Example #1
    def get_im(self, force_update=True):
        """Get the influence map for the model, generating it if necessary.

        force_update : bool
            Whether to generate the influence map when the function is called.
            If False, returns the previously generated influence map if
            available. Defaults to True.

        pygraphviz AGraph object containing the influence map.
            The influence map can be rendered as a pdf using the dot layout
            program as follows::

                influence_map.draw('influence_map.pdf', prog='dot')
        if self._im and not force_update:
            return self._im
        if not self.model:
            raise Exception("Cannot get influence map if there is no model.")
            logger.info("Generating influence map")
            self._im = kappa.influence_map(self.model)
            self._im.is_multigraph = lambda: False
            return self._im
Example #2
    def get_im(self, force_update=True):
        """Get the influence map for the model, generating it if necessary.

        force_update : bool
            Whether to generate the influence map when the function is called.
            If False, returns the previously generated influence map if
            available. Defaults to True.

        pygraphviz AGraph object containing the influence map.
            The influence map can be rendered as a pdf using the dot layout
            program as follows::

                influence_map.draw('influence_map.pdf', prog='dot')
        if self._im and not force_update:
            return self._im
        if not self.model:
            raise Exception("Cannot get influence map if there is no model.")
            logger.info("Generating influence map")
            self._im = kappa.influence_map(self.model)
            self._im.is_multigraph = lambda: False
            return self._im
Example #3
def make_influence_map(pysb_model, model_id):
    """Generate a Kappa influence map."""
        im = kappa.influence_map(pysb_model)
        fname = 'model%d_im' % model_id
        abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
        full_path = os.path.join(abs_path, fname + '.png')
        im.draw(full_path, prog='dot')
    except Exception:
        return None
    return full_path
Example #4
def main(argv):
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print "Usage: %s model_filename im_filename" % __file__
        return 1

    model_filename = argv[1]
    im_filename = argv[2]

    # Sanity checks on filename
    if not os.path.exists(model_filename):
        raise Exception("File '%s' doesn't exist" % model_filename)
    if not re.search(r'\.py$', model_filename):
        raise Exception("File '%s' is not a .py file" % model_filename)
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(model_filename))
    model_name = re.sub(r'\.py$', '', os.path.basename(model_filename))
    # import it
        # FIXME if the model has the same name as some other "real" module
        # which we use, there will be trouble (use the imp package and import
        # as some safe name?)
        model_module = __import__(model_name)
    except StandardError as e:
        print "Error in model script:\n"
    # grab the 'model' variable from the module
        model = model_module.__dict__['model']
    except KeyError:
        raise Exception("File '%s' isn't a model file" % model_filename)

    # Make the contact map
    im_output_filename = kappa.influence_map(model, base_filename=im_filename)

    # Process the influence map file to fix the extra newlines
    im_output_file = open(im_output_filename)
    im_output_file_fixed = open('%s_fixed.dot' % im_filename, 'w')
    for line in im_output_file.readlines():
        fixed_line = re.sub('label="\n', 'label="', line)
    return 0
Example #5
def main(argv):
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print "Usage: %s model_filename im_filename" % __file__
        return 1

    model_filename = argv[1]
    im_filename = argv[2]

    # Sanity checks on filename
    if not os.path.exists(model_filename):
        raise Exception("File '%s' doesn't exist" % model_filename)
    if not re.search(r'\.py$', model_filename):
        raise Exception("File '%s' is not a .py file" % model_filename)
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(model_filename))
    model_name = re.sub(r'\.py$', '', os.path.basename(model_filename))
    # import it
        # FIXME if the model has the same name as some other "real" module
        # which we use, there will be trouble (use the imp package and import
        # as some safe name?)
        model_module = __import__(model_name)
    except StandardError as e:
        print "Error in model script:\n"
    # grab the 'model' variable from the module
        model = model_module.__dict__['model']
    except KeyError:
        raise Exception("File '%s' isn't a model file" % model_filename)

    # Make the contact map
    im_output_filename = kappa.influence_map(model, base_filename=im_filename)

    # Process the influence map file to fix the extra newlines
    im_output_file = open(im_output_filename)
    im_output_file_fixed = open('%s_fixed.dot' % im_filename, 'w')
    for line in im_output_file.readlines():
        fixed_line = re.sub('label="\n', 'label="', line)
    return 0
Example #6
    def get_im(self, force_update=False):
        """Get the influence map for the model, generating it if necessary.

        force_update : bool
            Whether to generate the influence map when the function is called.
            If False, returns the previously generated influence map if
            available. Defaults to True.

        pygraphviz AGraph object containing the influence map.
            The influence map can be rendered as a pdf using the dot layout
            program as follows::

                influence_map.draw('influence_map.pdf', prog='dot')
        if self._im and not force_update:
            return self._im
        if not self.model:
            raise Exception("Cannot get influence map if there is no model.")

        def add_obs_for_agent(agent):
            obj_mps = list(pa.grounded_monomer_patterns(self.model, agent))
            if not obj_mps:
                    'No monomer patterns found in model for agent %s, '
                    'skipping' % agent)
            obs_list = []
            for obj_mp in obj_mps:
                obs_name = _monomer_pattern_label(obj_mp) + '_obs'
                # Add the observable
                obj_obs = Observable(obs_name, obj_mp, _export=False)
                except ComponentDuplicateNameError as e:
            return obs_list

        # Create observables for all statements to check, and add to model
        # Remove any existing observables in the model
        self.model.observables = ComponentSet([])
        for stmt in self.statements:
            # Generate observables for Modification statements
            if isinstance(stmt, Modification):
                mod_condition_name = modclass_to_modtype[stmt.__class__]
                if isinstance(stmt, RemoveModification):
                    mod_condition_name = modtype_to_inverse[mod_condition_name]
                # Add modification to substrate agent
                modified_sub = _add_modification_to_agent(
                    stmt.sub, mod_condition_name, stmt.residue, stmt.position)
                obs_list = add_obs_for_agent(modified_sub)
                # Associate this statement with this observable
                self.stmt_to_obs[stmt] = obs_list
            # Generate observables for Activation/Inhibition statements
            elif isinstance(stmt, RegulateActivity):
                regulated_obj, polarity = \
                        _add_activity_to_agent(stmt.obj, stmt.obj_activity,
                obs_list = add_obs_for_agent(regulated_obj)
                # Associate this statement with this observable
                self.stmt_to_obs[stmt] = obs_list
            elif isinstance(stmt, RegulateAmount):
                obs_list = add_obs_for_agent(stmt.obj)
                self.stmt_to_obs[stmt] = obs_list
        # Add observables for each agent
        for ag in self.agent_obs:
            obs_list = add_obs_for_agent(ag)
            self.agent_to_obs[ag] = obs_list

        logger.info("Generating influence map")
        self._im = kappa.influence_map(self.model)
        #self._im.is_multigraph = lambda: False
        # Now, for every rule in the model, check if there are any observables
        # downstream
        # Alternatively, for every observable in the model, get a list of rules
        # We'll need the dictionary to check if nodes are observables
        node_attributes = nx.get_node_attributes(self._im, 'shape')
        for rule in self.model.rules:
            obs_list = []
            # Get successors of the rule node
            for neighb in self._im.neighbors(rule.name):
                # Check if the node is an observable
                if node_attributes[neighb] != 'ellipse':
                # Get the edge and check the polarity
                edge_sign = _get_edge_sign(self._im, (rule.name, neighb))
                obs_list.append((neighb, edge_sign))
            self.rule_obs_dict[rule.name] = obs_list
        return self._im
import pickle
import itertools
from pysb import kappa
from indra.explanation.model_checker.pysb import remove_im_params
from assemble_models import prefixed_pkl

with open(prefixed_pkl('pysb_model'), 'rb') as f:
    model = pickle.load(f)

print("Generating influence map")
im = kappa.influence_map(model)
remove_im_params(model, im)

predecessors = im.predecessors_iter
successors = im.successors_iter
combos = list(itertools.combinations(im.nodes(), 2))
# Examine all pairs of nodes
for ix, (p1, p2) in enumerate(combos):
    if ix % 1000 == 0:
        print("%d of %d" % (ix + 1, len(combos)))
    p1_children = set(successors(p1))
    p2_children = set(successors(p2))
    if p1_children == p2_children:
        #print("Same children")
    elif not p1_children.intersection(p2_children):
        #print("No shared children")
    # Some shared children, not all
Example #8
from pysb import kappa
from pysb.annotation import Citation, Context
from nose.tools import assert_true

from tBid_Bax_sitec import tBid_Bax_sitec

m = tBid_Bax_sitec(scaling_factor=1)

# Run the static analysis and get the graph back through PyGraphViz

# Set model conditions to those of the experiment
m['Vesicles_0'].value = 1
m['Bax_0'].value = 1

im_filename = kappa.influence_map(m.model)
inf_map = nx.Graph(pgv.AGraph(im_filename))

# Yethon et al. paper (2003)
# ==========================

yethon = Citation(
    """Interaction with a Membrane Surface Triggers a Reversible Conformational
    Change in Bax Normally Associated with Induction of Apoptosis""",
    """Jeremy A. Yethon, Raquel F. Epand, Brian Leber, Richard M. Epand,
    and David W. Andrews""",

# Observations from this paper, roughly in the order in which they are
# mentioned: