Example #1
 def get_init_guess(self, ci_strs, norb, nelec, nroots, hdiag):
     '''Initial guess is the single Slater determinant
     wfnsym = direct_spin1_symm._id_wfnsym(self, norb, nelec, self.wfnsym)
     airreps = direct_spin1_symm._gen_strs_irrep(ci_strs[0], self.orbsym)
     birreps = direct_spin1_symm._gen_strs_irrep(ci_strs[1], self.orbsym)
     ci0 = direct_spin1_symm._get_init_guess(airreps, birreps,
                                             nroots, hdiag, self.orbsym, wfnsym)
     return [selected_ci._as_SCIvector(x, ci_strs) for x in ci0]
Example #2
 def get_init_guess(self, ci_strs, norb, nelec, nroots, hdiag):
     '''Initial guess is the single Slater determinant
     wfnsym = direct_spin1_symm._id_wfnsym(self, norb, nelec, self.orbsym,
     airreps = direct_spin1_symm._gen_strs_irrep(ci_strs[0], self.orbsym)
     birreps = direct_spin1_symm._gen_strs_irrep(ci_strs[1], self.orbsym)
     ci0 = direct_spin1_symm._get_init_guess(airreps, birreps,
                                             nroots, hdiag, self.orbsym, wfnsym)
     return [selected_ci._as_SCIvector(x, ci_strs) for x in ci0]
Example #3
def make_confsym (norb, neleca, nelecb, econf_det_mask, orbsym):
    strsa = cistring.gen_strings4orblist(range(norb), neleca)
    airreps = birreps = _gen_strs_irrep(strsa, orbsym)
    if neleca != nelecb:
        strsb = cistring.gen_strings4orblist(range(norb), nelecb)
        birreps = _gen_strs_irrep(strsb, orbsym)
    nconf, addr = np.unique (econf_det_mask, return_index=True)
    nconf = nconf.size
    # Note: econf_det_mask[addr] = np.arange (nconf)
    # All determinants of the same configuration have the same point group
    conf_addra = addr // len (birreps)
    conf_addrb = addr % len (birreps)
    confsym = airreps[conf_addra] ^ birreps[conf_addrb]
    return confsym
Example #4
def get_init_guess(norb, nelec, nroots, hdiag, orbsym, wfnsym=0):
    neleca, nelecb = direct_spin1._unpack_nelec(nelec)
    assert (neleca == nelecb)
    strsa = cistring.gen_strings4orblist(range(norb), neleca)
    airreps = direct_spin1_symm._gen_strs_irrep(strsa, orbsym)
    na = nb = len(airreps)

    init_strs = []
    iroot = 0
    for addr in numpy.argsort(hdiag):
        addra = addr // nb
        addrb = addr % nb
        if airreps[addra] ^ airreps[addrb] == wfnsym:
            if (addrb, addra) not in init_strs:
                init_strs.append((addra, addrb))
                iroot += 1
                if iroot >= nroots:
    ci0 = []
    for addra, addrb in init_strs:
        x = numpy.zeros((na, nb))
        if addra == addrb == 0:
            x[addra, addrb] = 1
            x[addra, addrb] = x[addrb, addra] = numpy.sqrt(.5)

    # Add noise
    #ci0[0][0 ] += 1e-5
    #ci0[0][-1] -= 1e-5
    if len(ci0) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('No determinant matches the target symmetry %s' %
    return ci0