Example #1
    def test_substituter_conditions(self):
        x = Symbol("x")
        y = Symbol("y")
        and_x_x = And(x, x)
        ftype = FunctionType(BOOL, [BOOL])
        f = Symbol("f", ftype)

        # 1. All arguments must be terms
        args_good = {x: y}
        args_bad = {x: f}

        substitute(and_x_x, args_good)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, " substitutions"):
            substitute(and_x_x, args_bad)

        # 2. All arguments belong to the manager of the substituter.
        new_mgr = FormulaManager(get_env())
        new_x = new_mgr.Symbol("x")
        self.assertNotEqual(x, new_x)
        args_1 = {x: new_x}
        args_2 = {new_x: new_x}

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "Formula Manager"):
            substitute(and_x_x, args_1)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "Formula Manager."):
            substitute(and_x_x, args_2)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "substitute()"):
            substitute(f, {x: x})
Example #2
    def test_formula_in_formula_manager(self):
        x = self.mgr.FreshSymbol()
        and_x_x = self.mgr.And(x, x)
        new_mgr = FormulaManager(get_env())
        y = new_mgr.FreshSymbol()
        and_y_y = new_mgr.And(y, y)

        self.assertTrue(x in self.mgr)
        self.assertFalse(y in self.mgr)

        self.assertTrue(and_x_x in self.mgr)
        self.assertFalse(and_y_y in self.mgr)