Example #1
    def test_unicode__decode_errors(self):
        Test that the decode_errors attribute is respected.

        renderer = Renderer()
        renderer.string_encoding = "ascii"
        s = "déf"

        renderer.decode_errors = "ignore"
        self.assertEquals(renderer.unicode(s), "df")

        renderer.decode_errors = "replace"
        # U+FFFD is the official Unicode replacement character.
        self.assertEquals(renderer.unicode(s), u'd\ufffd\ufffdf')
Example #2
    def test__escape__uses_renderer_unicode(self):
        Test that escape uses the renderer's unicode function.

        renderer = Renderer()
        renderer.unicode = lambda s: s.upper()

        engine = renderer._make_render_engine()
        escape = engine.escape

        self.assertEquals(escape("foo"), "FOO")
Example #3
    def test__literal__uses_renderer_unicode(self):
        Test that literal uses the renderer's unicode function.

        renderer = Renderer()
        renderer.unicode = lambda s: s.upper()

        engine = renderer._make_render_engine()
        literal = engine.literal

        self.assertEquals(literal("foo"), "FOO")
Example #4
    def test_unicode__string_encoding(self):
        Test that the string_encoding attribute is respected.

        renderer = Renderer()
        s = "é"

        renderer.string_encoding = "ascii"
        self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, renderer.unicode, s)

        renderer.string_encoding = "utf-8"
        self.assertEquals(renderer.unicode(s), u"é")
Example #5
    def test__escape__uses_renderer_unicode(self):
        Test that escape uses the renderer's unicode function.

        renderer = Renderer()
        renderer.unicode = mock_unicode

        engine = renderer._make_render_engine()
        escape = engine.escape

        b = u"foo".encode('ascii')
        self.assertEqual(escape(b), "FOO")
Example #6
    def test__escape__uses_renderer_unicode(self):
        Test that escape uses the renderer's unicode function.

        renderer = Renderer()
        renderer.unicode = mock_unicode

        engine = renderer._make_render_engine()
        escape = engine.escape

        b = u"foo".encode('ascii')
        self.assertEqual(escape(b), "FOO")
Example #7
    def test__make_loader__attributes(self):
        Test that _make_loader() sets all attributes correctly..

        unicode_ = lambda x: x

        renderer = Renderer()
        renderer.file_encoding = 'enc'
        renderer.file_extension = 'ext'
        renderer.unicode = unicode_

        loader = renderer._make_loader()

        self.assertEquals(loader.extension, 'ext')
        self.assertEquals(loader.file_encoding, 'enc')
        self.assertEquals(loader.to_unicode, unicode_)