Example #1
from pyspr import SPR

spr = SPR('test/cleveland.spr')
print spr.varnames()
for i in range(100):
    d = [i*1.0]*13
    r = spr.response(d)
    print r
Example #2
from pyspr import SPR

spr = SPR('test/cleveland.spr')
print spr.varnames() #print variable names in the right order 
#i know it needs 13
myvar = [0.5]*13
print spr.response(myvar)
#you can also give it a dictionary make sure you have all the variables or it will raise error
#numpy record works here as well
d ={'age':0.3, 'sex':1, 
    'cp':23, 'trestbps':1.0, 
    'chol':-1, 'fbs':10., 
    'restecg':0.2, 'thalach':0.1, 
    'exang':0.2, 'oldpeak':0.1, 
    'slope':1.0, 'ca':0.3, 
print spr.response_dict(d)