import pystan import numpy as np import os import time theta = 10 n = 50 y = np.random.exponential(10, n) data = {'n': y.size, 'y': y} seed = 1 include_files = ["external_manual.hpp"] start = time.time() sm = pystan.StanModel(file="model.stan", allow_undefined=True, includes=include_files, include_dirs=["."], verbose=True) print("Compilation took {0:.1f} seconds".format(time.time() - start)) fit = sm.vb(data=data, iter=1000, algorithm='meanfield', seed=seed) print(fit['mean_pars'])
stan_data["obs_mBx1c_cov"] = np.array( [list(item) for item in stan_data["obs_mBx1c_cov"]], dtype=np.float64) print(stan_data["obs_mBx1c_cov"]) stan_data["allow_alpha_S_N"] = 1 print("SKEW NORMAL!!!!" * 100) pfl_name = subprocess.getoutput("hostname") + "_1DGP.pickle" f = open("../stan_code_1DGP.txt", 'r') lines = f.close() try: [sm, sc] = pickle.load(open(pfl_name, 'rb')) if sc != lines: raise_time except: sm = pystan.StanModel(file="../stan_code_1DGP.txt") pickle.dump([sm, lines], open(pfl_name, 'wb')) fit = sm.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=1000, chains=4, refresh=10, init=initfn) print(fit) fit_params = fit.extract(permuted=True) pickle.dump((stan_data, fit_params), open("results.pickle", 'wb'))
parameters { real beta0; real beta1; real<lower=0> sigma; } model { vector[nobs] mu; mu = beta0 + beta1 * x; y ~ normal(mu, sigma); // Likelihood function } """ # compile model model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_code) # perform fit fit = model.sampling(data=toy_data, iter=5000, chains=3, verbose=False, n_jobs=3) # Output nlines = 8 # number of lines in screen output output = str(fit).split('\n') for item in output[:nlines]: print(item) # Plot import pylab as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from simulate_data import simulate_data import ranking as rk import pystan import patsy import pickle try: gen = pickle.load(open("thurstonian_gen.pkl", 'rb')) except FileNotFoundError: gen = pystan.StanModel(file="thurstonian_cov_generate.stan") with open('thurstonian_gen.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(gen, f) try: sm = pickle.load(open("thurstonian.pkl", 'rb')) except FileNotFoundError: sm = pystan.StanModel(file="thurstonian_cov.stan") with open('thurstonian_cov.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(sm, f)
y_mean = x_full @ W y_full = y_mean + np.random.normal(0, noise_sigma, (N_train + N_test, M)) Y = y_full[:N_train] Y_test = y_full[N_train:] model_data = { 'N': N_train, 'K': K, 'y': Y[:, 0], 'X': X, 'sigma': noise_sigma } try: sm = pickle.load(open('model_linear_reg_chains192.pkl', 'rb')) except: sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code=linear_reg_fixed_variance_code) with open('model_linear_reg_chains192.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(sm, f) for n in range(N_sim): w_mean_n = w_mean_vi_list[n] num_proposal_samples = 4000 try: fit_hmc except NameError: fit_hmc = sm.sampling(data=model_data, iter=2000) try: fit_vb except NameError: fit_vb = sm.vb(data=model_data,
def test_threading_support(self): # Dont test with Windows if sys.platform.startswith("win"): return # Set up environmental variable os.environ['STAN_NUM_THREADS'] = "2" # Enable threading extra_compile_args = ['-pthread', '-DSTAN_THREADS'] stan_code = """ functions { vector bl_glm(vector mu_sigma, vector beta, real[] x, int[] y) { vector[2] mu = mu_sigma[1:2]; vector[2] sigma = mu_sigma[3:4]; real lp = normal_lpdf(beta | mu, sigma); real ll = bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y | beta[1] + beta[2] * to_vector(x)); return [lp + ll]'; } } data { int<lower = 0> K; int<lower = 0> N; vector[N] x; int<lower = 0, upper = 1> y[N]; } transformed data { int<lower = 0> J = N / K; real x_r[K, J]; int<lower = 0, upper = 1> x_i[K, J]; { int pos = 1; for (k in 1:K) { int end = pos + J - 1; x_r[k] = to_array_1d(x[pos:end]); x_i[k] = y[pos:end]; pos += J; } } } parameters { vector[2] beta[K]; vector[2] mu; vector<lower=0>[2] sigma; } model { mu ~ normal(0, 2); sigma ~ normal(0, 2); target += sum(map_rect(bl_glm, append_row(mu, sigma), beta, x_r, x_i)); } """ stan_data = dict(K=4, N=12, x=[ 1.204, -0.573, -1.35, -1.157, -1.29, 0.515, 1.496, 0.918, 0.517, 1.092, -0.485, -2.157 ], y=[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_code, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, chains=2, n_jobs=1) self.assertIsNotNone(fit) fit2 = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, chains=2, n_jobs=2) self.assertIsNotNone(fit2) draw = fit.extract(pars=fit.model_pars + ['lp__'], permuted=False) lp = { key: values[-1, 0] for key, values in draw.items() if key == 'lp__' }['lp__'] draw = { key: values[-1, 0] for key, values in draw.items() if key != 'lp__' } draw = fit.unconstrain_pars(draw) self.assertEqual(fit.log_prob(draw), lp) draw2 = fit2.extract(pars=fit2.model_pars + ['lp__'], permuted=False) lp2 = { key: values[-1, 0] for key, values in draw2.items() if key == 'lp__' }['lp__'] draw2 = { key: values[-1, 0] for key, values in draw2.items() if key != 'lp__' } draw2 = fit2.unconstrain_pars(draw2) self.assertEqual(fit2.log_prob(draw2), lp2)
len_obs = len(obs_no) print(len_obs) print(obs_no) print(y) stan_data = { 'T': T, 'len_obs': len_obs, 'y': y, 'obs_no': obs_no } if os.path.exists('5-3-2-local-level-interpolation.pkl'): # sm = pickle.load(open('5-3-2-local-level-interpolation.pkl', 'rb')) sm = pystan.StanModel(file='5-3-2-local-level-interpolation.stan') else: # a model using prior for mu and sigma. sm = pystan.StanModel(file='5-3-2-local-level-interpolation.stan') control = { 'adapt_delta': 0.8, 'max_treedepth': 10 } mcmc_result = sm.sampling( data=stan_data, seed=1, chains=4, iter=2000, warmup=1000,
def model_impact_causal(df, kind='self', prior_beta=1., prior_delta=1., prior_alpha=1., prior_mu_beta=1., prior_mu_alpha=1., code_only=False, iters=NUM_SAMPLES, adapt_delta=ADAPT_DELTA, max_treedepth=M_TREEDEPTH): # Model: Eqs. 1 & 2, with `f=0` # Results: Tables 1, S2; Figure 4 import pystan as st model_code = ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=1> m; //number of conditions int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=m> x_cond[n]; //treatment group int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure outcome int<lower=1,upper=k> y_post[n]; //post-exposure outcome } parameters { real mu_beta; real beta[m]; vector<lower=0>[k-1] mu_delta; simplex[k-1] delta[m]; vector[k-1] mu_alpha; ordered[k-1] alpha[m]; ordered[k-1] alpha_pre; } model { mu_beta ~ normal(0, %f); mu_alpha ~ normal(0, %f); mu_delta ~ exponential(%f); for (i in 1:m){ beta[i] ~ normal(mu_beta, %f); alpha[i] ~ normal(mu_alpha, %f); delta[i] ~ dirichlet(mu_delta); } alpha_pre ~ normal(0, %f); for (i in 1:n){ y_pre[i] ~ ordered_logistic(0, alpha_pre); y_post[i] ~ ordered_logistic(beta[x_cond[i]]*sum(delta[x_cond[i]][:y_pre[i]-1]), alpha[x_cond[i]]); } } ''' % (prior_mu_beta, prior_mu_alpha, prior_delta, prior_beta, prior_alpha, prior_alpha) data = { 'n': df.shape[0], 'm': 2, 'k': 4, 'x_cond': df['Treatment'].values + 1, 'y_pre': df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Pre)' % kind].values, 'y_post': df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Post)' % kind].values } if code_only: return model_code model = st.StanModel(model_code=model_code) fit = model.sampling(data=data, iter=iters, control=dict(adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth)) return fit
def model_socdem(df, dd, atts=[], model_name='causal', group=None, kind='self', decrease=0, prior_beta=1., prior_delta=1., prior_alpha=1., prior_mu_beta=1., prior_mu_alpha=1., code_only=False, iters=NUM_SAMPLES, adapt_delta=ADAPT_DELTA, max_treedepth=M_TREEDEPTH): # Model: Eqs. 1 & 2, with `f` modeling a linear combination of socio-demographics and other covariates # Results: Tables S3, S4, S5, S6; Figures 5, S1, S2, S3 import pystan as st import numpy as np from .bayesoc import Dim #we define some helper classes to extract posterior samples easily cats = [ 'Age', 'Gender', 'Education', 'Employment', 'Religion', 'Political', 'Ethnicity', 'Income' ] if isinstance(atts, str): atts = [atts] for att in atts: cats += [x for x in list(df) if x[:len(att)] == att] outs = [ 'Vaccine Intent for %s (Pre)' % kind, 'Vaccine Intent for %s (Post)' % kind, 'Treatment' ] df = df[cats + outs].dropna() if group is not None: model_name = 'post' causal = int(model_name in ['causal', 'causaldiff']) dims = [ Dim(pi=len(dd[cat]), out=causal + 1, prior_beta=prior_beta, prior_mu_beta=prior_mu_beta, value=dd[cat].keys(), name=cat) for cat in cats ] stan = [ d.get_stan(outcome_size='m', outcome_index='x_cond[i]', hierarchical=True) for d in dims ] code = {'data': [], 'parameters': [], 'model': [], 'output': []} for key in code: for d in stan: code[key].append(d[key]) model_code = { 'pre': ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure %s } parameters { %s ordered[k-1] alpha; } model { %s alpha ~ normal(0, %f); for (i in 1:n) y_pre[i] ~ ordered_logistic(%s, alpha); } ''' % ('\n'.join(code['data']), '\n'.join(code['parameters']), '\n'.join( code['model']), prior_alpha, ' + '.join(code['output'])), 'post': ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure int<lower=1,upper=k> y_post[n]; //post-exposure %s } parameters { %s real beta; simplex[k-1-%i] delta; ordered[k-1] alpha; } model { %s beta ~ normal(0, %f); { vector[k-1-%i] u; for (i in 1:(k-1-%i)) u[i] = 1; delta ~ dirichlet(%f*u); } alpha ~ normal(0, %f); for (i in 1:n) y_post[i] ~ ordered_logistic(beta*sum(delta[:y_pre[i]-1-%i]) + %s, alpha); } ''' % ('\n'.join(code['data']), '\n'.join(code['parameters']), decrease, '\n'.join(code['model']), prior_beta, decrease, decrease, prior_delta, prior_alpha, decrease, ' + '.join(code['output'])), 'causal': ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=1> m; //number of conditions int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=m> x_cond[n]; //treatment group int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure outcome int<lower=1,upper=k> y_post[n]; //post-exposure outcome %s } parameters { %s real mu_beta; real beta[m]; vector<lower=0>[k-1-%i] mu_delta; simplex[k-1-%i] delta[m]; vector[k-1] mu_alpha; ordered[k-1] alpha[m]; } model { %s mu_beta ~ normal(0, %f); mu_alpha ~ normal(0, %f); mu_delta ~ exponential(%f); for (i in 1:m){ beta[i] ~ normal(mu_beta, %f); alpha[i] ~ normal(mu_alpha, %f); delta[i] ~ dirichlet(mu_delta); } for (i in 1:n) y_post[i] ~ ordered_logistic(beta[x_cond[i]]*sum(delta[x_cond[i]][:y_pre[i]-1-%i]) + %s, alpha[x_cond[i]]); } ''' % ('\n'.join(code['data']), '\n'.join(code['parameters']), decrease, decrease, '\n'.join(code['model']), prior_mu_beta, prior_mu_alpha, prior_delta, prior_beta, prior_alpha, decrease, ' + '.join( code['output'])), 'causaldiff': ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=1> m; //number of conditions int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=m> x_cond[n]; //treatment group int<lower=1,upper=k> y_diff[n]; //post-pre difference in outcomes %s } parameters { %s vector[k-1] mu_alpha; ordered[k-1] alpha[m]; } model { %s mu_alpha ~ normal(0, %f); for (i in 1:m) alpha[i] ~ normal(mu_alpha, %f); for (i in 1:n) y_diff[i] ~ ordered_logistic(%s, alpha[x_cond[i]]); } ''' % ('\n'.join(code['data']), '\n'.join( code['parameters']), '\n'.join(code['model']), prior_mu_alpha, prior_alpha, ' + '.join(code['output'])) } data = {} if causal: data['m'] = 2 data['x_cond'] = df['Treatment'].values + 1 if model_name == 'causal': data['k'] = 4 data['y_pre'] = df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Pre)' % kind].values data['y_post'] = df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Post)' % kind].values else: data['k'] = 3 tmp = df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Post)' % kind].values - df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Pre)' % kind].values tmp[tmp > 0] = 1 tmp[tmp < 0] = -1 data['y_diff'] = tmp + 2 elif model_name == 'post': data['k'] = 4 df = df.loc[df['Treatment'] == group] data['y_pre'] = df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Pre)' % kind].values data['y_post'] = df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Post)' % kind].values else: data['k'] = 4 - decrease data['y_pre'] = df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Pre)' % kind].values - decrease data['n'] = df.shape[0] print('Dataframe of size:', df.shape) for i in range(len(cats)): name = dims[i].name data['k_%s' % name] = len(dd[cats[i]]) data[name] = np.array(df[cats[i]].values, dtype=int) if data[name].min() == 0: data[name] += 1 if code_only: return model_code[model_name] model = st.StanModel(model_code=model_code[model_name]) fit = model.sampling(data=data, iter=iters, control=dict(adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth)) return fit
def model_image_impact(df, group=1, kind='self', prior_beta=1., prior_delta=1., prior_gamma=1., prior_alpha=1., code_only=False, iters=NUM_SAMPLES, adapt_delta=ADAPT_DELTA, max_treedepth=M_TREEDEPTH): # Model: Eq. 7 # Results: Table S7 import pystan as st import numpy as np model_code = ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=1> p; //number of images int<lower=1> m; //number of metrics int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure int<lower=1,upper=k> y_post[n]; //post-exposure matrix[p,m] x_img[n]; //image metrics } parameters { real beta; vector[m] beta_img; simplex[p] gamma; simplex[k-1] delta; ordered[k-1] alpha; } model { beta ~ normal(0, %f); beta_img ~ normal(0, %f); { vector[p] u_img; for (i in 1:p) u_img[i] = 1; gamma ~ dirichlet(%f*u_img); } { vector[k-1] u; for (i in 1:(k-1)) u[i] = 1; delta ~ dirichlet(%f*u); } alpha ~ normal(0, %f); for (i in 1:n) y_post[i] ~ ordered_logistic(beta*sum(delta[:y_pre[i]-1]) + to_row_vector(gamma)*x_img[i]*beta_img, alpha); } ''' % (prior_beta, prior_beta, prior_gamma, prior_delta, prior_alpha) metrics = ['Vaccine Intent', 'Agreement', 'Trust', 'Fact-check', 'Share'] df = df.loc[df['Treatment'] == group] x = np.dstack([ df[['Image %i:%s' % (i + 1, m) for i in range(5)]].values for m in metrics ]) data = { 'n': df.shape[0], 'p': 5, 'm': len(metrics), 'k': 4, 'x_img': x, 'y_pre': df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Pre)' % kind].values, 'y_post': df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Post)' % kind].values } if code_only: return model_code model = st.StanModel(model_code=model_code) fit = model.sampling(data=data, iter=iters, control=dict(adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth)) return fit
def model_similar_content(df, model_name='seen', kind='self', prior_beta=1., prior_alpha=1., prior_delta=1., prior_mu_beta=1., prior_mu_alpha=1., code_only=False, iters=NUM_SAMPLES, adapt_delta=ADAPT_DELTA, max_treedepth=M_TREEDEPTH): import pystan as st import numpy as np model_code = { 'pre': ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=1> m; //number of conditions int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=m> x_cond[n]; //treatment group int<lower=0,upper=1> x_seen[n]; //seen images int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure outcome } parameters { real mu_beta; real beta[m]; vector[k-1] mu_alpha; ordered[k-1] alpha[m]; real<lower=0,upper=1> theta[m]; } model { mu_beta ~ normal(0, %f); mu_alpha ~ normal(0, %f); for (i in 1:m){ beta[i] ~ normal(mu_beta, %f); alpha[i] ~ normal(mu_alpha, %f); } theta ~ beta(1, 1); for (i in 1:n){ x_seen[i] ~ bernoulli(theta[x_cond[i]]); y_pre[i] ~ ordered_logistic(beta[x_cond[i]]*x_seen[i], alpha[x_cond[i]]); } } ''' % (prior_mu_beta, prior_mu_alpha, prior_beta, prior_alpha), 'causal': ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=1> m; //number of conditions int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=m> x_cond[n]; //treatment group int<lower=0,upper=1> x_seen[n]; //seen images int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure outcome int<lower=1,upper=k> y_post[n]; //post-exposure outcome } parameters { real mu_beta; real beta[m]; real mu_beta_pre; real beta_pre[m]; real mu_beta_post; real beta_post[m]; vector<lower=0>[k-1] mu_delta; simplex[k-1] delta[m]; vector[k-1] mu_alpha_pre; ordered[k-1] alpha_pre[m]; vector[k-1] mu_alpha_post; ordered[k-1] alpha_post[m]; real<lower=0,upper=1> theta[m]; } model { mu_beta ~ normal(0, %f); mu_beta_pre ~ normal(0, %f); mu_beta_post ~ normal(0, %f); mu_alpha_pre ~ normal(0, %f); mu_alpha_post ~ normal(0, %f); mu_delta ~ exponential(%f); for (i in 1:m){ beta[i] ~ normal(mu_beta, %f); beta_pre[i] ~ normal(mu_beta_pre, %f); beta_post[i] ~ normal(mu_beta_post, %f); alpha_pre[i] ~ normal(mu_alpha_pre, %f); alpha_post[i] ~ normal(mu_alpha_post, %f); delta[i] ~ dirichlet(mu_delta); } theta ~ beta(1, 1); for (i in 1:n){ x_seen[i] ~ bernoulli(theta[x_cond[i]]); y_pre[i] ~ ordered_logistic(beta_pre[x_cond[i]]*x_seen[i], alpha_pre[x_cond[i]]); y_post[i] ~ ordered_logistic(beta[x_cond[i]]*sum(delta[x_cond[i]][:y_pre[i]-1])+beta_post[x_cond[i]]*x_seen[i], alpha_post[x_cond[i]]); } } ''' % (prior_mu_beta, prior_mu_beta, prior_mu_beta, prior_mu_alpha, prior_mu_alpha, prior_delta, prior_beta, prior_beta, prior_beta, prior_alpha, prior_alpha), 'seen_ordinal': ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=1> m; //number of conditions int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=m> x_cond[n]; //treatment group int<lower=0,upper=1> x_seen[n]; //seen images int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure outcome } parameters { real mu_beta; real beta[m]; vector<lower=0>[k-1] mu_delta; simplex[k-1] delta[m]; real mu_alpha; real alpha[m]; } model { mu_beta ~ normal(0, %f); mu_alpha ~ normal(0, %f); mu_delta ~ exponential(%f); for (i in 1:m){ beta[i] ~ normal(mu_beta, %f); alpha[i] ~ normal(mu_alpha, %f); delta[i] ~ dirichlet(mu_delta); } for (i in 1:n) x_seen[i] ~ bernoulli_logit(beta[x_cond[i]]*sum(delta[x_cond[i]][:y_pre[i]-1]) + alpha[x_cond[i]]); } ''' % (prior_mu_beta, prior_mu_alpha, prior_delta, prior_beta, prior_alpha), 'seen': ''' data { int<lower=1> n; //number of data points int<lower=1> m; //number of conditions int<lower=2> k; //number of outcomes int<lower=1,upper=m> x_cond[n]; //treatment group int<lower=0,upper=1> x_seen[n]; //seen images int<lower=1,upper=k> y_pre[n]; //pre-exposure outcome } parameters { vector[k] mu_beta; vector[k] beta[m]; } model { mu_beta ~ normal(0, %f); for (i in 1:m) beta[i] ~ normal(mu_beta, %f); for (i in 1:n) x_seen[i] ~ bernoulli_logit(beta[x_cond[i]][y_pre[i]]); } ''' % (prior_mu_beta, prior_beta) } df = df.loc[df['Seen such online content'] != 3] #ignoring do-not-know's data = { 'n': df.shape[0], 'm': 2, 'k': 4, 'x_cond': df['Treatment'].values + 1, 'y_pre': df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Pre)' % kind].values, 'x_seen': [i % 2 for i in df['Seen such online content'].values] } #"yes":1, "no":0 if model_name == 'causal': data['y_post'] = df['Vaccine Intent for %s (Post)' % kind].values if code_only: return model_code model = st.StanModel(model_code=model_code[model_name]) fit = model.sampling(data=data, iter=iters, control=dict(adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth)) return fit
def time_stan(): return pystan.StanModel(model_code=model, verbose=True)
3] = 0.41 # Replace subject C12, C26, and C31's implausibly low minimum RT with the lowest RT from all other subjects' data model_rt_mins[14] = 0.41 model_rt_mins[20] = 0.41 model_data = { 'NS': 30, 'NP': 20, 'NT': 30, 'correct': model_data_correct, 'feedback': model_data_feedback, 'bid_congruence': model_data_bid_congruence, 'rt': model_data_rt, 'rt_mins': model_rt_mins, 'item_popularity': model_data_item_popularity } model_code_obj = pystan.StanModel( file='model_dual_insight_bayesian_noeye_non_social.stan.cpp', model_name='model_dual_insight_bayesian_noeye_non_social' ) # Specific to model fit = model_code_obj.sampling(data=model_data, iter=2000, chains=4, refresh=10) with open('pickles/model_dual_insight_bayesian_noeye_non_social.pkl', 'wb') as f: # Specific to model pickle.dump(model_code_obj, f) with open('pickles/fit_dual_insight_bayesian_noeye_non_social.pkl', 'wb') as f: # Specific to model pickle.dump(fit, f) print(fit)
#################################################### def save(obj, filename): """Save compiled models for reuse.""" import pickle with open(filename, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load(filename): """Reload compiled models for reuse.""" import pickle return pickle.load(open(filename, 'r')) #################################################### model = pystan.StanModel(model_code = pyfitfull) save(model, 'pyfitfull_model') new_model = load('pyfitfull_model') #################################################### ## part six ## fit stan model with saved pyfitfull_model #################################################### print("\n fit pystan model") ## fit=pystan.stan(model_code="pystancode.stan", data=Mtable, iter=1000, chains=4)
def setUpClass(cls): model_code = 'parameters {real y;} model {y ~ normal(0,1);}' cls.model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=model_code, model_name="normal1", verbose=True, obfuscate_model_name=False)
def main(argv): if len(argv) > 1: raise app.UsageError("Too many command-line arguments.") x, y = LoadCloud(FLAGS.cloud_path) code = """ functions { matrix cov_exp_quad_ARD(vector[] x, real alpha, vector rho, real delta) { int N = size(x); matrix[N, N] K; real neg_half = -0.5; real sq_alpha = square(alpha); for (i in 1:(N-1)) { K[i, i] = sq_alpha + delta; for (j in (i + 1):N) { real v = sq_alpha * exp(neg_half * dot_self((x[i] - x[j]) ./ rho)); K[i, j] = v; K[j, i] = v; } } K[N, N] = sq_alpha + delta; return K; } } data { int<lower=1> N; int<lower=1> D; vector[D] x[N]; vector[N] y; } transformed data { real delta = 1e-9; } parameters { vector<lower=0>[D] rho; real<lower=0> alpha; real<lower=0> sigma; } model { matrix[N, N] cov = cov_exp_quad_ARD(x, alpha, rho, delta) + diag_matrix(rep_vector(square(sigma), N)); matrix[N, N] L_cov = cholesky_decompose(cov); rho ~ inv_gamma(5, 5); alpha ~ normal(0, 1); sigma ~ normal(0, 1); y ~ multi_normal_cholesky(rep_vector(0, N), L_cov); } """ data = { "N": x.shape[0], "D": x.shape[1], "x": x, "y": y, } filename = "/tmp/stan_model_%s" % hashlib.md5( code.encode("ascii")).hexdigest() print(filename) try: sm = pickle.load(open(filename, "rb")) except FileNotFoundError: sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code=code) with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(sm, f) fit = sm.sampling(data=data, iter=100000, chains=12) print(fit) params = fit.extract(["rho", "alpha", "sigma"]) params = np.concatenate([ params["rho"], params["alpha"][Ellipsis, np.newaxis], params["sigma"][Ellipsis, np.newaxis], ], -1) mean = params.mean(0) square = (params**2.).mean(0) print(params.shape) print(mean.shape) SaveJSON({"mean": mean, "square": square}, "/tmp/gp_reg_0")
if _model == 'GTR': data['frequencies_alpha'] = [1, 1, 1, 1] data['rates_alpha'] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] elif _model == 'HKY': data['frequencies_alpha'] = [1, 1, 1, 1] # Samples output file sample_path = f'{stem}{epi}' tree_path = f'{sample_path}.trees' binary = _script.replace('.stan', '.pkl') if binary == _script: binary = _script + '.pkl' if not os.path.lexists(binary) or _compile: sm = pystan.StanModel(file=_script) with open(binary, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(sm, f) else: sm = pickle.load(open(binary, 'rb')) if _algorithm == 'vb': stan_args = {} stan_args['output_samples'] = _samples if _eta: stan_args['eta'] = _eta stan_args['adapt_engaged'] = False if _seed: stan_args['seed'] = _seed fit = sm.vb(data=data,
import os import pickle import pystan """ Script that compiles models in advance in order to save time during execution """ dir_name = os.getcwd() + '/stan_models/' sm = pystan.StanModel(file=dir_name + 'usage_exp.stan', verbose=True) with open(dir_name + 'usage_exp_model.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(sm, f) # sm = pystan.StanModel(file=dir_name + 'usage_exp_dummy.stan') # with open(dir_name + 'usage_exp_dummy_model.pkl', 'wb') as f: # pickle.dump(sm, f) # sm = pystan.StanModel(file=dir_name + 'usage_exp_dummy_markov.stan') # with open(dir_name + 'usage_exp_dummy_markov_model.pkl', 'wb') as f: # pickle.dump(sm, f)
model { // Priors. alpha ~ lognormal(m_alpha, s_alpha); rho ~ lognormal(m_rho, s_rho); eta ~ std_normal(); beta ~ std_normal(); // Model. y ~ bernoulli_logit(beta + f); } """ # Compile model. This takes about a minute. sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code=model_code) # Make data. X, y = make_moons(n_samples=50, shuffle=True, noise=0.1, random_state=1) # Generate stan data dictionary. stan_data = create_stan_data(X, y) # Fit via ADVI. vb_fit = sm.vb(data=stan_data, iter=1000, seed=1, grad_samples=1, elbo_samples=1) # Fit via HMC. # - stepsize = 0.05 # - num leapfrog steps = 20
def fit(self, graph): if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph): raise ValueError( "Input graph must be a directed acyclic graph (DAG)") all_dat = {} all_init = {} for i in graph.nodes: node = graph.nodes[i] parents = list(graph.predecessors(i)) if node.get("prophet") is None: raise ValueError( "All nodes must have an attribute called 'prophet' contained a prophet object" ) m = graph.nodes[i]["prophet"] if node.get("df") is None: raise ValueError( "All nodes must have an attribute called 'df' containing a pandas DataFrame" ) if node.get("future") is None: raise ValueError( "All nodes must have an attribute called 'future' containing a pandas DataFrame" ) df = graph.nodes[i]["df"] future = graph.nodes[i]["future"] future = m.setup_dataframe(future.copy()) only_future = future[df.shape[0]:] history = df[df['y'].notnull()].copy() m.history_dates = pd.to_datetime( pd.Series(df['ds'].unique(), name='ds')).sort_values() history = m.setup_dataframe(history, initialize_scales=True) m.history = history m.set_auto_seasonalities() seasonal_features, prior_scales, component_cols, modes = ( m.make_all_seasonality_features(history)) m.train_component_cols = component_cols m.component_modes = modes m.set_changepoints() trend_indicator = {'linear': 0, 'logistic': 1, 'flat': 2} seasonal_features_future, _, _, _ = ( m.make_all_seasonality_features(future)) dat = { 'T': m.history.shape[0], 'T_pred': only_future.shape[0], 't_pred': np.array(only_future.t), f'K_{i}': seasonal_features.shape[1], f'S_{i}': len(m.changepoints_t), f'y_{i}': m.history['y_scaled'], 't': m.history['t'], f't_change_{i}': m.changepoints_t, f'X_{i}': seasonal_features, f'sigmas_{i}': prior_scales, f'tau_{i}': m.changepoint_prior_scale, f'trend_indicator_{i}': trend_indicator[m.growth], f's_a_{i}': component_cols['additive_terms'], f's_m_{i}': component_cols['multiplicative_terms'], f'a_{i}': np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]), f'm_{i}': np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]), f'X_pred_{i}': seasonal_features_future[df.shape[0]:], f'S_pred_{i}': 3 } if m.growth == 'linear': dat[f'cap_{i}'] = np.zeros(m.history.shape[0]) dat[f'cap_pred_{i}'] = np.zeros(only_future.shape[0]) kinit = m.linear_growth_init(history) elif m.growth == 'flat': dat[f'cap_{i}'] = np.zeros(m.history.shape[0]) dat[f'cap_pred_{i}'] = np.zeros(only_future.shape[0]) kinit = m.flat_growth_init(history) else: dat[f'cap_{i}'] = history['cap_scaled'] dat[f'cap_pred_{i}'] = only_future['cap_scaled'] kinit = m.logistic_growth_init(history) stan_init = { f'k_{i}': kinit[0], f'offset_{i}': kinit[1], f'delta_{i}': np.zeros(len(m.changepoints_t)), f'beta_{i}': np.zeros(seasonal_features.shape[1] + len(parents)), f'sigma_obs_{i}': 1, } all_dat.update(dat) all_init.update(stan_init) all_dat['n_samp'] = self.n_samp self.dat = all_dat model_code = self.generate_stan_code(graph) model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=model_code) fit = model.optimizing(data=all_dat, init=lambda: all_init, iter=1e4) # Loop through nodes again to put forcast results back for i in graph.nodes: m = graph.nodes[i]["prophet"] scale = m.y_scale graph.nodes[i]["y_samples"] = fit[f"y_pred_{i}"] * scale graph.nodes[i]["y_hat"] = fit[f"y_hat_{i}"] * scale return (graph)
'gamma02': 4./5,\ 'gamma03': 3./5,\ 'gamma04': 2./5,\ 'gamma05': 1./5,\ 'mag_int_raw': mag_renorm, \ 'L_Omega': numpy.identity(5), \ 'Delta_unit':R_simplex, \ 'Delta_scale': 15./4, \ 'k_unit': R_simplex, \ 'R_unit': R_simplex, \ 'rho11': -17./5,\ 'rho12': 0.*3./5,\ 'rho13': 0./5,\ 'rho14': 0.*3./5,\ 'rho15': 0.*3./5,\ } \ for _ in range(8)] sm = pystan.StanModel(file='gerard11.stan') control = {'stepsize': 1} fit = sm.sampling(data=data, iter=5000, chains=8, control=control, init=init, thin=1) output = open('temp11.pkl', 'wb') pickle.dump((fit.extract(), fit.get_sampler_params()), output, protocol=2) output.close() print fit
def run_fir_hmc(data_path, input_order, prior='tc', hot_start=False): """ Input order gives the terms # gives the terms b_0 * u_k + b_1 * u_{k-1} + .. + b_{input_order-1} * u_{k-input_order+1}""" """ prior can be 'tc' for tuned correlated kernel or 'hs' for the horseshoe sparesness prior """ """ hot start will use least squares values as starting point """ data = loadmat(data_path) y_est = data['y_estimation'].flatten() u_est = data['u_estimation'].flatten() y_val = data['y_validation'].flatten() u_val = data['u_validation'].flatten() # build regression matrix est_input_matrix = build_input_matrix(u_est, input_order) val_input_matrix = build_input_matrix(u_val, input_order) # trim measurement vectors to suit regression matrix max_delay = (input_order-1) y_est = y_est[int(max_delay):] y_val = y_val[int(max_delay):] # calcualte an intial guess using least squares (ML) if hot_start: Ainv = np.linalg.pinv(est_input_matrix) b_init = np.matmul(Ainv, y_est) else: b_init = np.zeros((input_order)) # Run Stan def init_function(): sig_e = data['sig_e'].flatten() output = dict(b_coefs=b_init * np.random.uniform(0.8, 1.2, len(b_init)), sig_e=(sig_e * np.random.uniform(0.8, 1.2))[0], b_coefs_hyperprior=np.abs(np.random.standard_cauchy(len(b_init))), shrinkage_param=np.abs(np.random.standard_cauchy(1))[0] ) return output stan_data = {'input_order': int(input_order), 'no_obs_est': len(y_est), 'no_obs_val': len(y_val), 'y_est': y_est, 'est_input_matrix': est_input_matrix, 'val_input_matrix': val_input_matrix } # specify model file if prior == 'hs': model_path = 'stan/fir_hs.pkl' if Path(model_path).is_file(): model = pickle.load(open(model_path, 'rb')) else: model = pystan.StanModel(file='stan/fir.stan') with open(model_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(model, file) elif prior == 'tc': model_path = 'stan/fir_tc.pkl' if Path(model_path).is_file(): model = pickle.load(open(model_path, 'rb')) else: model = pystan.StanModel(file='stan/fir_tc.stan') with open(model_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(model, file) else: print("invalid prior, options are 'hs' or 'tc' ") fit = model.sampling(data=stan_data, init=init_function, iter=6000, chains=4) traces = fit.extract() return (fit, traces)
real b; } model { for (n in 1:N){ Y[n] ~ bernoulli_logit(a * X[n] + b); } } """ # + # PyStanはコンパイルが必要(C++でコンパイルされる) # 結構時間かかる sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code= stan_model) # + # dataブロックに入れるデータを辞書型で渡す stan_data = {"N":df.shape[0], "X":df["log10 C"], "Y":df["death"]} # + # MCMCでサンプリング fit = sm.sampling(data = stan_data, iter = 2000, warmup=500, chains=3, seed=123) # + # 結果の抽出 # 事後分布の平均値や誤差が表示される # Rhat<=1ならうまく収束している
shock_data['replicate_number'] = 0 data = pd.concat([mlg910, shock_data], ignore_index=True) data.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True) # Insert the shock rate identifier. data.loc[:, 'idx'] = 0 # Rescale the intensities to meaningful values. max_exp = data['exposure_ms'].max() data['scaled_intensity'] = (data['intensity'] - data['mean_bg']) * max_exp / data['exposure_ms'] data = data[data['scaled_intensity'] >= 0].copy() # Load the stan model. model = pystan.StanModel('../stan/complete_analysis.stan') # Assemble the data dictionary. data_dict = dict( J1=6, J2=1, N1=len(data[data['rbs'] == 'mlg910']), N2=len(data[data['rbs'] != 'mlg910']), repl=data[data['replicate_number'] > 0]['replicate_number'].values.astype( int), shock=np.ones(len(data[data['rbs'] != 'mlg910'])).astype(int), A=data[data['rbs'] == 'mlg910']['area'], I_A_sc=data[data['rbs'] == 'mlg910']['scaled_intensity'], I_A_sr=data[data['rbs'] != 'mlg910']['scaled_intensity'], ntot=CHANNEL_NUM, sigma_ntot=CHANNEL_SEM,
sales_df_5['date'] = sales_df_5['date'].view('int64') // 10**9 print(sales_df_5.head()) sales = sales_df_5['sales'] T = len(sales) stan_data = {'T': T, 'y': sales} filename = '5-7-2-autoregressive' if os.path.exists('%s.pkl' % filename): sm = pickle.load(open('%s.pkl' % filename, 'rb')) # sm = pystan.StanModel(file='5-4-1-simple-reg.stan') else: # a model using prior for mu and sigma. sm = pystan.StanModel(file='%s.stan' % filename) control = {'adapt_delta': 0.8, 'max_treedepth': 16} mcmc_result = sm.sampling(data=stan_data, seed=1, chains=4, iter=8000, warmup=2000, control=control, thin=6) print(mcmc_result) mcmc_result.plot()
import numpy as np import os import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch import torch.distributions as dist model_name = 'mix' # Compile stan model, if needed. Otherwise, load model. if os.path.exists('{}.pickle'.format(model_name)): # Load model if it is cached. sm = pickle.load(open('{}.pickle'.format(model_name), 'rb')) else: # compile model sm = pystan.StanModel(file='{}.stan'.format(model_name)) # save model for later use. with open('{}.pickle'.format(model_name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(sm, f) # Set random seed np.random.seed(0) # Simulate data N = 500 mu_true = 2 sig_true = .3 y = np.random.randn(N) * sig_true + mu_true # Fit STAN model (NUTS) Kmcmc = 3
# # 'z0':mu0.flatten(), # } ################ Coupled version # state initialisation point z_init = np.zeros((4, no_obs + 1)) z_init[0, :-1] = y[0, :] z_init[1, :-1] = y[1, :] z_init[0, -1] = y[0, -1] # repeat last entry z_init[1, -1] = y[1, -1] # repeat last entry z_init[2, :-2] = (y[0, 1:] - y[0, 0:-1]) / Ts z_init[2, -1:] = z_init[2, -3] z_init[3, :-2] = (y[1, 1:] - y[1, 0:-1]) / Ts z_init[3, -1:] = z_init[3, -3] model = pystan.StanModel(file='stan/pendulum_coupled_noprior.stan') mu0 = np.zeros((4, )) cP0 = np.array( [np.deg2rad(10), np.deg2rad(10), np.deg2rad(100), np.deg2rad(100)]) stan_data = { 'no_obs': no_obs, 'Ts': Ts[0, 0], 'y': y, 'u': u.flatten(), 'Lr': Lr, 'Mp': Mp, 'Lp': Lp, 'g': g,
ind = np.argmax(mag) omega_init = omegas[ind] A_init = np.round(A[ind] / N * 100) / 100 B_init = np.round(B[ind] / N * 100) / 100 plt.plot(omegas, mag) plt.title('Peak: omega = ' + str(omega_init) + ' A = ' + str(A_init) + ' B = ' + str(B_init)) model_path = 'model.pkl' if Path(model_path).is_file(): model = pickle.load(open(model_path, 'rb')) else: model = pystan.StanModel(file=model_path[:-4] + '.stan') with open(model_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(model, file) # model = pystan.StanModel(file='model.stan') def init_function(): output = dict(alpha=omega_init * np.random.uniform(0.8, 1.2)) return output stan_data = {'N': N, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'lambda1': lambda1} fit = model.sampling( data=stan_data, init=init_function, iter=6000, warmup=4000, chains=4) #, control=dict(adapt_delta=0.9, max_treedepth=13))
range(1, 1 + len(observedLanguages))) dat["Total2Hidden"] = [1] + list(range( 2, 2 + len(hiddenLanguages))) + [0 for _ in observedLanguages] dat["ParentDistance"] = [0] + [ distanceToParent[x] for x in hiddenLanguages + observedLanguages ] dat["CovarianceMatrix"] = covarianceMatrix dat["prior_only"] = 0 dat["Components"] = 2 dat["FamiliesLists"] = familiesLists dat["FamiliesNum"] = len(familiesLists) dat["FamiliesSize"] = len(familiesLists[0]) print(dat) sm = pystan.StanModel(file=f'{__file__[:-3]}.stan') #stepping = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0] stepping = [0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0] #stepping = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.03, 0.035, 0.04, 0.045, 0.05, 0.06, 0.075, 0.08, 0.085, 0.09, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5,0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0] def mean(x): return sum(x) / len(x) import torch for replicate in range(10): perStone = [] for idx in range(len(stepping) - 1):
'n2':hidden_dim1, 'm1':z_dim, 'N': 150, 'x':standardized_data.T, 'W1': decoder_dict['linear1.weight'].T.numpy(), 'b1': decoder_dict['linear1.bias'].T.numpy().reshape(1,hidden_dim2), 'W2': decoder_dict['linear2.weight'].T.numpy(), 'b2': decoder_dict['linear2.bias'].T.numpy().reshape(1,hidden_dim1), 'W3': decoder_dict['out1.weight'].T.numpy(), 'b3': decoder_dict['out1.bias'].T.numpy().reshape(1,input_dim), 'cov1': np.identity(input_dim)*9, 'mu1': np.array([0]*input_dim), 'cov2': np.identity(input_dim)*0.25, 'mu2': np.array([0]*input_dim)*0} #### stan code sm = pystan.StanModel(file='iris_beta.stan') fit = sm.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=200, warmup=20, chains=3) out = fit.extract(permuted=True) print(fit) mean_pi = out['pi'].mean(axis=0) mean_mu = out['theta_mu_star'].mean(axis=0) mean_sd = out['theta_sd_star'].mean(axis=0) post_pdf_contribs = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(np.atleast_3d(standardized_data),mean_mu,mean_sd[np.newaxis,:,:])*mean_pi[np.newaxis,:] cluster_2=np.argmax(post_pdf_contribs,axis=1)+1 standardized_iris["Cluster_2"]=cluster_2 sns.set(font_scale=2) g=sns.pairplot(standardized_iris,vars=['Sepal Length', 'Sepal Width', 'Petal Length','Petal Width'],hue="Cluster_2",height=4) g._legend.set_title("Cluster")