Example #1
def make_batch_texts_dense(
    tensorizer: ScriptTensorizer,
    mega_batch: List[Tuple[List[str],  # texts
                           List[List[float]],  # dense
                           int, ]],
    goals: Dict[str, str],
) -> List[List[Tuple[List[str], List[List[float]], int]]]:  # texts, dense, ??

    # The next lines sort all cross-request batch elements by the token length.
    # Note that cross-request batch element can in turn be a client batch.
    mega_batch_key_list = [(max_tokens(tensorizer.tokenize(x[0], None)), n)
                           for (n, x) in enumerate(mega_batch)]
    sorted_mega_batch_key_list = sorted(mega_batch_key_list)
    sorted_mega_batch = [
        mega_batch[n] for (_, n) in sorted_mega_batch_key_list

    # TBD: allow model server to specify batch size in goals dictionary
    max_bs: int = 10
    len_mb = len(mega_batch)
    num_batches = (len_mb + max_bs - 1) // max_bs

    batch_list: List[List[Tuple[List[str],  # texts
                                int,  # position
                                ]]] = []

    start = 0

    for _i in range(num_batches):
        end = min(start + max_bs, len_mb)
        start = end

    return batch_list
Example #2
def make_batch_texts_dense(
    tensorizer: ScriptTensorizer,
    mega_batch: List[Tuple[List[str],  # texts
                           List[List[float]],  # dense
                           int, ]],
    goals: Dict[str, str],
) -> List[List[Tuple[List[str], List[List[float]], int]]]:  # texts, dense, ??

    batchsize = len(mega_batch)

    if batchsize == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Input batch must have at least 1 batch element")

    # The next lines sort all cross-request batch elements by the token length.
    # Note that cross-request batch element can in turn be a client batch.
    mega_batch_key_list = [(max_tokens(tensorizer.tokenize(x[0], None)), n)
                           for (n, x) in enumerate(mega_batch)]
    sorted_mega_batch_key_list = sorted(mega_batch_key_list)
    sorted_mega_batch = [
        mega_batch[n] for (_, n) in sorted_mega_batch_key_list

    # TBD: allow model server to specify batch size in goals dictionary
    # the right batchsize depends on the target architecture and should
    # be passed via the goals config doctionary
    max_bs = int(goals.get("batchsize", "4"))
    len_mb = len(mega_batch)
    num_batches = (len_mb + max_bs - 1) // max_bs

    batch_list: List[List[Tuple[List[str],  # texts
                                int,  # position
                                ]]] = []

    start = 0

    for _i in range(num_batches):
        end = min(start + max_bs, len_mb)
        start = end

    return batch_list