Example #1
class Transformer:
    The Transformer class is used to Fourier transform
    between the difference spaces. Either:
    a reciprocal space function -> real space function
    or a real space function -> reciprocal space function


    >>> import numpy
    >>> from pystog import Transformer
    >>> transformer = Transformer()
    >>> q, sq = numpy.loadtxt("my_sofq_file.txt",unpack=True)
    >>> r = numpy.linspace(0., 25., 2500)
    >>> r, gr, dgr = transformer.S_to_G(q, sq, r)
    >>> q = numpy.linspace(0., 25., 2500)
    >>> q, sq, dsq = transformer.G_to_S(r, gr, q)
    def __init__(self):
        self.converter = Converter()

    def _low_x_correction(self, xin, yin, xout, yout, **kwargs):
        Omitted low-x range correction performed in the
        space you have transformed to. Does so by assumming a
        linear extrapolation to zero.
        Original author: Jack Carpenter

        :param xin: domain vector for space to be transformed from
        :type xin: numpy.array or list
        :param yin: range vector for space to be transformed from
        :type yin: numpy.array or list
        :param xout: domain vector for space to be transformed to
        :type xout: numpy.array or list
        :param yin: range vector for space to be transformed to
        :type yin: numpy.array or list
        :return: range vector for space transformed to with correction applied
        :rtype: numpy.array
        TODO: Refactor correction to just
        1) peform linear extrapolation in space before transform
        2) transform with extrapolated function
        Compare that implementation to this one.
        Replace this if equal (within tolerance)

        lorch_flag = kwargs.get('lorch', False)

        xmin = min(xin)
        xmax = max(xin)
        yin_xmin = yin[0]
        np.pi / xmax

        PiOverXmax = np.pi / xmax

        correction = np.zeros_like(yout)
        for i, x in enumerate(xout):
            v = xmin * x
            if lorch_flag:
                vm = xmin * (x - PiOverXmax)
                vp = xmin * (x + PiOverXmax)
                term1 = (vm * np.sin(vm) + np.cos(vm) - 1.) / \
                    (x - PiOverXmax)**2.
                term2 = (vp * np.sin(vp) + np.cos(vp) - 1.) / \
                    (x + PiOverXmax)**2.
                F1 = (term1 - term2) / (2. * PiOverXmax)
                F2 = (
                    np.sin(vm) / (x - PiOverXmax) - np.sin(vp) /  # noqa
                    (x + PiOverXmax)) / (2. * PiOverXmax)
                F1 = (2. * v * np.sin(v) - (v * v - 2.) * np.cos(v) - 2.)
                F1 = np.divide(F1,
                               x * x * x,
                               where=x != 0)

                F2 = (np.sin(v) - v * np.cos(v))
                F2 = np.divide(F2, x * x, out=np.zeros_like(F2), where=x != 0)

            num = F1 * yin_xmin
            factor = np.divide(num,
                               where=xmin != 0)
            correction[i] = (2 / np.pi) * (factor - F2)

        yout += correction

        return yout

    def apply_cropping(self, x, y, xmin, xmax, dy=None):
        Utility to crop x and y based on xmin and xmax along x.
        Provides the capability to specify the (Qmin,Qmax)
        or (Rmin,Rmax) in the Fourier transform

        :param x: domain vector
        :type x: numpy.array or list
        :param y: range vector
        :type y: numpy.array or list
        :param xmin: minimum x-value for crop
        :type xmin: float
        :param xmax: maximum x-value for crop
        :type xmax: float
        :param dy: uncertainty vector
        :type dy: numpy.array or list
        :return: vector pair (x,y) with cropping applied
        :rtype: (numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array)
        if dy is not None:
            err = np.asarray(dy)
            err = np.zeros_like(y)
        indices = np.logical_and(x >= xmin, x <= xmax)
        return x[indices], y[indices], err[indices]

    def fourier_transform(self,
        The Fourier transform function. The kwargs
        argument allows for different modifications:
        Lorch dampening, omitted low-x range correction,

        :param xin: domain vector for space to be transformed from
        :type xin: numpy.array or list
        :param yin: range vector for space to be transformed from
        :type yin: numpy.array or list
        :param xout: domain vector for space to be transformed to
        :type xout: numpy.array or list
        :param xmin: minimum x-value for crop
        :type xmin: float
        :param xmax: maximum x-value for crop
        :type xmax: float
        :param dyin: uncertainty vector for yin
        :type dyin: numpy.array or list
        :return: vector pair of transformed domain, range vectors,
                 and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array

        if xmax is None:
            xmax = max(xin)
        if xmin is None:
            xmin = min(xin)

        xin, yin, err = self.apply_cropping(xin, yin, xmin, xmax, dyin)

        factor = np.ones_like(yin)
        if kwargs.get('lorch', False):
            PiOverXmax = np.pi / xmax
            num = np.sin(PiOverXmax * xin)
            denom = PiOverXmax * xin
            factor = np.divide(num, denom, where=denom != 0)

        yout = np.zeros_like(xout)
        eout = np.zeros_like(xout)
        for i, x in enumerate(xout):
            kernel = factor * yin * np.sin(xin * x)
            ekernel = np.square(factor * err * np.sin(xin * x))
            yout[i] = np.trapz(kernel, x=xin)
            eout[i] = np.sqrt(
                (np.diff(xin)**2 * (ekernel[1:] + ekernel[:-1]) / 2).sum())

        if kwargs.get('OmittedXrangeCorrection', False):
            self._low_x_correction(xin, yin, xout, yout, **kwargs)

        return xout, yout, eout

    # Reciprocal -> Real Space Transforms  #

    def F_to_G(self, q, fq, r, dfq=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`
        to real space :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param fq: :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]` vector
        :type fq: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dfq: uncertainty on :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`
        :type dfq: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        r, gr, dgr = self.fourier_transform(q, fq, r, dyin=dfq, **kwargs)
        gr *= 2. / np.pi
        dgr *= 2. / np.pi
        return r, gr, dgr

    def F_to_GK(self, q, fq, r, dfq=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`
        to real space :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param fq: :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]` vector
        :type fq: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dfq: uncertainty on :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`
        :type dfq: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        r, gr, dgr = self.F_to_G(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)
        gr, dgr = self.converter.G_to_GK(r, gr, dgr, **kwargs)
        return r, gr, dgr

    def F_to_g(self, q, fq, r, dfq=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`
        to real space :math:`g(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param fq: :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]` vector
        :type fq: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dfq: uncertainty on :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`
        :type dfq: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`g(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        r, gr, dgr = self.F_to_G(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)
        gr, dgr = self.converter.G_to_g(r, gr, dgr, **kwargs)
        return r, gr, dgr

    # S(Q)
    def S_to_G(self, q, sq, r, dsq=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`S(Q)`
        to real space :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param sq: :math:`S(Q)` vector
        :type sq: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dsq: :math:`S(Q)` uncertainties
        :type dsq: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.S_to_F(q, sq, dsq)
        return self.F_to_G(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    def S_to_GK(self, q, sq, r, dsq=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`S(Q)`
        to real space :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param sq: :math:`S(Q)` vector
        :type sq: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dsq: :math:`S(Q)` uncertainties
        :type dsq: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.S_to_F(q, sq, dsq)
        return self.F_to_GK(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    def S_to_g(self, q, sq, r, dsq=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`S(Q)`
        to real space :math:`g(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param sq: :math:`S(Q)` vector
        :type sq: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dsq: :math:`S(Q)` uncertainties
        :type dsq: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`g(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.S_to_F(q, sq, dsq)
        return self.F_to_g(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    # Keen's F(Q)
    def FK_to_G(self, q, fq_keen, r, dfq_keen=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`F(Q)`
        to real space :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param fq_keen: :math:`F(Q)` vector
        :type fq_keen: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dfq_keen: :math:`F(Q)` vector uncertainties
        :type dfq_keen: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.FK_to_F(q, fq_keen, dfq_keen, **kwargs)
        return self.F_to_G(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    def FK_to_GK(self, q, fq_keen, r, dfq_keen=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`F(Q)`
        to real space :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param fq_keen: :math:`F(Q)` vector
        :type fq_keen: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dfq_keen: :math:`F(Q)` vector uncertainties
        :type dfq_keen: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.FK_to_F(q, fq_keen, dfq_keen, **kwargs)
        return self.F_to_GK(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    def FK_to_g(self, q, fq_keen, r, dfq_keen=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space :math:`F(Q)`
        to real space :math:`g(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param fq_keen: :math:`F(Q)` vector
        :type fq_keen: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param dfq_keen: :math:`F(Q)` vector uncertainties
        :type dfq_keen: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`g(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.FK_to_F(q, fq_keen, dfq_keen, **kwargs)
        return self.F_to_g(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    # Differential cross-section = d_simga / d_Omega
    def DCS_to_G(self, q, dcs, r, ddcs=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space
        :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`
        to real space :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dcs: :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)` vector
        :type dcs: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param ddcs: :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)` uncertainties
        :type ddcs: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.DCS_to_F(q, dcs, ddcs, **kwargs)
        return self.F_to_G(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    def DCS_to_GK(self, q, dcs, r, ddcs=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space
        :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`
        to real space :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dcs: :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)` vector
        :type dcs: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param ddcs: :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)` uncertainties
        :type ddcs: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.DCS_to_F(q, dcs, ddcs, **kwargs)
        return self.F_to_GK(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    def DCS_to_g(self, q, dcs, r, ddcs=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from reciprocal space
        :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`
        to real space :math:`g(r)`

        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dcs: :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)` vector
        :type dcs: numpy.array or list
        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param ddcs: :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)` uncertainties
        :type ddcs: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`r`, :math:`g(r)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        fq, dfq = self.converter.DCS_to_F(q, dcs, ddcs, **kwargs)
        return self.F_to_g(q, fq, r, dfq, **kwargs)

    # Real -> Reciprocal Space Transforms  #

    # G(R) = PDF
    def G_to_F(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        return self.fourier_transform(r, gr, q, dyin=dgr, **kwargs)

    def G_to_S(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`S(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`S(Q)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        q, fq, dfq = self.G_to_F(r, gr, q, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        sq, dsq = self.converter.F_to_S(q, fq, dfq=dfq)
        return q, sq, dsq

    def G_to_FK(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`F(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`F(Q)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        q, fq, dfq = self.G_to_F(r, gr, q, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        fq, dfq = self.converter.F_to_FK(q, fq, dfq=dfq, **kwargs)
        return q, fq, dfq

    def G_to_DCS(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)`
        to reciprocal space
        :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`G_{PDFFIT}(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`,
                 and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        q, fq, dfq = self.G_to_F(r, gr, q, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        dcs, ddcs = self.converter.F_to_DCS(q, fq, dfq=dfq, **kwargs)
        return q, dcs, ddcs

    # Keen's G(r)
    def GK_to_F(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        _gr, _dgr = self.converter.GK_to_G(r, gr, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        return self.G_to_F(r, _gr, q, dgr=_dgr, **kwargs)

    def GK_to_S(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`S(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`S(Q)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        _gr, _dgr = self.converter.GK_to_G(r, gr, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        return self.G_to_S(r, _gr, q, dgr=_dgr, **kwargs)

    def GK_to_FK(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`F(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`F(Q)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        _gr, _dgr = self.converter.GK_to_G(r, gr, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        return self.G_to_FK(r, _gr, q, dgr=_dgr, **kwargs)

    def GK_to_DCS(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`G_{Keen Version}(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`,
                 and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        _gr, _dgr = self.converter.GK_to_G(r, gr, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        return self.G_to_DCS(r, _gr, q, dgr=_dgr, **kwargs)

    # g(r)
    def g_to_F(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`g(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`g(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`g(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`Q[S(Q)-1]`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        _gr, _dgr = self.converter.g_to_G(r, gr, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        return self.G_to_F(r, _gr, q, dgr=_dgr, **kwargs)

    def g_to_S(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`g(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`S(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`g(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`g(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`S(Q)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        _gr, _dgr = self.converter.g_to_G(r, gr, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        return self.G_to_S(r, _gr, q, dgr=_dgr, **kwargs)

    def g_to_FK(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`g(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`F(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`g(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`g(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`F(Q)`, and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        _gr, _dgr = self.converter.g_to_G(r, gr, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        return self.G_to_FK(r, _gr, q, dgr=_dgr, **kwargs)

    def g_to_DCS(self, r, gr, q, dgr=None, **kwargs):
        Transforms from real space :math:`g(r)`
        to reciprocal space :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`

        :param r: :math:`r`-space vector
        :type r: numpy.array or list
        :param gr: :math:`g(r)` vector
        :type gr: numpy.array or list
        :param q: :math:`Q`-space vector
        :type q: numpy.array or list
        :param dgr: :math:`g(r)` uncertainties
        :type dgr: numpy.array or list

        :return: :math:`Q`, :math:`\\frac{d \\sigma}{d \\Omega}(Q)`,
                 and uncertainties
        :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array
        _gr, _dgr = self.converter.g_to_G(r, gr, dgr=dgr, **kwargs)
        return self.G_to_DCS(r, _gr, q, dgr=_dgr, **kwargs)
Example #2
class TestConverterRealSpaceBase(unittest.TestCase):
    rtol = 1e-5
    atol = 1e-8

    def initialize_material(self):
        # setup input data
        self.kwargs = self.material.kwargs

        # setup the tolerance
        self.first = self.material.real_space_first
        self.last = self.material.real_space_last

        data = load_data(self.material.real_space_filename)
        self.r = data[:, get_index_of_function("r", RealSpaceHeaders)]
        self.gofr = data[:, get_index_of_function("g(r)", RealSpaceHeaders)]
        self.GofR = data[:, get_index_of_function("G(r)", RealSpaceHeaders)]
        self.GKofR = data[:, get_index_of_function("GK(r)", RealSpaceHeaders)]

        # targets for 1st peaks
        self.gofr_target = self.material.gofr_target
        self.GofR_target = self.material.GofR_target
        self.GKofR_target = self.material.GKofR_target

    def setUp(self):
        self.converter = Converter()

    def tearDown(self):

    # g(r) tests
    def g_to_G(self):
        GofR, dGofR = self.converter.g_to_G(self.r, self.gofr,

        FourPiRhoR = 4 * np.pi * self.kwargs['rho'] * self.r

        assert_allclose(dGofR, np.ones_like(self.r) * FourPiRhoR)

    def g_to_GK(self):
        GKofR, dGKofR = self.converter.g_to_GK(self.r, self.gofr,
                        np.ones_like(self.r) * self.kwargs['<b_coh>^2'])

    # G(r) tests
    def G_to_g(self):
        gofr, dgofr = self.converter.G_to_g(self.r, self.GofR,

        FourPiRhoR = 4 * np.pi * self.kwargs['rho'] * self.r

        assert_allclose(dgofr, np.ones_like(self.r) / FourPiRhoR)

    def G_to_GK(self):
        GKofR, dGKofR = self.converter.G_to_GK(self.r, self.GofR,
        FourPiRhoR = 4 * np.pi * self.kwargs['rho'] * self.r
        bcoh_sqrd = self.kwargs['<b_coh>^2']

        assert_allclose(dGKofR, np.ones_like(self.r) * bcoh_sqrd / FourPiRhoR)

    # GK(r) tests
    def GK_to_g(self):
        gofr, dgofr = self.converter.GK_to_g(self.r, self.GKofR,
        assert_allclose(dgofr, np.ones_like(self.r) / self.kwargs['<b_coh>^2'])

    def GK_to_G(self):
        GofR, dGofR = self.converter.GK_to_G(self.r, self.GKofR,

        FourPiRhoR = 4 * np.pi * self.kwargs['rho'] * self.r
        bcoh_sqrd = self.kwargs['<b_coh>^2']

        assert_allclose(dGofR, np.ones_like(self.r) / bcoh_sqrd * FourPiRhoR)