Example #1
def newton(mf):
    '''augmented hessian for Newton Raphson


    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
    >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol).run(conv_tol=.5)
    >>> mf = scf.newton(mf).set(conv_tol=1e-9)
    >>> mf.kernel()
    return newton_ah.newton(mf)
Example #2
def newton(mf):
    from pyscf.scf import newton_ah
    from pyscf.pbc import scf as pscf
    if not isinstance(mf, (pscf.khf.KRHF, pscf.kuhf.KUHF)):
        # Note for single k-point other than gamma point (mf.kpt != 0) mf object,
        # orbital hessian is approximated by gamma point hessian.
        return newton_ah.newton(mf)

    KSCF = newton_ah.newton_SCF_class(mf)

    if isinstance(mf, pscf.kuhf.KUHF):

        class KUHF(KSCF):
            def build(self, cell=None):
                KSCF.build(self, cell)

            gen_g_hop = gen_g_hop_uhf

            def update_rotate_matrix(self, dx, mo_occ, u0=1):
                nkpts = len(mo_occ[0])
                p0 = 0
                u = []
                for occ in mo_occ:
                    ua = []
                    for k in range(nkpts):
                        occidx = occ[k] > 0
                        viridx = ~occidx
                        nocc = occidx.sum()
                        nvir = viridx.sum()
                        nmo = nocc + nvir
                        dr = numpy.zeros((nmo, nmo), dtype=dx.dtype)
                        dr[viridx[:, None] & occidx] = dx[p0:p0 + nocc * nvir]
                        dr = dr - dr.T.conj()
                        p0 += nocc * nvir
                        u1 = newton_ah.expmat(dr)
                        if isinstance(u0, int) and u0 == 1:
                            ua.append(numpy.dot(u0[k], u1))
                return lib.asarray(u)

            def rotate_mo(self, mo_coeff, u, log=None):
                mo = ([
                    numpy.dot(mo, u[0][k]) for k, mo in enumerate(mo_coeff[0])
                ], [
                    numpy.dot(mo, u[1][k]) for k, mo in enumerate(mo_coeff[1])
                return lib.asarray(mo)

        return KUHF()


        class KRHF(KSCF):
            def build(self, cell=None):
                KSCF.build(self, cell)

            gen_g_hop = gen_g_hop_rhf

            def update_rotate_matrix(self, dx, mo_occ, u0=1):
                p0 = 0
                u = []
                for k, occ in enumerate(mo_occ):
                    occidx = occ > 0
                    viridx = ~occidx
                    nocc = occidx.sum()
                    nvir = viridx.sum()
                    nmo = nocc + nvir
                    dr = numpy.zeros((nmo, nmo), dtype=dx.dtype)
                    dr[viridx[:, None] & occidx] = dx[p0:p0 + nocc * nvir]
                    dr = dr - dr.T.conj()
                    p0 += nocc * nvir

                    u1 = newton_ah.expmat(dr)
                    if isinstance(u0, int) and u0 == 1:
                        u.append(numpy.dot(u0[k], u1))
                return lib.asarray(u)

            def rotate_mo(self, mo_coeff, u, log=None):
                return lib.asarray(
                    [numpy.dot(mo, u[k]) for k, mo in enumerate(mo_coeff)])

        return KRHF()
Example #3
def newton(mf):
    '''augmented hessian for Newton Raphson'''
    return newton_ah.newton(mf)