Example #1
def uhf_internal(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    g, hop, hdiag = newton_ah.gen_g_hop_uhf(mf, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ,
    hdiag *= 2
    def precond(dx, e, x0):
        hdiagd = hdiag - e
        hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
        return dx/hdiagd
    def hessian_x(x): # See comments in function rhf_internal
        return hop(x).real * 2

    x0 = numpy.zeros_like(g)
    x0[g!=0] = 1. / hdiag[g!=0]
    if not with_symmetry:  # allow to break point group symmetry
        x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag)] = 1
    e, v = lib.davidson(hessian_x, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
    if e < -1e-5:
        log.note('UHF/UKS wavefunction has an internal instablity.')
        nocca = numpy.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ[0]> 0)
        nvira = numpy.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ[0]==0)
        mo = (_rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff[0], mf.mo_occ[0], v[:nocca*nvira]),
              _rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff[1], mf.mo_occ[1], v[nocca*nvira:]))
        log.note('UHF/UKS wavefunction is stable in the intenral stability analysis')
        mo = mf.mo_coeff
    return mo
Example #2
    def casci(self, mo_coeff, ci0=None, eris=None, verbose=None, envs=None):
        if eris is None:
            fcasci = copy.copy(self)
            fcasci.ao2mo = self.get_h2cas
            fcasci = _fake_h_for_fast_casci(self, mo_coeff, eris)

        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)

        e_tot, e_cas, fcivec = ucasci.kernel(fcasci, mo_coeff, ci0, log)
        if envs is not None and log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
            log.debug('CAS space CI energy = %.15g', e_cas)

            if 'imicro' in envs:  # Within CASSCF iteration
                log.info('macro iter %d (%d JK  %d micro), '
                         'UCASSCF E = %.15g  dE = %.8g',
                         envs['imacro'], envs['njk'], envs['imicro'],
                         e_tot, e_tot-envs['elast'])
                if 'norm_gci' in envs:
                    log.info('               |grad[o]|=%5.3g  '
                             '|grad[c]|= %s  |ddm|=%5.3g',
                             envs['norm_gci'], envs['norm_ddm'])
                    log.info('               |grad[o]|=%5.3g  |ddm|=%5.3g',
                             envs['norm_gorb0'], envs['norm_ddm'])
            else:  # Initialization step
                log.info('UCASCI E = %.15g', e_tot)
        return e_tot, e_cas, fcivec
Example #3
def rhf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    hop1, hdiag1, hop2, hdiag2 = _gen_hop_rhf_external(mf, with_symmetry)

    def precond(dx, e, x0):
        hdiagd = hdiag1 - e
        hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
        return dx/hdiagd
    x0 = numpy.zeros_like(hdiag1)
    x0[hdiag1>1e-5] = 1. / hdiag1[hdiag1>1e-5]
    if not with_symmetry:  # allow to break point group symmetry
        x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag1)] = 1
    e1, v1 = lib.davidson(hop1, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
    if e1 < -1e-5:
        log.note('RHF/RKS wavefunction has a real -> complex instablity')
        log.note('RHF/RKS wavefunction is stable in the real -> complex stability analysis')

    def precond(dx, e, x0):
        hdiagd = hdiag2 - e
        hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
        return dx/hdiagd
    x0 = v1
    e3, v3 = lib.davidson(hop2, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
    if e3 < -1e-5:
        log.note('RHF/RKS wavefunction has a RHF/RKS -> UHF/UKS instablity.')
        mo = (_rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ, v3), mf.mo_coeff)
        log.note('RHF/RKS wavefunction is stable in the RHF/RKS -> UHF/UKS stability analysis')
        mo = (mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_coeff)
    return mo
Example #4
        def kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, verbose=0, **kwargs):
# Note self.orbsym is initialized lazily in mc1step_symm.kernel function
            log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
            es = []
            cs = []
            for solver, c0 in loop_solver(fcisolvers, ci0):
                e, c = solver.kernel(h1, h2, norb, get_nelec(solver, nelec), c0,
                                     orbsym=self.orbsym, verbose=log, **kwargs)
                if solver.nroots == 1:
            e_states[0] = es

            if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
                if has_spin_square:
                    ss, multip = collect(solver.spin_square(c0, norb, get_nelec(solver, nelec))
                                         for solver, c0 in loop_civecs(fcisolvers, cs))
                    for i, ei in enumerate(es):
                        log.debug('state %d  E = %.15g S^2 = %.7f', i, ei, ss[i])
                    for i, ei in enumerate(es):
                        log.debug('state %d  E = %.15g', i, ei)
            return numpy.einsum('i,i', numpy.array(es), weights), cs
Example #5
def ghf_stability(mf, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    with_symmetry = True
    g, hop, hdiag = newton_ah.gen_g_hop_ghf(mf, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ,
    hdiag *= 2
    def precond(dx, e, x0):
        hdiagd = hdiag - e
        hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
        return dx/hdiagd
    def hessian_x(x): # See comments in function rhf_internal
        return hop(x).real * 2

    x0 = numpy.zeros_like(g)
    x0[g!=0] = 1. / hdiag[g!=0]
    if not with_symmetry:  # allow to break point group symmetry
        x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag)] = 1
    e, v = lib.davidson(hessian_x, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
    if e < -1e-5:
        log.note('GHF wavefunction has an internal instablity')
        mo = _rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ, v)
        log.note('GHF wavefunction is stable in the intenral stability analysis')
        mo = mf.mo_coeff
    return mo
Example #6
def gen_hop(hobj, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(hobj, verbose)
    mol = hobj.mol
    mf = hobj.base

    if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    if mo_occ is None:    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    if mo_coeff is None:  mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff

    natm = mol.natm
    nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape
    mocc = mo_coeff[:,mo_occ>0]
    nocc = mocc.shape[1]

    atmlst = range(natm)
    max_memory = max(2000, hobj.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0])
    de2 = hobj.partial_hess_elec(mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ, atmlst,
                                 max_memory, log)
    de2 += hobj.hess_nuc()

    # Compute H1 integrals and store in hobj.chkfile
    hobj.make_h1(mo_coeff, mo_occ, hobj.chkfile, atmlst, log)

    aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
    s1a = -mol.intor('int1e_ipovlp', comp=3)

    fvind = gen_vind(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
    def h_op(x):
        x = x.reshape(natm,3)
        hx = numpy.einsum('abxy,ax->by', de2, x)
        h1ao = 0
        s1ao = 0
        for ia in range(natm):
            shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia]
            h1ao_i = lib.chkfile.load(hobj.chkfile, 'scf_f1ao/%d' % ia)
            h1ao += numpy.einsum('x,xij->ij', x[ia], h1ao_i)
            s1ao_i = numpy.zeros((3,nao,nao))
            s1ao_i[:,p0:p1] += s1a[:,p0:p1]
            s1ao_i[:,:,p0:p1] += s1a[:,p0:p1].transpose(0,2,1)
            s1ao += numpy.einsum('x,xij->ij', x[ia], s1ao_i)

        s1vo = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, s1ao, mocc))
        h1vo = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, h1ao, mocc))
        mo1, mo_e1 = cphf.solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1vo, s1vo)
        mo1 = numpy.dot(mo_coeff, mo1)
        mo_e1 = mo_e1.reshape(nocc,nocc)
        dm1 = numpy.einsum('pi,qi->pq', mo1, mocc)
        dme1 = numpy.einsum('pi,qi,i->pq', mo1, mocc, mo_energy[mo_occ>0])
        dme1 = dme1 + dme1.T + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocc, mo_e1.T, mocc.T))

        for ja in range(natm):
            q0, q1 = aoslices[ja][2:]
            h1ao = lib.chkfile.load(hobj.chkfile, 'scf_f1ao/%s'%ja)
            hx[ja] += numpy.einsum('xpq,pq->x', h1ao, dm1) * 4
            hx[ja] -= numpy.einsum('xpq,pq->x', s1a[:,q0:q1], dme1[q0:q1]) * 2
            hx[ja] -= numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', s1a[:,q0:q1], dme1[:,q0:q1]) * 2
        return hx.ravel()

    hdiag = numpy.einsum('aaxx->ax', de2).ravel()
    return h_op, hdiag
Example #7
    def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
        log.info('******** CASCI flags ********')
        ncore = self.ncore
        ncas = self.ncas
        nvir = self.mo_coeff.shape[1] - ncore - ncas
        log.info('CAS (%de+%de, %do), ncore = %d, nvir = %d', \
                 self.nelecas[0], self.nelecas[1], ncas, ncore, nvir)
        assert(self.ncas > 0)
        log.info('natorb = %s', self.natorb)
        log.info('canonicalization = %s', self.canonicalization)
        log.info('sorting_mo_energy = %s', self.sorting_mo_energy)
        log.info('max_memory %d (MB)', self.max_memory)
        if getattr(self.fcisolver, 'dump_flags', None):
        if self.mo_coeff is None:
            log.error('Orbitals for CASCI are not specified. The relevant SCF '
                      'object may not be initialized.')

        if (getattr(self._scf, 'with_solvent', None) and
            not getattr(self, 'with_solvent', None)):
            log.warn('''Solvent model %s was found in SCF object.
It is not applied to the CASSCF object. The CASSCF result is not affected by the SCF solvent model.
To enable the solvent model for CASSCF, a decoration to CASSCF object as below needs be called
        from pyscf import solvent
        mc = mcscf.CASSCF(...)
        mc = solvent.ddCOSMO(mc)
        return self
Example #8
def rhf_internal(mf, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    g, hop, hdiag = newton_ah.gen_g_hop_rhf(mf, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ)
    def precond(dx, e, x0):
        hdiagd = hdiag*2 - e
        hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
        return dx/hdiagd
    # The results of hop(x) corresponds to a displacement that reduces
    # gradients g.  It is the vir-occ block of the matrix vector product
    # (Hessian*x). The occ-vir block equals to x2.T.conj(). The overall
    # Hessian for internal reotation is x2 + x2.T.conj(). This is
    # the reason we apply (.real * 2) below
    def hessian_x(x):
        return hop(x).real * 2

    x0 = numpy.zeros_like(g)
    x0[g!=0] = 1. / hdiag[g!=0]
    e, v = lib.davidson(hessian_x, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
    if e < -1e-5:
        log.log('KRHF/KRKS wavefunction has an internal instablity')
        mo = _rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ, v)
        log.log('KRHF/KRKS wavefunction is stable in the intenral stability analysis')
        mo = mf.mo_coeff
    return mo
Example #9
def mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=None, verbose=logger.DEBUG):
    r'''Mulliken population analysis

    .. math:: M_{ij} = D_{ij} S_{ji}

    Mulliken charges

    .. math:: \delta_i = \sum_j M_{ij}

    if s is None: s = get_ovlp(mol)
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose)
    pop = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->i', dm, s).real

    log.info(' ** Mulliken pop  **')
    for i, s in enumerate(mol.spinor_labels()):
        log.info('pop of  %s %10.5f', s, pop[i])

    log.note(' ** Mulliken atomic charges  **')
    chg = numpy.zeros(mol.natm)
    for i, s in enumerate(mol.spinor_labels(fmt=None)):
        chg[s[0]] += pop[i]
    chg = mol.atom_charges() - chg
    for ia in range(mol.natm):
        symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
        log.note('charge of  %d%s =   %10.5f', ia, symb, chg[ia])
    return pop, chg
Example #10
def get_jk_coulomb(mol, dm, hermi=1, coulomb_allow='SSSS',
                   opt_llll=None, opt_ssll=None, opt_ssss=None, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose)
    if coulomb_allow.upper() == 'LLLL':
        log.debug('Coulomb integral: (LL|LL)')
        j1, k1 = _call_veff_llll(mol, dm, hermi, opt_llll)
        n2c = j1.shape[1]
        vj = numpy.zeros_like(dm)
        vk = numpy.zeros_like(dm)
        vj[...,:n2c,:n2c] = j1
        vk[...,:n2c,:n2c] = k1
    elif coulomb_allow.upper() == 'SSLL' \
      or coulomb_allow.upper() == 'LLSS':
        log.debug('Coulomb integral: (LL|LL) + (SS|LL)')
        vj, vk = _call_veff_ssll(mol, dm, hermi, opt_ssll)
        j1, k1 = _call_veff_llll(mol, dm, hermi, opt_llll)
        n2c = j1.shape[1]
        vj[...,:n2c,:n2c] += j1
        vk[...,:n2c,:n2c] += k1
    else: # coulomb_allow == 'SSSS'
        log.debug('Coulomb integral: (LL|LL) + (SS|LL) + (SS|SS)')
        vj, vk = _call_veff_ssll(mol, dm, hermi, opt_ssll)
        j1, k1 = _call_veff_llll(mol, dm, hermi, opt_llll)
        n2c = j1.shape[1]
        vj[...,:n2c,:n2c] += j1
        vk[...,:n2c,:n2c] += k1
        j1, k1 = _call_veff_ssss(mol, dm, hermi, opt_ssss)
        vj[...,n2c:,n2c:] += j1
        vk[...,n2c:,n2c:] += k1
    return vj, vk
Example #11
    def get_jk(self, mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1):
        if mol is None: mol = self.mol
        if dm is None: dm = self.make_rdm1()
        t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
        log = logger.new_logger(self)
        if self.direct_scf and self.opt[0] is None:
            self.opt = self.init_direct_scf(mol)
        opt_llll, opt_ssll, opt_ssss, opt_gaunt = self.opt

        vj, vk = get_jk_coulomb(mol, dm, hermi, self._coulomb_now,
                                opt_llll, opt_ssll, opt_ssss, log)

        if self.with_breit:
            if 'SSSS' in self._coulomb_now.upper():
                vj1, vk1 = _call_veff_gaunt_breit(mol, dm, hermi, opt_gaunt, True)
                log.debug('Add Breit term')
                vj += vj1
                vk += vk1
        elif self.with_gaunt and 'SS' in self._coulomb_now.upper():
            log.debug('Add Gaunt term')
            vj1, vk1 = _call_veff_gaunt_breit(mol, dm, hermi, opt_gaunt, False)
            vj += vj1
            vk += vk1

        log.timer('vj and vk', *t0)
        return vj, vk
Example #12
def mulliken_meta(cell, dm_ao_kpts, verbose=logger.DEBUG,
                  pre_orth_method=PRE_ORTH_METHOD, s=None):
    '''A modified Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.

    Note this function only computes the Mulliken population for the gamma
    point density matrix.
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    if s is None:
        s = khf.get_ovlp(cell)
    log = logger.new_logger(cell, verbose)
    log.note('Analyze output for *gamma point*.')
    log.info('    To include the contributions from k-points, transform to a '
             'supercell then run the population analysis on the supercell\n'
             '        from pyscf.pbc.tools import k2gamma\n'
             '        k2gamma.k2gamma(mf).mulliken_meta()')
    log.note("KUHF mulliken_meta")
    dm_ao_gamma = dm_ao_kpts[:,0,:,:].real
    s_gamma = s[0,:,:].real
    c = orth.restore_ao_character(cell, pre_orth_method)
    orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(cell, 'meta_lowdin', pre_orth_ao=c, s=s_gamma)
    c_inv = np.dot(orth_coeff.T, s_gamma)
    dm_a = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[0], c_inv.T.conj()))
    dm_b = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[1], c_inv.T.conj()))

    log.note(' ** Mulliken pop alpha/beta on meta-lowdin orthogonal AOs **')
    return mol_uhf.mulliken_pop(cell, (dm_a,dm_b), np.eye(orth_coeff.shape[0]), log)
Example #13
        def casci(self, mo_coeff, ci0=None, eris=None, verbose=None, envs=None):
            log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
            log.debug('Running CASCI with solvent. Note the total energy '
                      'has duplicated contributions from solvent.')

            # In oldCAS.casci function, dE was computed based on the total
            # energy without removing the duplicated solvent contributions.
            # However, envs['elast'] is the last total energy with correct
            # solvent effects. Hack envs['elast'] to make oldCAS.casci print
            # the correct energy difference.
            envs['elast'] = self._e_tot_without_solvent
            e_tot, e_cas, fcivec = oldCAS.casci(self, mo_coeff, ci0, eris,
                                                verbose, envs)
            self._e_tot_without_solvent = e_tot

            log.debug('Computing corrections to the total energy.')
            dm = self.make_rdm1(ci=fcivec, ao_repr=True)

            with_solvent = self.with_solvent
            if with_solvent.epcm is not None:
                edup = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', with_solvent.vpcm, dm)
                ediel = with_solvent.epcm
                e_tot = e_tot - edup + ediel
                log.info('Removing duplication %.15g, '
                         'adding E_diel = %.15g to total energy:\n'
                         '    E(CASSCF+solvent) = %.15g', edup, ediel, e_tot)

            # Update solvent effects for next iteration if needed
            if not with_solvent.frozen:
                with_solvent.epcm, with_solvent.vpcm = with_solvent.kernel(dm)

            return e_tot, e_cas, fcivec
Example #14
def rhf_internal(mf, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    mol = mf.mol
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
    nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(mo_occ)
    nvir = nmo - nocc

    eri_mo = ao2mo.full(mol, mo_coeff)
    eri_mo = ao2mo.restore(1, eri_mo, nmo)
    eai = lib.direct_sum('a-i->ai', mo_energy[nocc:], mo_energy[:nocc])
    # A
    h = numpy.einsum('ckld->kcld', eri_mo[nocc:,:nocc,:nocc,nocc:]) * 2
    h-= numpy.einsum('cdlk->kcld', eri_mo[nocc:,nocc:,:nocc,:nocc])
    for a in range(nvir):
        for i in range(nocc):
            h[i,a,i,a] += eai[a,i]
    # B
    h+= numpy.einsum('ckdl->kcld', eri_mo[nocc:,:nocc,nocc:,:nocc]) * 2
    h-= numpy.einsum('cldk->kcld', eri_mo[nocc:,:nocc,nocc:,:nocc])

    nov = nocc * nvir
    e = scipy.linalg.eigh(h.reshape(nov,nov))[0]
    log.debug('rhf_internal: lowest eigs = %s', e[e<=max(e[0],1e-5)])
    if e[0] < -1e-5:
        log.log('RHF wavefunction has an internal instablity')
        log.log('RHF wavefunction is stable in the intenral stablity analysis')
Example #15
def kernel(casci, mo_coeff=None, ci0=None, verbose=logger.NOTE):
    '''CASCI solver
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casci.mo_coeff
    log = logger.new_logger(casci, verbose)
    t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log.debug('Start CASCI')

    ncas = casci.ncas
    nelecas = casci.nelecas

    # 2e
    eri_cas = casci.get_h2eff(mo_coeff)
    t1 = log.timer('integral transformation to CAS space', *t0)

    # 1e
    h1eff, energy_core = casci.get_h1eff(mo_coeff)
    log.debug('core energy = %.15g', energy_core)
    t1 = log.timer('effective h1e in CAS space', *t1)

    if h1eff.shape[0] != ncas:
        raise RuntimeError('Active space size error. nmo=%d ncore=%d ncas=%d' %
                           (mo_coeff.shape[1], casci.ncore, ncas))

    # FCI
    max_memory = max(400, casci.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0])
    e_tot, fcivec = casci.fcisolver.kernel(h1eff, eri_cas, ncas, nelecas,
                                           ci0=ci0, verbose=log,

    t1 = log.timer('FCI solver', *t1)
    e_cas = e_tot - energy_core
    return e_tot, e_cas, fcivec
Example #16
def kernel(casci, mo_coeff=None, ci0=None, verbose=logger.NOTE):
    '''UHF-CASCI solver
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casci.mo_coeff
    log = logger.new_logger(casci, verbose)
    t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log.debug('Start uhf-based CASCI')

    ncas = casci.ncas
    nelecas = casci.nelecas
    ncore = casci.ncore
    mo_core, mo_cas, mo_vir = extract_orbs(mo_coeff, ncas, nelecas, ncore)

    # 1e
    h1eff, energy_core = casci.h1e_for_cas(mo_coeff)
    log.debug('core energy = %.15g', energy_core)
    t1 = log.timer('effective h1e in CAS space', *t0)

    # 2e
    eri_cas = casci.get_h2eff(mo_cas)
    t1 = log.timer('integral transformation to CAS space', *t1)

    # FCI
    max_memory = max(400, casci.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0])
    e_tot, fcivec = casci.fcisolver.kernel(h1eff, eri_cas, ncas, nelecas,
                                           ci0=ci0, verbose=log,

    t1 = log.timer('FCI solver', *t1)
    e_cas = e_tot - energy_core
    return e_tot, e_cas, fcivec
Example #17
def polarizability_with_freq(polobj, freq=None):
    from pyscf.prop.nmr import rhf as rhf_nmr
    log = logger.new_logger(polobj)
    mf = polobj._scf
    mol = mf.mol
    mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    occidx = mo_occ > 0
    orbo = mo_coeff[:, occidx]
    orbv = mo_coeff[:,~occidx]

    charges = mol.atom_charges()
    coords  = mol.atom_coords()
    charge_center = numpy.einsum('i,ix->x', charges, coords) / charges.sum()
    with mol.with_common_orig(charge_center):
        int_r = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_r', comp=3)

    h1 = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', int_r, orbv.conj(), orbo)
    mo1 = cphf_with_freq(mf, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, freq,
                         polobj.max_cycle_cphf, polobj.conv_tol, verbose=log)[0]

    e2 =  numpy.einsum('xpi,ypi->xy', h1, mo1[0])
    e2 += numpy.einsum('xpi,ypi->xy', h1, mo1[1])

    # *-1 from the definition of dipole moment. *2 for double occupancy
    e2 *= -2
    log.debug('Polarizability tensor with freq %s', freq)
    log.debug('%s', e2)
    return e2
Example #18
File: uhf.py Project: sunqm/pyscf
def mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=None, verbose=logger.DEBUG):
    '''Mulliken population analysis
    if s is None: s = hf.get_ovlp(mol)
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose)
    if isinstance(dm, numpy.ndarray) and dm.ndim == 2:
        dm = numpy.array((dm*.5, dm*.5))
    pop_a = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->i', dm[0], s).real
    pop_b = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->i', dm[1], s).real

    log.info(' ** Mulliken pop       alpha | beta **')
    for i, s in enumerate(mol.ao_labels()):
        log.info('pop of  %s %10.5f | %-10.5f',
                 s, pop_a[i], pop_b[i])
    log.info('In total          %10.5f | %-10.5f', sum(pop_a), sum(pop_b))

    log.note(' ** Mulliken atomic charges   ( Nelec_alpha | Nelec_beta ) **')
    nelec_a = numpy.zeros(mol.natm)
    nelec_b = numpy.zeros(mol.natm)
    for i, s in enumerate(mol.ao_labels(fmt=None)):
        nelec_a[s[0]] += pop_a[i]
        nelec_b[s[0]] += pop_b[i]
    chg = mol.atom_charges() - (nelec_a + nelec_b)
    for ia in range(mol.natm):
        symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
        log.note('charge of  %d%s =   %10.5f  (  %10.5f   %10.5f )',
                 ia, symb, chg[ia], nelec_a[ia], nelec_b[ia])
    return (pop_a,pop_b), chg
Example #19
def make_fcdip(hfcobj, dm0, hfc_nuc=None, verbose=None):
    '''The contribution of Fermi-contact term and dipole-dipole interactions'''
    log = logger.new_logger(hfcobj, verbose)
    mol = hfcobj.mol
    if hfc_nuc is None:
        hfc_nuc = range(mol.natm)
    if isinstance(dm0, numpy.ndarray) and dm0.ndim == 2: # RHF DM
        return numpy.zeros((3,3))

    dma, dmb = dm0
    spindm = dma - dmb
    effspin = mol.spin * .5

    e_gyro = .5 * nist.G_ELECTRON
    nuc_mag = .5 * (nist.E_MASS/nist.PROTON_MASS)  # e*hbar/2m
    au2MHz = nist.HARTREE2J / nist.PLANCK * 1e-6
    fac = nist.ALPHA**2 / 2 / effspin * e_gyro * au2MHz

    hfc = []
    for i, atm_id in enumerate(hfc_nuc):
        nuc_gyro = get_nuc_g_factor(mol.atom_symbol(atm_id)) * nuc_mag
        h1 = _get_integrals_fcdip(mol, atm_id)
        fcsd = numpy.einsum('xyij,ji->xy', h1, spindm)

        h1fc = _get_integrals_fc(mol, atm_id)
        fc = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', h1fc, spindm)

        sd = fcsd + numpy.eye(3) * fc

        log.info('FC of atom %d  %s (in MHz)', atm_id, fac * nuc_gyro * fc)
        if hfcobj.verbose >= logger.INFO:
            _write(hfcobj, align(fac*nuc_gyro*sd)[0], 'SD of atom %d (in MHz)' % atm_id)
        hfc.append(fac * nuc_gyro * fcsd)
    return numpy.asarray(hfc)
Example #20
    def kernel(self, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, atmlst=None, mf_grad=None,
               state=None, verbose=None):
        cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
        if ci is None: ci = self.base.ci
        if isinstance(ci, (list, tuple)):
            if state is None:
                state = self.state
                self.state = state

            ci = ci[state]
            logger.info(self, 'Multiple roots are found in CASCI solver. '
                        'Nuclear gradients of root %d are computed.', state)

        if atmlst is None:
            atmlst = self.atmlst
            self.atmlst = atmlst

        if self.verbose >= logger.WARN:
        if self.verbose >= logger.INFO:

        self.de = kernel(self.base, mo_coeff, ci, atmlst, mf_grad, log)
        log.timer('CASCI gradients', *cput0)
        return self.de
Example #21
def analyze(mf, verbose=logger.DEBUG, **kwargs):
    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff

    log.info('**** MO energy ****')
    for i in range(len(mo_energy)):
        if mo_occ[i] > 0:
            log.info('occupied MO #%d energy= %.15g occ= %g', \
                     i+1, mo_energy[i], mo_occ[i])
            log.info('virtual MO #%d energy= %.15g occ= %g', \
                     i+1, mo_energy[i], mo_occ[i])
    mol = mf.mol
    if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
        log.debug(' ** MO coefficients of large component of postive state (real part) **')
        label = mol.spinor_labels()
        n2c = mo_coeff.shape[0] // 2
        dump_mat.dump_rec(mf.stdout, mo_coeff[n2c:,:n2c].real, label, start=1)
    dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
    pop_chg = mf.mulliken_pop(mol, dm, mf.get_ovlp(), log)
    dip = mf.dip_moment(mol, dm, verbose=log)
    return pop_chg, dip
Example #22
        def kernel(self, *args, **kwargs):
            with_solvent = self.with_solvent
            # The underlying ._scf object is decorated with solvent effects.
            # The resultant Fock matrix and orbital energies both include the
            # effects from solvent. It means that solvent effects for post-HF
            # methods are automatically counted if solvent is enabled at scf
            # level.
            if with_solvent.frozen:
                return old_method.kernel(self, *args, **kwargs)

            log = logger.new_logger(self)
            log.info('\n** Self-consistently update the solvent effects for %s **',
            ##TODO: Suppress a few output messages
            #log1 = copy.copy(log)
            #log1.note, log1.info = log1.info, log1.debug

            e_last = 0
            for cycle in range(self.with_solvent.max_cycle):
                log.info('\n** Solvent self-consistent cycle %d:', cycle)
                # Solvent effects are applied when accessing the
                # underlying ._scf objects. The flag frozen=True ensures that
                # the generated potential with_solvent.vpcm is passed to the
                # the post-HF object, without being updated in the implicit
                # call to the _scf iterations.
                with lib.temporary_env(with_solvent, frozen=True):
                    e_tot = basic_scanner(self.mol)
                    dm = basic_scanner.make_rdm1(ao_repr=True)

                if with_solvent.epcm is not None:
                    edup = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', with_solvent.vpcm, dm)
                    e_tot = e_tot - edup + with_solvent.epcm
                    log.debug('  E_diel = %.15g', with_solvent.epcm)

                # To generate the solvent potential for ._scf object. Since
                # frozen is set when calling basic_scanner, the solvent
                # effects are frozen during the scf iterations.
                with_solvent.epcm, with_solvent.vpcm = with_solvent.kernel(dm)

                de = e_tot - e_last
                log.info('Sovlent cycle %d  E_tot = %.15g  dE = %g',
                         cycle, e_tot, de)

                if abs(e_tot-e_last).max() < with_solvent.conv_tol:
                e_last = e_tot

            # An extra cycle to compute the total energy
            log.info('\n** Extra cycle for solvent effects')
            res = old_method.kernel(self)
            with lib.temporary_env(with_solvent, frozen=True):
                #Update everything except the _scf object and _keys
                new_keys = self._keys
                self._keys = new_keys
                self._scf = scf_with_solvent
            return res
Example #23
def hess_elec(hessobj, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None,
              mo1=None, mo_e1=None, h1ao=None,
              atmlst=None, max_memory=4000, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(hessobj, verbose)
    time0 = t1 = (time.clock(), time.time())

    mol = hessobj.mol
    mf = hessobj.base
    if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    if mo_occ is None:    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    if mo_coeff is None:  mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    if atmlst is None: atmlst = range(mol.natm)

    de2 = hessobj.partial_hess_elec(mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ, atmlst,
                                    max_memory, log)

    if h1ao is None:
        h1ao = hessobj.make_h1(mo_coeff, mo_occ, hessobj.chkfile, atmlst, log)
        t1 = log.timer_debug1('making H1', *time0)
    if mo1 is None or mo_e1 is None:
        mo1, mo_e1 = hessobj.solve_mo1(mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ, h1ao,
                                       None, atmlst, max_memory, log)
        t1 = log.timer_debug1('solving MO1', *t1)

    if isinstance(h1ao, str):
        h1ao = lib.chkfile.load(h1ao, 'scf_f1ao')
        h1ao = dict([(int(k), h1ao[k]) for k in h1ao])
    if isinstance(mo1, str):
        mo1 = lib.chkfile.load(mo1, 'scf_mo1')
        mo1 = dict([(int(k), mo1[k]) for k in mo1])

    nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape
    mocc = mo_coeff[:,mo_occ>0]
    s1a = -mol.intor('int1e_ipovlp', comp=3)

    aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
    for i0, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia]
        s1ao = numpy.zeros((3,nao,nao))
        s1ao[:,p0:p1] += s1a[:,p0:p1]
        s1ao[:,:,p0:p1] += s1a[:,p0:p1].transpose(0,2,1)
        s1oo = numpy.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', s1ao, mocc, mocc)

        for j0 in range(i0+1):
            ja = atmlst[j0]
            q0, q1 = aoslices[ja][2:]
# *2 for double occupancy, *2 for +c.c.
            dm1 = numpy.einsum('ypi,qi->ypq', mo1[ja], mocc)
            de2[i0,j0] += numpy.einsum('xpq,ypq->xy', h1ao[ia], dm1) * 4
            dm1 = numpy.einsum('ypi,qi,i->ypq', mo1[ja], mocc, mo_energy[mo_occ>0])
            de2[i0,j0] -= numpy.einsum('xpq,ypq->xy', s1ao, dm1) * 4
            de2[i0,j0] -= numpy.einsum('xpq,ypq->xy', s1oo, mo_e1[ja]) * 2

        for j0 in range(i0):
            de2[j0,i0] = de2[i0,j0].T

    log.timer('RHF hessian', *time0)
    return de2
Example #24
 def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
     log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
     log.info('******** SHCI flags ********')
     log.info('executable    = %s', self.executable)
     log.info('mpiprefix     = %s', self.mpiprefix)
     log.info('runtimedir    = %s', self.runtimedir)
     log.debug1('config = %s', self.config)
     return self
Example #25
def solve_withs1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1,
                 max_cycle=20, tol=1e-9, hermi=False, verbose=logger.WARN):
    '''For field dependent basis. First order overlap matrix is non-zero.
    The first order orbitals are set to
    C^1_{ij} = -1/2 S1
    e1 = h1 - s1*e0 + (e0_j-e0_i)*c1 + vhf[c1]

        hermi : boolean
            Whether the matrix defined by fvind is Hermitian or not.

        First order orbital coefficients (in MO basis) and first order orbital
        energy matrix
    log = logger.new_logger(verbose=verbose)
    t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())

    occidx = mo_occ > 0
    viridx = mo_occ == 0
    e_a = mo_energy[viridx]
    e_i = mo_energy[occidx]
    e_ai = 1 / lib.direct_sum('a-i->ai', e_a, e_i)
    nvir, nocc = e_ai.shape
    nmo = nocc + nvir

    s1 = s1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc)
    hs = mo1base = h1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc) - s1*e_i
    mo_e1 = hs[:,occidx,:].copy()

    mo1base[:,viridx] *= -e_ai
    mo1base[:,occidx] = -s1[:,occidx] * .5

    def vind_vo(mo1):
        v = fvind(mo1.reshape(h1.shape)).reshape(-1,nmo,nocc)
        v[:,viridx,:] *= e_ai
        v[:,occidx,:] = 0
        return v.ravel()
    mo1 = lib.krylov(vind_vo, mo1base.ravel(),
                     tol=tol, max_cycle=max_cycle, hermi=hermi, verbose=log)
    mo1 = mo1.reshape(mo1base.shape)
    log.timer('krylov solver in CPHF', *t0)

    v1mo = fvind(mo1.reshape(h1.shape)).reshape(-1,nmo,nocc)
    mo1[:,viridx] = mo1base[:,viridx] - v1mo[:,viridx]*e_ai

    # mo_e1 has the same symmetry as the first order Fock matrix (hermitian or
    # anti-hermitian). mo_e1 = v1mo - s1*lib.direct_sum('i+j->ij',e_i,e_i)
    mo_e1 += mo1[:,occidx] * lib.direct_sum('i-j->ij', e_i, e_i)
    mo_e1 += v1mo[:,occidx,:]

    if h1.ndim == 3:
        return mo1, mo_e1
        return mo1.reshape(h1.shape), mo_e1.reshape(nocc,nocc)
Example #26
def _make_eris(mp, mo_coeff=None, ao2mofn=None, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mp, verbose)
    time0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    eris = _ChemistsERIs(mp, mo_coeff)

    nocca, noccb = mp.get_nocc()
    nmoa, nmob = mp.get_nmo()
    nvira, nvirb = nmoa-nocca, nmob-noccb
    nao = eris.mo_coeff[0].shape[0]
    nmo_pair = nmoa * (nmoa+1) // 2
    nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
    mem_incore = (nao_pair**2 + nmo_pair**2) * 8/1e6
    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    max_memory = max(0, mp.max_memory-mem_now)

    moa = eris.mo_coeff[0]
    mob = eris.mo_coeff[1]
    orboa = moa[:,:nocca]
    orbob = mob[:,:noccb]
    orbva = moa[:,nocca:]
    orbvb = mob[:,noccb:]

    if (mp.mol.incore_anyway or
        (mp._scf._eri is not None and mem_incore+mem_now < mp.max_memory)):
        log.debug('transform (ia|jb) incore')
        if callable(ao2mofn):
            eris.ovov = ao2mofn((orboa,orbva,orboa,orbva)).reshape(nocca*nvira,nocca*nvira)
            eris.ovOV = ao2mofn((orboa,orbva,orbob,orbvb)).reshape(nocca*nvira,noccb*nvirb)
            eris.OVOV = ao2mofn((orbob,orbvb,orbob,orbvb)).reshape(noccb*nvirb,noccb*nvirb)
            eris.ovov = ao2mo.general(mp._scf._eri, (orboa,orbva,orboa,orbva))
            eris.ovOV = ao2mo.general(mp._scf._eri, (orboa,orbva,orbob,orbvb))
            eris.OVOV = ao2mo.general(mp._scf._eri, (orbob,orbvb,orbob,orbvb))

    elif getattr(mp._scf, 'with_df', None):
        logger.warn(mp, 'UMP2 detected DF being used in the HF object. '
                    'MO integrals are computed based on the DF 3-index tensors.\n'
                    'It\'s recommended to use DF-UMP2 module.')
        log.debug('transform (ia|jb) with_df')
        eris.ovov = mp._scf.with_df.ao2mo((orboa,orbva,orboa,orbva))
        eris.ovOV = mp._scf.with_df.ao2mo((orboa,orbva,orbob,orbvb))
        eris.OVOV = mp._scf.with_df.ao2mo((orbob,orbvb,orbob,orbvb))

        log.debug('transform (ia|jb) outcore')
        eris.feri = lib.H5TmpFile()
        _ao2mo_ovov(mp, (orboa,orbva,orbob,orbvb), eris.feri,
                    max(2000, max_memory), log)
        eris.ovov = eris.feri['ovov']
        eris.ovOV = eris.feri['ovOV']
        eris.OVOV = eris.feri['OVOV']

    time1 = log.timer('Integral transformation', *time0)
    return eris
Example #27
def hyper_polarizability(polobj, with_cphf=True):
    from pyscf.prop.nmr import uhf as uhf_nmr
    log = logger.new_logger(polobj)
    mf = polobj._scf
    mol = mf.mol
    mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    occidxa = mo_occ[0] > 0
    occidxb = mo_occ[1] > 0
    mo0a, mo0b = mo_coeff
    orboa = mo0a[:, occidxa]
    orbva = mo0a[:,~occidxa]
    orbob = mo0b[:, occidxb]
    orbvb = mo0b[:,~occidxb]

    charges = mol.atom_charges()
    coords  = mol.atom_coords()
    charge_center = numpy.einsum('i,ix->x', charges, coords) / charges.sum()
    with mol.with_common_orig(charge_center):
        int_r = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_r', comp=3)

    h1a = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', int_r, mo0a.conj(), orboa)
    h1b = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', int_r, mo0b.conj(), orbob)
    s1a = numpy.zeros_like(h1a)
    s1b = numpy.zeros_like(h1b)
    vind = polobj.gen_vind(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
    if with_cphf:
        mo1, e1 = ucphf.solve(vind, mo_energy, mo_occ, (h1a,h1b), (s1a,s1b),
                              polobj.max_cycle_cphf, polobj.conv_tol, verbose=log)
        mo1, e1 = uhf_nmr._solve_mo1_uncoupled(mo_energy, mo_occ, (h1a,h1b),
    mo1a = lib.einsum('xqi,pq->xpi', mo1[0], mo0a)
    mo1b = lib.einsum('xqi,pq->xpi', mo1[1], mo0b)

    dm1a = lib.einsum('xpi,qi->xpq', mo1a, orboa)
    dm1b = lib.einsum('xpi,qi->xpq', mo1b, orbob)
    dm1a = dm1a + dm1a.transpose(0,2,1)
    dm1b = dm1b + dm1b.transpose(0,2,1)
    vresp = _gen_uhf_response(mf, hermi=1)
    h1ao = int_r + vresp(numpy.stack((dm1a, dm1b)))
    s0 = mf.get_ovlp()
    e3  = lib.einsum('xpq,ypi,zqi->xyz', h1ao[0], mo1a, mo1a)
    e3 += lib.einsum('xpq,ypi,zqi->xyz', h1ao[1], mo1b, mo1b)
    e3 -= lib.einsum('pq,xpi,yqj,zij->xyz', s0, mo1a, mo1a, e1[0])
    e3 -= lib.einsum('pq,xpi,yqj,zij->xyz', s0, mo1b, mo1b, e1[1])
    e3 = (e3 + e3.transpose(1,2,0) + e3.transpose(2,0,1) +
          e3.transpose(0,2,1) + e3.transpose(1,0,2) + e3.transpose(2,1,0))
    e3 = -e3
    log.debug('Static hyper polarizability tensor\n%s', e3)
    return e3
Example #28
def make_h10(mol, dm0, gauge_orig=None, verbose=logger.WARN):
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose=verbose)
    if gauge_orig is None:
        # A10_i dot p + p dot A10_i consistents with <p^2 g>
        # A10_j dot p + p dot A10_j consistents with <g p^2>
        # A10_j dot p + p dot A10_j => i/2 (rjxp - pxrj) = irjxp
        log.debug('First-order GIAO Fock matrix')
        h1 = -.5 * mol.intor('int1e_giao_irjxp', 3) + make_h10giao(mol, dm0)
        with mol.with_common_origin(gauge_orig):
            h1 = -.5 * mol.intor('int1e_cg_irxp', 3)
            h1 = (h1, h1)
    return h1
Example #29
    def kernel(self, t2=None, atmlst=None, mf_grad=None, verbose=None,
        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
        if t2 is None: t2 = self.base.t2
        if t2 is None: t2 = self.base.kernel()
        if atmlst is None:
            atmlst = self.atmlst
            self.atmlst = atmlst

        self.de = _kern(self.base, t2, atmlst, mf_grad, verbose=log)
        return self.de
Example #30
 def guess_wfnsym(self, norb, nelec, fcivec=None, orbsym=None, wfnsym=None,
     if orbsym is None:
         orbsym = self.orbsym
     if fcivec is None:
         wfnsym = direct_spin1_symm._id_wfnsym(self, norb, nelec, orbsym,
         strsa, strsb = getattr(fcivec, '_strs', self._strs)
         wfnsym = addons._guess_wfnsym(fcivec, strsa, strsb, orbsym)
     verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', None)
     log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
     log.debug('Guessing CI wfn symmetry = %s', wfnsym)
     return wfnsym
Example #31
def _partial_hess_ejk(hessobj, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None,
                      atmlst=None, max_memory=4000, verbose=None, with_k=True):
    '''Partial derivative
    log = logger.new_logger(hessobj, verbose)
    time0 = t1 = (time.clock(), time.time())

    mol = hessobj.mol
    mf = hessobj.base
    if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    if mo_occ is None:    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    if mo_coeff is None:  mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    if atmlst is None: atmlst = range(mol.natm)

    nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape
    mocc = mo_coeff[:,mo_occ>0]
    mocc_2 = np.einsum('pi,i->pi', mocc, mo_occ[mo_occ>0]**.5)
    nocc = mocc.shape[1]
    dm0 = numpy.dot(mocc, mocc.T) * 2
    # Energy weighted density matrix
    dme0 = numpy.einsum('pi,qi,i->pq', mocc, mocc, mo_energy[mo_occ>0]) * 2

    auxmol = hessobj.base.with_df.auxmol
    naux = auxmol.nao
    nbas = mol.nbas
    auxslices = auxmol.aoslice_by_atom()
    aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
    aux_loc = auxmol.ao_loc
    blksize = min(480, hessobj.max_memory*.3e6/8/nao**2)
    aux_ranges = ao2mo.outcore.balance_partition(auxmol.ao_loc, blksize)

    hcore_deriv = hessobj.hcore_generator(mol)
    s1aa, s1ab, s1a = rhf_hess.get_ovlp(mol)

    ftmp = lib.H5TmpFile()
    get_int3c = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e', 's1')
# Without RI basis response
#    (20|0)(0|00)
#    (11|0)(0|00)
#    (10|0)(0|10)
    int2c = auxmol.intor('int2c2e', aosym='s1')
    int2c_low = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(int2c, lower=True)
    int2c_ip1 = auxmol.intor('int2c2e_ip1', aosym='s1')

    rhoj0_P = 0
    if with_k:
        if hessobj.max_memory*.8e6/8 < naux*nocc*(nocc+nao):
            raise RuntimeError('Memory not enough. You need to increase mol.max_memory')
        rhok0_Pl_ = np.empty((naux,nao,nocc))
    for i, (shl0, shl1, p0, p1) in enumerate(aoslices):
        int3c = get_int3c((shl0, shl1, 0, nbas, 0, auxmol.nbas))
        rhoj0_P += np.einsum('klp,kl->p', int3c, dm0[p0:p1])
        if with_k:
            tmp = lib.einsum('ijp,jk->pik', int3c, mocc_2)
            tmp = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(int2c_low, tmp.reshape(naux,-1), overwrite_b=True)
            rhok0_Pl_[:,p0:p1] = tmp.reshape(naux,p1-p0,nocc)
        int3c = tmp = None
    rhoj0_P = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(int2c_low, rhoj0_P)

    get_int3c_ipip1 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ipip1', 's1')
    vj1_diag = 0
    vk1_diag = 0
    for shl0, shl1, nL in aux_ranges:
        shls_slice = (0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)
        p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1]
        int3c_ipip1 = get_int3c_ipip1(shls_slice)
        vj1_diag += np.einsum('xijp,p->xij', int3c_ipip1, rhoj0_P[p0:p1]).reshape(3,3,nao,nao)
        if with_k:
            tmp = lib.einsum('Plj,Jj->PlJ', rhok0_Pl_[p0:p1], mocc_2)
            vk1_diag += lib.einsum('xijp,plj->xil', int3c_ipip1, tmp).reshape(3,3,nao,nao)
    int3c_ipip1 = get_int3c_ipip1 = tmp = None
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('contracting int2e_ipip1', *t1)

    get_int3c_ip1 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip1', 's1')
    rho_ip1 = ftmp.create_dataset('rho_ip1', (nao,nao,naux,3), 'f8')
    rhok_ip1_IkP = ftmp.create_group('rhok_ip1_IkP')
    rhok_ip1_PkI = ftmp.create_group('rhok_ip1_PkI')
    rhoj1 = np.empty((mol.natm,naux,3))
    wj1 = np.empty((mol.natm,naux,3))
    for i0, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia]
        shls_slice = (shl0, shl1, 0, nbas, 0, auxmol.nbas)
        int3c_ip1 = get_int3c_ip1(shls_slice)
        tmp_ip1 = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(int2c_low, int3c_ip1.reshape(-1,naux).T,
        rhoj1[i0] = np.einsum('pxij,ji->px', tmp_ip1, dm0[:,p0:p1])
        wj1[i0] = np.einsum('xijp,ji->px', int3c_ip1, dm0[:,p0:p1])
        rho_ip1[p0:p1] = tmp_ip1.transpose(2,3,0,1)
        if with_k:
            tmp = lib.einsum('pykl,li->ikpy', tmp_ip1, dm0)
            rhok_ip1_IkP['%.4d'%ia] = tmp
            rhok_ip1_PkI['%.4d'%ia] = tmp.transpose(2,1,0,3)
            tmp = None
    ej = lib.einsum('ipx,jpy->ijxy', rhoj1, wj1) * 4
    ek = np.zeros_like(ej)
    e1 = np.zeros_like(ej)
    rhoj1 = wj1 = None

    if with_k:
        vk2buf = 0
        for shl0, shl1, nL in aux_ranges:
            shls_slice = (0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)
            p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1]
            int3c_ip1 = get_int3c_ip1(shls_slice)
            vk2buf += lib.einsum('xijp,pkjy->xyki', int3c_ip1,
                                 _load_dim0(rhok_ip1_PkI, p0, p1))
            int3c_ip1 = None

    get_int3c_ip2 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip2', 's1')
    wj_ip2 = np.empty((naux,3))
    wk_ip2_Ipk = ftmp.create_dataset('wk_ip2', (nao,naux,3,nao), 'f8')
    if hessobj.auxbasis_response > 1:
        wk_ip2_P__ = np.empty((naux,3,nocc,nocc))
    for shl0, shl1, nL in aux_ranges:
        shls_slice = (0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)
        p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1]
        int3c_ip2 = get_int3c_ip2(shls_slice)
        wj_ip2[p0:p1] = np.einsum('yklp,lk->py', int3c_ip2, dm0)
        if with_k:
            wk_ip2_Ipk[:,p0:p1] = lib.einsum('yklp,il->ipyk', int3c_ip2, dm0)
            if hessobj.auxbasis_response > 1:
                wk_ip2_P__[p0:p1] = lib.einsum('xuvp,ui,vj->pxij', int3c_ip2, mocc_2, mocc_2)
        int3c_ip2 = None

    if hessobj.auxbasis_response > 1:
        get_int3c_ipip2 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ipip2', 's1')
        rhok0_P__ = lib.einsum('plj,li->pij', rhok0_Pl_, mocc_2)
        rho2c_0 = lib.einsum('pij,qji->pq', rhok0_P__, rhok0_P__)

        int2c_inv = np.linalg.inv(int2c)
        int2c_ipip1 = auxmol.intor('int2c2e_ipip1', aosym='s1')
        int2c_ip_ip  = lib.einsum('xpq,qr,ysr->xyps', int2c_ip1, int2c_inv, int2c_ip1)
        int2c_ip_ip -= auxmol.intor('int2c2e_ip1ip2', aosym='s1').reshape(3,3,naux,naux)
    int2c = int2c_low = None

    get_int3c_ipvip1 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ipvip1', 's1')
    get_int3c_ip1ip2 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip1ip2', 's1')

    for i0, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia]
        shls_slice = (shl0, shl1, 0, nbas, 0, auxmol.nbas)
        # (10|0)(0|10) without response of RI basis
        if with_k:
            int3c_ip1 = get_int3c_ip1(shls_slice)
            vk1 = lib.einsum('xijp,ikpy->xykj', int3c_ip1, _load_dim0(rhok_ip1_IkP, p0, p1))
            vk1[:,:,:,p0:p1] += vk2buf[:,:,:,p0:p1]
        t1 = log.timer_debug1('contracting int2e_ip1ip2 for atom %d'%ia, *t1)
        int3c_ip1 = None

        # (11|0)(0|00) without response of RI basis
        int3c_ipvip1 = get_int3c_ipvip1(shls_slice)
        vj1 = np.einsum('xijp,p->xji', int3c_ipvip1, rhoj0_P).reshape(3,3,nao,p1-p0)
        if with_k:
            tmp = lib.einsum('pki,ji->pkj', rhok0_Pl_, mocc_2[p0:p1])
            vk1 += lib.einsum('xijp,pki->xjk', int3c_ipvip1, tmp).reshape(3,3,nao,nao)
        t1 = log.timer_debug1('contracting int2e_ipvip1 for atom %d'%ia, *t1)
        int3c_ipvip1 = tmp = None

        e1[i0,i0] -= numpy.einsum('xypq,pq->xy', s1aa[:,:,p0:p1], dme0[p0:p1])*2
        ej[i0,i0] += numpy.einsum('xypq,pq->xy', vj1_diag[:,:,p0:p1], dm0[p0:p1])*2
        if with_k:
            ek[i0,i0] += numpy.einsum('xypq,pq->xy', vk1_diag[:,:,p0:p1], dm0[p0:p1])

        for j0, ja in enumerate(atmlst[:i0+1]):
            q0, q1 = aoslices[ja][2:]
            ej[i0,j0] += numpy.einsum('xypq,pq->xy', vj1[:,:,q0:q1], dm0[q0:q1,p0:p1])*2
            e1[i0,j0] -= numpy.einsum('xypq,pq->xy', s1ab[:,:,p0:p1,q0:q1], dme0[p0:p1,q0:q1])*2
            if with_k:
                ek[i0,j0] += numpy.einsum('xypq,pq->xy', vk1[:,:,q0:q1], dm0[q0:q1])

            h1ao = hcore_deriv(ia, ja)
            e1[i0,j0] += numpy.einsum('xypq,pq->xy', h1ao, dm0)

# The first order RI basis response
#    (10|1)(0|00)
#    (10|0)(1|0)(0|00)
#    (10|0)(0|1)(0|00)
#    (10|0)(1|00)
        if hessobj.auxbasis_response:
            wk1_Pij = rho_ip1[p0:p1].transpose(2,3,0,1)
            rhoj1_P = np.einsum('pxij,ji->px', wk1_Pij, dm0[:,p0:p1])
            # (10|1)(0|0)(0|00)
            int3c_ip1ip2 = get_int3c_ip1ip2(shls_slice)
            wj11_p = np.einsum('xijp,ji->xp', int3c_ip1ip2, dm0[:,p0:p1])
            # (10|0)(1|0)(0|00)
            wj0_01 = np.einsum('ypq,q->yp', int2c_ip1, rhoj0_P)
            if with_k:
                rhok0_P_I = lib.einsum('plj,il->pji', rhok0_Pl_, dm0[p0:p1])
                rhok0_PJI = lib.einsum('pji,Jj->pJi', rhok0_P_I, mocc_2)
                wk1_pJI = lib.einsum('ypq,qji->ypji', int2c_ip1, rhok0_PJI)
                wk1_IpJ = lib.einsum('ipyk,kj->ipyj', wk_ip2_Ipk[p0:p1], dm0)
                #rho2c_PQ = lib.einsum('qij,uj,iupx->xqp', rhok0_Pl_, mocc_2[p0:p1], rhok_ip1_IkP['%.4d'%ia])
                rho2c_PQ = lib.einsum('pxij,qji->xqp', wk1_Pij, rhok0_PJI)
            for j0, (q0, q1) in enumerate(auxslices[:,2:]):
                # (10|1)(0|00)
                _ej  = np.einsum('xp,p->x', wj11_p[:,q0:q1], rhoj0_P[q0:q1]).reshape(3,3)
                # (10|0)(0|1)(0|00)
                _ej -= lib.einsum('yqp,q,px->xy', int2c_ip1[:,q0:q1], rhoj0_P[q0:q1], rhoj1_P)
                # (10|0)(1|0)(0|00)
                _ej -= lib.einsum('px,yp->xy', rhoj1_P[q0:q1], wj0_01[:,q0:q1])
                # (10|0)(1|00)
                _ej += lib.einsum('px,py->xy', rhoj1_P[q0:q1], wj_ip2[q0:q1])
                if hessobj.auxbasis_response > 1:
                    ej[i0,j0] += _ej * 2
                    ej[j0,i0] += _ej.T * 2
                    ej[i0,j0] += _ej
                    ej[j0,i0] += _ej.T
                if with_k:
                    _ek  = lib.einsum('xijp,pji->x', int3c_ip1ip2[:,:,:,q0:q1],
                    _ek -= lib.einsum('pxij,ypji->xy', wk1_Pij[q0:q1], wk1_pJI[:,q0:q1])
                    _ek -= lib.einsum('xqp,yqp->xy', rho2c_PQ[:,q0:q1], int2c_ip1[:,q0:q1])
                    _ek += lib.einsum('pxij,ipyj->xy', wk1_Pij[q0:q1], wk1_IpJ[:,q0:q1])
                    if hessobj.auxbasis_response > 1:
                        ek[i0,j0] += _ek
                        ek[j0,i0] += _ek.T
                        ek[i0,j0] += _ek * .5
                        ek[j0,i0] += _ek.T * .5
            int3c_ip1ip2 = rhok0_P_I = rhok0_PJI = wk1_pJI = wk1_IpJ = rho2c_PQ = None

# The second order RI basis response
        if hessobj.auxbasis_response > 1:
            # (00|2)(0|00)
            # (00|0)(2|0)(0|00)
            shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = auxslices[ia]
            shls_slice = (0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)
            int3c_ipip2 = get_int3c_ipip2(shls_slice)
            ej[i0,i0] += np.einsum('xijp,ji,p->x', int3c_ipip2, dm0, rhoj0_P[p0:p1]).reshape(3,3)
            ej[i0,i0] -= np.einsum('p,xpq,q->x', rhoj0_P[p0:p1], int2c_ipip1[:,p0:p1], rhoj0_P).reshape(3,3)

            if with_k:
                rhok0_PJI = lib.einsum('Pij,Jj,Ii->PJI', rhok0_P__[p0:p1], mocc_2, mocc_2)
                ek[i0,i0] += .5 * np.einsum('xijp,pij->x', int3c_ipip2, rhok0_PJI).reshape(3,3)
                ek[i0,i0] -= .5 * np.einsum('pq,xpq->x', rho2c_0[p0:p1], int2c_ipip1[:,p0:p1]).reshape(3,3)
                rhok0_PJI = None
            # (00|0)(1|1)(0|00)
            # (00|1)(1|0)(0|00)
            # (00|1)(0|1)(0|00)
            # (00|1)(1|00)
            rhoj1 = lib.einsum('px,pq->xq', wj_ip2[p0:p1], int2c_inv[p0:p1])
            # (00|0)(0|1)(1|0)(0|00)
            rhoj0_01 = lib.einsum('xp,pq->xq', wj0_01[:,p0:p1], int2c_inv[p0:p1])
            # (00|0)(1|0)(1|0)(0|00)
            ip1_2c_2c = lib.einsum('xpq,qr->xpr', int2c_ip1[:,p0:p1], int2c_inv)
            rhoj0_10 = lib.einsum('p,xpq->xq', rhoj0_P[p0:p1], ip1_2c_2c)
            if with_k:
                # (00|0)(0|1)(1|0)(0|00)
                ip1_rho2c = .5 * lib.einsum('xpq,qr->xpr', int2c_ip1[:,p0:p1], rho2c_0)
                rho2c_1  = lib.einsum('xrq,rp->xpq', ip1_rho2c, int2c_inv[p0:p1])
                # (00|0)(1|0)(1|0)(0|00)
                rho2c_1 += lib.einsum('xrp,rq->xpq', ip1_2c_2c, rho2c_0[p0:p1])
                # (00|1)(0|1)(0|00)
                # (00|1)(1|0)(0|00)
                int3c_ip2 = get_int3c_ip2(shls_slice)
                tmp = lib.einsum('xuvr,vj,ui->xrij', int3c_ip2, mocc_2, mocc_2)
                tmp = lib.einsum('xrij,qij,rp->xpq', tmp, rhok0_P__, int2c_inv[p0:p1])
                rho2c_1 -= tmp
                rho2c_1 -= tmp.transpose(0,2,1)
                int3c_ip2 = tmp = None
            for j0, (q0, q1) in enumerate(auxslices[:,2:]):
                _ej  = 0
                # (00|0)(1|1)(0|00)
                # (00|0)(1|0)(0|1)(0|00)
                _ej += .5 * np.einsum('p,xypq,q->xy', rhoj0_P[p0:p1], int2c_ip_ip[:,:,p0:p1,q0:q1], rhoj0_P[q0:q1])
                # (00|1)(1|0)(0|00)
                _ej -= lib.einsum('xp,yp->xy', rhoj1[:,q0:q1], wj0_01[:,q0:q1])
                # (00|1)(1|00)
                _ej += .5 * lib.einsum('xp,py->xy', rhoj1[:,q0:q1], wj_ip2[q0:q1])
                # (00|0)(0|1)(1|0)(0|00)
                _ej += .5 * np.einsum('xp,yp->xy', rhoj0_01[:,q0:q1], wj0_01[:,q0:q1])
                # (00|1)(0|1)(0|00)
                _ej -= lib.einsum('yqp,q,xp->xy', int2c_ip1[:,q0:q1], rhoj0_P[q0:q1], rhoj1)
                # (00|0)(1|0)(1|0)(0|00)
                _ej += np.einsum('xp,yp->xy', rhoj0_10[:,q0:q1], wj0_01[:,q0:q1])
                ej[i0,j0] += _ej
                ej[j0,i0] += _ej.T
                if with_k:
                    # (00|0)(1|1)(0|00)
                    # (00|0)(1|0)(0|1)(0|00)
                    _ek  = .5 * np.einsum('pq,xypq->xy', rho2c_0[p0:p1,q0:q1], int2c_ip_ip[:,:,p0:p1,q0:q1])
                    # (00|1)(0|1)(0|00)
                    # (00|1)(1|0)(0|00)
                    # (00|0)(0|1)(1|0)(0|00)
                    # (00|0)(1|0)(1|0)(0|00)
                    _ek += np.einsum('xpq,ypq->xy', rho2c_1[:,q0:q1], int2c_ip1[:,q0:q1])
                    # (00|1)(1|00)
                    _ek += .5 * lib.einsum('pxij,pq,qyij->xy', wk_ip2_P__[p0:p1],
                                       int2c_inv[p0:p1,q0:q1], wk_ip2_P__[q0:q1])
                    ek[i0,j0] += _ek * .5
                    ek[j0,i0] += _ek.T * .5

    for i0, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        for j0 in range(i0):
            e1[j0,i0] = e1[i0,j0].T
            ej[j0,i0] = ej[i0,j0].T
            ek[j0,i0] = ek[i0,j0].T

    log.timer('RHF partial hessian', *time0)
    return e1, ej, ek
Example #32
def cas_natorb(mc,
    '''Transform active orbitals to natrual orbitals, and update the CI wfn

        mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object

        sort : bool
            Sort natural orbitals wrt the occupancy.

        A tuple, the first item is natural orbitals, the second is updated CI
        coefficients, the third is the natural occupancy associated to the
        natural orbitals.
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
    from pyscf.tools.mo_mapping import mo_1to1map
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
    log = logger.new_logger(mc, verbose)
    ncore = mc.ncore
    ncas = mc.ncas
    nocc = ncore + ncas
    nelecas = mc.nelecas
    if casdm1 is None:
        casdm1 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci, ncas, nelecas)
    # orbital symmetry is reserved in this _eig call
    occ, ucas = mc._eig(-casdm1, ncore, nocc)
    if sort:
        casorb_idx = numpy.argsort(occ.round(9), kind='mergesort')
        occ = occ[casorb_idx]
        ucas = ucas[:, casorb_idx]

# restore phase
# where_natorb gives the location of the natural orbital for the input cas
# orbitals.  gen_strings4orblist map thes sorted strings (on CAS orbital) to
# the unsorted determinant strings (on natural orbital). e.g.  (3o,2e) system
#       CAS orbital      1  2  3
#       natural orbital  3  1  2        <= by mo_1to1map
#       CASorb-strings   0b011, 0b101, 0b110
#                    ==  (1,2), (1,3), (2,3)
#       natorb-strings   (3,1), (3,2), (1,2)
#                    ==  0B101, 0B110, 0B011    <= by gen_strings4orblist
# then argsort to translate the string representation to the address
#       [2(=0B011), 0(=0B101), 1(=0B110)]
# to indicate which CASorb-strings address to be loaded in each natorb-strings slot
    where_natorb = mo_1to1map(ucas)

    occ = -occ
    mo_occ = numpy.zeros(mo_coeff.shape[1])
    mo_occ[:ncore] = 2
    mo_occ[ncore:nocc] = occ

    mo_coeff1 = mo_coeff.copy()
    mo_coeff1[:, ncore:nocc] = numpy.dot(mo_coeff[:, ncore:nocc], ucas)
    if hasattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym'):
        orbsym = numpy.copy(mo_coeff.orbsym)
        if sort:
            orbsym[ncore:nocc] = orbsym[ncore:nocc][casorb_idx]
        mo_coeff1 = lib.tag_array(mo_coeff1, orbsym=orbsym)

    if isinstance(ci, numpy.ndarray):
        fcivec = fci.addons.transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(
            ci, ncas, nelecas, ucas)
    elif isinstance(ci, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(ci[0], numpy.ndarray):
        # for state-average eigenfunctions
        fcivec = [
                x, ncas, nelecas, ucas) for x in ci
        log.info('FCI vector not available, call CASCI for wavefunction')
        mocas = mo_coeff1[:, ncore:nocc]
        hcore = mc.get_hcore()
        dm_core = numpy.dot(mo_coeff1[:, :ncore] * 2, mo_coeff1[:, :ncore].T)
        ecore = mc._scf.energy_nuc()
        ecore += numpy.einsum('ij,ji', hcore, dm_core)
        h1eff = reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas.T, hcore, mocas))
        if eris is not None and hasattr(eris, 'ppaa'):
            ecore += eris.vhf_c[:ncore, :ncore].trace()
            h1eff += reduce(numpy.dot,
                            (ucas.T, eris.vhf_c[ncore:nocc, ncore:nocc], ucas))
            aaaa = ao2mo.restore(4, eris.ppaa[ncore:nocc, ncore:nocc, :, :],
            aaaa = ao2mo.incore.full(aaaa, ucas)
            if getattr(mc, 'with_df', None):
                raise NotImplementedError('cas_natorb for DFCASCI/DFCASSCF')
            corevhf = mc.get_veff(mc.mol, dm_core)
            ecore += numpy.einsum('ij,ji', dm_core, corevhf) * .5
            h1eff += reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas.T, corevhf, mocas))
            aaaa = ao2mo.kernel(mc.mol, mocas)

        # See label_symmetry_ function in casci_symm.py which initialize the
        # orbital symmetry information in fcisolver.  This orbital symmetry
        # labels should be reordered to match the sorted active space orbitals.
        if hasattr(mo_coeff1, 'orbsym') and sort:
            mc.fcisolver.orbsym = mo_coeff1.orbsym[ncore:nocc]

        max_memory = max(400, mc.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0])
        e, fcivec = mc.fcisolver.kernel(h1eff,
        log.debug('In Natural orbital, CASCI energy = %s', e)

    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
        ovlp_ao = mc._scf.get_ovlp()
        log.debug('where_natorb %s', str(where_natorb))
        log.info('Natural occ %s', str(occ))
        if with_meta_lowdin:
                'Natural orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) in CAS space')
            label = mc.mol.ao_labels()
            orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(mc.mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
            mo_cas = reduce(numpy.dot,
                            (orth_coeff.T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff1[:, ncore:nocc]))
            log.info('Natural orbital (expansion on AOs) in CAS space')
            label = mc.mol.ao_labels()
            mo_cas = mo_coeff1[:, ncore:nocc]
        dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mo_cas, label, start=1)

        if mc._scf.mo_coeff is not None:
            s = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff1[:, ncore:nocc].T,
                                   mc._scf.get_ovlp(), mc._scf.mo_coeff))
            idx = numpy.argwhere(abs(s) > .4)
            for i, j in idx:
                log.info('<CAS-nat-orb|mo-hf>  %d  %d  %12.8f', ncore + i + 1,
                         j + 1, s[i, j])
    return mo_coeff1, fcivec, mo_occ
Example #33
def analyze(casscf, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, verbose=logger.INFO,
            large_ci_tol=.1, **kwargs):
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
    log = logger.new_logger(casscf, verbose)

    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casscf.mo_coeff
    if ci is None: ci = casscf.ci
    nelecas = casscf.nelecas
    ncas = casscf.ncas
    ncore = casscf.ncore
    nocc = ncore + ncas
    label = casscf.mol.ao_labels()

    if isinstance(ci, (tuple, list)):
        ci0 = ci[0]
        log.info('** Natural natural orbitals are based on the first root **')
        ci0 = ci
    if ci0 is None and hasattr(casscf, 'casdm1'):
        casdm1 = casscf.casdm1
        mocore = mo_coeff[:,:ncore]
        mocas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
        dm1a =(numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.T) * 2
             + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1, mocas.T)))
        dm1b = None
        dm1 = dm1a
    elif hasattr(casscf.fcisolver, 'make_rdm1s'):
        casdm1a, casdm1b = casscf.fcisolver.make_rdm1s(ci0, ncas, nelecas)
        casdm1 = casdm1a + casdm1b
        mocore = mo_coeff[:,:ncore]
        mocas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
        dm1b = numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.T)
        dm1a = dm1b + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1a, mocas.T))
        dm1b += reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1b, mocas.T))
        dm1 = dm1a + dm1b
        if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
            log.info('alpha density matrix (on AO)')
            dump_mat.dump_tri(log.stdout, dm1a, label, **kwargs)
            log.info('beta density matrix (on AO)')
            dump_mat.dump_tri(log.stdout, dm1b, label, **kwargs)
        casdm1 = casscf.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci0, ncas, nelecas)
        mocore = mo_coeff[:,:ncore]
        mocas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
        dm1a =(numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.T) * 2
             + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1, mocas.T)))
        dm1b = None
        dm1 = dm1a

    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
        ovlp_ao = casscf._scf.get_ovlp()
        # note the last two args of ._eig for mc1step_symm
        occ, ucas = casscf._eig(-casdm1, ncore, nocc)
        log.info('Natural occ %s', str(-occ))
        for i, k in enumerate(numpy.argmax(abs(ucas), axis=0)):
            if ucas[k,i] < 0:
                ucas[:,i] *= -1
        orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(casscf.mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
        mo_cas = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc], ucas))
        log.info('Natural orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) in CAS space')
        dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mo_cas, label, start=1, **kwargs)
        if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
            if not casscf.natorb:
                log.debug2('NOTE: mc.mo_coeff in active space is different to '
                           'the natural orbital coefficients printed in above.')
            log.debug2(' ** CASCI/CASSCF orbital coefficients (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) **')
            c = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff))
            dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, c, label, start=1, **kwargs)

        if casscf._scf.mo_coeff is not None:
            s = reduce(numpy.dot, (casscf.mo_coeff.T, ovlp_ao, casscf._scf.mo_coeff))
            idx = numpy.argwhere(abs(s)>.4)
            for i,j in idx:
                log.info('<mo-mcscf|mo-hf> %d  %d  %12.8f', i+1, j+1, s[i,j])

        if hasattr(casscf.fcisolver, 'large_ci') and ci is not None:
            log.info('** Largest CI components **')
            if isinstance(ci, (tuple, list)):
                for i, civec in enumerate(ci):
                    res = casscf.fcisolver.large_ci(civec, casscf.ncas, casscf.nelecas,
                                                    large_ci_tol, return_strs=False)
                    log.info('  [alpha occ-orbitals] [beta occ-orbitals]  state %-3d CI coefficient', i)
                    for c,ia,ib in res:
                        log.info('  %-20s %-30s %.12f', ia, ib, c)
                log.info('  [alpha occ-orbitals] [beta occ-orbitals]            CI coefficient')
                res = casscf.fcisolver.large_ci(ci, casscf.ncas, casscf.nelecas,
                                                large_ci_tol, return_strs=False)
                for c,ia,ib in res:
                    log.info('  %-20s %-30s %.12f', ia, ib, c)

        casscf._scf.mulliken_meta(casscf.mol, dm1, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
    return dm1a, dm1b
Example #34
def _contract_vvvv_t2(mycc, mol, vvL, t2, out=None, verbose=None):
    '''Ht2 = numpy.einsum('ijcd,acdb->ijab', t2, vvvv)

        vvvv : None or integral object
            if vvvv is None, contract t2 to AO-integrals using AO-direct algorithm
    _dgemm = lib.numpy_helper._dgemm
    time0 = time.clock(), time.time()
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose)

    naux = vvL.shape[-1]
    nvira, nvirb = t2.shape[-2:]
    x2 = t2.reshape(-1, nvira, nvirb)
    nocc2 = x2.shape[0]
    nvir2 = nvira * nvirb
    Ht2 = numpy.ndarray(x2.shape, buffer=out)
    Ht2[:] = 0

    max_memory = max(MEMORYMIN, mycc.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0])

    def contract_blk_(eri, i0, i1, j0, j1):
        ic = i1 - i0
        jc = j1 - j0
        #:Ht2[:,j0:j1] += numpy.einsum('xef,efab->xab', x2[:,i0:i1], eri)
        _dgemm('N', 'N', nocc2, jc * nvirb, ic * nvirb, x2.reshape(-1, nvir2),
               eri.reshape(-1, jc * nvirb), Ht2.reshape(-1, nvir2), 1, 1,
               i0 * nvirb, 0, j0 * nvirb)

        if i0 > j0:
            #:Ht2[:,i0:i1] += numpy.einsum('xef,abef->xab', x2[:,j0:j1], eri)
            _dgemm('N', 'T', nocc2, ic * nvirb, jc * nvirb,
                   x2.reshape(-1, nvir2), eri.reshape(-1, jc * nvirb),
                   Ht2.reshape(-1, nvir2), 1, 1, j0 * nvirb, 0, i0 * nvirb)

#TODO: check if vvL can be entirely loaded into memory

    nvir_pair = nvirb * (nvirb + 1) // 2
    dmax = numpy.sqrt(max_memory * .7e6 / 8 / nvirb**2 / 2)
    dmax = int(min((nvira + 3) // 4, max(ccsd.BLKMIN, dmax)))
    vvblk = (max_memory * 1e6 / 8 - dmax**2 * (nvirb**2 * 1.5 + naux)) / naux
    vvblk = int(min((nvira + 3) // 4, max(ccsd.BLKMIN, vvblk / naux)))
    eribuf = numpy.empty((dmax, dmax, nvir_pair))
    loadbuf = numpy.empty((dmax, dmax, nvirb, nvirb))
    tril2sq = lib.square_mat_in_trilu_indices(nvira)

    for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, nvira, dmax):
        off0 = i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2
        off1 = i1 * (i1 + 1) // 2
        vvL0 = _cp(vvL[off0:off1])
        for j0, j1 in lib.prange(0, i1, dmax):
            ijL = vvL0[tril2sq[i0:i1, j0:j1] - off0].reshape(-1, naux)
            eri = numpy.ndarray(((i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0), nvir_pair),
            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nvir_pair, vvblk):
                vvL1 = _cp(vvL[p0:p1])
                eri[:, p0:p1] = lib.ddot(ijL, vvL1.T)
                vvL1 = None

            tmp = numpy.ndarray((i1 - i0, nvirb, j1 - j0, nvirb),
                                   (ctypes.c_int * 4)(i0, i1, j0, j1),
            contract_blk_(tmp, i0, i1, j0, j1)
            time0 = log.timer_debug1('vvvv [%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (i0, i1, j0, j1),
    return Ht2.reshape(t2.shape)
Example #35
def analyze(casscf,
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
    from pyscf.mcscf import addons
    log = logger.new_logger(casscf, verbose)

    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casscf.mo_coeff
    if ci is None: ci = casscf.ci
    nelecas = casscf.nelecas
    ncas = casscf.ncas
    ncore = casscf.ncore
    nocc = ncore + ncas
    mocore = mo_coeff[:, :ncore]
    mocas = mo_coeff[:, ncore:nocc]

    label = casscf.mol.ao_labels()
    if (isinstance(ci, (list, tuple)) and
            not isinstance(casscf.fcisolver, addons.StateAverageFCISolver)):
        log.warn('Mulitple states found in CASCI/CASSCF solver. Density '
                 'matrix of first state is generated in .analyze() function.')
        civec = ci[0]
        civec = ci
    if hasattr(casscf.fcisolver, 'make_rdm1s'):
        casdm1a, casdm1b = casscf.fcisolver.make_rdm1s(civec, ncas, nelecas)
        casdm1 = casdm1a + casdm1b
        dm1b = numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.T)
        dm1a = dm1b + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1a, mocas.T))
        dm1b += reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1b, mocas.T))
        dm1 = dm1a + dm1b
        if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
            log.info('alpha density matrix (on AO)')
            dump_mat.dump_tri(log.stdout, dm1a, label, **kwargs)
            log.info('beta density matrix (on AO)')
            dump_mat.dump_tri(log.stdout, dm1b, label, **kwargs)
        casdm1 = casscf.fcisolver.make_rdm1(civec, ncas, nelecas)
        dm1a = (numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.T) * 2 +
                reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1, mocas.T)))
        dm1b = None
        dm1 = dm1a

    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
        ovlp_ao = casscf._scf.get_ovlp()
        # note the last two args of ._eig for mc1step_symm
        occ, ucas = casscf._eig(-casdm1, ncore, nocc)
        log.info('Natural occ %s', str(-occ))
        mocas = numpy.dot(mocas, ucas)
        if with_meta_lowdin:
                'Natural orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) in CAS space')
            orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(casscf.mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
            mocas = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.T, ovlp_ao, mocas))
            log.info('Natural orbital (expansion on AOs) in CAS space')
        dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mocas, label, start=1, **kwargs)
        if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
            if not casscf.natorb:
                    'NOTE: mc.mo_coeff in active space is different to '
                    'the natural orbital coefficients printed in above.')
            if with_meta_lowdin:
                c = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff))
                log.debug2('MCSCF orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs)')
                c = mo_coeff
                log.debug2('MCSCF orbital (expansion on AOs)')
            dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, c, label, start=1, **kwargs)

        if casscf._scf.mo_coeff is not None:
            addons.map2hf(casscf, casscf._scf.mo_coeff)

        if hasattr(casscf.fcisolver, 'large_ci') and ci is not None:
            log.info('** Largest CI components **')
            if isinstance(ci, (tuple, list)):
                for i, civec in enumerate(ci):
                    res = casscf.fcisolver.large_ci(civec,
                        '  [alpha occ-orbitals] [beta occ-orbitals]  state %-3d CI coefficient',
                    for c, ia, ib in res:
                        log.info('  %-20s %-30s %.12f', ia, ib, c)
                    '  [alpha occ-orbitals] [beta occ-orbitals]            CI coefficient'
                res = casscf.fcisolver.large_ci(ci,
                for c, ia, ib in res:
                    log.info('  %-20s %-30s %.12f', ia, ib, c)

        if with_meta_lowdin:
            casscf._scf.mulliken_meta(casscf.mol, dm1, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
            casscf._scf.mulliken_pop(casscf.mol, dm1, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
    return dm1a, dm1b
Example #36
def ucphf_with_freq(mf,
    log = logger.new_logger(verbose=verbose)
    t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())

    occidxa = mo_occ[0] > 0
    occidxb = mo_occ[1] > 0
    viridxa = ~occidxa
    viridxb = ~occidxb
    mo_ea, mo_eb = mo_energy

    # e_ai - freq may produce very small elements which can cause numerical
    # issue in krylov solver
    LEVEL_SHIF = 0.1
    e_ai_a = lib.direct_sum('a-i->ai', mo_ea[viridxa], mo_ea[occidxa]).ravel()
    e_ai_b = lib.direct_sum('a-i->ai', mo_eb[viridxb], mo_eb[occidxb]).ravel()
    diag = (e_ai_a - freq, e_ai_b - freq, e_ai_a + freq, e_ai_b + freq)
    diag[0][diag[0] < LEVEL_SHIF] += LEVEL_SHIF
    diag[1][diag[1] < LEVEL_SHIF] += LEVEL_SHIF
    diag[2][diag[2] < LEVEL_SHIF] += LEVEL_SHIF
    diag[3][diag[3] < LEVEL_SHIF] += LEVEL_SHIF

    mo0a, mo0b = mf.mo_coeff
    nao, nmoa = mo0a.shape
    orbva = mo0a[:, viridxa]
    orbvb = mo0b[:, viridxb]
    orboa = mo0a[:, occidxa]
    orbob = mo0b[:, occidxb]
    nvira = orbva.shape[1]
    nvirb = orbvb.shape[1]
    nocca = orboa.shape[1]
    noccb = orbob.shape[1]
    h1a = h1[0].reshape(-1, nvira * nocca)
    h1b = h1[1].reshape(-1, nvirb * noccb)
    ncomp = h1a.shape[0]

    mo1base = numpy.hstack(
        (-h1a / diag[0], -h1b / diag[1], -h1a / diag[2], -h1b / diag[3]))

    offsets = numpy.cumsum((nocca * nvira, noccb * nvirb, nocca * nvira))
    vresp = mf.gen_response(hermi=0)

    def vind(xys):
        nz = len(xys)
        dm1a = numpy.empty((nz, nao, nao))
        dm1b = numpy.empty((nz, nao, nao))
        for i in range(nz):
            xa, xb, ya, yb = numpy.split(xys[i], offsets)
            dmx = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbva, xa.reshape(nvira, nocca), orboa.T))
            dmy = reduce(numpy.dot,
                         (orboa, ya.reshape(nvira, nocca).T, orbva.T))
            dm1a[i] = dmx + dmy  # AX + BY
            dmx = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbvb, xb.reshape(nvirb, noccb), orbob.T))
            dmy = reduce(numpy.dot,
                         (orbob, yb.reshape(nvirb, noccb).T, orbvb.T))
            dm1b[i] = dmx + dmy  # AX + BY

        v1ao = vresp(numpy.stack((dm1a, dm1b)))
        v1voa = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', v1ao[0], orbva,
                           orboa).reshape(nz, -1)
        v1vob = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', v1ao[1], orbvb,
                           orbob).reshape(nz, -1)
        v1ova = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xji', v1ao[0], orboa,
                           orbva).reshape(nz, -1)
        v1ovb = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xji', v1ao[1], orbob,
                           orbvb).reshape(nz, -1)

        for i in range(nz):
            xa, xb, ya, yb = numpy.split(xys[i], offsets)
            v1voa[i] += (e_ai_a - freq - diag[0]) * xa
            v1voa[i] /= diag[0]
            v1vob[i] += (e_ai_b - freq - diag[1]) * xb
            v1vob[i] /= diag[1]
            v1ova[i] += (e_ai_a + freq - diag[2]) * ya
            v1ova[i] /= diag[2]
            v1ovb[i] += (e_ai_b + freq - diag[3]) * yb
            v1ovb[i] /= diag[3]
        v = numpy.hstack((v1voa, v1vob, v1ova, v1ovb))
        return v

    # FIXME: krylov solver is not accurate enough for many freqs. Using tight
    # tol and lindep could offer small help. A better linear equation solver
    # is needed.
    mo1 = lib.krylov(vind,
    log.timer('krylov solver in CPHF', *t0)

    dm1a = numpy.empty((ncomp, nao, nao))
    dm1b = numpy.empty((ncomp, nao, nao))
    for i in range(ncomp):
        xa, xb, ya, yb = numpy.split(mo1[i], offsets)
        dmx = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbva, xa.reshape(nvira, nocca) * 2, orboa.T))
        dmy = reduce(numpy.dot,
                     (orboa, ya.reshape(nvira, nocca).T * 2, orbva.T))
        dm1a[i] = dmx + dmy
        dmx = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbvb, xb.reshape(nvirb, noccb) * 2, orbob.T))
        dmy = reduce(numpy.dot,
                     (orbob, yb.reshape(nvirb, noccb).T * 2, orbvb.T))
        dm1b[i] = dmx + dmy

    v1ao = vresp(numpy.stack((dm1a, dm1b)))
    mo_e1_a = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', v1ao[0], orboa, orboa)
    mo_e1_b = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', v1ao[1], orbob, orbob)
    mo_e1 = (mo_e1_a, mo_e1_b)
    xa, xb, ya, yb = numpy.split(mo1, offsets, axis=1)
    mo1 = (xa.reshape(ncomp, nvira, nocca), xb.reshape(ncomp, nvirb, noccb),
           ya.reshape(ncomp, nvira, nocca), yb.reshape(ncomp, nvirb, noccb))
    return mo1, mo_e1
Example #37
def kernel(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, conv_tol=1e-10, conv_tol_grad=None,
           max_cycle=50, dump_chk=True,
           callback=None, verbose=logger.NOTE):
    cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    mol = mf._scf.mol
    if mol != mf.mol:
        logger.warn(mf, 'dual-basis SOSCF is an experimental feature. It is '
                    'still in testing.')

    if conv_tol_grad is None:
        conv_tol_grad = numpy.sqrt(conv_tol)
        log.info('Set conv_tol_grad to %g', conv_tol_grad)
    scf_conv = False
    e_tot = mf.e_tot

# call mf._scf.get_hcore, mf._scf.get_ovlp because they might be overloaded
    h1e = mf._scf.get_hcore(mol)
    s1e = mf._scf.get_ovlp(mol)
    dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
# call mf._scf.get_veff, to avoid "newton().density_fit()" polluting get_veff
    vhf = mf._scf.get_veff(mol, dm)
    e_tot = mf._scf.energy_tot(dm, h1e, vhf)
    fock = mf.get_fock(h1e, s1e, vhf, dm, level_shift_factor=0)
    log.info('Initial guess E= %.15g  |g|= %g', e_tot,
             numpy.linalg.norm(mf._scf.get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock)))
# NOTE: DO NOT change the initial guess mo_occ, mo_coeff
    mo_energy, mo_tmp = mf.eig(fock, s1e)
    mf.get_occ(mo_energy, mo_tmp)

    if dump_chk and mf.chkfile:
        chkfile.save_mol(mol, mf.chkfile)

# Copy the integral file to soscf object to avoid the integrals being cached
# twice.
    if mol == mf.mol and not getattr(mf, 'with_df', None):
        mf._eri = mf._scf._eri

    rotaiter = rotate_orb_cc(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock, h1e, conv_tol_grad, log)
    u, g_orb, kfcount, jkcount = next(rotaiter)
    kftot = kfcount + 1
    jktot = jkcount
    cput1 = log.timer('initializing second order scf', *cput0)

    for imacro in range(max_cycle):
        dm_last = dm
        last_hf_e = e_tot
        norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
        mo_coeff = mf.rotate_mo(mo_coeff, u, log)
        dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
        vhf = mf._scf.get_veff(mol, dm, dm_last=dm_last, vhf_last=vhf)
        fock = mf.get_fock(h1e, s1e, vhf, dm, level_shift_factor=0)
# NOTE: DO NOT change the initial guess mo_occ, mo_coeff
        if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
            mo_energy, mo_tmp = mf.eig(fock, s1e)
            mf.get_occ(mo_energy, mo_tmp)
# call mf._scf.energy_tot for dft, because the (dft).get_veff step saved _exc in mf._scf
        e_tot = mf._scf.energy_tot(dm, h1e, vhf)

        log.info('macro= %d  E= %.15g  delta_E= %g  |g|= %g  %d KF %d JK',
                 imacro, e_tot, e_tot-last_hf_e, norm_gorb,
                 kfcount+1, jkcount)
        cput1 = log.timer('cycle= %d'%(imacro+1), *cput1)

        if (abs((e_tot-last_hf_e)/e_tot)*1e2 < conv_tol and
            norm_gorb < conv_tol_grad):
            scf_conv = True

        if dump_chk:

        if callable(callback):

        if scf_conv:

        u, g_orb, kfcount, jkcount = rotaiter.send((mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock))
        kftot += kfcount + 1
        jktot += jkcount

    if callable(callback):

    mo_energy, mo_coeff1 = mf._scf.canonicalize(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock)
    if mf.canonicalization:
        log.info('Canonicalize SCF orbitals')
        mo_coeff = mo_coeff1
        if dump_chk:
    log.info('macro X = %d  E=%.15g  |g|= %g  total %d KF %d JK',
             imacro+1, e_tot, norm_gorb, kftot, jktot)
    if (numpy.any(mo_occ==0) and
        mo_energy[mo_occ>0].max() > mo_energy[mo_occ==0].min()):
        log.warn('H**O %s > LUMO %s was found in the canonicalized orbitals.',
                 mo_energy[mo_occ>0].max(), mo_energy[mo_occ==0].min())
    return scf_conv, e_tot, mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ
Example #38
def get_nto(tdobj, state=1, threshold=OUTPUT_THRESHOLD, verbose=None):
    Natural transition orbital analysis.

    The natural transition density matrix between ground state and excited
    state :math:`Tia = \langle \Psi_{ex} | i a^\dagger | \Psi_0 \rangle` can
    be transformed to diagonal form through SVD
    :math:`T = O \sqrt{\lambda} V^\dagger`. O and V are occupied and virtual
    natural transition orbitals. The diagonal elements :math:`\lambda` are the
    weights of the occupied-virtual orbital pair in the excitation.

    Ref: Martin, R. L., JCP, 118, 4775-4777

    Note in the TDHF/TDDFT calculations, the excitation part (X) is
    interpreted as the CIS coefficients and normalized to 1. The de-excitation
    part (Y) is ignored.

        state : int
            Excited state ID.  state = 1 means the first excited state.
            If state < 0, state ID is counted from the last excited state.

        threshold : float
            Above which the NTO coefficients will be printed in the output.

        A list (weights, NTOs).  NTOs are natural orbitals represented in AO
        basis. The first N_occ NTOs are occupied NTOs and the rest are virtual
    if state == 0:
            tdobj, 'Excited state starts from 1. '
            'Set state=1 for first excited state.')
        state_id = state
    elif state < 0:
        state_id = state
        state_id = state - 1

    mol = tdobj.mol
    mo_coeff = tdobj._scf.mo_coeff
    mo_occ = tdobj._scf.mo_occ
    orbo_a = mo_coeff[0][:, mo_occ[0] == 1]
    orbv_a = mo_coeff[0][:, mo_occ[0] == 0]
    orbo_b = mo_coeff[1][:, mo_occ[1] == 1]
    orbv_b = mo_coeff[1][:, mo_occ[1] == 0]
    nocc_a = orbo_a.shape[1]
    nvir_a = orbv_a.shape[1]
    nocc_b = orbo_b.shape[1]
    nvir_b = orbv_b.shape[1]

    cis_t1a, cis_t1b = tdobj.xy[state_id][0]
    norm = numpy.linalg.norm(cis_t1a)**2 + numpy.linalg.norm(cis_t1b)**2
    cis_t1a *= 1. / norm
    cis_t1b *= 1. / norm

    if mol.symmetry:
        orbsyma, orbsymb = uhf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff)
        o_sym_a = orbsyma[mo_occ[0] == 1]
        v_sym_a = orbsyma[mo_occ[0] == 0]
        o_sym_b = orbsymb[mo_occ[1] == 1]
        v_sym_b = orbsymb[mo_occ[1] == 0]
        nto_o_a = numpy.eye(nocc_a)
        nto_v_a = numpy.eye(nvir_a)
        nto_o_b = numpy.eye(nocc_b)
        nto_v_b = numpy.eye(nvir_b)
        weights_o_a = numpy.zeros(nocc_a)
        weights_v_a = numpy.zeros(nvir_a)
        weights_o_b = numpy.zeros(nocc_b)
        weights_v_b = numpy.zeros(nvir_b)

        for ir in set(orbsyma):
            idx = numpy.where(o_sym_a == ir)[0]
            if idx.size > 0:
                dm_oo = numpy.dot(cis_t1a[idx], cis_t1a[idx].T)
                weights_o_a[idx], nto_o_a[idx[:, None],
                                          idx] = numpy.linalg.eigh(dm_oo)

            idx = numpy.where(v_sym_a == ir)[0]
            if idx.size > 0:
                dm_vv = numpy.dot(cis_t1a[:, idx].T, cis_t1a[:, idx])
                weights_v_a[idx], nto_v_a[idx[:, None],
                                          idx] = numpy.linalg.eigh(dm_vv)

        for ir in set(orbsymb):
            idx = numpy.where(o_sym_b == ir)[0]
            if idx.size > 0:
                dm_oo = numpy.dot(cis_t1b[idx], cis_t1b[idx].T)
                weights_o_b[idx], nto_o_b[idx[:, None],
                                          idx] = numpy.linalg.eigh(dm_oo)

            idx = numpy.where(v_sym_b == ir)[0]
            if idx.size > 0:
                dm_vv = numpy.dot(cis_t1b[:, idx].T, cis_t1b[:, idx])
                weights_v_b[idx], nto_v_b[idx[:, None],
                                          idx] = numpy.linalg.eigh(dm_vv)

        def sort(weights, nto, sym):
            # weights in descending order
            idx = numpy.argsort(-weights)
            weights = weights[idx]
            nto = nto[:, idx]
            sym = sym[idx]
            return weights, nto, sym

        weights_o_a, nto_o_a, o_sym_a = sort(weights_o_a, nto_o_a, o_sym_a)
        weights_v_a, nto_v_a, v_sym_a = sort(weights_v_a, nto_v_a, v_sym_a)
        weights_o_b, nto_o_b, o_sym_b = sort(weights_o_b, nto_o_b, o_sym_b)
        weights_v_b, nto_v_b, v_sym_b = sort(weights_v_b, nto_v_b, v_sym_b)

        nto_orbsyma = numpy.hstack((o_sym_a, v_sym_a))
        nto_orbsymb = numpy.hstack((o_sym_b, v_sym_b))

        if nocc_a < nvir_a:
            weights_a = weights_o_a
            weights_a = weights_v_a
        if nocc_b < nvir_b:
            weights_b = weights_o_b
            weights_b = weights_v_b

        nto_o_a, w_a, nto_v_aT = numpy.linalg.svd(cis_t1a)
        nto_o_b, w_b, nto_v_bT = numpy.linalg.svd(cis_t1b)
        nto_v_a = nto_v_aT.conj().T
        nto_v_b = nto_v_bT.conj().T
        weights_a = w_a**2
        weights_b = w_b**2
        nto_orbsyma = nto_orbsymb = None

    def _set_phase_(c):
        idx = numpy.argmax(abs(c.real), axis=0)
        c[:, c[idx, numpy.arange(c.shape[1])].real < 0] *= -1


    occupied_nto_a = numpy.dot(orbo_a, nto_o_a)
    occupied_nto_b = numpy.dot(orbo_b, nto_o_b)
    virtual_nto_a = numpy.dot(orbv_a, nto_v_a)
    virtual_nto_b = numpy.dot(orbv_b, nto_v_b)
    nto_coeff = (numpy.hstack((occupied_nto_a, virtual_nto_a)),
                 numpy.hstack((occupied_nto_b, virtual_nto_b)))

    if mol.symmetry:
        nto_coeff = (lib.tag_array(nto_coeff[0], orbsym=nto_orbsyma),
                     lib.tag_array(nto_coeff[1], orbsym=nto_orbsymb))

    log = logger.new_logger(tdobj, verbose)
    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
        log.info('State %d: %g eV  NTO largest component %s', state_id + 1,
                 tdobj.e[state_id] * nist.HARTREE2EV,
                 weights_a[0] + weights_b[0])
        fmt = '%' + str(lib.param.OUTPUT_DIGITS) + 'f (MO #%d)'
        o_idx_a = numpy.where(abs(nto_o_a[:, 0]) > threshold)[0]
        v_idx_a = numpy.where(abs(nto_v_a[:, 0]) > threshold)[0]
        o_idx_b = numpy.where(abs(nto_o_b[:, 0]) > threshold)[0]
        v_idx_b = numpy.where(abs(nto_v_b[:, 0]) > threshold)[0]
        log.info('    alpha occ-NTO: ' +
                 ' + '.join([(fmt % (nto_o_a[i, 0], i + MO_BASE))
                             for i in o_idx_a]))
        log.info('    alpha vir-NTO: ' +
                 ' + '.join([(fmt % (nto_v_a[i, 0], i + MO_BASE + nocc_a))
                             for i in v_idx_a]))
        log.info('    beta occ-NTO: ' +
                 ' + '.join([(fmt % (nto_o_b[i, 0], i + MO_BASE))
                             for i in o_idx_b]))
        log.info('    beta vir-NTO: ' +
                 ' + '.join([(fmt % (nto_v_b[i, 0], i + MO_BASE + nocc_b))
                             for i in v_idx_b]))
    return (weights_a, weights_b), nto_coeff
Example #39
def analyze(tdobj, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(tdobj, verbose)
    mol = tdobj.mol
    mo_coeff = tdobj._scf.mo_coeff
    mo_occ = tdobj._scf.mo_occ
    nocc_a = numpy.count_nonzero(mo_occ[0] == 1)
    nocc_b = numpy.count_nonzero(mo_occ[1] == 1)

    e_ev = numpy.asarray(tdobj.e) * nist.HARTREE2EV
    e_wn = numpy.asarray(tdobj.e) * nist.HARTREE2WAVENUMBER
    wave_length = 1e11 / e_wn

    log.note('\n** Excitation energies and oscillator strengths **')

    if mol.symmetry:
        orbsyma, orbsymb = uhf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff)
        orbsyma = orbsyma % 10
        x_syma = (orbsyma[mo_occ[0] == 1, None]
                  ^ orbsyma[mo_occ[0] == 0]).ravel()
        x_syma = None

    f_oscillator = tdobj.oscillator_strength()
    for i, ei in enumerate(tdobj.e):
        x, y = tdobj.xy[i]
        if x_syma is None:
            log.note('Excited State %3d: %12.5f eV %9.2f nm  f=%.4f', i + 1,
                     e_ev[i], wave_length[i], f_oscillator[i])
            wfnsym_id = x_syma[abs(x[0]).argmax()]
            wfnsym = symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, wfnsym_id)
            log.note('Excited State %3d: %4s %12.5f eV %9.2f nm  f=%.4f',
                     i + 1, wfnsym, e_ev[i], wave_length[i], f_oscillator[i])

        if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
            for o, v in zip(*numpy.where(abs(x[0]) > 0.1)):
                log.info('    %4da -> %4da %12.5f', o + MO_BASE,
                         v + MO_BASE + nocc_a, x[0][o, v])
            for o, v in zip(*numpy.where(abs(x[1]) > 0.1)):
                log.info('    %4db -> %4db %12.5f', o + MO_BASE,
                         v + MO_BASE + nocc_b, x[1][o, v])

    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
        log.info('\n** Transition electric dipole moments (AU) **')
            'state          X           Y           Z        Dip. S.      Osc.'
        trans_dip = tdobj.transition_dipole()
        for i, ei in enumerate(tdobj.e):
            dip = trans_dip[i]
            log.info('%3d    %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f', i + 1,
                     dip[0], dip[1], dip[2], numpy.dot(dip,
                                                       dip), f_oscillator[i])

            '\n** Transition velocity dipole moments (imaginary part AU) **')
            'state          X           Y           Z        Dip. S.      Osc.'
        trans_v = tdobj.transition_velocity_dipole()
        f_v = tdobj.oscillator_strength(gauge='velocity', order=0)
        for i, ei in enumerate(tdobj.e):
            v = trans_v[i]
            log.info('%3d    %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f', i + 1, v[0],
                     v[1], v[2], numpy.dot(v, v), f_v[i])

        log.info('\n** Transition magnetic dipole moments (AU) **')
        log.info('state          X           Y           Z')
        trans_m = tdobj.transition_magnetic_dipole()
        for i, ei in enumerate(tdobj.e):
            m = trans_m[i]
            log.info('%3d    %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f', i + 1, m[0], m[1], m[2])
    return tdobj
Example #40
def analyze(mf, verbose=logger.DEBUG, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN,
    '''Analyze the given SCF object:  print orbital energies, occupancies;
    print orbital coefficients; Occupancy for each irreps; Mulliken population analysis
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
    mol = mf.mol
    if not mol.symmetry:
        return hf.analyze(mf, verbose, with_meta_lowdin, **kwargs)

    mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    ovlp_ao = mf.get_ovlp()
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    if log.verbose >= logger.NOTE:

        nirrep = len(mol.irrep_id)
        orbsym = get_orbsym(mf.mol, mo_coeff, ovlp_ao, False)
        wfnsym = 0
        noccs = [sum(orbsym[mo_occ>0]==ir) for ir in mol.irrep_id]
        if mol.groupname in ('SO3', 'Dooh', 'Coov'):
            log.note('TODO: total wave-function symmetry for %s', mol.groupname)
            log.note('Wave-function symmetry = %s',
                     symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, wfnsym))
        log.note('occupancy for each irrep:  ' + (' %4s'*nirrep), *mol.irrep_name)
        log.note('                           ' + (' %4d'*nirrep), *noccs)
        log.note('**** MO energy ****')
        irname_full = {}
        for k,ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id):
            irname_full[ir] = mol.irrep_name[k]
        irorbcnt = {}
        for k, j in enumerate(orbsym):
            if j in irorbcnt:
                irorbcnt[j] += 1
                irorbcnt[j] = 1
            log.note('MO #%d (%s #%d), energy= %.15g occ= %g',
                     k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j],
                     mo_energy[k], mo_occ[k])

    if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
        label = mol.ao_labels()
        molabel = []
        irorbcnt = {}
        for k, j in enumerate(orbsym):
            if j in irorbcnt:
                irorbcnt[j] += 1
                irorbcnt[j] = 1
            molabel.append('#%-d(%s #%d)' %
                           (k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j]))
        if with_meta_lowdin:
            log.debug(' ** MO coefficients (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) **')
            orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
            c = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.conj().T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff))
            log.debug(' ** MO coefficients (expansion on AOs) **')
            c = mo_coeff
        dump_mat.dump_rec(mf.stdout, c, label, molabel, start=MO_BASE, **kwargs)

    dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
    if with_meta_lowdin:
        pop_and_charge = mf.mulliken_meta(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
        pop_and_charge = mf.mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
    dip = mf.dip_moment(mol, dm, verbose=log)
    return pop_and_charge, dip
Example #41
    def analyze(self, verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN,
        if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose
        from pyscf.lo import orth
        from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
        if not self.mol.symmetry:
            return rohf.ROHF.analyze(self, verbose, with_meta_lowdin, **kwargs)

        mol = self.mol
        mo_energy = self.mo_energy
        mo_occ = self.mo_occ
        mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff
        ovlp_ao = self.get_ovlp()
        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
        if log.verbose >= logger.NOTE:

            nirrep = len(mol.irrep_id)
            orbsym = get_orbsym(self.mol, mo_coeff)
            wfnsym = 0
            ndoccs = []
            nsoccs = []
            for k,ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id):
                ndoccs.append(sum(orbsym[mo_occ==2] == ir))
                nsoccs.append(sum(orbsym[mo_occ==1] == ir))
                if nsoccs[k] % 2 == 1:
                    wfnsym ^= ir
            if mol.groupname in ('SO3', 'Dooh', 'Coov'):
                log.note('TODO: total wave-function symmetry for %s', mol.groupname)
                log.note('Wave-function symmetry = %s',
                         symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, wfnsym))
            log.note('occupancy for each irrep:  ' + (' %4s'*nirrep),
            log.note('double occ                 ' + (' %4d'*nirrep), *ndoccs)
            log.note('single occ                 ' + (' %4d'*nirrep), *nsoccs)
            log.note('**** MO energy ****')
            irname_full = {}
            for k,ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id):
                irname_full[ir] = mol.irrep_name[k]
            irorbcnt = {}
            if getattr(mo_energy, 'mo_ea', None) is not None:
                mo_ea = mo_energy.mo_ea
                mo_eb = mo_energy.mo_eb
                log.note('                          Roothaan           | alpha              | beta')
                for k, j in enumerate(orbsym):
                    if j in irorbcnt:
                        irorbcnt[j] += 1
                        irorbcnt[j] = 1
                    log.note('MO #%-4d(%-3s #%-2d) energy= %-18.15g | %-18.15g | %-18.15g occ= %g',
                             k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j],
                             mo_energy[k], mo_ea[k], mo_eb[k], mo_occ[k])
                for k, j in enumerate(orbsym):
                    if j in irorbcnt:
                        irorbcnt[j] += 1
                        irorbcnt[j] = 1
                    log.note('MO #%-3d (%s #%-2d), energy= %-18.15g occ= %g',
                             k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j],
                             mo_energy[k], mo_occ[k])

        if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
            label = mol.ao_labels()
            molabel = []
            irorbcnt = {}
            for k, j in enumerate(orbsym):
                if j in irorbcnt:
                    irorbcnt[j] += 1
                    irorbcnt[j] = 1
                molabel.append('#%-d(%s #%d)' %
                               (k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j]))
            if with_meta_lowdin:
                log.debug(' ** MO coefficients (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) **')
                orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
                c = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.conj().T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff))
                log.debug(' ** MO coefficients (expansion on AOs) **')
                c = mo_coeff
            dump_mat.dump_rec(self.stdout, c, label, molabel, start=MO_BASE, **kwargs)

        dm = self.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
        if with_meta_lowdin:
            pop_and_charge = self.mulliken_meta(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
            pop_and_charge = self.mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
        dip = self.dip_moment(mol, dm, verbose=log)
        return pop_and_charge, dip
Example #42
def _ao2mo_ovov(mp, orbs, feri, max_memory=2000, verbose=None):
    time0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.new_logger(mp, verbose)
    orboa = numpy.asarray(orbs[0], order='F')
    orbva = numpy.asarray(orbs[1], order='F')
    orbob = numpy.asarray(orbs[2], order='F')
    orbvb = numpy.asarray(orbs[3], order='F')
    nao, nocca = orboa.shape
    noccb = orbob.shape[1]
    nvira = orbva.shape[1]
    nvirb = orbvb.shape[1]

    mol = mp.mol
    int2e = mol._add_suffix('int2e')
    ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, int2e, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond',
    nbas = mol.nbas
    assert (nvira <= nao)
    assert (nvirb <= nao)

    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
    dmax = max(
        4, min(nao / 3, numpy.sqrt(max_memory * .95e6 / 8 / (nao + nocca)**2)))
    sh_ranges = ao2mo.outcore.balance_partition(ao_loc, dmax)
    dmax = max(x[2] for x in sh_ranges)
    eribuf = numpy.empty((nao, dmax, dmax, nao))
    ftmp = lib.H5TmpFile()
    disk = (nocca**2 * (nao * (nao + dmax) / 2 + nvira**2) + noccb**2 *
            (nao * (nao + dmax) / 2 + nvirb**2) + nocca * noccb *
            (nao**2 + nvira * nvirb))
    log.debug('max_memory %s MB (dmax = %s) required disk space %g MB',
              max_memory, dmax, disk * 8 / 1e6)

    fint = gto.moleintor.getints4c
    aa_blk_slices = []
    ab_blk_slices = []
    count_ab = 0
    count_aa = 0
    time1 = time0
    with lib.call_in_background(ftmp.__setitem__) as save:
        for ish0, ish1, ni in sh_ranges:
            for jsh0, jsh1, nj in sh_ranges:
                i0, i1 = ao_loc[ish0], ao_loc[ish1]
                j0, j1 = ao_loc[jsh0], ao_loc[jsh1]

                eri = fint(int2e,
                           shls_slice=(0, nbas, ish0, ish1, jsh0, jsh1, 0,
                tmp_i = lib.ddot(orboa.T,
                                 eri.reshape(nao, (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0) * nao))
                tmp_li = lib.ddot(
                    tmp_i.reshape(nocca * (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0), nao).T)
                tmp_li = tmp_li.reshape(noccb, nocca, (i1 - i0), (j1 - j0))
                save('ab/%d' % count_ab, tmp_li.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3))
                ab_blk_slices.append((i0, i1, j0, j1))
                count_ab += 1

                if ish0 >= jsh0:
                    tmp_li = lib.ddot(
                        tmp_i.reshape(nocca * (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0), nao).T)
                    tmp_li = tmp_li.reshape(nocca, nocca, (i1 - i0), (j1 - j0))
                    save('aa/%d' % count_aa, tmp_li.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3))

                    tmp_i = lib.ddot(
                        orbob.T, eri.reshape(nao, (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0) * nao))
                    tmp_li = lib.ddot(
                        tmp_i.reshape(noccb * (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0), nao).T)
                    tmp_li = tmp_li.reshape(noccb, noccb, (i1 - i0), (j1 - j0))
                    save('bb/%d' % count_aa, tmp_li.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3))
                    aa_blk_slices.append((i0, i1, j0, j1))
                    count_aa += 1

                time1 = log.timer_debug1(
                    'partial ao2mo [%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (ish0, ish1, jsh0, jsh1),
    time1 = time0 = log.timer('mp2 ao2mo_ovov pass1', *time0)
    eri = eribuf = tmp_i = tmp_li = None

    fovov = feri.create_dataset('ovov', (nocca * nvira, nocca * nvira),
                                chunks=(nvira, nvira))
    fovOV = feri.create_dataset('ovOV', (nocca * nvira, noccb * nvirb),
                                chunks=(nvira, nvirb))
    fOVOV = feri.create_dataset('OVOV', (noccb * nvirb, noccb * nvirb),
                                chunks=(nvirb, nvirb))
    occblk = int(
        min(max(nocca, noccb),
            max(4, 250 / nocca, max_memory * .9e6 / 8 / (nao**2 * nocca) / 5)))

    def load_aa(h5g, nocc, i0, eri):
        if i0 < nocc:
            i1 = min(i0 + occblk, nocc)
            for k, (p0, p1, q0, q1) in enumerate(aa_blk_slices):
                eri[:i1 - i0, :, p0:p1, q0:q1] = h5g[str(k)][i0:i1]
                if p0 != q0:
                    dat = numpy.asarray(h5g[str(k)][:, i0:i1])
                    eri[:i1 - i0, :, q0:q1, p0:p1] = dat.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2)

    def load_ab(h5g, nocca, i0, eri):
        if i0 < nocca:
            i1 = min(i0 + occblk, nocca)
            for k, (p0, p1, q0, q1) in enumerate(ab_blk_slices):
                eri[:i1 - i0, :, p0:p1, q0:q1] = h5g[str(k)][i0:i1]

    def save(h5dat, nvir, i0, i1, dat):
        for i in range(i0, i1):
            h5dat[i * nvir:(i + 1) * nvir] = dat[i - i0].reshape(nvir, -1)

    with lib.call_in_background(save) as bsave:
        with lib.call_in_background(load_aa) as prefetch:
            buf_prefecth = numpy.empty((occblk, nocca, nao, nao))
            buf = numpy.empty_like(buf_prefecth)
            load_aa(ftmp['aa'], nocca, 0, buf_prefecth)
            for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, nocca, occblk):
                buf, buf_prefecth = buf_prefecth, buf
                prefetch(ftmp['aa'], nocca, i1, buf_prefecth)
                eri = buf[:i1 - i0].reshape((i1 - i0) * nocca, nao, nao)
                dat = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri, orbva, (0, nvira, 0, nvira), 's1',
                    fovov, nvira, i0, i1,
                    dat.reshape(i1 - i0, nocca, nvira,
                                nvira).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3))
                time1 = log.timer_debug1(
                    'pass2 ao2mo for aa [%d:%d]' % (i0, i1), *time1)

            buf_prefecth = numpy.empty((occblk, noccb, nao, nao))
            buf = numpy.empty_like(buf_prefecth)
            load_aa(ftmp['bb'], noccb, 0, buf_prefecth)
            for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, noccb, occblk):
                buf, buf_prefecth = buf_prefecth, buf
                prefetch(ftmp['bb'], noccb, i1, buf_prefecth)
                eri = buf[:i1 - i0].reshape((i1 - i0) * noccb, nao, nao)
                dat = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri, orbvb, (0, nvirb, 0, nvirb), 's1',
                    fOVOV, nvirb, i0, i1,
                    dat.reshape(i1 - i0, noccb, nvirb,
                                nvirb).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3))
                time1 = log.timer_debug1(
                    'pass2 ao2mo for bb [%d:%d]' % (i0, i1), *time1)

        orbvab = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack((orbva, orbvb)), order='F')
        with lib.call_in_background(load_ab) as prefetch:
            load_ab(ftmp['ab'], nocca, 0, buf_prefecth)
            for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, nocca, occblk):
                buf, buf_prefecth = buf_prefecth, buf
                prefetch(ftmp['ab'], nocca, i1, buf_prefecth)
                eri = buf[:i1 - i0].reshape((i1 - i0) * noccb, nao, nao)
                dat = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri, orbvab,
                                   (0, nvira, nvira, nvira + nvirb), 's1',
                    fovOV, nvira, i0, i1,
                    dat.reshape(i1 - i0, noccb, nvira,
                                nvirb).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3))
                time1 = log.timer_debug1(
                    'pass2 ao2mo for ab [%d:%d]' % (i0, i1), *time1)

    time0 = log.timer('mp2 ao2mo_ovov pass2', *time0)
Example #43
def kernel(mycc, eris, t1=None, t2=None, verbose=logger.NOTE):
    cpu1 = cpu0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.new_logger(mycc, verbose)
    if t1 is None: t1 = mycc.t1
    if t2 is None: t2 = mycc.t2

    nocc, nvir = t1.shape
    nmo = nocc + nvir

    _tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=lib.param.TMPDIR)
    ftmp = h5py.File(_tmpfile.name)
    eris_vvop = ftmp.create_dataset('vvop', (nvir, nvir, nocc, nmo), 'f8')
    orbsym = _sort_eri(mycc, eris, nocc, nvir, eris_vvop, log)

        't2'] = t2  # read back late.  Cache t2T in t2 to reduce memory footprint
    mo_energy, t1T, t2T, vooo = _sort_t2_vooo_(mycc, orbsym, t1, t2, eris)
    cpu1 = log.timer_debug1('CCSD(T) sort_eri', *cpu1)

    cpu2 = list(cpu1)
    orbsym = numpy.hstack(
        (numpy.sort(orbsym[:nocc]), numpy.sort(orbsym[nocc:])))
    o_ir_loc = numpy.append(
        0, numpy.cumsum(numpy.bincount(orbsym[:nocc], minlength=8)))
    v_ir_loc = numpy.append(
        0, numpy.cumsum(numpy.bincount(orbsym[nocc:], minlength=8)))
    o_sym = orbsym[:nocc]
    oo_sym = (o_sym[:, None] ^ o_sym).ravel()
    oo_ir_loc = numpy.append(0,
                             numpy.cumsum(numpy.bincount(oo_sym, minlength=8)))
    nirrep = max(oo_sym) + 1

    orbsym = orbsym.astype(numpy.int32)
    o_ir_loc = o_ir_loc.astype(numpy.int32)
    v_ir_loc = v_ir_loc.astype(numpy.int32)
    oo_ir_loc = oo_ir_loc.astype(numpy.int32)
    et_sum = [0]

    def contract(a0, a1, b0, b1, cache):
        cache_row_a, cache_col_a, cache_row_b, cache_col_b = cache
        drv = _ccsd.libcc.CCsd_t_contract
        drv.restype = ctypes.c_double
        et = drv(mo_energy.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
                 vooo.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nocc),
                 ctypes.c_int(nvir), ctypes.c_int(a0), ctypes.c_int(a1),
                 ctypes.c_int(b0), ctypes.c_int(b1), ctypes.c_int(nirrep),
        cpu2[:] = log.timer_debug1('contract %d:%d,%d:%d' % (a0, a1, b0, b1),
        et_sum[0] += et
        return et

    # The rest 20% memory for cache b
    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    max_memory = max(2000, mycc.max_memory - mem_now)
    bufsize = max(1,
                  (max_memory * 1e6 / 8 - nocc**3 * 100) * .7 / (nocc * nmo))
    log.debug('max_memory %d MB (%d MB in use)', max_memory, mem_now)
    for a0, a1 in reversed(list(lib.prange_tril(0, nvir, bufsize))):
        with lib.call_in_background(contract) as async_contract:
            cache_row_a = numpy.asarray(eris_vvop[a0:a1, :a1], order='C')
            if a0 == 0:
                cache_col_a = cache_row_a
                cache_col_a = numpy.asarray(eris_vvop[:a0, a0:a1], order='C')
                a0, a1, a0, a1,
                (cache_row_a, cache_col_a, cache_row_a, cache_col_a))

            for b0, b1 in lib.prange_tril(0, a0, bufsize / 6):
                cache_row_b = numpy.asarray(eris_vvop[b0:b1, :b1], order='C')
                if b0 == 0:
                    cache_col_b = cache_row_b
                    cache_col_b = numpy.asarray(eris_vvop[:b0, b0:b1],
                    a0, a1, b0, b1,
                    (cache_row_a, cache_col_a, cache_row_b, cache_col_b))
                cache_row_b = cache_col_b = None
            cache_row_a = cache_col_a = None

    t2[:] = ftmp['t2']
    _tmpfile = None
    et = et_sum[0] * 2
    log.timer('CCSD(T)', *cpu0)
    log.note('CCSD(T) correction = %.15g', et)
    return et
Example #44
 def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
     log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
     hf.RHF.dump_flags(self, log)
     log.info('atom = %s', self.mol.atom_symbol(0))
Example #45
def grad_elec(mc_grad, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, atmlst=None, verbose=None):
    mc = mc_grad.base
    with_df = mc.with_df
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
    if mc.frozen is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    time0 = time.clock(), time.time()
    log = logger.new_logger(mc_grad, verbose)
    mol = mc_grad.mol
    auxmol = with_df.auxmol
    ncore = mc.ncore
    ncas = mc.ncas
    nocc = ncore + ncas
    nelecas = mc.nelecas
    nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape
    nao_pair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2

    # Necessary kludge because gfock isn't zero in occ-virt space in SA-CASSCf
    # Among many other potential applications!
    if hasattr(mc, '_tag_gfock_ov_nonzero'):
        if mc._tag_gfock_ov_nonzero:
            nocc = nmo

    mo_occ = mo_coeff[:, :nocc]
    mo_core = mo_coeff[:, :ncore]
    mo_cas = mo_coeff[:, ncore:ncore + ncas]

    casdm1, casdm2 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm12(ci, ncas, nelecas)

    # gfock = Generalized Fock, Adv. Chem. Phys., 69, 63
    dm_core = numpy.dot(mo_core, mo_core.T) * 2
    dm_cas = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_cas, casdm1, mo_cas.T))
    # MRH flag: this is one of my kludges
    # It would be better to just pass the ERIS object used in orbital optimization
    # But I am too lazy at the moment
    aapa = with_df.ao2mo((mo_cas, mo_cas, mo_occ, mo_cas), compact=False)
    aapa = aapa.reshape(ncas, ncas, nocc, ncas)
    vj, vk = mc._scf.get_jk(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas))
    h1 = mc.get_hcore()
    vhf_c = vj[0] - vk[0] * .5
    vhf_a = vj[1] - vk[1] * .5
    gfock = numpy.zeros((nocc, nocc))
    gfock[:, :ncore] = reduce(numpy.dot,
                              (mo_occ.T, h1 + vhf_c + vhf_a, mo_core)) * 2
          ncore:ncore + ncas] = reduce(numpy.dot,
                                       (mo_occ.T, h1 + vhf_c, mo_cas, casdm1))
    gfock[:, ncore:ncore + ncas] += numpy.einsum('uviw,vuwt->it', aapa, casdm2)
    dme0 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_occ, (gfock + gfock.T) * .5, mo_occ.T))
    aapa = vj = vk = vhf_c = vhf_a = h1 = gfock = None

    dm1 = dm_core + dm_cas
    vj, vk = mc_grad.get_jk(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas))
    vhf1c, vhf1a = vj - vk * .5
    hcore_deriv = mc_grad.hcore_generator(mol)
    s1 = mc_grad.get_ovlp(mol)

    dfcasdm2 = casdm2 = solve_df_rdm2(mc_grad, mo_cas=mo_cas, casdm2=casdm2)
    if atmlst is None:
        atmlst = range(mol.natm)
    aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
    de = grad_elec_dferi(mc_grad,
    if mc_grad.auxbasis_response:
        de_aux = vj.aux - vk.aux * .5
        de_aux = de_aux.sum((0, 1)) - de_aux[1, 1]
        de_aux += grad_elec_auxresponse_dferi(mc_grad,
        de += de_aux
    dfcasdm2 = casdm2 = None

    for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia]
        h1ao = hcore_deriv(ia)
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', h1ao, dm1)
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], dme0[p0:p1]) * 2
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1c[:, p0:p1], dm1[p0:p1]) * 2
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1a[:, p0:p1], dm_core[p0:p1]) * 2

    log.timer('CASSCF nuclear gradients', *time0)
    return de
Example #46
def _make_eris(mp, mo_coeff=None, ao2mofn=None, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mp, verbose)
    time0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    eris = _ChemistsERIs(mp, mo_coeff)

    nocca, noccb = mp.get_nocc()
    nmoa, nmob = mp.get_nmo()
    nvira, nvirb = nmoa - nocca, nmob - noccb
    nao = eris.mo_coeff[0].shape[0]
    nmo_pair = nmoa * (nmoa + 1) // 2
    nao_pair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
    mem_incore = (nao_pair**2 + nmo_pair**2) * 8 / 1e6
    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    max_memory = max(0, mp.max_memory - mem_now)

    moa = eris.mo_coeff[0]
    mob = eris.mo_coeff[1]
    orboa = moa[:, :nocca]
    orbob = mob[:, :noccb]
    orbva = moa[:, nocca:]
    orbvb = mob[:, noccb:]

    if (mp.mol.incore_anyway or
        (mp._scf._eri is not None and mem_incore + mem_now < mp.max_memory)):
        log.debug('transform (ia|jb) incore')
        if callable(ao2mofn):
            eris.ovov = ao2mofn(
                (orboa, orbva, orboa, orbva)).reshape(nocca * nvira,
                                                      nocca * nvira)
            eris.ovOV = ao2mofn(
                (orboa, orbva, orbob, orbvb)).reshape(nocca * nvira,
                                                      noccb * nvirb)
            eris.OVOV = ao2mofn(
                (orbob, orbvb, orbob, orbvb)).reshape(noccb * nvirb,
                                                      noccb * nvirb)
            eris.ovov = ao2mo.general(mp._scf._eri,
                                      (orboa, orbva, orboa, orbva))
            eris.ovOV = ao2mo.general(mp._scf._eri,
                                      (orboa, orbva, orbob, orbvb))
            eris.OVOV = ao2mo.general(mp._scf._eri,
                                      (orbob, orbvb, orbob, orbvb))

    elif hasattr(mp._scf, 'with_df'):
            mp, 'UMP2 detected DF being used in the HF object. '
            'MO integrals are computed based on the DF 3-index tensors.\n'
            'It\'s recommended to use DF-UMP2 module.')
        log.debug('transform (ia|jb) with_df')
        eris.ovov = mp._scf.with_df.ao2mo((orboa, orbva, orboa, orbva))
        eris.ovOV = mp._scf.with_df.ao2mo((orboa, orbva, orbob, orbvb))
        eris.OVOV = mp._scf.with_df.ao2mo((orbob, orbvb, orbob, orbvb))

        log.debug('transform (ia|jb) outcore')
        eris.feri = lib.H5TmpFile()
        _ao2mo_ovov(mp, (orboa, orbva, orbob, orbvb), eris.feri,
                    max(2000, max_memory), log)
        eris.ovov = eris.feri['ovov']
        eris.ovOV = eris.feri['ovOV']
        eris.OVOV = eris.feri['OVOV']

    time1 = log.timer('Integral transformation', *time0)
    return eris
Example #47
def grad_elec(mc_grad, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, atmlst=None, verbose=None):
    mc = mc_grad.base
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc._scf.mo_coeff
    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci

    time0 = time.clock(), time.time()
    log = logger.new_logger(mc_grad, verbose)
    mol = mc_grad.mol
    ncore = mc.ncore
    ncas = mc.ncas
    nocc = ncore + ncas
    nelecas = mc.nelecas
    nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape
    nao_pair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
    mo_energy = mc._scf.mo_energy

    mo_occ = mo_coeff[:, :nocc]
    mo_core = mo_coeff[:, :ncore]
    mo_cas = mo_coeff[:, ncore:nocc]
    neleca, nelecb = mol.nelec
    assert (neleca == nelecb)
    orbo = mo_coeff[:, :neleca]
    orbv = mo_coeff[:, neleca:]

    casdm1, casdm2 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm12(ci, ncas, nelecas)
    dm_core = numpy.dot(mo_core, mo_core.T) * 2
    dm_cas = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_cas, casdm1, mo_cas.T))
    aapa = ao2mo.kernel(mol, (mo_cas, mo_cas, mo_coeff, mo_cas), compact=False)
    aapa = aapa.reshape(ncas, ncas, nmo, ncas)
    vj, vk = mc._scf.get_jk(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas))
    h1 = mc.get_hcore()
    vhf_c = vj[0] - vk[0] * .5
    vhf_a = vj[1] - vk[1] * .5
    # Imat = h1_{pi} gamma1_{iq} + h2_{pijk} gamma_{iqkj}
    Imat = numpy.zeros((nmo, nmo))
    Imat[:, :nocc] = reduce(numpy.dot,
                            (mo_coeff.T, h1 + vhf_c + vhf_a, mo_occ)) * 2
    Imat[:, ncore:nocc] = reduce(numpy.dot,
                                 (mo_coeff.T, h1 + vhf_c, mo_cas, casdm1))
    Imat[:, ncore:nocc] += lib.einsum('uviw,vuwt->it', aapa, casdm2)
    aapa = vj = vk = vhf_c = vhf_a = h1 = None

    ee = mo_energy[:, None] - mo_energy
    zvec = numpy.zeros_like(Imat)
         ncore:neleca] = Imat[:ncore, ncore:neleca] / -ee[:ncore, ncore:neleca]
    zvec[ncore:neleca, :ncore] = Imat[
        ncore:neleca, :ncore] / -ee[ncore:neleca, :ncore]
         neleca:nocc] = Imat[nocc:, neleca:nocc] / -ee[nocc:, neleca:nocc]
         nocc:] = Imat[neleca:nocc, nocc:] / -ee[neleca:nocc, nocc:]

    zvec_ao = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff, zvec + zvec.T, mo_coeff.T))
    vhf = mc._scf.get_veff(mol, zvec_ao) * 2
    xvo = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv.T, vhf, orbo))
    xvo += Imat[neleca:, :neleca] - Imat[:neleca, neleca:].T

    def fvind(x):
        x = x.reshape(xvo.shape)
        dm = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv, x, orbo.T))
        v = mc._scf.get_veff(mol, dm + dm.T)
        v = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv.T, v, orbo))
        return v * 2

    dm1resp = cphf.solve(fvind, mo_energy, mc._scf.mo_occ, xvo,
    zvec[neleca:, :neleca] = dm1resp

    zeta = numpy.einsum('ij,j->ij', zvec, mo_energy)
    zeta = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff, zeta, mo_coeff.T))

    zvec_ao = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff, zvec + zvec.T, mo_coeff.T))
    p1 = numpy.dot(mo_coeff[:, :neleca], mo_coeff[:, :neleca].T)
    vhf_s1occ = reduce(numpy.dot, (p1, mc._scf.get_veff(mol, zvec_ao), p1))

    Imat[:ncore, ncore:neleca] = 0
    Imat[ncore:neleca, :ncore] = 0
    Imat[nocc:, neleca:nocc] = 0
    Imat[neleca:nocc, nocc:] = 0
    Imat[neleca:, :neleca] = Imat[:neleca, neleca:].T
    im1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff, Imat, mo_coeff.T))

    casci_dm1 = dm_core + dm_cas
    hf_dm1 = mc._scf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mc._scf.mo_occ)
    hcore_deriv = mc_grad.hcore_generator(mol)
    s1 = mc_grad.get_ovlp(mol)

    diag_idx = numpy.arange(nao)
    diag_idx = diag_idx * (diag_idx + 1) // 2 + diag_idx
    casdm2_cc = casdm2 + casdm2.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
    dm2buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(casdm2_cc.reshape(ncas**2, ncas**2), mo_cas.T,
                                (0, nao, 0, nao)).reshape(ncas**2, nao, nao)
    dm2buf = lib.pack_tril(dm2buf)
    dm2buf[:, diag_idx] *= .5
    dm2buf = dm2buf.reshape(ncas, ncas, nao_pair)
    casdm2 = casdm2_cc = None

    if atmlst is None:
        atmlst = range(mol.natm)
    aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
    de = numpy.zeros((len(atmlst), 3))

    max_memory = mc_grad.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    blksize = int(max_memory * .9e6 / 8 /
                  ((aoslices[:, 3] - aoslices[:, 2]).max() * nao_pair))
    blksize = min(nao, max(2, blksize))

    for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia]
        h1ao = hcore_deriv(ia)
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', h1ao, casci_dm1)
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', h1ao, zvec_ao)

        vhf1 = numpy.zeros((3, nao, nao))
        q1 = 0
        for b0, b1, nf in _shell_prange(mol, 0, mol.nbas, blksize):
            q0, q1 = q1, q1 + nf
            dm2_ao = lib.einsum('ijw,pi,qj->pqw', dm2buf, mo_cas[p0:p1],
            shls_slice = (shl0, shl1, b0, b1, 0, mol.nbas, 0, mol.nbas)
            eri1 = mol.intor('int2e_ip1',
                                 3, p1 - p0, nf, nao_pair)
            de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xijw,ijw->x', eri1, dm2_ao) * 2

            for i in range(3):
                eri1tmp = lib.unpack_tril(eri1[i].reshape((p1 - p0) * nf, -1))
                eri1tmp = eri1tmp.reshape(p1 - p0, nf, nao, nao)
                de[k, i] -= numpy.einsum('ijkl,ij,kl', eri1tmp,
                                         hf_dm1[p0:p1, q0:q1], zvec_ao) * 2
                de[k, i] -= numpy.einsum('ijkl,kl,ij', eri1tmp, hf_dm1,
                                         zvec_ao[p0:p1, q0:q1]) * 2
                de[k, i] += numpy.einsum('ijkl,il,kj', eri1tmp, hf_dm1[p0:p1],
                de[k, i] += numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk,il', eri1tmp, hf_dm1[q0:q1],

                #:vhf1c, vhf1a = mc_grad.get_veff(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas))
                #:de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1c[:,p0:p1], casci_dm1[p0:p1]) * 2
                #:de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1a[:,p0:p1], dm_core[p0:p1]) * 2
                de[k, i] -= numpy.einsum('ijkl,lk,ij', eri1tmp, dm_core[q0:q1],
                                         casci_dm1[p0:p1]) * 2
                de[k, i] += numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk,il', eri1tmp, dm_core[q0:q1],
                de[k, i] -= numpy.einsum('ijkl,lk,ij', eri1tmp, dm_cas[q0:q1],
                                         dm_core[p0:p1]) * 2
                de[k, i] += numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk,il', eri1tmp, dm_cas[q0:q1],
            eri1 = eri1tmp = None

        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], im1[p0:p1])
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ji->x', s1[:, p0:p1], im1[:, p0:p1])

        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], zeta[p0:p1]) * 2
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ji->x', s1[:, p0:p1], zeta[:, p0:p1]) * 2

        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], vhf_s1occ[p0:p1]) * 2
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ji->x', s1[:, p0:p1], vhf_s1occ[:,
                                                                   p0:p1]) * 2

    log.timer('CASCI nuclear gradients', *time0)
    return de
Example #48
def grad_elec(td_grad, x_y, singlet=True, atmlst=None,
              max_memory=2000, verbose=logger.INFO):
    Electronic part of TDA, TDDFT nuclear gradients

        td_grad : grad.tdrhf.Gradients or grad.tdrks.Gradients object.

        x_y : a two-element list of numpy arrays
            TDDFT X and Y amplitudes. If Y is set to 0, this function computes
            TDA energy gradients.
    log = logger.new_logger(td_grad, verbose)
    time0 = time.clock(), time.time()

    mol = td_grad.mol
    mf = td_grad.base._scf
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape
    nocc = (mo_occ>0).sum()
    nvir = nmo - nocc
    x, y = x_y
    xpy = (x+y).reshape(nocc,nvir).T
    xmy = (x-y).reshape(nocc,nvir).T
    orbv = mo_coeff[:,nocc:]
    orbo = mo_coeff[:,:nocc]

    dvv = numpy.einsum('ai,bi->ab', xpy, xpy) + numpy.einsum('ai,bi->ab', xmy, xmy)
    doo =-numpy.einsum('ai,aj->ij', xpy, xpy) - numpy.einsum('ai,aj->ij', xmy, xmy)
    dmxpy = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv, xpy, orbo.T))
    dmxmy = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv, xmy, orbo.T))
    dmzoo = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbo, doo, orbo.T))
    dmzoo+= reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv, dvv, orbv.T))

    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    max_memory = max(2000, td_grad.max_memory*.9-mem_now)

    ni = mf._numint
    ni.libxc.test_deriv_order(mf.xc, 3, raise_error=True)
    omega, alpha, hyb = ni.rsh_and_hybrid_coeff(mf.xc, mol.spin)
    # dm0 = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ), but it is not used when computing
    # fxc since rho0 is passed to fxc function.
    dm0 = None
    rho0, vxc, fxc = ni.cache_xc_kernel(mf.mol, mf.grids, mf.xc,
                                        [mo_coeff]*2, [mo_occ*.5]*2, spin=1)
    f1vo, f1oo, vxc1, k1ao = \
            _contract_xc_kernel(td_grad, mf.xc, dmxpy,
                                dmzoo, True, True, singlet, max_memory)

    if abs(hyb) > 1e-10:
        dm = (dmzoo, dmxpy+dmxpy.T, dmxmy-dmxmy.T)
        vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm, hermi=0)
        vk *= hyb
        if abs(omega) > 1e-10:
            vk += mf.get_k(mol, dm, hermi=0, omega=omega) * (alpha-hyb)
        veff0doo = vj[0] * 2 - vk[0] + f1oo[0] + k1ao[0] * 2
        wvo = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv.T, veff0doo, orbo)) * 2
        if singlet:
            veff = vj[1] * 2 - vk[1] + f1vo[0] * 2
            veff = -vk[1] + f1vo[0] * 2
        veff0mop = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, veff, mo_coeff))
        wvo -= numpy.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mop[:nocc,:nocc], xpy) * 2
        wvo += numpy.einsum('ac,ai->ci', veff0mop[nocc:,nocc:], xpy) * 2
        veff = -vk[2]
        veff0mom = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, veff, mo_coeff))
        wvo -= numpy.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mom[:nocc,:nocc], xmy) * 2
        wvo += numpy.einsum('ac,ai->ci', veff0mom[nocc:,nocc:], xmy) * 2
        vj = mf.get_j(mol, (dmzoo, dmxpy+dmxpy.T), hermi=1)
        veff0doo = vj[0] * 2 + f1oo[0] + k1ao[0] * 2
        wvo = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv.T, veff0doo, orbo)) * 2
        if singlet:
            veff = vj[1] * 2 + f1vo[0] * 2
            veff = f1vo[0] * 2
        veff0mop = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, veff, mo_coeff))
        wvo -= numpy.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mop[:nocc,:nocc], xpy) * 2
        wvo += numpy.einsum('ac,ai->ci', veff0mop[nocc:,nocc:], xpy) * 2
        veff0mom = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo))

    # set singlet=None, generate function for CPHF type response kernel
    vresp = mf.gen_response(singlet=None, hermi=1)
    def fvind(x):
        dm = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv, x.reshape(nvir,nocc)*2, orbo.T))
        v1ao = vresp(dm+dm.T)
        return reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv.T, v1ao, orbo)).ravel()
    z1 = cphf.solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, wvo,
    z1 = z1.reshape(nvir,nocc)
    time1 = log.timer('Z-vector using CPHF solver', *time0)

    z1ao  = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv, z1, orbo.T))
    veff = vresp(z1ao+z1ao.T)

    im0 = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo))
    im0[:nocc,:nocc] = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbo.T, veff0doo+veff, orbo))
    im0[:nocc,:nocc]+= numpy.einsum('ak,ai->ki', veff0mop[nocc:,:nocc], xpy)
    im0[:nocc,:nocc]+= numpy.einsum('ak,ai->ki', veff0mom[nocc:,:nocc], xmy)
    im0[nocc:,nocc:] = numpy.einsum('ci,ai->ac', veff0mop[nocc:,:nocc], xpy)
    im0[nocc:,nocc:]+= numpy.einsum('ci,ai->ac', veff0mom[nocc:,:nocc], xmy)
    im0[nocc:,:nocc] = numpy.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mop[:nocc,:nocc], xpy)*2
    im0[nocc:,:nocc]+= numpy.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mom[:nocc,:nocc], xmy)*2

    zeta = lib.direct_sum('i+j->ij', mo_energy, mo_energy) * .5
    zeta[nocc:,:nocc] = mo_energy[:nocc]
    zeta[:nocc,nocc:] = mo_energy[nocc:]
    dm1 = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo))
    dm1[:nocc,:nocc] = doo
    dm1[nocc:,nocc:] = dvv
    dm1[nocc:,:nocc] = z1
    dm1[:nocc,:nocc] += numpy.eye(nocc)*2 # for ground state
    im0 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff, im0+zeta*dm1, mo_coeff.T))

    # Initialize hcore_deriv with the underlying SCF object because some
    # extensions (e.g. QM/MM, solvent) modifies the SCF object only.
    mf_grad = td_grad.base._scf.nuc_grad_method()
    hcore_deriv = mf_grad.hcore_generator(mol)
    s1 = mf_grad.get_ovlp(mol)

    dmz1doo = z1ao + dmzoo
    oo0 = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbo, orbo.T))
    if abs(hyb) > 1e-10:
        dm = (oo0, dmz1doo+dmz1doo.T, dmxpy+dmxpy.T, dmxmy-dmxmy.T)
        vj, vk = td_grad.get_jk(mol, dm)
        vk *= hyb
        if abs(omega) > 1e-10:
            with mol.with_range_coulomb(omega):
                vk += td_grad.get_k(mol, dm) * (alpha-hyb)
        vj = vj.reshape(-1,3,nao,nao)
        vk = vk.reshape(-1,3,nao,nao)
        if singlet:
            veff1 = vj * 2 - vk
            veff1 = numpy.vstack((vj[:2]*2-vk[:2], -vk[2:]))
        vj = td_grad.get_j(mol, (oo0, dmz1doo+dmz1doo.T, dmxpy+dmxpy.T))
        vj = vj.reshape(-1,3,nao,nao)
        veff1 = numpy.zeros((4,3,nao,nao))
        if singlet:
            veff1[:3] = vj * 2
            veff1[:2] = vj[:2] * 2

    fxcz1 = _contract_xc_kernel(td_grad, mf.xc, z1ao, None,
                                False, False, True, max_memory)[0]

    veff1[0] += vxc1[1:]
    veff1[1] +=(f1oo[1:] + fxcz1[1:] + k1ao[1:]*2)*2 # *2 for dmz1doo+dmz1oo.T
    veff1[2] += f1vo[1:] * 2
    time1 = log.timer('2e AO integral derivatives', *time1)

    if atmlst is None:
        atmlst = range(mol.natm)
    offsetdic = mol.offset_nr_by_atom()
    de = numpy.zeros((len(atmlst),3))
    for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = offsetdic[ia]

        # Ground state gradients
        h1ao = hcore_deriv(ia)
        h1ao[:,p0:p1]   += veff1[0,:,p0:p1]
        h1ao[:,:,p0:p1] += veff1[0,:,p0:p1].transpose(0,2,1)
        # oo0*2 for doubly occupied orbitals
        e1  = numpy.einsum('xpq,pq->x', h1ao, oo0) * 2

        e1 += numpy.einsum('xpq,pq->x', h1ao, dmz1doo)
        e1 -= numpy.einsum('xpq,pq->x', s1[:,p0:p1], im0[p0:p1])
        e1 -= numpy.einsum('xqp,pq->x', s1[:,p0:p1], im0[:,p0:p1])

        e1 += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', veff1[1,:,p0:p1], oo0[p0:p1])
        e1 += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', veff1[2,:,p0:p1], dmxpy[p0:p1,:]) * 2
        e1 += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', veff1[3,:,p0:p1], dmxmy[p0:p1,:]) * 2
        e1 += numpy.einsum('xji,ij->x', veff1[2,:,p0:p1], dmxpy[:,p0:p1]) * 2
        e1 -= numpy.einsum('xji,ij->x', veff1[3,:,p0:p1], dmxmy[:,p0:p1]) * 2

        de[k] = e1

    log.timer('TDDFT nuclear gradients', *time0)
    return de
Example #49
def _ao2mo_ovov(mp, orbo, orbv, feri, max_memory=2000, verbose=None):
    time0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.new_logger(mp, verbose)

    mol = mp.mol
    int2e = mol._add_suffix('int2e')
    ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, int2e, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond',
    nao, nocc = orbo.shape
    nvir = orbv.shape[1]
    nbas = mol.nbas
    assert (nvir <= nao)

    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
    dmax = max(
        4, min(nao / 3, numpy.sqrt(max_memory * .95e6 / 8 / (nao + nocc)**2)))
    sh_ranges = ao2mo.outcore.balance_partition(ao_loc, dmax)
    dmax = max(x[2] for x in sh_ranges)
    eribuf = numpy.empty((nao, dmax, dmax, nao))
    ftmp = lib.H5TmpFile()
    log.debug('max_memory %s MB (dmax = %s) required disk space %g MB',
              max_memory, dmax,
              nocc**2 * (nao * (nao + dmax) / 2 + nvir**2) * 8 / 1e6)

    buf_i = numpy.empty((nocc * dmax**2 * nao))
    buf_li = numpy.empty((nocc**2 * dmax**2))
    buf1 = numpy.empty_like(buf_li)

    fint = gto.moleintor.getints4c
    jk_blk_slices = []
    count = 0
    time1 = time0
    with lib.call_in_background(ftmp.__setitem__) as save:
        for ip, (ish0, ish1, ni) in enumerate(sh_ranges):
            for jsh0, jsh1, nj in sh_ranges[:ip + 1]:
                i0, i1 = ao_loc[ish0], ao_loc[ish1]
                j0, j1 = ao_loc[jsh0], ao_loc[jsh1]
                jk_blk_slices.append((i0, i1, j0, j1))

                eri = fint(int2e,
                           shls_slice=(0, nbas, ish0, ish1, jsh0, jsh1, 0,
                tmp_i = numpy.ndarray((nocc, (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0) * nao),
                tmp_li = numpy.ndarray((nocc, nocc * (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0)),
                         eri.reshape(nao, (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0) * nao),
                         tmp_i.reshape(nocc * (i1 - i0) * (j1 - j0), nao).T,
                tmp_li = tmp_li.reshape(nocc, nocc, (i1 - i0), (j1 - j0))
                save(str(count), tmp_li.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3))
                buf_li, buf1 = buf1, buf_li
                count += 1
                time1 = log.timer_debug1(
                    'partial ao2mo [%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (ish0, ish1, jsh0, jsh1),
    time1 = time0 = log.timer('mp2 ao2mo_ovov pass1', *time0)
    eri = eribuf = tmp_i = tmp_li = buf_i = buf_li = buf1 = None

    h5dat = feri.create_dataset('ovov', (nocc * nvir, nocc * nvir),
                                chunks=(nvir, nvir))
    occblk = int(
            max(4, 250 / nocc, max_memory * .9e6 / 8 / (nao**2 * nocc) / 5)))

    def load(i0, eri):
        if i0 < nocc:
            i1 = min(i0 + occblk, nocc)
            for k, (p0, p1, q0, q1) in enumerate(jk_blk_slices):
                eri[:i1 - i0, :, p0:p1, q0:q1] = ftmp[str(k)][i0:i1]
                if p0 != q0:
                    dat = numpy.asarray(ftmp[str(k)][:, i0:i1])
                    eri[:i1 - i0, :, q0:q1, p0:p1] = dat.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2)

    def save(i0, i1, dat):
        for i in range(i0, i1):
            h5dat[i * nvir:(i + 1) * nvir] = dat[i - i0].reshape(
                nvir, nocc * nvir)

    orbv = numpy.asarray(orbv, order='F')
    buf_prefecth = numpy.empty((occblk, nocc, nao, nao))
    buf = numpy.empty_like(buf_prefecth)
    bufw = numpy.empty((occblk * nocc, nvir**2))
    bufw1 = numpy.empty_like(bufw)
    with lib.call_in_background(load) as prefetch:
        with lib.call_in_background(save) as bsave:
            load(0, buf_prefecth)
            for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, nocc, occblk):
                buf, buf_prefecth = buf_prefecth, buf
                prefetch(i1, buf_prefecth)
                eri = buf[:i1 - i0].reshape((i1 - i0) * nocc, nao, nao)

                dat = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri,
                                   orbv, (0, nvir, 0, nvir),
                    i0, i1,
                    dat.reshape(i1 - i0, nocc, nvir,
                                nvir).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3))
                bufw, bufw1 = bufw1, bufw
                time1 = log.timer_debug1('pass2 ao2mo [%d:%d]' % (i0, i1),

    time0 = log.timer('mp2 ao2mo_ovov pass2', *time0)
    return h5dat
Example #50
def get_nto(tdobj, state=1, threshold=OUTPUT_THRESHOLD, verbose=None):
    Natural transition orbital analysis.

    The natural transition density matrix between ground state and excited
    state :math:`Tia = \langle \Psi_{ex} | i a^\dagger | \Psi_0 \rangle` can
    be transformed to diagonal form through SVD
    :math:`T = O \sqrt{\lambda} V^\dagger`. O and V are occupied and virtual
    natural transition orbitals. The diagonal elements :math:`\lambda` are the
    weights of the occupied-virtual orbital pair in the excitation.

    Ref: Martin, R. L., JCP, 118, 4775-4777

    Note in the TDHF/TDDFT calculations, the excitation part (X) is
    interpreted as the CIS coefficients and normalized to 1. The de-excitation
    part (Y) is ignored.

        tdobj : TDA, or TDHF, or TDDFT object

        state : int
            Excited state ID.  state = 1 means the first excited state.
            If state < 0, state ID is counted from the last excited state.

        threshold : float
            Above which the NTO coefficients will be printed in the output.

        A list (weights, NTOs).  NTOs are natural orbitals represented in AO
        basis. The first N_occ NTOs are occupied NTOs and the rest are virtual
    if state == 0:
            tdobj, 'Excited state starts from 1. '
            'Set state=1 for first excited state.')
        state_id = state
    elif state < 0:
        state_id = state
        state_id = state - 1

    mol = tdobj.mol
    mo_coeff = tdobj._scf.mo_coeff
    mo_occ = tdobj._scf.mo_occ
    orbo = mo_coeff[:, mo_occ == 2]
    orbv = mo_coeff[:, mo_occ == 0]
    nocc = orbo.shape[1]
    nvir = orbv.shape[1]

    cis_t1 = tdobj.xy[state_id][0]
    # TDDFT (X,Y) has X^2-Y^2=1.
    # Renormalizing X (X^2=1) to map it to CIS coefficients
    cis_t1 *= 1. / numpy.linalg.norm(cis_t1)

    # TODO: Comparing to the NTOs defined in JCP, 142, 244103.  JCP, 142, 244103
    # provides a method to incorporate the Y matrix in the transition density
    # matrix.  However, it may break the point group symmetry of the NTO orbitals
    # when the system has degenerated irreducible representations.

    if mol.symmetry:
        orbsym = hf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff)
        orbsym_in_d2h = numpy.asarray(orbsym) % 10  # convert to D2h irreps
        o_sym = orbsym_in_d2h[mo_occ == 2]
        v_sym = orbsym_in_d2h[mo_occ == 0]
        nto_o = numpy.eye(nocc)
        nto_v = numpy.eye(nvir)
        weights_o = numpy.zeros(nocc)
        weights_v = numpy.zeros(nvir)
        for ir in set(orbsym_in_d2h):
            idx = numpy.where(o_sym == ir)[0]
            if idx.size > 0:
                dm_oo = numpy.dot(cis_t1[idx], cis_t1[idx].T)
                weights_o[idx], nto_o[idx[:, None],
                                      idx] = numpy.linalg.eigh(dm_oo)

            idx = numpy.where(v_sym == ir)[0]
            if idx.size > 0:
                dm_vv = numpy.dot(cis_t1[:, idx].T, cis_t1[:, idx])
                weights_v[idx], nto_v[idx[:, None],
                                      idx] = numpy.linalg.eigh(dm_vv)

        # weights in descending order
        idx = numpy.argsort(-weights_o)
        weights_o = weights_o[idx]
        nto_o = nto_o[:, idx]
        o_sym = o_sym[idx]

        idx = numpy.argsort(-weights_v)
        weights_v = weights_v[idx]
        nto_v = nto_v[:, idx]
        v_sym = v_sym[idx]

        nto_orbsym = numpy.hstack((o_sym, v_sym))

        if nocc < nvir:
            weights = weights_o
            weights = weights_v

        nto_o, w, nto_vT = numpy.linalg.svd(cis_t1)
        nto_v = nto_vT.conj().T
        weights = w**2
        nto_orbsym = None

    idx = numpy.argmax(abs(nto_o.real), axis=0)
    nto_o[:, nto_o[idx, numpy.arange(nocc)].real < 0] *= -1
    idx = numpy.argmax(abs(nto_v.real), axis=0)
    nto_v[:, nto_v[idx, numpy.arange(nvir)].real < 0] *= -1

    occupied_nto = numpy.dot(orbo, nto_o)
    virtual_nto = numpy.dot(orbv, nto_v)
    nto_coeff = numpy.hstack((occupied_nto, virtual_nto))

    if mol.symmetry:
        nto_coeff = lib.tag_array(nto_coeff, orbsym=nto_orbsym)

    log = logger.new_logger(tdobj, verbose)
    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
        log.info('State %d: %g eV  NTO largest component %s', state_id + 1,
                 tdobj.e[state_id] * nist.HARTREE2EV, weights[0])
        o_idx = numpy.where(abs(nto_o[:, 0]) > threshold)[0]
        v_idx = numpy.where(abs(nto_v[:, 0]) > threshold)[0]
        fmt = '%' + str(lib.param.OUTPUT_DIGITS) + 'f (MO #%d)'
        log.info('    occ-NTO: ' + ' + '.join([(fmt %
                                                (nto_o[i, 0], i + MO_BASE))
                                               for i in o_idx]))
        log.info('    vir-NTO: ' +
                 ' + '.join([(fmt % (nto_v[i, 0], i + MO_BASE + nocc))
                             for i in v_idx]))
    return weights, nto_coeff
Example #51
def rotate_orb_cc(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock_ao, h1e,
                  conv_tol_grad=None, max_stepsize=None, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)

    if conv_tol_grad is None:
        conv_tol_grad = numpy.sqrt(mf.conv_tol*.1)
#TODO: dynamically adjust max_stepsize, as done in mc1step.py

    t2m = (time.clock(), time.time())
    g_orb, h_op, h_diag = mf.gen_g_hop(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock_ao)
    g_kf = g_orb
    norm_gkf = norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
    log.debug('    |g|= %4.3g (keyframe)', norm_gorb)
    t3m = log.timer('gen h_op', *t2m)

    def precond(x, e):
        hdiagd = h_diag-(e-mf.ah_level_shift)
        hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
        x = x/hdiagd
## Because of DFT, donot norm to 1 which leads 1st DM too large.
#        norm_x = numpy.linalg.norm(x)
#        if norm_x < 1e-2:
#            x *= 1e-2/norm_x
        return x

    g_op = lambda: g_orb
    x0_guess = g_orb

    kf_trust_region = mf.kf_trust_region
    while True:
        ah_conv_tol = min(norm_gorb**2, mf.ah_conv_tol)
        # increase the AH accuracy when approach convergence
        #ah_start_cycle = max(mf.ah_start_cycle, int(-numpy.log10(norm_gorb)))
        ah_start_cycle = mf.ah_start_cycle
        imic = 0
        dr = 0
        ukf = None
        jkcount = 0
        kfcount = 0
        ikf = 0
        dm0 = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
        # NOTE: vhf0 cannot be computed as (fock_ao - h1e) because mf.get_fock
        # may be overloaded and fock_ao != h1e + vhf0
        vhf0 = mf._scf.get_veff(mf._scf.mol, dm0)

        for ah_end, ihop, w, dxi, hdxi, residual, seig \
                in ciah.davidson_cc(h_op, g_op, precond, x0_guess,
                                    tol=ah_conv_tol, max_cycle=mf.ah_max_cycle,
                                    lindep=mf.ah_lindep, verbose=log):
            norm_residual = numpy.linalg.norm(residual)
            ah_start_tol = min(norm_gorb*5, mf.ah_start_tol)
            if (ah_end or ihop == mf.ah_max_cycle or # make sure to use the last step
                ((norm_residual < ah_start_tol) and (ihop >= ah_start_cycle)) or
                (seig < mf.ah_lindep)):
                imic += 1
                dxmax = numpy.max(abs(dxi))
                if dxmax > mf.max_stepsize:
                    scale = mf.max_stepsize / dxmax
                    log.debug1('... scale rotation size %g', scale)
                    dxi *= scale
                    hdxi *= scale
                    scale = None

                dr = dr + dxi
                g_orb = g_orb + hdxi
                norm_dr = numpy.linalg.norm(dr)
                norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
                norm_dxi = numpy.linalg.norm(dxi)
                log.debug('    imic %d(%d)  |g|= %4.3g  |dxi|= %4.3g  '
                          'max(|x|)= %4.3g  |dr|= %4.3g  eig= %4.3g  seig= %4.3g',
                          imic, ihop, norm_gorb, norm_dxi,
                          dxmax, norm_dr, w, seig)

                max_cycle = max(mf.max_cycle_inner,
                log.debug1('Set ah_start_tol %g, ah_start_cycle %d, max_cycle %d',
                           ah_start_tol, ah_start_cycle, max_cycle)
                ikf += 1
                if imic > 3 and norm_gorb > norm_gkf*mf.ah_grad_trust_region:
                    g_orb = g_orb - hdxi
                    dr -= dxi
                    norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
                    log.debug('|g| >> keyframe, Restore previouse step')

                elif (imic >= max_cycle or norm_gorb < conv_tol_grad*.5):

                elif (ikf > 2 and # avoid frequent keyframe
#TODO: replace it with keyframe_scheduler
                      (ikf >= max(mf.kf_interval, mf.kf_interval-numpy.log(norm_dr+1e-9)) or
# Insert keyframe if the keyframe and the esitimated g_orb are too different
                       norm_gorb < norm_gkf/kf_trust_region)):
                    ikf = 0
                    u = mf.update_rotate_matrix(dr, mo_occ, mo_coeff=mo_coeff)
                    if ukf is not None:
                        u = mf.rotate_mo(ukf, u)
                    ukf = u
                    dr[:] = 0
                    mo1 = mf.rotate_mo(mo_coeff, u)
                    dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo1, mo_occ)
# use mf._scf.get_veff to avoid density-fit mf polluting get_veff
                    vhf0 = mf._scf.get_veff(mf._scf.mol, dm, dm_last=dm0, vhf_last=vhf0)
                    kfcount += 1
                    dm0 = dm
# Use API to compute fock instead of "fock=h1e+vhf0". This is because get_fock
# is the hook being overloaded in many places.
                    fock = mf.get_fock(h1e, vhf=vhf0)
                    g_kf1 = mf.get_grad(mo1, mo_occ, fock)
                    norm_gkf1 = numpy.linalg.norm(g_kf1)
                    norm_dg = numpy.linalg.norm(g_kf1-g_orb)
                    jkcount += 1
                    log.debug('Adjust keyframe g_orb to |g|= %4.3g  '
                              '|g-correction|= %4.3g', norm_gkf1, norm_dg)
                    if (norm_dg < norm_gorb*mf.ah_grad_trust_region  # kf not too diff
                        #or norm_gkf1 < norm_gkf  # grad is decaying
                        # close to solution
                        or norm_gkf1 < conv_tol_grad*mf.ah_grad_trust_region):
                        kf_trust_region = min(max(norm_gorb/(norm_dg+1e-9), mf.kf_trust_region), 10)
                        log.debug1('Set kf_trust_region = %g', kf_trust_region)
                        g_orb = g_kf = g_kf1
                        norm_gorb = norm_gkf = norm_gkf1
                        g_orb = g_orb - hdxi
                        dr -= dxi
                        norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
                        log.debug('Out of trust region. Restore previouse step')

        u = mf.update_rotate_matrix(dr, mo_occ, mo_coeff=mo_coeff)
        if ukf is not None:
            u = mf.rotate_mo(ukf, u)
        jkcount += ihop + 1
        log.debug('    tot inner=%d  %d JK  |g|= %4.3g  |u-1|= %4.3g',
                  imic, jkcount, norm_gorb, numpy.linalg.norm(dr))
        h_op = h_diag = None
        t3m = log.timer('aug_hess in %d inner iters' % imic, *t3m)
        mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock_ao = (yield u, g_kf, kfcount, jkcount)

        g_kf, h_op, h_diag = mf.gen_g_hop(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock_ao)
        norm_gkf = numpy.linalg.norm(g_kf)
        norm_dg = numpy.linalg.norm(g_kf-g_orb)
        log.debug('    |g|= %4.3g (keyframe), |g-correction|= %4.3g',
                  norm_gkf, norm_dg)
        kf_trust_region = min(max(norm_gorb/(norm_dg+1e-9), mf.kf_trust_region), 10)
        log.debug1('Set  kf_trust_region = %g', kf_trust_region)
        g_orb = g_kf
        norm_gorb = norm_gkf
        if norm_dxi != 0:
            x0_guess = dxi
            x0_guess = g_kf
Example #52
        def kernel(self, mo_coeff=None, ci0=None, verbose=None):
            with_solvent = self.with_solvent

            log = logger.new_logger(self)
                '\n** Self-consistently update the solvent effects for %s **',
            log1 = copy.copy(log)
            log1.verbose -= 1  # Suppress a few output messages

            def casci_iter_(ci0, log):
                # self.e_tot, self.e_cas, and self.ci are updated in the call
                # to oldCAS.kernel
                e_tot, e_cas, ci0 = oldCAS.kernel(self, mo_coeff, ci0, log)[:3]

                if isinstance(self.e_cas, (float, numpy.number)):
                    dm = self.make_rdm1(ci=ci0)
                    log.debug('Computing solvent responses to DM of state %d',
                    dm = self.make_rdm1(ci=ci0[with_solvent.state_id])

                if with_solvent.e is not None:
                    edup = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', with_solvent.v, dm)
                    self.e_tot += with_solvent.e - edup

                if not with_solvent.frozen:
                    with_solvent.e, with_solvent.v = with_solvent.kernel(dm)
                return self.e_tot, e_cas, ci0

            if with_solvent.frozen:
                with lib.temporary_env(self, _finalize=lambda: None):
                    casci_iter_(ci0, log)
                log.note('Total energy with solvent effects')
                return self.e_tot, self.e_cas, self.ci, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_energy

            self.converged = False
            with lib.temporary_env(self, canonicalization=False):
                e_tot = e_last = 0
                for cycle in range(self.with_solvent.max_cycle):
                    log.info('\n** Solvent self-consistent cycle %d:', cycle)
                    e_tot, e_cas, ci0 = casci_iter_(ci0, log1)

                    de = e_tot - e_last
                    if isinstance(e_cas, (float, numpy.number)):
                            'Sovlent cycle %d  E(CASCI+solvent) = %.15g  '
                            'dE = %g', cycle, e_tot, de)
                        for i, e in enumerate(e_tot):
                                'Solvent cycle %d  CASCI root %d  '
                                'E(CASCI+solvent) = %.15g  dE = %g', cycle, i,
                                e, de[i])

                    if abs(e_tot - e_last).max() < with_solvent.conv_tol:
                        self.converged = True
                    e_last = e_tot

            # An extra cycle to canonicalize CASCI orbitals
            with lib.temporary_env(self, _finalize=lambda: None):
                casci_iter_(ci0, log)
            if self.converged:
                log.info('self-consistent CASCI+solvent converged')
                log.info('self-consistent CASCI+solvent not converged')
            log.note('Total energy with solvent effects')
            return self.e_tot, self.e_cas, self.ci, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_energy
Example #53
    def analyze(self, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, verbose=None,
                large_ci_tol=LARGE_CI_TOL, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN,
        from pyscf.lo import orth
        from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
        if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff
        if ci is None: ci = self.ci
        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
        nelecas = self.nelecas
        ncas = self.ncas
        ncore = self.ncore
        mocore_a = mo_coeff[0][:,:ncore[0]]
        mocas_a = mo_coeff[0][:,ncore[0]:ncore[0]+ncas]
        mocore_b = mo_coeff[1][:,:ncore[1]]
        mocas_b = mo_coeff[1][:,ncore[1]:ncore[1]+ncas]

        label = self.mol.ao_labels()
        if (isinstance(ci, (list, tuple, RANGE_TYPE)) and
            not isinstance(self.fcisolver, addons.StateAverageFCISolver)):
            log.warn('Mulitple states found in UCASCI solver. Density '
                     'matrix of first state is generated in .analyze() function.')
            civec = ci[0]
            civec = ci
        casdm1a, casdm1b = self.fcisolver.make_rdm1s(civec, ncas, nelecas)
        dm1a = numpy.dot(mocore_a, mocore_a.T)
        dm1a += reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas_a, casdm1a, mocas_a.T))
        dm1b = numpy.dot(mocore_b, mocore_b.T)
        dm1b += reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas_b, casdm1b, mocas_b.T))
        if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
            log.debug2('alpha density matrix (on AO)')
            dump_mat.dump_tri(self.stdout, dm1a, label)
            log.debug2('beta density matrix (on AO)')
            dump_mat.dump_tri(self.stdout, dm1b, label)

        if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
            ovlp_ao = self._scf.get_ovlp()
            occa, ucasa = self._eig(-casdm1a, ncore[0], ncore[0]+ncas)
            occb, ucasb = self._eig(-casdm1b, ncore[1], ncore[1]+ncas)
            log.info('Natural alpha-occupancy %s', str(-occa))
            log.info('Natural beta-occupancy %s', str(-occb))
            mocas_a = numpy.dot(mocas_a, ucasa)
            mocas_b = numpy.dot(mocas_b, ucasb)
            if with_meta_lowdin:
                orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(self.mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
                mocas_a = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.T, ovlp_ao, mocas_a))
                mocas_b = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.T, ovlp_ao, mocas_b))
                log.info('Natural alpha-orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) in CAS space')
                dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mocas_a, label, start=1, **kwargs)
                log.info('Natural beta-orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) in CAS space')
                dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mocas_b, label, start=1, **kwargs)
                log.info('Natural alpha-orbital (expansion on AOs) in CAS space')
                dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mocas_a, label, start=1, **kwargs)
                log.info('Natural beta-orbital (expansion on AOs) in CAS space')
                dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mocas_b, label, start=1, **kwargs)

            tol = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_addons_map2hf_tol', 0.4)
            s = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff[0].T, ovlp_ao, self._scf.mo_coeff[0]))
            idx = numpy.argwhere(abs(s)>tol)
            for i,j in idx:
                log.info('alpha <mo-mcscf|mo-hf> %d  %d  %12.8f' % (i+1,j+1,s[i,j]))
            s = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff[1].T, ovlp_ao, self._scf.mo_coeff[1]))
            idx = numpy.argwhere(abs(s)>tol)
            for i,j in idx:
                log.info('beta <mo-mcscf|mo-hf> %d  %d  %12.8f' % (i+1,j+1,s[i,j]))

            if getattr(self.fcisolver, 'large_ci', None) and ci is not None:
                log.info('\n** Largest CI components **')
                if isinstance(ci, (list, tuple, RANGE_TYPE)):
                    for i, state in enumerate(ci):
                        log.info('  [alpha occ-orbitals] [beta occ-orbitals]  state %-3d CI coefficient', i)
                        res = self.fcisolver.large_ci(state, self.ncas, self.nelecas,
                                                      large_ci_tol, return_strs=False)
                        for c,ia,ib in res:
                            log.info('  %-20s %-30s %.12f', ia, ib, c)
                    log.info('  [alpha occ-orbitals] [beta occ-orbitals]            CI coefficient')
                    res = self.fcisolver.large_ci(ci, self.ncas, self.nelecas,
                                                  large_ci_tol, return_strs=False)
                    for c,ia,ib in res:
                        log.info('  %-20s %-30s %.12f', ia, ib, c)
        return dm1a, dm1b
Example #54
def grad_elec(mc_grad, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, atmlst=None, verbose=None):
    mc = mc_grad.base
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
    if mc.frozen is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    time0 = time.clock(), time.time()
    log = logger.new_logger(mc_grad, verbose)
    mol = mc_grad.mol
    ncore = mc.ncore
    ncas = mc.ncas
    nocc = ncore + ncas
    nelecas = mc.nelecas
    nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape
    nao_pair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2

    mo_occ = mo_coeff[:, :nocc]
    mo_core = mo_coeff[:, :ncore]
    mo_cas = mo_coeff[:, ncore:nocc]

    casdm1, casdm2 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm12(ci, ncas, nelecas)

    # gfock = Generalized Fock, Adv. Chem. Phys., 69, 63
    dm_core = numpy.dot(mo_core, mo_core.T) * 2
    dm_cas = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_cas, casdm1, mo_cas.T))
    # MRH flag: this is one of my kludges
    # It would be better to just pass the ERIS object used in orbital optimization
    # But I am too lazy at the moment
    aapa = ao2mo.kernel(mol, (mo_cas, mo_cas, mo_coeff, mo_cas), compact=False)
    aapa = aapa.reshape(ncas, ncas, nmo, ncas)
    vj, vk = mc._scf.get_jk(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas))
    h1 = mc.get_hcore()
    vhf_c = vj[0] - vk[0] * .5
    vhf_a = vj[1] - vk[1] * .5
    gfock = numpy.zeros((nmo, nmo))
    gfock[:, :ncore] = reduce(numpy.dot,
                              (mo_coeff.T, h1 + vhf_c + vhf_a, mo_core)) * 2
    gfock[:, ncore:nocc] = reduce(numpy.dot,
                                  (mo_coeff.T, h1 + vhf_c, mo_cas, casdm1))
    gfock[:, ncore:nocc] += numpy.einsum('uviw,vuwt->it', aapa, casdm2)
    dme0 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff, (gfock + gfock.T) * .5, mo_coeff.T))
    aapa = vj = vk = vhf_c = vhf_a = h1 = gfock = None

    dm1 = dm_core + dm_cas
    vj, vk = mc_grad.get_jk(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas))
    vhf1c, vhf1a = vj - vk * .5
    hcore_deriv = mc_grad.hcore_generator(mol)
    s1 = mc_grad.get_ovlp(mol)

    diag_idx = numpy.arange(nao)
    diag_idx = diag_idx * (diag_idx + 1) // 2 + diag_idx
    casdm2_cc = casdm2 + casdm2.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
    dm2buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(casdm2_cc.reshape(ncas**2, ncas**2), mo_cas.T,
                                (0, nao, 0, nao)).reshape(ncas**2, nao, nao)
    dm2buf = lib.pack_tril(dm2buf)
    dm2buf[:, diag_idx] *= .5
    dm2buf = dm2buf.reshape(ncas, ncas, nao_pair)
    casdm2 = casdm2_cc = None

    if atmlst is None:
        atmlst = range(mol.natm)
    aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
    de = numpy.zeros((len(atmlst), 3))

    max_memory = mc_grad.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    # MRH: this originally implied that the memory footprint would be max(p1-p0) * max(q1-q0) * nao_pair
    # In fact, that's the size of dm2_ao AND EACH COMPONENT of the differentiated eris
    # So the actual memory footprint is 4 times that!
    blksize = int(max_memory * .9e6 / 8 /
                  (4 * (aoslices[:, 3] - aoslices[:, 2]).max() * nao_pair))
    blksize = min(nao, max(2, blksize))

    for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia]
        h1ao = hcore_deriv(ia)
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', h1ao, dm1)
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], dme0[p0:p1]) * 2

        q1 = 0
        for b0, b1, nf in _shell_prange(mol, 0, mol.nbas, blksize):
            q0, q1 = q1, q1 + nf
            dm2_ao = lib.einsum('ijw,pi,qj->pqw', dm2buf, mo_cas[p0:p1],
            shls_slice = (shl0, shl1, b0, b1, 0, mol.nbas, 0, mol.nbas)
            eri1 = mol.intor('int2e_ip1',
                                 3, p1 - p0, nf, nao_pair)
            de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xijw,ijw->x', eri1, dm2_ao) * 2
            eri1 = None
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1c[:, p0:p1], dm1[p0:p1]) * 2
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1a[:, p0:p1], dm_core[p0:p1]) * 2

    log.timer('CASSCF nuclear gradients', *time0)
    return de
Example #55
def canonicalize(mc,
    '''Canonicalized CASCI/CASSCF orbitals of effecitve Fock matrix.
    Effective Fock matrix is built with one-particle density matrix (see
    also :func:`mcscf.casci.get_fock`). For state-average CASCI/CASSCF object,
    the canonicalized orbitals are based on the state-average density matrix.
    To obtain canonicalized orbitals for an individual state, you need to pass
    "casdm1" of the specific state to this function.

        mc: a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object

        mo_coeff (ndarray): orbitals that span the core, active and external
        ci (ndarray): CI coefficients (or objects to represent the CI
            wavefunctions in DMRG/QMC-MCSCF calculations).
        eris: Integrals for the MCSCF object. Input this object to reduce the
            overhead of computing integrals. It can be generated by
            :func:`mc.ao2mo` method.
        sort (bool): Whether the canonicalized orbitals are sorted based on
            orbital energy (diagonal part of the effective Fock matrix)
            within each subspace (core, active, external). If the point group
            symmetry is not available in the system, the orbitals are always
            sorted. When the point group symmetry is available, sort=False
            will keep the symmetry label of input orbitals and only sort the
            orbitals in each symmetry block while sort=True will reorder all
            orbitals in each subspace and the symmetry labels may be changed.
        cas_natorb (bool): Whether to transform the active orbitals to natual
        casdm1 (ndarray): 1-particle density matrix in active space. This
            density matrix is used to build effective fock matrix. Without
            input casdm1, the density matrix is computed with the input ci
            coefficients/object. If neither ci nor casdm1 were given, density
            matrix is computed by :func:`mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1` method. For
            state-average CASCI/CASCF calculation, this results in a set of
            canonicalized orbitals of state-average effective Fock matrix.
            To canonicalize the orbitals for one particular state, you can
            assign the density matrix of that state to the kwarg casdm1.

        A tuple, (natural orbitals, CI coefficients, orbital energies)
        The orbital energies are the diagonal terms of effective Fock matrix.
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
    from pyscf.mcscf import addons
    log = logger.new_logger(mc, verbose)

    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
    if casdm1 is None:
        if (isinstance(ci, (list, tuple)) and
                not isinstance(mc.fcisolver, addons.StateAverageFCISolver)):
            log.warn('Mulitple states found in CASCI solver. First state is '
                     'used to compute the natural orbitals in active space.')
            casdm1 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci[0], mc.ncas, mc.nelecas)
            casdm1 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci, mc.ncas, mc.nelecas)

    ncore = mc.ncore
    nocc = ncore + mc.ncas
    nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
    fock_ao = mc.get_fock(mo_coeff, ci, eris, casdm1, verbose)
    if cas_natorb:
        mo_coeff1, ci, occ = mc.cas_natorb(mo_coeff, ci, eris, sort, casdm1,
                                           verbose, with_meta_lowdin)
        # Keep the active space unchanged by default.  The rotation in active space
        # may cause problem for external CI solver eg DMRG.
        mo_coeff1 = mo_coeff.copy()
        log.info('Density matrix diagonal elements %s', casdm1.diagonal())

    fock = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff1.T, fock_ao, mo_coeff1))
    mo_energy = fock.diagonal().copy()

    mask = numpy.ones(nmo, dtype=bool)
    frozen = getattr(mc, 'frozen', None)
    if frozen is not None:
        if isinstance(frozen, (int, numpy.integer)):
            mask[:frozen] = False
            mask[frozen] = False
    core_idx = numpy.where(mask[:ncore])[0]
    vir_idx = numpy.where(mask[nocc:])[0] + nocc

    if hasattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym'):
        orbsym = mo_coeff.orbsym
        orbsym = numpy.zeros(nmo, dtype=int)

    if len(core_idx) > 0:
        # note the last two args of ._eig for mc1step_symm
        # mc._eig function is called to handle symmetry adapated fock
        w, c1 = mc._eig(fock[core_idx[:, None], core_idx], 0, ncore,
        if sort:
            idx = numpy.argsort(w.round(9), kind='mergesort')
            w = w[idx]
            c1 = c1[:, idx]
            orbsym[core_idx] = orbsym[core_idx][idx]
        mo_coeff1[:, core_idx] = numpy.dot(mo_coeff1[:, core_idx], c1)
        mo_energy[core_idx] = w

    if len(vir_idx) > 0:
        w, c1 = mc._eig(fock[vir_idx[:, None], vir_idx], nocc, nmo,
        if sort:
            idx = numpy.argsort(w.round(9), kind='mergesort')
            w = w[idx]
            c1 = c1[:, idx]
            orbsym[vir_idx] = orbsym[vir_idx][idx]
        mo_coeff1[:, vir_idx] = numpy.dot(mo_coeff1[:, vir_idx], c1)
        mo_energy[vir_idx] = w

    if hasattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym'):
        mo_coeff1 = lib.tag_array(mo_coeff1, orbsym=orbsym)

    if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
        for i in range(nmo):
            log.debug('i = %d  <i|F|i> = %12.8f', i + 1, mo_energy[i])

# still return ci coefficients, in case the canonicalization funciton changed
# cas orbitals, the ci coefficients should also be updated.
    return mo_coeff1, ci, mo_energy
Example #56
def kernel_ms0(fci,
    if nroots is None: nroots = fci.nroots
    if davidson_only is None: davidson_only = fci.davidson_only
    if pspace_size is None: pspace_size = fci.pspace_size
    if max_memory is None:
        max_memory = fci.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    log = logger.new_logger(fci, verbose)

    assert (fci.spin is None or fci.spin == 0)
    assert (0 <= numpy.sum(nelec) <= norb * 2)

    link_index = _unpack(norb, nelec, link_index)
    h1e = numpy.ascontiguousarray(h1e)
    eri = numpy.ascontiguousarray(eri)
    na = link_index.shape[0]

    if max_memory < na**2 * 6 * 8e-6:
            'Not enough memory for FCI solver. '
            'The minimal requirement is %.0f MB', na**2 * 60e-6)

    hdiag = fci.make_hdiag(h1e, eri, norb, nelec)
    nroots = min(hdiag.size, nroots)

        addr, h0 = fci.pspace(h1e, eri, norb, nelec, hdiag,
                              max(pspace_size, nroots))
        if pspace_size > 0:
            pw, pv = fci.eig(h0)
            pw = pv = None

        if pspace_size >= na * na and ci0 is None and not davidson_only:
            # The degenerated wfn can break symmetry.  The davidson iteration with proper
            # initial guess doesn't have this issue
            if na * na == 1:
                return pw[0] + ecore, pv[:, 0].reshape(1, 1)
            elif nroots > 1:
                civec = numpy.empty((nroots, na * na))
                civec[:, addr] = pv[:, :nroots].T
                civec = civec.reshape(nroots, na, na)
                    return pw[:nroots] + ecore, [_check_(ci) for ci in civec]
                except ValueError:
            elif abs(pw[0] - pw[1]) > 1e-12:
                civec = numpy.empty((na * na))
                civec[addr] = pv[:, 0]
                civec = civec.reshape(na, na)
                civec = lib.transpose_sum(civec) * .5
                # direct diagonalization may lead to triplet ground state
                ##TODO: optimize initial guess.  Using pspace vector as initial guess may have
                ## spin problems.  The 'ground state' of psapce vector may have different spin
                ## state to the true ground state.
                    return pw[0] + ecore, _check_(civec.reshape(na, na))
                except ValueError:
    except NotImplementedError:
        addr = [0]
        pw = pv = None

    precond = fci.make_precond(hdiag, pw, pv, addr)

    h2e = fci.absorb_h1e(h1e, eri, norb, nelec, .5)

    def hop(c):
        hc = fci.contract_2e(h2e, c.reshape(na, na), norb, nelec, link_index)
        return hc.ravel()

#TODO: check spin of initial guess

    if ci0 is None:
        if callable(getattr(fci, 'get_init_guess', None)):
            ci0 = lambda: fci.get_init_guess(norb, nelec, nroots, hdiag)

            def ci0():
                x0 = []
                for i in range(nroots):
                    x = numpy.zeros((na, na))
                    addra = addr[i] // na
                    addrb = addr[i] % na
                    if addra == addrb:
                        x[addra, addrb] = 1
                        x[addra, addrb] = x[addrb, addra] = numpy.sqrt(.5)
                return x0
    elif not callable(ci0):
        if isinstance(ci0, numpy.ndarray) and ci0.size == na * na:
            ci0 = [ci0.ravel()]
            ci0 = [x.ravel() for x in ci0]

    if tol is None: tol = fci.conv_tol
    if lindep is None: lindep = fci.lindep
    if max_cycle is None: max_cycle = fci.max_cycle
    if max_space is None: max_space = fci.max_space
    tol_residual = getattr(fci, 'conv_tol_residual', None)

    with lib.with_omp_threads(fci.threads):
        #e, c = lib.davidson(hop, ci0, precond, tol=fci.conv_tol, lindep=fci.lindep)
        e, c = fci.eig(hop,
    if nroots > 1:
        return e + ecore, [_check_(ci.reshape(na, na)) for ci in c]
        return e + ecore, _check_(c.reshape(na, na))
Example #57
def grad_elec(cc_grad,
    mycc = cc_grad.base
    if eris is not None:
        if (abs(eris.focka - numpy.diag(eris.focka.diagonal())).max() > 1e-3
                or abs(eris.fockb - numpy.diag(eris.fockb.diagonal())).max() >
            raise RuntimeError(
                'UCCSD gradients does not support NHF (non-canonical HF)')

    if t1 is None: t1 = mycc.t1
    if t2 is None: t2 = mycc.t2
    if l1 is None: l1 = mycc.l1
    if l2 is None: l2 = mycc.l2

    log = logger.new_logger(mycc, verbose)
    time0 = time.clock(), time.time()

    log.debug('Build uccsd rdm1 intermediates')
    if d1 is None:
        d1 = uccsd_rdm._gamma1_intermediates(mycc, t1, t2, l1, l2)
    time1 = log.timer_debug1('rdm1 intermediates', *time0)
    log.debug('Build uccsd rdm2 intermediates')
    fdm2 = lib.H5TmpFile()
    if d2 is None:
        d2 = uccsd_rdm._gamma2_outcore(mycc, t1, t2, l1, l2, fdm2, True)
    time1 = log.timer_debug1('rdm2 intermediates', *time1)

    mol = cc_grad.mol
    mo_a, mo_b = mycc.mo_coeff
    mo_ea, mo_eb = mycc._scf.mo_energy
    nao, nmoa = mo_a.shape
    nmob = mo_b.shape[1]
    nocca = numpy.count_nonzero(mycc.mo_occ[0] > 0)
    noccb = numpy.count_nonzero(mycc.mo_occ[1] > 0)
    with_frozen = not ((mycc.frozen is None) or
                                   (int, numpy.integer)) and mycc.frozen == 0)
                       or (len(mycc.frozen) == 0))
    moidx = mycc.get_frozen_mask()
    OA_a, VA_a, OF_a, VF_a = ccsd_grad._index_frozen_active(
        moidx[0], mycc.mo_occ[0])
    OA_b, VA_b, OF_b, VF_b = ccsd_grad._index_frozen_active(
        moidx[1], mycc.mo_occ[1])

    log.debug('symmetrized rdm2 and MO->AO transformation')
    # Roughly, dm2*2 is computed in _rdm2_mo2ao
    mo_active = (mo_a[:, numpy.hstack((OA_a, VA_a))], mo_b[:,
                                                               (OA_b, VA_b))])
    _rdm2_mo2ao(mycc, d2, mo_active, fdm2)  # transform the active orbitals
    time1 = log.timer_debug1('MO->AO transformation', *time1)
    hf_dm1a, hf_dm1b = mycc._scf.make_rdm1(mycc.mo_coeff, mycc.mo_occ)
    hf_dm1 = hf_dm1a + hf_dm1b

    if atmlst is None:
        atmlst = range(mol.natm)
    offsetdic = mol.offset_nr_by_atom()
    diagidx = numpy.arange(nao)
    diagidx = diagidx * (diagidx + 1) // 2 + diagidx
    de = numpy.zeros((len(atmlst), 3))
    Imata = numpy.zeros((nao, nao))
    Imatb = numpy.zeros((nao, nao))
    vhf1 = fdm2.create_dataset('vhf1', (len(atmlst), 2, 3, nao, nao), 'f8')

    # 2e AO integrals dot 2pdm
    max_memory = max(0, mycc.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0])
    blksize = max(1, int(max_memory * .9e6 / 8 / (nao**3 * 2.5)))

    for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = offsetdic[ia]
        ip1 = p0
        vhf = numpy.zeros((2, 3, nao, nao))
        for b0, b1, nf in ccsd_grad._shell_prange(mol, shl0, shl1, blksize):
            ip0, ip1 = ip1, ip1 + nf
            dm2bufa = ccsd_grad._load_block_tril(fdm2['dm2aa+ab'], ip0, ip1,
            dm2bufb = ccsd_grad._load_block_tril(fdm2['dm2bb+ab'], ip0, ip1,
            dm2bufa[:, :, diagidx] *= .5
            dm2bufb[:, :, diagidx] *= .5
            shls_slice = (b0, b1, 0, mol.nbas, 0, mol.nbas, 0, mol.nbas)
            eri0 = mol.intor('int2e', aosym='s2kl', shls_slice=shls_slice)
            Imata += lib.einsum('ipx,iqx->pq', eri0.reshape(nf, nao, -1),
            Imatb += lib.einsum('ipx,iqx->pq', eri0.reshape(nf, nao, -1),
            eri0 = None

            eri1 = mol.intor('int2e_ip1',
                             shls_slice=shls_slice).reshape(3, nf, nao, -1)
            de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xijk,ijk->x', eri1, dm2bufa) * 2
            de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xijk,ijk->x', eri1, dm2bufb) * 2
            dm2bufa = dm2bufb = None
            # HF part
            for i in range(3):
                eri1tmp = lib.unpack_tril(eri1[i].reshape(nf * nao, -1))
                eri1tmp = eri1tmp.reshape(nf, nao, nao, nao)
                vhf[:, i] += numpy.einsum('ijkl,ij->kl', eri1tmp,
                vhf[0, i] -= numpy.einsum('ijkl,il->kj', eri1tmp,
                vhf[1, i] -= numpy.einsum('ijkl,il->kj', eri1tmp,
                vhf[:, i, ip0:ip1] += numpy.einsum('ijkl,kl->ij', eri1tmp,
                vhf[0, i, ip0:ip1] -= numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk->il', eri1tmp,
                vhf[1, i, ip0:ip1] -= numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk->il', eri1tmp,
            eri1 = eri1tmp = None
        vhf1[k] = vhf
        log.debug('2e-part grad of atom %d %s = %s', ia, mol.atom_symbol(ia),
        time1 = log.timer_debug1('2e-part grad of atom %d' % ia, *time1)

    s0 = mycc._scf.get_ovlp()
    Imata = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_a.T, Imata, s0, mo_a)) * -1
    Imatb = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_b.T, Imatb, s0, mo_b)) * -1

    dm1a = numpy.zeros((nmoa, nmoa))
    dm1b = numpy.zeros((nmob, nmob))
    doo, dOO = d1[0]
    dov, dOV = d1[1]
    dvo, dVO = d1[2]
    dvv, dVV = d1[3]
    if with_frozen:
        dco = Imata[OF_a[:, None], OA_a] / (mo_ea[OF_a, None] - mo_ea[OA_a])
        dfv = Imata[VF_a[:, None], VA_a] / (mo_ea[VF_a, None] - mo_ea[VA_a])
        dm1a[OA_a[:, None], OA_a] = (doo + doo.T) * .5
        dm1a[OF_a[:, None], OA_a] = dco
        dm1a[OA_a[:, None], OF_a] = dco.T
        dm1a[VA_a[:, None], VA_a] = (dvv + dvv.T) * .5
        dm1a[VF_a[:, None], VA_a] = dfv
        dm1a[VA_a[:, None], VF_a] = dfv.T
        dco = Imatb[OF_b[:, None], OA_b] / (mo_eb[OF_b, None] - mo_eb[OA_b])
        dfv = Imatb[VF_b[:, None], VA_b] / (mo_eb[VF_b, None] - mo_eb[VA_b])
        dm1b[OA_b[:, None], OA_b] = (dOO + dOO.T) * .5
        dm1b[OF_b[:, None], OA_b] = dco
        dm1b[OA_b[:, None], OF_b] = dco.T
        dm1b[VA_b[:, None], VA_b] = (dVV + dVV.T) * .5
        dm1b[VF_b[:, None], VA_b] = dfv
        dm1b[VA_b[:, None], VF_b] = dfv.T
        dm1a[:nocca, :nocca] = (doo + doo.T) * .5
        dm1a[nocca:, nocca:] = (dvv + dvv.T) * .5
        dm1b[:noccb, :noccb] = (dOO + dOO.T) * .5
        dm1b[noccb:, noccb:] = (dVV + dVV.T) * .5

    dm1 = (reduce(numpy.dot,
                  (mo_a, dm1a, mo_a.T)), reduce(numpy.dot,
                                                (mo_b, dm1b, mo_b.T)))
    vhf = mycc._scf.get_veff(mycc.mol, dm1)
    Xvo = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_a[:, nocca:].T, vhf[0], mo_a[:, :nocca]))
    XVO = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_b[:, noccb:].T, vhf[1], mo_b[:, :noccb]))
    Xvo += Imata[:nocca, nocca:].T - Imata[nocca:, :nocca]
    XVO += Imatb[:noccb, noccb:].T - Imatb[noccb:, :noccb]

    dm1_resp = _response_dm1(mycc, (Xvo, XVO), eris)
    dm1a += dm1_resp[0]
    dm1b += dm1_resp[1]
    time1 = log.timer_debug1('response_rdm1 intermediates', *time1)

    Imata[nocca:, :nocca] = Imata[:nocca, nocca:].T
    Imatb[noccb:, :noccb] = Imatb[:noccb, noccb:].T
    im1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_a, Imata, mo_a.T))
    im1 += reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_b, Imatb, mo_b.T))
    time1 = log.timer_debug1('response_rdm1', *time1)

    log.debug('h1 and JK1')
    # Initialize hcore_deriv with the underlying SCF object because some
    # extensions (e.g. QM/MM, solvent) modifies the SCF object only.
    mf_grad = cc_grad.base._scf.nuc_grad_method()
    hcore_deriv = mf_grad.hcore_generator(mol)
    s1 = mf_grad.get_ovlp(mol)

    zeta = (mo_ea[:, None] + mo_ea) * .5
    zeta[nocca:, :nocca] = mo_ea[:nocca]
    zeta[:nocca, nocca:] = mo_ea[:nocca].reshape(-1, 1)
    zeta_a = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_a, zeta * dm1a, mo_a.T))
    zeta = (mo_eb[:, None] + mo_eb) * .5
    zeta[noccb:, :noccb] = mo_eb[:noccb]
    zeta[:noccb, noccb:] = mo_eb[:noccb].reshape(-1, 1)
    zeta_b = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_b, zeta * dm1b, mo_b.T))

    dm1 = (reduce(numpy.dot,
                  (mo_a, dm1a, mo_a.T)), reduce(numpy.dot,
                                                (mo_b, dm1b, mo_b.T)))
    vhf_s1occ = mycc._scf.get_veff(mol, (dm1[0] + dm1[0].T, dm1[1] + dm1[1].T))
    p1a = numpy.dot(mo_a[:, :nocca], mo_a[:, :nocca].T)
    p1b = numpy.dot(mo_b[:, :noccb], mo_b[:, :noccb].T)
    vhf_s1occ = (reduce(numpy.dot, (p1a, vhf_s1occ[0], p1a)) +
                 reduce(numpy.dot, (p1b, vhf_s1occ[1], p1b))) * .5
    time1 = log.timer_debug1('h1 and JK1', *time1)

    # Hartree-Fock part contribution
    dm1pa = hf_dm1a + dm1[0] * 2
    dm1pb = hf_dm1b + dm1[1] * 2
    dm1 = dm1[0] + dm1[1] + hf_dm1
    zeta_a += rhf_grad.make_rdm1e(mo_ea, mo_a, mycc.mo_occ[0])
    zeta_b += rhf_grad.make_rdm1e(mo_eb, mo_b, mycc.mo_occ[1])
    zeta = zeta_a + zeta_b

    for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = offsetdic[ia]
        # s[1] dot I, note matrix im1 is not hermitian
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], im1[p0:p1])
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xji,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], im1[:, p0:p1])
        # h[1] \dot DM, contribute to f1
        h1ao = hcore_deriv(ia)
        de[k] += numpy.einsum('xij,ji->x', h1ao, dm1)
        # -s[1]*e \dot DM,  contribute to f1
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], zeta[p0:p1])
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xji,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], zeta[:, p0:p1])
        # -vhf[s_ij[1]],  contribute to f1, *2 for s1+s1.T
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:, p0:p1], vhf_s1occ[p0:p1]) * 2
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1[k, 0], dm1pa)
        de[k] -= numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1[k, 1], dm1pb)

    log.timer('%s gradients' % mycc.__class__.__name__, *time0)
    return de
Example #58
def analyze(mf, verbose=logger.DEBUG, **kwargs):
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
    mol = mf.mol
    if not mol.symmetry:
        return uhf.analyze(mf, verbose, **kwargs)

    mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    ovlp_ao = mf.get_ovlp()
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    if log.verbose >= logger.NOTE:
        nirrep = len(mol.irrep_id)
        ovlp_ao = mf.get_ovlp()
        orbsyma, orbsymb = get_orbsym(mf.mol, mo_coeff, ovlp_ao, False)
        tot_sym = 0
        noccsa = [sum(orbsyma[mo_occ[0] > 0] == ir) for ir in mol.irrep_id]
        noccsb = [sum(orbsymb[mo_occ[1] > 0] == ir) for ir in mol.irrep_id]
        for i, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id):
            if (noccsa[i] + noccsb[i]) % 2:
                tot_sym ^= ir
        if mol.groupname in ('Dooh', 'Coov', 'SO3'):
            log.note('TODO: total symmetry for %s', mol.groupname)
            log.note('total symmetry = %s',
                     symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, tot_sym))
        log.note('alpha occupancy for each irrep:  ' + (' %4s' * nirrep),
        log.note('                                 ' + (' %4d' * nirrep),
        log.note('beta  occupancy for each irrep:  ' + (' %4s' * nirrep),
        log.note('                                 ' + (' %4d' * nirrep),

        log.note('**** MO energy ****')
        irname_full = {}
        for k, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id):
            irname_full[ir] = mol.irrep_name[k]
        irorbcnt = {}
        for k, j in enumerate(orbsyma):
            if j in irorbcnt:
                irorbcnt[j] += 1
                irorbcnt[j] = 1
            log.note('alpha MO #%d (%s #%d), energy= %.15g occ= %g', k + 1,
                     irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j], mo_energy[0][k],
        irorbcnt = {}
        for k, j in enumerate(orbsymb):
            if j in irorbcnt:
                irorbcnt[j] += 1
                irorbcnt[j] = 1
            log.note('beta  MO #%d (%s #%d), energy= %.15g occ= %g', k + 1,
                     irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j], mo_energy[1][k],

    if mf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
        label = mol.ao_labels()
        molabel = []
        irorbcnt = {}
        for k, j in enumerate(orbsyma):
            if j in irorbcnt:
                irorbcnt[j] += 1
                irorbcnt[j] = 1
            molabel.append('#%-d(%s #%d)' %
                           (k + 1, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j]))
            ' ** alpha MO coefficients (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) **')
        orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
        c_inv = numpy.dot(orth_coeff.T, ovlp_ao)

        molabel = []
        irorbcnt = {}
        for k, j in enumerate(orbsymb):
            if j in irorbcnt:
                irorbcnt[j] += 1
                irorbcnt[j] = 1
            molabel.append('#%-d(%s #%d)' %
                           (k + 1, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j]))
        log.debug(' ** beta MO coefficients (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) **')

    dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
    return mf.mulliken_meta(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
Example #59
def canonicalize(mc, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, eris=None, sort=False,
                 cas_natorb=False, casdm1=None, verbose=logger.NOTE):
    '''Canonicalized CASCI/CASSCF orbitals of effecitve Fock matrix.
    Effective Fock matrix is built with one-particle density matrix (see
    also :func:`mcscf.casci.get_fock`)

        mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object

        A tuple, (natural orbitals, CI coefficients, orbital energies)
        The orbital energies are the diagonal terms of general Fock matrix.
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
    log = logger.new_logger(mc, verbose)

    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
    if casdm1 is None:
        casdm1 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci, mc.ncas, mc.nelecas)
    ncore = mc.ncore
    nocc = ncore + mc.ncas
    nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
    fock_ao = mc.get_fock(mo_coeff, ci, eris, casdm1, verbose)
    fock = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, fock_ao, mo_coeff))
    mo_energy = fock.diagonal().copy()
    if cas_natorb:
        mo_coeff1, ci, occ = mc.cas_natorb(mo_coeff, ci, eris, sort, casdm1,
        ma = mo_coeff1[:,ncore:nocc]
        mo_energy[ncore:nocc] = numpy.einsum('ji,ji->i', ma, fock_ao.dot(ma))
# Keep the active space unchanged by default.  The rotation in active space
# may cause problem for external CI solver eg DMRG.
        mo_coeff1 = numpy.empty_like(mo_coeff)
        mo_coeff1[:,ncore:nocc] = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
    if ncore > 0:
        # note the last two args of ._eig for mc1step_symm
        # mc._eig function is called to handle symmetry adapated fock
        w, c1 = mc._eig(fock[:ncore,:ncore], 0, ncore)
        if sort:
            idx = numpy.argsort(w.round(9), kind='mergesort')
            w = w[idx]
            c1 = c1[:,idx]
        mo_coeff1[:,:ncore] = numpy.dot(mo_coeff[:,:ncore], c1)
        mo_energy[:ncore] = w
    if nmo-nocc > 0:
        w, c1 = mc._eig(fock[nocc:,nocc:], nocc, nmo)
        if sort:
            idx = numpy.argsort(w.round(9), kind='mergesort')
            w = w[idx]
            c1 = c1[:,idx]
        mo_coeff1[:,nocc:] = numpy.dot(mo_coeff[:,nocc:], c1)
        mo_energy[nocc:] = w

    if hasattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym'):
        if sort:
            orbsym = symm.label_orb_symm(mc.mol, mc.mol.irrep_id,
                                         mc.mol.symm_orb, mo_coeff1)
            orbsym = mo_coeff.orbsym
        mo_coeff1 = lib.tag_array(mo_coeff1, orbsym=orbsym)

    if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
        for i in range(nmo):
            log.debug('i = %d  <i|F|i> = %12.8f', i+1, mo_energy[i])
# still return ci coefficients, in case the canonicalization funciton changed
# cas orbitals, the ci coefficients should also be updated.
    return mo_coeff1, ci, mo_energy
Example #60
def analyze(tdobj, verbose=None):
    log = logger.new_logger(tdobj, verbose)
    mol = tdobj.mol
    mo_coeff = tdobj._scf.mo_coeff
    mo_occ = tdobj._scf.mo_occ
    nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(mo_occ == 2)

    e_ev = numpy.asarray(tdobj.e) * nist.HARTREE2EV
    e_wn = numpy.asarray(tdobj.e) * nist.HARTREE2WAVENUMBER
    wave_length = 1e7 / e_wn

    if tdobj.singlet:
            '\n** Singlet excitation energies and oscillator strengths **')
            '\n** Triplet excitation energies and oscillator strengths **')

    if mol.symmetry:
        orbsym = hf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff)
        x_sym = symm.direct_prod(orbsym[mo_occ == 2], orbsym[mo_occ == 0],
        x_sym = None

    f_oscillator = tdobj.oscillator_strength()
    for i, ei in enumerate(tdobj.e):
        x, y = tdobj.xy[i]
        if x_sym is None:
            log.note('Excited State %3d: %12.5f eV %9.2f nm  f=%.4f', i + 1,
                     e_ev[i], wave_length[i], f_oscillator[i])
            wfnsym = analyze_wfnsym(tdobj, x_sym, x)
            log.note('Excited State %3d: %4s %12.5f eV %9.2f nm  f=%.4f',
                     i + 1, wfnsym, e_ev[i], wave_length[i], f_oscillator[i])

        if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
            o_idx, v_idx = numpy.where(abs(x) > 0.1)
            for o, v in zip(o_idx, v_idx):
                log.info('    %4d -> %-4d %12.5f', o + MO_BASE,
                         v + MO_BASE + nocc, x[o, v])

    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
        log.info('\n** Transition electric dipole moments (AU) **')
            'state          X           Y           Z        Dip. S.      Osc.'
        trans_dip = tdobj.transition_dipole()
        for i, ei in enumerate(tdobj.e):
            dip = trans_dip[i]
            log.info('%3d    %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f', i + 1,
                     dip[0], dip[1], dip[2], numpy.dot(dip,
                                                       dip), f_oscillator[i])

            '\n** Transition velocity dipole moments (imaginary part, AU) **')
            'state          X           Y           Z        Dip. S.      Osc.'
        trans_v = tdobj.transition_velocity_dipole()
        f_v = tdobj.oscillator_strength(gauge='velocity', order=0)
        for i, ei in enumerate(tdobj.e):
            v = trans_v[i]
            log.info('%3d    %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f', i + 1, v[0],
                     v[1], v[2], numpy.dot(v, v), f_v[i])

            '\n** Transition magnetic dipole moments (imaginary part, AU) **')
        log.info('state          X           Y           Z')
        trans_m = tdobj.transition_magnetic_dipole()
        for i, ei in enumerate(tdobj.e):
            m = trans_m[i]
            log.info('%3d    %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f', i + 1, m[0], m[1], m[2])
    return tdobj