Example #1
def test_compute_and_gradients():
    """Tests the Network's compute and compute_gradients methods.
    batch = np.random.randint(1, 128)
    input_dims = np.random.randint(1, 256)
    output_dims = np.random.randint(1, 512)

    inputs = np.random.uniform(size=(batch, input_dims))

    weights = np.random.uniform(size=(input_dims, output_dims))
    biases = np.random.uniform(size=(output_dims))

    fullyconnected_layer = FullyConnectedLayer(weights, biases)
    relu_layer = ReluLayer()

    fullyconnected_outputs = fullyconnected_layer.compute(inputs)
    relu_outputs = relu_layer.compute(fullyconnected_outputs)

    network = Network([fullyconnected_layer, relu_layer])
    network_outputs = network.compute(inputs)
    assert np.allclose(network_outputs, relu_outputs)
    assert np.allclose(network_outputs, network.compute(list(inputs)))
    assert np.allclose(network_outputs[0], network.compute(list(inputs)[0]))

    for label in range(output_dims):
        gradients = network.compute_gradients(inputs, label)
        for i in range(batch):
            if fullyconnected_outputs[i, label] <= 0.0:
                assert np.allclose(gradients[i], 0.0)
                assert np.allclose(gradients[i], weights[:, label])
Example #2
    def compute(self, inputs, representatives=None):
        """Computes the output of the Decoupled Network on @inputs.

        @inputs should be a Numpy array of inputs.
        differ_index = self.differ_index
        if representatives is not None:
            differ_index = 0
        # Up to differ_index, the values and activation vectors are the same.
        pre_network = Network(self.activation_layers[:differ_index])
        mid_inputs = pre_network.compute(inputs)
        # Now we have to actually separately handle the masking when
        # activations != values.
        activation_vector = mid_inputs
        if representatives is not None:
            activation_vector = pre_network.compute(representatives)
        value_vector = mid_inputs
        for layer_index in range(differ_index, self.n_layers):
            activation_layer = self.activation_layers[layer_index]
            value_layer = self.value_layers[layer_index]
            if isinstance(activation_layer, LINEAR_LAYERS):
                if isinstance(activation_layer, ConcatLayer):
                    assert not any(
                        isinstance(input_layer, ConcatLayer)
                        for input_layer in activation_layer.input_layers)
                    assert all(
                        isinstance(input_layer, LINEAR_LAYERS)
                        for input_layer in activation_layer.input_layers)
                activation_vector = activation_layer.compute(activation_vector)
                value_vector = value_layer.compute(value_vector)
            elif isinstance(activation_layer, ReluLayer):
                mask = np.maximum(np.sign(activation_vector), 0.0)
                if isinstance(value_vector, np.ndarray):
                    value_vector *= mask
                    # NOTE: Originally this was torch.tensor(mask,
                    # dtype=torch.float). I changed to this to silence a
                    # warning from Pytorch. I don't think there will be, but it
                    # might be worth testing for a performance regression.
                    value_vector *= mask.clone().detach().float()
                activation_vector *= mask
            elif isinstance(activation_layer, HardTanhLayer):
                mask = np.ones_like(value_vector)
                value_vector[activation_vector >= 1.0] = 1.0
                value_vector[activation_vector <= -1.0] = -1.0
                np.clip(activation_vector, -1.0, 1.0, out=activation_vector)
            elif isinstance(activation_layer, MaxPoolLayer):
                activation_vector, indices = activation_layer.compute(
                    activation_vector, return_indices=True)

                value_vector = value_layer.from_indices(value_vector, indices)
                raise NotImplementedError
        return value_vector
Example #3
    def compute(self, inputs):
        """Computes the output of the Masking Network on @inputs.

        @inputs should be a Numpy array of inputs.
        # Up to differ_index, the values and activation vectors are the same.
        pre_network = Network(self.activation_layers[:self.differ_index])
        mid_inputs = pre_network.compute(inputs)
        # Now we have to actually separately handle the masking when
        # activations != values.
        activation_vector = mid_inputs
        value_vector = mid_inputs
        for layer_index in range(self.differ_index, self.n_layers):
            activation_layer = self.activation_layers[layer_index]
            value_layer = self.value_layers[layer_index]
            if isinstance(activation_layer, FullyConnectedLayer):
                activation_vector = activation_layer.compute(activation_vector)
                value_vector = value_layer.compute(value_vector)
            elif isinstance(activation_layer, ReluLayer):
                mask = np.maximum(np.sign(activation_vector), 0.0)
                value_vector *= mask
                activation_vector *= mask
                raise NotImplementedError
        return value_vector