Example #1
def test_combine_fitsheader():
    headers = [
        create_fitsheader((1, 1), cdelt=3., crval=(0, 0)),
        create_fitsheader((3, 3), cdelt=1., crval=(1, 1)),
        create_fitsheader((5, 5), cdelt=1., crval=(3, 3)),
        create_fitsheader((2, 2), cdelt=1., crval=(5, 5)),
    header0 = combine_fitsheader(headers)
    proj0 = WCS(header0)
    epsilon = 1.e-10

    def func(iheader, header):
        nx = header['NAXIS1']
        ny = header['NAXIS2']
        x = header['CRPIX1']
        y = header['CRPIX2']
        edges = (np.array(3*(0.5, x, nx+0.5)),
                 np.array((0.5, 0.5, 0.5, y, y, y, ny+0.5, ny+0.5, ny+0.5)))
        a, d = WCS(header).wcs_pix2world(edges[0], edges[1], 1)
        x0, y0 = proj0.wcs_world2pix(a, d, 1)
        assert np.all(x0 > 0.5-epsilon)
        assert np.all(y0 > 0.5-epsilon)
        assert np.all(x0 < header0['NAXIS1'] + 0.5 + epsilon)
        assert np.all(y0 < header0['NAXIS2'] + 0.5 + epsilon)
        if iheader == 0:
            assert y0[0] <= 1.5 and x0[-1] >= header0['NAXIS1']-0.5
        if iheader == len(headers)-1:
            assert x0[0] <= 1.5 and y0[-1] >= header0['NAXIS2']-0.5
    for iheader, header in enumerate(headers):
        yield func, iheader, header
Example #2
def test_get_cdelt_pa2():
    cdelt = (-1.5, 3)
    pa = -25.
    header = create_fitsheader((10, 10), cdelt=cdelt, pa=pa)
    cdelt_, pa_ = get_cdelt_pa(header)
    assert_eq(cdelt, cdelt_)
    assert_eq(pa, pa_)
Example #3
 def func(a):
     h1 = create_fitsheader(a.shape[::-1],
                            dtype=float if a.ndim > 0 else np.int32)
     h2 = create_fitsheader_for(a if a.ndim > 0 else None)
     assert h1 == h2
     assert h1['NAXIS'] == a.ndim
     for i, s in enumerate(a.shape[::-1]):
         assert h1['NAXIS'+str(i+1)] == s
Example #4
def test_has_wcs():
    header = create_fitsheader([2, 4])
    assert not has_wcs(header)
    header = create_fitsheader([2, 4], cdelt=1)
    assert has_wcs(header)
Example #5
def test_get_cdelt_pa1():
    header = create_fitsheader((10, 10), cdelt=(-1.2, 3))
    cdelt, pa = get_cdelt_pa(header)
    assert_eq(cdelt, (-1.2, 3))
    assert_eq(pa, 0)
Example #6
 def func(naxes):
     header = create_fitsheader(naxes)
     assert_eq(fitsheader2shape(header), naxes[::-1])
Example #7
def test_create_fitsheader3():
    header = create_fitsheader((10, 3), cdelt=1)
    assert_eq(header['RADESYS'], 'ICRS')
    assert 'EQUINOX' not in header
Example #8
def write_fits(filename, data, header, extension, extname, comm):
    Collectively write local arrays into a single FITS file.

    filename : str
        The FITS file name.
    data : ndarray
        The array to be written.
    header : pyfits.Header
        The data FITS header. None can be set, in which case a minimal FITS
        header will be inferred from the data.
    extension : boolean
        If True, the data will be written as an extension to an already
        existing FITS file.
    extname : str
        The FITS extension name. Use None to write the primary HDU.
    comm : mpi4py.Comm
        The MPI communicator of the local arrays. Use MPI.COMM_SELF if the data
        are not meant to be combined into a global array. Make sure that the MPI
        processes are not executing this routine with the same file name.

    # check if the file name is the same for all MPI jobs
    files = comm.allgather(filename+str(extname))
    all_equal = all(f == files[0] for f in files)
    if comm.size > 1 and not all_equal:
        raise ValueError('The file name is not the same for all MPI jobs.')
    ndims = comm.allgather(data.ndim)
    if any(n != ndims[0] for n in ndims):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have an incompatible number of dimensions:"
                         " '{0}'.".format(', '.join(str(n) for n in ndims)))
    ndim = ndims[0]
    shapes = comm.allgather(data.shape)
    if any(s[1:] != shapes[0][1:] for s in shapes):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have incompatible shapes: '{0}'.".format(

    # get header
    if header is None:
        header = create_fitsheader(fromdata=data, extname=extname)
        header = header.copy()
    if extname is not None:
        header.update('extname', extname)

    # we remove the file first to avoid an annoying pyfits informative message
    if not extension:
        if comm.rank == 0:
            except OSError:

    # case without MPI communication
    if comm.size == 1:
        if not extension:
            hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data, header)
            hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=True)
            pyfits.append(filename, data, header)

    # get global/local parameters
    nglobal = sum(s[0] for s in shapes)
    s = distribute_slice(nglobal)
    nlocal = s.stop - s.start
    if data.shape[0] != nlocal:
        raise ValueError("On rank {}, the local array shape '{}' is invalid. Th"
            "e first dimension does not match the expected local number '{}' gi"
            "ven the global number '{}'.{}".format(comm.rank, data.shape,
            nlocal, nglobal, '' if comm.rank > 0 else ' Shapes are: {}.'.format(

    # write FITS header
    if comm.rank == 0:
        header['NAXIS' + str(ndim)] = nglobal
        shdu = pyfits.StreamingHDU(filename, header)
        data_loc = shdu._datLoc
        data_loc = None
    data_loc = comm.bcast(data_loc)

    # get a communicator excluding the processes which have no work to do
    # (Create_subarray does not allow 0-sized subarrays)
    chunk = product(data.shape[1:])
    rank_nowork = min(comm.size, nglobal)
    group = comm.Get_group()
    newcomm = comm.Create(group)

    # collectively write data
    if comm.rank < rank_nowork:
        # mpi4py 1.2.2: pb with viewing data as big endian KeyError '>d'
        if sys.byteorder == 'little' and data.dtype.byteorder == '=' or \
           data.dtype.byteorder == '<':
            data = data.byteswap()
        data = data.newbyteorder('=')
        mtype = DTYPE_MAP[data.dtype]
        ftype = mtype.Create_subarray([nglobal*chunk], [nlocal*chunk],
        f = MPI.File.Open(newcomm, filename, amode=MPI.MODE_APPEND |
                          MPI.MODE_WRONLY | MPI.MODE_CREATE)
        f.Set_view(data_loc, mtype, ftype, 'native', MPI.INFO_NULL)

    # pad FITS file with zeros
    if comm.rank == 0:
        datasize = nglobal * chunk * data.dtype.itemsize
        BLOCK_SIZE = 2880
        padding = BLOCK_SIZE - (datasize % BLOCK_SIZE)
        with open(filename, 'a') as f:
            if f.tell() - data_loc != datasize:
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected file size.')
            f.write(padding * '\0')

Example #9
def write_fits(filename, data, header, extension, extname, comm):
    Collectively write local arrays into a single FITS file.

    filename : str
        The FITS file name.
    data : ndarray
        The array to be written.
    header : pyfits.Header
        The data FITS header. None can be set, in which case a minimal FITS
        header will be inferred from the data.
    extension : boolean
        If True, the data will be written as an extension to an already
        existing FITS file.
    extname : str
        The FITS extension name. Use None to write the primary HDU.
    comm : mpi4py.Comm
        The MPI communicator of the local arrays. Use MPI.COMM_SELF if the data
        are not meant to be combined into a global array. Make sure that the MPI
        processes are not executing this routine with the same file name.

    # check if the file name is the same for all MPI jobs
    files = comm.allgather(filename + str(extname))
    all_equal = all(f == files[0] for f in files)
    if comm.size > 1 and not all_equal:
        raise ValueError('The file name is not the same for all MPI jobs.')
    ndims = comm.allgather(data.ndim)
    if any(n != ndims[0] for n in ndims):
        raise ValueError(
            "The arrays have an incompatible number of dimensions:"
            " '{0}'.".format(', '.join(str(n) for n in ndims)))
    ndim = ndims[0]
    shapes = comm.allgather(data.shape)
    if any(s[1:] != shapes[0][1:] for s in shapes):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have incompatible shapes: '{0}'.".format(

    # get header
    if header is None:
        header = create_fitsheader(fromdata=data, extname=extname)
        header = header.copy()
    if extname is not None:
        header.update('extname', extname)

    # we remove the file first to avoid an annoying pyfits informative message
    if not extension:
        if comm.rank == 0:
            except OSError:

    # case without MPI communication
    if comm.size == 1:
        if not extension:
            hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data, header)
            hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=True)
            pyfits.append(filename, data, header)

    # get global/local parameters
    nglobal = sum(s[0] for s in shapes)
    s = distribute_slice(nglobal)
    nlocal = s.stop - s.start
    if data.shape[0] != nlocal:
        raise ValueError(
            "On rank {}, the local array shape '{}' is invalid. Th"
            "e first dimension does not match the expected local number '{}' gi"
            "ven the global number '{}'.{}".format(
                comm.rank, data.shape, nlocal, nglobal,
                '' if comm.rank > 0 else ' Shapes are: {}.'.format(shapes)))

    # write FITS header
    if comm.rank == 0:
        header['NAXIS' + str(ndim)] = nglobal
        shdu = pyfits.StreamingHDU(filename, header)
        data_loc = shdu._datLoc
        data_loc = None
    data_loc = comm.bcast(data_loc)

    # get a communicator excluding the processes which have no work to do
    # (Create_subarray does not allow 0-sized subarrays)
    chunk = product(data.shape[1:])
    rank_nowork = min(comm.size, nglobal)
    group = comm.Get_group()
    newcomm = comm.Create(group)

    # collectively write data
    if comm.rank < rank_nowork:
        # mpi4py 1.2.2: pb with viewing data as big endian KeyError '>d'
        if sys.byteorder == 'little' and data.dtype.byteorder == '=' or \
           data.dtype.byteorder == '<':
            data = data.byteswap()
        data = data.newbyteorder('=')
        mtype = DTYPE_MAP[data.dtype]
        ftype = mtype.Create_subarray([nglobal * chunk], [nlocal * chunk],
                                      [s.start * chunk])
        f = MPI.File.Open(newcomm,
                          amode=MPI.MODE_APPEND | MPI.MODE_WRONLY
                          | MPI.MODE_CREATE)
        f.Set_view(data_loc, mtype, ftype, 'native', MPI.INFO_NULL)

    # pad FITS file with zeros
    if comm.rank == 0:
        datasize = nglobal * chunk * data.dtype.itemsize
        BLOCK_SIZE = 2880
        padding = BLOCK_SIZE - (datasize % BLOCK_SIZE)
        with open(filename, 'a') as f:
            if f.tell() - data_loc != datasize:
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected file size.')
            f.write(padding * '\0')
