Example #1
 def rtree_generator_function():
     c = 0
     centers = pair_arrays(sg.center_lon, sg.center_lat)
     for i, axis in enumerate(centers):
         for j, (x, y) in enumerate(axis):
             c += 1
             yield (c, (x, y, x, y), (i, j))
Example #2
 def wgs84_bounds(self, layer):
         cached_sg = load_grid(self.topology_file)
         #centers = cached_sg.centers
         centers = pair_arrays(cached_sg.center_lon, cached_sg.center_lat)
         longitudes = centers[..., 0]
         latitudes = centers[..., 1]
         lon_name, lat_name = cached_sg.face_coordinates
         lon_var_obj = getattr(cached_sg, lon_name)
         lat_var_obj = getattr(cached_sg, lat_name)
         lon_trimmed = longitudes[lon_var_obj.center_slicing]
         lat_trimmed = latitudes[lat_var_obj.center_slicing]
         lon_max = lon_trimmed.max()
         lon_min = lon_trimmed.min()
         lat_max = lat_trimmed.max()
         lat_min = lat_trimmed.min()
         return DotDict(minx=lon_min,
                        bbox=(lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
Example #3
def test_pair_arrays():
    a1, a2, a3 = (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)
    b1, b2, b3 = (10, 20), (30, 40), (50, 60)
    a = np.array([a1, a2, a3])
    b = np.array([b1, b2, b3])
    result = pair_arrays(a, b)
    expected = np.array([[(1, 10), (2, 20)], [(3, 30), (4, 40)],
                         [(5, 50), (6, 60)]])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected, decimal=3)
Example #4
def test_pair_arrays():
    a1, a2, a3 = (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)
    b1, b2, b3 = (10, 20), (30, 40), (50, 60)
    a = np.array([a1, a2, a3])
    b = np.array([b1, b2, b3])
    result = pair_arrays(a, b)
    expected = np.array([[(1, 10), (2, 20)],
                         [(3, 30), (4, 40)],
                         [(5, 50), (6, 60)]])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected, decimal=3)
Example #5
    def getmap(self, layer, request):
        time_index, time_value = self.nearest_time(layer, request.GET['time'])
        wgs84_bbox = request.GET['wgs84_bbox']

        with self.dataset() as nc:
            cached_sg = load_grid(self.topology_file)
            lon_name, lat_name = cached_sg.face_coordinates
            lon_obj = getattr(cached_sg, lon_name)
            lat_obj = getattr(cached_sg, lat_name)
            #centers = cached_sg.centers
            centers = pair_arrays(cached_sg.center_lon, cached_sg.center_lat)
            lon = centers[..., 0][lon_obj.center_slicing]
            lat = centers[..., 1][lat_obj.center_slicing]

            if isinstance(layer, Layer):
                data_obj = getattr(cached_sg, layer.access_name)
                raw_var = nc.variables[layer.access_name]
                if len(raw_var.shape) == 4:
                    z_index, z_value = self.nearest_z(layer, request.GET['elevation'])
                    raw_data = raw_var[time_index, z_index, data_obj.center_slicing[-2], data_obj.center_slicing[-1]]
                elif len(raw_var.shape) == 3:
                    raw_data = raw_var[time_index, data_obj.center_slicing[-2], data_obj.center_slicing[-1]]
                elif len(raw_var.shape) == 2:
                    raw_data = raw_var[data_obj.center_slicing]
                    raise BaseException('Unable to trim variable {0} data.'.format(layer.access_name))
                # handle edge variables
                if data_obj.location is not None and 'edge' in data_obj.location:
                    raw_data = avg_to_cell_center(raw_data, data_obj.center_axis)

                if request.GET['image_type'] == 'pcolor':
                    return mpl_handler.pcolormesh_response(lon, lat, data=raw_data, request=request)
                elif request.GET['image_type'] in ['filledhatches', 'hatches', 'filledcontours', 'contours']:
                    return mpl_handler.contouring_response(lon, lat, data=raw_data, request=request)
                    raise NotImplementedError('Image type "{}" is not supported.'.format(request.GET['image_type']))

            elif isinstance(layer, VirtualLayer):
                x_var = None
                y_var = None
                raw_vars = []
                for l in layer.layers:
                    data_obj = getattr(cached_sg, l.access_name)
                    raw_var = nc.variables[l.access_name]
                    if len(raw_var.shape) == 4:
                        z_index, z_value = self.nearest_z(layer, request.GET['elevation'])
                        raw_data = raw_var[time_index, z_index, data_obj.center_slicing[-2], data_obj.center_slicing[-1]]
                    elif len(raw_var.shape) == 3:
                        raw_data = raw_var[time_index, data_obj.center_slicing[-2], data_obj.center_slicing[-1]]
                    elif len(raw_var.shape) == 2:
                        raw_data = raw_var[data_obj.center_slicing]
                        raise BaseException('Unable to trim variable {0} data.'.format(l.access_name))

                    raw_data = avg_to_cell_center(raw_data, data_obj.center_axis)
                    if x_var is None:
                        if data_obj.vector_axis and data_obj.vector_axis.lower() == 'x':
                            x_var = raw_data
                        elif data_obj.center_axis == 1:
                            x_var = raw_data

                    if y_var is None:
                        if data_obj.vector_axis and data_obj.vector_axis.lower() == 'y':
                            y_var = raw_data
                        elif data_obj.center_axis == 0:
                            y_var = raw_data

                if x_var is None or y_var is None:
                    raise BaseException('Unable to determine x and y variables.')

                dim_lengths = [ len(v.dimensions) for v in raw_vars ]
                if len(list(set(dim_lengths))) != 1:
                    raise AttributeError('One or both of the specified variables has screwed up dimensions.')

                if request.GET['image_type'] == 'vectors':
                    angles = cached_sg.angles[lon_obj.center_slicing]
                    vectorstep = request.GET['vectorstep']
                    # don't do this if the vectorstep is 1; let's save a microsecond or two
                    # it's identical to getting all the data
                    if vectorstep > 1:
                        data_dim = len(lon.shape)
                        step_slice = (np.s_[::vectorstep],) * data_dim  # make sure the vector step is used for all applicable dimensions
                        lon = lon[step_slice]
                        lat = lat[step_slice]
                        x_var = x_var[step_slice]
                        y_var = y_var[step_slice]
                        angles = angles[step_slice]
                    vectorscale = request.GET['vectorscale']
                    padding_factor = calc_safety_factor(vectorscale)
                    # figure out the average distance between lat/lon points
                    # do the math after taking into the vectorstep if specified
                    spatial_idx_padding = calc_lon_lat_padding(lon, lat, padding_factor)
                    spatial_idx = data_handler.lat_lon_subset_idx(lon, lat,
                    subset_lon = self._spatial_data_subset(lon, spatial_idx)
                    subset_lat = self._spatial_data_subset(lat, spatial_idx)
                    # rotate vectors
                    x_rot, y_rot = rotate_vectors(x_var, y_var, angles)
                    spatial_subset_x_rot = self._spatial_data_subset(x_rot, spatial_idx)
                    spatial_subset_y_rot = self._spatial_data_subset(y_rot, spatial_idx)
                    return mpl_handler.quiver_response(subset_lon,
                    raise NotImplementedError('Image type "{}" is not supported.'.format(request.GET['image_type']))
Example #6
    def minmax(self, layer, request):
        time_index, time_value = self.nearest_time(layer, request.GET['time'])
        wgs84_bbox = request.GET['wgs84_bbox']

        with self.dataset() as nc:
            cached_sg = load_grid(self.topology_file)
            lon_name, lat_name = cached_sg.face_coordinates
            lon_obj = getattr(cached_sg, lon_name)
            lat_obj = getattr(cached_sg, lat_name)
            #centers = cached_sg.centers
            centers = pair_arrays(cached_sg.center_lon, cached_sg.center_lat)
            lon = centers[..., 0][lon_obj.center_slicing]
            lat = centers[..., 1][lat_obj.center_slicing]
            spatial_idx = data_handler.lat_lon_subset_idx(lon, lat,
            subset_lon = np.unique(spatial_idx[0])
            subset_lat = np.unique(spatial_idx[1])
            grid_variables = cached_sg.grid_variables

            vmin = None
            vmax = None
            raw_data = None
            if isinstance(layer, Layer):
                data_obj = getattr(cached_sg, layer.access_name)
                raw_var = nc.variables[layer.access_name]
                if len(raw_var.shape) == 4:
                    z_index, z_value = self.nearest_z(layer, request.GET['elevation'])
                    raw_data = raw_var[time_index, z_index, subset_lon, subset_lat]
                elif len(raw_var.shape) == 3:
                    raw_data = raw_var[time_index, subset_lon, subset_lat]
                elif len(raw_var.shape) == 2:
                    raw_data = raw_var[subset_lon, subset_lat]
                    raise BaseException('Unable to trim variable {0} data.'.format(layer.access_name))

                # handle grid variables
                if set([layer.access_name]).issubset(grid_variables):
                    raw_data = avg_to_cell_center(raw_data, data_obj.center_axis)

                vmin = np.nanmin(raw_data).item()
                vmax = np.nanmax(raw_data).item()

            elif isinstance(layer, VirtualLayer):
                x_var = None
                y_var = None
                raw_vars = []
                for l in layer.layers:
                    data_obj = getattr(cached_sg, l.access_name)
                    raw_var = nc.variables[l.access_name]
                    if len(raw_var.shape) == 4:
                        z_index, z_value = self.nearest_z(layer, request.GET['elevation'])
                        raw_data = raw_var[time_index, z_index, subset_lon, subset_lat]
                    elif len(raw_var.shape) == 3:
                        raw_data = raw_var[time_index, subset_lon, subset_lat]
                    elif len(raw_var.shape) == 2:
                        raw_data = raw_var[subset_lon, subset_lat]
                        raise BaseException('Unable to trim variable {0} data.'.format(l.access_name))

                    if x_var is None:
                        if data_obj.vector_axis and data_obj.vector_axis.lower() == 'x':
                            x_var = raw_data
                        elif data_obj.center_axis == 1:
                            x_var = raw_data

                    if y_var is None:
                        if data_obj.vector_axis and data_obj.vector_axis.lower() == 'y':
                            y_var = raw_data
                        elif data_obj.center_axis == 0:
                            y_var = raw_data

                if ',' in layer.var_name and raw_data is not None:
                    # Vectors, so return magnitude
                    data = [ sqrt((u*u) + (v*v)) for (u, v,) in zip(x_var.flatten(), y_var.flatten()) if u != np.nan and v != np.nan]
                    vmin = min(data)
                    vmax = max(data)

            return gmd_handler.from_dict(dict(min=vmin, max=vmax))