def readmaps(directory, tes, asic, az, el, p, proj_name, nside=None, azmin=None, azmax=None, remove=None, verbose=False): """ directory: path to flat maps (get_flatmap method used to read maps) npix: array of number of pixels el, az: coordinates from data proj_name: projection you want. It could be 'flat' or 'healpix' nside: healpix parameter needed p: pointing""" if proj_name == 'flat': filemaps = np.zeros((len(tes), len(el), len(az))) for i in range(len(tes)): filename = directory + 'flat_ASIC{}TES{}.fits'.format( asic[i], tes[i]) if verbose: print("[FlatMapsFile]: Reading {} file".format(filename)) #filemaps[i], _, _ = sbfit.get_flatmap(npix[i], directory, # azmin=azmin, azmax=azmax, remove=remove) filemaps[i] = FitsArray(filename) elif proj_name == 'healpix': warn( "HEALPix projections: At the moment, HEALPix projection comes from the readout of flat maps \ In future this should be change and read directly from TOD") if nside == None: nside = hp.get_nside( FitsArray(directory + 'hp_ASIC{}TES{}.fits'.format(asic[0], tes[0]))) filemaps = np.zeros((len(tes), 12 * nside**2)) for i in range(len(tes)): filename = directory + 'hp_ASIC{}TES{}.fits'.format( asic[i], tes[i]) if verbose: print("[FlatMapsFile]: Reading {} file".format(filename)) #auxmap, _, _ = sbfit.get_flatmap(npix[i], directory, # azmin=azmin, azmax=azmax, remove=remove) filemaps[i] = FitsArray(filename) else: raise ValueError( "You didn't specified the projection you want: flat or healpix.") return filemaps
def get_flatmap(TESNum, directory, azmin=None, azmax=None, elmin=None, elmax=None, remove=None, fitted_directory=None): themap = np.array( FitsArray(directory + '/Flat/imgflat_TESNum_{}.fits'.format(TESNum))) az = np.array(FitsArray(directory + '/Flat/azimuth.fits'.format(TESNum))) el = np.array(FitsArray(directory + '/Flat/elevation.fits'.format(TESNum))) if azmin is None: azmin = np.min(az) if azmax is None: azmax = np.max(az) if elmin is None: elmin = np.min(el) if elmax is None: elmax = np.max(el) okaz = (az >= azmin) & (az <= azmax) az = az[okaz] okel = (el >= elmin) & (el <= elmax) el = el[okel] themap = themap[:, okaz][okel, :] if remove is not None: mm = np.mean(remove) ss = np.std(remove) xc, yval, dx, dy, others = ft.profile(remove, themap, rng=[mm - 2 * ss, mm + 2 * ss], mode=True, nbins=20, cutbad=True, plot=False, dispersion=False, clip=3) bla = np.polyfit(xc, yval, 1, w=1. / dy**2) pp = np.poly1d(bla) themap -= pp(remove) if fitted_directory is None: return themap, az, el else: ### Read fitted synthesized beam thefile = open(fitted_directory + '/fit-TES{}.pk'.format(TESNum), 'rb') fitpars = pickle.load(thefile, encoding='latin1') thefile.close() sbfitmodel = SbModelIndepPeaks(nrings=2, common_fwhm=True, no_xy_shift=False, distortion=False) x = np.meshgrid(az * np.cos(np.radians(50)), np.flip(el)) fitmap, newxxyy = sbfitmodel(x, fitpars, return_peaks=True) return themap, az, el, fitmap, newxxyy
def maps_from_files(files, silent=False): """allmost equivalent to get_all_maps, used in the functions that compute spectra """ if not silent: print('Reading Files') nn = len(files) mm = FitsArray(files[0]) sh = np.shape(mm) maps = np.zeros((nn, sh[0], sh[1], sh[2])) for i in xrange(nn): maps[i,:,:,:] = FitsArray(files[i]) totmap = np.sum(np.sum(np.sum(maps, axis=0), axis=0),axis=1) seenmap = totmap > -1e20 return maps, seenmap
def read_all_maps(files, nsub, seenmap): """ Read all realisations of I,Q,U maps for one number of subbands Only seen pixels are stored in order to save memory. nsub : number of subbands seenmap : list of booleans for pixels observed or not mapsout : array of shape (nreals, nsub, npixok, 3) """ print('\nReading all maps') nfiles = len(files) print(files, nfiles) npixok = np.sum(seenmap) mapsout = np.zeros((nfiles, nsub, npixok, 3)) for ifile in xrange(nfiles): print('Doing: ' + files[ifile], 'nsub=' + str(nsub)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r Reading: ' + files[ifile] + ' ({:3.1f} %)'.format(100 * (ifile + 1) * 1. / nfiles)) mm = FitsArray(files[ifile]) mapsout[ifile, :, :, :] = mm[:, seenmap, :] sys.stdout.flush() return mapsout
def coverage(dictionaries, regions, bands, makeCov = False, filename = None): """ Read or make the coverage maps for the bands and regions Assumes one config: FI or TD (info will be read it from dictionatries[0]) Parameters: dictionaries: array of Qubic dictionaries regions: sky regions where coverage will be computed or read bands: 150 or 220GHz filename: Array of filenames of coverages maps. #filenames = #regions + #bands. Default: read this 4 files ["doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_FI150Q_coverage.fits'", "doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_FI220Q_coverage.fits'", "doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_FI150G_coverage.fits'", "doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_FI220G_coverage.fits'" ] Return: coveragesmaps: maps with format priority: region (in regions) and then band (in bands ascendent order). It take the first letter in regions to use in name when reading maps from files. Shape: (len(regions) +len(bands), npix) """ #regions = ['Qubic_field', 'GalCen_field'] #bands = ['150', '220'] global_dir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', datadir=os.environ['QUBIC_DATADIR']) if filename == None: import itertools config = dictionaries[0]['config'] filename = [global_dir + '/doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_{}{}{}_coverage.fits'.format(config, jband, ireg[0]) \ for ireg, jband in itertools.product(regions, bands)] else: filename = filename coveragesmaps = np.zeros((len(regions) * len(bands), 12 * dictionaries[0]['nside'] ** 2, )) if makeCov: #Save coverage maps with format priority: region (in regions) and then band (in bands ascendent order) cov = np.shape((len(regions)+len(bands), dictionaries[0]['nf_recon'], 12 * dictionaries[0]['nside'] ** 2)) for jr, region in enumerate(regions): for jb, band in enumerate(bands): index = len(bands) * jr + jb cov[index] = make_cov[dictionaries[index]] coveragesmaps[index] = np.sum(cov[index], axis = 0) # Average the bands coveragesmaps[index] /= np.max(coveragesmaps[index]) # Normalize by the max else: for jr, region in enumerate(regions): for jb, band in enumerate(bands): index = len(bands) * jr + jb #print(index, len(coveragesmaps), len(regions), len(bands)) coveragesmaps[index] = FitsArray(filename[index]) return coveragesmaps
def func(lmax, n): class XpolDummy(Xpol): def __init__(self): self.lmax = lmax self.wl = np.ones(max(n+1, 1)) xpol = XpolDummy() mll = xpol._get_Mll(binning=False) expected = FitsArray('test/data/xpol_mll_{}_{}.fits'.format(lmax, n)) assert_same(mll, expected, atol=200)
def save_azel_mymap(self, mymap, TESNum): repository = os.getcwd() + '/Fits/Flat' try: os.makedirs(repository) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(repository): raise FitsArray(mymap).save(repository + '/imgflat_TESNum_{}.fits'.format(TESNum))
def get_seenmap(files): """ Return a list of len the number of pixels, True or False if the pixel is observed or not in files. files : list of .fits files seenmap : list of len npix """ print('\nGetting Observed pixels map') m = FitsArray(files[0]) npix = np.shape(m)[1] seenmap = np.zeros(npix) == 0 for i in xrange(len(files)): sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r Reading: '+files[i]+' ({:3.1f} %)'.format(100*(i+1)*1./len(files))) m = FitsArray(files[i]) bla = np.mean(m, axis=(0,2)) != hp.UNSEEN seenmap *= bla sys.stdout.flush() return seenmap
def run_asic(idnum, Vtes, fff, dc, theasicfile, asic, reselect_ok=False, lowcut=0.5, highcut=15., nbins=50, nointeractive=False, doplot=True, notch=None, lastpassallfree=False, name='fib', okfile=None, initpars=None, timerange=None, removesat=False, stop_each=False, rangepars=None): """ Parameters ---------- idnum Vtes fff : float Modulation frequency of the external source dc : float Duty cycle of the modulation theasicfile asic reselect_ok : bool If true, you will select the good TES one by one, if False, you will use the file created before. lowcut highcut nbins nointeractive doplot notch lastpassallfree name okfile initpars timerange removesat stop_each rangepars Returns ------- """ fib = idnum ### Read data # GOING TO TEST PASSING IN THESE VARS FREQ_SAMPLING = (2e6 / 128 / 100) time, dd, a = qs2array(theasicfile, FREQ_SAMPLING, timerange=timerange) ndet, nsamples = np.shape(dd) ### Fold the data at the modulation period of the fibers ### Signal is also badpass filtered before folding folded, tt, folded_nonorm = fold_data(time, dd, 1. / fff, lowcut, highcut, nbins, notch=notch) if nointeractive: reselect_ok = False answer = 'n' else: if reselect_ok: print('\n\n') answer = raw_input( 'This will overwrite the file for OK TES. Are you sure you want to proceed [y/n]' ) else: answer = 'n' if answer == 'y': print( 'Now going to reselect the OK TES and overwrite the corresponding file' ) #### Pass 1 - allows to obtain good values for t0 basically #### Now perform the fit on the median folded data print('') print('FIRST PASS') print('First Pass is only to have a good guess of the t0, ' 'your selection should be very conservative - only high S/N') # if initpars == Noy # ne: # initpars = [dc, 0.06, 0., 0.6] av, params, err = fit_average(tt, folded, fff, dc, fib, Vtes, initpars=initpars, fixpars=[0, 0, 0, 0], doplot=True, name=name) #### And the fit on all data with this as a first guess forcing some parameters #### it returns the list of OK detectorsy allparams, allerr, allchi2, ndf, ok = fit_all( tt, folded, av, initpars=[dc, params[1], params[2], params[3]], fixpars=[1, 0, 1, 0], rangepars=rangepars, stop_each=True) #### Pass 2 #### Refit with only the above selected ones in order to have good t0 #### Refit the median of the OK detectors print('') print('SECOND PASS') print( 'Second pass is the final one, please select the pixels that seem OK' ) av, params, err = fit_average(tt, folded[ok, :], fff, dc, fib, Vtes, initpars=initpars, fixpars=[0, 0, 0, 0], doplot=True, name=name) #### And the fit on all data with this as a first guess forcing some parameters #### it returns the list of OK detectors allparams, allerr, allchi2, ndf, ok = fit_all( tt, folded, av, initpars=[dc, params[1], params[2], params[3]], rangepars=rangepars, fixpars=[1, 0, 1, 0], stop_each=True) #### Final Pass #### The refit them all with only tau and amp as free parameters #### also do not normalize amplitudes of folded allparams, allerr, allchi2, ndf, ok_useless = fit_all( tt, folded_nonorm * 1e9, av, initpars=[dc, params[1], params[2], params[3]], rangepars=rangepars, fixpars=[1, 0, 1, 0], functname=simsig_nonorm) okfinal = ok * (allparams[:, 1] < 1.) ### Make sure no thermometer is included okfinal[[3, 35, 67, 99]] = False # Save the list of OK bolometers if okfile is None: FitsArray(okfinal.astype(int)).save( 'TES-OK-{}{}-asic{}.fits'.format(name, fib, asic)) else: FitsArray(okfinal.astype(int)).save(okfile) else: # if initpars is None: # initpars = [dc, 0.06, 0., 0.6] if okfile is None: okfinal = np.array( FitsArray('TES-OK-{}{}-asic{}.fits'.format(name, fib, asic))).astype(bool) else: okfinal = np.array(FitsArray(okfile)).astype(bool) if removesat: #### remove pixels looking saturated saturated = (np.min(folded_nonorm, axis=1) < removesat) okfinal = (okfinal * ~saturated).astype(bool) if doplot is False: ### Now redo the fits one last time av, params, err = fit_average(tt, folded[okfinal, :], fff, dc, fib, Vtes, initpars=initpars, fixpars=[0, 0, 0, 0], doplot=False, clear=False, name=name) allparams, allerr, allchi2, ndf, ok_useless = fit_all( tt, folded_nonorm * 1e9, av, initpars=[dc, params[1], params[2], params[3]], fixpars=[1, 0, 1, 0], functname=simsig_nonorm, rangepars=rangepars) else: figure(figsize=(6, 8)) subplot(3, 1, 1) ### Now redo the fits one last time av, params, err = fit_average(tt, folded[okfinal, :], fff, dc, fib, Vtes, initpars=initpars, fixpars=[0, 0, 0, 0], doplot=True, clear=False, name=name) print(params) print(err) if lastpassallfree: fixed = [0, 0, 0, 0] else: fixed = [1, 0, 1, 0] allparams, allerr, allchi2, ndf, ok_useless = fit_all( tt, folded_nonorm * 1e9, av, initpars=[dc, params[1], params[2], params[3]], fixpars=fixed, functname=simsig_nonorm, stop_each=stop_each, rangepars=rangepars) subplot(3, 2, 3) mmt, sst = meancut(allparams[okfinal, 1], 3) hist(allparams[okfinal, 1], range=[0, mmt + 4 * sst], bins=10, label=statstr(allparams[okfinal, 1], cut=3)) xlabel('Tau [sec]') legend() title('Asic {} - {} {}'.format(name, asic, fib)) subplot(3, 2, 4) mma, ssa = meancut(allparams[okfinal, 3], 3) hist(allparams[okfinal, 3], range=[0, mma + 4 * ssa], bins=10, label=statstr(allparams[okfinal, 3], cut=3)) legend() xlabel('Amp [nA]') pars = allparams tau = pars[:, 1] tau[~okfinal] = np.nan amp = pars[:, 3] amp[~okfinal] = np.nan if asic == 1: tau1 = tau tau2 = None amp1 = amp amp2 = None else: tau1 = None tau2 = tau amp1 = None amp2 = amp subplot(3, 2, 5) imtau = image_asics(data1=tau1, data2=tau2) imshow(imtau, vmin=0, vmax=mmt + 4 * sst, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') title('Tau - {} {} - asic {}'.format(name, fib, asic)) colorbar() subplot(3, 2, 6) imamp = image_asics(data1=amp1, data2=amp2) imshow(imamp, vmin=0, vmax=mma + 6 * ssa, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') colorbar() title('Amp - {} {} - asic {}'.format(name, fib, asic)) tight_layout() return tt, folded, okfinal, allparams, allerr, allchi2, ndf
centers = [centerQ, centerQ, centerG, centerG] dictionaries = [d150Q, d220Q, d150G, d220G] regions = ['Qubic_field', 'GalCen_field'] bands = ['150', '220'] nf_recon = d150Q['nf_recon'] print(" =========== DONE ======== ") print("# Read coverage maps") coveragesmaps = fsed.coverage(dictionaries, regions, bands) print("# Read FullMap (noise+foreground with nside = 256)") maps = FitsArray("DataSED/SED_FullMaps_nside{}_nreals{}.fits".format(nside_new,nreals)) print("# Read sky (dust + synch) down graded to nside {}".format(nside_new)) fgr_map_ud = FitsArray("DataSED/SED_ForegMaps_nside{}_nreals{}.fits".format(nside_new,nreals)) print("# Read noise down graded to nside {}".format(nside_new)) noise_ud_i = FitsArray("DataSED/SED_NoiseMaps_nside{}_nreals{}.fits".format(nside_new,nreals)) print("# Read covariance matrix") bandreg = ["FI150Q", "FI220Q", "FI150G", "FI220G"] Cp_prime = [] for j, idict in enumerate(bandreg): Cp_prime.append(FitsArray("DataSED/SED_CovarMatrix_nside{}_nreals{}_{}.fits".format(nside_new,nreals, bandreg[j]))) #Cp_prime = FitsArray("SED_CovarMatrix_nside{}_nreals{}.fits".format(nside_new,nreals)) print("# Compute mask for coverage map and compute downgraded coverage map")
allfiles_ang = np.sort(glob.glob(dirfiles + 'angles*_' + names + '_*.fits')) allfiles_ang = np.sort(allfiles_ang) allels = np.zeros(len(allfiles)) for i in range(len(allfiles)): allels[i] = str.split(allfiles[i], '_')[-1][:-5] print 'Found {} Files'.format(len(allfiles)) #### Read files alldata = [] allaz = [] allel = [] allang_az = [] for j in range(len(allfiles)): data = np.array(FitsArray(allfiles[j])) sh = np.shape(data) alldata.append((data.T - np.median(data, axis=1)).T) bla = np.array(FitsArray(allfiles_ang[j])) allaz.append(bla[0, :]) allel.append(bla[1, :] + 124.35) allang_az.append(bla[2, :]) #### Make a fake TOD for healpix mapping tod = dl.make_tod(alldata) az = dl.make_tod(allaz, axis=0) el = dl.make_tod(allel, axis=0) #### Make directories dir_files = '/Volumes/Data/Qubic/Calib-TD/Synthesized_Beams_Files/' + freq dir_img = '/Volumes/Data/Qubic/Calib-TD/Synthesized_Beams_Images/' + freq
def do_some_dets(detnums, d, p, directory, fittedpeakfile, az, el, proj_name, custom=False, q=None, nside=None, tol=5e-3, refit=False, resample=False, newsize=70, doplot=True, verbose=True, sbfitmodel=None, angs=None, usepeaks=None, azmin=None, azmax=None, remove=None, fitted_directory=None, weighted=False, nf_sub_rec=1, lowcut=1e-3, highcut=0.3): if nside is not None: d['nside'] = nside s = qubic.QubicScene(d) if q == None: q = qubic.QubicMultibandInstrument(d) if len(q) == 1: xgrf, ygrf, FP_index, index_q = sc.get_TES_Instru_coords(q, frame='GRF', verbose=False) else: xgrf, ygrf, FP_index, index_q = sc.get_TES_Instru_coords(q[0], frame='GRF', verbose=False) # Create TES, index and ASIC numbers assuming detnums is continuos TES number (1-248). tes, asic = np.zeros((len(detnums), ), dtype=int), np.zeros( (len(detnums), ), dtype=int) qpix = np.zeros((len(detnums), ), dtype=int) for j, npix in enumerate(detnums): tes[j], asic[j] = (npix, 1) if (npix < 128) else (npix - 128, 2) qpix[j] = tes2pix(tes[j], asic[j]) - 1 if verbose: print("DETNUM{} TES{} ASIC{} QPIX{}".format( npix, tes[j], asic[j], qpix[j])) #Center of FOV azcen_fov = np.mean(az) elcen_fov = np.mean(el) #Directory where the maps are: mapsdir = directory #File where the fitted peaks are: peaksdir = fittedpeakfile if not custom: if verbose: print('') print('Normal Reconstruction') qcut = select_det(qubic.QubicMultibandInstrument(d), detnums) #qcut = select_det(qubic.QubicMultibandInstrument(d),[145]) else: if verbose: print('') print('Custom Reconstruction') ### Refit or not the locations of the peaks ### from the synthesized beam images ### First instantiate a jchinstrument (modified from instrument ### to be able to read peaks from a file) print("Generating jchinstrument") qcut = select_det( jcinst.QubicMultibandInstrument(d, peakfile=fittedpeakfile, tes=tes, asic=asic), qpix) print("LEN(qcut) and detector", len(qcut), np.shape(qcut[0] print("Generating jchinstrument"[::-1]) ### In the present case, we use the peak measurements at 150 GHz ### So we assume its index is len(qcut)//2 id150 = len(qcut) // 2 nu = qcut[id150] synthbeam = qcut[id150].synthbeam horn = getattr(qcut[id150], 'horn', None) primary_beam = getattr(qcut[id150], 'primary_beam', None) # Cosine projection with elevation center of the FOV considering symetric scan in azimuth for each elevation step thecos = np.cos(np.radians(elcen_fov)) #Read map (flat or healpy) for each detector print("TES ASIC", tes, asic) filemaps = readmaps(directory, tes, asic, az, el, p, proj_name=proj_name, nside=d['nside'], verbose=verbose) # Compute measured coordenates allphis_M, allthetas_M, allvals_M = get_data_Mrefsyst( detnums, filemaps, az, el, fitted_directory, fittedpeakfile, proj_name, resample=resample, newsize=newsize, azmin=azmin, azmax=azmax, remove=remove, sbfitmodel=sbfitmodel, refit=refit, verbose=verbose) if doplot: _plot_onemap(filemaps, az, el, [allphis_M, allthetas_M], proj_name, makerotation=False) ### Now we want to perform the rotation to go to boresight ### reference frame (used internally by QubicSoft) if verbose: print("Solid angles synthbeam = {:.3e}, QubicScene {:.3e}".format( synthbeam.peak150.solid_angle, s.solid_angle)) allphis_Q, allthetas_Q, allvals_Q, numpeak = convert_M2Q( detnums, allphis_M, allthetas_M, allvals_M, elcen_fov, solid_angle=synthbeam.peak150.solid_angle, nu=nu, horn=horn, solid_angle_s=s.solid_angle, angs=angs, verbose=verbose) print("allphis_Q , allvals_Q shapes", np.shape(allphis_Q), np.shape(allvals_Q)) if doplot: plt.title("xy coord. of peaks in M and Q ref system") plt.plot(np.cos(allphis_M[0]) * np.sin(allthetas_M[0]), np.sin(allphis_M[0]) * np.sin(allthetas_M[0]), 'r+', ms=10, label="M ref syst") plt.plot(np.cos(allphis_Q[0]) * np.sin(allthetas_Q[0]), np.sin(allphis_Q[0]) * np.sin(allthetas_Q[0]), 'b+', ms=10, label="Q ref syst") plt.legend() if doplot: # Plot peaks in measured reference frame. _plot_grfRF(detnums, xgrf, ygrf, qcut, numpeak) for idet in range(len(detnums)): position = np.ravel(qcut[0].detector[idet].center) position = -position / np.sqrt(np.sum(position**2)) theta_center = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(position[0]**2 + position[1]**2)) phi_center = np.arctan2(position[1], position[0]) rav_thQ = np.ravel(allthetas_Q[idet, :]) rav_phQ = np.ravel(allphis_Q[idet, :]) ## Now we identify the nearest peak to the theoretical Line Of Sight angdist = np.zeros(len(rav_phQ)) for k in range(len(rav_phQ)): angdist[k] = sbfit.ang_dist([theta_center, phi_center], [rav_thQ[k], rav_phQ[k]]) print(k, np.degrees(angdist[k])) idxmin = np.argmin(angdist) numpeak[idet] = idxmin ### We nowwrite the temporary file that contains the peaks locations to be used if usepeaks is None: peaknums = np.arange(9) else: peaknums = usepeaks data = [ allthetas_Q[:, peaknums], allphis_Q[:, peaknums] - np.pi, allvals_Q[:, peaknums], numpeak ] file = open(os.environ['QUBIC_PEAKS'] + '', 'wb') pickle.dump(data, file) file.close() ### Make the TODs from the measured synthesized beams realTOD = np.zeros((len(detnums), len(p))) sigmaTOD = np.zeros(len(detnums)) if weighted: sumweight = 0. allimg = [] for i in range(len(detnums)): if proj_name == "flat": filename = directory + 'flat_ASIC{}TES{}.fits'.format( asic[i], tes[i]) img = FitsArray(filename) elif proj_name == "healpix": filename = directory + '../../Flat/synth_beam/flat_ASIC{}TES{}.fits'.format( asic[i], tes[i]) img = FitsArray(filename) allimg.append(img) fact = 1 #5e-28 realTOD[i, :] = np.ravel(img) * fact if weighted: ## Not to be used - old test... realTOD[i, :] *= 1. / ss**2 sumweight += 1. / ss**2 print("All img", np.shape(allimg)) ### new code multiband plt.figure() for i in range(len(detnums)): plt.plot(realTOD[i, :], label='TES#{0:}'.format(detnums[i])) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Samples') plt.ylabel('TOD') plt.figure() for i in range(len(detnums)): spectrum_f, freq_f = ft.power_spectrum(np.arange(len(realTOD[i, :])), realTOD[i, :]) pl = plt.plot(freq_f, spectrum_f, label='TES#{0:}'.format(detnums[i]), alpha=0.5) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Fourier mode') plt.ylabel('Power Spectrum') plt.title('Before Filtering') for i in range(len(detnums)): realTOD[i, :] = ft.filter_data(np.arange(len(realTOD[i, :])), realTOD[i, :], lowcut, highcut) mm, ss = ft.meancut(realTOD[i, :], 3) sigmaTOD[i] = ss if doplot: for i in range(len(detnums)): plt.figure() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(allimg[i] * fact, vmin=mm - 3 * ss, vmax=mm + 3 * ss, extent=[ np.max(az) * thecos, np.min(az) * thecos, np.min(el), np.max(el) ], aspect='equal') plt.colorbar() plt.title('Init - TOD {0:} RMS={1:5.2g}'.format( detnums[i], sigmaTOD[i])) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(np.reshape(realTOD[i, :], np.shape(img)), vmin=mm - 3 * ss, vmax=mm + 3 * ss, extent=[ np.max(az) * thecos, np.min(az) * thecos, np.min(el), np.max(el) ], aspect='equal') plt.colorbar() plt.title('Filtered - TOD {0:} RMS={1:5.2g}'.format( detnums[i], sigmaTOD[i])) plt.figure() for i in range(len(detnums)): spectrum_f, freq_f = ft.power_spectrum(np.arange(len(realTOD[i, :])), realTOD[i, :]) pl = plt.plot(freq_f, spectrum_f, label='TES#{0:} Var*2pi={1:5.2g}'.format( detnums[i], sigmaTOD[i]**2 * 2 * np.pi), alpha=0.5) plt.plot(freq_f, freq_f * 0 + sigmaTOD[i]**2 * 2 * np.pi, color=pl[0].get_color()) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim(np.min(sigmaTOD**2 * 2 * np.pi), np.max(sigmaTOD**2 * 2 * np.pi) * 1e9) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Fourier mode') plt.ylabel('Power Spectrum') plt.title('After Filtering') if lowcut: plt.axvline(x=lowcut, color='k') if highcut: plt.axvline(x=highcut, color='k') plt.figure() plt.clf() print('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%') ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') print("len qcut", len(qcut[0] print("=?===============================") print(np.shape(realTOD), np.shape(p), nf_sub_rec, np.shape(qcut)) print("=?===============================") maps_recon, cov, nus, nus_edge = si.reconstruct_maps( realTOD, d, p, nf_sub_rec, x0=None, instrument=qcut, #verbose=True, forced_tes_sigma=sigmaTOD) ax.set_rmax(0.5) #legend(fontsize=8) if weighted: maps_recon /= sumweight / len(detnums) return maps_recon, qcut, np.mean(cov, axis=0), nus, nus_edge
def __init__(self, band, scene, true_sky=None, factor=1, fwhm=0, mask=None, convolution_operator=None): """ Parameters ---------- band : int The band 150 or 220. scene : Scene The acquisition scene. true_sky : array of shape (npixel,) or (npixel, 3) The true CMB sky (temperature or polarized). The Planck observation will be this true sky plus a random independent gaussian noise realization. factor : 1 or 3 floats, optional The factor by which the Planck standard deviation is multiplied. fwhm : float, optional, !not used! The fwhm of the Gaussian used to smooth the map [radians]. mask : array of shape (npixel, ) or None The boolean mask, which is equal True at pixels where we need Planck, that is outside the QUBIC field. """ if band not in (150, 220): raise ValueError("Invalid band '{}'.".format(band)) if true_sky is None: raise ValueError('The Planck Q & U maps are not released yet.') if scene.kind == 'IQU' and true_sky.shape[-1] != 3: raise TypeError('The Planck sky shape is not (npix, 3).') true_sky = np.array(hp.ud_grade(true_sky.T, nside_out=scene.nside), copy=False).T if scene.kind == 'IQU' and true_sky.shape[-1] != 3: raise TypeError('The Planck sky shape is not (npix, 3).') self.scene = scene self.fwhm = fwhm self._true_sky = true_sky if mask is not None: self.mask = mask else: self.mask = np.ones(scene.npixel, dtype=np.bool) if band == 150: filename = 'Variance_Planck143GHz_Kcmb2_ns256.fits' else: filename = 'Variance_Planck217GHz_Kcmb2_ns256.fits' sigma = 1e6 * factor * np.sqrt(FitsArray(PATH + filename)) if scene.kind == 'I': sigma = sigma[:, 0] elif scene.kind == 'QU': sigma = sigma[:, :2] if self.scene.nside != 256: sigma = np.array(hp.ud_grade(sigma.T, self.scene.nside, power=2), copy=False).T self.sigma = sigma if convolution_operator is None: self.C = IdentityOperator() else: self.C = convolution_operator
# Check that we do one simulation with only one reconstructed subband if d['nf_recon'][0] != 1: raise ValueError( 'You should do one simulation without spectroimaging as a reference.') # Save the dictionary shutil.copyfile(dictfilename, out_dir + name + '.dict') # ========================================== t0 = time.time() # ===== Sky Creation or Reading ===== x0 = FitsArray( dictmaps + 'nf_sub={}/nside{}_nfsub{}.fits'.format(nf_sub, d['nside'], nf_sub)) print('Input Map with shape:', np.shape(x0)) if x0.shape[1] % (12 * d['nside']**2) == 0: print('Good size') else: y0 = np.ones((d['nf_sub'], 12 * d['nside']**2, 3)) for i in range(d['nf_sub']): for j in range(3): y0[i, :, j] = hp.ud_grade(x0[i, :, j], d['nside']) # Put I = 0 # x0[:, :, 0] = 0. # Multiply Q, U maps
####################### restore stuff ################### import pickle from pysimulators import FitsArray ## Pointing infile=open('saved_ptg.dat', 'rb') data=pickle.load(infile) infile.close() pointings=data['pointings'] mask=data['mask'] signoise=0.5 nbmc=10000 data=0 ## Covariance matrix covmc=FitsArray('covmc'+str(signoise)+'_'+str(nbmc)+'.dat') cormc=FitsArray('cormc'+str(signoise)+'_'+str(nbmc)+'.dat') ########################################################### ##### build coverage a=np.loadtxt('./cl_r=0.1bis2.txt') ell=a[:,0] ctt=np.concatenate([[0,0],a[:,1]*1e12*2*np.pi/(ell*(ell+1))]) cee=np.concatenate([[0,0],a[:,2]*1e12*2*np.pi/(ell*(ell+1))]) cte=np.concatenate([[0,0],a[:,4]*1e12*2*np.pi/(ell*(ell+1))]) cbb=np.concatenate([[0,0],a[:,7]*1e12*2*np.pi/(ell*(ell+1))]) ell=np.concatenate([[0,1],ell]) spectra=[ell,ctt,cte,cee,cbb] nside=128 map_orig=hp.synfast(spectra[4],nside,fwhm=0,pixwin=True) input_map=map_orig.copy() kmax = 2
lowcut, highcut, nbins=nbins, median=True, method=method, doplot=False, rebin=False, verbose=False) all_az_el_azang.append( np.array( [unbinned['az'], unbinned['el'], unbinned['az_ang']])) allsb.append(unbinned['sb']) sh0 = allsb[0].shape sh1 = allsb[1].shape mini = np.min([sh0[1], sh1[1]]) sb = np.append(allsb[0][:, :mini], allsb[1][:, :mini], axis=0) az_el_azang = np.array(all_az_el_azang[0][:, :mini]) print az_el_azang.shape print sb.shape FitsArray(sb).save( savedir + 'alltes_unbinned_{}_{}.fits'.format(n, elevations[ii])) FitsArray(az_el_azang).save( savedir + 'angles_unbinned_{}_{}.fits'.format(n, elevations[ii])) else: if filesalreadydone: print 'files already exist on disk and I was asked not to replace them so doing nothing' else: print 'This should not happen... There is a bug'
keywords_t.update({'mask': True}) keywords_types = (keywords_q, keywords_f, keywords_m, keywords_t) dtypes = (bool, int, np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128) def teardown(): for file in glob.glob(filename + '*'): os.remove(file) a = np.ones((4, 3)) a[1, 2] = 4 q = Quantity(a, unit='myunit', derived_units={'myunit': Quantity(2., 'Jy')}) header = create_fitsheader(fromdata=q, cdelt=0.5, crval=(4., 8.)) header['BUNIT'] = 'myunit' f = FitsArray(q, header=header) m = Map(f, origin='upper', error=a * 2, coverage=a * 3) mask = np.zeros((4, 3), np.bool8) mask[0, 2] = True t = Tod(f, mask=mask) del mask def test_copy_false_subok_true(): def func(obj1, t): obj2 = t(obj1, copy=False, subok=True) if isinstance(obj, t): assert obj1 is obj2 else: assert obj1 is not obj2 assert_equal(obj1, obj2)
# Check that we do one simulation with only one reconstructed subband if d['nf_recon'][0] != 1: raise ValueError('You should do one simulation without spectroimaging as a reference.') # Save the dictionary shutil.copyfile(dictfilename, out_dir + name + '.dict') # ========================================== t0 = time.time() # ===== Sky Creation or Reading ===== # x0 = FitsArray(dictmaps + 'nf_sub={}/nside{}_nfsub{}.fits'.format(nf_sub, d['nside'], nf_sub)) x0 = FitsArray(dictmaps + 'Dust_d1_nside128_nfsub15.fits') print('Input Map with shape:', np.shape(x0)) if x0.shape[1] % (12 * d['nside'] ** 2) == 0: print('Good size') else: y0 = np.ones((d['nf_sub'], 12 * d['nside'] ** 2, 3)) for i in range(d['nf_sub']): for j in range(3): y0[i, :, j] = hp.ud_grade(x0[i, :, j], d['nside']) # Put I = 0 # x0[:, :, 0] = 0. # Multiply Q, U maps #x0[:, :, 1] *= multFactor
from qubic import SpectroImLib as si from qubicpack.utilities import Qubic_DataDir from pysimulators import FitsArray # Get a dictionary dictfilename = os.environ['QUBIC_DICT']+'spectroimaging.dict' d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() d.read_from_file(dictfilename) nf_sub = [15,]#[2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24] dirc = './' os.makedirs(dirc, exist_ok=True) for nf in nf_sub: print(nf) d['nf_sub'] = nf sky_config = {'dust': models('d1', d['nside']), 'cmb': models('c1', d['nside'])} # sky_config = {'cmb': models('c1', d['nside'])} Qubic_sky = si.Qubic_sky(sky_config, d) x0 = Qubic_sky.get_simple_sky_map() dirc2 = dirc try: os.makedirs(dirc2) except: pass FitsArray(x0).save(dirc2 + 'CMB_nside{}_nfsub{}.fits'.format(d['nside'], nf))
pow_maynooth[i] = 1000 * power1[pixnums[i] - 1] + 1000 * power2[pixnums[i] - 1] img_maynooth = ft.image_asics(pow_maynooth, all1=True) clf() imshow(img_maynooth) colorbar() allfib = [2, 3, 4] allcal = np.zeros(len(allfib)) allerrcal = np.zeros(len(allfib)) allnewok = [] for i in range(len(allfib)): fib = allfib[i] free = 'free13' allok = np.array(FitsArray('listok_fib{}_{}.fits'.format( fib, free))).astype(bool) allparams = np.array(FitsArray('params_fib{}_{}.fits'.format(fib, free))) allerr = np.array(FitsArray('err_fib{}_{}.fits'.format(fib, free))) allok = allok * np.isfinite(np.sum(allparams, axis=1)) * np.isfinite( np.sum(allerr, axis=1)) cal, errcal, newok = ft.calibrate(fib, pow_maynooth, allparams, allerr, allok, cutparam=0.4, cuterr=0.03, bootstrap=10000) savefig('Calibration-Fib{}_new250119.png'.format(fib))
delta_ell = int(sys.argv[8]) covcut = float(sys.argv[9]) is_spatial_corr = int(sys.argv[10]) ### Initialize global_dir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', datadir=os.environ['QUBIC_DATADIR']) dictfilename = global_dir + '/dicts/BmodesNoDustNoSystPaper0_2020.dict' # Read dictionary chosen d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() d.read_from_file(dictfilename) d['nside'] = 256 center = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center']) ### Open Coverage File cov = np.array(FitsArray(cov_file)) ### Open Noise Profile fit_n200k = pickle.load(open(file_noise_profile, "rb")) ### Open Cl for spatially correlated noise if is_spatial_corr == 0: print('No Spatial Correlations') clth = None else: print('Spatial correlations from ' + clnoise_file) clth = pickle.load(open(clnoise_file, "rb")) alpha = 4.5 ### See notebook called "2pt-Correlation Function" for an empirical explanation of alpha clth = (clth - 1) * alpha + 1 print('Spatial correlations:')
cutval = 2500 allimg = np.zeros((len(as1), 17, 17)) + np.nan for i in range(len(as1)): allimg[i, :, :] = ft.image_asics(all1=amps[:, i]) bad = allimg[i, :, :] > cutval allimg[i, :, :][bad] = np.nan clf() imshow(allimg[i, :, :], vmin=0, vmax=1000, cmap='viridis') colorbar() title('$\Delta$az={}'.format(az[i])) show() savefig('imgscan01022019_az_{}.png'.format(1100 + az[i])) #raw_input('Press a key') FitsArray(allimg).save('allimg_scan_az.fits') FitsArray(az).save('az_scan_az.fits') thepix = 93 clf() plot(az, amps[thepix, :]) #### Trying intercalibration from old fiber data #### (probably worthless as at the time they were superconducting and now they are not) calibration = FitsArray('/Users/hamilton/CMB/Qubic/Fibres/calibration.fits') calibration_restrict = FitsArray( '/Users/hamilton/CMB/Qubic/Fibres/calibration_restrict.fits') cutval = 200
for nf_sub_rec in np.arange(noutmin, noutmax + 1): print('-------------------------- Map-Making on {} sub-map(s)'.format( nf_sub_rec)) maps_recon, cov, nus, nus_edge, maps_convolved = si.reconstruct_maps( TOD, d, p, nf_sub_rec, x0=x0) if nf_sub_rec == 1: maps_recon = np.reshape(maps_recon, np.shape(maps_convolved)) cov = np.sum(cov, axis=0) maxcov = np.max(cov) unseen = cov < maxcov * 0.1 #diffmap = maps_convolved - maps_recon maps_convolved[:, unseen, :] = hp.UNSEEN maps_recon[:, unseen, :] = hp.UNSEEN #diffmap[:,unseen,:] = hp.UNSEEN #therms = np.std(diffmap[:,~unseen,:], axis = 1) print('************************** Map-Making on {} sub-map(s)Done'.format( nf_sub_rec)) FitsArray(nus).save(name + '_nf{0}'.format(nf_sub_rec) + '_nus.fits') FitsArray(nus_edge).save(name + '_nf{0}'.format(nf_sub_rec) + '_nus_edges.fits') FitsArray(maps_convolved).save(name + '_nf{0}'.format(nf_sub_rec) + '_maps_convolved.fits') FitsArray(maps_recon).save(name + '_nf{0}'.format(nf_sub_rec) + '_maps_recon.fits') t1 = time.time() print('************************** All Done in {} minutes'.format( (t1 - t0) / 60))
cov = np.sum(cov, axis=0) maxcov = np.max(cov) unseen = cov < maxcov * 0.1 #diffmap = maps_convolved - maps_recon maps_convolved[:, unseen, :] = hp.UNSEEN maps_recon[:, unseen, :] = hp.UNSEEN #diffmap[:,unseen,:] = hp.UNSEEN #therms = np.std(diffmap[:,~unseen,:], axis = 1) print('************************** Map-Making on {} sub-map(s)Done'.format( nf_sub_rec)) #FitsArray(nus_edge).save(name + '_nf{0}_ptg{1}'.format(nf_sub_rec, ptg) + '_nus_edges.fits') #FitsArray(nus).save(name + '_nf{0}_ptg{1}'.format(nf_sub_rec, ptg)+ '_nus.fits') FitsArray(maps_convolved).save(rep_out + name + '_nf{}'.format(nf_sub_rec) + '_maps_convolved.fits') FitsArray(maps_recon).save(rep_out + name + '_nf{}'.format(nf_sub_rec) + '_maps_recon.fits') t1 = time.time() print('************************** All Done in {} minutes'.format( (t1 - t0) / 60)) ##### SIMU fix_hwp # p = qubic.get_pointing(d) # #I = np.array([0,2,4,6]) # pi_fraction = 6 # I = np.arange(pi_fraction/2) # ptg_start = 500 # for simu in xrange(len(I)):
def GenerateMaps(d, nus_in, reso = 1.5, size=200, p=None, writemap = False, readmap = False ): """ Compute input maps to use in: calibration (for both methods Fit and Sigma) & QUBIC pipeline. Number of maps == len(nus_in) Input: d: QUBIC dictionary nus_in: frequencies where compute the point source map Return: input_maps: partition of the sky where the point source is. m0: point source (already integrated over pixels) [RING ordered] """ if p: if p.fix_az: center = (d['fix_azimuth']['az'],d['fix_azimuth']['el']) elif not p.fix_az: center = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center']) else: center = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center']) nsideLow, nsideHigh, _, _, sigma2fwhm = Parameters(d) #center_gal = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center']) pixel = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nsideHigh, np.deg2rad(90-center[1]), np.deg2rad(center[0]), nest = True) vec_pix = hp.pix2vec(nsideHigh, pixel, nest = True) vec_pixeles = hp.pix2vec(nsideHigh, np.arange(12*nsideHigh**2), nest = True ) ang_pixeles = np.arccos(,vec_pixeles)) if d['config'] == 'FI': CteConfig = 61.347409 elif d['config'] == 'TD': CteConfig = 153.36 #mask print(nus_in) if not readmap: mask = np.rad2deg(ang_pixeles) < d['dtheta'] # Generate Gaussian maps - model of point source with FWHM (or Sigma) given by nus_in c0 = np.zeros((len(nus_in),12*nsideHigh**2,3)) noise = np.zeros((len(nus_in), 12*nsideHigh**2,1)) T = d['temperature'] amplitude = 1e22 for i, n_i in enumerate(nus_in): print('Map {}'.format(i)) fwhm_in = CteConfig/n_i # nus to fwhm for j,each in enumerate(ang_pixeles): if mask[j] == True: c0[i,j,0] = amplitude*f(each, fwhm_in, sigma2fwhm) c0[:,:,1] = c0[:,:,0] c0[:,:,2] = c0[:,:,0] m0 = np.empty((len(nus_in),12*nsideLow**2,3)) m0[:,:,0] = hp.ud_grade(c0[:,:,0], nsideLow, order_in = 'NESTED', order_out = 'RING') input_maps = np.empty((len(nus_in),size,size)) for i, mapa in enumerate(m0): input_maps[i] = hp.gnomview(mapa[:,0], rot = center, reso = reso, xsize = size, return_projected_map=True) mp.close('all') if writemap: FitsArray(m0).save('point-source-map-TD-150GHz.fits') return input_maps, m0 elif readmap: m0 = FitsArray('point-source-map-TD-150GHz.fits') input_maps = np.empty((len(nus_in),size,size)) for i, mapa in enumerate(m0): input_maps[i] = hp.gnomview(mapa[:,0], rot = center, reso = reso, xsize = size, return_projected_map=True) mp.close('all') return input_maps, m0
# Look at the coverage of the sky coverage = np.sum(cov.copy(), axis=0) maxcov = np.max(coverage) unseen = coverage < maxcov * 0.1 print(maps_convolved.shape) maps_convolved[:, unseen, :] = hp.UNSEEN maps_recon[:, unseen, :] = hp.UNSEEN # Wait for everyone to finish MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() #### Save maps if rank == 0: rnd_name = qss.random_string(10) directory = '/global/homes/h/hamilton/qubic/jc/EndToEndMaps/' FitsArray(maps_recon).save(directory + namesim + '_maps_recon_seed_' + str(seed) + '_' + rnd_name + '.fits') FitsArray(maps_convolved).save(directory + namesim + '_maps_convolved_seed_' + str(seed) + '_' + rnd_name + '.fits') FitsArray(coverage).save(directory + namesim + '_maps_coverage_' + rnd_name + '.fits') with open(directory + namesim + '_dictionary_' + rnd_name + '.pickle', 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(d, handle, protocol=2) with open(directory + namesim + '_input_cell_' + rnd_name + '.pickle', 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(Qubic_sky.input_cmb_spectra, handle, protocol=2) print(
def test_detector_indexing(): expected = FitsArray('test/data/detector_indexing.fits') assert_same(q.detector.index, expected)
def get_data_Mrefsyst(detnums, filemaps, az, el, fitted_directory, fittedpeakfile, proj_name, resample=None, newsize=None, azmin=None, azmax=None, remove=None, sbfitmodel=None, refit=False, verbose=False): """ Compute theta, phi for all TES in the measured reference system """ thecos = np.cos(np.radians(np.mean(el))) if refit: if verbose: print('We refit the peak locations') ### We call the fitting function for the Synthesized beam xypeaks = [] for i in range(len(detnums)): if fitted_directory is None: if sbfitmodel is None: sbfitmodel = sbfit.SbModelIndepPeaks(nrings=2, common_fwhm=True, no_xy_shift=False, distortion=False) if verbose: print('Using Fit Model {} for TES #{}'.format(, detnums[i])) figure() fit, thexypeaks = sbfit.fit_sb(filemaps, az, el, sbfitmodel, resample=resample, newsize=newsize, verbose=verbose, doplot=True, extra_title='TES #{}'.format( detnums[i])) print('FITING') show() else: filemaps, az, el, fitmap, thexypeaks = sbfit.get_flatmap( detnums[i], directory, azmin=azmin, azmax=azmax, remove=remove, fitted_directory=fitted_directory) xypeaks.append(thexypeaks) ### Convert to measurement coordinate system xypeaks = np.array(xypeaks) allthetas_M = np.radians(90 - (xypeaks[:, 1, :] - elcen_fov)) allphis_M = np.radians(-xypeaks[:, 0, :]) #*thecos) allvals_M = xypeaks[:, 2, :] else: if verbose: print('No refitting of the peak locations') print("[FitFiles]: Reading {} file".format(fittedpeakfile)) ### We just read them from the old peak file peaks = np.array(FitsArray(fittedpeakfile)) #Thph indexes if proj_name == "flat": thphidx = [0, 1] peaks[:, 1, :] = peaks[:, 1, :] / thecos elif proj_name == "healpix": thphidx = [0, 1] peaks[:, 1, :] = peaks[:, 1, :] ### An put them in the expected format. Save TES of interest mypeaks = peaks[np.array(detnums) - 1, :, :] #Peaks in degrees allphis_M = mypeaks[:, 1, :] allthetas_M = mypeaks[:, 0, :] allvals_M = mypeaks[:, 2, :] return allphis_M, allthetas_M, allvals_M
grounding.append(bla[-2]) motor.append(bla[-1]) a1 = qp() a1.read_qubicstudio_dataset(dirs[0], asic=1) a2 = qp() a2.read_qubicstudio_dataset(dirs[0], asic=2) nsamples = len(a1.timeline(TES=66)) FREQ_SAMPLING = 1./a1.sample_period() spectrum, freq = mlab.psd(2 a1.timeline(TES=66), Fs=FREQ_SAMPLING, NFFT=nsamples, window=mlab.window_hanning) ok1 = np.array(FitsArray('/Users/hamilton/Qubic/ExternalSource/ScanAz2019-01-30_OK_Asic1.fits'), dtype=bool) ok2 = np.array(FitsArray('/Users/hamilton/Qubic/ExternalSource/ScanAz2019-01-30_OK_Asic2.fits'), dtype=bool) ok = np.append(ok1,ok2) clf() plot(freq, spectrum) xscale('log') yscale('log') allspecs = [] allfreqs = [] medspec = [] for i in range(len(dirs)): a1 = qp() a1.read_qubicstudio_dataset(dirs[i], asic=1)
interpolation='nearest') # imshow(img / img_ref, cmap='viridis', vmin=0, vmax=3, interpolation='nearest') # imshow(img / np.nanmean(img), cmap='viridis', vmin=0, vmax=3, interpolation='nearest') colorbar() # if pos == 0: # title('Int Sphere Ref 2019-02-14') # else: title('Int Sphere 2019-02-15 pos{}'.format(pos + 1)) # savefig(basedir + 'int_sphere_pos1-4_divided_ref') # Try intercalibration intercal = img / img[16, 0] allimg = np.array(FitsArray('allimg_scan_az.fits')) az = np.array(FitsArray('az_scan_az.fits')) for i in range(len(az)): clf() subplot(1, 2, 1) imshow(allimg[i, :, :], cmap='viridis', vmin=0, vmax=1000) title(az[i]) subplot(1, 2, 2) imshow(allimg[i, :, :] / intercal, cmap='viridis', vmin=0, vmax=1000) title('Intercalibrated') show() savefig('scan_az_int_sphere_{}.png'.format(1100 + az[i])) # raw_input('press a key') pixnums = [2, 96, 67, 58 + 128]