Example #1
def compare_ttVSubv(mname, path, bands=('U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I'), t_cut=1., is_plot_time_points=False):
    dic_results = {}

    model = Stella(mname, path=path)
    tt = model.get_tt().load()

    # time cut  days
    mags = tt[tt['time'] > t_cut]
    n1 = mags.dtype.names

    def f(x):
        if len(x) == 2 and x.startswith('M'):
            return x.replace('M', '')
            return x

    n2 = map(lambda x: f(x), n1)
    mags.dtype.names = n2

    dic_results['tt'] = mags

    # ubv
    serial_spec = model.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.05)
    mags = serial_spec.mags_bands(bands)
    dic_results['ubv'] = mags

    plot_all(dic_results, bands, title=mname, is_time_points=is_plot_time_points)
Example #2
def compare_ttVSubv(mname, path, bands=['U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I'], t_cut=1., is_plot_time_points=False):
    dic_results = {}

    model = Stella(mname, path=path)
    tt = model.read_tt_data()

    # time cut  days
    mags = tt[tt['time'] > t_cut]
    n1 = mags.dtype.names

    def f(x):
        if len(x) == 2 and x.startswith('M'):
            return x.replace('M', '')
            return x

    n2 = map(lambda x: f(x), n1)
    mags.dtype.names = n2

    dic_results['tt'] = mags

    # ubv
    serial_spec = model.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.05)
    mags = serial_spec.mags_bands(bands)
    dic_results['ubv'] = mags

    plot_all(dic_results, bands, title=mname, is_time_points=is_plot_time_points)
Example #3
def curves_compute(name, path, bands, z=0., distance=10., magnification=1.,
                   t_beg=0., t_end=None, is_show_info=False, is_save=False):
        Compute magnitude in bands for the 'name' model.
    :param name: the name of a model and data files
    :param path: the directory with data-files
    :param bands: photometric bands
    :param z: redshift, default 0
    :param distance: distance to star in parsec, default 10 pc
    :param magnification: gravitational lensing magnification
    :param t_end:
    :param t_beg:
    :param is_show_info: flag to write some information, default True
    :param is_save: flag to save result in file, default False
    :return: dictionary with keys = bands, value = star's magnitudes
    if len(bands) == 0:
        raise ValueError("You have not set any bands for model: " + str(name))

    model = Stella(name, path=path)
    if not model.is_ph_data:
        raise ValueError("Error: No spectral data for: " + str(model))

    if is_show_info:
        print ''

    # serial_spec = model.read_serial_spectrum(t_diff=0.)
    serial_spec = model.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.05, t_beg=t_beg, t_end=t_end)
    curves = serial_spec.flux_to_curves(bands, z=z, d=rf.pc_to_cm(distance), magnification=magnification)
    # curves = SetLightCurve(name)
    # for n in bands:
    #     b = band.band_by_name(n)
    #     lc = serial_spec.flux_to_curve(b, z=z, dl=rf.pc_to_cm(distance), magnification=magnification)
    #     # time = serial_spec.times * (1. + z)
    #     # lc = LightCurve(b, time, mags)
    #     curves.add(lc)

    if is_save:
        fname = os.path.join(path, name + '.ubv')
        curves_save(curves, fname)
        print "Magnitudes have been saved to " + fname

    if is_show_info:
        # print the time of maximum LC
        tmin = 2.0
        t = curves.TimeDef
        for n in bands:
            t_min = t[t > tmin][curves[n][t > tmin].argmin()]
            print "t_max(%s) = %f" % (n, t_min)

    return curves
Example #4
def compute_mag(name, path, bands, ext=None, z=0., distance=10., magnification=1., t_diff=1.05, is_show_info=True,
        Compute magnitude in bands for the 'name' model.
    :param name: the name of a model and data files
    :param path: the directory with data-files
    :param bands: photometric bands
    :param ext: extinction
    :param z: redshift, default 0
    :param distance: distance to star in parsec, default 10 pc
    :param magnification: gravitational lensing magnification
    :param t_diff:  depression between time points
    :param is_show_info: flag to write some information, default True
    :param is_save: flag to save result in file, default False
    :return: dictionary with keys = bands, value = star's magnitudes
    model = Stella(name, path=path)
    if is_show_info:
        print ''

    if not model.is_ph_data:
        print "Error: No data for: " + str(model)
        return None

    # serial_spec = model.read_serial_spectrum(t_diff=0.)
    serial_spec = model.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=t_diff)
    mags = serial_spec.mags_bands(bands, z=z, d=rf.pc_to_cm(distance), magnification=magnification)

    if mags is not None:
        fname = os.path.join(path, name + '.ubv')
        if is_save:
            mags_save(mags, bands, fname)
            print "Magnitudes have been saved to " + fname

    if is_show_info:
        # print the time of maximum LC
        tmin = 2.0
        t = mags['time']
        for n in bands:
            t_min = t[t > tmin][mags[n][t > tmin].argmin()]
            print "t_max(%s) = %f" % (n, t_min)

    if ext is not None:  # add extinction
        for n in bands:
            mags[n] = mags[n] + ext[n]

    return mags
Example #5
def compute_mag(name,
        Compute magnitude in bands for the 'name' model.
    :param name: the name of a model and data files
    :param path: the directory with data-files
    :param bands: photometric bands
    :param z: redshift, default 0
    :param distance: distance to star in parsec, default 10 pc
    :param t_cut:
    :param t_up:
    :param tdiff:
    :return: dictionary with keys = bands, value = star's magnitudes
    model = Stella(name, path=path)

    if not model.is_ph:
        print("No data for: " + str(model))
        return None

    # serial_spec = model.read_serial_spectrum(t_diff=0.)
    serial_spec = model.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.05)
    mags = serial_spec.mags_bands(bands, z=z, d=rf.pc_to_cm(distance))

    # t_cut
    time = mags['time']
    cut = (t_cut < time) & (time < t_up)
    mags['time'] = time[cut]
    for n in bands:
        mags[n] = mags[n][cut]

    time = mags['time']
    if tdiff > 0.:
        ts = np.arange(np.min(time), np.max(time), tdiff)
        for n in bands:
            tck = interpolate.splrep(time, mags[n])
            mags[n] = interpolate.splev(ts, tck)
        mags['time'] = ts

    return mags
Example #6
def compute_tcolor(name, path, bands, d=rf.pc_to_cm(10.0), z=0.0, t_cut=1.0):
    model = Stella(name, path=path)

    if not model.is_ph_data:
        print "No ph-data for: " + str(model)
        return None

    if not model.is_tt_data:
        print "No tt-data for: " + str(model)
        return None

    # serial_spec = model.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.)
    # curves = serial_spec.flux_to_curves(bands, d=distance)
    serial_spec = model.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.05, t_beg=t_cut)
    # curves = serial_spec.
    mags = serial_spec.mags_bands(bands, z=z, d=d)

    # read R_ph
    tt = model.read_tt_data()
    tt = tt[tt["time"] > t_cut]  # time cut  days

    # compute Tnu, W
    Tnu, Teff, W = compute_Tnu_w(serial_spec, tt=tt)

    # fit mags by B(T_col) and get \zeta\theta & T_col
    Tcolors, zetaR, times = compute_Tcolor_zeta(mags, tt=tt, bands=bands, freq=serial_spec.Freq, d=d, z=z)

    # show results
    res = np.array(
        dtype=np.dtype({"names": ["time", "Tcol", "zeta", "Tnu", "Teff", "W"], "formats": [np.float64] * 6}),
    res["time"] = times
    res["Tcol"] = Tcolors
    res["zeta"] = zetaR
    res["Tnu"] = Tnu
    res["Teff"] = Teff
    res["W"] = W

    return res
Example #7
def compute_mag(name, path, bands, z=0.0, distance=10.0, t_cut=0.0, t_up=400.0, tdiff=0.0):
        Compute magnitude in bands for the 'name' model.
    :param name: the name of a model and data files
    :param path: the directory with data-files
    :param bands: photometric bands
    :param z: redshift, default 0
    :param distance: distance to star in parsec, default 10 pc
    :return: dictionary with keys = bands, value = star's magnitudes
    model = Stella(name, path=path)

    if not model.is_ph_data:
        print "No data for: " + str(model)
        return None

    # serial_spec = model.read_serial_spectrum(t_diff=0.)
    serial_spec = model.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.05)
    mags = serial_spec.mags_bands(bands, z=z, d=rf.pc_to_cm(distance))

    # t_cut
    time = mags["time"]
    cut = (t_cut < time) & (time < t_up)
    mags["time"] = time[cut]
    for n in bands:
        mags[n] = mags[n][cut]

    time = mags["time"]
    if tdiff > 0.0:
        ts = np.arange(np.min(time), np.max(time), tdiff)
        for n in bands:
            tck = interpolate.splrep(time, mags[n])
            mags[n] = interpolate.splev(ts, tck)
        mags["time"] = ts

    return mags
Example #8
class TestStellaTt(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # name = 'ccsn2007bi1dNi6smE23bRlDC'
        name = 'cat_R500_M15_Ni006_E12'
        # name = 'cat_R1000_M15_Ni007_E15'
        path = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'data', 'stella')
        self.stella = Stella(name, path=path)
        self.tt = self.stella.get_tt()

    def test_info_parse(self):
        tt_header = """
                              <===== HYDRODYNAMIC RUN OF MODEL cat_R1000_M15_Ni007_E15.prf                                                     =====>

                              MASS(SOLAR)=15.000       RADIUS(SOLAR)= 1000.000
                              EXPLOSION ENERGY(10**50 ERG)= 1.50000E+01

                              <=====                                 =====>

 EPS   =         0.00300          Rce   =     1.00000E-02 SOL.Rad.
 HMIN  =     1.00000E-11 S        AMht  =     1.00000E-02 SOL.MASS
 HMAX  =     5.00000E+04 S        Tburst=     1.00000E-01 S
 THRMAT=     1.00000E-30          Ebstht=     1.50000E+01 1e50 ergs
 METH  =               3          CONV  =               F
 JSTART=               0          EDTM  =               T
 MAXORD=               4          CHNCND=               T
 NSTA  =           -4500          FitTau=     3.00000E+02
 NSTB  =              -1          TauTol=     1.30000E+00
 NOUT  =             100          IOUT  =              -1
 TcurA =         0.00000          Rvis   =        1.00000
 TcurB =       200.00000          BQ    =     1.00000E+00
 NSTMAX=          360000          DRT   =     1.00000E-01
 XMNI  =     7.00000E-02 SOL.MASS NRT   =               1
 XNifor=     1.16561E-01
 MNicor=     1.16999E-01 SOL.MASS SCAT  =               T

        pattern = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, tt_header.splitlines())
        pattern = map(str.strip, pattern)
        p = r"(.*?)\s*=\s+([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)"
        for line in pattern:
            res = re.findall(p, line)
            if len(res) > 0:
                for k, v in res:
                    print "key: %s  v: %f " % (k, float(v))

    def test_info_parse(self):
        info = self.tt.Info.parse()

        tmp = 1000.
        self.assertEquals(info.R, tmp, "Radius [%f] should be %f" % (info.R, tmp))

        tmp = 15.
        self.assertEquals(info.M, tmp, "Mass [%f] should be %f" % (info.M, tmp))

        tmp = 15.
        self.assertEquals(info.E, tmp, "Ebstht [%f] should be %f" % (info.E, tmp))

    def test_tt_vs_ph(self):
        curves_tt = self.tt.read_curves_tt()
        bands = curves_tt.BandNames

        serial_spec = self.stella.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.00001)
        curves_ph = serial_spec.flux_to_curves(bands)

        models_dic = {'tt': curves_tt, 'ph': curves_ph}
        lc_types = {'tt': '--', 'ph': '-'}

        plt.matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        lcf.plot_models_curves_fixed_bands(ax, models_dic, bands, lc_types=lc_types, ylim=(-10, -24))
        # lcf.plot_models_curves(ax, models_dic, bands, lc_types=lc_types, ylim=(-10, -24), xlim=(0, 20))

    def test_gri_vs_ph(self):
        curves_gri = self.tt.read_curves_gri()
        bands = curves_gri.BandNames
        # bands = ('J','H','K')

        serial_spec = self.stella.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.)
        curves_ph = serial_spec.flux_to_curves(bands)

        models_dic = {'gri': curves_gri, 'ph': curves_ph}
        lc_types = {'gri': '--', 'ph': ':'}

        plt.matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        # lcf.plot_models_curves_fixed_bands(ax, models_dic, bands=('r','B','V'), lc_types=lc_types, ylim=(-13, -23), lw=3)
        lcf.plot_models_curves(ax, models_dic, lc_types=lc_types, ylim=(-10, -23), lw=3)

    def test_tt_vs_gri_vs_ph(self):
        curves_tt = self.tt.read_curves_tt()
        bands_tt = curves_tt.BandNames

        curves_gri = self.tt.read_curves_gri()
        bands_gri = curves_gri.BandNames

        bands = np.unique(np.array(bands_tt + bands_gri))

        serial_spec = self.stella.read_series_spectrum(t_diff=1.00001)
        curves_ph = serial_spec.flux_to_curves(bands)

        models_dic = {'tt': curves_tt, 'gri': curves_gri, 'ph': curves_ph}
        lc_types = {'tt': ':', 'gri': '--', 'ph': '-'}

        plt.matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

        lcf.plot_models_curves(ax, models_dic, lc_types=lc_types, ylim=(-10, -19), lw=3)
        # lcf.plot_models_curves_fixed_bands(ax, models_dic, bands=('B', 'V'), lc_types=lc_types, ylim=(-13, -23), lw=3)