Example #1
def mantel(s_coords, t_coords, permutations=99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0):
    Standardized Mantel test for spatio-temporal interaction. [Mantel1967]_

    s_coords        : array
                      (n, 2), spatial coordinates.
    t_coords        : array
                      (n, 1), temporal coordinates.
    permutations    : int, optional
                      the number of permutations used to establish pseudo-
                      significance (the default is 99).
    scon            : float, optional
                      constant added to spatial distances (the default is 1.0).
    spow            : float, optional
                      value for power transformation for spatial distances
                      (the default is -1.0).
    tcon            : float, optional
                      constant added to temporal distances (the default is 1.0).
    tpow            : float, optional
                      value for power transformation for temporal distances
                      (the default is -1.0).

    mantel_result   : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the
                      associated p-value (pvalue).
    stat            : float
                      value of the knox test for the dataset.
    pvalue          : float
                      pseudo p-value associated with the statistic.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal

    Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents.

    >>> path = pysal.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp")
    >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T')

    Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based
    inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results -
    the end-user will normally omit this step.

    >>> np.random.seed(100)

    The standardized Mantel test is a measure of matrix correlation between
    the spatial and temporal distance matrices of the event dataset. The
    following example runs the standardized Mantel test without a constant
    or transformation; however, as recommended by Mantel (1967) [2]_, these
    should be added by the user. This can be done by adjusting the constant
    and power parameters.

    >>> result = mantel(events.space, events.t, 99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0)

    Next, we examine the result of the test.

    >>> print("%6.6f"%result['stat'])

    Finally, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by
    permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistic for each of the 99
    permutations. According to these parameters, the results indicate
    space-time interaction between the events.

    >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue'])


    t = t_coords
    s = s_coords
    n = len(t)

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    distmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    timemat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # calculate the transformed standardized statistic
    timevec = (util.get_lower(timemat) + tcon) ** tpow
    distvec = (util.get_lower(distmat) + scon) ** spow
    stat = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum()

    # return the results (if no inference)
    if not permutations:
        return stat

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    dist = []
    for i in range(permutations):
        trand = util.shuffle_matrix(timemat, range(n))
        timevec = (util.get_lower(trand) + tcon) ** tpow
        m = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum()

    ## establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(dist)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # report the results
    mantel_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return mantel_result
Example #2
def mantel(s_coords,
    Standardized Mantel test for spatio-temporal interaction. [2]_

    s_coords        : array
                      nx2 spatial coordinates

    t_coords        : array
                      nx1 temporal coordinates

    permutations    : int
                      the number of permutations used to establish pseudo-
                      significance (default is 99)

    scon            : float
                      constant added to spatial distances

    spow            : float
                      value for power transformation for spatial distances

    tcon            : float
                      constant added to temporal distances

    tpow            : float
                      value for power transformation for temporal distances

    mantel_result   : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the
                      associated p-value (pvalue)
    stat            : float
                      value of the knox test for the dataset
    pvalue          : float
                      pseudo p-value associated with the statistic

    .. [2] N. Mantel. 1967. The detection of disease clustering and a
        generalized regression approach. Cancer Research, 27(2):209-220.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal

    Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents.

    >>> path = pysal.examples.get_path("burkitt")
    >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T')

    Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based
    inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results -
    the end-user will normally omit this step.

    >>> np.random.seed(100)

    The standardized Mantel test is a measure of matrix correlation between
    the spatial and temporal distance matrices of the event dataset. The
    following example runs the standardized Mantel test without a constant
    or transformation; however, as recommended by Mantel (1967) [2]_, these
    should be added by the user. This can be done by adjusting the constant
    and power parameters.

    >>> result = mantel(events.space, events.t, 99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0)

    Next, we examine the result of the test.

    >>> print("%6.6f"%result['stat'])

    Finally, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by
    permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistic for each of the 99
    permutations. According to these parameters, the results indicate
    space-time interaction between the events.

    >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue'])


    t = t_coords
    s = s_coords
    n = len(t)

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    distmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    timemat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # calculate the transformed standardized statistic
    timevec = (util.get_lower(timemat) + tcon)**tpow
    distvec = (util.get_lower(distmat) + scon)**spow
    stat = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum()

    # return the results (if no inference)
    if not permutations:
        return stat

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    dist = []
    for i in range(permutations):
        trand = util.shuffle_matrix(timemat, range(n))
        timevec = (util.get_lower(trand) + tcon)**tpow
        m = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum()

    ## establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(dist)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # report the results
    mantel_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return mantel_result
Example #3
 def test_get_lower(self):
     obs = util.get_lower(self.X).flatten().tolist()
     exp = [4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14]
     for i in range(6):
         self.assertEqual(exp[i], obs[i])