Example #1
#! /usr/bin/env python
# $Header$
'''Simple CGI dispatching.

from pysphere.ZSI import TC
import base64, os

from pysphere.ZSI import ZSI_SCHEMA_URI

_b64_decode = base64.decodestring

# Typecode to parse a ZSI BasicAuth header.
_auth_tc = TC.Struct(None,
                        [ TC.String('Name'), TC.String('Password') ],

class AUTH:
    '''Constants for authentication mechanisms.
    none = 0
    httpbasic = 1
    zsibasic = 2
    httpdigest = 4

class ClientBinding:
    '''Information about the client that is connected to us.

    def __init__(self, ps):
        self.ps, self.auth = \
Example #2
        def call_closure(*args, **kwargs):
            """Call the named remote web service method."""
            if len(args) and len(kwargs):
                raise TypeError('Use positional or keyword argument only.')
            if len(args) > 0:
                raise TypeError('Not supporting SOAPENC:Arrays or XSD:List')
            if len(kwargs): 
                args = kwargs

            callinfo = getattr(self, name).callinfo
            # go through the list of defined methods, and look for the one with
            # the same number of arguments as what was passed.  this is a weak
            # check that should probably be improved in the future to check the
            # types of the arguments to allow for polymorphism
            for method in self._methods[name]:
                if len(method.callinfo.inparams) == len(kwargs):
                    callinfo = method.callinfo
            binding = _Binding(url=self._url or callinfo.location,
            kw = dict(unique=True)
            if callinfo.use == 'encoded':
                kw['unique'] = False
            if callinfo.style == 'rpc':
                request = TC.Struct(None, ofwhat=[], 
                                 pname=(callinfo.namespace, name), **kw)
                response = TC.Struct(None, ofwhat=[], 
                                 pname=(callinfo.namespace, name+"Response"), **kw)
                if len(callinfo.getInParameters()) != len(args):
                    raise RuntimeError('expecting "%s" parts, got %s' %(
                           str(callinfo.getInParameters(), str(args))))
                for msg,pms in ((request,callinfo.getInParameters()), 
                    msg.ofwhat = []
                    for part in pms:
                        klass = GTD(*part.type)
                        if klass is None:
                            if part.type:
                                klass = [gt for gt in TC.TYPES if part.type==gt.type]
                                if len(klass) == 0:
                                    klass = [gt for gt in TC.TYPES if part.type[1]==gt.type[1]]
                                    if not len(klass):klass = [TC.Any]
                                if len(klass) > 1: #Enumerations, XMLString, etc
                                    klass = [i for i in klass if 'type' in i.__dict__]
                                klass = klass[0]
                                klass = TC.Any
                    msg.ofwhat = tuple(msg.ofwhat)
                if not args: args = {}
                # Grab <part element> attribute
                ipart,opart = callinfo.getInParameters(),callinfo.getOutParameters()
                if ( len(ipart) != 1 or not ipart[0].element_type or 
                    ipart[0].type is None ):
                    raise RuntimeError('Bad Input Message "%s"' %callinfo.name)
                if ( len(opart) not in (0,1) or not opart[0].element_type or 
                    opart[0].type is None ):
                    raise RuntimeError('Bad Output Message "%s"' %callinfo.name)
#                if ( len(args) > 1 ):
#                    raise RuntimeError, 'Message has only one part:  %s' %str(args)
                ipart = ipart[0]
                request,response = GED(*ipart.type),None
                if opart: response = GED(*opart[0].type)
            msg = args
            if self._asdict: 
                if not msg: msg = dict()
            elif request.pyclass is not None:
                if type(args) is dict:
                    msg = request.pyclass()
                elif type(args) is list and len(args) == 1: 
                    msg = request.pyclass(args[0])
                    msg = request.pyclass()
            binding.Send(None, None, msg,
            if response is None: 
                return None
            if self._asdict: self._nullpyclass(response)
            return binding.Receive(replytype=response,