Example #1
    def listSgTasks(self, in_sStepCodes=None, fail=False, moreFields=None, moreFilters=None):

        sStepCodes = argToTuple(in_sStepCodes)

        proj = self.project

        sgEntity = self.getSgInfo()
        sgSteps = None
        if sStepCodes:
            sgSteps = self.getSgSteps(*sStepCodes)

        sgTaskList = proj._shotgundb.getTasks(sgEntity, sgSteps,
        if (not sgTaskList) and fail:
            if sStepCodes:
                msg = ("<{}> No Shotgun Tasks found for given steps: {}"
                       .format(self, ", ".join(sStepCodes)))
                msg = "<{}> No Shotgun Task defined !".format(self)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        #sgTaskList.sort(key=lambda t:t['step']['list_order'])

        return sgTaskList
Example #2
def listMissingPathItems(proj, entityType=""):

    shotgundb = proj._shotgundb
    sg = shotgundb.sg

    missingPathItems = []

    if not entityType:
        sEntityTypes = ("asset", "shot")
        sEntityTypes = argToTuple(entityType)

    bAssets = "asset" in sEntityTypes
    bShots = "shot" in sEntityTypes

    if bAssets:

        sSectionList = []
        confobj = proj._confobj
        for sSection, _ in confobj.listSections():
            if not confobj.getVar(sSection, "template_dir", ""):

            sSectionList.extend(confobj.getVar(sSection, "aliases", ()))

        filters = [["project", "is", {"type":"Project", "id":shotgundb._getProjectId()}],
                   ["sg_status_list", "is_not", "omt"],
                   ["sg_asset_type", "in", sSectionList]]

        allSgAstList = sg.find("Asset", filters, ["code", "sg_asset_type", "sg_status_list"],
                               [{'field_name':'sg_asset_type', 'direction':'asc'},
                                {'field_name':'code', 'direction':'asc'}])

#        allSgAstList.append({"code":"chfjhgrjlkhdjtr"})
        print "Assets:", len(allSgAstList)

    if bShots:

        filters = [["project", "is", {"type":"Project", "id":shotgundb._getProjectId()}],
                   ["sg_status_list", "is_not", "omt"],
                   ["sg_sequence", "is_not", None],
                   ["sg_sequence.Sequence.sg_status_list", "is_not", "omt"]

        allSgShotList = sg.find("Shot", filters, ["code", "sg_sequence", "sg_status_list"],
                               [{'field_name':'sg_sequence', 'direction':'asc'},
                                {'field_name':'code', 'direction':'asc'}])

        print "Shots:", len(allSgShotList)

    if bAssets:
        missingPathItems = list(iterMissingPathItems(proj, "asset", allSgAstList))

    if bShots:
        missingPathItems.extend(iterMissingPathItems(proj, "shot", allSgShotList))

    return missingPathItems
Example #3
    def _iterLibrariesSpaceAndSection(self, space=LIBRARY_SPACES, fullName=False):

        sSpaceList = argToTuple(space)

        for sLibSection in self.__confLibraries:
            for sSpace in sSpaceList:
                if fullName:
                    yield DrcLibrary.makeFullName(sSpace, sLibSection)
                    yield (sSpace, sLibSection)
    def createInputDataUI(self, parentWidget, **kwargs):
        cls = self.__class__
        logMsg(cls.__name__, log='all')

        sIgnorePrpty = kwargs.pop("ignoreInputData", [])
        sIgnorePrptyList = argToTuple(sIgnorePrpty)

        inputWdgItems = []

        for sProperty, _ in cls.propertiesDctItems:
            if sProperty in sIgnorePrptyList:

            metaprpty = self.__metaProperties[sProperty]
            if metaprpty.isInput():

                inputWdg = metaprpty.createEditorWidget(parentWidget)
                inputWdgItems.append((metaprpty.name , { "widget" : inputWdg }))

        return inputWdgItems
    def createInputDataUI(self, parentWidget, **kwargs):
        cls = self.__class__
        logMsg(cls.__name__, log='all')

        sIgnorePrpty = kwargs.pop("ignoreInputData", [])
        sIgnorePrptyList = argToTuple(sIgnorePrpty)

        inputWdgItems = []

        for sProperty, _ in cls.propertiesDctItems:
            if sProperty in sIgnorePrptyList:

            metaprpty = self.__metaProperties[sProperty]
            if metaprpty.isInput():

                inputWdg = metaprpty.createEditorWidget(parentWidget)
                inputWdgItems.append((metaprpty.name, {"widget": inputWdg}))

        return inputWdgItems
def pruneNodeList(in_nodeList, **kwargs):

    if not in_nodeList:
        return in_nodeList

    seqType = type(in_nodeList)

    nodeList = argToTuple(in_nodeList)

    _mod = mc if isinstance(nodeList[0], basestring) else pm

    for kwarg, value in kwargs.iteritems():

        if not value:

        junkNodes = set(_mod.ls(nodeList, **{kwarg:value}))
        if junkNodes:
            nodeList = tuple(n for n in nodeList if n not in junkNodes)

    return seqType(nodeList)
def pruneNodeList(in_nodeList, **kwargs):

    if not in_nodeList:
        return in_nodeList

    seqType = type(in_nodeList)

    nodeList = argToTuple(in_nodeList)

    _mod = mc if isinstance(nodeList[0], basestring) else pm

    for kwarg, value in kwargs.iteritems():

        if not value:

        junkNodes = set(_mod.ls(nodeList, **{kwarg:value}))
        if junkNodes:
            nodeList = tuple(n for n in nodeList if n not in junkNodes)

    return seqType(nodeList)
def chooseMayaScene(**kwargs):

    fileFilters = kwargs.pop("fileFilter", kwargs.pop("ff", "mayaScene"))
    sFileFilters = argToTuple(fileFilters)

    sFilterDct = {
                "mayaScene":"Maya Scenes (*.ma *.mb)",
                "mayaAscii": "Maya ASCII (*.ma)",
                "mayaBinary": "Maya Binary (*.mb)",

    sFileFilters = tuple(sFilterDct.get(ff, ff) for ff in sFileFilters)
    sFileFilter = ";;".join(sFileFilters)

    sSelFilter = kwargs.pop("selectFileFilter", kwargs.pop("sff", sFileFilters[0]))

    kwargs.pop("dialogStyle", kwargs.pop("ds", 2))

    return pm.fileDialog2(fileFilter=sFileFilter,
def _iterOutOfSyncFiles(proj, libraries=None, limit=0):

    if libraries:
        libraries = argToTuple(libraries)
        pubLibs = tuple(l for l in proj.loadedLibraries.itervalues()
                            if l.isPublic() and (l.sectionName in libraries))
        pubLibs = tuple(l for l in proj.loadedLibraries.itervalues()
                            if l.isPublic())

    for pubLib in pubLibs:

        dbNodeList = pubLib.loadChildDbNodes(recursive=True, noVersions=True)
        #print pubLib, len(dbNodeList)

        numDbNodes = len(dbNodeList)

        c = 0
        for dbnode in dbNodeList:
            c += 1

            if limit and c == limit:

            print "Processing {}/{} db nodes from {}".format(c, numDbNodes,

            sDbPath = dbnode.file
            if sDbPath.endswith("/"):

            sAbsPath = pubLib.dbToAbsPath(sDbPath)
            drcFile = pubLib.getEntry(sAbsPath)
            if not drcFile:
                print "No such file: '{}'".format(sAbsPath)

            if not drcFile.isUpToDate(refresh=False):
                yield drcFile
Example #10
def chooseMayaScene(**kwargs):

    fileFilters = kwargs.pop("fileFilter", kwargs.pop("ff", "mayaScene"))
    sFileFilters = argToTuple(fileFilters)

    sFilterDct = {
        "mayaScene": "Maya Scenes (*.ma *.mb)",
        "mayaAscii": "Maya ASCII (*.ma)",
        "mayaBinary": "Maya Binary (*.mb)",

    sFileFilters = tuple(sFilterDct.get(ff, ff) for ff in sFileFilters)
    sFileFilter = ";;".join(sFileFilters)

    sSelFilter = kwargs.pop("selectFileFilter",
                            kwargs.pop("sff", sFileFilters[0]))

    kwargs.pop("dialogStyle", kwargs.pop("ds", 2))

    return pm.fileDialog2(fileFilter=sFileFilter,
def setSyncRulesToDefault(proj, entityType="", dryRun=True, includeOmitted=False,
                          filters=None, fields=None):

    syncedPathItems = []

    if not entityType:
        sEntityTypes = ("asset", "shot")
        sEntityTypes = argToTuple(entityType)

    bAssets = "asset" in sEntityTypes
    bShots = "shot" in sEntityTypes

    if bAssets:
        allSgAstList = proj.listAllSgAssets(includeOmitted=includeOmitted,
                                            moreFilters=filters, moreFields=fields)
#        allSgAstList.append({"code":"chfjhgrjlkhdjtr"})
        print "Assets:", len(allSgAstList)

    if bShots:
        allSgShotList = proj.listAllSgShots(includeOmitted=includeOmitted,
                                            moreFilters=filters, moreFields=fields)
        print "Shots:", len(allSgShotList)

    if bAssets:
        syncedPathItems = list(iterSyncedResource(proj, "asset", allSgAstList))

    if bShots:
        syncedPathItems.extend(iterSyncedResource(proj, "shot", allSgShotList))

    grpIter = groupby(syncedPathItems, key=lambda x:x[0].parentEntity())
    for k, grp in grpIter:
        damEntity = next(grp)[0]
        parentDir = damEntity.getResource("public", dbNode=False, weak=True).parentDir()
        print "loading DbNodes for '{}'".format(k)
        parentDir.loadChildDbNodes(recursive=True, noVersions=True)

    rcRuleItems = []
    for damEntity, sAbsPath, sSyncRuleList in syncedPathItems:

        rcEntry = damEntity.getLibrary().getEntry(sAbsPath, dbNode=False)
        #print rcEntry, sAbsPath, damEntity, rcEntry.syncRules
        if not rcEntry:

        rcEntry.syncRules = sorted(str(u) for u in rcEntry.syncRules)
        if rcEntry.syncRules == sSyncRuleList:

        sTime = toDisplayText(rcEntry.dbMtime)

#        sTime = ""
#        dbNode = rcEntry._dbnode
#        if dbNode:
#            sTime = toDisplayText(datetime.fromtimestamp(dbNode.time / 1000))

        print rcEntry.relPath(), rcEntry.syncRules, sSyncRuleList, sTime
        rcRuleItems.append((rcEntry, sSyncRuleList))
#        if not dryRun:
#            rcEntry.setSyncRules(sSyncRuleList)

    return rcRuleItems