Example #1
File: df.py Project: berquist/pyscf
        def ao2mo(self, mo_coeff):
# the exact integral transformation
            eris = casscf_class.ao2mo(self, mo_coeff)

            log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
# Add the approximate diagonal term for orbital hessian
            t1 = t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            mo = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff, order='F')
            nao, nmo = mo.shape
            ncore = self.ncore
            eris.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore))
            k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))
            fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
            fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
            ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
            bufs1 = numpy.empty((self.with_df.blockdim,nmo,nmo))
            for eri1 in self.with_df.loop():
                naux = eri1.shape[0]
                buf = bufs1[:naux]
                fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                     ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                     ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                     ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                     ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', buf)
                eris.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore])
                k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', buf[:,:ncore], buf[:,:ncore])
                t1 = log.timer_debug1('j_pc and k_pc', *t1)
            eris.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy()
            log.timer('ao2mo density fit part', *t0)
            return eris
Example #2
File: df.py Project: berquist/pyscf
 def get_h2eff(self, mo_coeff=None):  # For CASCI
     if self.with_df:
         mo = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff, order='F')
         nao, nmo = mo.shape
         naoaux = self.with_df.get_naoaux()
         buf = numpy.empty((naoaux,nmo*(nmo+1)//2))
         fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_s2')
         fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
         ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
         b0 = 0
         for eri1 in self.with_df.loop():
             naux = eri1.shape[0]
             fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                  ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                  ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                  ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                  ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
             b0 += naux
         eri = pyscf.lib.dot(buf.T, buf)
         return eri
         return casscf_class.get_h2eff(self, mo_coeff)
Example #3
 def get_h2eff(self, mo_coeff=None):  # For CASCI
     if self.with_df:
         mo = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff, order='F')
         nao, nmo = mo.shape
         naoaux = self.with_df.get_naoaux()
         buf = numpy.empty((naoaux,nmo*(nmo+1)//2))
         fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_s2')
         fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
         ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
         b0 = 0
         for eri1 in self.with_df.loop():
             naux = eri1.shape[0]
             fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                  ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                  ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                  ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                  ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
             b0 += naux
         eri = pyscf.lib.dot(buf.T, buf)
         return eri
         return casscf_class.get_h2eff(self, mo_coeff)
Example #4
        def ao2mo(self, mo_coeff):
# the exact integral transformation
            eris = casscf_class.ao2mo(self, mo_coeff)

            log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
# Add the approximate diagonal term for orbital hessian
            t1 = t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            mo = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff, order='F')
            nao, nmo = mo.shape
            ncore = self.ncore
            eris.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore))
            k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))
            fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
            fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
            ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
            bufs1 = numpy.empty((self.with_df.blockdim,nmo,nmo))
            for eri1 in self.with_df.loop():
                naux = eri1.shape[0]
                buf = bufs1[:naux]
                fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                     ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                     ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                     ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                     ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', buf)
                eris.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore])
                k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', buf[:,:ncore], buf[:,:ncore])
                t1 = log.timer_debug1('j_pc and k_pc', *t1)
            eris.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy()
            log.timer('ao2mo density fit part', *t0)
            return eris
Example #5
File: df.py Project: matk86/pyscf
def ao2mo_(casscf, mo):
    t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.Logger(casscf.stdout, casscf.verbose)
    # using dm=[], a hacky call to dfhf.get_jk, to generate casscf._cderi
    dfhf.get_jk_(casscf, casscf.mol, [])
    if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
        t1 = log.timer('Generate density fitting integrals', *t0)

    if hasattr(casscf._scf, '_tag_df') and casscf._scf._tag_df:
        eris = _ERIS(casscf, mo)
        # Only approximate the orbital rotation, call the 4-center integral
        # transformation.  CASSCF is exact.
        eris = mc_ao2mo._ERIS(casscf, mo, 'incore', level=2)

        t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
        mo = numpy.asarray(mo, order='F')
        nao, nmo = mo.shape
        ncore = casscf.ncore
        eris.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore))
        k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))
        fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
        fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
        ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
        bufs1 = numpy.empty((dfhf.BLOCKDIM,nmo,nmo))
        with df.load(casscf._cderi) as feri:
            for b0, b1 in dfhf.prange(0, casscf._naoaux, dfhf.BLOCKDIM):
                eri1 = numpy.asarray(feri[b0:b1], order='C')
                buf = bufs1[:b1-b0]
                if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t1 = log.timer('load buf %d:%d'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                     ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                     ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                     ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                     ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t1 = log.timer('transform [%d:%d]'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', buf)
                eris.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore])
                k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', buf[:,:ncore], buf[:,:ncore])
                if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t1 = log.timer('j_pc and k_pc', *t1)
                eri1 = None
        eris.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy()
        log.timer('ao2mo density fit part', *t0)
    return eris
Example #6
        def ao2mo(self, mo):
            t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            ncore = self.ncore
            log = pyscf.lib.logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
            # using dm=[], a hacky call to dfhf.get_jk, to generate self._cderi
            self.get_jk(self.mol, [])
            if log.verbose >= pyscf.lib.logger.DEBUG1:
                t1 = log.timer('Generate density fitting integrals', *t0)

            eris = mc_ao2mo._ERIS(self, mo, 'incore', level=2)

            t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            mo = numpy.asarray(mo, order='F')
            nao, nmo = mo.shape
            eris.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore))
            k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))
            fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
            fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
            ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2kl')
            bufs1 = numpy.empty((dfhf.BLOCKDIM,nmo,nmo))
            with df.load(self._cderi) as feri:
                for b0, b1 in dfhf.prange(0, self._naoaux, dfhf.BLOCKDIM):
                    eri1 = numpy.array(feri[b0:b1], copy=False)
                    buf = bufs1[:b1-b0]
                    if log.verbose >= pyscf.lib.logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('load buf %d:%d'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                    fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                         ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                         ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                    if log.verbose >= pyscf.lib.logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('transform [%d:%d]'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                    bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', buf).copy()
                    #:eris.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore])
                    pyscf.lib.dot(bufd.T, numpy.asarray(bufd[:,:ncore],order='C'),
                                  1, eris.j_pc, 1)
                    k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', buf[:,:ncore], buf[:,:ncore])
                    if log.verbose >= pyscf.lib.logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('j_pc and k_pc', *t1)
                    eri1 = None
            eris.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy()
            log.timer('ao2mo density fit part', *t0)
            return eris
Example #7
File: df.py Project: v1j4y/pyscf
        def ao2mo(self, mo_coeff):
            log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
# the exact integral transformation
            eris = casscf_class.ao2mo(self, mo_coeff)

# using dm=[], a hacky call to dfhf.get_jk, to generate self._cderi
            dfhf.get_jk_(self, self.mol, [])

# Add the approximate diagonal term for orbital hessian
            t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            mo = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff, order='F')
            nao, nmo = mo.shape
            ncore = self.ncore
            eris.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore))
            k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))
            fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
            fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
            ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
            bufs1 = numpy.empty((dfhf.BLOCKDIM,nmo,nmo))
            with df.load(self._cderi) as feri:
                for b0, b1 in dfhf.prange(0, self._naoaux, dfhf.BLOCKDIM):
                    eri1 = numpy.asarray(feri[b0:b1], order='C')
                    buf = bufs1[:b1-b0]
                    if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('load buf %d:%d'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                    fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                         ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                         ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                    if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('transform [%d:%d]'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                    bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', buf)
                    eris.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore])
                    k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', buf[:,:ncore], buf[:,:ncore])
                    if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('j_pc and k_pc', *t1)
                    eri1 = None
            eris.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy()
            log.timer('ao2mo density fit part', *t0)
            return eris
Example #8
        def ao2mo(self, mo):
            ncore = self.ncore
            #self._cderi = None # FIXME? leave as much memory as possible for mc_ao2mo
            eris = mc_ao2mo._ERIS(self, mo, 'incore', 2)
            # using dm=[], a hacky call to dfhf.get_jk, to generate self._cderi
            t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            log = pyscf.lib.logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
            self.get_jk(self.mol, [])
            if log.verbose >= pyscf.lib.logger.DEBUG1:
                t1 = log.timer('Generate density fitting integrals', *t0)

            mo = numpy.asarray(mo, order='F')
            nao, nmo = mo.shape
            eris.j_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))
            eris.k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))
            fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
            fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
            ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2kl')
            with df.load(self._cderi) as feri:
                for b0, b1 in dfhf.prange(0, self._naoaux, dfhf.BLOCKDIM):
                    eri1 = numpy.array(feri[b0:b1], copy=False)
                    buf = numpy.empty((b1-b0,nmo,nmo))
                    if log.verbose >= pyscf.lib.logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('load buf %d:%d'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                    fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                         ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                         ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                    if log.verbose >= pyscf.lib.logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('transform [%d:%d]'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                    bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', buf).copy()
                    #:eris.j_cp += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd[:,:ncore], bufd)
                    pyscf.lib.dot(bufd[:,:ncore].T.copy(), bufd, 1, eris.j_cp, 1)
                    eris.k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', buf[:,:ncore], buf[:,:ncore])
                    if log.verbose >= pyscf.lib.logger.DEBUG1:
                        t1 = log.timer('j_cp and k_cp', *t1)
            return eris
Example #9
File: df.py Project: matk86/pyscf
def ao2mo_aaaa(casscf, mo):
    dfhf.get_jk_(casscf, casscf.mol, [])
    nao, nmo = mo.shape
    buf = numpy.empty((casscf._naoaux,nmo*(nmo+1)//2))
    mo = numpy.asarray(mo, order='F')
    fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_s2')
    fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
    ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
    with df.load(casscf._cderi) as feri:
        for b0, b1 in dfhf.prange(0, casscf._naoaux, dfhf.BLOCKDIM):
            eri1 = numpy.asarray(feri[b0:b1], order='C')
            fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                 ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                 ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
            eri1 = None
    eri = pyscf.lib.dot(buf.T, buf)
    return eri
Example #10
def half_e1(eri_ao, mo_coeffs, compact=True):
    r'''Given two set of orbitals, half transform the (ij| pair of 8-fold or
    4-fold AO integrals (ij|kl)

        eri_ao : ndarray
            AO integrals, can be either 8-fold or 4-fold symmetry.
        mo_coeffs : list of ndarray
            Two sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the i, j
            indices of (ij|kl)

        compact : bool
            When compact is True, the returned MO integrals uses the highest
            possible permutation symmetry.  If it's False, the function will
            abandon any permutation symmetry, and return the "plain" MO

        ndarray of transformed MO integrals.  The MO integrals may or may not
        have the permutation symmetry, depending on the given orbitals, and
        the kwargs compact.


    >>> from pyscf import gto
    >>> from pyscf import ao2mo
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
    >>> eri = _vhf.int2e_sph(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env)
    >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
    >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
    >>> eri1 = ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri, (mo1,mo2))
    >>> eri1 = ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri, (mo1,mo2))
    >>> print(eri1.shape)
    (80, 28)
    >>> eri1 = ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri, (mo1,mo2), compact=False)
    >>> print(eri1.shape)
    (80, 28)
    >>> eri1 = ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri, (mo1,mo1))
    >>> print(eri1.shape)
    (55, 28)
    eri_ao = numpy.asarray(eri_ao, order='C')
    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    nao_pair = nao*(nao+1)//2
    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
    ijshape = (ijshape[0], ijshape[1]-ijshape[0],
               ijshape[2], ijshape[3]-ijshape[2])

    eri1 = numpy.empty((nij_pair,nao_pair))
    if nij_pair == 0:
        return eri1

    if eri_ao.size == nao_pair**2: # 4-fold symmetry
        ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse1_incore_s4')
        ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse1_incore_s8')
    if ijmosym == 's2':
        fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_s2')
    elif nmoi <= nmoj:
        fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
        fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_igtj')
    fdrv = getattr(_ao2mo.libao2mo, 'AO2MOnr_e1incore_drv')

    bufs = numpy.empty((BLOCK, nij_pair))
    for blk0 in range(0, nao_pair, BLOCK):
        blk1 = min(blk0+BLOCK, nao_pair)
        buf = bufs[:blk1-blk0]
        fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
             ctypes.c_int(blk0), ctypes.c_int(blk1-blk0),
             ctypes.c_int(ijshape[0]), ctypes.c_int(ijshape[1]),
             ctypes.c_int(ijshape[2]), ctypes.c_int(ijshape[3]))
        eri1[:,blk0:blk1] = buf.T
    return eri1
Example #11
File: dfhf.py Project: yidapa/pyscf
def get_jk_(mf, mol, dms, hermi=1, with_j=True, with_k=True):
    t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.Logger(mf.stdout, mf.verbose)
    if not hasattr(mf, '_cderi') or mf._cderi is None:
        nao = mol.nao_nr()
        nao_pair = nao*(nao+1)//2
        auxmol = df.incore.format_aux_basis(mol, mf.auxbasis)
        mf._naoaux = auxmol.nao_nr()
        if (nao_pair*mf._naoaux*8/1e6*2+pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0]
            < mf.max_memory*.8):
            mf._cderi = df.incore.cholesky_eri(mol, auxbasis=mf.auxbasis,
            mf._cderi = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            df.outcore.cholesky_eri(mol, mf._cderi.name, auxbasis=mf.auxbasis,
#            if (nao_pair*mf._naoaux*8/1e6+pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0]
#                < mf.max_memory*.9):
#                with df.load(mf._cderi) as feri:
#                    cderi = numpy.asarray(feri)
#                mf._cderi = cderi
    if mf._naoaux is None:
# By overwriting mf._cderi, one can provide the Cholesky integrals for "DF/RI" calculation
        with df.load(mf._cderi) as feri:
            mf._naoaux = feri.shape[0]

    if len(dms) == 0:
        return [], []

    cderi = mf._cderi
    nao = mol.nao_nr()
    fmmm = df.incore._fpointer('RIhalfmmm_nr_s2_bra')
    fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
    ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')

    if isinstance(dms, numpy.ndarray) and dms.ndim == 2:
        dms = [dms]
        nset = 1
        nset = len(dms)
    vj = numpy.zeros((nset,nao,nao))
    vk = numpy.zeros((nset,nao,nao))

    #:vj = reduce(numpy.dot, (cderi.reshape(-1,nao*nao), dm.reshape(-1),
    #:                        cderi.reshape(-1,nao*nao))).reshape(nao,nao)
    if hermi == 1:
# I cannot assume dm is positive definite because it might be the density
# matrix difference when the mf.direct_scf flag is set.
        dmtril = []
        cpos = []
        cneg = []
        for k, dm in enumerate(dms):
            if with_j:
                for i in range(nao):
                    dmtril[k][i*(i+1)//2+i] *= .5

            if with_k:
                e, c = scipy.linalg.eigh(dm)
                pos = e > OCCDROP
                neg = e < -OCCDROP

                #:vk = numpy.einsum('pij,jk->kpi', cderi, c[:,abs(e)>OCCDROP])
                #:vk = numpy.einsum('kpi,kpj->ij', vk, vk)
                tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,j->ij', c[:,pos], numpy.sqrt(e[pos]))
                cpos.append(numpy.asarray(tmp, order='F'))
                tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,j->ij', c[:,neg], numpy.sqrt(-e[neg]))
                cneg.append(numpy.asarray(tmp, order='F'))
        if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
            t1 = log.timer('Initialization', *t0)
        with df.load(cderi) as feri:
            buf = numpy.empty((BLOCKDIM*nao,nao))
            for b0, b1 in prange(0, mf._naoaux, BLOCKDIM):
                eri1 = numpy.array(feri[b0:b1], copy=False)
                if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t1 = log.timer('load buf %d:%d'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                for k in range(nset):
                    if with_j:
                        buf1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (eri1, dmtril[k], eri1))
                        vj[k] += pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(buf1, hermi)
                    if with_k and cpos[k].shape[1] > 0:
                        buf1 = buf[:(b1-b0)*cpos[k].shape[1]]
                        fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                             ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                             ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(cpos[k].shape[1]),
                             ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                        vk[k] += pyscf.lib.dot(buf1.T, buf1)
                    if with_k and cneg[k].shape[1] > 0:
                        buf1 = buf[:(b1-b0)*cneg[k].shape[1]]
                        fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                             ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                             ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(cneg[k].shape[1]),
                             ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                        vk[k] -= pyscf.lib.dot(buf1.T, buf1)
                if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t1 = log.timer('jk', *t1)
        #:vk = numpy.einsum('pij,jk->pki', cderi, dm)
        #:vk = numpy.einsum('pki,pkj->ij', cderi, vk)
        fcopy = df.incore._fpointer('RImmm_nr_s2_copy')
        rargs = (ctypes.c_int(nao),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
        dms = [numpy.asarray(dm, order='F') for dm in dms]
        if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
            t1 = log.timer('Initialization', *t0)
        with df.load(cderi) as feri:
            buf = numpy.empty((2,BLOCKDIM,nao,nao))
            for b0, b1 in prange(0, mf._naoaux, BLOCKDIM):
                eri1 = numpy.array(feri[b0:b1], copy=False)
                if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t1 = log.timer('load buf %d:%d'%(b0,b1), *t1)
                for k in range(nset):
                    buf1 = buf[0,:b1-b0]
                    fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                         ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), *rargs)
                    rho = numpy.einsum('kii->k', buf1)
                    vj[k] += pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(numpy.dot(rho, eri1), 1)

                    if with_k:
                        buf2 = buf[1,:b1-b0]
                        fdrv(ftrans, fcopy,
                             ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), *rargs)
                        vk[k] += pyscf.lib.dot(buf1.reshape(-1,nao).T,
                if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t1 = log.timer('jk', *t1)

    if len(dms) == 1:
        vj = vj[0]
        vk = vk[0]
    logger.timer(mf, 'vj and vk', *t0)
    return vj, vk
Example #12
File: df.py Project: matk86/pyscf
    def __init__(self, casscf, mo):
        import gc
        log = logger.Logger(casscf.stdout, casscf.verbose)

        mol = casscf.mol
        nao, nmo = mo.shape
        ncore = casscf.ncore
        ncas = casscf.ncas
        nocc = ncore + ncas
        naoaux = casscf._naoaux

        mem_incore, mem_outcore, mem_basic = _mem_usage(ncore, ncas, nmo)
        mem_now = pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0]
        max_memory = max(3000, casscf.max_memory*.9-mem_now)
        if max_memory < mem_basic:
            log.warn('Calculation needs %d MB memory, over CASSCF.max_memory (%d MB) limit',
                     (mem_basic+mem_now)/.9, casscf.max_memory)

        t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
        self._tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        self.feri = h5py.File(self._tmpfile.name, 'w')
        self.ppaa = self.feri.create_dataset('ppaa', (nmo,nmo,ncas,ncas), 'f8')
        self.papa = self.feri.create_dataset('papa', (nmo,ncas,nmo,ncas), 'f8')
        self.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore))
        k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))

        mo = numpy.asarray(mo, order='F')
        _tmpfile1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        fxpp = h5py.File(_tmpfile1.name)
        bufpa = numpy.empty((naoaux,nmo,ncas))
        bufs1 = numpy.empty((dfhf.BLOCKDIM,nmo,nmo))
        fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
        fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
        ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
        t2 = t1 = t0
        fxpp_keys = []
        with df.load(casscf._cderi) as feri:
            for b0, b1 in dfhf.prange(0, naoaux, dfhf.BLOCKDIM):
                eri1 = numpy.asarray(feri[b0:b1], order='C')
                if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t2 = log.timer('load buf %d:%d'%(b0,b1), *t2)
                bufpp = bufs1[:b1-b0]
                fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                     ctypes.c_int(b1-b0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                     ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                     ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                     ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
                fxpp_keys.append([str(b0), b0, b1])
                fxpp[str(b0)] = bufpp.transpose(1,2,0)
                bufpa[b0:b1] = bufpp[:,:,ncore:nocc]
                bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', bufpp)
                self.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore])
                k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', bufpp[:,:ncore], bufpp[:,:ncore])
                if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                    t1 = log.timer('j_pc and k_pc', *t1)
                eri1 = None
        self.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy()
        bufs1 = bufpp = None
        t1 = log.timer('density fitting ao2mo pass1', *t0)

        mem_now = pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0]
        nblk = int(max(8, min(nmo, ((max_memory-mem_now)*1e6/8-bufpa.size)/(ncas**2*nmo))))
        bufs1 = numpy.empty((nblk,ncas,nmo,ncas))
        dgemm = pyscf.lib.numpy_helper._dgemm
        for p0, p1 in prange(0, nmo, nblk):
            #tmp = numpy.dot(bufpa[:,p0:p1].reshape(naoaux,-1).T,
            #                bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1))
            tmp = bufs1[:p1-p0]
            dgemm('T', 'N', (p1-p0)*ncas, nmo*ncas, naoaux,
                  bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1), bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1),
                  tmp.reshape(-1,nmo*ncas), 1, 0, p0*ncas, 0, 0)
            self.papa[p0:p1] = tmp.reshape(p1-p0,ncas,nmo,ncas)
        bufaa = bufpa[:,ncore:nocc,:].copy().reshape(-1,ncas**2)
        bufs1 = bufpa = None
        t1 = log.timer('density fitting papa pass2', *t1)

        mem_now = pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0]
        nblk = int(max(8, min(nmo, (max_memory-mem_now)*1e6/8/(nmo*naoaux+ncas**2*nmo))))
        bufs1 = numpy.empty((nblk,nmo,naoaux))
        bufs2 = numpy.empty((nblk,nmo,ncas,ncas))
        for p0, p1 in prange(0, nmo, nblk):
            nrow = p1 - p0
            buf = bufs1[:nrow]
            tmp = bufs2[:nrow].reshape(-1,ncas**2)
            col0 = 0
            for key, col0, col1 in fxpp_keys:
                buf[:nrow,:,col0:col1] = fxpp[key][p0:p1]
            pyscf.lib.dot(buf.reshape(-1,naoaux), bufaa, 1, tmp)
            self.ppaa[p0:p1] = tmp.reshape(p1-p0,nmo,ncas,ncas)
        bufs1 = bufs2 = buf = None
        t1 = log.timer('density fitting ppaa pass2', *t1)

        dm_core = numpy.dot(mo[:,:ncore], mo[:,:ncore].T)
        vj, vk = casscf.get_jk(mol, dm_core)
        self.vhf_c = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo.T, vj*2-vk, mo))
        t0 = log.timer('density fitting ao2mo', *t0)
Example #13
def get_jk(dfobj, mol, dms, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, with_j=True, with_k=True):
    t0 = t1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.Logger(dfobj.stdout, dfobj.verbose)

    if len(dms) == 0:
        return [], []
    elif isinstance(dms, numpy.ndarray) and dms.ndim == 2:
        nset = 1
        dms = [dms]
        nset = len(dms)
    nao = dms[0].shape[0]

    fmmm = _ri._fpointer('RIhalfmmm_nr_s2_bra')
    fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
    ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')

    vj = numpy.zeros((nset, nao, nao))
    vk = numpy.zeros((nset, nao, nao))
    null = pyscf.lib.c_null_ptr()

    #:vj = reduce(numpy.dot, (cderi.reshape(-1,nao*nao), dm.reshape(-1),
    #:                        cderi.reshape(-1,nao*nao))).reshape(nao,nao)
    if hermi == 1:  # and numpy.einsum('ij,ij->', dm, ovlp) > 0.1
        # I cannot assume dm is positive definite because it might be the density
        # matrix difference when the mf.direct_scf flag is set.
        dmtril = []
        cpos = []
        cneg = []
        for k, dm in enumerate(dms):
            if with_j:
                dmtril.append(pyscf.lib.pack_tril(dm + dm.T))
                i = numpy.arange(nao)
                dmtril[k][i * (i + 1) // 2 + i] *= .5

            if with_k:
                e, c = scipy.linalg.eigh(dm)
                pos = e > OCCDROP
                neg = e < -OCCDROP

                #:vk = numpy.einsum('pij,jk->kpi', cderi, c[:,abs(e)>OCCDROP])
                #:vk = numpy.einsum('kpi,kpj->ij', vk, vk)
                tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,j->ij', c[:, pos], numpy.sqrt(e[pos]))
                cpos.append(numpy.asarray(tmp, order='F'))
                tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,j->ij', c[:, neg], numpy.sqrt(-e[neg]))
                cneg.append(numpy.asarray(tmp, order='F'))
        buf = numpy.empty((dfobj.blockdim * nao, nao))
        for eri1 in dfobj.loop():
            naux, nao_pair = eri1.shape
            assert (nao_pair == nao * (nao + 1) // 2)
            for k in range(nset):
                if with_j:
                    buf1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (eri1, dmtril[k], eri1))
                    vj[k] += pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(buf1, hermi)
                if with_k and cpos[k].shape[1] > 0:
                    buf1 = buf[:naux * cpos[k].shape[1]]
                    fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, buf1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
                         ctypes.c_int(nao), ctypes.c_int(0),
                         ctypes.c_int(cpos[k].shape[1]), ctypes.c_int(0),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), null, ctypes.c_int(0))
                    vk[k] += pyscf.lib.dot(buf1.T, buf1)
                if with_k and cneg[k].shape[1] > 0:
                    buf1 = buf[:naux * cneg[k].shape[1]]
                    fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, buf1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
                         ctypes.c_int(nao), ctypes.c_int(0),
                         ctypes.c_int(cneg[k].shape[1]), ctypes.c_int(0),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), null, ctypes.c_int(0))
                    vk[k] -= pyscf.lib.dot(buf1.T, buf1)
            t1 = log.timer_debug1('jk', *t1)
        #:vk = numpy.einsum('pij,jk->pki', cderi, dm)
        #:vk = numpy.einsum('pki,pkj->ij', cderi, vk)
        fcopy = _ri._fpointer('RImmm_nr_s2_copy')
        rargs = (ctypes.c_int(nao), ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0), null, ctypes.c_int(0))
        dms = [numpy.asarray(dm, order='F') for dm in dms]
        buf = numpy.empty((2, dfobj.blockdim, nao, nao))
        for eri1 in dfobj.loop():
            naux, nao_pair = eri1.shape
            for k in range(nset):
                buf1 = buf[0, :naux]
                fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, buf1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
                     ctypes.c_int(naux), *rargs)
                rho = numpy.einsum('kii->k', buf1)
                vj[k] += pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(numpy.dot(rho, eri1), 1)

                if with_k:
                    buf2 = buf[1, :naux]
                    fdrv(ftrans, fcopy, buf2.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
                         ctypes.c_int(naux), *rargs)
                    vk[k] += pyscf.lib.dot(
                        buf1.reshape(-1, nao).T, buf2.reshape(-1, nao))
            t1 = log.timer_debug1('jk', *t1)

    if len(dms) == 1:
        vj = vj[0]
        vk = vk[0]
    logger.timer(dfobj, 'vj and vk', *t0)
    return vj, vk
Example #14
def get_jk(dfobj, mol, dms, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, with_j=True, with_k=True):
    t0 = t1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.Logger(dfobj.stdout, dfobj.verbose)

    if len(dms) == 0:
        return [], []
    elif isinstance(dms, numpy.ndarray) and dms.ndim == 2:
        nset = 1
        dms = [dms]
        nset = len(dms)
    nao = dms[0].shape[0]

    fmmm = _ri._fpointer('RIhalfmmm_nr_s2_bra')
    fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
    ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')

    vj = numpy.zeros((nset,nao,nao))
    vk = numpy.zeros((nset,nao,nao))
    null = pyscf.lib.c_null_ptr()

    #:vj = reduce(numpy.dot, (cderi.reshape(-1,nao*nao), dm.reshape(-1),
    #:                        cderi.reshape(-1,nao*nao))).reshape(nao,nao)
    if hermi == 1: # and numpy.einsum('ij,ij->', dm, ovlp) > 0.1
# I cannot assume dm is positive definite because it might be the density
# matrix difference when the mf.direct_scf flag is set.
        dmtril = []
        cpos = []
        cneg = []
        for k, dm in enumerate(dms):
            if with_j:
                i = numpy.arange(nao)
                dmtril[k][i*(i+1)//2+i] *= .5

            if with_k:
                e, c = scipy.linalg.eigh(dm)
                pos = e > OCCDROP
                neg = e < -OCCDROP

                #:vk = numpy.einsum('pij,jk->kpi', cderi, c[:,abs(e)>OCCDROP])
                #:vk = numpy.einsum('kpi,kpj->ij', vk, vk)
                tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,j->ij', c[:,pos], numpy.sqrt(e[pos]))
                cpos.append(numpy.asarray(tmp, order='F'))
                tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,j->ij', c[:,neg], numpy.sqrt(-e[neg]))
                cneg.append(numpy.asarray(tmp, order='F'))
        buf = numpy.empty((dfobj.blockdim*nao,nao))
        for eri1 in dfobj.loop():
            naux, nao_pair = eri1.shape
            assert(nao_pair == nao*(nao+1)//2)
            for k in range(nset):
                if with_j:
                    buf1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (eri1, dmtril[k], eri1))
                    vj[k] += pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(buf1, hermi)
                if with_k and cpos[k].shape[1] > 0:
                    buf1 = buf[:naux*cpos[k].shape[1]]
                    fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                         ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(cpos[k].shape[1]),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0), null, ctypes.c_int(0))
                    vk[k] += pyscf.lib.dot(buf1.T, buf1)
                if with_k and cneg[k].shape[1] > 0:
                    buf1 = buf[:naux*cneg[k].shape[1]]
                    fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                         ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(cneg[k].shape[1]),
                         ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0), null, ctypes.c_int(0))
                    vk[k] -= pyscf.lib.dot(buf1.T, buf1)
            t1 = log.timer_debug1('jk', *t1)
        #:vk = numpy.einsum('pij,jk->pki', cderi, dm)
        #:vk = numpy.einsum('pki,pkj->ij', cderi, vk)
        fcopy = _ri._fpointer('RImmm_nr_s2_copy')
        rargs = (ctypes.c_int(nao),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0), null, ctypes.c_int(0))
        dms = [numpy.asarray(dm, order='F') for dm in dms]
        buf = numpy.empty((2,dfobj.blockdim,nao,nao))
        for eri1 in dfobj.loop():
            naux, nao_pair = eri1.shape
            for k in range(nset):
                buf1 = buf[0,:naux]
                fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                     ctypes.c_int(naux), *rargs)
                rho = numpy.einsum('kii->k', buf1)
                vj[k] += pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(numpy.dot(rho, eri1), 1)

                if with_k:
                    buf2 = buf[1,:naux]
                    fdrv(ftrans, fcopy,
                         ctypes.c_int(naux), *rargs)
                    vk[k] += pyscf.lib.dot(buf1.reshape(-1,nao).T,
            t1 = log.timer_debug1('jk', *t1)

    if len(dms) == 1:
        vj = vj[0]
        vk = vk[0]
    logger.timer(dfobj, 'vj and vk', *t0)
    return vj, vk
Example #15
    def __init__(self, casscf, mo, with_df):
        import gc
        log = logger.Logger(casscf.stdout, casscf.verbose)

        mol = casscf.mol
        nao, nmo = mo.shape
        ncore = casscf.ncore
        ncas = casscf.ncas
        nocc = ncore + ncas
        naoaux = with_df.get_naoaux()

        mem_incore, mem_outcore, mem_basic = _mem_usage(ncore, ncas, nmo)
        mem_now = pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0]
        max_memory = max(3000, casscf.max_memory*.9-mem_now)
        if max_memory < mem_basic:
            log.warn('Calculation needs %d MB memory, over CASSCF.max_memory (%d MB) limit',
                     (mem_basic+mem_now)/.9, casscf.max_memory)

        t1 = t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
        self._tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        self.feri = h5py.File(self._tmpfile.name, 'w')
        self.ppaa = self.feri.create_dataset('ppaa', (nmo,nmo,ncas,ncas), 'f8')
        self.papa = self.feri.create_dataset('papa', (nmo,ncas,nmo,ncas), 'f8')
        self.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore))
        k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo))

        mo = numpy.asarray(mo, order='F')
        _tmpfile1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        fxpp = h5py.File(_tmpfile1.name)
        bufpa = numpy.empty((naoaux,nmo,ncas))
        bufs1 = numpy.empty((with_df.blockdim,nmo,nmo))
        fmmm = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj')
        fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
        ftrans = _ao2mo._fpointer('AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2')
        fxpp_keys = []
        b0 = 0
        for k, eri1 in enumerate(with_df.loop()):
            naux = eri1.shape[0]
            bufpp = bufs1[:naux]
            fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                 ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                 ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(nmo),
                 ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0))
            fxpp_keys.append([str(k), b0, b0+naux])
            fxpp[str(k)] = bufpp.transpose(1,2,0)
            bufpa[b0:b0+naux] = bufpp[:,:,ncore:nocc]
            bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', bufpp)
            self.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore])
            k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', bufpp[:,:ncore], bufpp[:,:ncore])
            b0 += naux
            t1 = log.timer_debug1('j_pc and k_pc', *t1)
        self.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy()
        bufs1 = bufpp = None
        t1 = log.timer('density fitting ao2mo pass1', *t0)

        mem_now = pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0]
        nblk = int(max(8, min(nmo, ((max_memory-mem_now)*1e6/8-bufpa.size)/(ncas**2*nmo))))
        bufs1 = numpy.empty((nblk,ncas,nmo,ncas))
        dgemm = pyscf.lib.numpy_helper._dgemm
        for p0, p1 in prange(0, nmo, nblk):
            #tmp = numpy.dot(bufpa[:,p0:p1].reshape(naoaux,-1).T,
            #                bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1))
            tmp = bufs1[:p1-p0]
            dgemm('T', 'N', (p1-p0)*ncas, nmo*ncas, naoaux,
                  bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1), bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1),
                  tmp.reshape(-1,nmo*ncas), 1, 0, p0*ncas, 0, 0)
            self.papa[p0:p1] = tmp.reshape(p1-p0,ncas,nmo,ncas)
        bufaa = bufpa[:,ncore:nocc,:].copy().reshape(-1,ncas**2)
        bufs1 = bufpa = None
        t1 = log.timer('density fitting papa pass2', *t1)

        mem_now = pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0]
        nblk = int(max(8, min(nmo, (max_memory-mem_now)*1e6/8/(nmo*naoaux+ncas**2*nmo))))
        bufs1 = numpy.empty((nblk,nmo,naoaux))
        bufs2 = numpy.empty((nblk,nmo,ncas,ncas))
        for p0, p1 in prange(0, nmo, nblk):
            nrow = p1 - p0
            buf = bufs1[:nrow]
            tmp = bufs2[:nrow].reshape(-1,ncas**2)
            for key, col0, col1 in fxpp_keys:
                buf[:nrow,:,col0:col1] = fxpp[key][p0:p1]
            pyscf.lib.dot(buf.reshape(-1,naoaux), bufaa, 1, tmp)
            self.ppaa[p0:p1] = tmp.reshape(p1-p0,nmo,ncas,ncas)
        bufs1 = bufs2 = buf = None
        t1 = log.timer('density fitting ppaa pass2', *t1)

        dm_core = numpy.dot(mo[:,:ncore], mo[:,:ncore].T)
        vj, vk = casscf.get_jk(mol, dm_core)
        self.vhf_c = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo.T, vj*2-vk, mo))
        t0 = log.timer('density fitting ao2mo', *t0)