Example #1
    def _get_detector_layout(self, ngrids, nep, fknee, fslope, ncorr, tau):
        shape, vertex, removed, index, quadrant, efficiency = \
        if ngrids == 2:
            shape = (2,) + shape
            vertex = np.array([vertex, vertex])
            removed = np.array([removed, removed])
            index = np.array([index, index + np.max(index) + 1], index.dtype)
            quadrant = np.array([quadrant, quadrant + 4], quadrant.dtype)
            efficiency = np.array([efficiency, efficiency])
        focal_length = self.calibration.get('optics')['focal length']

        vertex = np.concatenate(
            [vertex, np.full_like(vertex[..., :1], -focal_length)], -1)

        def theta(self):
            return np.arctan2(
                np.sqrt(np.sum(self.center[..., :2]**2, axis=-1)),
                self.center[..., 2])

        def phi(self):
            return np.arctan2(self.center[..., 1], self.center[..., 0])

        layout = Layout(
            shape, vertex=vertex, selection=~removed, ordering=index,
            quadrant=quadrant, nep=nep, fknee=fknee, fslope=fslope,
            tau=tau, theta=theta, phi=phi, efficiency=efficiency)

        # assume all detectors have the same area
        layout.area = surface_simple_polygon(layout.vertex[0, :, :2])
        layout.ncorr = ncorr
        layout.ngrids = ngrids
        return layout
Example #2
    def _get_detector_layout(self, ngrids, nep, fknee, fslope, ncorr, tau):
        shape, vertex, removed, index, quadrant, efficiency = \
        if ngrids == 2:
            shape = (2,) + shape
            vertex = np.array([vertex, vertex])
            removed = np.array([removed, removed])
            index = np.array([index, index + np.max(index) + 1], index.dtype)
            quadrant = np.array([quadrant, quadrant + 4], quadrant.dtype)
            efficiency = np.array([efficiency, efficiency])
        focal_length = self.calibration.get('optics')['focal length']
        vertex = np.concatenate([vertex, np.full_like(vertex[..., :1], -focal_length)], -1)

        def theta(self):
            return np.arctan2(
                np.sqrt(np.sum(self.center[..., :2]**2, axis=-1)),
                self.center[..., 2])

        def phi(self):
            return np.arctan2(self.center[..., 1], self.center[..., 0])

        layout = Layout(
            shape, vertex=vertex, selection=~removed, ordering=index,
            quadrant=quadrant, nep=nep, fknee=fknee, fslope=fslope,
            tau=tau, theta=theta, phi=phi, efficiency=efficiency)

        # assume all detectors have the same area
        layout.area = surface_simple_polygon(layout.vertex[0, :, :2])
        layout.ncorr = ncorr
        layout.ngrids = ngrids
        return layout
Example #3
 def func(r, n, e):
     polygon = create_regular_polygon(n, r, center=origin)
     assert_same(surface_simple_polygon(polygon), e * r**2)
     out = np.empty(np.shape(r))
     surface_simple_polygon(polygon, out=out)
     assert_same(out, e * r**2)
Example #4
 def func(r, n, e):
     polygon = create_regular_polygon(n, r, center=origin)
     assert_same(surface_simple_polygon(polygon), e * r**2)
     out = np.empty(np.shape(r))
     surface_simple_polygon(polygon, out=out)
     assert_same(out, e * r**2)