized data will be handled
         # when node desirializes itself, it creates all pins
         # and then sets data to them. Here, data will be set fo the first time after deserialization
         self._data = Quaternion(data)
         self._data = self.defaultValue()
     PinWidgetBase.setData(self, self._data)
Example #35
    def test_m44_q_equivalence(self):
        """Test for equivalance of matrix and quaternion rotations.

        Create a matrix and quaternion, rotate each by the same values
        then convert matrix<->quaternion and check the results are the same.
        m = Matrix44.from_x_rotation(np.pi / 2.)
        mq = Quaternion.from_matrix(m)

        q = Quaternion.from_x_rotation(np.pi / 2.)
        qm = Matrix44.from_quaternion(q)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.dot([1., 0., 0., 1.], m), [1., 0., 0., 1.]))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.dot([1., 0., 0., 1.], qm), [1., 0., 0., 1.]))

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q * Vector4([1., 0., 0., 1.]), [1., 0., 0., 1.]))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mq * Vector4([1., 0., 0., 1.]), [1., 0., 0., 1.]))

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(q), np.array(mq), decimal=5)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(m), np.array(qm), decimal=5)
Example #36
    def test_quaternion_matrix_conversion(self):
        # https://au.mathworks.com/help/robotics/ref/quat2rotm.html?requestedDomain=www.mathworks.com
        q = Quaternion([0.7071, 0., 0., 0.7071])
        m33 = q.matrix33
        expected = np.array([
            [1., 0., 0.],
            [0., 1.,-0.],
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m33, expected))

        # issue #42
        q = Quaternion([0.80087974, 0.03166748, 0.59114721,-0.09018753])
        m33 = q.matrix33
        q2 = Quaternion.from_matrix(m33)
        print(q, q2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2))

        q3 = Quaternion.from_matrix(m33.T)
        self.assertFalse(np.allclose(q2, q3))
Example #37
    def rotate_z(self, angle: float, local_space: bool = True) -> None:
        """ Rotate object around its z-axis.

            angle: The rotation angle in degrees.
            local_space: If True rotate in local coordinate system. Otherwise in world space.
        rotation_quaternion = Quaternion.from_z_rotation(angle)
        if local_space:
            self.local_quaternion *= rotation_quaternion
            self.world_quaternion *= rotation_quaternion
Example #38
    def __init__(self, name: str = "New Node"):
        """  Node element of scene graph (tree structure).

            name: Name for string representation.
        self.children = list()
        self._parent = None
        self.name = name

        self._local_position = Vector3()
        self._world_position = Vector3()

        self._scale = Vector3([1., 1., 1.])

        self._local_quaternion = Quaternion()
        self._world_quaternion = Quaternion()
        self._world_matrix = Matrix44.identity()
        self._local_matrix = Matrix44.identity()

        self.__matrix_needs_update = True
Example #39
    async def nut(self):
        my_qq = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float64)
        my_off = Quaternion()
        my_off2 = Quaternion.from_x_rotation(np.pi/2)*Quaternion.from_y_rotation(np.pi/2)

        mig = ahrs.filters.Madgwick(frequency=100.0)
        gg = []
        while self.coro_keep_alive['nut'].is_alive:
                if self.last_read:
                    gg = u.get_numbers_from_text(self.last_read.decode().strip('\r'), ',')
                    self.last_read = b''

                if len(gg) == 9 and len(self.poses) > 3:
                    # my_qq = mig.updateIMU(my_qq, gg[3:6], gg[6:])
                    my_qq = mig.updateMARG(my_qq, gg[3:6], gg[6:], gg[:3])
                    # print (my_qq)
                    temp = Quaternion(my_off*Quaternion([*my_qq[1:], my_qq[0]])*my_off2).normalised
                    self.poses[3].r_w = temp[3]
                    self.poses[3].r_y = temp[0]
                    self.poses[3].r_z = temp[1]
                    self.poses[3].r_x = temp[2]

                    if self._serialResetYaw:
                        my_off = (Quaternion([*my_qq[1:], my_qq[0]])*my_off2).inverse.normalised
                        mig = ahrs.filters.Madgwick(frequency=100.0)

            except Exception as e:
                print (f'nut: dead, reason: {e}')
                # break

            await asyncio.sleep(self.coro_keep_alive['nut'].sleep_delay)
Example #40
    def mochae(self, timedelta: float) -> None:
        """Do moving, but look slowly."""
        comp = self.dir ^ self.movdir   # Comparison reference, for wisity checking.
        rent = arctan2(self.ure | comp, self.movdir | self.dir) # Absolute angle of movdir?
        if abs(rent) <= abs(self.rotspe * timedelta):
            self.dir = self.movdir.copy()     # Snap to alignment, don't risk rounding errors.
            r = Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(comp if comp.length else self.ure, self.rotspe * timedelta)
            self.dir = r * self.dir   # move over a little.

        if self.stat == self.states.forw:
            tent, rest = self.movdir * self.latspe * timedelta, self.orgp + self.movdir*2 - self.pos
            if tent.length > rest.length:   # Snap to grid.
                self.pos = ((self.pos + rest) * 2).round() / 2
                self.stat = self.states.stop
                self.pos += tent
Example #41
    def __init__(self, base_trans=None, base_rotate=None, parent=None):
        if base_trans is None:
            base_trans = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        if base_rotate is None:
            base_rotate = Quaternion.from_eulers([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        if type(base_trans) is not Vector3:
            raise TypeError("Oops, trans is not a vector.")
        if type(base_rotate) is not Quaternion:
            raise TypeError("Oops, rotate is not a vector.")
        if parent is not None and type(parent) is not ReferenceFrame:
            raise TypeError("parent is not a ReferenceFrame.")

        self.parent = parent
        self.base_trans = base_trans
        self.base_rotate = base_rotate
        self.setTranslation([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.setRotation([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
Example #42
 def __init__(self, params, hexa, mp, leg, phase_group, phase_group_max):
     self.radius = params["radius"];
     self.mp = mp;
     self.leg = leg;
     self.hexa = hexa;
     self.step_type = 0;
     self.started = False;
     self.frames = params["frames"] * 2;
     self.phase_group = phase_group;
     self.phase_group_c = round(1/(1-phase_group_max));
     self.liftoff_frame = round(self.frames * phase_group_max);
     self.step_pattern = None;
     self.step_height = params["height"];
     self.fr = 0;
     self.direction = leg.getDirection();
     self.step_ee_pos = None;
     # Set the leg center position:
     lx,ly,lz = self.leg.getWorldPositionAnchor().xyz;
     cx, cy = params["center"];
     cx = float(cx * self.direction);
     cy = float(cy);
     #self.center = Vector3([float(lx + cx), float(ly + cy), 0.]);
     self.center = self.leg.getWorldPositionAnchor();
     # Calculate the direction for rotation:
     # Assuming pure clockwise rotation, what angle would this particular leg
     # have to move at to turn in place?
     # As it happens, this is quite easy:
     displ = Quaternion.from_z_rotation(-math.pi/2) * leg.ref.getTranslationBase();
     rotx = displ.x;
     roty = displ.y;
     rotr = (rotx**2 + roty**2)**0.5
     self.rotation_vec = Vector3([rotx/rotr, roty/rotr, 0]);
 def rotate_right(self):
     rotation = Quaternion.from_y_rotation(- 2 * float (self._rotate_horizontally) * np.pi / 180)
     self._camera_front = rotation * self._camera_front
Example #44
 def __init__(self, parent_ref, config):
     irot, itrans = config.getInitialPose();
     self.ref = ReferenceFrame(Vector3(itrans), Quaternion.from_eulers(irot), parent_ref);
     self.legs = [];
Example #45
 def pitch(self, value: float) -> None:
     """Sets the myx rotation."""
     self._pitch = clip(value, -pi * 0.4999, pi * 0.4999)
     self.dir = (Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self.ure, self._yaw) *
                 Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self.xre, self._pitch) * self.zre)
Example #46
 def setRotation(self, rotate):
     self.rotate_raw = rotate
     self.rotate = self.base_rotate * Quaternion.from_eulers(rotate)
Example #47
 def yaw(self, value: float) -> None:
     """Sets the yref rotation."""
     self._yaw = value % (2 * pi)
     self.dir = (Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self.ure, self._yaw) *
                 Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self.xre, self._pitch) * self.zre)
Example #48
 def pitya(self, pit: float, ya: float) -> None:
     """Sets the pitch and yaw simultaneously, saves a second round of vector normalisation?"""
     self._pitch = clip(pit, -pi * 0.4999, pi * 0.4999)
     self._yaw = ya % (2 * pi)
     self.dir = (Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self.ure, self._yaw) *
                 Quaternion.from_axis_rotation(self.xre, self._pitch) * self.zre)