Example #1
    def testSettings(self):
        if os.path.exists('testSetting.gz'):

        # set distributions of the input parameters
        builder = ParameterBuilder()
        up = builder.defineUncertainParameters()

        up.new().isCalled('x').withUniformDistribution(0, 2)
        up.new().isCalled('y').withUniformDistribution(0, 2)

        # builder.withLinearTransformation()
        params = builder.andGetResult()

        uq_a = self.makeUQSetting()

        # prepare sample set
        points = np.random.rand(2, 2)
        samples = Samples(params)
        for point in points:
            samples.add(point, dtype=SampleType.ACTIVEUNIT)

        # run first test session
        uq_a_json = uq_a.toJson()

        # restore results from file
        uq_b = self.makeUQSetting()
        uq_b_json = uq_b.toJson()

        # run second test session

        # testing
        uq_c_json = uq_b.toJson()

        assert uq_b_json == uq_c_json
        assert uq_b_json == uq_a_json

        res = uq_b.getResults(qoi='x')

        assert list(res.keys()) == [0]

        for t, data in list(uq_b.toDataMatrix(qoi='x').items()):
            writeDataARFF({'filename': 'uqSetting_%g.arff' % t,
                           'data': data})
Example #2
    def nextSamples(self):
        Generate the next samples with respect to the current knowledge
        @return: Samples, set of new samples
        # increase the iteration counter
        self.__iteration += 1

        dim = self.getParameters().getStochasticDim()
        newCollocationNodes = np.ndarray([0, dim], dtype='float')

        # if no learning iteration has been done yet then
        # learn the regular grid
        if self._iteration == 0:
            # initialize  store for samples
            self.samples = Samples(self.getParameters())
            # get collocation nodes
            newCollocationNodes = self.__learner.getCollocationNodes()
        # otherwise we learn the available data and refine
        # the grid adaptively
            # check if the training has reached a limit
            if not self.getStopPolicy().hasLimitReached(self.__learner):
                # refine the grid
                newCollocationNodes = self.__learner.refineGrid()

        # store them in a set of samples
        ans = Samples(self.getParameters())
        for p in newCollocationNodes:
            ans.add(p, dtype=SampleType.ACTIVEUNIT)

        # increase the internal counter
        self._iteration += 1

        # join sample sets

        return ans
Example #3
    def nextSamples(self, knowledge=None, qoi="_", refinets=[0]):
        Generate the next samples with respect to the current knowledge
        @return: Samples, set of new samples
        dim = self.__params.getStochasticDim()
        newCollocationNodes = np.ndarray([0, dim], dtype='float')

        # if no learning iteration has been done yet then
        # learn the regular grid
        if self.__iteration == 0:
            # initialize  store for samples
            self.samples = Samples(self.__params)
            # get collocation nodes
            newCollocationNodes = self.getCollocationNodes()
        # otherwise we learn the available data and refine
        # the grid adaptively
            if not self.__stopPolicy.hasLimitReached(self):
                # refine the grid
                newCollocationNodes = self.refineGrid(knowledge, qoi, refinets)
                raise AttributeError("There are no more samples available")

        # increase the internal counter
        self.__iteration += 1

        # store them in a set of samples
        ans = Samples(self.__params)
        for p in newCollocationNodes:
            ans.add(p, dtype=SampleType.ACTIVEUNIT)

        # join sample sets

        return ans
Example #4
class ASGCSampler(Sampler):
    The ASGC sampler class
    def __init__(self, params, grid, refinementManager=None, stopPolicy=None):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
        self.__grid = grid
        self.__refinementManager = refinementManager
        self.__stopPolicy = stopPolicy
        self.__params = params

        self.__samples = None
        self.__iteration = 0
        self.__verbose = False

    def getGrid(self):
        return self.__grid

    def setGrid(self, grid):
        self.__grid = grid

    def getCurrentIterationNumber(self):
        return self.__iteration

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def getCollocationNodes(self):
        Create a set of all collocation nodes
        gs = self.__grid.getStorage()
        ps = np.ndarray([gs.getSize(), gs.getDimension()], dtype='float')
        p = DataVector(gs.getDimension())
        for i in range(gs.getSize()):
            gs.getCoordinates(gs.getPoint(i), p)
            ps[i, :] = p.array()

        return ps

    def refineGrid(self, knowledge, qoi="_", refinets=[0]):
        # load the time steps we use for refinement
        oldGridSize = self.__grid.getSize()
        oldAdmissibleSetSize = self.__refinementManager.getAdmissibleSet(

        # refine
        newCollocationNodes = self.__refinementManager.refineGrid(
            self.__grid, knowledge, self.__params, qoi, refinets)

        # print some information
        if self.__verbose:
            print("-" * 70)
            print("iteration: %i" % self.__iteration)
            print("old grid size: %i" % oldGridSize)
            print("old AS size: %i" % oldAdmissibleSetSize)
            print("new collocation nodes: %i" % len(newCollocationNodes))
            print(("new grid size:", self.__grid.getSize()))
            print( "new AS size: %i" % self.__refinementManager\
            print("-" * 70)

#         fig = plt.figure()
#         plotGrid(self.__grid, knowledge.getAlpha(),
#                  self.__refinementManager.getAdmissibleSet().values(),
#                  self.__params, newCollocationNodes)
# #         fig.savefig('%i.png' % self._learner.iteration)
#         fig.show()
#         plt.show()

# parse them to a numpy array
        gs = self.__grid.getStorage()
        p = DataVector(gs.getDimension())
        ans = np.ndarray([len(newCollocationNodes),
        for i, gp in enumerate(newCollocationNodes):
            gs.getCoordinates(gp, p)
            ans[i, :] = p.array()

        return ans

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def nextSamples(self, knowledge=None, qoi="_", refinets=[0]):
        Generate the next samples with respect to the current knowledge
        @return: Samples, set of new samples
        dim = self.__params.getStochasticDim()
        newCollocationNodes = np.ndarray([0, dim], dtype='float')

        # if no learning iteration has been done yet then
        # learn the regular grid
        if self.__iteration == 0:
            # initialize  store for samples
            self.samples = Samples(self.__params)
            # get collocation nodes
            newCollocationNodes = self.getCollocationNodes()
        # otherwise we learn the available data and refine
        # the grid adaptively
            if not self.__stopPolicy.hasLimitReached(self):
                # refine the grid
                newCollocationNodes = self.refineGrid(knowledge, qoi, refinets)
                raise AttributeError("There are no more samples available")

        # increase the internal counter
        self.__iteration += 1

        # store them in a set of samples
        ans = Samples(self.__params)
        for p in newCollocationNodes:
            ans.add(p, dtype=SampleType.ACTIVEUNIT)

        # join sample sets

        return ans

    def hasMoreSamples(self):
        # first run -> regular grid
        if self.__iteration == 0:
            return True
        # if there is a stop policy check it to see if the training is complete
            return self.__stopPolicy is not None and \
                not self.__stopPolicy.isTrainingComplete(self)

    def getSize(self):
        return self.__grid.getStorage().getSize()

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # ASGCSampler File Formatter
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    def setMemento(self, memento):
        Restores the state which is saved in the given memento
        @param memento: the memento object

    def createMemento(self):
        Creates a new memento to hold the current state
        jsonString = self.toJson()
        jsonObject = json.JsonReader().read(jsonString)
        return jsonObject

    def fromJson(cls, jsonObject):
        Restores the ASGCSampler object from the json object with its
        @param jsonObject: json object
        @return: the restored ASGCSampler object
        setting = ASGCSampler()

        # restore surpluses
        key = '_ASGC__knowledge'
        if key in jsonObject:
            knowledge = ASGCKnowledge.fromJson(jsonObject[key])

        # restore specification
        spec = ASGCSamplerSpecification()

        # knowledge types to be learned
        key = '_ASGCSpecification__knowledgeTypes'
        if key in jsonObject:
            knowledgeTypes = [None] * len(jsonObject[key])
            for i, dtype in enumerate(jsonObject[key]):
                knowledgeTypes[i] = int(dtype)

        # quantity of interest
        key = '_ASGCSpecification__qoi'
        if key in jsonObject:

        # number of moments
        key = '_ASGCSpecification__params'
        if key in jsonObject:
            params = ParameterSet.fromJson(jsonObject[key])

        # distribution
        key = '_ASGCSpecification__distribution'
        if key in jsonObject:
            dist = Dist.fromJson(jsonObject[key])

        # set the new specification object

        # restore verbose setting
        key = '_UQSetting__verbose'
        if key in jsonObject:
            verbose = jsonObject[key] == 'True'

        return setting

    def toJson(self):
        @return: string that represents the object
        raise NotImplementedError()
        serializationString = '"module" : "' + \
                              self.__module__ + '",\n'
        for attrName in dir(self):
            attrValue = self.__getattribute__(attrName)
            serializationString += ju.parseAttribute(attrValue, attrName)

        s = serializationString.rstrip(",\n")

        # print( "j-------------------------------------------" )
        # print( "{" + s + "}" )
        # print( "j-------------------------------------------" )

        return "{" + s + "}"

    def __str__(self):
        return self.toJson()
Example #5
class ASGCSampler(Sampler):
    The ASGC sampler class

    def __init__(self):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
        self.__specification = ASGCSamplerSpecification()
        self.__learner = None
        self.samples = None
        self.__iteration = 0

    def getLearner(self):
        return self.__learner

    def setLearner(self, learner):
        self.__learner = learner

    def getSpecification(self):
        return self.__specification

    def setSpecification(self, specification):
        self.__specification = specification

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        Overrides built-in method if method called is not a object
        method of this Descriptor, most probably it's a method of
        ASGCSamplerSpecification so it tries to call the method
        from our specification
        @param attr: string method name
        @return: method call in specification
        return getattr(self.__specification, attr)

    def nextSamples(self):
        Generate the next samples with respect to the current knowledge
        @return: Samples, set of new samples
        # increase the iteration counter
        self.__iteration += 1

        dim = self.getParameters().getStochasticDim()
        newCollocationNodes = np.ndarray([0, dim], dtype='float')

        # if no learning iteration has been done yet then
        # learn the regular grid
        if self._iteration == 0:
            # initialize  store for samples
            self.samples = Samples(self.getParameters())
            # get collocation nodes
            newCollocationNodes = self.__learner.getCollocationNodes()
        # otherwise we learn the available data and refine
        # the grid adaptively
            # check if the training has reached a limit
            if not self.getStopPolicy().hasLimitReached(self.__learner):
                # refine the grid
                newCollocationNodes = self.__learner.refineGrid()

        # store them in a set of samples
        ans = Samples(self.getParameters())
        for p in newCollocationNodes:
            ans.add(p, dtype=SampleType.ACTIVEUNIT)

        # increase the internal counter
        self._iteration += 1

        # join sample sets

        return ans

    def hasMoreSamples(self):
        # first run -> regular grid
        if self.__iteration == 0:
            return True
        # if there is a stop policy check it to see if the training is complete
            self.__learner.iteration += 1
            ans = self.getStopPolicy() is not None and \
                not self.getStopPolicy().isTrainingComplete(self.__learner)
            self.__learner.iteration -= 1
            return ans

    def learnData(self, dataset):
        Learn the available data
        @param dataset: UQSetting storing the simulation results
        # check if there is some knowledge available
        if dataset is None:
            raise AttributeError('I need training data to proceed')

        # learn the data
        print "learning (%i)" % (self.getLearner().getGrid().getSize())
        if self.getLearnWithTest():
            self.__learner.setDataContainer(dataset, self.getTestSet())
            if self.getLearnWithFolding():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # ASGCSampler File Formatter
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    def setMemento(self, memento):
        Restores the state which is saved in the given memento
        @param memento: the memento object

    def createMemento(self):
        Creates a new memento to hold the current state
        jsonString = self.toJson()
        jsonObject = json.JsonReader().read(jsonString)
        return jsonObject

    def fromJson(cls, jsonObject):
        Restores the ASGCSampler object from the json object with its
        @param jsonObject: json object
        @return: the restored ASGCSampler object
        setting = ASGCSampler()

        # restore surpluses
        key = '_ASGC__knowledge'
        if key in jsonObject:
            knowledge = ASGCKnowledge.fromJson(jsonObject[key])

        # restore specification
        spec = ASGCSamplerSpecification()

        # knowledge types to be learned
        key = '_ASGCSpecification__knowledgeTypes'
        if key in jsonObject:
            knowledgeTypes = [None] * len(jsonObject[key])
            for i, dtype in enumerate(jsonObject[key]):
                knowledgeTypes[i] = int(dtype)

        # quantity of interest
        key = '_ASGCSpecification__qoi'
        if key in jsonObject:

        # number of moments
        key = '_ASGCSpecification__params'
        if key in jsonObject:
            params = ParameterSet.fromJson(jsonObject[key])

        # distribution
        key = '_ASGCSpecification__distribution'
        if key in jsonObject:
            dist = Dist.fromJson(jsonObject[key])

        # set the new specification object

        # restore verbose setting
        key = '_UQSetting__verbose'
        if key in jsonObject:
            verbose = jsonObject[key] == 'True'

        return setting

    def toJson(self):
        @return: string that represents the object
        serializationString = '"module" : "' + \
                              self.__module__ + '",\n'
        for attrName in dir(self):
            attrValue = self.__getattribute__(attrName)
            serializationString += ju.parseAttribute(attrValue, attrName)

        for attrName in dir(self.__specification):
            attrValue = self.__specification.__getattribute__(attrName)
            serializationString += ju.parseAttribute(attrValue, attrName)

        s = serializationString.rstrip(",\n")

        # print "j-------------------------------------------"
        # print "{" + s + "}"
        # print "j-------------------------------------------"

        return "{" + s + "}"

    def __str__(self):
        return self.toJson()