Example #1
 def __init__(self, x, y):
     Vex.__init__(self, x, y, pygame.Color(255, 0, 255), 
                  [Vector2(20, 30), Vector2(30, 0), Vector2(10, 10),
                   Vector2(0, -10), Vector2(-10, 10), Vector2(-30, 0),
                   Vector2(-20, 30), Vector2(-10, 20), Vector2(-4, 24),
                   Vector2(4, 24), Vector2(10, 20), Vector2(20, 30)], 
                   2, 1, 1)
Example #2
 def __init__(self, x, y, colour, identity):
     points = [Vector2(-20, -20), Vector2(20, -20), Vector2(20, 20), 
               Vector2(-15, 20), Vector2(-25, 25), Vector2(25, 25), 
               Vector2(15, 20), Vector2(-20, 20), Vector2(-20, -20),
               Vector2(-15, -15), Vector2(15, -15), Vector2(15, 15),
               Vector2(-15, 15), Vector2(-15, -15)]
     Vex.__init__(self, x, y, colour, points, 2)
     self.send_mod = 240
     self.send_count = randint(0, self.send_mod)
     self.send_next = False
     self.identity = identity
     self.captured = []
     self.stolen = False
     self.nit_width = 20/len(self.identity)
Example #3
 def draw(self, surface):
     Vex.draw(self, surface)
     if not self.stolen:
         pos = -10 + self.nit_width/2
         for i in xrange(0, len(self.identity)):
             if i in self.captured:
                 pygame.draw.line(surface, self.colour, 
                 (self.x + pos, self.y + 0), 
                 (self.x + pos + self.nit_width/2, self.y + 0), 2)
             pos += self.nit_width
         pygame.draw.line(surface, self.colour,
         (self.x - 30, self.y - 30), (self.x + 30, self.y + 30),
         pygame.draw.line(surface, self.colour,
         (self.x + 30, self.y - 30), (self.x - 30, self.y + 30),
Example #4
 def __init__(self, screen, event_e=EventEngine(InputEngine()), fps=60):
     GameEngine.__init__(self, screen, event_e, fps)
     self.cursor = Vex(300, 300, pygame.Color(255, 255, 255), 
                     (Vector2(0, -10), Vector2(0, 10), Vector2(0, 0),
                     Vector2(-10, 0), Vector2(10, 0), 
                     Vector2(0, 0)), 2)
     self.outer_frame = Vex(300, 300, pygame.Color(255, 255, 255),
                     (Vector2(-300, -300), Vector2(300, -300),
                     Vector2(300, 300), Vector2(-300, 300)), 2)
     self.fillers = []
     self.justcreated = True
 def __init__(self, x, y, score):
     Vex.__init__(self, x, y, pygame.Color(0, 255, 0), 
                  [Vector2(10, 0), Vector2(0, 10), Vector2(-10, 0),
                   Vector2(0, -10), Vector2(10, 0)], 
                   2, 1, 1)
     self.score = score
Example #6
class SFGame(GameEngine):
    def __init__(self, screen, event_e=EventEngine(InputEngine()), fps=60):
        GameEngine.__init__(self, screen, event_e, fps)
        self.cursor = Vex(300, 300, pygame.Color(255, 255, 255), 
                        (Vector2(0, -10), Vector2(0, 10), Vector2(0, 0),
                        Vector2(-10, 0), Vector2(10, 0), 
                        Vector2(0, 0)), 2)
        self.outer_frame = Vex(300, 300, pygame.Color(255, 255, 255),
                        (Vector2(-300, -300), Vector2(300, -300),
                        Vector2(300, 300), Vector2(-300, 300)), 2)
        self.fillers = []
        self.justcreated = True
        #self.test = Vex(400, 400, pygame.Color(255, 0, 0),
         #               (Vector2(-10, -10), Vector2(10, -10),
          #              Vector2(10, 10), Vector2(-10, 10)), 0)
    def update(self):
        self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y = self.event_e.input.mouse_pos
        print self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y
        if self.cursor.x == 1 and self.cursor.y == 1:
            self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y = 300, 300
        if self.event_e.input.mouse_buttons[1]:
            if not self.justcreated:
                self.fillers.append(Vex(self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y, pygame.Color(255, 0, 0), 
                                    (Vector2(-10, -10), Vector2(10, -10),
                                    Vector2(10, 10), Vector2(-10, 10)), 0))
                self.justcreated = True
                f = self.fillers[-1]
                for pt in f.get_absolute_points_vector2():
                    if not self.outer_frame.point_inside(pt):
                        return 0
                    for other in self.fillers[:-1]:
                        if other.point_inside(pt):
                            return 0
                f.scale_x = f.scale_x + 0.5
                f.scale_y = f.scale_y + 0.5
            self.justcreated = False
            if len(self.fillers) >= 1:
                f = self.fillers[-1]
                f.colour = pygame.Color(0, 255, 0)
        if self.get_key(K_SPACE):
            del self.fillers
            self.fillers = []
        # To switch state
        if self.get_key(K_ESCAPE):
            print "Quitting game"
            return 0

        # To quit 
        #elif quit_condition:
        #    return 1

        # To maintain consistency
        #    return 2

        return 2

    def draw(self):
        self.draw_e.begin_draw(pygame.Color(0, 0, 0))
        # Draw your drawables here
        # They must be passed in as lists
        # self.draw_e.draw([some_drawable, some_other_drawable])
        # self.draw_e.draw([another_drawable])