def rastertocsv(directory, filename='PyRSGIS_rasterToCSV.csv', negative=True, badrows=True): os.chdir(directory) data = [] names = [] for file in glob.glob("*.tif"): ds, band = read(file, band=1) nBands = ds.RasterCount for n in range(1, nBands + 1): names.append(file[:-4] + "@" + str(n)) ds, band = read(file, band=n) if negative == False: band[band < 0] = 0 band = onedimension(band) data.append(band) dataArray = np.array(data) dataArray = np.transpose(dataArray) if badrows == False: dataArray[~np.isfinite( dataArray)] = 0 #Replacing all the infinite and nan values to zero dataArray = dataArray[~(dataArray == 0).all(1)] with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',') writer.writerow(names) for row in range(0, dataArray.shape[0]): rowData = dataArray[row] writer.writerow(rowData)
def forclassification(): ds, slp ="slope-prediction.tif") ds, img ="prediction.tif") slp = np.reshape(slp, (slp.shape[0] * slp.shape[1], 1)).astype(int) for i in range(img.shape[0]): img1 = np.zeros((slp.shape[0], img.shape[0]), dtype=int) img1[:, i] = (np.reshape(img[i, :, :], (slp.shape[0]))).astype(int) stack = np.concatenate((img1, slp), axis=1) return (stack)
def preprocessing(): #reading data, ds includes satellite iamges data structure that is necessary for exporting the ruslt in TIF format ds, inv = ds, slp = ds, s2A = #reshaping data inv = np.reshape(inv, (inv.shape[0] * inv.shape[1], 1)).astype(int) slp = (np.reshape(slp, inv.shape)).astype(int) #reshape n dimensional satellite data to 2d array. each column represents an image band or feature for i in range(s2A.shape[0]): s2 = np.zeros((s2A.shape[1] * s2A.shape[2], s2A.shape[0])) s2[:, i] = (np.reshape(s2A[i, :, :], (s2A.shape[1] * s2A.shape[2]))).astype(int) stack = np.concatenate((s2, slp), axis=1) print(f'the shape of labeled data: {inv.shape} ') #print (f'the shape of image features: {s2A.shape} ') #print (f'the shape of slope layer: {slp.shape} ') print( f'image features and slope layer are stacked together with the shape of: {stack.shape}' ) return (stack, inv)
import numpy as np from pyrsgis import raster ##################################################################### ##### PART - A: CREATING AND STORING IMAGE CHIPS AS NUMPY ARRAYS #### ##################################################################### # Change the working directory output_directory = r"E:\TDS_CNN" os.chdir(output_directory) # Read the feature and label rasters feature_raster_file = r"Jiaxing_2015_Landsat.tif" label_raster_file = r"Jiaxing_2015_builtup.tif" ds, feature_raster = ds, label_raster = if (feature_raster.shape[-1] != label_raster.shape[-1]) or\ (feature_raster.shape[-2] != label_raster.shape[-2]): print('Shape of the input rasters do not match. Ending program.') else: print("Rasters' shape matched.") # Generate image chips in the back-end def CNNdataGenerator(mxBands, labelBand, kSize): mxBands = mxBands / 255.0 nBands, rows, cols = mxBands.shape margin = math.floor(kSize / 2) mxBands = np.pad(mxBands, margin,
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy os.chdir("C:\\Users\Hugo\Desktop\Data for good\Images\\32 bits - 1ere sessions") # premier image : seredou 2017 MSI = 'seredou_20170205_MSI.tif' all_bands='seredou_20170205_allbands.tif' truth_1='seredou_20170205_truth.tif' # Read the rasters as array ds1, feature_MSI =, bands='all') ds2, feature_all_bands =, bands='all') ds3, truth_1=, bands='all') # sur all bands #feature_all_bands=np.delete(feature_all_bands,np.s_[8951:9120],axis=2) # sur truth #truth=np.delete(truth,6141,axis=0) # sur MSI #feature_MSI=np.delete(feature_MSI,8951,axis=1) # test min max des 3 images+ print("Max pour truth:", truth_1.max() )
import numpy as np from pyrsgis import raster ##################################################################### ##### PART - A: READING AND STORING IMAGE CHIPS AS NUMPY ARRAYS ##### ##################################################################### # Change the working directory imageDirectory = r"E:\CNN_Builtup\TDS_CNN\11by11\ImageChips" os.chdir(imageDirectory) # Get the number of files in the directory nSamples = len(glob.glob('*.tif')) # Get basic information about the image chips ds, tempArr =[0]) nBands, rows, cols = ds.RasterCount, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize # Create empty arrays to store data later features = np.empty((nSamples, nBands, rows, cols)) labels = np.empty((nSamples, )) # Loop through the files, read and stack for n, file in enumerate(glob.glob('*.tif')): if n == nSamples: break if n % 5000 == 0: print('Sample read: %d of %d' % (n, nSamples)) ds, tempArr = # Get filename without extension, split by underscore and get the label tempLabel = os.path.splitext(file)[0].split('_')[-1]
import numpy as np from pyrsgis import raster from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr RasterFile1 = 'e:/ndvi.tif' RasterFile2 = 'e:/prec.tif' ds1, tempArr1 = ds2, tempArr2 = nBands1, rows1, cols1 = ds1.RasterCount, ds1.RasterXSize, ds1.RasterYSize features1 = np.empty((nBands1, cols1, rows1)) features2 = np.empty((nBands1, cols1, rows1)) features1[:, :, :] = tempArr1 features2[:, :, :] = tempArr2 features_result1 = np.empty((cols1, rows1)) features_result2 = np.empty((cols1, rows1)) for i in range(0, cols1): for j in range(0, rows1): list1 = [] list2 = [] for k in range(0, nBands1): list1.append(features1[k, i, j]) list2.append(features2[k, i, j]) r, p_value = pearsonr(list1, list2) features_result1[i, j] = r features_result2[i, j] = p_value outFile1 = 'd:/aa.tif' outFile2 = 'd:/bb.tif' raster.export(features_result1, ds1, filename=outFile1,
#convert all tif to jpgs #install libraries first #!pip install pyrsgis #(for collab -> uncomment this line) import numpy as np import glob import cv2 from pyrsgis import raster for i in range(1): #put number of images here images = glob.glob( '*.tif' ) #path of images #if possible put in same folder and execute. might cause some error. for image in images: temp = image.split(".")[0] print(temp) new_name = temp + ".jpg" ds2, chip =, bands=[1, 2, 3]) t1 = (chip[0]).astype(np.uint16) t2 = (chip[1]).astype(np.uint16) t3 = (chip[2]).astype(np.uint16) tdstck = np.dstack((t3, t2, t1)) cv2.imwrite(new_name, tdstck)
""" ###################################################################### ##### PART - C: LOADING THE SAVED MODEL AND PREDICTING NEW IMAGE ##### ###################################################################### # Change the working directory os.chdir(r'E:\CNN_Builtup\TDS_CNN') # Load the saved model model = tf.keras.models.load_model( 'trained_models/200409_CNN_Builtup_11by11_PScore0.928_RScore0.936_FScore0.932.h5' ) # Load a new multispectral image ds, featuresHyderabad ='l5_Hyderabad2011_raw.tif') outFile = 'l5_Hyderabad_2011_Builtup_CNN_predicted_11by11.tif' # Generate image chips in the back-end def CNNdataGenerator(mxBands, kSize): mxBands = mxBands / 255.0 nBands, rows, cols = mxBands.shape margin = math.floor(kSize / 2) mxBands = np.pad(mxBands, margin, mode='constant')[margin:-margin, :, :] features = np.empty((rows * cols, kSize, kSize, nBands)) n = 0 for row in range(margin, rows + margin): for col in range(margin, cols + margin):
from tensorflow import keras from pyrsgis import raster from pyrsgis.convert import changeDimension from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, precision_score, recall_score # Change the directory os.chdir("E:\\BuiltUpPrediction") # Assign file names mxBangalore = 'l5_Bangalore2011_raw.tif' builtupBangalore = 'l5_Bangalore2011_builtup.tif' mxHyderabad = 'l5_Hyderabad2011_raw.tif' # Read the rasters as array ds1, featuresBangalore =, bands='all') ds2, labelBangalore =, bands=1) ds3, featuresHyderabad =, bands='all') # Print the size of the arrays print("Bangalore Multispectral image shape: ", featuresBangalore.shape) print("Bangalore Binary built-up image shape: ", labelBangalore.shape) print("Hyderabad Multispectral image shape: ", featuresHyderabad.shape) # Clean the labelled data to replace NoData values by zero labelBangalore = (labelBangalore == 1).astype(int) # Reshape the array to single dimensional array featuresBangalore = changeDimension(featuresBangalore) labelBangalore = changeDimension(labelBangalore) featuresHyderabad = changeDimension(featuresHyderabad), ytrain) fpred = forest.predict(xtest) #model performance evaluation print("random forest: ") print(classification_report(ytest, fpred)) return (forest) training() ################################################################################################## #classifiying the image ds, img2 ="prediction.tif") def prediction(): #recalling data data = forclassification() #recalling trained model model = training() a = model.predict(data) print(a.shape) #reshaping the prediction or classification result to original image size clmap = np.reshape(a, (img2.shape[1], img2.shape[2])) #converting array into TIF map output = "landslide_detection_map.tif" raster.export(clmap, ds, filename=output, dtype="int") return (clmap, clmap.shape)
# define the file names feature_file = r"E:\CNN_Builtup\l5_Bangalore2011_raw.tif" label_file = r"E:\CNN_Builtup\l5_Bangalore2011_builtup.tif" # create feature chips using pyrsgis features = imageChipsFromFile(feature_file, x_size=7, y_size=7) """ Update: 29 May 2021 Since I added this code chunk later, I wanted to make least possible changes in the remaining sections. The below line changes the index of the channels. This will be undone at a later stage. """ features = np.rollaxis(features, 3, 1) # read the label file and reshape it ds, labels = labels = labels.flatten() # check for irrelevant values (we are interested in 1s and non-1s) labels = (labels == 1).astype(int) # print basic details print('Input features shape:', features.shape) print('\nInput labels shape:', labels.shape) print('Values in input features, min: %d & max: %d' % (features.min(), features.max())) print('Values in input labels, min: %d & max: %d' % (labels.min(), labels.max())) # Save the arrays as .npy files'CNN_7by7_features.npy', features)