Example #1
    def __init__(self, codestr: str, astdict: AstDict) -> None:
        self._astdict = astdict
        # Tokenize and create the noop extractor and the position fixer
        self._tokens: List[Token] = [Token(*i) for i in tokenize.tokenize(BytesIO(codestr.encode('utf-8')).readline)]
        token_lines = create_tokenized_lines(codestr, self._tokens)
        self.noops_sync = NoopExtractor(codestr, token_lines)
        self.pos_sync   = LocationFixer(codestr, token_lines)
        self.codestr    = codestr

        # This will store a dict of nodes to end positions, it will be filled
        # on parse()
        self._node2endpos = None

        self.visit_Global = self.visit_Nonlocal = self._promote_names
Example #2
class AstImprover():

    def __init__(self, codestr: str, astdict: AstDict) -> None:
        self._astdict = astdict
        # Tokenize and create the noop extractor and the position fixer
        self._tokens: List[Token] = [Token(*i) for i in tokenize.tokenize(BytesIO(codestr.encode('utf-8')).readline)]
        token_lines = create_tokenized_lines(codestr, self._tokens)
        self.noops_sync = NoopExtractor(codestr, token_lines)
        self.pos_sync   = LocationFixer(codestr, token_lines)
        self.codestr    = codestr

        # This will store a dict of nodes to end positions, it will be filled
        # on parse()
        self._node2endpos = None

        self.visit_Global = self.visit_Nonlocal = self._promote_names

    def parse(self) -> VisitResult:
        res = self.visit(self._astdict, root=True)
        return res

    def _normalize_position(self, node):
        # Python AST gives a 0 based column for the starting col, bblfsh uses 1-based
        if "col_offset" in node:
            node["col_offset"] = max(node.get("col_offset", 1) + 1, 1)

        if "end_col_offset" in node:
            node["end_col_offset"] = max(node["end_col_offset"], 1)

    def _remove_internal(self, node):
        node.pop('_fields', None)
        node.pop('_attributes', None)

    def visit(self, node: Node, root: bool=False) -> VisitResult:
        # the ctx property always has a "Load"/"Store"/etc dictionary that
        # can be perfectly converted to a string value since they don't
        # hold anything more than the name
        if isinstance(node, dict):
            node_type = node["ast_type"]
            if "ctx" in node:
                node["ctx"] = node["ctx"]["ast_type"]
            node_type = node.__class__.__name__

        meth = getattr(self, "visit_" + node_type, self.visit_other)
        visit_result = meth(node)
        self.noops_sync.add_noops(node, root)

        if not self.codestr:
            # empty files are the only case where 0-indexes are allowed
            visit_result["col_offset"] = visit_result["end_col_offset"] = \
                    visit_result["lineno"] = visit_result["end_lineno"] = 0

        return visit_result

    def visit_str(self, node: Node) -> str:
        This visits str fields inside nodes (which are represented as keys
        in the node dictionary), not Str AST nodes
        return str(node)

    def visit_Bytes(self, node: Node) -> VisitResult:
            s = node["s"].decode()
            encoding = 'utf8'
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # try with base64
            s = encode(node["s"], 'base64').decode().strip()
            encoding = 'base64'

        node.update({"s": s, "encoding": encoding})
        return node

    def _promote_names(self, node: Node) -> VisitResult:
        # Python AST by default stores global and nonlocal variable names
        # in a "names" array of strings. That breaks the structure of everything
        # else in the AST (dictionaries, properties or list of objects) so we
        # convert those names to Name objects
        names_as_nodes = [self.visit({"ast_type": "Name",
                                      "id": i,
                                      "lineno": node["lineno"]})
                          for i in node["names"]]

        node["names"] = names_as_nodes
        return node

    def visit_NameConstant(self, node: Node) -> Node:
        if "value" in node:
            repr_val = repr(node["value"])
            if repr_val in ("True", "False"):
                node.update({"LiteralValue": "True" if node["value"] else "False",
                             "ast_type": "BoolLiteral"})
            elif repr_val == "None":
                node = self.visit_NoneType(node)
            node["ast_type"] = "NameConstant"
        return node

    def visit_Num(self, node: Node) -> Node:
        # complex objects are not json-serializable
        if isinstance(node["n"], complex):
            node.update({"n": {"real": node["n"].real,
                               "imag": node["n"].imag}})
        return node

    def visit_NoneType(self, node: Node) -> Node:
        ret = node if node else {}
        ret.update({"LiteralValue": "None",
                    "ast_type": "NoneLiteral"})
        return ret

    def visit_Attribute(self, node: Node) -> Node:
        value = deepcopy(node.get("value"))

        if not value:
            return node

        ids: List[Node] = []

        while value:
            new_value = deepcopy(value.get("value"))
            if new_value:
                value.pop("value", None)
            ids.insert(0, self.visit(value))
            value = new_value

        # Append a copy of this node at the end, and change the type of the original
        node.pop("value", None)
        node_copy = deepcopy(node)

        node["ast_type"] = "QualifiedIdentifier"

        # Copy the position of the first element
        if len(ids):
            for key in ("lineno", "end_lineno", "col_offset", "end_col_offset"):
                if ids[0].get(key):
                    node[key] = ids[0][key]

        node.pop("attr", None)
        node["identifiers"] = ids

        return node

    def visit_arguments(self, node: Node) -> Node:
        Convert the very odd Python's argument node organization (several different lists
        for each type and each type's default arguments that you have to right-match) into
        a more common in other languages single list of types arguments with default
        values as children of their arg. Also convert Python2's "Name" types inside the
        arguments to

        def match_default_args(args: List[Node], defaults: List[Node]) -> List[Node]:
            if defaults:
                lendiff = len(args) - len(defaults)

                for i, arg in enumerate(args[lendiff:]):
                    arg["default"] = self.visit(defaults[i])

            return args

        def name2arg(node: Node):
            # Normalize Python2 and 3 argument types
            if node["ast_type"] == "Name":
                node["ast_type"] = "arg"
            id_ = node.get("id")
            if id_:
                node["@token"] = node["id"]
                del node["id"]

        norm_args: List[Node] = []

        normal_args = deepcopy(node.get("args"))
        if normal_args:
            defaults = deepcopy(node.get("defaults"))
            match_default_args(normal_args, defaults)

            for i in normal_args:

        kwonly_args = deepcopy(node.get("kwonlyargs"))
        if kwonly_args:
            kw_defaults = deepcopy(node.get("kw_defaults"))
            match_default_args(kwonly_args, kw_defaults)

            for a in kwonly_args:
                a["ast_type"] = "kwonly_arg"

            for i in kwonly_args:

        kwarg = deepcopy(node.get("kwarg"))
        if kwarg:
            kwarg["ast_type"] = "kwarg"

        vararg = deepcopy(node.get("vararg"))
        if vararg:
            vararg["ast_type"] = "vararg"

        for k in ('defaults', 'kw_defaults', 'args', 'kwonlyargs', 'kwarg', 'vararg'):
            if k in node:
                del node[k]

        for n in norm_args:
            if "arg" in n:
                n["@token"] = n["arg"]
                del n["arg"]

        node["args"] = norm_args
        return node

    def visit_other(self, node: Node) -> VisitResult:
        for field in node.get("_fields", []):
            meth = getattr(self, "visit_" + node["ast_type"], self.visit_other_field)
            child = node.get(field)
            if child:
                node[field] = meth(child)
        return node

    def visit_other_field(self, node: Node) -> VisitResult:
        if isinstance(node, dict):
            return self.visit(node)
        elif isinstance(node, list) or isinstance(node, tuple):
            return [self.visit(x) for x in node]
            # string attribute
            return node