Example #1
def test_scope_override():
  class MesosConfig(Struct):
    ports = Map(String, Integer)
  config = MesosConfig(ports = {'http': 80, 'health': 8888})
  env = Environment({ref('config.ports[http]'): 5000}, config = config)
  assert env.find(ref('config.ports[http]')) == '5000'
  assert env.find(ref('config.ports[health]')) == Integer(8888)
Example #2
def test_scope_override():
    class MesosConfig(Struct):
        ports = Map(String, Integer)

    config = MesosConfig(ports={'http': 80, 'health': 8888})
    env = Environment({ref('config.ports[http]'): 5000}, config=config)
    assert env.find(ref('config.ports[http]')) == '5000'
    assert env.find(ref('config.ports[health]')) == Integer(8888)
Example #3
def test_environment_constructors():
  oe = Environment(a = 1, b = 2)
  assert oe._table == dtd({'a': 1, 'b': 2})

  oe = Environment({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
  assert oe._table == dtd({'a': 1, 'b': 2})

  oe = Environment({'a': 1}, b = 2)
  assert oe._table == dtd({'a': 1, 'b': 2})

  oe = Environment({'a': 1}, a = 2)
  assert oe._table == dtd({'a': 2}), "last update should win"

  oe = Environment({'b': 1}, a = 2)
  assert oe._table == dtd({'a': 2, 'b': 1})

  oe = Environment(oe, a = 3)
  assert oe._table == dtd({'a': 3, 'b': 1})

  bad_values = [None, 3, 'a', type, ()]
  for value in bad_values:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
  bad_values = [None, type, ()]
  for value in bad_values:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
      Environment(foo = value)
Example #4
def test_nested_mustache_resolution():
    # straight
    oe = Environment(foo='{{bar}}', bar='{{baz}}', baz='hello')
    for pattern in ('{{foo}}', '{{bar}}', '{{baz}}', 'hello'):
        resolved, unbound = MustacheParser.resolve('%s world' % pattern, oe)
        assert resolved == 'hello world'
        assert unbound == []

    # in structs
    class Process(Struct):
        name = Required(String)
        cmdline = String

    class Task(Struct):
        name = Default(String, '{{processes[0].name}}')
        processes = List(Process)

    task = Task(processes=[Process(name="hello"), Process(name="world")])
    assert task.name().get() == 'hello'

    # iterably
    resolve_string = '{{foo[{{bar}}]}}'
    resolve_list = List(String)(["hello", "world"])
    resolved, unbound = MustacheParser.resolve(
        resolve_string, Environment(foo=resolve_list, bar=0))
    assert resolved == 'hello'
    assert unbound == []
    resolved, unbound = MustacheParser.resolve(
        resolve_string, Environment(foo=resolve_list, bar="0"))
    assert resolved == 'hello'
    assert unbound == []
    resolved, _ = MustacheParser.resolve(resolve_string,
                                         Environment(foo=resolve_list, bar=1))
    assert resolved == 'world'
    resolved, unbound = MustacheParser.resolve(
        resolve_string, Environment(foo=resolve_list, bar=2))
    assert resolved == '{{foo[2]}}'
    assert unbound == [ref('foo[2]')]
Example #5
def test_mustache_joining():
    oe = Environment(foo="foo herp", bar="bar derp", baz="baz blerp")

    joined, unbound = MustacheParser.join(MustacheParser.split("{{foo}}"), oe)
    assert joined == "foo herp"
    assert unbound == []

    splits = MustacheParser.split('blech {{foo}} {{bar}} bonk {{&baz}} bling')
    joined, unbound = MustacheParser.join(splits, oe)
    assert joined == 'blech foo herp bar derp bonk {{baz}} bling'
    assert unbound == []

    splits = MustacheParser.split('{{foo}} {{bar}} {{unbound}}')
    joined, unbound = MustacheParser.join(splits, oe)
    assert joined == 'foo herp bar derp {{unbound}}'
    assert unbound == [Ref.from_address('unbound')]
Example #6
def test_complex_lookup():
    class Employee(Struct):
        first = String
        last = String

    class Employer(Struct):
        name = String
        employees = List(Employee)

    twttr = Employer(name='Twitter',
                         Employee(first='brian', last='wickman'),

    assert Environment(twttr=twttr).find(
        ref('twttr.employees[1].first')) == String('marius')
    assert Map(String,Employer)({'twttr': twttr}).find(ref('[twttr].employees[1].first')) == \
    assert List(Employer)([twttr]).find(
        ref('[0].employees[0].last')) == String('wickman')
    assert List(Employer)([twttr]).find(
        ref('[0].employees[2].last')) == String('{{default.last}}')
Example #7
def test_environment_bad_values():
  bad_values = [None, type, object()]
  for val in bad_values:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
      Environment(a = val)
Example #8
def test_environment_merge():
  oe1 = Environment(a = 1)
  oe2 = Environment(b = 2)
  assert Environment(oe1, oe2)._table == {
    ref('a'): '1',
    ref('b'): '2'

  oe1 = Environment(a = 1, b = 2)
  oe2 = Environment(a = 1, b = {'c': 2})
  assert Environment(oe1, oe2)._table == {
    ref('a'): '1',
    ref('b'): '2',
    ref('b.c'): '2'

  oe1 = Environment(a = 1, b = 2)
  oe2 = Environment(a = 1, b = {'c': 2})
  assert Environment(oe2, oe1)._table == {
    ref('a'): '1',
    ref('b'): '2',
    ref('b.c'): '2'

  oe1 = Environment(a = { 'b': 1 })
  oe2 = Environment(a = { 'c': 2 })
  assert Environment(oe1, oe2)._table == {
    ref('a.b'): '1',
    ref('a.c'): '2'
  assert Environment(oe2, oe1)._table == {
    ref('a.b'): '1',
    ref('a.c'): '2'
Example #9
def test_environment_find():
  oe1 = Environment(a = { 'b': 1 })
  oe2 = Environment(a = { 'b': { 'c': List(Integer)([1,2,3]) } } )
  oe = Environment(oe1, oe2)
  assert oe.find(ref('a.b')) == '1'
  assert oe.find(ref('a.b.c[0]')) == Integer(1)
  assert oe.find(ref('a.b.c[1]')) == Integer(2)
  assert oe.find(ref('a.b.c[2]')) == Integer(3)

  missing_refs = [ref('b'), ref('b.c'), ref('a.c'), ref('a.b.c[3]')]
  for r in missing_refs:
    with pytest.raises(Namable.NotFound):

  oe = Environment(a = { 'b': { 'c': 5 } } )
  assert oe.find(ref('a.b.c')) == '5'
Example #10
def test_ref_lookup():
  oe = Environment(a = 1)
  assert oe.find(ref("a")) == '1'

  oe = Environment(a = {'b': 1})
  assert oe.find(ref("a.b")) == '1'

  oe = Environment(a = {'b': {'c': 1}, 'c': Environment(d = 2)})
  assert oe.find(ref('a.b.c')) == '1'
  assert oe.find(ref('a.c.d')) == '2'

  for address in ["a", "a.b", "a.c"]:
    with pytest.raises(Namable.NotFound):

  oe = List(String)(["a", "b", "c"])
  assert oe.find(ref('[0]')) == String('a')
  with pytest.raises(Namable.NotFound):

  oe = List(Map(String,Integer))([{'a': 27}])
  oe.find(ref('[0][a]')) == Integer(27)
  Environment(foo = oe).find(ref('foo[0][a]')) == Integer(27)
Example #11
def test_ref_lookup():
    oe = Environment(a=1)
    assert oe.find(ref("a")) == '1'

    oe = Environment(a={'b': 1})
    assert oe.find(ref("a.b")) == '1'

    oe = Environment(a={'b': {'c': 1}, 'c': Environment(d=2)})
    assert oe.find(ref('a.b.c')) == '1'
    assert oe.find(ref('a.c.d')) == '2'

    for address in ["a", "a.b", "a.c"]:
        with pytest.raises(Namable.NotFound):

    oe = List(String)(["a", "b", "c"])
    assert oe.find(ref('[0]')) == String('a')
    with pytest.raises(Namable.NotFound):

    oe = List(Map(String, Integer))([{'a': 27}])
    oe.find(ref('[0][a]')) == Integer(27)
    Environment(foo=oe).find(ref('foo[0][a]')) == Integer(27)
Example #12
def test_environment_provides():
  oe1 = Environment(a = { 'b': 1 })
  oe2 = Environment(a = { 'b': { 'c': List(Integer)([1,2,3]) } } )
  oe = Environment(oe1, oe2)
  for address in ['a.b', 'a.b.c', 'a.b.c[0]']:
    assert oe.provides(ref(address))
  for address in ['a', 'b', 'b.c', 'a.c', 'a.b.c.d', 'a.b.c[2].d']:
    assert not oe.provides(ref(address))

  class Nested(Struct):
    value = String

  class Composite(Struct):
    first = String
    checks = Map(Integer, Nested)

  ce = Environment(composite = Composite())
  assert not ce.provides(ref('random'))
  assert ce.provides(ref('composite'))
  assert ce.provides(ref('composite.first'))
  assert not ce.provides(ref('composite.first.poop'))
  assert ce.provides(ref('composite.checks'))
  assert ce.provides(ref('composite.checks[0]'))
  assert ce.provides(ref('composite.checks[0].value'))
  assert not ce.provides(ref('composite.checks[0].nonvalue'))
  assert not ce.provides(ref('composite.checks[0][nonvalue]'))

  ce = Environment({'composite': {'unioned': 1}}, composite = Composite())
  assert ce.provides(ref('composite'))
  assert ce.provides(ref('composite.first'))
  assert ce.provides(ref('composite.unioned'))
  assert not ce.provides(ref('composite.unioned.anythingelse'))
Example #13
def test_mustache_resolve_cycles():
    with pytest.raises(MustacheParser.Uninterpolatable):
            '{{foo[{{bar}}]}} {{baz}}',
            Environment(foo=List(String)(["{{foo[{{bar}}]}}", "world"])),