Example #1
File: geom.py Project: pyscf/pyscf
def symm_ops(gpname, axes=None):
    if axes is not None:
        raise PointGroupSymmetryError('TODO: non-standard orientation')
    op1 = numpy.eye(3)
    opi = -1

    opc2z = -numpy.eye(3)
    opc2z[2, 2] = 1
    opc2x = -numpy.eye(3)
    opc2x[0, 0] = 1
    opc2y = -numpy.eye(3)
    opc2y[1, 1] = 1

    opcsz = numpy.dot(opc2z, opi)
    opcsx = numpy.dot(opc2x, opi)
    opcsy = numpy.dot(opc2y, opi)
    opdic = {
        'E': op1,
        'C2z': opc2z,
        'C2x': opc2x,
        'C2y': opc2y,
        'i': opi,
        'sz': opcsz,
        'sx': opcsx,
        'sy': opcsy,
    return opdic
Example #2
File: geom.py Project: pyscf/pyscf
def as_subgroup(topgroup, axes, subgroup=None):
    from pyscf.symm import std_symb
    from pyscf.symm.param import SUBGROUP

    groupname, axes = get_subgroup(topgroup, axes)

    if isinstance(subgroup, (str, unicode)):
        subgroup = std_symb(subgroup)
        if groupname == 'C2v' and subgroup == 'Cs':
            axes = numpy.einsum('ij,kj->ki',
                                rotation_mat(axes[1], numpy.pi / 2), axes)

        elif (groupname == 'D2' and re.search(r'D\d+d', topgroup)
              and subgroup in ('C2v', 'Cs')):
            # Special treatment for D2d, D4d, .... get_subgroup gives D2 by
            # default while C2v is also D2d's subgroup.
            groupname = 'C2v'
            axes = numpy.einsum('ij,kj->ki',
                                rotation_mat(axes[2], numpy.pi / 4), axes)

        elif topgroup in ('Td', 'T', 'Th') and subgroup == 'C2v':
            x, y, z = axes
            x = _normalize(x + y)
            y = numpy.cross(z, x)
            axes = numpy.array((x, y, z))

        elif subgroup not in SUBGROUP[groupname]:
            raise PointGroupSymmetryError('%s not in Ablien subgroup of %s' %
                                          (subgroup, topgroup))

        groupname = subgroup
    return groupname, axes
Example #3
def symm_identical_atoms(gpname, atoms):
    ''' Requires '''
    from pyscf import gto
    # Dooh Coov for linear molecule
    if gpname == 'Dooh':
        coords = numpy.array([a[1] for a in atoms], dtype=float)
        idx0 = argsort_coords(coords)
        coords0 = coords[idx0]
        opdic = symm_ops(gpname)
        newc = numpy.dot(coords, opdic['sz'])
        idx1 = argsort_coords(newc)
        dup_atom_ids = numpy.sort((idx0, idx1), axis=0).T
        uniq_idx = numpy.unique(dup_atom_ids[:, 0], return_index=True)[1]
        eql_atom_ids = dup_atom_ids[uniq_idx]
        eql_atom_ids = [list(sorted(set(i))) for i in eql_atom_ids]
        return eql_atom_ids
    elif gpname == 'Coov':
        eql_atom_ids = [[i] for i, a in enumerate(atoms)]
        return eql_atom_ids

    coords = numpy.array([a[1] for a in atoms])

    #    charges = numpy.array([gto.charge(a[0]) for a in atoms])
    #    center = numpy.einsum('z,zr->r', charges, coords)/charges.sum()
    #    if not numpy.allclose(center, 0, atol=TOLERANCE):
    #        sys.stderr.write('WARN: Molecular charge center %s is not on (0,0,0)\n'
    #                        % center)
    opdic = symm_ops(gpname)
    ops = [opdic[op] for op in OPERATOR_TABLE[gpname]]
    idx = argsort_coords(coords)
    coords0 = coords[idx]

    dup_atom_ids = []
    for op in ops:
        newc = numpy.dot(coords, op)
        idx = argsort_coords(newc)
        if not numpy.allclose(coords0, newc[idx], atol=TOLERANCE):
            raise PointGroupSymmetryError('Symmetry identical atoms not found')

    dup_atom_ids = numpy.sort(dup_atom_ids, axis=0).T
    uniq_idx = numpy.unique(dup_atom_ids[:, 0], return_index=True)[1]
    eql_atom_ids = dup_atom_ids[uniq_idx]
    eql_atom_ids = [list(sorted(set(i))) for i in eql_atom_ids]
    return eql_atom_ids
Example #4
def linearmole_irrep_symb2id(gpname, symb):
    if gpname == 'Dooh':
        if symb in DOOH_IRREP_ID_TABLE:
            return DOOH_IRREP_ID_TABLE[symb]
            n = int(''.join([i for i in symb if i.isdigit()]))
            if n % 2:
                return (n // 2) * 10 + DOOH_IRREP_ID_TABLE['_odd' + symb[-2:]]
                return (n // 2) * 10 + DOOH_IRREP_ID_TABLE['_even' + symb[-2:]]
    elif gpname == 'Coov':
        if symb in COOV_IRREP_ID_TABLE:
            return COOV_IRREP_ID_TABLE[symb]
            n = int(''.join([i for i in symb if i.isdigit()]))
            if n % 2:
                return (n // 2) * 10 + COOV_IRREP_ID_TABLE['_odd' + symb[-1]]
                return (n // 2) * 10 + COOV_IRREP_ID_TABLE['_even' + symb[-1]]
        raise PointGroupSymmetryError('%s is not proper for linear molecule.' %
Example #5
def dump_symm_adapted_basis(mol, so):
    raise PointGroupSymmetryError('TODO')
Example #6
def irrep_name(pgname, irrep_id):
    raise PointGroupSymmetryError(
        'This function was obsoleted. Use irrep_id2name')