def listenbutton_clicked(self): ''' Triggered when the user click on hook, or unhook button and do the appropriate action. If the user unhook a connection while it is not stopped, the connecions will likely crash because of de-synchronisation. ''' if self.hooked: print("Stop hooking (can cause the connection to crash)") self.inputbutton.setEnabled(False) self.inputtext.setEnabled(False) self.connectionlist.setEnabled(True) self.listenbutton.setText("Hook") self.unhook_all() #Remove all the active nfqueues to stop hooking self.hooked = False else: print("Start Hooking") self.inputbutton.setEnabled(True) self.inputtext.setEnabled(True) self.connectionlist.setEnabled(False) self.textreceived.clear() self.textsent.clear() self.listenbutton.setText("Unhook") #Create the hacked session with the informations of the selected connection self.session = SessionMITM(self.interface, self) #Create the session self.session.register_lower_layer("default", self.tcpp) #Register it on the stack = MITMApplication(self) #Create the MITM app and link it to the session self.session.register_layer( self.session.switch_state(State_ESTABLISHED(self.session)) #Put directly the session in ESTABLISHED #Create all the nfqueue and link them to the tcp session modified elts = self.connectionlist.selectedItems() if len(elts) != 1: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "A connection (only) should be selected", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QMessageBox.NoButton) print("One connection (only) should be selected") return else: s = elts[0].text() #Retrieve the selected connections and recover infos about it src, _, dst = s.split(" ") ipsrc, portsrc = src.split(":") ipdst, portdst = dst.split(":") self.ruleo = "-p tcp -s %s --sport %s -d %s --dport %s" %(ipsrc, portsrc, ipdst, portdst) self.qmo = NFQueueManager() #Create a NfqueueManager to deal with outgoing packets self.qmo.add_queue_rule("OUTPUT", self.ruleo , 11) #Add a nfqueue rule to the firewall self.qmo.run_queue(self.session.outgoing_nfqueue_packet, 11) #Start listening on the queue with the right handler self.rulei = "-p tcp -s %s --sport %s -d %s --dport %s" %(ipdst, portdst, ipsrc, portsrc) self.qmi = NFQueueManager() #Idem for incoming packets self.qmi.add_queue_rule("INPUT", self.rulei, 12) self.qmi.run_queue(self.session.incoming_nfqueue_packet, 12) self.hooked = True
def listenbutton_clicked(self): ''' Triggered when the user click on hook, or unhook button and do the appropriate action. If the user unhook a connection while it is not stopped, the connecions will likely crash because of de-synchronisation. ''' if self.hooked: print("Stop hooking (can cause the connection to crash)") self.inputbutton.setEnabled(False) self.inputtext.setEnabled(False) self.connectionlist.setEnabled(True) self.listenbutton.setText("Hook") self.unhook_all() #Remove all the active nfqueues to stop hooking self.hooked = False else: print("Start Hooking") self.inputbutton.setEnabled(True) self.inputtext.setEnabled(True) self.connectionlist.setEnabled(False) self.textreceived.clear() self.textsent.clear() self.listenbutton.setText("Unhook") #Create the hacked session with the informations of the selected connection self.session = SessionMITM(self.interface, self) #Create the session self.session.register_lower_layer( "default", self.tcpp) #Register it on the stack = MITMApplication( self) #Create the MITM app and link it to the session self.session.register_layer( self.session.switch_state(State_ESTABLISHED( self.session)) #Put directly the session in ESTABLISHED #Create all the nfqueue and link them to the tcp session modified elts = self.connectionlist.selectedItems() if len(elts) != 1: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "A connection (only) should be selected", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QMessageBox.NoButton) print("One connection (only) should be selected") return else: s = elts[0].text( ) #Retrieve the selected connections and recover infos about it src, _, dst = s.split(" ") ipsrc, portsrc = src.split(":") ipdst, portdst = dst.split(":") self.ruleo = "-p tcp -s %s --sport %s -d %s --dport %s" % ( ipsrc, portsrc, ipdst, portdst) self.qmo = NFQueueManager( ) #Create a NfqueueManager to deal with outgoing packets self.qmo.add_queue_rule( "OUTPUT", self.ruleo, 11) #Add a nfqueue rule to the firewall self.qmo.run_queue( self.session.outgoing_nfqueue_packet, 11) #Start listening on the queue with the right handler self.rulei = "-p tcp -s %s --sport %s -d %s --dport %s" % ( ipdst, portdst, ipsrc, portsrc) self.qmi = NFQueueManager() #Idem for incoming packets self.qmi.add_queue_rule("INPUT", self.rulei, 12) self.qmi.run_queue(self.session.incoming_nfqueue_packet, 12) self.hooked = True
class MyWindowMITM(QDialog, window.Ui_Dialog): def __init__(self, iface=None, parent=None): super(QDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.hooked = False #-- Network info self.interface = iface self.ip = QtNetwork.QNetworkInterface.interfaceFromName(self.interface).addressEntries()[0].ip().toString() #A way like another to get local IP #-- Nfqueue stuff self.ip = self.ip self.qmi = None self.qmo = None self.rulei = "" self.ruleo = "" #-- Stack stuff self.ethp = EthernetProtocol(self.interface) self.ipp = IPProtocol() self.ethp.register_layer(self.ipp) arpp = ARPProtocol(self.interface) self.ethp.register_layer(arpp) self.tcpp = TCPProtoModified(self) self.ipp.register_layer(self.tcpp) self.ethp.start_listening(doreactor=False) self.session = None = None #-- Signal slot stuff self.connect(self.listenbutton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.listenbutton_clicked) self.connect(self.inputbutton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.inputbutton_clicked) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("mitm_received"), self.update_textreceived) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("mitm_sent"), self.update_textsent) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("kernel_sent"), self.update_textsent) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("kernel_received"), self.update_textreceived) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("gratuitous_received"), self.update_textreceived) def add_connection_item(self, localip, localport, remoteip, remoteport): ''' Method that update the list of existing connections in the gui interface. (call by the TCPProtocol modified). ''' if localip == self.ip: s = "%s:%s -> %s:%s" %(localip, localport, remoteip, remoteport) else: s = "%s:%s -> %s:%s" %(remoteip, remoteport, localip, localport) if len(self.connectionlist.findItems(s, Qt.MatchExactly)) == 0: self.connectionlist.addItem(s) def listenbutton_clicked(self): ''' Triggered when the user click on hook, or unhook button and do the appropriate action. If the user unhook a connection while it is not stopped, the connecions will likely crash because of de-synchronisation. ''' if self.hooked: print("Stop hooking (can cause the connection to crash)") self.inputbutton.setEnabled(False) self.inputtext.setEnabled(False) self.connectionlist.setEnabled(True) self.listenbutton.setText("Hook") self.unhook_all() #Remove all the active nfqueues to stop hooking self.hooked = False else: print("Start Hooking") self.inputbutton.setEnabled(True) self.inputtext.setEnabled(True) self.connectionlist.setEnabled(False) self.textreceived.clear() self.textsent.clear() self.listenbutton.setText("Unhook") #Create the hacked session with the informations of the selected connection self.session = SessionMITM(self.interface, self) #Create the session self.session.register_lower_layer("default", self.tcpp) #Register it on the stack = MITMApplication(self) #Create the MITM app and link it to the session self.session.register_layer( self.session.switch_state(State_ESTABLISHED(self.session)) #Put directly the session in ESTABLISHED #Create all the nfqueue and link them to the tcp session modified elts = self.connectionlist.selectedItems() if len(elts) != 1: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "A connection (only) should be selected", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QMessageBox.NoButton) print("One connection (only) should be selected") return else: s = elts[0].text() #Retrieve the selected connections and recover infos about it src, _, dst = s.split(" ") ipsrc, portsrc = src.split(":") ipdst, portdst = dst.split(":") self.ruleo = "-p tcp -s %s --sport %s -d %s --dport %s" %(ipsrc, portsrc, ipdst, portdst) self.qmo = NFQueueManager() #Create a NfqueueManager to deal with outgoing packets self.qmo.add_queue_rule("OUTPUT", self.ruleo , 11) #Add a nfqueue rule to the firewall self.qmo.run_queue(self.session.outgoing_nfqueue_packet, 11) #Start listening on the queue with the right handler self.rulei = "-p tcp -s %s --sport %s -d %s --dport %s" %(ipdst, portdst, ipsrc, portsrc) self.qmi = NFQueueManager() #Idem for incoming packets self.qmi.add_queue_rule("INPUT", self.rulei, 12) self.qmi.run_queue(self.session.incoming_nfqueue_packet, 12) self.hooked = True def unhook_all(self): ''' Remove the two added rules to stop catching kernel throughput and stop clean the whole. ''' if self.hooked: self.qmo.remove_queue_rule("OUTPUT", self.ruleo, 11) self.qmi.remove_queue_rule("INPUT", self.rulei, 12) self.qmo.stopall() self.qmi.stopall() def inputbutton_clicked(self): ''' Function called to send data to server (without kernel knowledge) ''' print("Input button clicked") tosend = str(self.inputtext.toPlainText()) self.inputtext.clear() def kernel_data_sent(self, data): print("Kernel Data sent: "+repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("kernel_sent"), "blue", data) #self.textsent.insertHtml('<font color=\"blue\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def mitm_data_sent(self, data): print("MITM Data sent: "+repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("mitm_sent"), "red", data) #self.textsent.insertHtml('<font color=\"red\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def kernel_data_received(self, data): print("For kernel received: "+repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("kernel_received"), "blue", data) #self.textreceived.insertHtml('<font color=\"blue\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def mitm_data_received(self, data): print("MITM data received: "+repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("mitm_received"), "red", data) #self.textreceived.insertHtml('<font color=\"red\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def gratuitous_data_received(self, data): print("Gratuitous Data: "+repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("gratuitous_received"), "black", data) #self.textreceived.insertHtml('<font color=\"black\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def update_textreceived(self, color, text): self.textreceived.insertHtml('<font color=\"'+color+'\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",text)+'</font>') def update_textsent(self, color, text): self.textsent.insertHtml('<font color=\"'+color+'\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",text)+'</font>') def stop(self): self.unhook_all() self.ethp.stop()
class MyWindowMITM(QDialog, window.Ui_Dialog): def __init__(self, iface=None, parent=None): super(QDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.hooked = False #-- Network info self.interface = iface self.ip = QtNetwork.QNetworkInterface.interfaceFromName( self.interface).addressEntries()[0].ip().toString( ) #A way like another to get local IP #-- Nfqueue stuff self.ip = self.ip self.qmi = None self.qmo = None self.rulei = "" self.ruleo = "" #-- Stack stuff self.ethp = EthernetProtocol(self.interface) self.ipp = IPProtocol() self.ethp.register_layer(self.ipp) arpp = ARPProtocol(self.interface) self.ethp.register_layer(arpp) self.tcpp = TCPProtoModified(self) self.ipp.register_layer(self.tcpp) self.ethp.start_listening(doreactor=False) self.session = None = None #-- Signal slot stuff self.connect(self.listenbutton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.listenbutton_clicked) self.connect(self.inputbutton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.inputbutton_clicked) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("mitm_received"), self.update_textreceived) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("mitm_sent"), self.update_textsent) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("kernel_sent"), self.update_textsent) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("kernel_received"), self.update_textreceived) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("gratuitous_received"), self.update_textreceived) def add_connection_item(self, localip, localport, remoteip, remoteport): ''' Method that update the list of existing connections in the gui interface. (call by the TCPProtocol modified). ''' if localip == self.ip: s = "%s:%s -> %s:%s" % (localip, localport, remoteip, remoteport) else: s = "%s:%s -> %s:%s" % (remoteip, remoteport, localip, localport) if len(self.connectionlist.findItems(s, Qt.MatchExactly)) == 0: self.connectionlist.addItem(s) def listenbutton_clicked(self): ''' Triggered when the user click on hook, or unhook button and do the appropriate action. If the user unhook a connection while it is not stopped, the connecions will likely crash because of de-synchronisation. ''' if self.hooked: print("Stop hooking (can cause the connection to crash)") self.inputbutton.setEnabled(False) self.inputtext.setEnabled(False) self.connectionlist.setEnabled(True) self.listenbutton.setText("Hook") self.unhook_all() #Remove all the active nfqueues to stop hooking self.hooked = False else: print("Start Hooking") self.inputbutton.setEnabled(True) self.inputtext.setEnabled(True) self.connectionlist.setEnabled(False) self.textreceived.clear() self.textsent.clear() self.listenbutton.setText("Unhook") #Create the hacked session with the informations of the selected connection self.session = SessionMITM(self.interface, self) #Create the session self.session.register_lower_layer( "default", self.tcpp) #Register it on the stack = MITMApplication( self) #Create the MITM app and link it to the session self.session.register_layer( self.session.switch_state(State_ESTABLISHED( self.session)) #Put directly the session in ESTABLISHED #Create all the nfqueue and link them to the tcp session modified elts = self.connectionlist.selectedItems() if len(elts) != 1: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "A connection (only) should be selected", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QMessageBox.NoButton) print("One connection (only) should be selected") return else: s = elts[0].text( ) #Retrieve the selected connections and recover infos about it src, _, dst = s.split(" ") ipsrc, portsrc = src.split(":") ipdst, portdst = dst.split(":") self.ruleo = "-p tcp -s %s --sport %s -d %s --dport %s" % ( ipsrc, portsrc, ipdst, portdst) self.qmo = NFQueueManager( ) #Create a NfqueueManager to deal with outgoing packets self.qmo.add_queue_rule( "OUTPUT", self.ruleo, 11) #Add a nfqueue rule to the firewall self.qmo.run_queue( self.session.outgoing_nfqueue_packet, 11) #Start listening on the queue with the right handler self.rulei = "-p tcp -s %s --sport %s -d %s --dport %s" % ( ipdst, portdst, ipsrc, portsrc) self.qmi = NFQueueManager() #Idem for incoming packets self.qmi.add_queue_rule("INPUT", self.rulei, 12) self.qmi.run_queue(self.session.incoming_nfqueue_packet, 12) self.hooked = True def unhook_all(self): ''' Remove the two added rules to stop catching kernel throughput and stop clean the whole. ''' if self.hooked: self.qmo.remove_queue_rule("OUTPUT", self.ruleo, 11) self.qmi.remove_queue_rule("INPUT", self.rulei, 12) self.qmo.stopall() self.qmi.stopall() def inputbutton_clicked(self): ''' Function called to send data to server (without kernel knowledge) ''' print("Input button clicked") tosend = str(self.inputtext.toPlainText()) self.inputtext.clear() def kernel_data_sent(self, data): print("Kernel Data sent: " + repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("kernel_sent"), "blue", data) #self.textsent.insertHtml('<font color=\"blue\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def mitm_data_sent(self, data): print("MITM Data sent: " + repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("mitm_sent"), "red", data) #self.textsent.insertHtml('<font color=\"red\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def kernel_data_received(self, data): print("For kernel received: " + repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("kernel_received"), "blue", data) #self.textreceived.insertHtml('<font color=\"blue\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def mitm_data_received(self, data): print("MITM data received: " + repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("mitm_received"), "red", data) #self.textreceived.insertHtml('<font color=\"red\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def gratuitous_data_received(self, data): print("Gratuitous Data: " + repr(data)) self.emit(SIGNAL("gratuitous_received"), "black", data) #self.textreceived.insertHtml('<font color=\"black\">'+re.sub("\n","<br/>",data)+'</font>') def update_textreceived(self, color, text): self.textreceived.insertHtml('<font color=\"' + color + '\">' + re.sub("\n", "<br/>", text) + '</font>') def update_textsent(self, color, text): self.textsent.insertHtml('<font color=\"' + color + '\">' + re.sub("\n", "<br/>", text) + '</font>') def stop(self): self.unhook_all() self.ethp.stop()