Example #1
def from_json(filepath: Union[str, Path],
              logger: Logger = silent_logger(),
    """Load dictionary from json file"""
    filepath = plain_path(filepath)
    logger.info(f'Load data from {filepath} ...')
    with filepath.open(mode='r', encoding=encoding) as f:
        return json.load(f, **kwargs)
Example #2
def read_lines(filepath: Union[str, Path],
               logger: Logger = silent_logger(),
               **kwargs) -> Iterator[str]:
    """Read lines from text file"""
    filepath = plain_path(filepath)
    kwargs.setdefault('mode', 'r')
    kwargs.setdefault('encoding', 'utf-8')
    logger.info(f'Read lines from {filepath} ...')
    with filepath.open(**kwargs) as f:
        for line in f:
            yield line.rstrip()
Example #3
def load_pickle(filepath: Union[str, Path],
                use_dill: bool = False,
                logger: Logger = silent_logger()):
    """Deserialize object with pickle"""
    filepath = plain_path(filepath)
    logger.info(f'Load data from {filepath} ...')
    serializer = dill if use_dill else pickle
    compress = str(filepath).endswith('.gz')
    file = gzip.open(filepath, mode='rb') if compress else filepath.open(
    with file as f:
        return serializer.load(f)
Example #4
def write_lines(filepath: Union[str, Path],
                lines: List[str],
                logger: Logger = silent_logger(),
    """Write lines into text file"""
    filepath = ensure_filedir(filepath)
    kwargs.setdefault('mode', 'w')
    kwargs.setdefault('encoding', 'utf-8')
    logger.info(f'Write {len(lines)} lines into {filepath} ...')
    with filepath.open(**kwargs) as f:
        for line in lines:
            f.write(line + '\n')
Example #5
def to_json(filepath: Union[str, Path],
            data: dict,
            logger: Logger = silent_logger(),
    """Dump dictionary into json file"""
    filepath = ensure_filedir(filepath)
    logger.info(f'Dump data to {filepath} ...')
    kwargs.setdefault('indent', 4)
    kwargs.setdefault('ensure_ascii', False)
    with filepath.open(mode='w', encoding=encoding) as f:
        json.dump(data, f, **kwargs)
Example #6
def from_tsv(filepath: Union[str, Path],
             logger: Logger = silent_logger(),
             **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Load table from tsv file"""
    filepath = plain_path(filepath)
    kwargs.setdefault('sep', '\t')
    kwargs.setdefault('na_values', NAN_IDENTIFIER)
    kwargs.setdefault('keep_default_na', False)
    kwargs.setdefault('dtype', object)
    if str(filepath).endswith('.gz'):
        kwargs.setdefault('compression', 'gzip')
    logger.info(f'Load data from {filepath} ...')
    return pd.read_csv(filepath, **kwargs)
Example #7
def to_tsv(filepath: Union[str, Path],
           data: pd.DataFrame,
           logger: Logger = silent_logger(),
    """Write table into tsv file"""
    filepath = ensure_filedir(filepath)
    kwargs.setdefault('sep', '\t')
    kwargs.setdefault('na_rep', NAN_IDENTIFIER)
    kwargs.setdefault('encoding', 'utf-8')
    kwargs.setdefault('index', False)
    if str(filepath).endswith('.gz'):
        kwargs.setdefault('compression', 'gzip')
    logger.info(f'Dump {len(data)} rows into {filepath} ...')
    data.to_csv(filepath, **kwargs)
Example #8
def dump_pickle(filepath: Union[str, Path],
                obj: "serializable object",
                use_dill: bool = False,
                skip_fields: List[str] = None,
                logger: Logger = silent_logger()):
    """Serialize object with pickle"""
    filepath = ensure_filedir(filepath)
    logger.info(f'Dump data into {filepath} ...')
    skip_fields = [] if not skip_fields else skip_fields
    protocol = 2 if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else 4
    serializer = dill if use_dill else pickle
    compress = str(filepath).endswith('.gz')
    with ExitStack() as stack, gzip.open(
            filepath, mode='wb') if compress else filepath.open(
                mode='wb') as file:
        for field in skip_fields:
            stack.enter_context(CachedObject.parse_from(obj=obj, field=field))
            serializer.dump(obj, file, protocol=protocol)
        except RecursionError:
            logger.warning('Set recursion limit to 10000!')
            serializer.dump(obj, file, protocol=protocol)