Example #1
 def reduce(self, dst):
     dst.tmp_comp[0] = serial_reduce_array(dst.psi >= 0.0, 'sum')
     dst.tmp_comp[1] = serial_reduce_array(dst.psi**2, 'sum')
         parallel_reduce_array(dst.tmp_comp, 'sum'))
     epsilon = sqrt(dst.tmp_comp[1] / dst.tmp_comp[0])
     if epsilon <= 1e-3:
         self.eqn_has_converged = 1
Example #2
    def reduce(self, dst):
        n = len(dst.x)
        tmp_sum_logrho = serial_reduce_array(dst.logrho, 'sum')
        sum_logrho = parallel_reduce_array(tmp_sum_logrho, 'sum')
        g = exp(sum_logrho / n)

        lamda = self.k * numpy.power(g / dst.rho, self.eps)
        dst.h[:] = lamda * dst.h0
Example #3
 def reduce(self, dst, t, dt):
     dst.tmp_comp[0] = serial_reduce_array(dst.compression > 0.0, 'sum')
     dst.tmp_comp[1] = serial_reduce_array(dst.compression, 'sum')
     dst.tmp_comp[:] = parallel_reduce_array(dst.tmp_comp, 'sum')
     if dst.tmp_comp[0] > 0:
         avg_rho = dst.tmp_comp[1] / dst.tmp_comp[0]
         avg_rho = self.rho0
     self.compression = fabs(avg_rho - self.rho0) / self.rho0
Example #4
 def reduce(self, dst):
     dst.tmp_comp[0] = serial_reduce_array(dst.array.compression > 0.0, 'sum')
     dst.tmp_comp[1] = serial_reduce_array(dst.array.compression, 'sum')
     dst.tmp_comp.set_data(parallel_reduce_array(dst.tmp_comp, 'sum'))
     if dst.tmp_comp[0] > 0:
         comp = dst.tmp_comp[1]/dst.tmp_comp[0]/self.rho0
         comp = 0.0
     self.compression = comp
Example #5
    def reduce(self, d_rho, d_h, d_h0, dst):

        n = declare('int')
        k = declare('int')
        n = len(dst.x)
        tmp_sum_logrho = serial_reduce_array(dst.array.logrho, 'sum')
        sum_logrho = parallel_reduce_array(tmp_sum_logrho, 'sum')
        g = exp(sum_logrho / n)

        for k in range(n):
            lamda = self.k * pow(g / d_rho[k], self.eps)
            d_h[k] = lamda * d_h0[k]
Example #6
    def reduce(self, dst):
        # Reduce the temporary mi values in parallel across processors.

        # Set the reduced values.
        nbody = declare('int')
        i = declare('int')
        base_mi = declare('int')
        base = declare('int')
        nbody = dst.num_body.data[0]

        for i in range(nbody):
            base_mi = i * 16
            base = i * 3
            m = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 0]
            dst.total_mass.data[i] = m
            cx = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 1] / m
            cy = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 2] / m
            cz = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 3] / m
            dst.cm.data[base + 0] = cx
            dst.cm.data[base + 1] = cy
            dst.cm.data[base + 2] = cz

            # The actual moment of inertia about center of mass from parallel
            # axes theorem.
            ixx = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 4] - (cy * cy + cz * cz) * m
            iyy = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 5] - (cx * cx + cz * cz) * m
            izz = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 6] - (cx * cx + cy * cy) * m
            ixy = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 7] + cx * cy * m
            ixz = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 8] + cx * cz * m
            iyz = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 9] + cy * cz * m

            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 0] = ixx
            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 1] = ixy
            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 2] = ixz
            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 3] = ixy
            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 4] = iyy
            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 5] = iyz
            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 6] = ixz
            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 7] = iyz
            dst.mi.data[base_mi + 8] = izz

            fx = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 10]
            fy = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 11]
            fz = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 12]
            dst.force.data[base + 0] = fx
            dst.force.data[base + 1] = fy
            dst.force.data[base + 2] = fz

            # Acceleration of CM.
            dst.ac.data[base + 0] = fx / m
            dst.ac.data[base + 1] = fy / m
            dst.ac.data[base + 2] = fz / m

            # Find torque about the Center of Mass and not origin.
            tx = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 13]
            ty = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 14]
            tz = dst.mi.data[base_mi + 15]
            tx -= cy * fz - cz * fy
            ty -= -cx * fz + cz * fx
            tz -= cx * fy - cy * fx
            dst.torque.data[base + 0] = tx
            dst.torque.data[base + 1] = ty
            dst.torque.data[base + 2] = tz

            wx = dst.omega.data[base + 0]
            wy = dst.omega.data[base + 1]
            wz = dst.omega.data[base + 2]
            # Find omega_dot from: omega_dot = inv(I) (\tau - w x (Iw))
            # This was done using the sympy code above.
            tmp0 = iyz**2
            tmp1 = ixy**2
            tmp2 = ixz**2
            tmp3 = ixx * iyy
            tmp4 = ixy * ixz
            tmp5 = 1. / (ixx * tmp0 + iyy * tmp2 - 2 * iyz * tmp4 +
                         izz * tmp1 - izz * tmp3)
            tmp6 = ixy * izz - ixz * iyz
            tmp7 = ixz * wx + iyz * wy + izz * wz
            tmp8 = ixx * wx + ixy * wy + ixz * wz
            tmp9 = tmp7 * wx - tmp8 * wz + ty
            tmp10 = ixy * iyz - ixz * iyy
            tmp11 = ixy * wx + iyy * wy + iyz * wz
            tmp12 = -tmp11 * wx + tmp8 * wy + tz
            tmp13 = tmp11 * wz - tmp7 * wy + tx
            tmp14 = ixx * iyz - tmp4
            dst.omega_dot.data[base +
                               0] = tmp5 * (-tmp10 * tmp12 - tmp13 *
                                            (iyy * izz - tmp0) + tmp6 * tmp9)
            dst.omega_dot.data[base +
                               1] = tmp5 * (tmp12 * tmp14 + tmp13 * tmp6 -
                                            tmp9 * (ixx * izz - tmp2))
            dst.omega_dot.data[base +
                               2] = tmp5 * (-tmp10 * tmp13 - tmp12 *
                                            (-tmp1 + tmp3) + tmp14 * tmp9)
Example #7
 def reduce(self, dst):
     m = serial_reduce_array(dst.m, op='sum')
     dst.total_mass[0] = parallel_reduce_array(m, op='sum')
Example #8
 def py_initialize(self, dst, t, dt):
     from numpy import sqrt
     vmag = sqrt(dst.u**2 + dst.v**2 + dst.w**2)
     dst.vmax[0] = serial_reduce_array(vmag, 'max')
     dst.vmax[:] = parallel_reduce_array(dst.vmax, 'max')
Example #9
    def reduce(self, dst, t, dt):
        # FIXME: this will be slow in opencl
        nbody = declare('int')
        i = declare('int')
        base_mi = declare('int')
        base = declare('int')
        nbody = dst.num_body[0]
        if dst.gpu:
            dst.gpu.pull('omega', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz')

        d_mi = declare('object')
        m = declare('object')
        x = declare('object')
        y = declare('object')
        z = declare('object')
        fx = declare('object')
        fy = declare('object')
        fz = declare('object')
        d_mi = dst.mi
        cond = declare('object')
        for i in range(nbody):
            cond = dst.body_id == i
            base = i * 16
            m = dst.m[cond]
            x = dst.x[cond]
            y = dst.y[cond]
            z = dst.z[cond]
            # Find the total_mass, center of mass and second moments.
            d_mi[base + 0] = numpy.sum(m)
            d_mi[base + 1] = numpy.sum(m * x)
            d_mi[base + 2] = numpy.sum(m * y)
            d_mi[base + 3] = numpy.sum(m * z)
            # Only do the lower triangle of values moments of inertia.
            d_mi[base + 4] = numpy.sum(m * (y * y + z * z))
            d_mi[base + 5] = numpy.sum(m * (x * x + z * z))
            d_mi[base + 6] = numpy.sum(m * (x * x + y * y))

            d_mi[base + 7] = -numpy.sum(m * x * y)
            d_mi[base + 8] = -numpy.sum(m * x * z)
            d_mi[base + 9] = -numpy.sum(m * y * z)

            # the total force and torque
            fx = dst.fx[cond]
            fy = dst.fy[cond]
            fz = dst.fz[cond]
            d_mi[base + 10] = numpy.sum(fx)
            d_mi[base + 11] = numpy.sum(fy)
            d_mi[base + 12] = numpy.sum(fz)

            # Calculate the torque and reduce it.
            d_mi[base + 13] = numpy.sum(y * fz - z * fy)
            d_mi[base + 14] = numpy.sum(z * fx - x * fz)
            d_mi[base + 15] = numpy.sum(x * fy - y * fx)

        # Reduce the temporary mi values in parallel across processors.
        d_mi[:] = parallel_reduce_array(dst.mi)

        # Set the reduced values.
        for i in range(nbody):
            base_mi = i * 16
            base = i * 3
            m = d_mi[base_mi + 0]
            dst.total_mass[i] = m
            cx = d_mi[base_mi + 1] / m
            cy = d_mi[base_mi + 2] / m
            cz = d_mi[base_mi + 3] / m
            dst.cm[base + 0] = cx
            dst.cm[base + 1] = cy
            dst.cm[base + 2] = cz

            # The actual moment of inertia about center of mass from parallel
            # axes theorem.
            ixx = d_mi[base_mi + 4] - (cy * cy + cz * cz) * m
            iyy = d_mi[base_mi + 5] - (cx * cx + cz * cz) * m
            izz = d_mi[base_mi + 6] - (cx * cx + cy * cy) * m
            ixy = d_mi[base_mi + 7] + cx * cy * m
            ixz = d_mi[base_mi + 8] + cx * cz * m
            iyz = d_mi[base_mi + 9] + cy * cz * m

            d_mi[base_mi + 0] = ixx
            d_mi[base_mi + 1] = ixy
            d_mi[base_mi + 2] = ixz
            d_mi[base_mi + 3] = ixy
            d_mi[base_mi + 4] = iyy
            d_mi[base_mi + 5] = iyz
            d_mi[base_mi + 6] = ixz
            d_mi[base_mi + 7] = iyz
            d_mi[base_mi + 8] = izz

            fx = d_mi[base_mi + 10]
            fy = d_mi[base_mi + 11]
            fz = d_mi[base_mi + 12]
            dst.force[base + 0] = fx
            dst.force[base + 1] = fy
            dst.force[base + 2] = fz

            # Acceleration of CM.
            dst.ac[base + 0] = fx / m
            dst.ac[base + 1] = fy / m
            dst.ac[base + 2] = fz / m

            # Find torque about the Center of Mass and not origin.
            tx = d_mi[base_mi + 13]
            ty = d_mi[base_mi + 14]
            tz = d_mi[base_mi + 15]
            tx -= cy * fz - cz * fy
            ty -= -cx * fz + cz * fx
            tz -= cx * fy - cy * fx
            dst.torque[base + 0] = tx
            dst.torque[base + 1] = ty
            dst.torque[base + 2] = tz

            wx = dst.omega[base + 0]
            wy = dst.omega[base + 1]
            wz = dst.omega[base + 2]
            # Find omega_dot from: omega_dot = inv(I) (\tau - w x (Iw))
            # This was done using the sympy code above.
            tmp0 = iyz**2
            tmp1 = ixy**2
            tmp2 = ixz**2
            tmp3 = ixx * iyy
            tmp4 = ixy * ixz
            tmp5 = 1. / (ixx * tmp0 + iyy * tmp2 - 2 * iyz * tmp4 +
                         izz * tmp1 - izz * tmp3)
            tmp6 = ixy * izz - ixz * iyz
            tmp7 = ixz * wx + iyz * wy + izz * wz
            tmp8 = ixx * wx + ixy * wy + ixz * wz
            tmp9 = tmp7 * wx - tmp8 * wz + ty
            tmp10 = ixy * iyz - ixz * iyy
            tmp11 = ixy * wx + iyy * wy + iyz * wz
            tmp12 = -tmp11 * wx + tmp8 * wy + tz
            tmp13 = tmp11 * wz - tmp7 * wy + tx
            tmp14 = ixx * iyz - tmp4
            dst.omega_dot[base + 0] = tmp5 * (-tmp10 * tmp12 - tmp13 *
                                              (iyy * izz - tmp0) + tmp6 * tmp9)
            dst.omega_dot[base +
                          1] = tmp5 * (tmp12 * tmp14 + tmp13 * tmp6 - tmp9 *
                                       (ixx * izz - tmp2))
            dst.omega_dot[base + 2] = tmp5 * (-tmp10 * tmp13 - tmp12 *
                                              (-tmp1 + tmp3) + tmp14 * tmp9)
        if dst.gpu:
            dst.gpu.push('total_mass', 'mi', 'cm', 'force', 'ac', 'torque',